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About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (March 18, 1911)
I MORNING ENTERPRISE. SATURDAY, MARCH 18, 1911. MORNING ENTERPRISE . OREGON CITY, OREGON C. E. BRODIE, Editor and Publisher. im master Jt ' "Entered aa aecoed-claea matter J sa lary . 111. at th poet offlea at Orf rn Orv. Oraawn, tinder the Act of March , im." tems r suuctiPTtoii. ... ....MM I e 1 Ona Tar. by mall .. (lis afnntha. by mall Four Mnatha, by mall., week, by earlier.... '.- .avcmuw iatej rirat Pans, uer incn 11 ret lneertta..',.leo Ftret Pa a. oer tneh added litaartlona. .lte WTM 1 VMftewJ twialtlnn anv naae. Mr men flrat Ineertkm.. 10 .Preferred poeUloe) any pace, pee Inch BdJed mavrlkma.. Run nap other thaa first pas, par Inch flrut Insertion. 13c Run paper othar than first paare, par raoh added SJaertlone So Lorala 1o par Una; to rea-ular adrar tteers tc line. Wants. For Rata. Ta Rant. ate., ona cent a word first maarttoa; owe-aaJf cant each additional. Ralea for adyertlamB Hi tha Weekly KnTerpriee win oe im eame mm in e dally, tor advertteemente art especially for tha weekly. Where tha adrertlaement la transferred Imn tha dally to tha week i. wit nasi rhanre. tha rata will ba to aa mcb for ma of tha paper, and lOo aa Inch for special position. Cash should accompany order where party la unknown In business offtoo of tha Enterprise. Lacal adrartlaln. at lecal advartlsfog atea. . Clrcua advertising and special transient advertising at lac to 10c an Inch, accord ma to special conditions jo rem I nf tha Tire Bale" and Bankrupt Bala" adver tlaeoirnta Kc Inch first Insertion: addi tional Insertions him matter Mo Inch. News items and wall wi-ft'en arttclea of aterlt. with Interest to local readers, win ba tladly accepted. Rejected manu scripts never returned unless accompan ied by ataaioe to prepay poetace. CITY OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER. March 18 In American History. 1782-Jobn Caldwell Calhoun. Ameri can statesman and leader In the "old sooth." born: died I. IflCS - General Sohojler Hamilton. " grandson of Alexander Hamilton and reteraa of the Mexican and civil wars, died: horn 1SJX ASTRONOMICAL EVENTS. (From noon today to noon tomorrow.! Ran aets 6.-0(1. risen MH: moon rlees lOOB p. m.: 9 p. m- eastern time, moon In conjunction with Jupiter, passing from west to oast of tha planet. 1 oVj.Tee sooth thereof. play acroaa tha face of tha man. In carcoratod twice aa loot aa ba ought to aerve. In California tha move la taking definite form and tt should In every Stata la tha Union. Legal bualneaa should ba expedited In all branchea but especially la thla true whera poor men are In Jail without redreaa. Tha courts can do much to remedy tba evil, so too can tha lawyera aid In put Una- thins legal on tha proper footing .- But by all meana both lawyera and court officials ahould do all In their power to expedite court buslnesa. - YOUNG PEOPLES CLUB BUOYS SOCIAL DAf(CE MoLOUGHLIN HALL SCENE OF SPLENDID ENTERTAINMENT THURSDAY EVENING. . The entertainment given at tha Mc Loughltn Hall Thuraday night waa a decided success. Tha arrair waa given under tha auspices of tha St. John s Younx People's Club, and waa In honor of St Patrick. i Every number on tha program re ceived ita share or applause, ana en cores ware responded to. Tha follow ing were the number: Piano trio. Misses Anna McMillan, Rosa Justin and Ruby Nuttal; rocal aolo, Mlsa Cla Barclay Pratt; piano and violin selec tion. Masters Joseph uauxe ana uu Brady; rocal aolo, Frank Busch, Jr.; epilation. Miss Matilda Merer; vocal aolo. Mlsa Maria Friedrlch: piano and . . w . ft violin selection, trans busch nuu v ear Woodfln: chorus. "The Harp That Once Thro' Tarae Hall." St. Johns School Glee Club: piano aoio, uscar Woodfln; piano duet, Misses Marie Sheahan. Sadie Clancey; vocal aolo, "Kathleen Mavourneen." Mrs. Edward Sheahan; address. Frank Collier, of Portland; chorua. "Star Spangled Ban ner," St. John's Glee Club. YOUNG LAD TAKEN UP. Judge Beatie Consigns Him to Boys' and TilrtS' Ala society, navirf im Have, a boy of 16 year of age, who has been in thla city foe the past six "months, waa yesterday taken In charge of byjChtef of Police E. L Shaw. Haya' mother and father are both dead, and he has nea living relative In thla State. A brother la claimed by the boy to reaide at Lo Angeles. California, but he too la with out a home. Hays waa taken to Port land by Officer F. A. Mllea, and turned over to the care of the Boys' and Glrla' Aid Society. The boy has been sleeDlna- In since coming here ELECTRIC HOTEL. The following are those registered at the Electric Hotel: H. M. Faler. United States Army; A. A. Larson and wife. W. S. Barnes, Portland; XJ. A. Gilmore, Salem: B. Anderson and wife, Port Orchard: Mrs. Gus Hulton. E. A. Swanson. V. E. Mcllwain. A. Ballard. Elsie I'tlger. V. Weodeo. H. J. Atche son. P. U Campbell, Tom Letron. Port land: Homer McCormatk, F. B. Smar. "San Francisco. YV. A. FINLEY NAMED First Confirmation for' Member New Board of Fish Commissioners. V. A. Finley, of Jennings Lodge, a leeturer of the National Association Adubon Societies of America, baa been named by Gov. West as a member of the Board of Fish Commltmionera for h. tate The novemor has not . HOW MUCH DID TAFT KNOYVf '. Since Theodore Roosevelt has made bis visit to the Southwest the news is given out that he has made arrange ments to organize a brigade of Rough Riders and go to wax In case there la en milkfetb leteMii ttila Miintrv e n ft 'Japan. -And the further Information la volunteered that there waa a plot between Mexico and Japan to permit the latter to establish a coaling ata- . tlon on the west coast In payment for aid la putting down the rebellion. Can it be possible that President Taft and his War Department were wise to these movements and that the recent military maneuvers were an offset calculated to cause Mexico tc ' turn to ua, or In case that was not suc cessful to pot Mexico In the hole where we could crush her along with Japan? There waa evidently something un der cover that the President did not deem It wise to reveal at the outset; but on the other hand he felt that it . u n. waa time In met. and did act Thai I numvl all the members of this Com- rfr&l have beet) un- . iwia jeftuau muu meiiru are LrVwVcntsr- u"0"'M . ou. a. allies and friend. w, probably , be accepted wltboutany argument. Rtven official confirmation and Mr. In such a case It may have been wise Kinley went to Salem Friday to con to move the troops and then atk the "lt with Gov. West In the nter country If It .3 the Judgment of lne , J" SJKl S-K people that it should be done later. of7 guch jra, and his friends are If Mexico and Japan were plotting hoping 'hat be will accept and get to It la evident that Mr. Taft's movement ! buslnesa at once. checkmated them at the ouset of the Not "Back to the Farm, But "Back to the Village." y rvefeseer L. M. SAILBY. Authority aa clantia Aarlculture. HE BIG CITIES CANNOT RELIEVE CONGESTION BY SEND- ING PEOPLE -BACK TO THE i LAND," BECAU8K nawiar WILL ONLY BE TEMPORARY. WOULD RATHER SAY . ...u -.uAinn mm -BACK TO THE VIL- THAI ini twnwn w,,ww-- . a.. ..muu TMI REMOVAL OF FACTORIES TO SMALLER TOWNS WOULD ENABLE THE EMPLOYEES TO HAVE THEIR OWN GARDENS. - i ... . fen .1-.1 . ent lnnrn than nntvf.nirth IIVPil Oil the farms, nd I believo that iu 102( not tnon ot.o tifili will l on the farms, and that will bo enough. W. .re, PAR55TNO' OUT Or 1CU HAU UWLIUIum. ..... tl, iticrt'aso of Production, due tv scicmf and to tlio nmltlpliouti-n of fartn machinerj, which increase the pmlnotivo jr of the ruraJ nun. ou at man. . - . .. Yet I that does not mean tnai pmnionor .urrrn-n.j.-. ". th-Ut,ee hand, the VALUE .OF FAIttrs K TWRFASryO . Wants nlwnrra Account Dessrtion urv.R Sklrrln haa Mled a ault for divorce against her husband, Harvey R Kkirvln. to whom aha waa married In August, 1901. at Iloieman. Montana. KfjaiiiUK tut uiuufLj vg .umivii, Ira. Skirvln clalma 'her husband de serted her and her little daughter. Doris, and haa failed to provide for either during the paat year. Artisans Have Social Dance. Tha Artiaana Initialed .thre candi dates at the regular meeting Thursday evening., Five additional appllcatlona for membership were received. A pleasant social time, with dancing, waa had at the close of the business session. , Tnere waa a large attend ance. ' Barclay School vs. McLoughlln Insti tute. A . has hall eama waa nlared on the Canemah Park diamond Friday afternoon. The game waa called at 3:30 o'clock, and there were some good playera In the learns. Those taking nart In tha ram were the teams of f - c naMtltt aoktml lltil f r I All eh 11 n Inatl. lutes the score belne to .9. " t Klils Wildcat Ntar.Celton. fharlM ttnnter of Pnlton waa 111 Oregon City on Friday having brought with him the akin of a wildcat cently killed near bis home. The ani mal was of medium site, and Mr. Hunter atataaa there hav han a num. ber of these animals In that section iring the winter. SHERIFF MASS GETS MAN. Not Certain He Answers to the De- acriptloh Of Accueea. . Reports earn to Sheriff Masa in thla city at a late hour Friday stating that a man answering the description of the one charged with being the murdered of Barbara HoUman, of Portland.. waa Been about Logan and advising htm to come" out and put him under arrest. l . The Sheriff at nee left for that village to Investigate the rumor. At a late hour he returned to the city with a prisoner but It waa Impossible to determine whether or not he was the man wanted. ' 1 WILLAMETTE. Miss Alice Thomas and Misa Lat- etta McGregory, two prominent young ladies of Oregon City, were in Willamette on Sundar and were the guests of grandma Rivera. Joe Parrlsh and family returned to their home at Highland the first of the week, after a visit here. W. Rhyner. of this place, who is a contractor, baa been awarded con tracts for several buildings In Portland. Many atrangers have been recent ly aeen 16 Willamette, looking for l.wallnna - . Charles Kanney's father-in-law and family departed Wednesday for Centralla. Wash., where they have purchased a farm. time, vacant i ROOSEVELT TO EIGHT If JAPAIIJAKE8 WAR WILL ORGANIZE DIVISION OF VOL UNTEER CAVALRY-MANY EAGER TO JOIN WITH HIM. Al M'OrRKUi'K.' N. M . M"'h .,7' i. was learued here today that bo Zr. U..'l H h're Wedne.d.y. frm-r wdV;, Hoi-vei. 7i;'r cavalry to light Japan, ahiujld the oo- caalon arise. . ,i,.t the Colonel Itooaeveit an....v- ..... - JsiMinese menace on the western coi tt Mexico waa of the moat aerloua im of Mexictt w Mend, ie e h. T the M-nl r war KSm a'k Prealdent faff- Pjr Sum to organUe a lv" ' If be re cruited solely in me a.... Varlmia r'"Kh rldera -m, u.t they hd alotis In the ft ,m "Itiea. ""colonel Kooaevelt ram. , h. from Fl Paso, where II la aald Inside inior- co startled him into making ''' Uv. .rrangement. to go to Iht front It the necessity ahould ariae. 1 waa said thla afternoon -- onel R,velt had been to f entire Pacific st was lined wim Japanese. ,.. , . lh. m0.IU- The onijr ev.- katum n. could give waa ll- department baa '"'" and aareement between the mikado ana Prudent I)!., whereby Japan waa to get a coaling base on the wes coaal of Metloo aa the price for ' Oppressing the present rebellion. ORDERS TO HURRY HOME. PAHAOKNA. Cal.. March 17 -MaJor Lord Tweedmoutb aud Ird InneaJver left hurriedly for Rngland loday. hav i i In ranort for duty Immediately upon receipt of a cable- gram from me unuan wai r . . ......,. who la a malor In the Royal Horse tluarda. and I U-rd Innes-Ker. who is a First Royal pragoons. bad planned to soend the entire season in aoutn-m California. , The summons came uirevi.y ...... n ataia fur war. Neither of Ihe officers would make any aiate- ment aa to their aurnea aeia..u.e .... evening when interviewed at Ibelr hotel, except that the ordera came un- expectedly. MAY OET POSTAL BANK. MARRIAGE LICENSE. ette clety. The boy haa been Many peopie ot mis piace are barns around thla city Effie M. Chamness and J. W. Mlnnla, busily engaged In making gardens. . of Portland, were r ranted atnarrlaae . Church Notts license on Frldar afternoon bv Count f ' Rvanseltcal church. Rev! E. Rade- Clerk Mulvey. ' ' bauah. itaator. 8undar school 10:30. a At the present time, vacant i uav Ba In Position to houses are at a nr-mlum In Wlllam-, Senator Bourne May Be In posh on te PtUTLANl. Or.. March 17. Port land may have a poeial aavluga bank after July 1. Copies of the new poaial law received by Poatmsster Merrick I ..... - - .. I. I I d lstor. 8unday school at ; show that while tne apiiroiria.. m.. nrearhlns ll;30 a. m. by f for ISiXMKK) onlyT which la much too Prohibition Amtndment Defeated. I pastor. V. P. A.. 7 p. m., services. II ; small to" permit of the Installation of rkE-a univra - . . - . .... n'.j.Mj.. ...inn-tiknii in all eltlea. vet no city i'i-o ... w i iu. m, .Ti i -ii i . . ( p. m., pi a j rr nieriins weuv-euaj iM,ua - -- - . Prohibition by constitutional amend- evening, teachers' training Wednesday j la named wsp-clally for a lana. ilia ment has been killed bv the Iowa leg 1 evening and choir practice Friday 1 possible that one could be aeoureu lr islature. " evening Portland tinder the terms of Ihe law, r BBfaBBBBaBBBsaaaWnsWaBBBfiSaBSBBBB II plot -if- PUSHING THINGS THROUGH COURT. There la a movement on foot not Will Worship at Episcopal Church. The Woodmen of the World will at tend religious services at St. Paul's Episcopal church. In a body. Sunday evening. Services appropriate to the occasion will be held and Rev. Robln- i.n will nreach a sermon that will general and not organized, but It may haw In mind ihe better things of the be any day to see If there cannot be ', order. j . . . . i fiundav Even aa at BaDtist C workei out a reform In the methods i ' ; employed forthe punishment of men Jhureh. accused of crime. In the case of men Correction as-to Bouta Won. ' of means who are accused the plan by the P. R. L A P. Co. employes. In Is to drag out the trial until the public f e,lwool?, ,n 2 ".w. mIv Z Kd " , tween Kid Main, of this city, and Kiel is nauseated and the wan goes free j jilirmt 0f Portland. Burnslde won or gets off light. Where the man U ; the first bout, the second was' a draw noor he Is kent In tail In excess of and Main won tne tnira. in tne ac- what he should serve for the offense because of the slow actions of the court. The poor man suffers double the stipulated penalty and tne fiAi mat. .a.vau llf.U l .m.. count In Friday's paper the first and third bouta were awarded Just tbe op posite to this and Just contrary to the result, though the contestants did each win a bout and "draw ' on the second. man serve little If anv ns.rtlnn r.1 ' rVld Main IS ring umil" "I VHCl what Is due him. And to argue that ! Caru,nej it evens up doesn't make the smile I Head the Morning Enterprise. Value of Dreams as an Aid to the Physician. t Dr. JOHN D. QUAXKENBOS, Pioneer of oul Analysle In tha Trettment ef Pluses. V YOU HAVE A SOUL PREPARE TO SUBMIT IT TO MEDICAL ANALYSIS. IP THERE IS SOMETHING: WRONG WITH YOUR DIGESTION. OR YOUR NERVOUS SYSTEM DONT TELL YOUR FAMILY PHYSICIAN WHAT YOU ATE FOR DINNER. vJUST STATE , WHAT .YOU DREAMED LAST NIGHT. We can dream more in a minute than we can act in a year, and we onlj remember the dreams which come to ua in the moment immediately preceding waking. Besides, it it TOSSIBLE FOR A PHY SICIAN TO SUGGEST WHAT DREAMS HIS PATIENT SHALL TIAVE. I have been doing that for the last twelve years. The value of unsuggested dreams isn't worth an ioU in a court of ' justice. . ' - . . , """ r -: The Kind That STANDSOUT GLOSSY , HANDSOME STATIONERY ejaaaeBBaeaeiaeiea.aeveiaBHaeeaejaweassesaBaeaeaaBBBB-aBBBeeMei Our New Steel Die Embossing Machine IS THE THING Oregon City ENTERPRISE Arc You A Money Savt Meat avary t.oeata to U a mensy ttV(P ,0 Soma aspect te save whan lnm , irT' , ' save whan thalr aapanaea are Use. ,,r hr , people who welt tiMH they oan aava without en-aet savel thoy wake up earns .ay flllsd with rogrtti kaau.7'il1' . tunitlta thty have missed. " tt tK, The moral 1st Begin reflular saving t hl baah -u. ' the Ineoma, make the outgo a little less and save tS. -T-1 It's a simple matter to start a savings account here. '' The Bank of Oregon City D, C. I.ATOlRKTT Prealdeot B t . THE FIRST NATIONAL BAto of OREGON CITY , OREGON CAPITAL, ISA0OO.0O. Tranoaeis a 0norol ianklna; wolnooo. Open Km.knh i..rii.ularW If Senator Dourno be- coinva chairman ot the poatofflre com. m U lee of the Mriiate. aa la nianiy proo-able. NO SPECIAL SESSION. Sanats Clerks Find "Missing Links" to Proceedings of That Body. HAl.Ky. Or.. Marrh 17. lrst Aa slsiant Chief Clerk Jul Hunt or the donate completed the lateat and Anal revision of the Journal of proceedings or the Senate or the twenty-slitb lea lalatlve aeaalon this morning and turned It over lo the Merreiary or Mtata he nrM tared for the nrlnter. Clerk Hunt cleared up many allaht dla rrepamiea and various ' misainf unaa wer supplied by Mr. Jluat and kla aaalatanla durlns the course of thla last re vial on by a dlllcent search la ( kief Clerk K. II riagg a Juuk lte. Tkeie are allll -mlaalng llnka" that never wilt be found but which are or no sufficient Importance aurb aa pill require a special aeaalon to clear up. WOULD BREAK JAIL. I'OHTLANU ON March 17. Aa al tempt waa made In the county prison Wednesday nlaht at a Jail delivery. When Jailer I'bllllps waa on the laat round or inspection for the night, be discovered It and lucked up tb men responsible. That efforto wer4 made to get out Frank rraaklya, burglar, la apparent. It waa rranklyn wbo had aecretmt burglar'a saw a. Four were found In bla bunk. The plan of the prisoner was - to saw their way through the Inside corridor and over, power the Jailer when he opened the outalde, or strung door. rranklyn la walling In the county Jail while ppre are being prepared to lake him i. the state prison. He waa recrialy given IS years. IE HIM - 4 V J ' .' e,A 3 ' TT In) the front rank of the ART PRESERVATIVE PRINTING BOOKBINDING MORE EASILY REACHED IF Q000S OONT PP.0VE C0BP.ECT 'IT IS AN EASV MATTER TO EPPECT EXCHANGl. hy trade at home? Ilis-atise: You riamlne your pur chase and are assured of satisfaction tr fore Investing your money. Iiecause: Your home merchant la always ready and wilting to make right any error or any ""defective ar ticle purchased of him. Iircauae: When you are alck or for any reason It la necessary for you to ask for credit, you can go ta the local merchant. Could you ask It of a mall order house? Ilrcause: If a merchant Is willing lo extend you credit you ahould give him ihe benefit of your cash trade. Hcraiiae; Your home merchant pays Iwal laies and rerte every eifort to build and better your market, thus in- creasing the value of both City and country property. Ilerause: The mall order merchant does not enlighten your tag or Iu any way help the value of your property. Because: The mall order merchant doea nothing for the benefit of mar keta or ral estate values. I ire a use: The beat rt linen s la your community patronise home Industry. Why not be one of the beetT - ' - llecanse: If yon will glvo your honto irMTrhsiit an opportunity to compels, by bringing your order to him In the quantities yon buy out of town, ho will demonstrate that, quality consid ered, he will save you money. High School Ball Team Practice. The JIlKh school ball team was gly en a prnctlce try-out rrlday afternoon with a tram from Mount I'leasant. Tb a gnme was a loose one and tho score was run up to 15 to S In favor of Oregon City. Ilaker and Telford were pitchers and Fredericks, Smith and Welch were catchers for Oregon City. Thomas snd Rowland were pitchers and King and Holmes wero catchers for Mount, Pleasant. Oregon City Psoplo Win Prties. Mrs. Charles Ilurna, Jr., won the ladles' first prize at tho sUatlng-rtnk lti Portland on Thursday evening, rep nsentlng an "Indian Princess." and John Flnucane, also of this city, won gentlemen's first prize, he represent ing a "Cowboy." The affair was large ly attended and waa held at East Sev enth and Eaat Salmon streets. i Portland Partlss Corns Hare to Msrry. Effle Chamness and J. W. Mlnnla, both of Portland, were married In this city yesterday afternoon at 4 o'clock by Judge rteatle. They wero accom panied to thla city by H. E. Joy, who was present and acted aa wltneas. Tho party returned to Portland Immediate ly after tho ceremony. , REAL ESTATE. " Henry V. Bauer to Patrick II. Mul- WJT. 17.10 arres of ssmLw township I south rssw Ztt Auanison, 3 14 sera, J nauer w uoyre to Eirat acres Of aaelli.h. a l"!1, . v.. waiiiiing in ABBla I a lota 1. t. k sVll "hatt. 1100. -V ra F. O. McOrew sal fcuu", . Oraw to Kutiart a um.T r. I, section Jt. lownshlp l l0,5!l ea-ti alw Uml In aitJoTto 1 1 south, rang, ,u,. tu Company Umlled. Iota i in. Oregon City; t R. II lli-alla I. a... . . Ham )tm, Company Limited, the sortisnTS! ter of the southeast swn7e!w-: oaat quarter of sectioa 11 totask i sottth. range least; lut? R. a Beetle to Butan hsahaii Company, IJmltad. the aonkeW ;v .:Kr:."r?a -"' v e euwin, rsanlsia I R. tt lieatl. u orsts 4s k II. JJ. block I. PleUttkBai No. I: II to. ""eiins r. D. Ilaynes sal ttk llaynea. to U N. Briseisar. aereo or D. L, C. of K.lu3 wife, township tout., turn I m also land In sectioa 1L waynTj south, range I east; Hunt , Carl J. falrao to Jnaept L rinne I acres or sectioa 11, a, fi.ast township smith, rsase I east; tit LATEST KOR Oreoaa Clle MMa The genera) taodearv af ttt kets la upesrda, n tkk fc eaat; ao in me ppMiuce lifts, n kan vMtw mm , ana a mw oe; coming on and Ike ta tlswa Bat for the present wlster Mae, St 0 mand la downward. Bit tat sew ss a whole te a trite awe (Im wHb but few ceMsvatlilei ems: actnal advances. APPLES-G004 spews in ks mand yet and the price h tear' better prlres for r4 stork; ttv enough K4 Mark, eerer, ml there Is DUle or ao ttw4 tot slock at r oraw. frteei rtt shout ?&c lo II the Vn. aitk r choice commanditi se klrt a I Block In band of grower. UD; k haa been wild; It to the caen left and they coat ikoit t Hood Kler applet S D1H I1J.0. ' . . IM IT ATOKtJ There hit stronger f-eliog la iM tt mors Inquiry; aepeeUUy N pose. Kancy uxk l asit brlnalnr 1 . ed pottua . U eondrabl local stock M moving soma so Ut l "t t gain much hedy. ' ' VK(!rrrAUIJ-UtUrf laat reixirt; ontooar In price but other wt, J about the same. Oslow l-"-c and cVrrol 7J lo II to IMS rk. cabUag fCi run-it and rm-il lower and demand down lo IS with beat krt H 50; on.e aelllni w ' FMd prices srasuttawi elllng 111 o tiV U. . helld eort II "kedl.7S. rolled belngoffcred freely weak. With wln'", to sell and t conquence. AU i Fr from II to V to 11 lo 13. timothy i ' to meet the S Tto I Ing-grsy 25. h i t J I that tho market I ws rectory. ' . WIIKAT-Psylni E(10S-Aro very pl- price range, .bout IK- , DUTTEB Very B only commanding fro" V creamery now The I ng 30e to Mo f!ng V I market I. T.l jo. Choice dairy " ( 20o to 16o. r higher and bring ICo. rotters W r and mlied chickens 1M ,ng doing 't. . MEATS Ve' 10o to IK. hogs W v big demand tr.X ' nuctuate oooId,0"bJi, inDESrnP,, dry hldea Ho W J' to 750 each. " p eeAA MtfflaTi 1V W mohair iso dried rninTs- 6o and ,7o, sun dried sc r 0- ... ,Aa tn f ,ssrae-sv-. 100 lb. sscks. DO YOU WANT ANYTHING . . , Try the Classifcd Columns cf MORNING EFJTERP 3000 Rcadcn Ddr (