Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, March 12, 1911, Page 4, Image 4

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How Democracy Is Choked In
. Pittsburg District.
Feee ef Ormii labr Uve la
Wumtm' Peradiaa, tare Csmpsra.
Sameel Goaipera, president af ti
iMfVu FederaMea. waa tee prla-
ctpal epaaksr at -Jncola day tMrt
tioa held by Ifae Lotf lalaad fuTOna.
rtt Weaaiagtoa, .V T. Ue aald:
LLacoIa'e wort la Juat abo begta
aiag to b understood. 11 can from
lb coaasaoa people and reached the
(WtW V tfca Umm Haa M ,W U"
a I. toMa. TW Ma-. Fee J7i! i"".,10 lm" "
....- h . I... ;.. , : : -? : -
taw mi vi nmi aui Trry
vera broke tarn weald arise the 1
May Cham f 4.
Bar JOHN A. rTTCH ta Vmr. .
' TNtery-ae per prat of tbe nam ere
SartaUata. If by that yoe Bteaa aaa wbe i
antra a capitalist.- said a la worktag
aaa ef gvwelae breeding whom I grew
to know la nrtsbarg. Tate attitade
a taa aatrcaii of a feeling that baa
eeareiowry sakg headway store
1X3 when IL C. Wot seat the armed
Ftakenoa gaards ta drlr tbe strik-
werkenea off taa coaipeay preta
laaa at Hocaestead.
Cedrr roamoa conditions werklag-
dtvelup eosnsnoe frying with re
t ta erase f tbe. m-re- fundamea-
tal flaraOoa at their Mvea. This ta ee
aariallr true la a crtaia wbea minor
, 4Unata are forgone. It was trae
ta 1992 at Ilovesteed. aad It was a
agate ta February, 1909, wbea, witk
tha anflls operating aa barely
foarU time, the Carnegie Steel rota
aaay rat from M to per rent the
, wagee ef wc wk were not daring
thoae narha earning enough ta Uv
ao Tha lrstgtbea-g of the working
day. tha choking of drtnorratic lntt
taOaaa aad tha coercive away ef the
rmpJoyrra hare worked oat more thaa
a well organised Industrial machine.
Tha flashes of Indignation have died
a waj eltea. bet each time the ember
fcara Koad a Brtle redder.
Tha atari worker area oa ererr aide
aiidtata af aa trmiatibke power. It
i 7 Mli aim what waea ha Buy expert to
laralTa aad where aad whea he maat
wark. If ha prateau he la Ignored or
rabafcad. If ba talka It orer with his
irkaaea be kg Ukelr to be dla-
That tha arerwbeimlnx ma
iorlrj af atcal wurkaia are bitter to
ward their caaplorers sa aoa who aaa
untied with theaa aaaagh ta ratrb
their aptrtt eaa deny.
tha EncUah apeaklac work
tha ataadpolat of their attt-
tada taward their work, there are four
la a rertaia alemeat amoaj
it forgottea. Tber
who bare waited for
tertraJ af aoaaethmc Dke deaaorrary
la weatera Feaaaytraala. Bat -hope
defttied ataketh tha heart aick." The
yaara hare doaa their work.. Theaa
aaaa leak daO eyed aa a world from
whfc th brtthtaeaa la roc
aweatloa of tha rUht of tha prod orer
of wealth to ahara la tha reaalta of kla
toil- . .
"If tber la any who thlaka tber fct
aothiax la tha labor qaeMioa let him
rUit the lanr rltiea and ae tha aneaa
ployed walklaf tha atreera, waotiax to
fire their aerrlcea la return for dally
bread. Let him m to the aweatalKHa,
the minea aad other piarea of JoU. aad
C wher he will the aaawer will come
that tber la a labor qoeatloa. It la a
Urine aweatloa that most Had a ba
aiaaa. rartooal aad latelltireot anla-doa.-
No rifht thinking man raa are
rtaery. ahoaad aad aimaelf aajoylag
bappiDeaa. If there la one ma a who
throofh ao fault of his owa la op-
preaatd by porerty and misery aoriety
la at faalt.
-W aay that It ta a blot apoa aar
bcaated rtTiUzaUoa whea peopla ran
not find work. Thoae who hop for
tha craabinc of orraained labor are
Urine la a fools paradise. Orraataed
labor la not rolax oat of exbaraca an
lonx aa there Is a wrong to risht
The history of the world Is crowd
ed with the records of the croblag
oat of organised labor. The sarin
that tha b)ood of the martyr is the
seed of tha chnrrh' la not only appli
cable to the church of God. bat It also
baa Its application to the ran of la
bor. It ia said that to produce a good
race It la necessary to begia three rro-
erationa back, and tboa who want to
crash labor should bare began with
the people three generationa ago.
Those who talk about .crashing oat
organised labor pray to God ooce a
week and then prey on humanity for
tba balance of the week. We are not
going to glTe ap oar right of pro teat
against wrong aad oar deteraainadaa)
to come Into oar own.
Tha repreaentatJTea of labor here
aa the .platform doat appear to ba a
bit scared because under tba prort-
siona of the Sherman anti-trost bill
they are designated Illegal traders.
This law waa Intended to protect the
people against tha trusts and corpora
Hons, but It has now beea so perrert-
ed that It doesn't mean the trusts, bat
the men and women who only control
their own right to work. Tor the
Oraflaaaaa Ns. -
Aa Ordlnaaca Oraatina ta Tha Mawat
Naaa Railway aad owae Company
Its nuccaaaara aad Asalowa, Far a
. Fariad af Twaaty-Ava yaara tha HaM
ana prtvilaoa ta Cract, Caaatraat.
Mamtaxs ana oparata aa Clactna
Llaht Maat aad Fawar Syataaa la tha
City af Oreae CKy, Oraaoa, and tba
stigfit and Frbriieoa ta tract Faia
an Stratch Wlraa Tharaoaj and
.Thereover. Tarawa. Ovar aad Ua
aa taa t raa ta. AMeya and Publla
Mlghwaya, and ta Canstract Under,
ground Ceadwlta ar PHaaa With all
Necessary Maihales and Other Ap
pliances in and Under tna Bald
treat a. Alleys and Fublia High
ways In tha City af Oreaea City for
Conducting and Convaytng Elect Ho-,
"y far Lsnt, Hat ana power; to
CKarga Rants and Tolls Therefor
and ta Collect 4ha Santa, and Am
rharirV tha 8aiw MauM Hood Raih
way A Power Company ta Trim
fthada ar Ornamental Trees in tha
alH a n..kii.
MlnltiMM !
Oregon City Does Ordain as Fol-
Thai graaa. wblla aamrricallT atroox.
amaa caaapared with the wbot body
aa? esBployeea. Aaaoag tha most there
aah rarytng kiada and degrees af
A majority af tha workmea fed that
it is aaly tbroagh their efforts sad
' that af tha community together launch-
ad against tba apposing powers that
; . their Industrial freedom Is to be woo.
There la stm a firm brtle f oa tba part
, . ' of many that some day tha mills win
V ba aaioaised. The argument Is logical-
Tha attaaUaa Is growing intolerable.
, tha workmen aay; there la a limit to
, haman endurance, and when that point
m reached the men will rise aa one.
rgsnixa and , make their demands.
) -, which then cannot, they hold, be safe
ly refused.
i But years bare gone by siaca onioa-
j. Ism was arerthrowB. and erery tweire-
mouth baa area the control of the
employers grow more nearly absolute.
vmotr sack conditions socialfrm is
' ' ' making headway. This cornea from a
' raraiag away from a political orzanl
i sntJoa that baa Inrited the support of
i worklngmea. yet failed to Interest l-
; . adf ta any important, legislation for
their benefit If the workmea were
- aoce coarlared that there existed a
), poasfbUlty of the election of tha So-
i - ciaUst candidates there would follow
mora thaa a landstide; It would be an
The last group I approach with hesl-
I taacy. for many regard as sensational
5 . aay sta tr merit of fart that runs cono-
j ur ta their owa expefVocr. Tbre
1 , ; - group of workmen ta the steel
f ' district whoae aortal hope Inroire
f - physical resistance, now widely they
i , may preeall I do not know, but It
s aeamed ta ma signlSrsnt that some of
; .-the moat Intelligent ahould bold the
i . Tipw that the only way out of the alt
i ,-, ajatloa la through aa appeal to force:
, Soma will deny the existence of any
-v fajustica la the Institutions of soriety
f - that may not be remedied by lndirid
aal effort.
Those who defend ex biting condi-
ttuaa la tha steel mills also resort to
tha -high wage" theory. But men
are not reeompeoaeu according to the
degree of risk Inroired In their trades.
- At beat It U poswiMe to determlna a
class risk, not an IndiTldual one. and
tha workman's problem Is IndiTldual.
t"0 to conMder bimseir
'V racompeoatd by high Wages for long
k '"rk of touch with the
world and for extreme danger society
.4a not thereby recompensed. Tbrre
. must ba time in tha home for th de
atopment of a sentiment not wholly
-' concerned with bread winning and for
tha rearing af children strong in body
- and mind.
There are three waya la which coo-,
dltlons may be changed through oo--r
position interposed br the wrkrm-
, trade Vnlonlsm. politics, rerolatlon.
' Through either one or other of these
there is bound to ba a rerolutlon era
- long that shan have at Its goal tba
restoration af democracy to tha steel
New Yerk Printers' Unions.
There are twenty-one uniona of tha
. printing trades In New Tork dty with
a membership of orer 25,000.
aaka of money mea and public officials
hare stolen the power from the people
and rested It In tbemsetrea.
"What great money getter has beea J
put in jail? What great corpora tioa I
baa been prosecuted? One line of $23,-
000,000 was Imposed, but It was writ
ten la Ice on a summer day.
Tree speech and a free press were
not put la the original constitution of
tha United Sutra as It was then
thought that It waa ordained. The
first amendment to the roostltutloa
waa the one granting freedom of
worship, free speech and a free' press,
freedom of assembly gnd the right of
petition. No one. wants the freedom
of speech to preach treasoo. By free
dom of si-eerh we want the right to
criticise, the right to glTe rent to pro
teat and opinions. ' The worst that
could come to our people would be to
attempt to shut off freedom of the
press and speech. "
Unien Label Shea.
A new shop managed by women-fot
the aale of article made for and by
women has been opened in New Tork.
It Is known as the Label, beraone each I
article sold In the shop will be marked I
with a label showing that the condl
tJons under which it was made are
considered fair to the employee. Miss I
Elisabeth Dutrher. a Vaaaar graduate I
and chairman of the label committee!
of the Woman's Trade union; Mlae
Carola Woerhoffer. a Bryn Mawi
graduate and a magazine writer; Mrs.
M. Brtdvman. secretary of the Con
sumers league, snd Miss II . C. Eck
hardt are in charge of the venture.
The object f the shop. It la stated. Is
not to make money, but to make It
easy for persons Interested in social
betterment to buy goods w!?i the ap
proving label.
The Sis Day Weak.
The value to labor of the preserva-
Uoo of Sunday as a day of rest Is em
phasized by James Lynch, president
of the International Typographical un
ion. In one of his recent publicity let
ters. II states that In the printing
trade, where the seven day week waa
formerly In vogue and waa abolished
by, requiring members who were em
ployed on a seven day schedule to give
one day each week to the Brut obtain
able substitute, the wages for a sil
day week are now In excess of the
wages formerly paid for the seven day
week. He alxo states that the Ger
man branch has reduced the days
rrom six to Ore. with similar results.
President Lynch believes a movement
toward sn open Cunday Is a move
ment for long bourn and I against
tna interests of labor. , .
Unions Tbrivs Under Opposition.
Los Angeles perhaps more than anv
other city of like atse la the United
Rtatee baa been tha field In which
bitter opposition ta the existence or
trrowfh of the trade union Idea lua
been prevalent for a lopg period of
' Twenty years ago there were
two or three trade onions In Los An
geles. Today there are nlnptr-twn
Thus do tba uniona prosper wherever
they meet tba most strenuous oppaal-
1 1" II.
Are You a Subscriber to the
New Daily?
. If The Morning Enterprise la to ba aa successfal as the Interests of Orecoa
City demand It must needs have the support of all. Tba new daiiv t...
a big work before It In boosting Oregon City and. Clackamas County. Tour
uppun means more airengin ior ineworE. -
Vill You Help Boost your own Interests?
For a limited time the Morning Enterprise will be- sold to paid In advance
subscribers as follows:,
"f 1 yamr. ....... .
-J . . tL ' -
Sect loo I. The Moaat Hood Rail
way A Power Cocapaay. a Corpora
tioa duly orgaatjred and existing
under the laws of the State of Ora
- goa aad having ita prtaclpla office
and place tf busiaesa lc the City
or l-ortiaao. la the 8Ute 1 1 Oregon
and Ita succeaaors aad aaalgna. ts
, Dereoy granted, subject to the con
aideratloaa and coo di tioa a la thU
Ordlnaaca contained, the right aad
privilege to erect, constract aad
maintain aa electric light, beat and
power system la the City of Oregon
City. Oregon, and the right aad
privilege to erect polee and stretch
wires t hereon and thereover,
through, over and apoa th street, i
alley a and public high waya aad to
constract underground conduits or
pipes 'With all Beceeeary manholes
aad other appliances. In aad under
said street, alleys and public high
ways In the City of Oregon City for
concocting aad coavering electric
ity for light, beat aad power and
to charge and collect tolls therefor.
Section 1 All rights and privi
leges hereby granted shall expire at
the end of Twenty-five Teara from
the date of the acceptance of the
terms and conditions of this Ordi
nance by the said Mount Hood Rail
way ft Power Company, and la the
. aveat the said Mount Hood. Railway
rower Company. Ita successors
aad aaalgna, ahatl fail or neglect, or
re ruse to perform aay of tha obliga
tions or requirements Imposed by
taia ordinance, this graft nd privi
lege shall be terminated, and as
nulled by the Council of the City
or Oregon City, and the said Mount
Hood Railway ft power Company.
its successors and aaalgna, shall be
deemed to have forfeited all rights
and privileges hereby granted.
Section J.-A!1 necessary eonnec
t toes- to 'subscriber stations - and
to other pciata may be made from
each wires and conductors, and with
such means, apparatua and appllaa-
cea aa may be requisite. Said gran
tee. Its successors and assigns, shall
nia, rrom time to time with the City
Engineer, or properly constituted
authority of the city,-plana of all
conduits, manholes. distributing
poies. ana all other constructions
proposed within the limits of the
streets, alleys and public highways
of the city, and in such form and
detail. Including appropriate mane.
aa the City Engineer, or other prop
erty constituted authorities may de
mand and approve; and plana and
specincations of relocations and
changes shall be filed In like form
and 'be approved before the same
shall be made or work begun there
on. AH poles erected by virtue of
this franchise and gran shall be
maintained at such length and the
wires thereon shall -be -of such
height and placed in such manner
as shall be satisfactory to the City
of Oregon City by Its properly con
stituted authoritlee. Said grantee.
Its successors or assigns, shall not
remove Its poles after once being
set. from any location to another un
hssa permitted to do ao by the City
of Oregon City, or Its properly con
futed authorities.
Section 4. The said Grantee, Its
successors or assigns, under the
direction of the City of Oregon City,
or Its properly constituted authori
ties may make all necessary exca
vations in any street, alley or pub
lic highway for the purpose of erect
ing. constructing and maintaining
polee and other supports for Its
wires, conductors, lights or arc
lights and for repairing the same
and lor laying, repairing, and main
taining Its underground conduits
ana pipes, and for Placing, renalr.
ing. maintaining and operating Its
wires and other conductors thereon.
AH poles of the said grantee. Its
successors or assigns shall be
erected at the edge of the sidewalk
unless otherwise directed by the
proper city Authorities.
The City of Oregon City, by Its
properly constituted authorities
ahan have the right to cause said
grantee, its successors or assigns,
to move the location of any pole or
arc ugni wnenever the removal
thereof shall be deemed for the pub
lic convenience and the expenss
inereoi snail oe paid by the said
grantee. Its successors or aaslgns.
Section 8. When any excavation
shall be made, pursuant to the pro
visions of this Ordinance, the aald
Grantee, ita successors or assigns,
shall restore the portion of the
street, alley or public highway to
the same condition In which It waa
prior to the opening thereof, and
all work ehall be done In strict com
pliance with the rules, regulations,
ordinances or orders now in force
or which may be adopted from time
to time during the continuance of
thla franchise, by the Council of
the city, or aa may be otherwise
provided by law. It la further pro
vided that the City authorities may
require that any opening In any
,hard surface pavement In any street
alley or public highway shall be
nlled la and tta r. .--. .-i
by the. City Authorities, and the-
cw. mereot. Including tha cost of
Inspection and supervision shall be
paid y said grantees. Its successors
or aaaigDa. ana the City Authorities
may require a deposit with the City
Treeaarer of e eua af asoeey sulM
cleat to pay aald coat by aald gran
lee. Ita eeceesaore or aaalgna, before
the opening of said etreet. alley or
public highway shall be began.
Section C At all times, the
power aad right reapoaabty ta reg
ulate la the public interest the tr
erclae of the franchise aad right ao
treated ehall re mala aad be vested
U the Council
8ecttoa 7. The eonstrortk aad
Installation of the nlaat aad system
hereia provided for shall begia
withla one year aad hU be com
pleted to the extent of at leaat five
hundred horse power or more ready
for publla use within the limits of
the City of Orecoa City, withla
eighteen (11) nxoth from the date
. of acceptance of this franchise. The
. grantee, la thla franchise, shall, be
fore eterrlaing or availing Jta-elf tt
any of the proviaions of said fran
chise, withla the Clty .bf Oregoa
City, and before laytne. erecting or
roaatructlng aay wire or con Jul la
withla the aald city, make and exe
cute to the City of Oregon City, a
good and sufficient bond to be ap
proved by the Council of the city,
la the sum of not leas thaa t.OOO OO
coadltloned apoa the faithful per
formance asd execution of the ex
act terms of this Ordinance, pro
vided however, that when said gran
tee. Ita succeaaors or aaslcna shall
have expended the sum of IWOO.OO
on the eoastrartioa of it plant or
system within the limit of the City
of Oregon City, and evidence of
such expenditure shall have been
given to the Council of the said
city, said bond shall be void, other
wise to remain la full force and virtue.
Section I The Grantee. Its sue-
- ceeeore and aaalgna are hereby ea-
powered and authorised to cut and
trim any and all ornamental shade
treea la aay of the streets, alleys or
public hlghwaya of the city, that In
terfere with any light, pole. wire,
appliance or apparatua used (a con
nection with or aa a part 'of the
electric light, heat, power works or
- system, but ao such shade tree or
ornamental treea ahaM be so cut or
trimmed to a point below twenty
five CS feet above the sidewalk
grade, nor shall anv such shade
treea or ornamental Nreea be cut !
and trimmed until the said grantee.
Ita aucceaaora or assigns shall glte
written or printed notice to ' the
owner or occupant cf the premises
la front of which said treea are
growing, to trim such treea, within
one week after giving aald notice,
at the cost and expense of said
owner or occupant. If said owner
or occupant faila. neglecta or re
fuses to ao cut and trim such treea
aa required by sal 4 notice, the said
grantee, ita succeaaors or assign
may cut or trim or cause to be rut
and trimmed such trees and at th
expense of aald grantee. Its succes
sor or assigns.
Section Nothing In thla Ordi
nance shall be construed aa in any
wise to prevent the City of Oregon
City from sewering, grading, pav
ing planklnjfc-repalring. altering or
doing any work that may be desir
able on any of the streeta. alleys
or public hlghwaya, biit all such
work shall be done, if possible, In
such manner aa not to obstruct. In
jure or prevent the free use and
operation of aald . electric light.
power and heat, ayatem of aald
grantee. Its successors or assigns.
Section 10. Whenever It shall be
necessary In grading or sewering
or in making sny other ImDrove-
ments la any street, alley or pub
lic highway to remove, change or
relocate any pole or poles or con-
dulls belonging to said grantee. Its
succeesors or as-iKns, on which any
line or lines, wlr or wires of aald
grantee, its successors or aaalgna.
shall be stretched or faateaed. the
aald grantee, Ita successors or as
signs, shall upon ten days' notice
from the City of Oregon City, or its
properly constituted authorities, re
move, change or relocate such pole
or poles or conduits, and If falling,
neglecting or refusing ao to do. the
Best of work and satisfaction gusr
antssd. Have your horses shod by an
expert; It pays.
All kinds of repair work and emlthy
work. Prompt service ; grestsr -or.
tlon of your work can be don while
you do your trading. Give ma a trial
Job and sea If I can't plssse you.
Cor. Main and Fourth fits, Oregon City
said City of Oregon City, by It
properly constituted authorities ma
remove the same at tha expense of
the said grantee, its auacesaora or
Section II. Said grantee, Ita suc
cessors or assigns, hereby agrees
ana covenants to Indemnify and
save harmless the City of Oregon
City and the officers thereof against
an aaraage. costs and extenses
whatsoever to which It or they msy
be subject In consequence of the
acts or neglect of aald grantee, it
successors or assigns. Its agents or
servants. In any manner arising
from the right and privileges here-
oy granted
This franchise and right shall not
be construed ss any limitations up
on me city of Oregon City through
us proper officers to grant righta
privileges or authority to other per
sons or corporations similar to or
different from thoae herein' set
forth. In the same streets, alleys or highway
Section 12. It shall be unlawful
for any person or persons unless
authorized by the grantee, Its suc
cessors or assigns, or by the City
or uregon city by Its properly con
atituted authorities to Interfere
with, meddle with. Injure or remove
any or the poles, wires or under
ground conduits or nlpea or anr in
sulator. Instrument, light or apper
ius usea in or as a part of the elec
tric light, heat and power system
herein provided for upon the streets,
alleys and public highways of Ore
gon v.ny, and any person or persons
violating any of the provisions of
this Section shall upon conviction
thereof before Municipal Court be
punished by a fine of not less than
Ten and No One Hundredths ($10.
00) Dollars or more than One Hun
dred ($100.00) Dollars, or by Im
prisonment In the City Jail not less
man rive (5) or mora than Fifty
(SO) daya or,by both aald fine and
Section 13. Tha rtchte and nrl.l.
legea granted by this Ordinance are
granted upon the conditions herein
Put Yourself in the
Ad-Readers Place...
When you writ -i...m.j
: fr? ," kind a-try to ;
t l?.yU to.,,n1 ,f wn n
-If you doHhla - I T
extent-your ad , irSl 1
" iw-
contained aad upon tha following
consideration, to-altj.
t1rst4-The aald grsntee, shsfl
within thirty (30) dsys after this
Ordinance shsll be la force, file In
the office of the Recorder of the
City of Oren Cltjr. Its written ae
cepuace.of this Ordinance granted
to and roaferred upon the aald gran
lee. Its succeaaors and aaslgns. sub
ject to all the terms, obligations,
reetrtrtloBS and provWona In Ibis
Ordinance contained, and upon the
expiration of thirty (SO) days' time
allowed for acceptance of thla Ordl
nance the same not having been ae- j
cepted unconditionally, this Oral-1
nance shall become wholly void, la- j
operative and cf ao effect.
Second The grantee. Its succee- ;
aors or aaalgna, hereby consents and
agreea to perform and abide by all 1
. the terms, requirement and condl
' tloaa required or Imposed by any !
' provtsjoas of the City v hartw upoa
the granting of franchise rights and 1
'privilege whether recited la Ibis ;
Ordinance or not. ;
Third That said grantee. Its sue-
censors or assigns, shsll pay to tha ,
Oty of Oregon City, on or before j
the Itth day of Jaauary of earn,
year aad every year during the life
of thte franchise, in gmd coin of the j
-lBited States of.Amrica a euro
of aaoee equal to io (St) per
cent cf the gross earnings of said ,
grantee, Ita eucreeaors or aaalgns,
from taxes or tolls collected within !
the corporate limits of the City of
Ocegoa Oty fur the preceding earT
a statement of which gross earn
ings shall be saorn to by the Pree!
dent aad Secretary of aald Com-'
pany and filed with the City Re
corder, aad Bo license tat or charge '
oa the business, occupation or fraa- j
rhlse of the aald Mount Hod Rail-!
nay and power Company, Its sue-1
. ceaaors or aaalgna ahall during the .
exlateace of the rights granted by '
thla Ordinance, be Imposed upon, I
exacted from or required of the
said Mount Hood Railway and ,
Power Company, Ita succeaaors or
aaalgna other thaa the above sped- ,
fled annual payment of money, but !
' this provisions shall not exempt the :
properly of said Mount Hood Rail- ,
way and Power Company, Ita sue- f
cessors or assigns from lawful taxa
tion. Each of tha aanual payments
of money required by thla Section 1
shall be made by the aald Mount
Hood Railway and Power Company,
ltd aurceeaore or aaalgns to tha
Treaaurer or Recorder of the City i
of Oregon City on or before the 15th I
day of January of each year for the i
preceding year and aald Treaaurer ,
or Recorder "ahall laatie bla receipt
therefor, which shall be a full ae-'
quittance of said Mount Hood Rail j
way and Power Company, Ita sue-1
cessors or assigns, from such pay-,
menta. ' Should said Mount Hood
Railway and Power Company, Ita!
successors or assigns fall or Beg-
lect for thirty days after the same
shall become due aad payable aod I
aner written notice, from rhe City
of Oregon City to psy the same, to
pay any of aald 'annual payments;
provided for In this Section, the '
City of Oregon City, by Its properly i
constituted authorities shall have 1
the right and privilege to collect '
auch overdue payments from said j
Mount Hood Railway and Power
Company. Ita succeaaors or assigns,
by a suit or action and shall have
a lien upon Its property and fran-!
rhlae hereby granted for the pay
ment of the aame. I
Fourth That the maximum rate '
to be charged within the corporate :
limits of the CHy of Oregon City :
for service by aald grantee. Its sue- I
ressors or assigns, shall be aa fol-!
for Power.
Kilowatt Hoar per K.W.H,
100 to too or lesa per; month 6c
600 to 1000 per month 4c
1000 to 5000 per month 3c ;
5000 to goon er month Ic '
8000 to 10000 per month lc
For Light and Heat. j
Twelve Cents (12c) per Kilowatt I
Hour. ;
And It la agreed that tha grantee,;
Ita auccessora or assigns shall fur- j
nlsh to the City of Oregon City, up
on request of the City Council, such 1
electric energy for the lighting of
said city aa may be required, at Ita
sub-station to be established therein
at the rate of two (2) cente per K.
W. Hour. That no power ahall be
supplied to any competing company !
when auch act will prevent other!
persons or companies from recelv- j
Ing sufficient power or current for ;
their needs.
Section 14 The franchise here
by granted to the Mount Hood Rail
way and Power Company shall not I
be sold, transferred or leaaed to
any other person, firm or corpora-'
tlon without the consent of the !
Council of the City of Oregon City
first given by Ordinance duly enact-1
ed, and every sale, trssfer or lease 1
of such franchise shall be deemed j
void and of no effect without the !
consent of the Council as above pro
vided. v
Read first time at a regular meet
ing of the Clly Council of Oregon
City, held on March 1st, 1911, and
ordered published and to come up for
second reading and final passage at
a special meeting or tne City un
ell of Oregon City, to be held at the
Council Chamber In Oregon City on
the 15th day of March, in at S
o'clock P. M.
I 8TIPP. Recorder.
Notice of Htarlng of Center Street
Notice is hereby given that the
! . - . . " I'K
wuiimtriii 01 me cost or the Improve--
meiii or center street, Oregon City
Oregon, from the North line of Bev'
etith Street to the North line of
Ninth Street, has been ascertained
and the proposed assessment has
been apportioned and Is now on
nie In the office of tha Recorder of
aid Oregon City and aubject to ex
amination. Any objections to auch
apportionment that may be made In
writing to the City Council of aald
Oregon City and filed with the Re
corder thereof within ten daya after
nr,t P,,b,cllon of this Tiotloe
will ba heard and determined by tha
Council before the passage of any
Ordinance assessing the cost of
aid Improvement.
The property assessed for said Im
provement lies on both sides of the
part of said Center fltr -.-" '
t Vi .mta
to be Improved ,d the line of lots
Str"ee n?.HV"d.P:rt of "
!LT l f.rthere8t tr om aald part of
Id Center Street and said part of
M Center Street.
MTorninIl0IC? to P"bIIe n 'the
llraHml I ?n,:?r,'" "rat pub-
he aa?d A Marcn' im. and
22 im? C'Vnc" Brt March
Couir 'ni 1 tcock' p- n - a
Council Chamber In Oregon City.
n.r.T' " tht t,m n(1 Plca for
passing on aald objections.
U 8TIPP, Recorder.
t 9
To the .HeVvT
The Mogfllnf?
Is to be as successful as the inter
ests of Oregon City demands it
must needs have the the support
of all. The new daily has a
big work before .it in boosting
Oregon City and, Clactamas
unjy. Your support means
more strength for the work.
Will You Help Us
Boost Your Own
For a limited time the Morning
Enterprise will be sold to paid
in advance subscribers as follows:
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