!IubJrlptlOM for th. Morning ! inwrprl. will b ree.lvgd.or ENTE SE Th only OHy MWipiptf ka O twn Portland and talon; aire law In ovory aootlon of ClMk- ma County, with a population of 4 30,000. Ara you an advertiser VOL 1 No.l 0UEC10N CITY, OREGON, SUNDAY, MAItCII 19, 1911. Per Weic, 10 Cevt KM CRU1TDJG ORDERS BE RECEIVED HERE THE SEVERAL REGIMENTS IN ORtOON ORDERED PLACED ON A FIELD FOOTINQ. flHBTCOF PETTY OFFICERS REDUCED Mchln Gun Company Ordorod R "erultid for Each Rglmnt All 8tt and Trrltor I AffcUd. POllTLANI). Or., March 18. (8pl.) ..Tho Wvur iM'purlment ban Mint or dure U. AdJiHant General Klnnr thai h at '" rug tho Oregon National Guard to' a footing for fluid aervlce. , Hii'P ere onc" taken to rarry out ltifH order. '.. The nrdrni hear the lgnatur of MJt lletieral WckmI, chief of ataff Of id army The Important change or ta rwrulllna to a field f oolitic The Ouurd la at preaent on a peace footing At the aamo time tho num- .... Ml lit 1 I brr of r,,"Jp onirera win u rnurau. N Notbltia; In aald about field aervlce, inrt no hint I given that aneh a thin U rimiemplated. Tb order la formal md on the aurfaro contalne nothing to rfttiM' aimplclon. Flmllar order hmo bi-en sent to tho other Slate and territories and It I a general move mm! to increaao tho ofrlcloncy of tha army. In Oregon It will mean Ibo In ereaalng of tha- mlllll something Ilk 4d per rent. One Important addition to tho force - uamnl la Ainnit In the tmot thai a machine gun company la to be pro-' tided for earn regiment. GLADSTONE'S PARK NOT A LAW SUH1 MR. CROSS, THC DONOR BAYS HE HAD NO IDEA OF INJECT ING TROUBLE. H. C Cross, of Gladetone, who re cently gave tha laland In tho liver er the Clarkamaa Klver bridge to tbit village for a park, aaya tho public tu a misapprehension to what he 7iae in tho matter of tho park. Mr. fro ara he-ha no Idea pf atarttng i row between Gladstone and tbo Wll- hmette mill. He say a that ho la cor lain that the paper company will glad Ir meet tho village half way and that the few rorda of Cottonwood growing on (be Island would be no Inducement for the denuding of the Inland now thnt, there la aome one who wanta It it", la and la prepared to put Ha tmile to good use., Thla Inland la a pretty apot It la mnilo a pretty apot by nature and all i hut I needed la for man to do a little rk to clean It up and trim out the rink growth amongnt the undorbnmh t mnke It a anot of beauty and a place where people can go for enjoy, tncnt on a aurr.mer'a evening. Hut Mr. Croaa aaya he did not give-. U tihe-otty Iteoauaa .there Happened (o be a dlnpute aa to Ita ownership, and that It la not fair to Intimate any urn thing. 11 gave aeveral acrea in addition to Gladatone and ho wanta to sec the whole matter faken over an J pui Into ahaoe for beauty and con vi-ni.'nee; and Mr. Croaa aaya that If Gladstone wlnhea to do thla be la of the opinion that the Willamette will meet the village half way. ' RUEF'S FRIENDS ACTIVE. saj FRANCISCO. March 18. Tho attempt to aecure the releaae from Han Qucntln prlnon of Abraham Ruef, former political bona, now nerving a sentence of 14 yeara, waa begun today. hrn hln attorneya applied to the State Supreme Court for a rehearing ml a reversal of Ita order which re fused a rehearing on the record of the App late Court aubmltted to It. Mr. and Mra. W. 8. U'Ren hud the hnnnr to entertain Mr. Henry. Oeorge "hen in thla city Saturday evening. Mr. (ieorge I Congressman from one of the New York city dlntrlcta, and he Ih making a good Congressman. Ho will remain on the Coant but a few V and then ret urn a East' to be In lime to attend the opening of the apo rial session of Congreaa, called by President Taft. 1THE CONVtMHONAU BLACK 'or man who "atand on rmony." Just rcivd a shipment of tho SUITS iY,'-M FULL DrtKOO , 'or wtddlngst s . h ballroom! , ' ' rr tha thaatral . ' V . A hand tailored. The prleoa are ,n,y no eritonon of tnoir vaiuo Price Botherc EXCLUSIVI CLOTHIERS ' Not Like Othora th and Main SU. . r "a I v la -. . 1 . -V DRvMARY WALKER Talko About the Hobbl. Skirt and th Harm Skirt - AI.DANY, N. V.. March 18. Tho o railed "harem aklrt" U an Improve, meat on tho "hobble aklrt," aald Dr. Mary Walker, who In In Albany today, and the "hot.l.lu- will bo In advaooe on the atyle thut-went before. "Doth atyle." alio ainerta, "are an approach to tho dren I have advo cated for yearn, namely, peg-top troue em and a frock coat." fir. Walker wear a frock coat and trouaora horaolf and topa off the out fit with a ailk hat or fur rap. In time ahe believe all American women will come to her manner of dressing4, "because of the added Jreev dom It given, and the great easaof getting In and out of trousers-, coat and waistcoat, 'aa compared with aklrt, petltcouta and ao forth." ME6SA0E WILL BE BRIEF. WASHINGTON. March 1. 8pl ) Tbo frealdeut'a monnage to Con gre will be brief. It la promised, and tho I'renldrnt will return to Washing ton nait week to do the work neces nwry In preparing for the apodal eva sion that he linn called for April i. ytATE WAR MAY WIDEN. I'OIITLANO, Or.. March 18. (Hpl.) The rate war on the Coant carrying trade in getting Into an acute atage and It may broaden out to take In the 1'iu'irie Navigation Co. any day. The I cut by the cotnxtltlon na not pre cipitated a general war but there are muttering at thla time. RICH BANKER DEAD HERE. NKW YORK, March 18. (8pl.) David II. Moffat, banker and railroad man ot rwinvnr. 'nl dld In thin cllv from the alter effect of grip today. Ho waa much belter and It waa aup tcd he waa out of danger. Today he had a chill that aetit blra to bed and tig hi death a few houra later. I PROMISED MEN WORK. MIL.WAUKEK. Wl.. March 18. Zflnl t Thitro ir. manv men out of employment In thla city and they have made avmauu ou me aiayor ior won. Wbeu Mayor Beldel wa a candidate l.e made promlw of what he would do aud now be find hi hand lied and can do nothing more than other. h WEST WILL VISIT DAM. flAIJCM. Or. March 18. (Sol.) (iov. Went haa been appealed to by tho Onhermen of tne Kogue Kiver. u claim being made that there la notfham, Wash., where ho talked to largi enough water In the fish ladder at the Amenl dm near Medrord to anow toe fish to go on up atream. The Gover nor and Master Plah Warden will make personul Inspection. THREE BEAUTY BEVYS TO WAMMIK YOUNQ LADIES MAKING UP PAR TIES TO HIKE THE COUNTRY CROSS IN JULY. Some of the young women of thia city, who are members of a party to walk to Newport the coming summer for their vacation, will get In trim lm- mallatlv fur that lonv trln before ihcnu-which wIllJe-Over. 135 mllea, as t hey will go by way of the Went Ride, and will make a trip to Portland on Sunday by foot, returning on tho electric car. They will try to mnke the trip in about three houra, aa sev eral wagera are up, and they will try to come out with flying colore on their first effort. I'pon arrival in Portland the Falla City hlkera will enjoy a supper at the Oregon grill. Since the young women have an nounced their Intention many wagera hava hetin nut ii d. Although the trip will be a long and tedloua one the gtrla will not back out, and aa several mamhara have heon added, one of whom will take her 21-rlfie, and make good use of It If necessary, aa no doubt many wild aid vlcloua man ..nn. animnla will he seen on the trip. .The glrle are to wear khaki suits, large hata and hign nooia. i nj will visit different towna while passing through, and will no doubt have a good time. ) . A party of young women or mm cuj are to leave about July for Tillamook. Thla pnrty will camp along the way, and will make the trip by foot. . Thla party will be composed of some of the school teacher of thla city. ' . A party of five women are io maa . n tint Rniinss. about aix milee beyond Molalla, thla aummer, thla party having mane uw.-..-.-. trip to Mount Hood and return aat aummer. Good time waa made on thla trip, and traveling waa over a moun tainoua region. SUSPENSION BRIDGE WILL CLOSE TUESDAY NECESSARY TO STOP TRAFFIC ACROSS THE STRUCTURE FOR TWO DAYS. i l a.,arnalin hrldlia SDSnnln the Willamette River at Oregon City will bo closed to team ana ummuu... traffic at leaat two daya, commencing next Tuesday morning. mm waa mart Saturday after MIIU lit:' i. " - . noon by County Judge Beatle. who aaya the atructure will bo closed for a fewidaya to give the contractor an op portunity to get tho necessary repair Tj.- . .iik..t intnrfnrence. NO vehicle wlll be permitted on th hridae durtng tho time, cut pea"- trlana will be allowed to use th -true turo aa usuaf. OVER THE GAROEN V.mLL; HENRY GEORGE. JR1 TALKS SINGLE TAX HERE FOR A, MONTH'S WORK BUT MUST RETURN EAST NEXT WEEK. SPECIAL SESSION OF CONGRESS CALLS Talk of th Part Advanced Method of Taxation Will Play in 8a v Ing Thla Nation and Popl. Congressman Henry Oeorge, of New V,,rb arrlva.1 In ONmin Q.ihmI.w er, Utellfo came from a abort star In Belling- lorvn audlencea of the matter uppermost in mas niinnwMinriat i v aa rriwiui i n Portland Saturday afternoon and after completing arrangement. for two aa dresse In the Rose City on Stiad&t came to thla city for talk on Slnglo Tax Saturday evening. Tha mMdnv waa ttalri In Willam ette hall, and the house waa filled to rernlva him. Thar waa a aorlnklinil of the wsrhornes of both old parties to greet Mr. George, and It waa easy to be aeen that (hey were interested In what ha had tn liv. Mr. Oeorge came to Oregon to tiik part in tne two yeara- campaign tnai wan recently begun in thla Slate. He la k.fflftmlwr nf PiinifMi fpnm Vrw Vnrli li and aa a renresent Atlve of the liberal wing or tne taxatioi. re- rnt-matlnn tirnnairanda hm ta a iriitt carrying great weight In the counsels of his party. It waa the Intention m u. c.aph (a a mnnl ri etr hit weeka In thia glate when hla campaign waa first mappea out. nut. me extra aesslon of Congress makes It Impera tive to cut hla visit short. He will niiirn Cml In a few davs. Mr rienra-e-a talk Haturaar evenillK waa a Hum the advanced Idea lino." of hi party a deire to put into prac tice a system of taxation that shall amiallxe tha hiirdena of taxation tax. tlon being made a burden for the on reason that It la not equalized, and antna man o-enerallv the noorer clans- ea and those who can ill afford li bel ng made under the old ayatem to carry a greater load than is in propor 1 1 no tn t n a henefit conferred. In addition to Single Tax there are" two other quest ion that are ot peclal Interest to Mr. George at this .i u l daanlv Interested In the 1 1 1 1 1 n . liv " . . f j success of reciprocity, aa advocate. by President Tart, and in securing a material modification of the present Mr. George expressed himself aa pleased to think It is possioie 10 ni n.o.i.innt Taft. who la a Republl .r. traaidant. Into fields of desires that have heretofore belonged to th rmmnii th fflvlnB to the maates .r' lll' - w a i of reforma lhat are needed while .yet k lumnia ma henent from ineni. i n nmnmirlt with nemocratlo aym paihlea on mattera of general concern, he wa giaa to see mo uj n.n..KIInan nraaldent Could DUt 881(10 party for the time being and assist In putting Democratic roewun- i kmk. nt tha Nation.' And for thla ha wished to commend Taft on 1 ,K.nthar nanuhlieana who were rising above party and taking hold on n.,,.ir nalrlntin. - - The audience to greet Mr.-Georgi proved to be aeeking ior ngni ana u came interested In what he had to aay early In tho evening. BANQUET DATE ADVANCED- Board of Oovernora Decides to Glv Elk Fr Fiia ror -.pm i. Tho f'nmmorclal dub haa been plan ntng for a banquet on the evening of Friday, April 21, ana naa.mucn oi mo detail for th occasion aeuieu on., oui tha in v a had nlana perfected for a grand ball on that date and it aa seen that tne two were certain io cou Hint and that iiuna who wished to At tend both could not do ao with any degree of satisfaction. Aa a i-aauit tha Commercial Club Oovernora met and decided to advance the date for the banquet to woonea ...nlm Anrll 10 . This clvea the Elks clear field, which the member r of that organisation win no ooudi ap preciate. , Must Answer In Samson' Court. CnrU Dullard wa befor Justice Samson Saturday morning on com plaint of hla wife, Maud Dullard, who ' "- " r . ,1 . 1m . . 1 , 7 charged him-with beating her and knocking her down. Ttullard waa re leaned on his own recognizance, bl trial being aet for Tuesday," March 81, at 10 a. m. There baa been con siderable trouble and It la aald that the matter la to be tried out In the court, divorce suit having been in gt It u ted within the pant few daya. Sing at Ro City Park. Manter Kenneth Woodward, a bright boy soprano of thla city who I pleaa Inv minr who hear him In concert from time to time, aang at an enter- lalnnwnl riven hv a Pnrtland Preahr terlun church at the Jacob Stein houae at Dnaa f!t Park nn rrlrtar nlvhl Tlii young lad aang two number butJ was compelled to sing two encore in ucli Instance. ftimion aa Auctlonaar. - - W W IT. Ramaon went tn the achnnl house near Shuebel Saturday evening In attand a banket social that was Instituted for the purpose of a good time in mat neigniornooa. ttamson I a good auctioneer, well known to the people in that neck o' the woods, and he went out there to sell the bas kets and make fun for the crowd. VOriDlOFAVOODCRAFT DUOY TM PROGRAM HAL-fe DECORATED IN GREEN AND ORANGE BOOTHS ALSO DEC ORATED NICELY. The Women of Woodcraft eave a most enjoyable affair at the Woodmen ball Friday nignt, which waa attended by about 75 people, who enjoyed a program, cafeteria aupper and social time, Including dancing. The hall was prettily decorated In green and orange, and tne four booths a, her tha cafeteria nunrter waa served, were also decorated In theae colors, daffodils being ased in profu- lit Vlra n n fh and Mlaa Rets Carrol hers had cnarge of tne receipts, Mra. uarence rarr ana Mrs. Marry KelloRg served sandwiches and cof raa- Mra Charles Snencer and Mra. J K. Morris, baked beana and brown bread: Mra. Luella May and JJrs. J. L. Waldron, coffee. The booth' were nt different deslen. and were verv at tractive, The supper wa enjoyed at Inn tahlna In the center of the hall. The following la the program given during the evening": Selection, Pas- time Quartet, of Gladstone. The quar tet raarxtnded to the encore With Tuning." Mis Eula 8chuebel gave a rocliailnn and Miss Olive Zimmer man gave an exhibition of fancy club awlnging, ana Doin responaea 10 en WVM Tha MimmliiM s-lvine- the entertain ment waa composed of the captain, guards and mualrtan. and thla commit tee la planning another entertainment In the near future that , promise to be unique. The proceed or last nigm affair amounted to $7.S0, - , , Choice Lots In Gladstone EASY TERMS ' T. L. Chut man CITY DRUG STORE. T S. Dlgaatlv tablet ar excel- lent remedy for DypPl 25 and 50 cants. Prescription and Family Receipt filled with pure drugs.- Pric roason. abk. CHARMAN A CO. CITY DRUG STORE. " .. Charman Bros.' B.loc. 10LALLA RAILWAY REAL NECESSITY NO OTHER ENTERPRISE PROMI SES 80 MUCH FUTURE BENE FITS FOR CITY OCAL PEOPLE MEAN BUSINESS Liv Wlro" Committee Ha Mad CarefuMnvestlgatlon and Haa th Matter Wall In Hand, For more than twenty year oast. the people of Clackamas county have felt the necessity of a railway Into the Molalla country for the purpose of marketing the lara-n amount nt timber standing in the foot , hills and moun talna, and also for the 'purpose of ren dering It possible for the farmers Hy ing in that large territory to nna a market for their prodnce that la raised In that fartila aatlrkn nt tha Artnnlv and in addition thereto, to obtain an easier ana more commodious way oi traveling 10 ana rroin iui ricn set iiou of the county to the market places. Aa a mater of fact, the people of Oregon City, and in fact all of those who live in this part of the county, are more or less directly Interested In seeing a railroad built into tne moiaua country from Oregon City, a they recognize the fact that a road built from Salem into the Molalla country would practically destroy Oregon ritv'a nrnanAPta of ever accomplishing anything, for the reason that the en tire surrounding country tnai is naiur. atlv trlhwtarv to PVreirnn City, would be drained away In another direction. About a montn ago urreyor irora Salem were investigating the ralue of the Molalla country for railroad pur poses, and figuring upon an extension nt tha una hunt rrom raus v.iiy iu Qalem nn to R II vert on and down Into the Molalla country for the purpose of handling tnat large oen oi umoer hi.h ta natuaiiv tributary to the oro- posed road, and In furtherance of their plana, tney nave ootainea irom mo leelslature a right to build a bridge SI f i'al. tha vmllamette River at Salem, krnu nhtalnad from the CitV COUn ell of Salem a rrancnine allowing me n.aH tn ha l.llllt thrOUKh the City lO its eastern limit so that their plans may be carried out nccoraing lo weir intended program. . 1 The Live Wires or the Commercial Club of Oregon City Immediately aaw that If the plan above mentioned wa carried mil. It would mean ruination of one of Oregon Clty'a moat valuable assets, and appointed a committee to Investigate the mater ana report aome feasible plan t be pursued by our own people In order that we might protect ourselves against the proposed Invasion. The committee carefully In vestigated the matter and made a de tail report, and the substance of that report was aa folio wa: That a line of railway be built from the Willamette River below the falls at Oregon City to the Molalla valley, and that It be built by our own people. That the grading on the road bed be done by mibscrlptlona to the capital etock cf the company, and that the entire funds raised by aubscriptlons be used exclusively for work on the road, and that no salary be paid to the officers daring the construction pen- i ou That tha renort Viade to the Live Wires of the Oregon City Commercial Club by the committee haa been care fully considered by some of our most conservative business men during the last month, and they have come to the conclusion that the recommendations made In that report are feasible, and If carried out. the road can be built If any other company wanta to build this road from Oregon City to Molalla. let them come forward and show good faith and deposit a good and aufflcient bond Insuring the people of Oregon City and those who live along the pro posed line, that they will build the road within a certain definite period, and that the road will be built from Oregon City In through Beaver Creek. Mullno. IJberal to Molalla. and not tap that country rrom some poln. up the valley by branch line from the Southern Pacific, Salem Fall City 4 Western or by branch line from the Oregon Electric, for the reason that the people who live in this aectlon of the county have valuable interesta at stake which should be protected. The vast amount of aaw 'timber tributary to the line from Beaver Creek to Mullno, together with lumber and cord wood would mean enough to the owners of that property alone to equal the cost of the construction of .... i kMua tha enhanced valua- tlon of real property which should go to the owners oi me mui There Is no section In Oregon so ikon i. the Molalla country ...j .u... trlhntarv to line OI anu i u u i k-. j . 1 railway built from uregon uv w u.... oallav and ir a roau wem built along the line laid down by the committee appointed by the Live Wlrea of the Commercial Club of Ore gon City, the Interest of all ot the stockholder wouia do cmu"j a""1 ed and the road could be built. - Portland Popl Married Here . Kftle Chanesa and J. W. Mlnnla. both of Portland, were married In thla city yesterday afternoon at o'clock by Judge Beatie. ' They were accompanied to this city by H. E. Joy. who wa. present and acted aa witnesses. Th party returned to .Portland Immediately after the cere mony. Babi Mak H"ppy Homeo Born, on Wednesday. March 15, to the wife of P. M. Hart, a nine-pound daughter. Born, on (March It, to the wife of Phillip Welamandel, two aon. on weighing nine pound and the other eight pound. Mr. Welsmandol wa formerly Mlsa Truscott, of ihl city. city. - ' BROWNIES $1.00 to $12.00 FOLDING POCKETS II frj $12.00 Give Pleasure To All the Family -- We want to show yott oar new stock of Eastman 1 Kodaks and Brownie Cameras. Yots'll be surprised if yoti are not already familiar with Kodaks at how simple it all is and what a good Kodak yoa can boy for a very little money. WE SHOW YOtUIQW TO TAKE AND : . MAKE PICTURES FREE OF.CHARGE Btifmeiste Oregon City Jewelers . WEST SIDE IS DOING ITS SHARE TOR CITY JOHN LEWTHWAITE TELLS STORY OF THE FINANCIAL SHOW ING MADE BY MILLS.' Mi lnSn 1 .wlhv.K. a Inn -. Imn West Side resident, owner of some of tne newly openea west Bide townsite, public spirited, and Interested In al most every undertaking for the good of Clackamas county, elated to the Enterprise man yesterday evening: "I have been in Oregon for nearly twenty year and have aeen the City across the river grow step by aiep, at the same time watching day In and day out like progress In the Industrial developmept on the West Side. When the hard time struck other clilea aome three or four years ago. very few knew how difficult the task to secure, the wherewithal to meet the heavy demands on- pay day. It Ja true Clearing House Certificate were nsed by the banks, still every cent was paid and the worklngmen of this dis trict never lost a day from their regu lar employment. Bualnes in Oregon City continued the bank had aome difficulty on account of banking gener ally being "out of order," but no one here closed hi door or wa forced to the wall. What brought about this i.niianl .windUInn? "I say. Industry. Tor the aire of the County from point- of population, this County haa more and better In dustrial chance than any other In the State. The railroad records. Includ ing shipment of log to the upper river, will how the handling of over 700 ton per day for the West Side mills and a conditions In the past have warranted, the Industries have kept up with the demand. Oregon City get all the benefit of these con dition even though the planta are not within the corporate limits. Over S60 000 In pay roll monthly come from the various West Side enterprise and almost Jf not all. goea Into Oregon City homes and, through them. Into the business house. The mills, there fore, are doing thtjlr part to keep tbe Clty"a wheels in operation and ahould not be considered In any other "way. "I cannot aee any advantage to my property, nor. from the tandpolnt of a working man. owning his own nome on the West Side, can I aee where benefit can be derived from such a proposition as has been made by the City Father through the col umns of The Enterprise. I am, there fore, as I think almost every other West Side citizen Is, against annexa tion now and for all time The West Side can take care of Itself when th proper time comes," - - ' . DIES AT ASTORIA HOME. Richard . Humphry Waa a Formr Hesinent of Oregon City wm-d waa Mcalved in this city Fri day night of the death of Richard Humphry, brother or j. x. numpnry ...A n tha lata .Tohnathan HumohrYS. Mr. Humphrya' death waa audden and was due to heart failure. He was nut in raara of ace. and had been tnjeylng good health until afflicted aJ J t bvvv oava-e . , .. . OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOrOJ o o o o o . o o 7 ROOM HOUSE 4 Lota, all lvl, good well, H kind of frurt, nw barn; chicken hou and yard. AIMnTret el oondltloti. Prie only $1600 $600 eaah, balance monthly. Boot boy 1n Oregon Cly. . W: F. SCHOOLEY A CO. Phono: Paclflo M 80. Horn A-15S. 6 h TO 865.00 8c Andresen . Suspension Bridge Cor. arfth haarf ta 1 1 lira Tla avail known In Astoria, and wa highly res- peciea.. Mr. Humphry made hla home In thla city for a abort time before going . 10 Astoria, jib naa resiaea in ma latter city for the past SO years, and tha lnl.nia.l will k. la, that ! UW .U.V.WV.Ik WW ... w . U WW V bll . 1 L 1 J I I . L .1. j. x. Humpnrya, or mm city, ana on -sister. Mr. Catherine Worth, of Eng- - land. - . ,f Special Mualc. f; -'- .. A male quartet, composed of Messrs. Loder, Etchlsoh, Moody and Cdmatead. haa been organized and will aaaiat the choir of the First Baptist church In song recitals on Sunday evenings. Theae gentlemen are all trained alng er and will make their first appear ance tonight Pastor Hayworth will preach on the subject, "The Wisdom of Venture." SUSPECT IS" ARRESTED BUT IS HOT TIIE 111 MORGAN IS TOO SHORT IN STA TURE, 80 SHERIFF MASS RE - LEASE8 HIM. . Tha ananort.. who waa taken Into I custody at a lata hour Friday night on the cnarge ot murdering nine uaroara Holzman at Portland, waa released Saturday morning, after Detective Coleman, of Portland, had come Bp to examine the prisoner. Coleman waa quick to declare that the man, who aay hla name I Morgan. I not the murderer, who I aald to be nearly Ix feet tall, while Morgan la of less than medium stature. Morgan waa found Friday at Logan. . and the people of that aection believed ' ha waa tha slaver and took him to Fisher's house, where Sheriff Mas and rtenntv Sheriff Ely went Friday night and brought him to Oregon City. In Morgan's pocket wa rouna i iw oi apparatus that he probably ue to pick lock. He la paat middle age. Is in apparent 111 health and hla appear ance, apart from his stature. Indicated that he might have been the man wanted. t j - . . Sp- CHINA SHOWER GIVEN Mount Pleasant School House Is - Filled to Overflowing The china shower given In th auditorium of the Mount Pleasant school house Friday night by the Mount Pleasant Civic Improvement Club waa a decided ucceaa. The af fair jraa largely attended, and over 100 pieces of ; glasaware. and china- ware were presented to th ciud. which will be nsed for the function to he given In the future. Refresh ment were served to those attend ing free of charge and a social time enjoyed." Mrn-C. A. Blckel was Chairman of th committee. . The following numbers were given dnrlna- the evenlngr Selection, Mia May, Edith and Maud RHv " Mra. Worley; recitation. Merle and Lyle Texley; vocal aelectlon, Mr. S12 Main St, Oregon Ctty. ' ' v. ' ' '' , " -. ' '