Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, March 19, 1911, Page 3, Image 3

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    Af, MAKCII 19, 1911.
jq X T EL
TODAY 1 045 a.m. 7t30 p.m. TODAY
Rev. C. L. Hamilton, of Portland
' '
Yoa Will Like Him. Do Not Fail To Hear Him.
it It a boa at II, J.
,i hiimiiiu. or juoiana,
Oty on' Friday.
v Bu,'r Kraui at only fto a quart
It J. DlKK't A Bon 'a. 3t
" -... . ., ..mi.
Portcnu nes ereciau
Lwi loht- """ acosioisouu.
dock; " " "
a r Benton, of Caaadero, waa In
i....ln.aa rrlrta
rtrrioa . Iy
i .. . uiimMirtr. or
m . . the Oreaon CUT
d.A... " "
tort on Saturday.
v.a prices 'or mra gifnuumi.
v; t n'l Mirownlea 10c. All other
IhW.of 15c, at Huntley
Broa. C.
n4ra will be Lenten servicea ar
trOtf vtiliiK ai ' - ""
furcb t 7 during me ioiu s-
ipa, All will ie wauw "ncvuif
tala tervlc.
John Holcuinb, on or. tne wen
knows young iarmro or nuu, waa
mnttftlni b""lnfa In Oregon City
at giturdny.
Tine leiie uie atory.' Seventeen
rairi BgO imrris unmrj iBaii w
hrilib the I'"-"! 1" ' "n1 w
,rt Itlll at II.
V. D Prb'l.' "iia of the prominent
rrtiiUnli ( naiidy, waa among me
OfWB City bualneaa rlaltora on Frl
ill wi galurdny.
MIh C. Coldtmlth will have a grand
millinery duplay on Mondayand fol
lewteg dyt.
it u ('rMk. urnnldent or Ainany
Colkfe, ! tlx it apeaker arheduled
M iprtik In ili! man acnooi rorum.
uA the date Is March 22 neat Wed
Mdiy. VinWiv la erecting an eight-
rooa buriRiilow with Colonial porch on
bn property rcrnlly purcbaaed or
art. 11.8 H Uwlon.
Gliditone Council will meet In ape-
rid melon ritrly neat wtx'k, and com-
nlllert are working bara to get re
norti reaily fr Counrll to art on work
mder cvnuliliTHtlon by them.
n tw, MhH-k ahow-oena In I'ort-
Itod Moncluv, Mrrh 20. and will con-
none three dya. Thre will ba many
(nlurea to Imcreat and Inatruct the
elde-avake farmer and farmer boy.
Tbe tervlr at the Congregational
chunk thlt morning will be a family
nerrlce. end the Invitation la to bare
rerr aieaOer of the family preeent.
Tbe eeraon will be appropriate to the
Carl Joehnka and family are occupy
tng their new seven room bungalow
built on the property adjoining that
of Hr. Vuii War. Mr. Joehnka a home
a built on Colonial lines with a large
prtued brick and atone cnimney,
Ma crlllnKe and Colonial porch.
The hour of morning eenrlca at Bt
Piul'i KnlHcodal church naa oeen
chimed from 11 o"clock to 10:30, mak
leg the service come bait an hour ear
lier In the dnr and making it poasinie
ia devnt a little more time to tha
( iimi Hi ill not interfere wun
the Sunday arhool.
Ther. will be a apeclal meeting of
Council Monday evening at which time
ihe new Home Rula ordinance will oe
ii for cnnKldoratlon. It la tha pur
puce of Council to devote the whole
nln to Oil ordinance, and to not
nermlt oihrr thinca to creep In be-
W. E. MumiKjwer, who realdea at
Stone, wrh In Oregon City on Batur
Mr. Mnmpower haa purchased a
even pnKNennpr White ateamer auto-
mohlln mill will no doubt do a god
butlnem li.lwoen thla city ana mene
tbe eomlnK eummer. aa many people
vlilt Stoup arh summer,
J. M. wsrnnck la erecting a nine-
room, two Hlory residence on me
Chumiin triirl, which will coat up-
wirdt of IL'f.mi. Thla building will b
!6H fMt with concrete basement
Tbe llvlna room will be 1Si2 feat,
ind win hnvA an eltht foot Colonial
porch. The ilane provide for one or
the ttnest rildonrea In Mount Pleaa-
MluC. fioidimith will have a grand
millinery diaplay on Monday and foi
tewing dive
8m rinp. one of tha well known
humeri of i bin. .county, who resides
o the stonncr place, wsa In Oregon
City on Baturdny. Mr. Fine ta Buffer-
"I from the effcta of a broken arm,
'be accident happening on tale place
o nionlhs ko. He allpped and foil
a broke the arm near tha elbow
He alll be forced to carry it in band
w levers) more months. Mr. Fine
W In the nfternoon for Portland,
kere he will remain until Tueaday,
'" I-AKR CITY, March 18. A
uktog it a misdemeanor to aell
r clKnrette papers passed
Miniature today. ,
This Price Does Hot Include Sewlni or Laying
rurniture ond Hardware
Mrs. J. P. Keating and two children,
Rodney and Vlrglna, are making an
over Sunday visit with relatives,
Mlaa Caroline Clarke, of Portland,
a visiting with Mlsa Ellon flrace, and
will remain In thla city until Sunday.
Mra. W. P. Jlawley, In company
with Mra, Cbarlea IMerke, were In thla
city on Baturduy vlxltlog with rela
tive. Mr. and Mra. George Helvey, well
known resldenta of Eldorado, were In
Oregon City ou Friday visiting with
friends. -
Mr. I!. N. Cockerlaln. of Albany,
general aaent of the Northwestern
Mutual, of Milwaukee, Wis., waa a
guest of Mr. B- C. Dye Saturday.
Mlaa BedroU ghaw left on Saturday
afternoon for Bt. Johna, where ahe will
be the guest of the Miss a Koerner on
Mlaa Klsle Bchoenborn, of Carus,
who waa called to thla city by tbe
Illness of her mother, returned to
Carua Friday.
Mra. W. A. Yale, of Portland, waa
n thla city on Baturaay, Having come
here to visit with her mother, Mrs. J.
W. McDuff. of Jefferson street.
Mlaa Klalne King, who haa ben
spending tbe past three weeks at Hood
River, the gueat of Mr. and Mra. Jos
eph K. Hall, returned to her home In
thla city Saturday afternoon. '
Rev. P. Schmidt, pastor .pf Christ
Rv. Lutheran church In thla city, ar
rived home from a trip In Idaho and
Eaetern Oregon Baturday afternoon
and will preach today, according to
tbe usual services In that church.
Mra. Ada llerdlne and Miss Light
body, of Willamette, compose a walk
Ins club, and the young women walk
I be three miles from Willamette each
morning to thla city, making excellent
Mr. fllonry Bchoenborn, who haa
been confined to his home for several
months, with two broken limbs, left
VMtrrdav afternoon for Carua. where
he will visit with his brothers aniTala-
tcr for a few daya.
Mr nd Mra. D M. Btevenaon. of
fl.litm mre v siting relatives ana
friends In the ctry guests at tbe home
of -Mrar Sr R. Williams, on Jackson
street.; Mrs. Btevenaon waa a lorroer
resident of thla city ana naa many
frlanda here.
Mr. and Mra. A W. Cheney and Bon,
Orenrfnrmerly of thla city, but now of
Portland, nasaed through thla city mis
morning on their way to Canby where
they will apend the day with Mr. and
Mra. Andrew Kocher.
Mra. Charlea D. Latourette and Mra.
M. I. latourette left yeeteraay morn
ing for Eugene, where tbe former la to
he a patroneaa or a aancing party io
be given by tbe Kappa Blgma Sorority,
to be held on Saturday evening.
Mlaa r.norcla Marra. of thla city, left
Friday evening for Ban Francisco and
111 be cone aeverai montna. anas
Marra la a profesalonat nurae, and ac
companied Mra. Brown, of Aatorla,
who la to travel in California ior tne
benefit of her health.
Mra. Johnathan . Humphrys, Fred
Humphrys, J. Y. Humphrys, Mr. ana
Mrs. E. llecdrlckaon. of thla city, will
go to Aatorla, having been summoned
there by the , death or Kicnaru
Humphrya. The two former win go
to Astoria Baturaay evemng.-wnne
the latter will leave Sunday morning.
Famous . American eeaaylsL
poet and lec-
Uirer; leader
of tbe great
New England
m o'v a
ment Born
Boston, May
26, 18U3;'dled
Mass.. April
it7.18!C Waa
gradna ted
from Harvard In 1821. Dnlta
rlnn clergyman lu Boston 182U
82. Quitting pulpit Iwcause of adr
vanclng Uberallatle views on re-
llirlon. Began career aa lecturer I
e o4 M...i(imi.w1 nnarlv for
i miOAimnv" ,
ty yeara. Bettlod at Coucord in
1834. Became known aa "the
Sage of Concord." Hla eaaaya.
In two Toramea, Orst and second
series, mnde him world fa uioua
and remain to tbla day hla chief
claim to Immortal renown. Em
erson also wrote a limited num
ber of poems, many of which are
of high claaa aa poetry '
Carpet Buying
Made Easy
During House Cleaning Time we
will aell carpst as follows:
Granite fngraln Carpet, 20o yard.
Angora Wooi Carpet, 80o yard. ;
Half Wool Carpet, 48o yard. . .
All Wool Cotton Chain Carpet, 40c.
All Wool Chain, 71c
Two weeka ago Tom Moutfellne, of
Milwaukee, and B. II. Wyrlvk, of this
city, traded horaea. According to the
original trade Montfellne -gave his I
team and $ IS for Wyrlck'a team, with
an opportunity to prove out the team.
Tbe team proving a disappointment
Monfellne came back and wanted his I
team and hla money. At thla point
Wyrlck aald the team -waa gone and
that a horse trade waa a trade In any
But Montfellne hired a lawyer and
together tbey found the team and
look It home. When tbey returned
tbe Wyrlck team .that gentleman
would not accept and neither would
he give up the 115. There waa almost
riot when It waa found tnat Mont
fellne had both teama and waa start
ing an action to get tbe f 15.
C. Schuebel. attorney for Montfe
llne, took the case to court and tbia
week he waa given title to the Mont
fellne team and then began another
raae to get the money. Tbe trial will
be before Justice Samson Monday, and
the case la likely to develop consid
erable of Intereat,
EL PASO. Texaa, March lg. (8pl.)
Madero la very active now and hla
1000 Inaurgenla are causing no end of
speculation and anxiety In the Federal
camn. The claim la that Madero
swishes to lake and . fortify Caaas l
r:randa. and to establlah Mmaen
fhere and fight from there. To that
end he la marshaling hla troops In that
direction and trying to head off any
moveuienta calculated to checkmate
him. .
Court Qrante Divorce.
Elisabeth Rueter-Barry baa -been
granted a decree of divorce In her
ault agalnat William H. Barry, of Port
land. She waa given 135 a month ali
mony, and the property rlghta were
aettled out of court.
W. B. Tull went to Portland on
Robert Ogle a eon, w ho was visiting
hla father, haa returned to ma noma
In Portland.
O. M. KeebaiiRh waa In Oregon city
on business last Thursday.
Mra. Ida Tull and alalter, Mlaa oiga
Howe, went to Portland Monday. Their
motter, Mra. Howe, who haa been
visiting in the Eaat, returned who
them in the evening. -
Mlaa Anna Blaw went to Oregon
City Saturday. .
Perry Keebaugh hag gone to lm
Center, Wash.
Our enterprising merchants, Erica.-
aon and Berg, nave just receivwu
ear load of land plaater, which eeema
to please the farmera. If one cau Judge
rrom tne way mey are nu''s " --,.
1 The hampUm walkerr who la walk
ing from Portland to Medrora, pasaea
through here at 3:30 Monday after
noon. . .
Miss Bessie Shepard, of Portland, la
here on business.
Mr. Oglesby'B family from Neeay,
have luat moved Into a part of Henry
Qllberison'a house.
Mr. Reams, from Aurora, naa juai
moved Into the only vacant house In
our town.
Mrs. Armatrong'B children ara im
proving slowly. They were rery elck.
Mra. Scroggina, wno nas neon wuu
her brother and alslter. Mr. Memn
and Mra. Andrua, haa gon to uregon
City to visit her daughter, Mra. Lena
Spagle. J..
Harry Melvin was in Oregon tjuy on
business Monday.
H. 8. OlbaOn waa a Portland vial-
lor last Tuesday.
Mr. and Mra. A. W. Cooke, or ua-
maacua, were in tne neignoornwu,
last week, calling on relatives.
A. Dl waa the- gueat or air. ana
Mraj Howlett for aererai aaya re
cently. He la an Advent preacher.
and held " services in tne - acnooi
honae Sunday. There waa quite a
large number out to hear him.
Mr. and Mra, j. P. wooaie ana
children, Claud, Nettle ana Joey,
were over thla way sunaay.
Mr. and Mra. Clark were enter
tained at dinner by Mr. ana Mra.
Murphy Sunday. x
Mra. viola uougiasa . canea ou
Mra. Huntington Sunday afternoon."
Our mall carrier, Ralph Oibaon,
who has been 111 wb the meaalea,
haa recovered hla usual good health,
end la back on tho route again, after
an absence of two eeks.
Mr. and Mra.-Henry Udell apent
Sunday with James Oibaon.
Mlsa Roaa Moehnke and Mra. R.
B. Gibson took dinner with Mra
Howlett Sunday.
-Have you overworked your nervoua
ayatem and cauaed trouble with your
kldneya and bladderT Have you palna
In lolna, Bide, back and bladderT Have
you a flabby appearance of the face,
and under the eyeat A frequent desire
to pass urine? If ao, Williams' Kidney
Pills will cure you--Dru agist. Price
BOo. Wllllama Mf. Co., Propa., Cleve
land, O. For aale by Huntley Broa.
and Jonea Drug Co. ' .
convicts TO MAKE ROADS.
CARSON, Nev., March 17. In the
cloT. or, of the Utfc .e-.lon of
the, Nevada Leglalature, which ad-
Ji'i u . ln die at midnight laat
n'ja . ' v wse paa'j .iroiodihg ( ir
tbi ui if convict lalor on a system
of state hlghwaya. The labor la to be
voluntary, a amall payment to ba cred
ited to lha men who elect to enter the
road-making camp. In addition, ao
all'" a 7 "f 10 daye off their aentence
to b mad for each 10 dara of work.
' Ta Make Venetuelan Sugar.
CARACAS, Venezuela, March II
President Gomes baa returned to the
Capital after a four weeka' star at
Maracay, where, accompanied by Itali
an englneera, ba Investigated tbe pos
sibilities of establishing sugar factor
lea In tbe valleys of the Stale of Cara-
WiVes of Persian and Brasil
lan Ministers Interesting Women.
0 ItU, by American press Association.
Mme. All Khan, wife of tbe Teralan
charge d'affaires In Waitulnfrton, Is
- pu turenque woman and, though a Boa
tonese, baa adopted tbe cuHtoma of be
husbands country, even In raiment.
Her robes are the ceremonial flowing
garments of Iran and are symbolic of
her rank. Bbe recently bna received
tbe highest decoration the shah be
stows on an alien. With that bit of
gold and tbe broad saab on which It la
fitted was sent a complete wardrobe
even to tbe gold embroidered allppers
which are eateetned aa necessary to
thla ceremonial coatnme aa the slippers
an. glove of tHtsaain Catholic or
Greek archbishop Mme. All Khan
has warned Terslan since her marriage
ten yeara ago ami frequently glvea leo
turee In the ancient tongue of tbe fire
The w.fe of Benor R. de Lima e Sllva.
tbe Braaillan minister, baa beeu a
popular figure In Washington for
some time, ber buttband having been
tbe counselor and charge d'affaires
iforo be waa elevated to hla present
position. Naturally abe la a good deal
of a diplomat herself, and ber tact and
gracloaaneaa bare done much to aid
ber husband's advancement.
Conoernlng Women.
Leather portieres are among tb
beautiful things wbK-h Mrs. John Hay
baa added to ber historic home In
T at tai a mt t Mm at mi) o In WaKhlnaTtniV
Tbraa cnrtain, ramble thone In many
thlM,,. , r,. bnt the, .re n.
lumlnated and give an air of privacy
to the borne. They bang between the
eerond drawing room and the sitting
room where Secretary Hay received
hla intimates.
Mra. Flora Amea of London, wife
of a former attache of the British
I embassy at Washington. Ia In America
on a visit and will deliver aeverai lec
tures on the aubject f divorce, be
aaya America ta too lax and England
too aevere In Its divorce lawa. She
anggeeta aa remedies a public registra
tion of names at least three weeka be
fore marriage, communication with
narenta If either party seems too
young, that a man should have suf
flclent meana to support a wife prop
erly and a more strict desertion law
Tbe wife of tbe French ambassador,
M. Ju risers ml, Is one of the most af
fable and eucceasful hoateseee In the
diplomatic corps In Waahlngton. Her
maiden name was Elbe Richards, and
ahe la the daughter of a Boston banker.
She' believes, she aaya. In wearing
harmonies rather than contrasts, and
her tolleta match lu hue from tha tip
of her toque to .her booU Thla win
ter ahe wore a costume In golden
brown which was one of the richest
seen In Waahlngton. It waa a walking
dreaa of relvet. trimmed with a lighter
shade of ellk embroidery. Her bat waa
of the aame material aa the gown,
with a bird of paradise on the right
aide. Her fun of sable were the Iden
tical shade aa the velvet, and her boot
of auede bad velvet uppers.
Thinke Our Spirlte Go te Mare.
Lillian Whiting, one of the foremost
women writers and thlnkera In Boston,
believes that after death we go to an-
lother planet, where we enjoy me ai-
moat the aame aa on tnia eann-nuu,
walking and seeing. She eaya tbe spirit
leavea tbe body and travels through
ether, but there Is something material
after all. "Great thlnkera." ahe arguea,
"have pointed out that tbe physical
body la merely the outer covering of
the aplritual body. If that be true our
form will be the same In heaven. We
will bae ears, eyea, hands and feet
all that tbe body haa now. Why should
we not walk and talk and work and
pursue our alms there as we do beret
I think we shall eat The aplritual
6ody will need food Just aa the physi
csl body needs It, although, of course.
It will be of a different kind." 8he
thtnka that, perhapa the aplrit goea to
Mara or to some other planet after
leaving here. For that reason she is
eager to communicate with that planet.
'; V 'V ""I -aA. ' ii
The Derthlck Club Enjoys a Vary
: Pleasant Afternoon Friday.
The Derthlck Club met at the home
of Mrs. II. E. Straight Friday after
noon, and a mualcal program waa giv
en during the afternoon, Mra. I -eon rendering four solos, which
were "Throuah tbe Meadows," "Tne
Bea," "The Robin Binge In tbe Apple
Tree," The Love-Bong No. I." Mra.
R. C. Oanong a selections were, -were
I a Gardener," and Sweet Wild
Roaee." Mlaa Veda Wllllama waa tne
accompanist of the evening. During
the afternoon Mra. J. W. Moffatt read
from the life of Edward MacDowell.
Refreshments were served during tbe
Present were' Mra. Matilda Char-
man, Mrs. W. A. Dimics, Mrs. u. i
Porter, Mra. C. H. Caufleld. Mra. J.
W. Loder, Mra. ,W. A. Huntley, Mra.
l Plckena, Mra. R. C. Oanong, Mra.
C. IL Melssner. Mrs. O. Eaathara, Mra.
O- T. Wllllama, Mre. Leon uauarzea,
Mra. John F. Clark, Mra. J. E. Hedgea.
Mra. J. W. Moffatt, Mlsa Muriel Stev-
ena, Mlaa veaa wuiiama.
Notice to Creditors.
Henrietta A. Capon Estate:
Notice la hereby given that tbe un
dersigned haa been appointed Admin
istrator of the Estate of Henrietta A.
Capen, deceased, by the County Court
of tbe State of Oregon, for the County
of Clackamas, and has Qualified. All
peraons having claims agalnat aaia
estate are hereby notified to present
the same to me at Ladd A Tllton
Bank. 3rd and Waahlngton Sta.. Port
land. Oregon, with proper vouchers
and duly verified, within alx montha
from the date hereof.
Dated thla 18th day of March, 1911.
Administrator of the Estate of Henri
etta A. Capen, deceaaed.
The following are the scheduled ser
vices to be held In the Methodist
church during the week. A commit.
tee meeting of Brotherhood Monday at
30: League Social at Mlaa Wangs
home In Tuesday evening; Ladles' Aid
at the Darsonage Wedneaday ' p. m.
prayer meeting Thursday evening; K
O. K. A. meeting on Friday evening;
there will be the regular Sunday
achool session at 9:45 a. m., preaching
at 11:00 by Rev. Creeay, Men's union
prayer meeting, lead by 1 M. wngnt
at 8:00 p. m.. Junior League at the
parsonage at 3:00 p. . m., , Epwortb
Lacua at 7:30 D. m.
At the Scandinavian Evangelical
church there will be the regular Sun
day achool service at 10 a. m., preach
ing at 11 a. m., March 18, ana aiso
the Thursday evening prayer meeting
at 7:30.
Thla Sunday . evening the Metho
dist church will loin with the Chris
tian church people and they will hold
no evening service except the Epworth
League. Services are held In the Chris
tian church regularly every evening
at 7:30 a Wheat Sunday there will be
the regular Sunday school session at
10:00 a. m. and preaching at 11:00 by
Rev. Gregg r '
Church Notea
Evangelical church. Rev. E. Rade-
baugh, pastor, aunaay kduui
10:30 a. m.. preaching 11:30 a. m. by
n.ior. Y. P. A.. 7 D. m.. servicea. 8
n. m.. nrayer meeting Wednesday
evening, teacbera' training Wednesday
evenina- and choir practice Friday
Mra. Ella Maple ta Improving
The measlea are dying out and
mraf nf the children are on the
road to recovery.
New sidewalks are - all the rage
nn and everv nronertv holder U
anxious to Improve. -.' t
Mrs. Lillian Riley waa an Oregon
Pit visitor Friday.
Mra. Mary E. Guthrie, of Portland,
artent Wednesday vlrlting relatives
nit attendlna- to her property at
Court now- Station,
Dr. Mae Farlalid returned home
Thurarinv after several weeka so
ldi! rn In Southern caiuornia
doctor la feeling much better from
the change of climate.
Mr. and Mra. L. Vosberg returned
home Saturday morning from Spo-
vana wash., when they have been
visiting Mrs. Vosberg's
nut 1t weeks.
sister, the
Lexy Graham apent the week end
with her friend Hazel hooo, 01 ron-
la nil
1) . achool matea of
iiAnter Armstrong gave her a aur
m-iaa nartv Saturday afternoon.
Games of all kinds were played and
Do You Like
Wc can "supply it
Always Good
Entire Change Daily
Pays' the highest price (or Second Hani Goods
We bay and sell Second Hand Clothes
We also do cleaning and pressing '
It Wouldn't Pay,
A Poor Article
... Nor a proposition of doubtful merit or honesty for ad-readera.
nowadays, are DISCRIMINATING. They know values they know .
GENUINE things, genuine opportunities.
Any article "Which can be eold by advertising la, by that teat, a '
GOOD article. YOU are safe In buying a thing which haa "stood
the fire of publicity." j
The maker of a widely advertised article, or commodity,. Ig a I- '
ways on trial for hla bualneae life. He cannot shirk, nor cheapen hla
product and thla la the beat possible protection for tha consumer. -
You are SAFE In buying advertised
nowadaya business condition.
a good time had by an present, ne-
freabmenta were served by Mra.
Armstrong. The weather being fine
the children played out in the
Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Hiu returned
home Saturday morning from Santa
Barbara, Cel., much . Improved In
Miss Olive Rlsley, of Naef, spent
Saturday afternoon with Mlsa Louise
Louis Ekelet, our school Janitor,
apent Saturday In Portland.
C. W. Wblte la aerlouaiy ill.
T. R. Worthington received the
aad news Saturday morning of the
death of hla sister, Mrs. Sarah Cllne-
felter, of Oswego. Mrs. Cllnereiter
waa 68 yeara old. The funeral will
be held Sunday at Oswego.
Base Ball. . 1 ' '
The season for base ball haa open
ed and the fana of Oak Grove have
the fever. Two teama have organ!
ted besides several achool teama.
The Oak Grove Juniors have rented
ball grounds at Courtney Station and
are ready for game. Tbe Oak Grove
Seniors are ready to play with any
fast amateur bunch. Any team de
siring gamea with the Seniors, write
Jack Warren, Oak Grove, Oregon, or
phone Red 17.
Tbe blacksmith shop win open on
March 22," by a first claaa mechanic.
Jim Sbupe haa built an addition on
the blacksmith shop for the Smiths to
live In. r
Mrs. Oliver Skoog and Mike were
Portland shoppers Saturday.
, , . .
U Ott pH At llnf Pi
Oak Grove
Liberal terms to hustlers. See Mr.
Miller Circulation Department. En-
terprlse, Oregon City Oregon.
Notice ia hereby given to all persons
riding bicycles. In Oregon City, that
It la unlawful for them to ride upon
the sidewalks at any time, and that
the apeed limit during the day, be
tween the hours of 6 A. M. and 6 P.
M. must not exceed 8 mllea per hour,
and between the hours of 6 P. M. and
1 6 A. M. nof to exceed 6 mllea per hour,
and all bicycllsta must during tne
ntabt time carry a light, and they muat
at all tlmea have a bell and ring tbe
aame at every crossing.
Parents should warn their children
not to do any coasting upon the aide
walka or to ride bicycle wagons there
on aa the same la contrary to the or
dinauces, and any one doing the aame
will be subject to arrest and fine.
' Persona running automobiles are
also warned to keep within the speed
limit and to carry light when out af
ter ulaM upon the streets of the city.
3t E. L. SHAW, Chief of Police.
The partnership heretofore existing
under the firm name of 8tory ft Thom
aa, having been dissolved by mutual
consent, all liabilities of the firm are
assumed by Owen O. Thomas and all
accounts due the firm are payable to
the aforesaid Owen G. Thomaa. .
Dated at Oregon City, Oregon, this
24th day of February. 1811
. E. F. 8TORT.
... , OWEN a THOMAS.
Wants, For Sale, Etc
Notices unar these claaalfled fcaadtnsrs
will ba Inaerted at one ent a word, lira
Insertion, half a cnt additional tnaar
tlone. One Inch card. It par month; hall
Inch card. U lines) II par month.
r-..K aceomDany ordar anlraa enr
haa an bprn aocount with tha paper. - No
ria.nolal iwaoonalblllty for aurora; wharf
arrora occur froa corrected notlca will b
printed for patron. Minimum charge lo
FOUND Bunch of, keys; call and
nrove property and pay for notice
and receive themr1 ' . . - ,
WANTED 8mall advertisements for
tbla col'imn.. Prices very reason
able. See rate at head of column
centa an hour. Call Pacific Statea
FOR 8 ALE One 1200 lb work horae
to Advertise
things ICe the loglo of
at $75 and one number 33 refrig
erator. P. D. Newell, Jennings
Lodge, Oregon.
FOR SALE By owner 3.71 acre,
four room bouse, barn, cow, horso,
cblckena, well, fruit trees, amall
fruits. Concord Statlo. Wephone,
Oak Grove, red 314.
75 acre tract good land, no, rocks, t
mllea from Oregon City, iVfc mllee
from O. W. P. car line. Good fruit
land. . Cut Into 7 and 14 acre tract.
1100 to $225 per acre. Enquire of
D. K. Bill aV Co., Room $v Beaver
Bldg., Oregon City. ' .
HARRT JONES Builder and General
Contractor. . Estimates cheerfully
given on all classes of bnllOUg
work, concrete walks and reinforced
concrete. Res. Phone Main 11L
O. D. EBT, Attorney-at-Law, Money
loaned, abstracts furnlahed. land
title examined, eatatea aettled, gen
eral law business a. Over Bank of
Oregon City.
U-REN at SCHUEBEL, Attorneys-at-Law,
Deutacher Advokat, will prac
tice In all courts, mak collections
and settlement. Office In Enter
' prise. Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon.
V..R.HYDE. Abstract Olflce
Land title Investigated, conveyan
cing, notary public.
Room 7, Barclay Bldg, Oregon City.
E. H. COOPER. For Fire Insurance
and Real Estate. Let us handle
your properties we buy, aell and
exchange. . Office . In Enterprise
Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon.
Dealers, have choice- bargaina in
farm lands, city and suburban ,
homes, good fruit landa and poultry
ranches. See us for good buys.
Near g. P. depot
When- 4--mved -Int- ray- nw
I put in a nice line of NEW FURNI
TURE, which I am selling at the pri
ces usually quoted for second hand or
shop-worn goods. Com In and look
Fine line of curios and rellca.
THERE will be a regular
meeting of Clackamas
Chapter No. 2, R. A. M.,
In tbe Masonic Hall on
Monday evening, March
20th. 1911, at 7:30 P. M.
Work In M. EL
A. CHAPMAN, Secretary.
To Introduce The Morning
Enterprise Into a larg major
ity of the bomea lit Oregon
City and Clackamas count the
management haa decided to
make a apeclal price for the
dally laaue. for a short time
only, where the subscriber pays
a year In advance.
Bv carrier, paid a year In
advance, 13.00. ...
By mall, paid a year In ad-
vance, 92.00.
- People who gave our canvas.
er a trial subscription for on
or more montha, at ten centa a
week, can bav tbe dally deliv
ered for a year for 13.00 by
paying a year In advance.
people who gave our canvas
ser a trial subscription, by
mall, for four montha at a dol
lar, may bav tha paper for a
year tor SJ.00, If paid a year In
Subscriber to the Weekly
Enterprise may change their
subscriptions to the dally, re
ceiving credit for half time on
the daily that th weekly I
taid in advanoe. When they
TooM to add caah to th ad
vene payment equal to a full
year advanc payment tbey
may take advantage of the S3
. we mak tbi special prio
o that peopl who bav paid
In advanc on noma other dally
and wish to take ta Morning
Entarpria, may do so without
too great expea.
Subscribe for th Daily UtervrkM. '