I lubiorlpllom for tho Morning T ..i.rorioo will bo received for ! fll limit I Ind B of low prlco. ;, ROSE Th only dally nowwpspor k 4. twoon Portland and SlS lrw 4 lata In ovory Motion of Cl- mil County, with a aoputetlM 10,000. Ara you an advrtlrf 4) VOfi. 1 No. 59 OREGON CITY, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 17, 1911. Per Week, 10 Cents ; i SOON BEALL OVER MINISTER IN THIS COUNTRY (TARTS FOR HOME WITH TERMS IN HIS POCKET. JOTH SIDES TIO OF THE WAR n(Mrrtcto Say Thy Will Not Qivo Up Arm Until Poac la fully Established Evry whor. NBW YOKK. March M. 8pl.) Th Mfilran Mlnlater, who I ft Now York today fur Meslco. takea with him the term on whlcji th Inaurrnctoi in, willing to lay down (heir arm. hut lla U tlr of the fighting and li willing to concedo reforms la nlao .admitted by llioao who have beii close to blm. That ther la a bettor prospect now than befor thai tha warring factlona of Mexico will get iDKcttifr Is believed by tho who un rirratand tha temper of both aide to tba controversy. president plat haa a reed to taka steps listing to reforms.- leaders on the other aide ara atlll auaplcloua and ay that there will come no cessation ot hostilities If Diss aaka tb Insur rectos tu flrt lay down their anna before ho will treat with them. They Mf In anrh a case tba leaders would be "hot and tba reforma never carried out. Benor Gonial Garta aaya that be fore hl nien will surrender Dlas muat sxree to declare null hla election of 110 and a (tree to aubmlt to a new lertlon under tba terma of a free bal lot; be muat an roe to allow tho re form! demanded. "Wo won't aurren r our anna until pear la fully Ublhhed and we can Ita good Beet.' SATURDAY, APRIL 22 CHOSEN BOOSTER DAY HORSE SHOW, STREET CARNIVAL. BALLOON ASCENSION, STREET PARADE, SEVERAL BANDS. . Tba Publicity Committee of tba rosuaerrlal Club bold a meeting la the ta rooma on Wedneaday evening ui decided to have a Booater Day wi llorae Show la combination, with t street carnival In conjunction, and tba date choaen waa Saturday, April it The Franklin Miller Carnival Com pan? haa been engaged to taka part In tba feailvltlwa of the occaalon. They will provide euch entertainment aa a balloon aacenalon, elide for life, high ting art, out-door trapeze and alack wire performance, all of which will be .free. Thla will be In addition to the bomo abow, with Ita different claaaea of snlmal and, teama. There will be a atreet parade, aev rrnl binda, prize for claaaea In tho boo ahow, prise for turnout demon strmlons, eto. In fact the whole day la to be given over to tha featlvltiea of the occaalon and an effort put forth to provide amusement and recreation for all claaaea of people. A Rooster Day may be made to do much for the town and the community, and much of the aucceaa depends on nry one getting Into the barneaa and bonding for the occaalon. A Booster Dt will do much to advertlae the city and the county; It will get people lo the city thoae who are In the habit of riimlnir tinra vhnm want tO wire often, and thoao who seldom come here whom we want to get start- d In mine anil ahom we muat Inter- Mt In coming In aome way like thla. What run you do to make thla Booster rmy a aucceaaT Think It over nd then have a talk with tha com mittee. The committee la Intereoted In doing all poaalble to get the crowd here on that ocraalon, and If you hav any lib-a that have not been thought of the committee will be glad to con Ider them. Talk to the committee nd doom with the committee and In e tho boya don't ace fit to use your "KResttnns It hna coHt you nothing " make them and you muat not (eel hrd that they are not used. Boost, wt be gnme along with your other itrtu and rejoice If you can con tribute) to the aucceaa of tho day but nt get sore If your auggeatlona do "ot appeal to othora. THT CONVENTIONAL BLACK won who "otand on ceremony " juu received a ahlpmant of the ZZ." - SYSTEM FULL DRESS waddlngal ' ho ballroom 1 rr tha h..i hand tailored. The prlcoa are ""wmy no criterion of their value. "aaaaaaBBas Price Brothers XCLUSIVE CLOTHIERS Not LikeOtkera th and Main Ste. 44e WEATHER FORECAST. Oregon City and Portland ralr; northerly winds. Oregon Generally fair; varl- able north to northaaat wlnds.t vvvvtttt;4f COLO WEATHER STILL HOLDS. CHICAGO. March l.(8pl.) Re vere cold weather contlnuea In the Middle Weat with little proapect that tho full force of tho etortn will pnaa for two orthre daya yet. rroapecta thla may be the laat atorm thla sea-aon. ROOSEVELT TO SPEAK. Dam Named In Hla Honor to Bo Dad I. eated Saturday. CRAM) CANYON. Ariz.. March 1. Hpl.) President Roosevelt arrived hero today and will real till tomorrow. He baa Juat flnlahed eight daya of con atant travel and apeaklng and needa thla reaplte. He waa the private gueat of tlov. Hloan tonight and there were no other gueata and no apeaklng. The new Roosevelt dam, near Pboenli. will be publicly oiwtied Suturday at which time HooHPvelt will apeak. - MEMORIAL DAY ... Should Be Reaouod la the Opinion of Mr. Aldtrman. BAUCM. Or.. March !. (8pl.) Huperlntendent of I'ublln Schoola Al derman today aald: "Memorial day ahotlld be reacued from the turpaea to which It baa been put by many." Mr. Aldermaif promlaea to do air ha oaa to aea tnat tba day la obaerved In all the echoola of the Htate. He la conalderlng the mailing of circular let ter lo all echool principal auggeatlng programa appropriate to the day. He wlahea all would wear evergreen on Memorial Day. CLAIRMONT WINS DECISION. Dabate the Canal Queatloo With Carua Wednesday Evening. The debate at Clalrmont Wedneaday evening waa between the local debat er and a team from Carua. The quea tlon for debate waa, "Keaolved, That the Panama Canal Will be of More Iteneflt Than all the Rallwaya." Carua had the affirmative with A. Thomaa, Al Marehbcrger and Otto Iayman on the team. Clalrmont, who won the declalnn. waa represented by Frank Mlnter. (ieorge Kordanant and H. Kuptienbender. There waa a full hotiae and there were literary and muatcal number on the program In addition to the. debate. . . SINGLE TAX AGAIN. Clalrmont to Debate Queetlon With -Mountain Vlw. Clalrmont haa accepted a challenge frnm ii..unf ln Vlw in debate the queatlon. "Reaolved. That the Single Ta la Preferable lo the Preeent Iay Taxation." The queatlon la to be de bated on Friday evening. Marco si. Clalrmont takea the negative aide of the queatlon and Meaara. Frank Mlnter, George Kordanant, John Oaff ney and B. Kuppenbender will repre sent them. Meaara. J. tioroei. woorge Roberta and Wm. Heard will aupport the affirmative for Mountain View. Theae gentlemen have debated thla aame queatlon In the home aoclety ao that It will not be entirely new to them. TEACHERS INSTITUTE GLADSTONE SATURDAY PROGRAM PREPARED . PROMISES GOOD THINGS FOR THOSE WHO ATTEND IT. Tlana are perfected for the teachera' . ....... . In olaHiilnnn Ami. inniuuie o w n' v- urday, and the program prepared la . . . . a Tk. r 1 t tt aaiu to iw n "u - m.iiI I. a mnoil mrtfte for the occaalon and thoae who attend will enjoy the hoapltalltle of the little town on the bank of the Clackamaa. Following i tne program. 'What practical Aruumcwc v r tinrhanan What the Country 8chool Can Ho -. ., tn Voun the nova on inn rami A. W. Winn nlnner X. U Club LJ,t,erary program by the tiianaione achool VVl .it.. ntth rondtttona In the Iimiri .iv-- Schoola" W. C. Jolley "The Chlld'a Side of Thing . . . . . a. 1 1. r i an 1 ." ' " ... toaxhera Invited to inoi oiuj : i theao Inatltutoa but frtenda of the achool and patron are invuu toy the prlvllegea that theae occaalon ' ' . .. . ThAM are bring to ine coiiiiihiiu. ----. . i ... in. HUiMiHHlon that always luinta i - ,,,. will Intereat the general public as well aame ibbchci. GLADSTONE ODD FELLOWS Vlalt Orient Lodge, Portland, and En i.u n.nnuat a Uaaaalo Mambora Several Gladatone Odd Fellow went . - nn-ilnH WeHneadav nlaht to at tend a banquet at the rooma of the Orient lodge. I nere waa a " . . ..... .Mittv tivnnt on the flrat do irni utvi y t -- gree, between the Portland degree teama of Orient and Haasaio toagea, . . .n.o. nun Orient lodge won the cup and to ahow that their hearta were In the rigm pice my -good time to thoae whom t hey bad da- feated. There waa a grn a""- Thoae who attended from Qladatone lodge were Meaara. w. ,bcu"'7' Tnhn nennlaon and J. C. Bchmldt They report a moat enjoyable evening ' - - ...1,1 Tftnlaht. M. . ri... . alrla nrffAnllA ran nei ..inu tion in me jongTriiM" achool will give a aoclal In the par . . . ivi. .lunim There tore or mo cnurvn iu ----- . . . . . . . i.fiAhmnll Win no a anon - will be served. The glrla promlao to make It a pleasant ovenlng for you If you win aiiruu. . WHEN YOU SEE A MAN WHO JUST ABOUT TO HENRY GEORGE, jl WILL SPEAK HERE SON OF THE APOSTLE OF SINGLE TAX TO TALK AT WILLAM ETTE HALL A BIG MAN' IN HIS OWN RIGHT Stand at the Hoad of tho Work In the East Comae Diroct From Nsw York City. f ' The Morning Enterprlae and the Portland Oregonlan were the flrat pa per on the Coaat both publishing It simultaneously to announce the fact that Henry George, the aon of tne apoatle of Single Tai. would armak In thla city Saturday night and In Port land twice on Sunday. Arrangementa have been made to have Mr. George apeak In Willamette hall, over George Hrdlng'a drug atore, nd the hour la 8 p. m. Saturday even ing. It la to be hoped that mere win be a full house to bear him. - Mr. George la the aon of the great man who Oral propagated the doctrine of Single Tax a It la given to the world at thla time. He ia a bright man. ha much of the h?e of bla fath- and baa been a atudent of Single Tax since he waa a young boy.' Added to thla la the fact that he la a very Interesting aneaker In hi own right, and make a very Intereatlng addreaa. lly all mcana hear him hear him for hla father If you will, but better atill hoar him for what he la himself. All reporta concerning the man and bla ability Indicate that he la a great man. and once you hear him you for get that be ta the on of a great father and you like him and bla style and hi addrena tor what be la blm aelf and not becauae he ta a "Son of hla Father." He cornea here direct from New York, where he la recognized as tne head and front of the Single Tax movement and where It la known that he la a great man In hla own right. Hla vlalt to the Coaat ia for the purpose of further awakening the Interest In Single Tax that begina to ahow Itaelf In many of the eommunl- tlc In thla Far West country. You mav not agree with Mr. George before you hear him. and you may not agree with him after you hear him., but It will cost you nothing to attend thi meeting and you may learn something thst you will gladly know even If you cannot accept the philosophy put forth. SELLING TO DRUNKARD CAP O'DONNELL PLAIMS THAI 8ARVER GOT DRINKS WHEN VERY DRUNK. .losenh Karrlck. who owns the Log r.in auloon. was taken Into custody Thursday morning on the charge of selling liquor to an tntoxirsiea person. He plend not guilty and a hearing was had In his case. Aa the storv goes a man named O 8. Sarver, from Estaeada, waa In tho cllv Wedneaday night and became In toxicated. Two men a man called Cap O'Donnell and one Jo Doe after having a drink or two Induced him to aro to bed at Anderson's rooming house. Joe Do slept with Sarver and. that gentleman chargea that toward morning Joe Doe decamped with about $00 belonging to him. In any event Server bad bat three or four dollar when he cam to him self Thursday morning and he aaya he must have had $60 when ho went to bed tho -night before. Chief of po lice Shaw waa hunted up, to wnom no told hi story, and Cap O'Donnall waa apprehended and Karrlck warned to appear and anawef charge of selling to a drunken man. When O'Donnell waa arrested be HAS OWED YOU FOR MONTH! BUY AN AUTO. - told all he knew In the case and' his atory Implicating Karrlck, he too, waa compelled to appear acd answer to the charge recited above. Karrlck 'was before Recorder Btlpp Thursday after noon but the warrant being faulty he allpped through the meshes of the law and escaped. Joe Doe whose name and Identity la unknown fled from the city and will no doubt give Oregon City a wide berth from thla time on. Officer Shaw waa disappointed In not being able to make the charge stick aa be thinks he had a ease and believes that If a half dozen can be convicted of breaking the law the saloonists will be willing to be good. Hiurt atUrlOOL FORUM Will Bo Honored By Attendance of School Board Today. Preetunii i;amptiellrof the Vnlver aity of Oregon, will be present In the High school Forum thla morning and will apeak. The Board of Education will attend and you ar invited to be present also. Parenta and frlenda ot the achool may do much good In In lereatlng th youna; people by oc casionally dropping In to see ho thlnga ar progressing with them and with their studies. You are especially Invited on thla occaalon. Woolsey Paya Hla Fin. Alfred Woolsey. of Estaeada. who wss arrested In this city on the charge of dmnkeness February 6. and who waa released on the 8th on th prom lae that he would pay $5 aa aoon as he made It, sent a remittance thl week of that amount and now atand even with the city. All of which goea to ahow that some good men 1 commit an error, and need an oppor tunity to atart again. - REV. PROCTER VILL STAY IN OREGON CITY DECIDES THERE ARE MOR THINGS TO INTEREST HIM HERE THAN IN EUGENE. Rev. W. M. Proctor, who waa Invited to preach at the Flrat Congregational church In Eugene and to speak at the Y. M. C. A. In that city, and who later waa asked If he would Consider a call If one were extended to him haa, after giving the matter consideration, de cided to remain in Oregon City. ' There were some enticing things In connection with the work In Eu gene, eapeci"1'? college man who likea that side of church life, but tax Ing the aubject up aa a whole there are more ihlnKS which Interest M Proctor here and he haa decided to re main here. All of which will prove very pleasant newa to hla congrega tlon In thia city. Choice Lots In Gladstone EASY TERMS T. L. Char man CITY DRUG STORE, . f4 A. O. S. Dlgoatlv tablet ar excel lent remedy for Dyspepsia 25 and 50 conta. Prescriptions and Family Rocolpta filled with pure drugs. Prlcoa reason able. . CHARMAN A CO. CITY DRUG STORE. Charman Bros.' Block. DHIPFIT HAT MD DLHlNI HUl lUI PAPER COMPANIES B. T. McBAIN GIVES VOICE TO SENTIMENT OF WEST SIDE CORPORATION BURDEN PLACED ON INDUSTRIES Official Tell What Hie Concern Haa Done and lo Doing for City and County and Explain Present ' Attitude. B. F. McBaln stated yeaterday that the remarka In the Interview recently the Enterprise, that annexation would be a good thing for the West Bide Mills were certainly very amus ing. He siatd 'urther: Of course cannot speak lor tne Crown Company nor for the Electric Company, but certainly can for my own people. The Willamette Pulp and Paper Company. We look upon thla annexation scheme aa one of the vils that must be met every so often. It comes "up almost every two years or aa aoon as the Legislators return from their forty daya and nights of labors. , It Is stated In olden tlmea that for a like period the rains fell nd tbe water rose until toe lands were flooded and no where could anything be seen but water, but tbe only remaining inhabitanta, those In the Ark. were promised a line riooa should never be visited upon this earth. For the past two or three. possibly more, session of th Oregon State legislature, th good clUzena aent there to make law during a like number of daya and nlghta have flooded the statute books with law and efforia which nave done mora damage to thla atate from an Indus trial and commercial standpoint than another flood of olden times could do. but this Is not exactly to the point. The new Annexation law ia little or no different than tbe one hlch haa existed for yeara. at the aame time It Is now on th books and the people, I suppose must try it nut- hut as far aa annexation to Oregon City or any other city being of benefit to the naper mma ta con cemed It will take mora than the mere ' atatement to convince tnoa who ar now called upon to pay a larse Bortlon ot the present county tsx, that there will be any, otner benefit" than naytng over oouoie the oresent tsx to benefit Oregon City In th clearing up ot ita indebt ednesa. "My people on all occasions have shown a willingness to be fair, have helped almoat everything that naa been undertaken to advertiae or benefit Oregon City, and at tb pres ent time nur mill are directly or Indirectly without exaggeration glv inr emnlovment to 900 or 1000 peopl Our own pay roll amounta to cloo to $50,000 per month at the present time and 90 per cent of tnia amouni is without doubt apent In and about Oregon City. Your poetmaater will acknowledge that our company'a busi ness with t'nele Sam- baa been of benefit to the city and is gradually Increasing. "Our mine are provided with the beat obtainable In the way of fire equipment, we have a water supply second to none with a very large filtering plant, ao there is nothing to be gained In thoae dlrectlone. "From my atandpoint, aa a resident of Gladstone, an out-of-town member of the Commercial Club and a mem ber of the Publicity Department of said Club, giving more or less of my own and the company time each week I hope for the good of the county. ' I consluer that the Mayor. h. -it. council and all others, who should be Interested In the welfare! of the city, should drop tne unpie-.-ant matter they have suggested, for Oregon City certainly, during the past few days, has hsd some very poor, although I think truthful re marks, and data given through the columns of this paper, which Is rightly opens to the views of those ror and against annexation or any other matter of general Interest. If I lived on the West Side I 'Vrt.a1,,Bf annexation aa It certainly will he no one other than those In the city and I doubt that Oregon City resb rnn want to see new territory taken In. I am working for the good of the county first, the city as a part thereof. In my position aa member of tho Publicity Committee and as long as I am a memner men" tlnue that policy." LADIES' AID SOCIAL AT PAKE CHIP MOST ENJOYABLE PROGRAM GIVEN AND A VERY LARGE ATTENDANCE. The Ladles Aid aoclety of the Park place Congregational church aad friBtiria were entertained yeaterday afternoon by Mrs. A. Coffey and Miss Avis French at the home of the for mer at Parkplace. The affair waa In the form of a St. Patrick party, and decorations appropriate for the occa alon wra need In th different rooms. n...i.. tha afternoon a urogram suit- akia for this occasion was given, and among the numbers were the follow- , , . ... n...n " Ins;: Trio, -weariua; ot i" v, lira. Frank Luoaa, Mra. Hendricks, Mrs. Joseph Brunner; solo, Mrs. A. Coffey. A most enjoyable afternoon was spent, and toaats wer given to th Irish prasent and those not present before th departure ot the guests Several Iriah recitations wer en- Joyed. Refreshments were served during the afternoon.- Present were Mrs. Kalmbacb, Mrs. W. A. Holme. Mrs. ..Joseph Brunner, Mrs. John Kent, Mrs. Fellows, Mrs Rivers, Mrs. Bishop, Mrs. O. L. Clyde, Mrs. M. Lv Iirayton, Mrs. Munger, Mrs. J. "t. Apperson, Mrs. LaDeux, Mrs. Harry Peckover, Mrs. Hendricks, Mrs. Frank Lucas, Mrs. Frailer, Mrs. A. Coffey, Mrs. A.. Brown, Mia A via French, Miss Grace Hendricks, Miss Catherine Brunner, Miss Fay French, Prof, and Mrs. Jolley, Miss Horner, Mis Effle Morri. CHINA SHOWER TONIGHT. Lltorary and Musical Program Will B Given You Ar Invited. The Mount Pleaaant Civic Improve ment Club will give a china shower at th Mount Pleaaant school house this evening, and all who attend ara to bring a piece of china, auch as sugar bowl, creamer or any useful article to be used at the suppers or socials in tbe future. A program of the following numbers will be rendered during th evening: Recitation. Lyle and Merle Yexley; select reading. Miss Lnnle Osborne; four selections by the ladies' quartet, Mrs. Thomaa Worley, Misses Maude, Edith and Mary Reilly, accompanist. Mrs. Tbomaa Worley; selection, Louis' Forward. CHAUTAUQUA PROGRAM PRACTICALLY FILLED ONLY TWO POSSIBLE VACANCIES AT THIS TIME, WITH SEVERAL APPLICATIONS ON FILE. The Gladstone Chautauqua people wish to give tb W. C. T. U. ladies one Saturday as a day devoted to the (uteres' of the W. C. T. U. aa an or ganization. But the ladle want another day than Saturday, and the committee haa been trying to figure out some other dsy so that thvra may be no dissatisfaction. The Chautauqua officers wish to secure a speaker rrom me Kasi ior W. C. T. U. day. aa there ia no one in the West that has not been heard that the committee would ilk to see invited for that occasion. But so far It haa been Impossible to secure Just th Demon that tbe officers and tne W. C. T. TJ. can agree upon at th prlc that th committee feel warrant ed In paying. The Bible claaa teacher Is another position that has not been filled for certain as yet While this ia an Im portant post of service the committee cannot appropriate above a certain figure and aa money talka it la not always possible to get what you want with what you can afford to pay. These are tb only two" vacancies on the Chautauqua program at thla time. DRILL DOYtl 920 FEET AT STONE OIL WELL CASING HAS BEEN PUSHED DOWN TILL FLOW OF WATER HAS BEEN STOPPED. S.'ONE. Or., March 16. (SpD The drill waa sent down 20 feet today. On the face of It thla doe not look aa good aa the reporta tor the paat two daya. but it Is, Today tn arming was stopped long enough to put aown 1 more casing, which was don success- P . . . . i n onn ... t aa. IUUV. 1 nere mrv mw tcv - Ing'ln the well and the operators are satisfied that they have th water en tirely shut off and that there will be no further bother from water unless another vein Is struck. There were strong Indlcstlons of oil In nearly every bucket of drillings brought up today. The drill Is still passing through the aame ahale of the past few days asphalt shahs and this Is an oil-bearing rock or aana. Prospects ate getting better dally ana the owner of tne wen are mun more encouraged each day. if tne present ratef descent la continued for a few more daya the 1200 feet that the well is-to be drilled In will have been reached. , An oil expert from Pennsylvania was on the ground today the same one who stopped In Oregon City, men tion of which wis made in the Morn ing Enterprise thla week ana ne was nosing around a little to aee what was to he seen about the well. The own- ra of the well are glad to show visit ors what Is to be seen in cse tne men come from curiosity. Hut there was a ausplclon that thla visitor might not be telling more than half his er rand. In which case the owners would not feel like divulging anything. The deeper the drill goea tne more excited the people living near the well become. Cltlrena of Stone take a mnch Interest In the success ot this venture aa If they owned the property, all of which add to the excitement In the cnmmunltV and in' xest wun which th real owner money. put up their Read the Morntng Enterprise. ooovoooooaoooomofoowooofowoovo'00 A PENNY SAVED IS A PENNY EARNED THAT'S WHY SO MANY PEOPLE LIVB IN CLAinr.lOTJT Living cheap -taxae love water fro aavlngs largs. Thar ar many advantage and prlvllogoo afforded th owner of a Clalrmont aorag tract that cannot b obtained in th city. Aak u abut thorn. W. F. SCHOOLEY Ct CO. Both Phone. 1 K . . S12 Main St., Oregon CKy. otooooooomooooioomoooo4oo4oo49Mj; CHILD IS KILLED BY PASSING Mil WALTER LEWIS, SIX YEARS OLD, STRUCK BY REAR CAR OP EXPRESS. OMY SMALL BROTHERS WMSSES Skull Fractured, Young Lad Unflor for Eighteen Hour, Never R gaining Consciousness ... . ... Till H Died. Walter Lewis, the six year old aon of Mr, and Mr. Nelson Lewis, living above. Canemah, waa struck by an 8. P. train Wednesday evening and died Thursday from the effects of tbe injury. Waller, with two brothers I vhrtui A0-M were anH K started to - -.,, tne tracks near their home lust as a train came awlftly by. They pushed the gat open by th side of tbe track, intending to cross aa aoon aa the train bad passed. - in some way Walter waa struck by tb last car of the train and fell to th aid of the railway Juat aa th train disappeared down tbe line. The two brother wer th only wit nesses to tbe accident. The older on I but 8. 11 araot say whether hla brother stumbled and fell against the car or whether,' getting too near, the suction of th swiftly-passing train drew him to bis death. - - When the train had passed It was , evident to the two boys that something was wrong with Walter. Th new waa carried to th mother and Walter was picked np and carried Into th bona. Dr. Mount waa at one called and set about In an effort to save the life of the little fellow, it being evi dent that th accident waa a serious one. ' v . Examination ahowed that th Utile lad had been hit on the left aide of (be head and that his skull waa frac- . tared.- Everything possible was done to sat blm bat without effect. The accident occurred at S-.1S p. m. Wed nesday and th lad died at 1: JO p. m. Thursday, at no time regaining con ctousness. An operation in trephin-. Ing was undertaken but it waa without effect so far as saving tbe boy's lit waa concerned. Naturally, with only children as wit nesses to the accident tb detail are meager and the evidence I much of a circumstantial nature. The) 8. P. claim agent made as rigid an exami nation of all tbe circumstance con nected with tb accident a possible, and ao far aa he could find tb circum stances ar a Indicated abov. The father Nelson ' Lewi waa away from bom at the time of th accident, working near Sheridan, Ore gon. An effort was made to get Into communication with him to summon v him home to the funeral. As soon as the child died Coroner Fox waa aummoned to hold an Inquest, -which he did at o'clock Thursday evening. On examination Coroner Fox found that tbe skull waa fractured, and It was that which caused th death of the child. Dr. Mount waa In attend ance on the little fellow from th time of the accident until hla death, 18 hours later. Dr. Fox Impanelled the following Jury. Fred Osmund, Forbes Pratt. John Adams, Tho. Myers. Wm. Wilson and Wm. Howell. Tbe verdict of th jury was that tbe child came to his death from being struck by a passing train running at high speed on the Southern Pacific Railway. ANNUAL MEETING OF PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH BANwUET APRIL 1 WITH ELEC TION OF OFFICERS AND COM MITTEE REPORTS. The annual meeting of th Presby terian church Is held tbe first of April, generally on the first day. At this time the election of officers takea place and tbe committees of the church make report. Thla meeting la made a general clearing house for church business. In addition to the business feature of the meeting there Is the social side. At this meeting there is a banquet to the members of the church, and effort is made to have a full attend ance, of members. The matter of the banquet for thla year haa been turnofl over to the ladles of th church and preparations are nearly complete for a grand good time on that occasion. Outside of the election of officers and the good time that the banquet promises there la little of moment to come up in connection with the annual event thla year. Th church has done a grant work th past year, and natur ally th committee reports will show as much, hence th wisdom of ovry member being present when th roll 'I,, c,n,d on the night In question. ! ' V: