Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, March 21, 1911, Image 1

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    p ...I I-''
rjrlplloM for th Mml;
'u!ia will b rclvd fr
.! b.n.flt r taw prle..
The only dally newspaper fco-
Iwmh Portland and Salon! lrw
latee In ovary eeetlen of Claekae
maa County, with a population of o
tdAOO. Aro you an advertised
VOfi. 1 No. 6!
Pee Week, 10 Cents
Until Insurreetoa Lay - Down Arm
Th,rs Can No Pardon
I Oranted or Evan
MEXICO CITY, March 10. (Spl.)
ytnine Mlnlater IJmanUivr, who re
- rMilf nc-nt homo to Mexico from Now
York t plS wh Ma countrymen tn
Mtura to allegiance to Preeldent Dial,
today laaued statement containing
tha annoiinremant that the govern
Lot canm.t irest with rebels and
hat the only lOD for f'tl ra
pes It to lay down their arma and bo
-lHls apo'lul n,cb tr,T-
ltd from New York, reached here
at 10 o'clock. Ho wa
meted with a throng, all eager to d
President Diss oont hi
grtlnRs throuah one of tho official
family. . . .
II. denied that ho had any mee
aaiM from Maderoe, or any rebel and
uld that auch meassges could not bo
ooimunlrated to President DUa until
tho party sending them had at leaat
told down hla arma.
Hs had only worda of pralso for
Plai and bla paat mothoda and urged
all Mexicans to com forward and
trust and support tho hands of their
President. - ' -
MEXICO CITY. March to. Tha In
Untlon of rinanco Minister Uman
tour, attrlhutod to him In dispatch
from New York, of coming to tho
npital to Induce Proaldont Dlai to
llitrn to inmi propoaod by tho ineur
rfpioa. It la aald In official clrclee,
probably will prove frultlea.
Only recently Oonoral .Dlaitn
A.inr.d a nlan which wao not ono
of conciliation, but ono of rolontloaa
srfsre. Tho admlnlatratlon no long
er denies that a condition of war ot
lata, but It la maintained that tho pro
Srt of tho campaign against tho
ntoti baa ahown aatlafactory results.
Tha war Dopartmont explains! we
tMm' oamnalam In tho north baa
rerWrerf a aorloua aotback wtthla tho
hit fttnr davs. Un to the nrai or mis
l roYolutlonlata apparaontly woro
la (ontrol of tho altuatlon In tho 8tato
of Chihuahua.
1 i v 4
Orogon City and Portland
4 Fair; wealerly wlnda.
' Orogon Fair; cooler Eaat por-
tlon; woaterly wlnda. d
onoran Pralato Tall Pabal to Lay
Down Arma,
OUAYAMAB, Honora, March 19-
Th local newapapere today pulillab
a proclamation of tho nUhop of Bono
ra, calling on tho rovolutlonlata to lay
flown tnoir arm. Tho lettor baa cro-
td a aenaatlon and may cauao aomo
coaaatlon of hoat lilt lea.
Another brldo burned oaat of hr.
on the Southern pari no lino to' Wan. I
taiilllo. haa tied up tho railroad. The
Inaurgenta havo warned tho railroad
offlrlala that they will burn bridge If
Federal troopa aro carried. Sixty-four
Idle Mexlcana were gathered In hero
today and Impreeaed Into tho "volun
teer" corn now being ralaed to defend
tn vartou towna In tho etate. Theoe
men ar promlaed fl a day to aerve
and aro made to rv whether thov
wlah to or not.
tho i
BTONE. Or. March W. (8pU
The drill haa been nlnklng alowly Into
Mother Earth today and it ia now
down to a maximum depth of 1050
fet. Th drill waa not sunk as far
la the la at day'a drilling aa tb 14
fcotira nrecedln. aa tha water that
forced Itaelf Into tho well hindered
the work of drllllnar. and made It Im
peratlve that tho caalng be auna
hirther In an effort lo ton tho water
from cotnlna Into tho well at all. The
tailng la down tho full dlatanc of th
drill, or 1050 feet alao.
The well haa been aunk over S00
feet within th paat week, and thai
In tplte of tho annoyance afforded by
th water. Tho laat voln of water wa
track at a deDth of 725 feet, and
Ince that tho formation haa boon
loom and tho water haa followed tb
cuing as It ha been aunk irom time
to time.
The drill la now In a blu shale
ehinglng from blu to brown and vlco
wis, but It la hardening aomawtiai
nd It Is the belief of tho drillers that
tn trouble from water 1 about ended
A new vein of aa wa at ruck 8at
wdiy that wa very marked, but the
iter interfered and It ha been
Pawed by on the way down.
On Ariton' Riant to So Admitted
Into the Union,
"I regre that Arlsona waa noc ad
mitted to Statehood by the' laat Con
areas and I trust that the next Con-
greae will without fall admit It. The
objections to admitting It I regard as
without warrant of Justice. Apparent
ly these objections havo been chiefly
or entirely due to the fact that Art-
sooa haa adopted lo Ha conatltutlon
the referendum. Initiative and recall.
I do not agree with the form tn
which Artsona haa adopted the recall.
anoclallv aa reaarda the Judiciary;
but while I regret that Arlsona should
bavo adopted tha recall In this faahlon
1 not merely admit, but Insist, that
thla la a matter purely for Atisona's
own decision and that neither the
itnlnlnn ol myself or any other outsid
er haa the allghteat bearing on Ari
zona's rlsht lo the prlvllegea ,of State
hood. 1 What tie vlewa of New York
and Texaa upon the question may be
baa nothing whatever to do with Art-
sona'a right to Ita own viowa.
SALEM. Or. March 20. (8pl.)
The Railway Commissioners are tp be
reoulred to brine their books to Salem
if they don't anawer up when Inquiries
r aeni to them. The Commission
haa no desire to sit by and be made
to wait at the pleasure or railway oi-
fit Is Is. and It doee not intend i ao no.
nRANTB PASS. Or.. March to
rSol.) BenJ. Dlmtck died at hla homo
nr hero Saturday aged CD yeara. He
came to Oreson 00 years ago and waa
well known In thla Valley. Ho came
hare from Illlnola when the country
waa new and haa lived here for 40
WASHINGTON. March 20. The
Pcstofflce Department la to experi
ment with the Installation of mail
boxes In atreetcara. When they are
Inatalled there will be no excuse Tor
streetcar travelera who bring home at
night the letters which they are com
missioned to mall tn toe morning.
pnnTi.ANTV Or.. March 20. (8pl.
Tha atnamahln COmttanlea OUl OI
Hr in In a merry war for passen
twMinri for San Francisco, is
An soles and San niego. Tho rate from
Portland to San Franclaco haa been
cut aa low aa IS- - .
Vl,; m'Z 1 V? ?' -A flVK.' "
4 . -ti '. ..lriv'r-VvT ?-h. Htl ' 1
SPFriAl !Mfl:i A RctjuQat for
, , at
Both Join In the Discussion of the
III Not So Far Apart aa
. Waa at First Sup
" poaed. .
Next Institute to be Held at Oswego,
vith Superintendent Alderman ,
and Miss Singleton Present
A Lecturers.
'h &
bunch of buds I Just opened II
-8prln9 Tie. .
-"prlnj Shirts. "' . v
prln( Undarwaar
-prlnB Cloth ""
pnnjtim, Dermsataa eur whole tor
Th foremost Ullero arid habrdah
r sr, eur fountain eoureea of supply,
Bontributina, th product of master
-ninoa. it W y0Wv to oome and
Pticc Botlicrs
" Net Uke Othert
th and Malif St.
aro aareal to the child aa the troubles
of maturity are real to grown-ups,
Principal Carl P. Anderson, of West
Oregon City said that the teacher la
the chief champion of the child; that
play abould not be auppressed but
properly directed and aupervlaed; that
tho Boy Scout Idea Is ono that msy
be made a substantial aid to the pub
lic school, and that the playgrounds
should be large, organised and useful.
Profesior Morey. In Inviting the In
stitute to Oewego, announced that
Mra. Singleton, of the Couch school,
Portland, and Superintendent Alder
man would bo tho principal speakers.
In view of Superintendent Alderman's
Intention to attead the Oswego meet
ing. It Is expected that this will be
the moat Important and aucceaafnl
meeting of the year. The date Is
April 22.
Turned 'Loose Monday.
A done Bend and a cripple were
picked up on the streets Sunday-Bight
by Officers Green and Cooke, but be
yond keeping them where the police
would know what tney were doing tin
morning there waa no desire to dis
tress them and they were t alts n-to mo
Clackamas County Teachers' Insti
tute was held at Gladstone, Saturday,
March IS. from 10 to 4 o'clock. Thelclty limits and turned loose Monday
Bcnooi'nouao was uaea ior too meet
ing, and the school house waa well
adapted to the purpose, being -well
lighted, well ventilated and . beautiful
ly finished. The attendance waa
large and the Interest, good
Prlnclpsi A. M. Winn, of Harmony,
discussed "Whst the Country Schools
Csn ' do to Keep the Boys on the
Farm." The country boy should have
equal advantages with the city boy,
nd thoso advntaars ahould be
brought Into the country. The central
high achool plan of Indiana la a arreat
atep In the rlgnt direction, rneae
central high schools aro established
In the country, not In vlltsgee; the
country spirit Is mingled with the
cultural Influences. "Back to The
Soli" will come principally through
suggestive lines.
Prof. F. C. Buchanan, of the Csnby
schools, opened the consideration
given to "Whst Practical Arithmetic
Means.- Practical arithmetic givea
tha nn nil the best Intellectual devel
opment and the best preparation for
the demands of business life. Our
text book la an improvement over
nrovloua onea usee. Skillful que-
tlnnln la a very Important element
in the successful oresontatlon of
nractlcal arithmetic.
No Jurors-to Be Found. .
The case of Tom Montfellne va. S.
H. Wyrlck, tn wnlch the trouble is
over a horse trade and to be aired In
JuBtlea Samson's court, could not be
beard Monday aa It waa impossible
to find Jurors. It will be called at 10
o'clock today.
, e.
Christian Dullard, of this city, haa
filed a ault for divorce against . nis
Ife. Maude Bullard. to whom he was
married In August. 1908.
In hla comolalat Bullard' atate nil
wife has trested him cruelly and In-
Vary the form I human, and haa made hla lire nuraen
of the question, and avoid auch ones- Mma. since their marriage Bullard
tlon as msv he snswered ty -yea or Aiwi.rea h a wire during tneir mameq
nn." The aueatlon should can ror nr. v.. r. iei to do her nouaenoia
effort of memory, Imagination ana duties and refused to cook ms meats
judgement. The pupil, not , tne many times while he was working on
teacher should do the reciting. Rca- tBe jarm TTpon hla return borne at
son and method are the important noon or evening he would nnd no meai
thlnra In arithmetic. mnktMl. and he had to cook for him-
in th enaral discussion which fol- n. nn th nelshbors for aome-
at-VERAL ADDRESSES BY LOCAL I lowed, much stress waa piacoa upon thna to eat. Mra. Buiiara I iaimea
I i . m . 1 ..... Bsn I .
Council met In epeclal session Mon
day evening for tho expresa purpose
of considering. In conjunction with
those of the citizens of Oregon City
aa c boose, the new Home Rule ordin
ance reported by a special committee
of Council. '
The ordinance to be considered was
modeled along the lines of a Home j
Rule bill that had been prepared aome
woeka ago for the adoption and tho
cleaning out of the bad saloons," snd
tho public hadleen Invited to partici
pate In the discussion of Its several
The Council chamber waa filled to
overflowing and among those present
were a large sprinkling of the pastors
and christlsn workers In the city. Th
saloon men and their friends were al
ao In evidence.
The discussion waa atarted off In the
reading of the proposed ordinance.
At the outset, of Its reading Council
man pope presented a substitute and
it was suggested that the two ordin
ances be read section by section and
then the several sections discussed
and voted on one by one. It waa
further agreed that the meetlnc. waa
to be informal and that action taken
on the sectlona was .only In the na
tural of an adoption- for further ccn
aideratlon to Indicate about what
Council really did want to vote on at
the next meeting, and that if Ua aec
tlona all paaaed first reading the vote
Monday nlaht waa not to oe const j
ered aa the vote on Ita passage but
nni to Indicate what waa to do in
corporated for that first reading at
the next meeting.
After tha reading of the first sec
linn with a oause for Ita discussion,
George Randall called attention to the
ax h there waa no inuirMimi
clause In the ordinance ana no Be
lieved auch a section wouia ao mut-n
James Roako waa pieaseo. wun i
first ordinance and against the Pope
ttKatltiitJi inn hnoed It would be
doDted. Was highly pleaaed with
tho nravlslon tor tour iowi wkivo
snd then open saloon ao he, who was
hnrt tn Ktitnre could UxK in,
k. hnalnaaa Roaka had tO look There were aiwaya mm.
going on behind the blind that child
muhl not to aee.
ntered with the atatement
that he wanted to wipe out the saloon ,
that waa doing things tnsi me cuu
ren ought not to see. Wanted It ao
he could see and the cnuaren r.
Meldrum volunteered that he would
put atllts on Mr. Roake bo he would be
tall enough to see.
Councilman Pope was m
j K.ina viass snd open so tne
officer could Bee In but not the child
ren.-'.. The aubeiitute orainanf
provide for thai. . .
v ... r o.h.,Ahj.i mot the floor and
nelyed the new ordinance and the
'--j ...k.dta alons the line or
what teM. Mr. Schuebel talked
.i ,tmmm ana waa of opinion that
th ordinance waa a nw -",":
more than he would
. . L. tA tha committee a or-
tha aubatltute at t
. ,wi k. mm front Idea: had seen
nri at nmana. uu
The stockholders In th Stone oil well, owned by thla company, have put
many dollara Into the work of drlling for gas and oil at Stone. Thla haa been
done for a two-fold reason. 1. The men Investing have hoped to strike oil or
gas, or both. I paying quantities, and to make a good thing of U. 1. It has
been the belief that there was oil or gas, or both, In paying quantities and to
open up the territory meant not only the benefit of those who first found a
paying well, but a good to the whole community as well.
With the first Idea In view the stockholders In the company have Invested
liberally and the work already accomplished attests th liberal expenditure ot
the money raised. The well lo down 1060 feet, and the drill la etlll ainklng
Into the earth. But wlth the disappearance of the drill Into the earth there ;
has come the disappearance of much' money also. As a mult the company
has nearly reached the end of Ita paid In capital, and consequently tne end of
Its search after treasures In the earth. There 1 but one way to. continue and
that is to get more capital. '.'" ' '
Those who have considerable money already Invested do not wish to see
the work atop and Intend to take more Btock In an effort to keep the drill
going down until oil or gas. or both, la found in paying quaatltle. Bnt to do
this it la now aked that those who have not yet .invented take a little stock
to keep up this search until it is known for certain whether or not there is
oil or gaa in quantltiea sufficient to pay. '
- Tho nar value of tho Btock of the company ia one dollar a share. Stock
has been sold at M cents on the dollar in the past But now that the well y
Is so nearly completed, and the desire la ao strong to know for certain whaV
is in the ground at that point, the company haa set aside 60,000 shares of thla
stock which it will seU at 10 cents on the share, in aams of not less than 15.
the company reserving the right to at any time withdraw the stock not sold
from the market which wUl pe done once oil Is found. ; v
This is the time to come in and assist in a worthy cause tne deierminauon
m . m . auu ai at thai (UAna all well.
aa to what ia in tne grwuiiu u m ucyn. w
Yon are Invited to make a small Investment, which will not dlstree yon but In
liberal number will aid the company. This price win be malnUlned-noth-
Ing to the contrary occurring-up to April 6, the date ot tne annumi
of the directors of the company. " . , .
n . i. .nji .M in thla ttevelooment of the country, we nave a gwo p
a naranta meetlna will be held at
the achool house In West Oregon City
tha need of thorough -msstery of thetft ..rons snd healthy, and Bnllard
sUtes she wss able to no tne nous-
work On one occasion sne inreai
ened to cut him with a knife. On Feb
ruary, 1910, while the husband and
father had attempted to clean and
take care of their little child the wife
forty five combinations, mis arm
should be complete In the primary
arades. One good recommendation
" us bo students with our
At U o'clock the ladles X L uiuo.
Friday afternoon at 1:80. March 14. of Gladstone , served a Pj"d' d'nn" becsme angry f"dJn ''
teachers and the directors are to mo ini-. "l'.. tk. M,"m A ""w.'u C- i.a in.
promoting the matter, and all parenta one hundred and twentj Jh
of school children are urged to attend. Institute noted Its appreciation with
The purposes of the meeting are, to a vote of thanks. - '
show the work of the pupils, to be- At i:so tne inauiui- r--.u.
cime acqualnud. and toPcon.lder to I. the central hall to hear "
aether the Intereat of tn cnuaren.
The Course ot Study will be briefly
explained by - the principal. vri. r ,
an imoortant feature of the pro
gram will be a brief addreaa by 8un-
arlntendent F. J. 8. TOOlOr or
The ,n hatha the child from ita In
-.... i . .. . . .k.
fancy to the present time, ciaims m
well executed program by the pupils
n niaiiatona school. The drill was
...marlrahlv nratty. .
m naaaion saaln. the Institute lis
tened to Prof. J. C. Jolley, of Psrk-
piece, who presented a tnouaouui
arfdeaaa linon "Better HOSlin vunui-
Choice Lots In
ww--,. m I ' .as atAA AAA aaaa
Oregon City hool.. who will discuss . ev T T? T TVT N
"How Parenta and Teacners mf fM r"," T'r" irmitxA . iunM uiTU - -
Work Together." Do .oi ia to ,- r
ana euecia ui
tt,i. aiMraaa. Hattle Grace Brown.
nrtnninat. will read a paper
upon "The Teacher'a Relation to the
mm..nii." Paarl Bailey. fourth
. - . I,
arade. upon "Aiway u mumi
ti anhmMii. nnmarv araun. uuuu
I. Uv. , - ... . .
MiiraaamenL" parenta win
the nature
Neglect of aome neaitn eonamona in failure of dupII. The
al,k awatam of fieatlnB IB be St, cleSn-
M. ii... la an Imneratlve need. School
marss. .
Dtaassnt Occasion at St.
jnhna Sunday. '
riara and Bertha Koerner
n. h. niimhar using
. . 4lk .TnmiM ha
r. HOWSge. raiuaw. m
burned or burled
Many teacnern we m
Individual drinking cups
. - MMh. ate.
aua, w-. K.l.f
Representative warier
T. L Chat man
favor of
ami iw.y..- "-'V"-,- tha dan
. inimiA mnnnar i unnn rnia iniun. itwi i 1. 1 Ba w
antertalnod in a v, -.-fcM -"in. extreme, and Supt Tooxe
Sunday nn-- tVb. thV democratic phaae of our
to 7
A. D. S.
60 cents.
DlastlvOblts are excel-
remedy for Dyspepsia 25 and
ma . a Kttias nnma si ov u ui w :
in Trail. m . . il. i . i. 1-, Barclay prosoript. d Family Rsc.lpt.
P',"T,:.air.n. Moor;. During school. Oregon city, road a.
Long and Miss Irn Moore. Dunng
Jf. IrTernoon delicious refreshments
.4 .Mae Which VOOS1
were "". " : .t
mnaie were rendered.
l""l.rr:'::. m l.s Msry KUen Long
KM Kris Keck. Mis. WlnnHay
Th. rhlM'a Rlda of Things."
teschsr Is no longer a boss; he Is a
leader. Self respect Is native Jo all
boy and girl, and when properly de
veloped la a subsantlal aid to ths
m ibbi iviriiv r."f , i i . s.-. Tha nunii is nui w
Mis. Vada Elliott. Miss Hye rTnc... tecn-r ;-- vv t
MI.B Nell Caulleld. M .J rtn atoor-, 0 ln th. directed of
Mlaa sedonla Shaw, of this i el y Miss er al om M I ro
Florence innings. M .s -' - ''aVhar. should consider the
man Mlaa Vers FnilllUB, mimrn " - i - -- ...I Intra thai
fred Bcholl, Ml Mabel Tower, or ch d'. r.gnt "-"-
Portland. . cn""'
hatavaaS l f.
lr"J "r B.i,.. pa. .an.
Tn. i niiBO wun dui. .i mw. .
; . STORE.
Charman Broa.1 Block.
tyUiv mWm aaaa antaa a .
all paid for, and It ia costln ns but little to do the work that may make for
wonderful' development in Clackatnaa county. "
Five dollar will aid na a little, 50 till aw ns morw-mn. w
men In the county will not miss the larger eum, while there are scores who ;
can afford the lesser. The plant is being operatea at a t
yon can feel secure ln the fact that your money wiu ne econonucu, ""-"
and the most possible acompll-bed In making an InveaUgatlon at thla point
A ew dollars for a laat effort Is often the Very tung wa -y
makes tor a handme profit. If we are aucc.ful it wllj be nothing to pay
$50 for ope, and many Instances are on record or an nnnoryi -
thousand. . ,i J '..','..,'. v.h.
Pleaae thlak thla matter over and see if yon aw T" " V
risk of a few dollars to know whether or net mere - a- - - - ----
where we are drilling to find out Prospecte are good, for we
gas and oil, and at several depth. We are in nope w a-;-qu.nt.tie.
and that w. will atrike tt Ju-t right before - orcjd to ,n
HUMS ULU uao v.""'i
forbid. Belling to intoxicated persons
while section makes it Imperative to
keep one'e license In view at all times.
Other sections sre im bhio-uiu "
atinniationa for which the better peo
ple have often cooienaoa u
lUtle that Is new to the public,
rnnnctl sat In session , till . nearly
midnleht and permitted the people
h ara Interested In msklng more
strenuous saloon regulations full op
portunity to discuss each section aa
it waa taken up by Council itseir. i ae man were alven opportunity
also to say -what they thought in the
matter, and the discussion was gen
eral the whole evening. It any man
tt.u,rht tn einress ho WSS given
. A
opportunity snd those preaeui mvci
. .i that council wished to be Isir
w .... . II.
in the mstter, and wianeo to snow w.
temper ot the people.
O paia-BB--B--BaSSB-S--aBaa-.
Ntw Firm of Machlnlata.
R. W. and R. 0. Ward Is the name
- . . firm of machinists thst have
located at 109 Fourth street, in this
city. The young men will conduct a
general repair business and come
-n recommended tor handling
broken machinery and gasoline en
gines. .
as cladsto;;e park
at R
. -.1. nmana. i n .
lem: would submit to a few modifica
tions, however.
Mr Hedges waa there to taia
sgslnst seversl of the rnore narrow
.oatures tn the commlttee'a ord nance
as he saw It Thought some things W
,7 werTunwlse. and would WP-'
If the Council Btopped to look at K
,0F1n.iry f wt. wa. taken on Section
1. and I after .light amendment. It wa.
passed unanimously.
The second section contained the
clause as to the taking from the aa
loon all chalra. tablea. IJJ
made strenuous conditions which were
assailed from several 'u"'";
Klemson wsnted to servo "-"; r
lunch. Others wanted chalra and
UWe. for farmer, .nd Mend., even
Schuebel would concede " uc' "f.
der proper regulations. Mr. WJIte
couldn't ee any reason for odinca.
tlons under the belief that the com
mlttee should be sustained even If
they had gone the limit, perhapa.
Councllinan Meyer, who Is chairman
of the committee w ;
ut.j aka. fiMninsT m tuv vi
thought aome Httle change g hurdle, running high H
made if Council wt.hed : tt b bro.d Jump, pole vault,
main li wb wn ;
is i.w.s r ait and for.
Mr Hay worth thought possibly thj
pill was a llttl bitter to the saloon
men but he aald it waa auch an ordin
ance proposed on which the saloon
men bed won th day and defeated
the temperance people and he waa in
favor ot them taking their medicine
at thla time. . . -
The vote on the aeeond section waa
.rmit tablea and chalra In saloons.
and the sale ot lunch, but there can
be no giving away , ot lunch. Also
there may be partitions and grill or
.......t. p,,n in connection, but tne
partition must run Vnr to
and not paran-i wi. 7".r
.... . .i.. ai ho had from the
UH " i-7w, '
The aoctlon barring lewd picture
from the wans wsi aaopieu v"
be houra of closing were made II
OClocK eacn niani ou "
and on daya preceding holiday and
on holiday. .
Section 7 make It unlawful to give
away liquor on Sunday.' Section
The Oregon City high achool will
hold an Inter-class meet next Friday
on the Gladstone Park grounda. The
meet lll be in the nature of a try
out from the students participating.
The teama will be selected to repre
sent the local Wgh school at the
Columbia University meet April 8tn
next. The four classes of the high
school will take part In the Inteiv
class meet which will commence
promptly at 1:30 o'clock next Friday
afternoon. The Judgea will be Chss
W Pope, Ben Tonkin and Edward
Fortune snd Professor N. W. Bow
land will be starter. Thla Is the
first scholsstlc athletic event thla
season In Oregon City and there will
not doubt be a large attendance. An
admlsslfn ot 15 eente will be charged.
The event will be a B0 yard dash.
120 yard dash, HO yarn run, oou -.,n
i mile mn. U mile relay, 60 yard
a . . 1.. M MTV
JUlUI's luasr
KfAftrl ill fl IV l01 VBUU. uanuiasava
aaHvt ffllf
rrank Clark, By wsi-u. u...
Morris. Roy Graves, John Dam bach.
,-v T.imrit Joa Alldredge, Kent
Wilson. Earnest t-roaa, n.
)Vv.. 'Ba,ei AU Frederick. Chas.
- - . . . . n. .ji
Bcatle, Waldo tauneia, cuwaiu su'"u
and Joe Bneanan
Geo. J. Hall, a well known West
Side resident Btates mat ne
Opposed to inm-juira - .
City; thst he can see no o-u-ma
bo derived from sack a course and
11 n nut ' " - -
Side to be Incorporated, I believe
such a proposition would. stand a '
good chance of success, wo
many natural advantagea which
makes It moat desirable from a home
Btandpolnt to live on the West Side
of the Willamette river. All seem
to look forward to tne uaj - -separate
city free from Indebtedness
will be given life, but want to take
no part In the present plan of an
nexation. We are all very todu
ahlv altuated. have fairly good roede
and other righta which cannot sooa
be Improved under uregon vi-j - k-"
tecUve wing. We can have our own
w.tar system as quickly aa Oregon
City can supply same and meantime
;hlle we are wanting orthe.0
things to come, we are not forced to
y taxes on the present bonded and
bther debta of our city nelghbora. A
large portion of those residing out of
the cit7. moved to their present lo-,.
catlona on account ot the ,.
they would have over those in the
city and all seem to be of one opinion
determined to vote down any at
tempt that la made to Include their
homes and property within the clty a
The Misses DUlow Entertain the Bi-
thlan Class, w a. t
Tho Blthiah clasa ot the M. BL Sun
day achool ws entertained at the
home of the Misses cieo ana siaivm
Dlllow. at Bolton, on Monday evening.
Among other Items f-buslnoa the
following officers were chosen: Presi
dent Mabel Morse; secretary, Anna
Lunt; treaeurer, Ulah CantrelL After
the choice of officers mere wss a
pleasant .social hour, -with retreen-
menta. " - ' " . '
Those present were Mrs. Grace toa.
Mrs. W. B. Johnston, Misses Msnei,
Anna add Wllma Myers, Menus Kruse,
Adsh Hulbert. Nellie Swafford, Alice
Bailey, Anna Lunt Ulah cantreii.
ms a a ' IIUa
Mabel Morse. Eiva tsiancnaru,
Miller, Eva Wash. Cleo Dlllow, Mslva
DUlow, Sarah Hendrlckson, Myrtle
Croas, Kathleen and Evadno HarrlBon.
The next meeting win
the bom of Miss Kathleen Harrison.
Read the Morning Knterprlse.
i 7 ROOIVi JtiUUMl ,
4 Lots, alllevel, good well, all kinds of fruit new barn J chicken house
I and yard. All In first elsss condition. Price only 1600 S600 cash,"
5 balance monthly. Beat buy In Oregon City.
I Phone: Paelflo M-S0. Home A-15S. ' S12 Main St, Ores C'"Z''