Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, March 16, 1911, Page 2, Image 2

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ML K. mODIt, Editor and Publisher.
n.',?i".,rro,,"eU" Jan
r?f7 VJIlil "YV pot m at Oron
... l.
... I t
... .IS
Owe Tear, by man
Bis afnntha. by mall
row Month, by mail
Par week, by carrier
mrnni6 RATES
H $" "cn nrst tnaertloa....1le
ZrV lncn aMe Inasnlona. .lc
l!TT? PKi any pas, per Inch
nt kimtlm .V.. ........ .Ho
ITT1. P0"1"" any pa. pr tach
added Inwrllona ife
nun paper, other than drat pa. par inrh
i Nrst Insertion . iM
hub paper outre man first
will bo flnlahed up and ready for oc-
vuiwui-j soon.
Real aetata dealer and buyers from
th eaat ara seen driving In the tr
ciimy or wilsonvllle rrqua(!y. Buy
ra from Idaho and California war
alao In our village Monday and Tues
Tho many friend of Mr. and Mr,
Walter will be aorrr to learn, that
they have aold out their hotel bualnea
here and have gone to Mr. Waller
old home la Iowa to locate permanent
Mr. Nendel and on, Roy, who hare
been drilling a well for K. Stallncher,
at ruck water laat week at a depth of
IIS feet.
Mr, and Mr. Miller, of Portland,
have purchased the hotel bualnea of
Mr. Walters' and will continue the
same at the coir little "Bungalow.1
which has become noted for It good
home cooking.
i.oh in vtaimar oiace ana l4 acre
added lasartlona Ic adlolnina. belonitlne to J. W. Thorn
,1Loe'",'' per ne; to regular adver. I ton. was soldjastl week through the
V ZiL , j agency of Mr. Rutson. to Wm. Black.
'tZJtJ'''ot Id.ho. Mr. ba. brought his
earn additional. - . , family here to reside.
Rate for advertlstn in the Weekly Clyde Baker's home In Portland
enterprise will be the aanie as In the ; vii entered by burglar last week
dally, for advertleemrnta erf ranerlallv ant the tutntr maHo haM n t
for the weekly Where the advertlerment ", '"J J,17,. V? a? 5 . TV
tm tranaferred from the dally to the week- "bleu of which Clyde had just laid
ly. wltnont rhanire, the rate will be e : In a goodly supply. Expensive allver
".-7 A." p"p"' aa ioo an ; was left untouched, while wearina ap-
At the Portland Theaters
' rack for special position.
Cash should accompanr order where
perty Is unknown In business office of
the Enterprise.
LeaJ adrertlstna at legal advertising
Ctrcua advert ltn and special transient
advertising at ISc In &(V an Inch, accord
. In to aperlal rondlllona governing the
Ftre Sale" and Banarupt Sale" adver
tisements c Inch first insertion: addi
tional Insertlona same matter Ha loch.
News Items and well witt'en articles
of merit, with Interest to local reader,
will be gladly accepted. Reected manu
scripts never returned unless accompan
ied by atsmos to prepay poetase.
March 16 In American History.
1751 James Madison, fourth presl-
parel seemed quite an attraction. -also
Clyde's ranor was missing. Clyde bas
made up his mind that the thieves
were very cleanly. and wanted to have
a good snare, or else they were of the
: cut-throat variety.
Fred J. Eplcr. of Sherwood, who I
administrator for the' estate of John
i H. t?pUr. held ' a sale, at the Epler
ranch near our village on Saturday.
(March -11 at eleven o'clock, for the
purpose of disposing of farm Imple
f'tnems. etc The sale was well pat-
, ronlzed and everything was sold by
j three o'clock.
1 Don't forget to attend the basket
( social at Corral Creek school house
Ion Friday evening, March 17th. an-
counceemnt of which has already been
- Darby's store was robbed on Tues
day evening, the Ihlcf having entered
by the front door. The glasa wa
dent born: died 183& - . carefully cut from the door and set
1903-Tbe United State Military acad- i 8'le making quite a good entry for
my at West Point founded br act i " would-be thief. About $1.50 wag
of mifnai , - taken from the cash drawer, and Mr,
im.D.11. niV- n k u. ; Darby says that nothing else seems
and Jurist, bora; dirt 1808. : !o h,v' bwn n,olN,,i
1907 HeUcon Ball, tba horn of Upton
Sinclair's co-operative olonT at
Knglewood. N. borned.
j The debate held In Prof. (Jill s room
last Friday on the question. ""Resolved
i That the Dog Is'More Useful to Man
ASTRONOMICAL EVENTS. kind that the Gun.- was a success and
(From noon today to noon tomorrows ; excellent arguments were produced on
Ban seta fl. rises ttttt: day's length
Just 12 boars: niooa rises 750 p. m.
VALUED AT $75,000, .
The family troubles of August and
Mr. Wllhelmlna Kanne. which have
. been In the courts for some months,
were beard before Judge Eakln Tuea
day and Wednesday, when both sides
rested under stipulation to determine
which half of the Kanne property each
of tha contestants would take for the
purpose of putting in the crop. - The
attorney will probably submit an
agreement to the court this morning.
Mr. and Mn. Kanne were married In
186a In Minnesota and came to Oregon
la 1888. They purchased a ISO acre
farm near Clackamas for $13,000 and
thi property I now said to b worth
$75,000. The deed was made in the
name of Kanne and his wife, which
makes her an equal owner in the land.
Tbey have four bora and sis daugh
ter living, and one of the son has
bees given $4000.
Xanne Died a suit for a divorce from
his wife last year and claimed hi
oe had conspired with her to get
hi property and run him off of the
place. Mr. Kanne filed a cross com
plaint, stating that Kanne was abusive
and arbitrary and asked for the de
cree of divorce
The question of the title to the prop
erty cannot be determined under the
suit now on trial, and the only way
that tn Kanne family can adjust their
property right i by partition suit or
agreement out of court. George C.
Brownell is attorney for Kanne, and
J. E. Hedges appears for Mrs. Kanne.
Elmer Seeley came home from
school on Friday, returning Sunday
night to Portland.
Mary Brobet spent Saturday and
Sunday at home.
Henry Aden was In Portland last
week buying new goods.
Mr. and Mrs. Hethune spent Satur
day and Sunday In Portland.
Mr. Crissell Is preparing to rent tba
house on his corner lot. The house j
both sides of the question
A Lumber Yard for Canby.
Jas. Adkins. one of the pioneer lum
ber dealers at Canby and an eipert
enced saw mill man, haa entered Into
a partnership with W. H. Lucke. our
enterprising commission mercnani
and these two gentlemen will In a very
short time open tip an up-to-date clum
ber yard. They hare secured a uit
able site from the Southern Pacific
R. R. Company and will soon erect a
large lumber ahed near Locke' ware
house. They intend to aupply the pub
lic with all kinds of building materials,
brick, cement and fiber.
On last Saturday the stockholder
of the United State Flower Map met
In the office above the printing office
and effected an organization. After
electing a board of directors consist
ing of Messrs. A. W. Butterfield. O. R.
Mack. J. Sutherland. W. H. Bair and
StogsdilL tha oath of office was ad
ministered the directors qualifying
and the following officers were
chosen: President, A. W. Butterfield:
vice-president. O. R. Mack: secretary,
J. Sutherland: treasurer. John Eld.
Then the company Incorporated ac-1
cording to the laws of Oregon for
i'"v..".r uu Kiitusn nivr?unsj lor (
i uesaay evening wnen ail arrange-
The Gordon Bros, are enjoying a j
rtsit from tneir older brother, wno has
ufu eagaaeu (B manager oi a tarm
near Mt Hood. I
Clarence Fallows has gone to Pajco.
WaKh.. where he will probably locate.
He has severed his connections with
the Tribune and now F. M Roth la I
the manager.
(;eoree Schmidt, of South Shubel,
visited R Gln'her Sunday afternoon.
Frank Mueller and wife, of Clarke,
and Wm. Mueller, of Carti. visited
wi'n Mr. and Mrs Massinger Sunday.
Ar'hur Hornschub is buy blowing
out stumps.
Mr Mildred Nielsen, of Portlsnd, !
t visiting hf-r parent. Mr. and Mr.
E. T. Ginther.
Mrs C. Horn hub is hloly impror
ing. Jacob GrosKmillpr was butchering
ho Monday.
Edward Schmidt wag out driving
with his best girl Sunday afternoon.
Will Dolbow i clearing land on his
property recently purchased from Mr.
The dance at Mr. Sheppard Satur
day mas enjoyed by all present.
Fred Kamrath, ouf new supervisor,
has put a new btldge across Bee son
Creek on the Highland road the past
week. He Is now repairing the Clarke
road. Fred is evidently trying to do
the fair thing something unknown
for a long time In this road district.
i .
P :
I If . '
i i t . t
h W ' , li
" ' 1 i 1 - TTTT IS- - i e
ninui ..r th roles In which they rs
ien. are. Marl Shleias. vernon imr
Idaou, Edward uester, iiarnwi
ton. Iieatrlca d'Kalln, ntl a)l of
other, who ara all coming n'iw.
Tba unasemant open al lha llalllf
tonight, with performances Friday ana
Saturday night and Hnturuay maunan.
Th big musical eomdy uccs. "Th Arcadlana," will b th attraction at
Th Hailig Thcatr. Portlaml. Oragoit Thursday, Friday and Saturday
nighta. March'16, 17, 18, with a apacial prlc ma tine Saturday.
Big Musical Success Thre Night at
. Tha Mailig.
Portland la to be honored with a
presentation by Charles Frohman's
New York company of the Interna
tional- successful musical comedy.
The Arcadian.
It ia indeed rarely that Portland la
isited so soon after the metropolitan
run of a play. and. 'It la, hardly within
the recollection of the1 present day
generation of theatregoer that the
New York Company and production U
held in tact on Ita tour In thia direc
tion. To Charles Frobman la due the
praise for establishing the precedent
and when "The Arcadians" receives
Its presentation in Portland It will be
offered by the identical cast as that
men offered It to theatregoer of
f New York Cly. and furthermore. It
iw wirri oi mi players k lllnaaa
e..min. h... . i .u. i home by nines
v......,i u-iv nr in me uriaiuai
Shaftesbury Theater production In
!-ondon where, for the Oral time on
any stage "The Arcadians" wss of
fered, now almost three seastiu ago.
The cast Includes aurh funny men a
Johnny laborne and Gilbert Child,
who ara entrusted with the chief
comedy roles, and who so ably fulfill
W. II. Tull went to Portland on
Robert Ogle son, ho wa vlnlllng
his father, has returned to his home
In Portland. i .
O. M. Keebauah was In Oregon t'lly
on hualneaa last Thursday
Mra Ida Tull and slalter. Mlaa Olga
Howe, weut to Portland Monday. Their
mm her Mra. Howe. wln has been
vlalilns lu the East, returned with
them In the evening.
Miss Anna Klaw went to Oregon
CHy Saturday.
Perry Keebaugh hs io o
Outer. Wash. ...
Our enterprising mcrchani. Erlck
son and llerg. hava just received a
car load of land plaster, which seems
! to please the farmers, If one ran judgo
! from the way they are hnullng It away.
The champion walker, who I walk
ing from IVil hind to Medford, passed
-"thrtmish here at 4:U0 .Monday after
I noon.
Miss ItesMie Hltepnrd, of, I'oi tUnd, Is
here on business. ,TT r
Mr. Oglesby's family Jfroin Needy.
i have lust moved Into a part of Jleuiy
' Glltiertaon's houae.
'Mr,- K earns. frtuu-JlutWa. haJual
nioved Into the only vaifani house In
' our loan.
! Mra. Armstrong a children are tm-
-proving slowly... They were very sick.
Mra. ScroKgin. who haa been wun
her brother and slalter. Mr. Melvln
; and Mrs. Andru. has gone to Oregon
City to visit her damhter, Mra. Lena
i Siuxle. ,
T Harry Melvtn was In Oreson Oily 5i
j business Monday.
Mr. Martin and daughter, of Ore-
i ..... '1, - VI r . J I ra
I). U Itoylan laat Sunday,
- Mra. Curtis tkodda Is the happy pos
J aeasor of a new piano, a present from
her husband.
I The Twilight school rhiiuren gave
: an enlerlalntneiil to their friend last
(Friday afternoon at the school house
1 Th urogram waa well rendered and
give credit to both pupils and leach
er. .
I Mr. and Mra. Henry Scheer visited
I with relative In Portland laat Sunday
Mrs. C. K. Swk-k la confined to ber
Are You A Money Svef
vary en tapatta t ba mrvy Mytr
, .p.t t tav whn thai- Inaam 1, i"' ,m
. Most
avt whtn their apn ar la. ari thr
pepl whe wait until they an tay Wthrt .
; thay wakt up day fld with) rgrVa k.!. f,r'y
tunlti thy hava mltsad. , " BU f 'w
Tha maral lai BalM ranutae uU.
th lom. m.k. tha autga a lltti I.m and avVth.N-?J --we
It a almpi matttr t atari Mvlnga.,! 'i.
The Bank of Ongon Qty
ft . V 4VBem 1 W vajsaasai wviajwuf.
CAPITAL, I&0.0O0 00
Tranaacta 0nral Banklaf twain.
Mra. D. L Roy la a and Mlaa Alice
Ho) Ian were In Oregon City Tuesday
vlalilng Mra. Henderson, the former'
Anna- Wllehart spent the week end
with her sister. Mr. Jamea llyltou
Twilight IJterary Society will meet
next Saturday evening In tha hall, and
W. 8. 1' Ren haa kindly consented to
i the author a requirement. Th Mlaa--; give an addreae on th aingla tat que-
- inr nussua, nuin i norp ana lion. '
Moya Mannerlng are the chief vocal- Thomas Hrlland. assisted by Ms
lata of the organisation and with (heir cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, enter-
singing- tbey arc In no small way re-' lained th Whist club last Saturday
sponsible for the grest popularity of evening at hla home. Tba evening s
composer Uunel Mourkton s musical ! entenalntnent was progressive w hist.
number, and which are almost two 1 Miss Marie Harvey received first priie
dozen In number. Among the other and consolation prl was awarded to
meraoers or tne company, and each en- George Ijiaella. A delicious luncheon
gsged because of bla or her particular 1 served tha guests.
Heilig Theatre
, Jlrj. .'. , I MMIMM'"111111,'JasaTasSsaaswi
Vase, at ass Bt.laa an a, . - A - ak.a . . aZlsl
V" r " Wlr 1 and Alia.
"Ihuradaw Vrldaw taluraaw kiln l... .. ..
.. , . . msrvn ia, 17 la a. , .
Matin JBtturday. Charlt Frohman pr.nt. Th. -t.
7S-Pepl-y Special Orcheatra. EMMnt Cat Ui.-iiu-tian.
Prie.a-Eyenln,.., L.wrFloar. MX0 ,nd t1 ZlEL
1.00-7S,W). Intlr. Oall.ry, 60. Saturday Matin.' 72
l.oa Balcony. ll.OO-yft-60. Oall.ry. ja,Jj. siATa iL" '
niunn "gmsing Mnoy, March V. Special mu u and Saturday. A Ca. ..-. i.'
tra l "wnla,A
In Mr, Franc Hvdgaan Burnt tf piy
eat go en al Friday, March 84.
Coming to rlaillg Jhoatr WH Mglnnln, Sunday April
The Kind
J. L. Stafford S.H. ntrt In Maal
I it are Buam. to W. ft. Money.
The real raiate firm of Preytag
gwalford was dlsaolied by mutual con-
sent on Wednesday. Mr 8waffor4 r
UrlDg and Wm R. Money purchasing
his interest. The firnt of Proytaa
Bwalford baa been known a a rellabte
house and lis built bp for Itself
good business. The new firm will con
tinue) to do Itualnea at tbo old -stand
on gevetub street.
Mr. Hwafford, wh retire. Is well
nd favorably known throughout the
county. He was born here and haa
always lived her and bo baa a wld
cirri of friends.
Mr. Money, .who purchased tbo
Bwaffnrd Interest. Is well known hero
and has .lived here for yeara having
been tr, some time a trusted employ
at this itaiier mill In this city.
On g..n rtty has a number of 11 v
real estate dealets and no doubt Ihl
new firm mill b able to go tbo pace
wno me beat or them. -
Officer Cho..n by V. P. A.
The Young people Alliance) of I ho
Carman Ev. church elected offlrere
recently, a follow: President. M. U.
gchrader; vice-president, Clara Wlevo-
sick; secretary. Koaa Rcbrader;
treasurer, Julia Rchult; organlat. An
na Bcbarder. Tha Alliance meet ev
ery tfunday evening at 7 o'clock.
Read the Morning Enterprise.
German Language Should
Rank Next'to English
In Our Schools.
. or state.
IIE German language should bo pushed to the very front a. .
BKACII OF INSTRUCTION instead of being crowded to
the rear. We mav well tk.f : .v -.-i:..
j u kw iTuvia vivniiscu world
the tW PP-l language in active use todaj are tngliab
and German.
Aside from it practical use, the German language also embraces,
, ATURE OF THE WORLD in every science and in every art and ia
ejery field of human endeavor. " ' ,
- i German is used to a large extent in our commercial life. It is a
'distinct aid to a man engaged in a large business, to doctors, to law-
yen. " , , v
German should be Utrght in our schools FROM THE EARLY
GRADES, and there should be no thought of ever dropping it from
the curricHlum." s.. . .y ,
OUR CHILDREN ran practical
Our New Steel Die Embossing
Oregon City
In the front rank of the
1 M
The following tranafera of real ea
Ute were filed yesterday In the office
or "otinty Recorder u E. Williams:
William and Rial V. Nendel to II
(I. and Klsle llartshorne, north half
of southeast quarter, lection 17-town-
ship 3 south, range I west, except 6
acres; $25.
LTand lltlo O. Tooio lo Stan
ley aud Oeorge n. Murray, part of
Hamuel D. Franklin donation land
claim, township 3 south, rango 1 west,
132 acres; II.
John R. and AIlco Taylor to 8. D.
Cobb, west half of southeast quarter,
and east half of southwest onarter.
section 30, township l south, rango 6
eaat, i 160 acres; 10O0.
Jesse Bandera to 8. B. Cobb, south
west quarter of southwest quarter, or
lot 4, section 30, township 1 south,
rango 6 oast, 35 acres; 12000.
Charles P. and Cordelia Ebman and
A. and Jennie Lane to B. D. Cobb,
northwest quarter of southwest Quar
ter, section 30, township l south, rango
6 eaat, 40 acrea; 11300.
Martin V. Thomas to B. D. Cobb,
northwest quarter of northeast quar
ter, section 30, township south, rango
east; 101.
C. C. Shaw, A. B. and Bualo M
Locke to a. P. Bparow, northeast quar
ter, section io, township 4 south, rang
o east, jr.n acrea: 110.
Ada and Elmer Hendrlckson to Ma
thlas and Margaret lllopelle, BV4 acrea,
section 0, township 8 south, rango I
eaat; $2000.
Oregon Iron ,Steel Co. to Mra.
Nellie Nelson, lots 4 and 5, block S,
uswego; 910.
C. C. and Mary E. Garfield to Prank
Johnson, lots 0. 7 and , block 22, O.
I. A 8. Company's first addition to
Oswego; flO. ,
John J. Edgren and Prod C. Peter
son to Prank K. Woodward, block .
Outlook. 10 acres; $1. . ,
wuiiam Corcoran to William n .Me.
Garry, oaat half of northeaat quarter,
and oast half of southeast quarter,
Sal 1 1 ii it l i .
""snip I aoatkajoJ
ati. UO acre., iiooa . '
Oregon City Ms
Th. general market f lug
downward. In certala iDstaatM
marked and la others UesMdi
lack of supply tendlag servo; Is
when tha average la iirtri
dency Is dowoasrd.
' APPIJC8 (kkwI appteiwabi
mand yet and the Drk. k ksaO
better prices for mud Mock: Ikstt
enough soud stork. mv, sjg
there la little or tta4tmu4 hrt
stork at aay prlca, tiwei rav
about ;ie lo ft tbo boa. akk at
choice commanding as kith I
Block In hands of groweri Mill; la
haa been sold; II Is la. cssbj r
loft and I hey coatsMJ4 akost a
Hood River apples art aaUlaflUM
mand light. Plenty of fool last I
tbo country yet sod S fewswi
outside buyers were hkMlaf sv
well for them hat noe tkt fcsr
seems saiuried or tho kayankot
Man are holding for tm ax
higher than the market an! keafc
era cannot ahip is saw; r
rango from toe lo f 1.10.
VKOKTAllIJiS-UtUo akus
last report; onions ara a lttta)
In prlco but other tregetablsi nar
about tha earn.. Onions
and carrots 75c to fl sack.!"!
lo Sl.23 sack, cabbage tc yo-
lower and demand wou.
down to SS lth best w "
16.60; some selling as kw
Brans and other feed cus
a. . ,n ! Tsnorta. iaOra
Ing 11.20, bran barley U"?:
to 11.70, oats $24 lo 128. WJ
for local wheal. - .,
HAY Ita of hay la eo.W"
being offered freely bow,
-t. lul.k ..Inlar nasi fsTMri
to sell and Ibe market ku kt"
conaequonre. All sd fj,fl
from tl to V
111 to 113, timothy tttoV,
fa $15 to 17.
EOOS Are very pienu""
prlco ranges about l&c. '
only commanding from
ereamery always attlff
Ing 80o to 3.1c now. "TT,
market Is only Pylni
JCc. Choice dairy wlU kW
20c to 26a
higher and tho emBd ,
bring 16C rooaters JJ? i
and mixed chickens 13
Ing doing In larjer fo I
MEATS Veal, toZTi
lOo to lie. hogs WJJV
hla- demand for miitto" lk -
fluctuate sccordln to wnti w
irmea rtrsen Ed pound, I"
dry hides llo to 14c, she
to 76o each.
WOOL Brings 1 W '
mohair 28 to 80c. .
"waBOrf" 1
DRIED rnui in--!-' ai
6o and 7c, sun dried 6c, prj ,
40 I
aiitma.lllnv 0C W Tw
60 lb. sack, hair fro-
100 lb, sacks.
Try the Classifcd CoUana of t!
, 3000 Rciufcrs Dally
. 0