Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, March 19, 1911, Page 2, Image 2

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t- C. SKOOIE, Editor and Publisher,
"Sintered UiiHiMd-rlM matter Jan
' uery . 11 1, at ths pout offtcs at Oreamo
City, Oro. under the Act oi March
. UTS."
Ona Year, by mail
Fla M on in a. or i
mall .
raur Moatha, by mall.
k, or eanw...
.... I M
.... l.t
Courier and pass the franchlee-iwUhr
out further delay. And to fact that
Mr. Courier did not get "wiae" to that
other fact that Council waa putting
him on record la a public aaeembly In
no way gives him a Just cauae to now
turn' about and advocate delay.
"Consistency, thou art a jewel!"
.. : -we. .
Aivtmsme urn
Tret Pa, par men tnt Insertion.... lie
First Pa, par Inch added Insertions. . le
rrererrea position anr pan, per Inch
flrat Insertion ........lee
Preferred posltloei any par. . par Inch
added Insertions ..K 10
Run paper other tbaa flrat pass, per laeh
rin4 Insertion... Uq
, Run paper other than flrat para, per men
added taaertlona..... tc
Lorala lee per line; to regular adrer
. tlaera to llna.
Waata. Tor Bale, To Rant, etc.. ona
, oeat a wnrd flrat Insertion; oae-half cent
sack additional.
Ratea for adeertlatag m the Weekly
Enterprise will be the aame aa In the
dally, for adrertlaementa art especially
for the weekly. Where the advertisement
, la transferred from the dally to the week
ly, wit hoot chan it, the rate will be ae
aa Inch for run of the paper, and lOe aa
Inch for special poaltloa.
Cash ahouM 'accompany order where
party la unknown In business office of
the Enterprise.
Legal advertising at legal advertising
rates. .
' Clreue advertising and special transient
advertising, at Mc to tec an Inch, accord
ing to special condition governing the
At the Portland Theaters
"Fire Sale" and Bankrupt Sale" adver
' tie meats 6o Inch first Insertion; addi
tional Insertions same matter Sao inch.
News 1 tenia and well Wi1tn art Id re
of merit, with Interest to local readers,
will be gladly accepted. Rejected manu
aortpta aever returned unless accoaapan
lea by alamos to prepay poetaam.
March 19 In American History.
- 1734 Thomaa MrKean. signer" for
Pennsylvania of ttw b-laratlon of
- Independence, lawn; died IS 17.
1748 - .EUaa Wet, fonnuVr of the
' HlrksJte Quaker, born: died IKSO
' 1903 The Cuban treaty mtitletl by I be
United States wnnt.
1907 Thomaa Railey AlUrti-li. H. au
thor and playwright. died: barn
(From aooo today to noon tomorrow.) )
Run acts 6:07, rises 5'.50: moon tine-
U.-M p. m.; 8 a. planet Mercury in
superior conjunction with sun. passing
from went to east thereof on farther
STONE. Or.. March It (Spl.)
The moat successful day's work ever
accomplished in connection with the
oil well here was done today when
the drill was driven Into the earth a
depth of 85 feet. The drill la down to
a depth of 1030 feet tonight, and the
casing haa been sunk to a depth of
975 feet. Last night the report was a
depth of 945 feet for tht well and 940
for the casing. By using a pencil for
a moment it is easy to see that the
two shifts areT crowding t hi tigs.
The report Indicates that the drill
era hare finally succeeded la' shutting
off the water that has been seeping
Into the well and making- bad work
for oil or gas prospecte. There la no
doubt the water has toen entirely
shut off.
The drill la now in a blue shale.
there haring been a change from
brown to blue aa to the color of the
shale. Thla means a harder forma
tion, which Is wanted by the drillers,
and the change In the ahale argues
well for the success of the enterprise,
At the nresent rate it will be but a
few days until the required depth of
1S00 feet will be reached.
The lata issue of the Oregon City
Courier contains an article on the
subject of the signing, by the Mayor,
Of the franchise recently granted to
the Mount Hood Railway and Power
Co. The article In question advises
caution not to say hesitancy in af
.fixing the signature that will make It
' official.
The franchise has been passed by
, Council and what good can come to
the people of Oregon City by holding
'tMa tnivlilu Kak mil n.itilnv Ilia
r company on nettles for that period of
time? If there Is any reason for the
hesitancy what Is It? Why does the
Courier not point out the reason? If1
there is anything In the franchise that
-the Courier editor does not under
stand why does he not say so and ask
for light? Is the editor of the Courier '
serious In his anxiety to safeguard tbo I
. interests of the city and its citizen-:
ship, or is be simply playing buncomb
In the belief that the people do no.
know the difference between buncomb
and sincerity?
At the meeting of Council, when
this franchise was given Its last read-
During the past few months Mount
Pleasant, the thriving auburb of Ore
gon City, haa been enjoying a building
boom, and hundreds of acres of land
have changed hands In that locality
recently. One of the features most
noticeable in these purchases is that
the tracts are bought for good sub
stantial homes. The cost of the prop
erty Insures good homes. Mr. Helns
will soon put the Balmer place on the
market, this to be divided Into small
Among the attractive homes of
Mount Pleasant Is the home of George
Yexley, which Is erected on the eight
acre tract recently purchased of Miss
M. U Holmes. Mr. Yexley has one of
the most modern homes In Clackamas
county. It Is of two stories, having
seven rooms, with a seven foot con
crete basement; fine bath, large Colo
nial porch and cost upwards of 13500.
This borne commands a magnificent
view of Mount Hood.
A. Bloom has Just completed a seven
room, two story residence with com
modious porches, and It is built on
Colonial lines. This is one of the flu
ent homes in this district.
Charming Aotresa at Halllo Theatre
Six Nights beaming Monday,
March 17th
Ona of the really notable theatrical
renta of the aeason Is anounced ror
Monday. March x7th and week at the
tlellig theatre when Mlaa Gertrude
Elliott will present "The Dawn of a
Tomorrow." Thla la the much talked
of play by Mrs. Frances Hodgson llur-
Bett which has aroused such keen
Interest during the past three years,
Mrs. Burnett has sub-named It 'a
play of cheerfulness' and how correct'
ly she has atruck Ita keynote la
attested by the Iremenduoua enthus
iasm with which audiencea all over
the country have greeted It "The
Dawn of a Tomorrow' is Jiving optl
in lira. 1-. breathes - cheerfulness,
health- and courage. It showa the
goodnesa there la In real ll'e without
the aid of a aermon. It Is splendidly
virile and picturesque. Although its
theme is Engllah and Ita scene la laid
In London, Ita story and Ita plot
would bold good In any of the larger
American cities. Miss Elliott . la a
positive delight In the leading role
of Glad. She la a clear-cut striking
and forceful, of a dominant person
ality, yet withal of truly feminine
winaomeneaa. Liebler A Co. under
whose direction Mlaa Eliot t la making
the present tour, have surrounded
her with an 'exceedingly clever com
pany and given "The Dawn of a
Tomorrow" an unequalled stage set
ting. Miss Elliott cornea here direct
from her splendid Chicago engage
ment. The sale of seats will begin
next Monday.
But the new life proved auch aa at
traction to the old gvntlcman that
hta game becomes hi existence,
and from making believe he. In
fact, becomes a very gay old boy.
but never an unwise one. He takes
motoring, to gambling, to the race
course, and Incidentally becomes mix
ed up with a breesy and very slangy
vaudeville actress.
While he la having hla fling, the
society dandy gets snubbed by the
leader tt hla aeC an"njjjh eooa be
gin maneuvering to save pa from
ruin. The eons, who would never
wort nick tin the fathers neglected
business, they fall In love with the
girls he has-picked out for tbem,
each with the. wrong -slrLhowever,
and by the time the old gentleman
la ready to go back to work the boys
are Just what hat would have them,
he too. haa changed, meeting them
This la Last Week ef Baker Steak
Company as ait Organisation
Although Florence Roberts. , Theo
dore Roberta and Thnrlow Bergen
the three noted Star Manager Baker
baa announced to play a limited aeason
at nnnrr Thratre, will be supported
by the members of Baker Stock Com
pany, already so nonular with Port-
land theatre goers, the last week of
the Baker Company aa an Individual
organisation will open Sunday Mat!
nee, the . play being Hoyt'a noted
comedy, A Texaa Steer It la one of
the most familiar playa with all
classes of theatre goers now before
the public, and although many years
on the boards. Is still as bright and
BiY" flr fl SI 1 aaaa it) Meeu, w aa .
ftuM ll.'i l,.fl'"'r.." "'"-, jc-a saw
- - f when Tim Mlirnhe and Will II lira
appeared In It and awept the coun
Week at the Bungalow.
TTh.ndTte; in th'elr 'famouV
T'T"?! LIi! Maverick Brsnder. the Texaa
Bungalow. Wax. H. Turner In George
Ade'a moat delightful and successful
comedy "Father and the Boys" la
which thla aplendid character come
dian haa made the crowning hit of
hla long career, greater even than his
emphato success lu "David Harum"
hlle Mr. Ada has . surpassed his
finished efforts In "The College Wid
ow ' and "The County Chairman"
Father and the Boys" has to its
credit a four months run at the
Empire Theatre, New fork and a
hundred nights at Powers In Chicago.
The story of "Father and the
Boys" Is usually Interesting and can
not be told briefly without failure
Cattleman who la sent to the V. 8.
Senate, and poor old Fl ah back, the
colored office seeker, who gets the
appointment, of Minister to Dahomey.
These parts will be played by John
Burton and Walter Gilbert respect
ively, and all the- others including
"Bossy" which Miss Adair will make
her final appearance in. and the three
Texana. Major Yell. Col. Bragg and
Col. Blow will alio be played wllh
wonderful effect K Is an attrac
tion all fun lovers should aee time
and time again, for like good wine A
Texas Steer Improves with every
taste. The usual Matinees will be
I given ; Wednesday and ' Saturday ant
O. La 8nldow, school director of the
City of Willamette, baa filed a protest
with the Rntertirlse representative re
garding the proposed annexation of
the Wt 8lde. He elated:
- "Permit me to aay through the col
umns of your dally, thai Wlllameti
will work bard to defeat any measure
that cornea up for annexation of the
land on the went aide of the winam
ette River to Oregon City. The, dis
trict line for school district. No. 105
runs through the paper and power
plants on the W est Bide and the bulk
of our school fund cornea from the
taxea thereon. The paper planta nort
of this district line support the schools
In district No. 35.
"It -la readily aeen. therefore, that
the district schools, Including the W II
lamella city school, would suffer very
greatly should the West 8lde property
be added to Oregon City limits. The
county taxea on our properly are cer
tainty sufficiently high now with the
mills taking care of our schools ana
we do not propone to lose what right
fully belongs to us. - (
If thla aource of revenue for-our
schools la cut off, our taxea would be
almost doubled, as at least half of
the assessed valuation of our district
la within the proposed district for an
nexatioo. :
to relate some iBnincant part Of the ,he ,,,, rfprmance Saturday night
so closely knit into a . consistent
whole the Varied threads of his plot
nuwi'tr, i lie vimj lena (II ine PI-
lun, successiui in ine eno, or a
shrewd and slaving old business man
to interest hla two boys In the af
fairs or the firm. One of the boys
Is a society chap, the other a crank
on athletics. When the father Is
brought to see that his arms are
drifting away from htm he attempts
to win them back bv Blunging into
the dissipation whirl with them.rthtta
bringing home to them a telllnit ob
ject lesson.
The following Sunday, Matinee and
night, March 26. two special per-
formancea will be given of The House
a inousana candles, and 'Monday
night March 37 the famous Stock
Star season, with the three noted
players already mentioned will begin
with Jim the Penman as an opening
bill. The aeat aale for the Roberta
ts Bergen engagement .
open Thursday March 23 at 10 a.
John J. HatUn and Mary B. Ilattao
to W. E. Mumpower, 1 .94 acrea of D.
L C. of Horace Baker and wife, town-
hip I south, range 3 east: II.
Patrick H. Mulloy and rrancla Mul
loy to Canby Investment Company
land In section 13, township I aouth,
range 1 east: 1800.
William P. Rauch and Elisabeth B.
Rauch to Thomaa MacCorklndale, and
Eather MacCorklndale and Eatber
Johnson MacCorklndale, part of the
Thomaa Lee D. L C No. 64, sections
15 and 32. township 3 aouth, range i
east: 11917.
William Dyer to Jeaale Dyer, (4.100
Vres Of aectlon 7, township 3 south,
range 3 east: fl. i .
William Dyer to Jessie Dyer, parts
of lota 6, 3, 4. block 1. South Oswego,
north of the. county road and the
streets north of lot 1 and extending to
the Oregon Iron A steel Company's
line; also lota 3 and 4 of block I: II.
William Dyer to Jeaale Dyer, part
of lota 1 and 3. In block 3, South Os
wego; f 1.
William Dyer to Jeaale Dyer, part
of block 1, South Oawego; fl.
Young Friends ef Ruth Peckover Join
Friday night waa scene
ment at the home of Mr.
of merrl-
and Mrs,
- Here s a chance to buy some Havi-j Harry Peckover In Parkplace, when t,
land China and Cut filais at 1-3 lean party-was given In honor of their
than regular prices, at Huntley Bros, daughter Ruths fourteenth birthday,
Co., thla week. See window display, j Games were . played after which dell-
Case Argued Before Samson.
The case of J. D. Brasher vs. W. G.
Bohn, on a suit for wages running
over for a long period, and in which
Justice Samson heard the evidence
several days ago, was argued in his
court Friday. W. M. Stone ts the at
torney for the plaintiff and C. Schue-
bel for the defendant. Samson took
the matter under advisement snd will
ing and final passage, the editor of the hand down his decision the first of the
Courier was In attendant ant innir ' week.
considerable Interest In the proceed
logs st least he seemed to take an
Interest. And there were others who
Mob Attacks the Windows in an Un
guarded Moment !
SAN ANTONIO, Tex., March 18. I
i v nai is reparuea as an aumeniic re
! Krt was given out of a demonstration
' against president Diaz about two
noted the Courier editor's presence, i
and they took a mental picture of his
open-mouthed anxiety to allow no
word of commendation or criticism
to escape. The railway people also I weeks ago, which took the form of
noted his presence and his Interest. ! stoning the window s of the Preal
.The editor of the Courier Is a man
of ready speech, nimble In his propen
sity to get to his feet during a dis
cussion and always glad to butt In
dent's palace by a mob of Insurgent
The statement ts made by an Amer
ican official who witnessed the inci
dent. This official has broken the
whenever there Is an opportunity to censorship In Mexico, wnich seems to
.' hlo ,, , . . . - I have been so rigid that the news haa
vo ce his sentlments-ln-bred or ac- JuBt croMed the Tier by word of
quired. Wlshing-to put Mr. Editor on , mouth, though the official report may
record before the whole public, a ' now be in the hands of the State De-
frlend of the railway nennle railed ! partment at Washington. The demon
on the Courier representative for an
expaVsslon of his opinion as to the
fairness of the franchise and the wis
dom of putting It through on the night
In question. Mr. Couriers opinion
was so much in favor of the franchise
as It had been read with no ex-
stration was precipitated so suddenly
that the police, who were unprepared
for It, were unsble,to diMperse the mob
before a great deal of window glass
had been broken.
The demonstration lasted five min
utes. Few whole windows were left
In the side of the residence ex pond to
th stone-throwers. A number of ar-
The Kind That
presslon whatever for delay that 1 res,s were made. As far as Is known
Council thought it was a wise thing to ; her thl t,h dmo,n"!ra"?1
dn m rii. ki. .. againat Diai in the Federal district
do to follow this "tip" from Mr. slnce tne beglnnlng oMhls rev0f
Why It Is Probable
That Venus Is
By Professor WILLIAM
Harvard Observatory.
x-Kl Al.NLY there are many physical rea
i gong for thinking that if any other planet
. beside the earth is inhabited it is probably
Venus. '
It la about the SAME SIZE AS THE EARTH,
and ita density is about the same.
The .force of gravity on its surface is only
slightly less than that on the earth.
I feel reasonably sure that at the Dlarct'a surface
t Vi A ilmfuAAu ! .. . '' ,1 .
-. - i r tm1" many times mat oi our own. .
Our New Steel Die Embossing
Oregon City
1 Are Yott A Money Saver?
Meat every en expects to he a money siver soma tlm.
Some expect te save when their Income la laraar-"ZL
save vhsn their eapensse art less, ' ,",nar slan ts
" People vhe welt until they can save without effort re,.i ..
saves they wake up eewe say flll.d with re.rete .a-'"
tunitles they have missed. , sense ef tha,pp0k
The moral 1st Begin regular saving at thl. bank Nnw,
the Income, nake the eutge a little leaa and sive the W wh,tf
It's a simple matter teurt a savings aeseuM here!
The Bant of Oregon City
u iwuna. i i k rresiaeoi m . u
. "- : : -..-...a ... ... .CaibUt
CAPITAL, lf4).nM.
i 'enseals a 0ers Sanklne Sluelnees
JHI eilig Theatre
k J!!.?!!!? M"h W '1 Pries Matlnssi ws,se
leay "' LIs A CV
I" Her Latest Play tueeees
Seats go en sale Prlslay, March 24.
d tt -.
Coming te Helllg Theatre Week heglr)r.lng Sunday April
Satisfaction guaranteed. Leave erdere at )
E. Schoenhalni k
MeOstEOOKY o ItiviRa co, !
cloua refreshments were aerved h'v
Mrs. Terkover. aaslated he Mrs Mark
mi vera. Tne table decorations wore
in greea.
Those present were Utssee Avis
French. Vera Hendrlrka, Muriel Iktv
la. Marie Holmes. Minnie Johnson.
Gladys Wrman, flegina lluerth, Grace
iiarnett, pearl Horner. Amy Peckover.
Ruth- Peckover - and - Ueaaisv- Charles
Peckover, rronk Peckover. William
Maple. Charles licas, William Lncaa.
Wlnnlfred Knight. Wilfred Knlgbt.
Lester Rninner,' Auguatua Rlvere. Les
lie Clyde and Master Fred Peckover.
With Clubs Across the River In Weet
Oregon City.
On Frldav'afiernoon. selected learns
from the High iwhools and the gram
mar schools of Willamette and West
Oregon City played an eicellent game
of baseball on the grounds of I he West
Oregon City school.
The linen o from Willamette was,
Mass. Snldow, Andrns. flerdlne, Ross.
Urauqulst. waldron, tirlttnn, Johnson
r rum west uregon tjty, Parker,
noty, uiackMirn. Koch. Montgomery.
liriDDie. w. Pepoon, Melvln. . pe-
The score closed with nine Innings
howlng IS to 17 In favor of Weal
Oregon City. '
... j
eta Club of Congregational Sunday
ecnooi nas pleasant Evening.
The Beta Club of the Congregational
Sunday school held a 8t. Patrick's
social Friday evening In the church
parlors. A program waa rendered aa
Girls' quartet. "The Wearing of the
Green." Marjorle Money, Atene Phil
Hps, Elisabeth Monell, Evangeline
Dye, accompanied by Marian White;
paper on "Origin of 8t. Patrick's Day,"
Evangeline Dye; solo, Alice Goetllng;
recitation, Ruth Miller; "My Own
United States," by girls' quartet.
After the prbgram an Irish lunch
waa eerved and games were Indulged
In. Prises were won In contest games
by Mrs. W.' A. White snd Lucille Evans.
In'the front raik of the
1 -
Sunday Evening at Baptist Church.
The evening muslcai program at the
Baptist church today will be pre
pared with great earn. There will bo
several numbers appropriate to the
aay, that will have especial merit.
There will also be a special aermon
for the occasion.' and Rev. Haywortb
will speak on "The Risk Element In
Religion." Those who have no other
place of worship calling especially are
invited to worship at the Baptist
church Sunday, . 1
Will Warship . at Eplseepal Church.
The Woodmen of the World will at
tend religious services at 8t. Paul's
Episcopal church, In a body, this
evening., services appropriate to the
occasion will bo held and Rev.' Robin
son will preach a sermon that will
have In mind the better things of the
Oregon City Markets. .
The general tendency of the mar
kets Is upwards, end this Is nMi&i
so In the produce line, la sataMibk
goods, such as bay, lih imi
coming oa and the use almost lidM
for the present winter season, taier
ma ad la downward. -Rut tht san
as a whole la a trifle mors all M
with but few commodities sWroi
actual advanees.
APPUss-Oood;-Bpres am a
maad yet apd the price Is tow
better prices for good stock; tasnl
enough good atock, horersr, so sr
there la little or no erauias ftv .
stock at any price. Mast nag
about 75o . to ft the bot, alia am
choice commanding as kits at H
fttock In hands of growers taiD; k
has been sold; It la the casta sm
left and they command stoat Sit
Hood River apples are selllac MM
. POTATOE8 There Is I to
atronger feeling In the narkst, nil
more Inquiry; eapeclslly lurieiiip
poeed. Fanoy stock of Itorvnti v -
l.rlnuln SI K mmA x.ialnu tl Tl
Is considerable local stock wit
moving some so' that the rise eon tt
gala nuch headway.
VEGETABLES Utile chain ass
Jaat report; onions are a llttls ail
in price but other vegetables rvaas
about the same. Onions Itta, Urtin
and earrota 75o to f 1 sack, partalsi I
to 11.25 sack, cabbage Jo poaai
lower and demand weak, trill
djwraoaUwUlLjiest brlngta! k
e.S0; some selling aslbw at It
Feed prices are stationary vltt kna
selling; f 21 to f 23 Ion, shorts tn
121, shelled corn ft 65 katini
cracked 11.75, rolled barley in.
- HA Y Lota of hsy In country mJ
helne nr7aral fraolv now: BUrU
weak. With winter past farmtrt tut
to sell and the market has broke
consequence. All grades sre
from f 1 to fTBO-clover If w i
111 to 11. timothy M to llsltoj
nira nuUn hnvlna for inlporn
to meet the demand In the cltle W
Ing tray 125, white 125 50 to P.
that the market Is weak snd sn
WHEAT Paying 15c. '
E003 Are very plentiful anl
price ranges about 18c,
BUTTER Very weak anf wtBtr;
only commanding from 10c V
creamery always atlff and eomntfr
Ing 80o to 150 now. The Poru
market Is only paying from
16c Choice dairy will! brim
lOo to 25a
POULTRY Prices srs somtvi"
higher and the demand food, nr
brlng le, rooalers 12c Jl
snd mixed chickens 13c to 15c w
Ing doing tn larger fowjs. -
MEATS-Voal. dr.ssed, to W
lOo to 110, hogs WW IMS I
big demand for mutton thst ""
fluctuate according to what to ofoj-
dry hides llo to He, sheep F"
to 75o each. f ,. f
WOOLr-wngf !6o to ll
mohair 28o to too. -
nnrvn stittTT KYSDortl"
So and 7c. son drloo 5c, prun
SALT Shlllng 60o to TJfl
10 lb. sack, half ground
100 lb. sacks.
V v-'r-
. c
Try tbc Classifcd Colons of tt:
3000 IleAdui Dilly - -
" f - ...V...' ' .V '' j- ' V" e, .-V. 7.'. '
' . ". ' " '--'I'.)' r. 1 . '
--''' -. . ' -.."' v ," j. - ., "" ' ' ' '