Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, March 16, 1911, Page 3, Image 3

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anfldaniie In all
a and our special offer on seasonoble .Tool and Hardware.
L always ahewOeoda up to data and of tha beat mske and hlghset
lit If anything la not first ola, to eavyou a fw canta In tha
i a wa will tall you aa and haw wo aamo to have tha etoek. We
f dtpandabie good and then aall them oloae; wo oan do It far wo
eln our own building and havo no foara 'whan tha rent-man come
tool.8 and oaaaonablo novoltlao. We carry a full Una of Shears,
J.iora 'and Strope, from whloh to chooae a nice outfit.;
Rank 1 Btisch
Eleventh and Main Sti.
iMhlnv. of Oak Orove. won
lyrritnn ny Wedneeday.
Choirc "Tire rMnia In Uarobrlnua
block; '""" ,,,'"t- B J J To"'n'
n.. r..i.i of tha Electric Theatre
b brlnx ,",,'', ro"1 '
gm H'"'. """ of. the frmere of
ulills aH fh Oregon Clly on busi
er Wllll-1'-
MIM C Goldsmith invitee tne laaise
l Mrmllllntry dlaplay Monday,
Mirth 20, " following day.
. im. mre farm of J. Y. Hum-
1 HOT .
ahry at M"'"'l Pleasant, wa sold on
Albert Kllloil. of Needy, m aiming
IM Orrtt"" ('"y business visitor on
n r l..Mka. oua Of (ho well k Dow II
farmers of Molulla, waa In IbU clly on
ratine" Wednesday,
u t n.raruvo. a ral estate nan
at Portland, was In tbls cliy on land
kutloeM on wennesaar.
ir you are particular about butter,
tl.tvi i t Fall City brand, 75 eta.,
M Hrrl' Grocery.
tk rfiiu-uaalon at Clalrmont last
alibi n tho question, "Resolved,
That' the 1'snama Canal Will bo of
Nora Hrn. nt Than all tho Rallwaya."
New orlr.-a for film developing.
No. I end 2 llrownlee lor. All other
ties of 6 exposure lie, at Huntley
Bros. Co.
The r f ninil Kv. Church hua but In
are carpet ami new Bests, and thaaa
Improvements have added murh to the
lenerst iparance of tbelr audience
Tha Mi.rrv I leucine Club wW niv a
tux In Hunch's Hall on Friday even-
to S. I'strlck a night, coffee ana
roko will be served.
JnailM Hsiuson la selllna a stock of
goods at auction today al 10 a. m. on
tba farm of J) K. Morrtaon, near Wil
lamette.' There are the ususl farnr
tooli and household effecta.
Now It the time for pancakea and
maple lyrup. Maple ayrup can or
bottle tt rente. Olympic Pancake
nour tt cent, at Harris' Orocery.
W. B. Thompson, At Hog Hollow,
raj iraaaartlnar bualneea In Oregon
Or 00 Wednesday. Mr. Thompson
It a aiemill man and owner of an SO
errt farm.
Ujm'i a ian, fn hnv anmn ltavl-
hud Chine and Cut Glass at M leee
iwa rarulsr nrlrea. at Hnntlev Bros,
Co, tbls week. Bee window dlaplay.
Clalrmont and Mountain View are
lo debate I he question of Single Tax
kit Ihe date haa not been oet and
ttoaa who will debate have not all
btea chosen.
Tr win ka i Rt. Patrlek'B dance
a New Era on Friday evening. March
17. In New Ere hall. Tne osnce win
bt given by Ihe Orange, and a good
Urns Is anticipated.
Amy Tale won the new scholar eon
tHt at the Canemah Sunday school
ind was given the prlite one dollar,
mm now on each acbolar that brlnga
la a new pupil will be given a eong
book for a prize.
Jiihn kiiv In tall for aelllna liquor
a Bundny, and nerving SO daye in
Jail, has been working on tne airreia
and Hnlnv mrA wnrlr BA that It ll
likely bin sentence will be suspended
and he Im permitted to leave town u
be wishes
flntirtn uhll ahannnn (ina of the
earliest of Oregon pioneers, arrived In
r ... . . . i 1T .
unnon i:ny rrom roriiana on
aul ami will rainatn ttaro for BOV
tral wwka.-Captain Shannon tea been
eonnned by Illness for tbe paat nve
monthn, snd waa accompanied hero
yesterday by Tile danghter, Mra. Bert
Oleiy, of I'ortland.
John D. Koluy, of Eugene, waa found
taping off a drunk under tho 8ev
enth street bridge Wedneeday night
When arrowed by Officer Cooke ho
nde g nght and waa determined ha
would not ito to Jail. Recorder Btlpp
tve him G daya and $5 fine. After a
lav days to sober up the Recorder la
likely lo W him go.
8. P. mvlH, of Pittsburg, an eiper
weed oil man from tho Pennsylvania
laid, waa in the city looking around
Wednesday. He learned all he could
concerning the oil well at Stone and
ld he Intended to go out and aeo for
Imieir. Re baa had large experience
It Wouldn't Pay to Advertise
r A Poor Article
Nor proposition of doubtful merit or honety for ad-roadera,
nowadays, are DISCRIMINATtNQ.1 They know valuee they know
OSNUINt thing, genuine opportunltleo.
Any article which "can be oold by advertising la, by that Mat,
000D article. YOU aro eaft In buying a thing whloh haa "atood
th fir of publicity. . ' " ".-,.;
The maker of a widely dvertleed article, or commodity, I nl
y on trial for hi bualnoaa life. Ho cannot ahlrk, (tor cheapen hla
Product and thla la tho boot pooolblo protection for the oonumr.
You are SAFI In buying gdvortroed things-If the loglo of
"vnidayi buslnes condition.
Ota brands of Taala anil Uinlunn
Oregon City, Oregon
In Pennsylvania, and as nil fields are
more or less alike he inuy bo ablo to
tell something of prospecta here.
Tbe Oregon Clly Bhon Store was
crowded on Tuesday, and It waa mc
essury to close tbe doors for some time
owing to the large crowds trying to
gain silinltiuncn to buy soma t ihe
shoes Hint were placed on sale, sight
ly daiiiHirrd by tbe- recent fire, and It
waa necessary to hire many exira
clerk on Wednesday. Ulna of shoes
were aoon cleared out. ' .
Mine Ksther Ievltt Is vlslilug wlib
friends in I'ortland for a few day.
Miss Crace, Whltehouse was a guest
at the home of Mlsa Roma Stafford
tbe first of the week.
Mr. l)anu'll.,B politician and rltlxcn
of Mullno, waa transacting business lor
1li4 city Wedneeday.
fir. J. P. Allen, of Tacoma, Wash.,
wait in Oregon ('ity -on Tuesday and
Wednesday, and registered al tbe
Ktectrlc Hotel.
Mra. Ransom and daughter, Mlaa
Ula Ransom, of Portland, were guests
Wednesday ot tho home of Mr. Frank
Moore, at Oreen Point, ,
Mre. II. L Kelly, who has been via
King with her son, Roy Kelly, of Hood
River, haa returned to her home In
ihla city. Mr. Kelly with hie brother,
F. 8. Kelly, of Portland, are ihe own
ers of a large fruit-farm.
Mlsa. Clementine Bradford, of Port
land, who haa ten a gueat al the
home or Mra. Kllzalwth Warner at
Mount pleasant, haa returned to he
home. Miss Bradford waa formerly
principal of - tbe Mount Pleasant
Mra. F. C. Donovan and Mre. Augus
tus Schwnrta were In Portland Tuee
day visiting Reynold Fosberg, who Is
in the hospital there from tbe effect
of an lojury received at ble homo In
Willamette several weeka ago. Foe
berg I getting better and It la planned
to bring him home next week.
Mra. R. B. Bperry, of Spokane,
Wash., who haa beeu spending several
weeka lu ibla rity the guest of her
alaier, Mra. J. R. lhaetidle, baa re
turned to her borne. She waa accom
panied by hr young eon, Milan, who
baa been visiting in thla city for alx
weeks. , , ,
Mr. and Mra. L. . .'loiton. of 1204
Main afreet, have aa uesto- Mr. Tboa.
Tasker, of St Pa a I. Minn., and Mrs.
Foster, of Fall River, Minn., a niece
of Mr. Tasker. They have been spend-
Ing tbe winter oa the Coast and are
greatly pleased with Oregon and the
West. Mr. Tas'ier and tbe father of
Mra. Foster were old comrades ot the
Civil War, being membere of tbe Co
K, 32d Wlaconsln Infantry. Tne viau
bore promises to be one of much In
terest to tbe men. who were so long
closely associated while fighting under
the Star and 8tnpea.
Mra. F. Rde, of Republic, Waah.. and
sister, Mre. Mary Meade, of Portland,
were in this city on Monday visiting
with frlenda and relaUveo. Mre. Edo
and her olater are pioneers of 1845,
and formerly resided in this city.
They have noticed many changes with
In the past few years In Oregon City.
Before their return to Portland they
vlalted wlta Mre. Mary McCarver, who
la one of the oldest Oregon pioneer
residing In thla city. Mr. Kde ha
Just returned from a trip to California,
and will vlalt In Portland for a few
daya before returning to her homo In
Prof. Lewie Will Be In Charge, With
Dairying Chief Topic
Preparations for the Farmera Insti
tute ot 8andy Friday, the 17th, are
progressing finely. There will be two
sessions, morning and afternoon, and
Prof. C. I. Lewi will have the Insti
tute In charge. Prof. Lewi I pro
fessor of horticulture at O. I. C, and
he la to be assisted by Pror. Kent, of
the aamo Institution.
Chief among tho toplca to be die
cussed art dairying, and the problemo
to be worked out along that lino.
Wfclle the weather seema to promUo
...k in, ilia hniv farmer still tht In-
II I tl L II "
atltute promise even more than one
day of good weather can give.
Read the Morning Enterprise.
JOHN ADAUaWIUcontfl nwl. t
dent of tho Doited Htates. Born 1
B ra I ntree.
Ma ao., Oct
80, 1730; died
Qulncy July
4, 1KM1. Grad
uated from f
Harvard 1755 X
and after
teaching for X
a time st ad
led la w. Boon
went Into nnl.
Itlca aud presented a' uieinoruil
aaalnst tbe ataiun act. IXM-llnxl
an appointment by. the governor
ana, wittt Hauiuel Adams, took
leadership agslnst British rule.
Wrote various article on taia-
itlou. Was elected a uumibcr of
0 . .
inn rirai voiniuenial congresa
and was on I lie committee to
draft Hie Ixtclnratloii of Inde-iHtndi-uce.
He led In muveuieut
lo orgmi.e Independent state
goveriiiin-iiis. Was sent on mis
slou to I rMiue and Holland and
gained recognition for the colo- T
uiea anu a loan rrom Holland.
Helped neirotlatu the treatv with
Oreat Britain and was after-
ward minister. ' Was elected
vice president wttb Washington '
and succeeded blm as president '.
-0M 444M4t
" Federation Office Building.
A SMs-nl (timmittee of the executive
couuclTof the Amerb-aii Feleratlon of
lbor bns under coiiHlderatlon plans
for a million dollar beediinnrters tmihl
lug lu dovtutown ' Wsslilngton. Tbe
commlttie Is emiHiweml lo have plans
drsfletl ii lid t,o receive eHtlmntes.
Tbe ueiloii uf a iiuiloiinl cnpitiil
besd(UMrten liulldlng bus liecu liiuler
eoiislderuibm for upwnrd of a year, but
no definite move lu thuf 'direction bad
been nmdo up to the present
Illineie Orders Label.
Tbe legislature of Illinois baa adopt
ed resolution ordering that tbe onion
label be placed on al printed matter
to be used by the eenate end house of
representatives. The great Mississip
pi valley, state baa thereby followed
tbe lead of eeveral other common
wealths, and oo the little leaven of
agitation for sts(e nse of tbe label of
tbe printing trade la gradually leav
ening the whole lump of atate gov
ernment In this country..
, Tb - trouble with - different .
plana of profit abarlng that are
usually 'presented I that they
nearly alwaya contain tbe ele
uirtit of coercion. In -other
words, tbe workman Is not trvst
ed a a man who by bla labor
that be bss given baa contiilt
uted toward tbe upiort and
eiK-4-eee of bl employer and Is
therefore entitled to a moiety In
addition to bl dally wage, but
be 1 told that In otter to re
ceive tbla moiety be must con
finite In the"mploy of his em
1'l.iyer. Tbla means virtually
Hist he mnst work at tbe wage
fixed by the employer and lorn
off a qualify and quantity of
work fixed by Ihe employer.
Tlil la not. profit sharing. It Is
n .iecle of slavery under which
tbe employer seek to own and
control as hi vassal the em
ployee who I foolish enough to
bite at thla type of profit shar
Ing. '
China Shower Friday Evening.
Tho Mount Pleasant; Clvlo Improve
ment Club will hold a china shower
at the Mount Pleaaant school bouse
on Friday evening, at which time a
musical and literary program will be
given. There will be no admission
charged, but all are Invited to bring
a piece of china, which Is to be used
st tho social functions that are to be
held In the near future. Refresh
ments will be served on Friday even
ing free of charge,
WANTED You to know that the En-
terprlae Job printing department la
tbe moat complete In tho State,
outside Portland. Try tt for your
next printing.
Mrs. Ellison and family are visit
ing with her uncle, M. W. J. Lewel-
Tbe Turnverienne 8oclety of
Portland and Sprlngwater basket
ball team played a game last Satur
day evening. Score tl to 14 In favor
of Portland.
Mra. W. J. Lewellen la visiting her
mother at Salem.
Grange held their regular meeting
laat Saturday. -
Everyone la busy .farming during
thla warm weather. '
Sprlngwater base ball team and
the Turnvorlenne Society played a
game of base ball last Sunday. Score
3 to 13 In favor of 8prlngwater.
Mr. and Mra. John Marchbank, of
Estacada called on tho latter' par
ents, Mr. and Mr. B. Tucker Sunday.
Mr VI" T Wlrta amort a to lecture
at Ftrwood, Sunday, March 19, at
a:au p. m.
Mr. B. F. Hart and daughter RutK
visited over Sunday In Montavllla.
A number or Firwooa ana Dover
people attended Grange at Sandy,
Saturday. Among them were A. J.
Morrison, Victor Badley, Mr. and
Mr. J. O DeShaxer, Mr. ana Mr.
E. D. Hart, Mr. and Mrs. A. Malar,
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Fischer, A. Mslar,
ui.. lannia latrirsnd. Clair Corey.
Mr. T. Koenecka, Mrs. Theo Miller,
Mr. Vernon Miller and Mia Kditn
Mr. J. T. Frlel, Sr. of Cherryvllle,
tarted for the east Monday morning,
him he will vlalt fnr tnma time at
hi old home In Sioux City, Iowa.
From there no expect to go to ueiav
John Slnolalr mad a trip to tho
city Monday aner a ioaa or mm
trees for M. Walton, B. F. Hart and
R. CbryUler. Vs
Ml Edith Miller spent tho past
week In Portiana visiting ner sister-
In-law. - .' T ' " ,
The Ftrwood Progressive Aocl
atlon haa been postponed one week,
will moot March 25.
No. 24.
at Wflsonvllle, In the Bute of Oregon at tho close of business March 7th,
.. . ( .. - ;
Loan and dlscourAa '. -,,. r........$243J27
Bonds, aecniitle. etc , 1,1411b
Banking bouse, furniture, and fixture S.964.05
Due from approved reserve bank ,, 1700 0
Cash on band I.6J7.M
ToUl $73,473.40
Capital atock paid In ..;..$ 15,000.00
Burplua fund ....i.. 100.00
Undivided profit, less expense sod taxes paid 682.S0
Individual deposits subject to check '. 43.285.SO
Demand certincateo of deposit 1,713.60
Time certlfieaiea of deposit f.291.60
Total , '. .173,473.40
STATE OF OREGON, County of Clackamas, as. '
- We, J. W. Thornton and Joe J. Thornton, owner of tbe above-named
bank, do solemnly awear that tho above statement la true to the beat of
our knowledge and belief. .
Owners. -
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 9th day of March, 1911.
No. 8556
at Oregon City, In the State of Oregon,
Loans and Discount
Overdraft, secured and unsecured
V. S. Bonds to secure circulation
Bonds, Securities, etc. .-.
Banking house, Furniture, and Fixtures
Due from National Banks (not reserve
Due from State and Private Banka and
and Saving Banka
Due from approved Reserve Agenta
Checka and other -Cash Item.,....
Notes of other National Banka
Fractional Paper Currency, Nickels,
Lawful Money Bcxerve In Bank, vlx:
Specie i
Legal-tender notea
Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer
Capital atock paid In....
Surplus fund
Undivided Profit, lesjs Expenaea and
National Bank Notea outstanding
Individual depoalta subject to check
Demand certificates of deposit
Total ,.
STATE OF OREGON. County of Clackamaa. ea.
' - I, F. J. Meyer, Cashier ot tbe above-named bank, do solemnly swesr that
the above statement la true to tho beat of my knowledge and belief.
F. J. METEJt, Cashier.
Subscribed and aworn to before me thla 11th day of March, 1911.
J. F. CLARK. Notary Public.
CORRECT Atteat: ' .
C. D. LATOURETTE. ........
.(Seal) . Y -
Supt. T. J. Gary"' visited " several
schools between Welches and Flii-
wood laat week. ' He was a Grange
vtaitor Saturday and gave a very In
teresting talk to an appreciative
Supt. Gary atopped Friday nlgbt at
A. Malnre.
John Sinclair and llule Cased y
Just finished clearing a piece of land j
for B. F. Hart, which will be set to)
(mil trees' Immediately. '
wkiura ,
Joe Carlson I plowing a great
deal of the upper Colton country.
Mr. and Mrs. A. ' E. Anderson are
prouo posaeasoiB or a new gin since
the tenth. .
Measlea Is silll the unwelcome
guest In some homeo.
Abe Tolln has plowed about thirty
acrea for Hult Bros, on the Robeson
place and baa started seeding.
Gust Gottberg Is laid .up-with a
sore foot.'
The Colton Horse Co. had their
annual stockholders meeting the
eleventh. Tbey own a $3,000 Imported
Percheron horse.
Mr. Laferty has put In a phone on
line 13. Hla ring la four hort-
Walter Gorbett la looking around
for logging team.'
Mr. Rennard Is going to have three
and one-half milea of wire fence put
p this spring.' Some old range
eowa will be "stung" when they try
to get-up to Rig Hill tbla aummer.
- Tbe Mothera aud Teachers Club
wilt meet Thursday, March 23d. at
the school. A debate by the high
school pupils will be the programme.
QuAilon: Resolved Foreign Immi
gration Should be Futber Restricted.
A ball ground for the boys will be
discussed also
Linden Circle W. of W. will give a
grand ball, March 25th, In city hall.
The Boyo Club now haa 38 mem
bers and tbe City Council donated
the use of the upper hall, for the
classes when Prof. Gens is teaching.
Thla favor la appreciated by the
club workers.
Two full blocks of cement walks
have been laid this week In Main
street, also In front of Mrs. Dora
Quant's place.
Phl Baker moved hia family to the
Oliver home and the Southern - Paci
fic agent will occupy the house va
cated by Mr. Baker.
Joseph Dobbins returned home
Monday, much Improved In health,
after several montha aojourn In Cali
fornia. Noak Toat moved hla family
Wednesday to the Peter Peque
homo in Mintborn. -
Mra. E. V. Sell wood of Portland,
waa in Milwaukee Tuesday, on busi
ness. Dorothy Wtsslnger ha the meas
lea and haa been abaent from school
two weeka.
Mr. Conklln la able to bo out
Mrs. Ella Maple la not so well the
past few day.
Dr. Fox of Oregon City, was In
Milwaukee Wednesday morning on
Mayor Brownell and Attorney Stlpp
of Oregon City, attended the coun
cil meeting Tuesday evening.
The City Council met Tuesday
morning. Petition for Harrison 8t.
were presented and resolutions
ordered posted. Waahlngton SL la
to have 16 foot macadamized grade,
full width and six foot ald walks.
A petition waa presented for the
Improvement of tho Intersection ot
Scott St., also for a drinking foun
tain wa referred to the street com
mittee. A new typewriter wa pur
chased for the City Recorder.
The petition for tho franchise ' of
the Mt Hood railway and power
company wa ordered posted.
Tho Commercial Club met 'Friday
evening. Report of committee
were read and referred to the city
Notary Public for Oregon.
at the close of business March 7th,
. i
. 1.477.04
. 11,500.00
. 76,772.43
. . 15,000.00
Bankers, Truit Companies,
, 2,690.00
, 276.58
and Cent
I . ' '
2,800 .00 i -40,847.60
a " a? C AA
(5 of circulation) 626.00
...I 80,000.00
... 2,211.81
... 137.99
... 1,840.00
... 249.983.71
... 23.427.43
Taxea paid..
, ...
, ...
secretary." Treasurer' report '" wa
read and accepted. Discussion on
changing tbe meeting nlgbt will
come up at the .next regular meet
ing. Milwaukee Grange will hold an all
day meeting Saturday, -March 18th.
A St. Patrick programme will be
given, and the discussion of early
garden making. Dinner will be
served at noon.
Councilman Fred Lehman waa In
I Oregon City Wednesday on business.
John Wordln (aliaa Jim, the Eng
llahman) had hla foot crushed at the
car ahope, and la on crutchea.
A.S. Ttowry. brother of Mra. W. E
i Morand. who died Saturday, was
; burled Monday frcni tbe family real
! dence In Qulncy addition. '
The little Italian bov who sioooed
on the Penni place (Buggelll) by
name, who died In Dr. Townley'a
office, waa burled Wedneeday morn'
Ing from the Pennl place.. Unfor
tunately he fell In tbe mill pond
back of Warren Knight's place and
attended school all day with hla wet
clothing on and supposedly died of
pneumonia. He waa operated on for
congestion of tbe lungs, but of no
Inspector E. C Clennent waa out
last week and made hla yearly In
spectlon of the Milwaukee post'
Miss Alice Tbomaa and Miaa Lax-
etta McGregory, two prominent
young ladle of Oregon City, were in
Willamette on Sunday, and were the
guesta of grandma Rivera.
Joe Parrish and family returned
to their home at Highland the first
of tbe week, after a visit here,
W. Rhyner. of this place, who Is s
contractor, bss been awarded con.
tracta for several buildings In
Portland. '
Many strangers have been recent
ly seen in Willamette, looking for
Charles Kanney' father-in-law
and family departed Wednesday for
Centralia. Wash., where they have
purchased a farm.'
At the present time, vacant
houses are at a premium In Willam
Many people of this place are
busily engaged In making gardens.
Church Notea
Evangelical church, Rev. E. Rade
baugh, pastor. Sunday ' school at
10:30 a. m., preaching 11:30 a. m. by
pastor, Y. P. A., 7 p. m., service. 8
p. m., prayer meeting Wednesday
evening, teachers' training Wednesday
evening and choir practice Friday
The Barclay school ball team de
feated the school team here Satur
dayScore 4 to 17.
Murrel Balcom la again In school,
after aeveral week'a absence.
A spelling contest 1 on between
the seventh and eight grade pupils.
The seventh grade has finished
their grammars and are now study
ing poems.
Wanted At Once!
Oak Grove
Mtlw-vtkee ;
j", for the;, , v
. - - '
Liberal term -to hustlers. See Mr.
Miller Circulation ' Department, En
terprlse, Oregon City Oregon.
Pays the highest price
We hoy and sell Second Hand Clothes
vVe alto do cleaning and pressing
Albert Katxke baa oold bl place
on Courtney avenue to Mr. Black
man, of Portland.
Mra. Williams and daughter, Ines,
of Portland, spent Tuesday with ber
eon, Bert Williams and family.
. C. N. White Is Improving slowly. .
' Rev. C. A. Lewi was an Oregon
City visitor Wednesday.
H. 8- Gibson was a Portland visi
tor last Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Cooke, of. Da
maacua, were, In tbe neighborhood,
last week, calling on relatives.
A. I;x waa the guest of Mr. and
Mrs. - Howlett for-; several day re
cently. He I an Advent preacher,
and held . services In tbe at hoc I
house Sunday. . There waa quite a
large number out to hear . him.
Mr. , and Mrs. J. p. Woodle and
children, Claud, Nettle and Joey,
were over thla way Sunday.
Mr. and Mra. Clark were enter
tained at dinner by Mr. and. Mrs.
Murphy 8unday.
Mra. Viola Dougiaaa called on
Mre. Huntington Sunday afternoon.
Our mall carrier, Ralph Gibson,
who baa been 111 with the measles,
has recovered bis uaual good health.
and la back on the route again, after
an absence of two weeks.
Mr." and " Mra.Henry" Udell "spent
Sunday with James Gibson.
Miss Robs Moebnke and Mrs. K.
B. Gibson took dinner with Mrs
Howlett Sunday.
Sheriffs Sale.
In tbe Circuit Court of the Star of
Oregon for the County of Clacka
H. L. Colvln, Plaintiff,
Estelle G. Peck and C. F. A. Peck, De
NOTICE la hereby given that under
and by virtue of a writ of execution
and order of sale issued out df the
Circuit Court of the Bute of Oregon j
for the County of Clackamaa, on the
Uth day of March, 1911. under and in
purauance of a Judgment, decree and
order of aale made and entered In
aid Court on tbe aald 11th day of
March. 1)11. in a suit wherein H. L
Colvln, plaintiff, recovered Judgment,
against Estelle O. Peck and C. F. A.
Peck, defendants therein, for tho sum
of Ten Thousand Dollars with Inter-,
est thereon st tho rate of eight per
cent, per annum from - the 28th day
of July, 1910, until paid, and the coats
and disbursements la said suit taxed
at Twenty Dollars, and tbe costs upon
tbla Bald writ, requiring me to mane
ale of the following described real
and personal property, to satisfy the
above-named suras, to-wit: .
All that portion of the Northwest
quarter (NWH) of the South weat
quarter (S 'Wl-0f 8ectlon Thirty-one
131). Township Three (3) South,
Range One (1) East of the Willam
ette Meridian, lying Weat of Pudding
River; and also the South half 8tt)
of Section Thlrty-oix (36), In Town
ship Three (3) South. Range One (1)
West of the Willamette Meridian, to
gether with all and singular tho tene
ments, hereditaments and appurtenan
ces thereto belonging or In anywise
appertaining, and also all the estate,
right, title and Interest of ald de
fendants in and to the same, Includ
ing dower and claim of dower, sit
uated in the County of Clackamas,
Stste of Oregon; and also all the live
lock, farming implement, grain,
crop and all other personal property
on or connected with the. above de
scribed premises, and in which the
aid defendants, or either of them,
have any Interest, together with the
Increase of the aame; and that all of
the said described personal property
will be kept Intact with the said above
described real property and treated
as a part of the same, and said per
sonal property and all of said real
premises will be sold together and a
one lot and parcel; to be sold a upon
execution, and the proceed arising
therefrom to be applied nrst to tne
costs and expenses of said sale, sec
ond to the payment of the coats of
said suit, third to the payment of
plaintiff'a demanda accruing from the
principal and Interest on aald Ten
Thousand Dollars aforesaid, and
.fourth the overplus, If any there be,
paid Into the said Court for those en
titled thereto.
I will at tbe hour of 10 o'clock In tbe
forenoon of aald day, at the Court
Hons door In Oregon City. Oregon,
In aald Clackamaa County, sell at pub
lic auction, for cash In hand, all the
rieht. title, estate and interest of
each and both tho aald Estelle O.
Peck and C. F. A. Peck, oerenaania
aforeaald, of. In and to alt the prop
erty above mentioned and described,
to satisfy the said execution and or
der of sale.
Dated at Oregon City, Oregon, thla
13th day of March, 1911.
Sheriff of Clackamas County, State of
First publication March 17, 1911.
Last publication April 14, 1911.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Dealera, have choice bargain In
farm land, city and suburban
home, good fruit land and poultry
ranches. See ua for good buy.
Near 8. P. depot.
Notice of Application for a Liquor Lt
cense. . Notice Is hereby given thst I will.
at the next regular meeting ot the
- City Council, apply for a license o
sell liquor at my place of bualness,
The Cole Bldg., Butler Saloon, 703
Main street, for a period of three
Notice of Application for a Liquor Li
Notice la hereby given that I will,
at tho next regular meeting of tne
City Council, apply for a license to
ell liquor at my place or ousmowe
The Oambrtnno, Comer 6th and
Main streets, for a period of three
months. - . - 1
C. G. HODE8.
Notice of Application for a Liquor Ll
' cenee. . ' i ' '
Notice Is hereby given that I will,
Ice Second Ilantf Gootf
at the next regular meeting of tha
City Council, apply for a license to
ell liquor at my plac of business,
Tho Idle Hour, corner Fourth and .
Main streets, for a period of three
The partnership heretofore existing
under tho firm name of Story tt Thom
as, having been dissolved by mutual
consent, all liabilities of the firm are
assumed by Owen O. Thomas and all.
accounts due the firm are payable Uf
the aforesaid Owen G. Thomas.
Dated at Oregon City, Oregon, this
24th day of February, 1911. .
E. F. 8TORT,
Wants, For Sale, Etc
Notices under these eUaslflsd ha4mas
will b Inserted at one cent word, fir a I
Insertion, half a cent additional inser
tions. One Inch card, tl per month . half
Inch card. 4 lines) tl par month.
Csab must accompeor order unlrse one
has an open account with the per. - No
financial responsibility for errors; where
errors occur free corrected aotlco will he
printed for patron. Minimum enarse lftc
cents sn hour. Call Pacific States
FOR SALE One 1200 lb work horse
. at $75 and one number 33 refrig
erator. P. D. Newell, Jennings
Lodge, Oregon.
FOR 8 ALE 8 pace . In thla column
Sell that old plow or marrow; yow
'don't use It since yon purchased
your new one. '.... . .
78 acre tract good land, no rock, S
miles from Oregon City, 1 miles
from O- W. P. car lino. Good fruit .
land. . . Cat Into 7 and 14 aero tracts,
tlOO to $228 per aero. Enqalro of
D. K. BUI V Co., Room 8V Beaver
Bldg., Oregon City.
HARRY JONES Builder and General
Contractor. Estimates ' cheerfully
given on all claoaes- of building
work, concrete walk and rolaforcod
concrete. Re. Phono Mala ill.
O. D. EBT, . AUorney-at-Law. Money
loaned, abstracts furnished, land
title examined, estate settled, gen
eral law business. Over Bank of
Oregon City. ' . j
C'REN" ft BCHUEBEL, Attorn eyo-at-
Law,. Dratacher Aavokat. win pra
tic tm all court, make collection
and settlement. Office In Enter
prise Bldg-, Oreeoa City, Oregon.
V. R. HYDE, Abstract Office
Land title investigated, conveyan
cing, notary public. :
Room 7. Barclay Bide Oregon City.
E. B. COOPER, For Fir Inaurancr
and Real Estate. Let us kaadle
your properties w buy, sell and
exchange. Office ' In Enterprise
Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon.
When I moved Into my new store
I But In a nice lino of NEW FURNI
TURE, which I am selling at the pri
ces usually oooted for second hand or
shop-worn goods. Come In and look
around. , .
Fine line of curloo and relic.
Treasurer's Notice.
I now have funds to pay, County
Road Warrants endorsed prior to
Jnne 20. 1910. Interest cease on
such warrant on date of tills notice.
March 17, 1911.
J. A. TUFTS. County Trees.
: To Introduce The Morning
Enterprise Into a largo major
4 Ity of tbe homes In Oregon
0 City and Clackamas countv the
0 management has decided to
4 make a special price for tho
dally lasuo, for a short time
only, where the subscriber paya
4 a year In advance.
o By carrier, paid a year In
4 ad ranee, 13.00. ...
a By mall, paid a year In ad-
vance, $2.00.
. People who gave our canvaa-
aer a trial subscription for on
or more montha, at ten oonta a
) week, can have the dally dellv-
ered for a year for $3.00 by
4 paying a year la advance. -
. People who gave our eanvas-
4 er a - trial subscription, by
4 mall, for four months at a dol
o lar, may hava tha paper for a
year for $1.00, It paid a year In
ftnhanrlbera to tha Weekly
En terprlae . may chaag tbeirw
e nuhaortntlona to the daily, re-
celvlng credit. for aajr um on
tae dally that the weekly I
paid la advanc Whoa they
choose to add cash to tha ad
vanco payment equal to a full
year's advsnoa payment they
may take advantage of tha $2
rata. ''
W make thla opaelal price
ao that people) who have paid
In adraao ea gome other dally
and wiah to take the Morning
Knterprise, stay do so without
toe great aipaaaa. . .. ,
i ("-. ,' l
Subscribe for tha Daily Enterprise.