Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, March 14, 1911, Image 1

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    I uborlptloni for the Morning
Ilnl.rprlM will be received fop
I -nlv a limited tlm at speolal
I .11 send '" yr od,y
I get ntflt of low price.
Tho only dally newspaper be-
twoan Portland and Salem; elreav
latea In avary Motion of Claeka 0
maa County, with a population of
30,000. Aro you an advertiser f e
VOI-.'. 1 No. 5G
Per Veek, 10 Cents
Made plain That No Further Damon
itntiona Aro Planned Meal,
cana Soem to Under,
otand. y
' WASHINGTON. March 13 (8pl )
Aturuiir ha again ber-n given the
Unlrun ambassadors mat too Mien
tlmm nt llila country aro of tho beat
xml President Taft today personally
tmmir.l tho Mexican representatives
lu Ihlk effect.
No inure irtMipa aro to be sent to
the front . mid the nttval patrol la to
1m recalled from both coaata. Truo
II iciinloii hss nt hwn relieved but
ih anion of the President la making
hi assurance and tho atepa taken to
khiiw friendliness on tbo tMirdera and
In drawing lrk tho frontier guard
iia 1. .1 the Mexican official to be
lle v.' that the Taft aaaurances aro
nil ln.
There a mmor aent out from
nlv' "'"n that the I'nlted 8tatea. In
tended to duutile Ita force on tho fron
tier ami thla led the- Mexican ambas
sadors to make mild protest hut when
the rrretary of War denied tho ru
innrnt the Instigation of tbo Preal
dent- these aamo ambaeaadora felt re
lief ami ho expressed themselves. that have leaked out today
win tn Klve aome (round to tbo as-st-rtiun
I hat Taft made thla demon
stration ln tho Interest of Wall Street
and Air. Morgan; thoao who hare mon
ey loniii'd on Mexican rsllwaya and
other Inrge Induatrloa feeling ibat
their Investraenta were unaafo unless
the ruler were ahown that wo could
anl uld protect theee Inveatmenta.
Uphold tho Constitutionality of tho
Corporation Ta.
NEW YORK. March IS. (SpU
Tb upholding of tho corporation tax
by the Hupremo Court make tho pre
dWrtloo of President Taft coma true,
and be la In consequence pleaaed over
tit eefcome. Thla will not only oon-
tho payment of much money Into
lb treasury but will oontlnuo to give
tie government much Information
that It la onUtlod to.
There la only mild proteat by the
triiHta and their afanecera aa tho law
1 did not hurt thero aa much aa It waa
leu icd It might.
Will Cauao Big Flooda Later In the
WAUA WALLA, March 11 (8pl.)
Tho Blue Mountalna aro aald to bo
deep with anow and It la feared that
when the warm day a of spring come
there will be a flood that will apeed
away much property. Cauad la aald
to lie la tho fact that little anow baa
in. lied eo far thla winter.
PORTLAND. Or., March 11 (8pl.)
Considerable myatery attaches to
the attempt to leaae a large body of
water front land on tho Baat Bide, and
there la much speculation aa to who la
behind the movement The tract em
brnci "about SO acre a and abutts the
river and the O. W. P. Ry.
CHICAGO, March 11 Arrange
ment were completed laat night for
an automobile race between Kmlle
Urnuaiird, the French driver, who la ln
Chicago now, and Jack Johnaon, the
heavyweight champion fighter. The
rif win uke place at either Loa An
geles or Oakland within four week.
It will be for 100 mllea, and both con
tenant are to drive jo-horsepower
machine. -
8AN ANTONIO, Tex., March 13.
8pl.) Theodore Rooaevelt today re
viewed the troopa near thla city. He
lo ipoke to a gathering of the achool
children. Thla la hla aevonth day on
hi tour.
now and then la rellehed by the
Son !' m"n' but Mi on lh hM
vprlnB bonnota are'now In order.
Vo want the latest.
iTpIh,P you think you'll - want
v. I7'0N you'll bo aure of It when
you try en tho now blocks
' .h. wl"'otte throe dollar lid la
b W money can buy.
a i' eloth to a wolldraaaed man
man B h"nip'lt rth'
M like Other
th and Main Cea. '
. " .
urgon City and Portland.
r ruir, nurthweaterly wlnda. e
- Oregon Kair, nortbweat to'
west wind.
Two Mora Btatee Are Said to Bo Un
der Control of Rsbsls.
MKXICO. CITY. March 13 ffll
The Mexican Congrvaa today voted
nri iimn io auMinl certain prlvllogea
of Ihoae who are Mahtlnir asalnst tha
state and the law Is certalu to paa
second ana nurd readlnga and be
alaned thla week.
Vanalo. Honors. u niilnnd l. tha
rebel after a spirited battle Saturday.
There were 60 federal troopa and 150
rebels, who burned the railroad bridge
to keen out federal relnrnrramenta
Coahulta and Moreloa are two atatea
to te recently effected by the unrtstna
of Inaurrectos. - The Insurrection In
these atatea la aald to be general.-
8AI.KM. Or., March 13 (8pl.)
At a lata hour loulgbt the mUalng
record In the Senate waa found and
there la no need of a special session
of the legislature.
This la with reference to tha gen
eral appropriation bill, for which much
anxiety waa felt, but It la ait 111 averred
that there are yet many petty and an
noying error.
Council Paaeee It and tho Mayor Im
mediately Slgna It.
8 A I. KM, Or.; March 13. (8pl.)
8alem Council tonight paaaed the fran
chise for the Oregoti Electric, 13 to 1,
giving them a .way out to the aouth.
Aa soon aa Council paaaed It the May
or aliened the franchise.
The pasauge of thla ordinance waa
of much moment to tho people of thla
city. It meana a connection to Albany
and Eugene, and the road will epend
store (ban a quarter million In better
meats and now line.
August Zlndler I a good Herman
cltlxen living at Qladatone. He baa
been In thla country for eeveral year
and like It: and having a alater In
the Fatherland ' he decided to bring
her out that ahe, too, might enjoy the
bleaalnga that he to enjoying. With
that Idea In view he aent over for thla
alater and ahe, along with a ecore of
other with whom ahe waa acquainted,
made tho Journey to America, arriving
at Portland on Sunday.
Miaa ' Kinaier ' and her eompantona
could bone of them talk Engllah and
In an effort to have them arrive aafe
and aound eaoh waa given a ticket to
abow to ahlpmatea and railroad men
In an effort to have them directed
aright Each had a ticket and before
they arrived at their destinations- If
not In that frame of mind when they
started each waa very auaplcloua aa
to what aorae unprincipled American
might do to them. One can Imagine
the frame of mind tn which each waa
found when they arrived In the Roae
City Sunday.
The matron at the Union depot.
Portland, waa looked upon with bub
ptclon aa the glrla did not know the
capacity In which ahe waa operating,
and not one but waa afraid of her and
would not permit her to aee the tag
of Identification. Finally one did ahow
her tag and It directed frlenda to aend
the young woman to an addreaa ln
Dallaa. Thla girl waa ahown to her
train and the trainmen Instructed
minutely aa to how to proceed.
Dut It waa aome time before Mlaa
Zlndler got up courage to ahow her
tag and when ahe did ao It read to
Qladatone. Whore waa Gladstone; no
railway map ehowed It, and the mat
ron did not think of the Portland In-
terurbans. Finally aome one ln ' the
depot awoke to where Gladstone waa
and another girl waa located, not
even at that the matron would not
trust' Mlsa Zlndler' to come alone for
fear there might be aome trick and
ahe camo all the way to Qladatone
and found that Augtiat Zlndler waa
really the young woman'a brother.
There waa rejoicing in the Zlndler
home when the slater arrived aafely
and It Id, not likely to be lona? until
that young lady will be able to talk
enough English to be anatiiea to travel
without being tagged, and It won't be
neceaaary to tell her whom to trust, ,
nil Mrs. O. C. Yooum Sell
flAWAPfl meet Cimn Hostelry.
nmrarnment Canto hotel, which hka
heen In eharaa of Mr. and Mrs. O. C.
Yocum for many yeara, baa been pur-
chaaed by Mr, and iwre. Knjan lio
maa, the former being the well known
mountain guide.
Mr. Yocunt a the pioneer guide Of
Mount 'Hood, but for the puat few
yeara he haa had to abandoa the trip
owing to poor health, and Mr. Cole
maa haa been acting aa guide alnoe
thai time. . ;
. n serf Mrs Vrwum will atlll make
their home near Government Camp,
M they have erected a lo-room nous,
which they will occupy. '
Clackamas county now has one of
the best road machines In the United
States and from now on It Is the pur
post ' of the. new road master to
se to It that roada are made ao that
they will atand up under the hard
usage to which they are often sub
jected. . Monday the new road machinery ar
rived and waa aet to work at Oak
Drove, There are two plecea of ma
chinery worthy the name a road roll'
er that welgha 14,000 pouuda before
It haa bad a drink and a ton more
after that event. The roller haa an
IS-lnch wheel, giving aolldlty when It
preaaea the broken rock Into the aur-
face of the road and making a surface
that will atand up under the heavily
loaded wagona often trundled to mar
ket In thla good Oregon country.
The second piece Is a 9x18 Reliance
ateel crusher, warranted for five yeara.
Thla will also be put to work for the
present at Oak Grove, where It will
be tried out to the fulleet extent of
the warrant that accompanlea It.
Frank Jaggar, the new road maaier
la delighted with thla new machinery
which waa purchased at hla request
and under hla aupervlalon and he
promisee that It will do the work that
la wanted.
.While there Is no desire to censure
road builders of the paat, and the peo
ple of thla country aeem willing to let
bygonea be bygones, atlll everyone la
pleased with the prospect that from
this on there Is to be built roada that
will wear, and the fact that the first
cost will be more than a poor roM
costa doean't make them wish to re
turn to paat methoda. It looka aa If
the people who use the roada, and who
must pay for them, were to be con
gratulated on the proapecta of better
things now that the system la to be
The regular meeting of the Glad
stone City Council will be held to
night and the committee on atreeta
and public property will file a report
on a proposed ordinance governing the
width of aldewalka. The former or
dlnance that waa atibmttted provided
alx foot walks, but It waa suggested
that In aome portions of the town, on
the cross streets In particular, there
waa no necessity for walka of that
It la hoped that the committee on
fire and water will recommend aome
tangible plan for a water system at
tonight a meeting. It la understood
that a Portland firm la figuring on
making a price on the Installation of
a syatem that will be adequate to
handle the present and alao the fu
ture conditions.
The Mount Hood Railway Co., who
la asking for a franchise at Oregon
City and Mllwaukle, will alao ask
Gladstone for permissions to place
polea on Ita atreeta for the tfanamla
alon of light and power lines.
e HOriaM aBMMBsaasasMas
Estate of tho Late Malnt Peters To
tals ,000 Three Hairs.
The will of the late Melnt Peters
wss filed for probate Monday and
Charlea Holns, a son-in-law of the de
ceased, qualified aa executor, being
named In the will. The estate la val
ued at $9,000, and the property la left
to the widow during her life time.
After her death the home place la to
go equally to three children, Dlna
Holns..' smtna Shipley "and . Gerhardt
Patera, but the latter must give one
third of hla share of the estate to Hen
ry Peters.
The two former ohlldren, Diaa
4Jj ... y.' ... .
AC- - I
Helnx and Emma Shipley are required
to pay John Pctera '$500 and Jack Pet
era Is to receive $200 from Henry Pet
ers and $300 from Gerhardt Peters.
The personal property of the estate la
to be equally divided among Dlna
Heinz, Emma Shipley, Gerhardt pet-
era and Henry peters. .
Will 8poak In High School Forum
Wednesday Parents Invited.
President P. U Campbell, of the
University of Oregon, la on the pro
gram for aB address In the High
school forum and will make ihia ad
dreaa at 9 o'clock Wednesday fore
noon. The Oregon City Hoard of Edu
cation will attend tn a body, a per
vol of the Board on Monday night,
and It la expected that Mr. Campbell
will give a very interesting . and In
structive addresa.
The parents of the city and the pat-
rone of the achool are not only invited
but . urged present on this oc
Mr. Lewis Talko to High School.
A. J. Lewis, fruit Inspector for
Clackamas county, will talk to the
botany class of the High achool this
afternoon, taking up the aubject of
fruits and flowers from the standpoint
of what the claaa la now atudying In
the High school.
The ball given' a Saturday night at
Buach'a hall by the different fire com
panlea of thla city, and the proceed
of which are to go towarda erecting
a flremen'a monument In thla city, waa
one of the most successful dancea
ever given here. Farmer's orchestra
waa never before heard to a better ad
vantage than on thla occaaloa, and
the orchestra waa forced to respond
lo many encores, which it did obllg
ingly. There were eight pieces fur
nishing the music for the 10 -dancea
enjoyed by the large crowd present
At II o'clock "Good Night" dance was
The proceeds of the affair will
amount to over $100, and those de
serving of much credit, and who had
charge, were the following: Hook
and Ladder Company, Thomaa Glea-
on and Charlea Biirna,' Jr.; Company
No. 1, J. Or born and Al Cox; Company
No. 1, Llvy Stipp ana u. uroner; com
pany No. 3. W. A. Long and O. Erlck
on; Company No. 4, George Hanklns
and M. A. Elliott; Company No. 5, C.
Stmmona and George Griffith.
Choice Lots In
i . -
T. L Chatman
A. D. S. Digestive tablota are excel
lent remedy for Dyspepsia 25 and
B0 cents.
Prescription and Family Rooolpto
filled with pure druga. Priceo reason
, . STORE.
ChansMii Bros.' Block. ,
Home Being Erected By Recent Ar-
rlvala From the Eaat Oregon
City I Forging Ahead
From all Indication there will 'be
much building the coming spring and
summer months. Some of the houses
under construction and those to be
constructed are for rent much to the
aatlsfactlon of those who are obliged
to rent. Some of the house under
construction are to be occupied by the
owners. At present desirable bousej
for rent In thla city are eagerly Bought
for aa soon as vacated, and those hav
ing same find no trouble tn getting
suitable tenants. ,
Henry Shannon la to have one of
the most artistic little horaea In this
city when completed. Mra. Shannon,
who la a well known artist of thla city.
and who waa formerly Miss Garmlre,,
assisted her husband In planning their I
new nome. ana one intend to use trie
brjish ln the finishing of the Interior
of the rooms. The bath room la to
represent a lake, and surrounding the
bath tub will be mountainous scenery,
while the bath ,tub la to represent a
large water lily. 1 The Interior of this
room Is of novel design, and the artist
la already at her work. This Is on1 the
first floor, as the residence may be
used for more than one family If ao
desired. On the first floor will be s
large reception ball, living room, din
ing room, kitchen and pantry. One of
the features of the living room will he
the built-in book cases. On the sec
ond floor will be three sleeping rooms,
one of which will open onto a sleeping
porch. The residence will soon be
completed, and will be occupied by
Mr. and Mra. Shannon. Mr. Garmlre
Is assisting Mr. Shannon In building
the house. It la the Intention of the
owners to have a housewarming as
aooo as It la completed. . . .. .
Clarence Simmons, who has been
awarded the contract of -making ex
tensive repairs on the suspension
bridge, the aggregate cost of which
will be about $3000, commenced the
work Monday morning with a crew qf
men. The tower will be repaired, neW
flooring replaced, and the bridge oth
erwlse thoroughly repaired. .
.Mr. Simmons has been awarded1 iheN
contract of erecting a beautiful home
for G. C Fields at Meldrum, the cost
of which will be $3000. The house la
rapidly neartng completion, and will
be,occfrled by Mr. Field a aa eoon aa It
Is ready for occupancy. .The rooms
are unusually targe and airy, making
it a most ' desirable home. On the
first floor will be a reception hall
10x14 feet, living room, 14x14 feet;
dining room, 14x21 feet, thla room to
have a fireplace; kitchen and pantry
On the second floor will be the Bleep
ing apartments; these too will be
Urge, one of which will be 11x26 feet
The bath room la at the rear of the
hallway on thia floor. One of the fea
tures of the houae will be the veranda
fronting and extending on the aides
of the building. Thia will be eight
feet wide. There will also be a Bleep
ing porch. The house will have fur
nace heat, and a water ayatem will be
Installed. When completed Mr. Fields
will own one of the most attractive
home along the O. W. P. line.
- Wilson & Hughes have been award
ed the contract, by Miss Lou Cochran
for the erection of two modern houses
on Center street between Eleventh
and Twelfth, one of which will be a
Spanish bungalow, while the other
will be a seven room house, both of
which will have cement basements.
The Spanish bungalow will be of five
rooms, living room, dining room, two
bedrooms, Dutch kitchen, pantry and
bath. The rooms will be lighted by
electricity on all floors. Hot and cold
water will be found ln the basement
as in the other floors of the house.
The seven-room house will have a ve
randa fronting Center atreet com
manding a most excellent view. In
thla residence will be a reception hall,
living room, dining room, kitchen, pan
try, while on the second floor will be
three sleeping apartmenta leading
from a hallway, each having clothes
closets, and at the rear of the hallway
will be the bathroom. The rooms of
thes houses will have panelled walls.
These residences will be completed In
May. and are among the desirable
ones for rent
Mr. and Mra. O. W. Church, of Glad
stone, are having a pretty little home
constructed on their prop1" and It
la of the bungalow design. The work
Is In charge of David Catto, and la be
ing pushed rapidly along. The house
will have reception nan on tne nrst
floor.- Mr. and Mra. Church have two
lota on which their residence Is being
constructed, and the grounds are to
be beautified later on.
une oi me mum cuutviiiqui . numo
to be built In thla city la that of Mr.
and Mra. John Lowry, which Is under
construction on the l.owry two lota on
Fifteenth and Main atreeta. The
building la being constructed nnder
the aupervlalon of Mr. Lowry and he
haa a force of men pushing the work
along at a rapid rate. There Is a full
cement basement Along the front of
the residence will be a veranda,
boxed, and having large, square pil
lars. A reception ball 12x11 feet op
ens from the veranda, and from this
extenda a narrower hallway leading
Into the kitchen at the rear On the
aouth aide of the reeldence are the
living room and dining room, with
eliding doors, the latter having a both).
In buffet A large pantry adjoina the
kitchen. On the porch at the rear of
the house are the stationery -wash
treya, wash room mad lavatory. This
porch, similar to that fronting the
houae, la alao boxed. In the kitchen
la the woodllfL
On rec1 f sc are tie
rooms, which are convenient. These
have clothes closets. There are three
sleeping apartments, which are 16x19,
16x16 and 12x12. -.These open from a
hallway, which la 12x12 feet, and at
the rear of thla are the bath room and
a sewing room. One of the featurea
of thla home Is the thickness of the
walla and floors. Tar paper la used
between the outer and Inner walls,
making the rooms comfortable ln the
coldest of weather. The rooms are to
be . plastered and electric lights In
stalled, and will be a most attractive
as well aa commodious bouses In the
city. The cost of this residence will
be about $3000. ... ..,.
W. C. Green, of Seventh atreet, is
having a new atore building construct
ed, with I. C. Bridges aa contractor.
The building Is to be 22 feet aquare,
the, lower floor to be used aa a con
fectionery and Ice cream parlor, while
the second story will be used aa living
rooms, having five apartmenta. This
Is an addition to the building recently
occupied as a confectionery store. The
glass front will probably be. Installed
this week. - '." -. ,
Charles Dickey.' of Mountain View,
bss commenced the construction -of a
cottage, which his family will occupy
ss soon aa completed, and will be an
attractive home when completed.
Charlea Bernler, of Green Point, Is
having erected a cottage near Molalla
avenue, which will be for rent aa soon
as completed. '
There are several buildings' Tn the
city being renovated, and several of
th contractors are making estimate
on several residences which will , be
erected In the near future.
i MANHATTAN. Kan., March 13.
Two years ago, without a dollar of hla
own or the nroaoect of retting one.
Jamea Benner, a student In the State.
Agricultural college here, subscribed
11000 to a fund for building a new Bap
tist church. With the last Installment
paid. Benner Is back at college, doing
double work in the hope of graduating
this spring. After subscribing $1000
Benner went to work for the American
Steel at Wire Co. and after working
IS months had aaved more than
enough to make good hla subscription.
Another Battiesnip 8a I Is.
PORTSMOUTH. N. H.. March 11
The battleship Washington, the. fourth
of. Rear-Admiral Staunton's fleet:
paaaed out of the- Piscataqua River at
10 a. m. and headed aouth to Join the
Tennessee, Montana and North Caro
lina at Guantanamo. The Washing
ton had her' full crew of 900 men on
board. She la due at Guantanamo the
last of the Week. -
'"" TRICK 18 PUT OK.v.'v
iff .
' ' - '
8T0NE. Or, March 13. (SpD
Well, everybody la Jubilating over the
good prospect a at the Stone oil WCtl at
this time. The drift Is -going down
rapidly and Monday-It was: sent down
25 feet. The drill la well past the
casing obstruction that waa giving
trouble for aome time and the drillers
think there will be no more trouble
from that cause.
At this time the drill Is bringing up
good clean sand and the drill la prac
tically down to where the hard rock
la reached 850 feet and the debris
that filled the well after the dynamite
charge was set off is practically re
proved from the well. Everything la
going smoothly and the prospects are
the- most foe of any time In the his
tory of the well.
While the' drill la practically ac
about the aamo point It waa before
the -srell waa shot aome time ago still
there 4s more pipe ln the well at this
time than at any' previous time In the
history of the welL -Thia Is an Indi
cation that It la a trifle below any pre
vious depth record "before published.
Now that the drillers have the well ln
hand so that they are making a de
scent of 35 feet a-daj.tne public may
expect almost any time to hear real
oil newa. ' ;. '.
Hla Arrest Came From Belrrg In Bad
Company When Arroatod.
Last Wednesday Harry-. L. V.
Sboultx and Bert Cummin go. were ar
rested In this city on request from the
Medford police. An officer., on roe
Thursday and took them to Aahland
for hearing. The charge was theft of
a lady a watcn.
Sunday morning Shoulta returned to
thla city bearing a letter from the
Aahland chief of police exhoneratlng
him and giving htm a good name; say
ing, nowever, that Shoultx had been;
associated with Cummlnga, who waa
bad and who had confessed and taken
the odium from Shoultx. '
When - arrested 8hoults had the
watch In his possession and Cu tu
rnings admitted asking him to carry
It In a secret pocket which Shoulta
had for his valuables for aafety In
case of a hold-up by trampa. Shoultx
Is a' good mechanlo and waa on hla
way to Portland to take a position
promised him. He la also a.profee-
aional skater and had hla roller akatea
with htm at the time of hla arrest.
Living cheaptaxes lowwwatar free eavlwge large. There r snery
f advantages and privileges afforded the owner of a Clalrmont atf--
1 tract that cannot be obtained la)
Both Phonos.
;i NOT
If Suspension Bridge Is Taken In,
Oregon City Would Boon be up
to Point whore Now Struo-
turo Would be Necessary
With the prospect of an attempt
being made ln the near future to
bring West Oregon . City into the
limits of Oregon City a resident of
the West side yesterday gave out
the following interview:
Water and aewer aystems for the
property on the west aide of Jhe
Willamette River, considering the
nature of the formation, the eleva
tion of the land and the scattered
positions of the homes, would cost
Oregon city considerably more than
the additional Income from taxes
would - amount to for many yeara. '
Either an entirely new water ayatem
must be provided with reservoirs on
some of the highest land, or else the
county bridge must be Included ln the
Incorporated limits to secure rights
for additional pipe lines for the
County Court will certainly aee no
benefits to be derived from addlt-.
lonal unnecessary loads on the
bridge, which Is already ahowing
algna of the ravages of time- and
many winters.
If the bridge la Included. It will
only be a - short time before the
city will be called upon to replace
It with a heavy, up-to-date structure.
one which is arranged for the pro
tection of foot travelers. Thla will
cost hundreds of thousands of dol
lar," aa well aa cause a very great
Inconvenience to West Side people,
during construction. Of course, in
thla event a ferry aervice acroaa the
river could be arranged but thla
would be at considerable additional
expenae to the city.'.
Let the West Side fight Ita own
battles. . a .townalte haa been lalld
out and we are informed the owners
are conalderlng . the vartoua matters
necessary to make It an up-to-date
city. Water nd sewer systems are -
among the peaathilitiea ' and why
should Oregon City take
and wild land. Into Ita
limits to provide . police
thla new
and flre-
fighting services.
It Is true that the Hawley mllla
now pay the city taxes wane the
other do not,, but la It not a fact
that the Hawley mills located them
selves within the city limits of
their own will and do they not se
cure the benefits of poltcef and fire
protection from the city a weD aa
all other city, property owners and
citizens .' , is ii mi a laci siao lumi
75 per cent of our - citizens secure
their livelihood from the employ
mem. m uie west eia mius ana uiw
largest portion of the balance their
Income Indirectly therefrom ' through,
the employees mentioned. -,
Industries malte ,. prosperity and
ahould be .sought and foatered by
any. .community instead of legislation
enacted to drive them , from our
midst. We have them here, la It to
be our policy to gouge them aa long
aa they will aUnd It Would not our
private citizens , rebel, sell out and ,
get out If their neighbors did like
wise, would they atand . It? True,
true we all say. ' The paper com
pantes have large Interests here and '.
are not naDie io move, look dbck
over the Industrial history of Oregon
City. It la not ao many years since
the milla were only amall plants pro
ducing 25 to 20 tons per day. while
today they produce over 200 ton
per day. Time la likely ender pro-'
per conditions to produce Uke -advancement,
more new buildings and
machinery with need for additional
men. We can figure the future only
by the record of the past, but with
unfavorable conditions cere ana so
many other placea offering sites,
w iirji tj , IIT7 ywL4j wj yieisy 'i aawfjs wa
Industries Oregon City mast ' needa
looK.aner ill laureia. .
An Item In one of "' the Portland
evening papers' March 1Kb. refers to
a large pulp mill with Portland capi
tal -to be erected In British Columbia,-
the land, of cheap timber, coolie
labor and water power, without coat
-where the Government protects In
dustry, knowing Ita . value In the
growth of any district 'If' Oregon
City cltixena know 'what is to their
best , interests they will vote agalnat
any such annexation aa haa been sug
(HAVANA, March 13. The turret of
the battleship Maine haa been recov
ered. - It Weighs 21 tone and la II feet
In dlamejer., Although the great piece
of ateel ta unwarned, the J00 heavy
bolts that held It la place are sheared
a . i. t.k . . .n VnlfaV
in two ss ii wiu v J
During the last fortnight pile driv
ing haa Wn enapended becauae of an
obatruction Jn, the. bea or me naroor.
' Read the Morning Enterprise. '
.4 '
- i
the elty. Aak M about thorn, : v ;
1t Mala) tU Crrri ,