Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, March 10, 1911, Page 4, Image 4

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i t " J, r- - .(,- F'
Oepyrtshl r Amsrta Press Asso
ciativa. U1L '
CeprticM ar AmartcaB ftM
elsttoa. W1L
1 waa tramping la Switzerland, i
let oat' oot morning from Yevay on
the rood to Oeneva. I wtl walking
along enjoylug the beautiful prospect
bout ma Lake Lemaa and white Al
pine peaks In ' tho distance when
. ahead of id I aaw a flrure lopped by
a conical hat.' a greenish coat and
knea breeches, Over hla shoulder be
carried a ataff, to end of which waa
slung a bandanna handkerchief. evl
deotly containing the wayfarer's log-
gag. "Upon my word." 1 aaid to my
elf. "if there isn't a aon of the Emer
ald tale tramping along here In Swit
zerland." . There la a kinship among thoae who
peak the aame language I tat comee
out when they meet Iq foreign land.
It waa this feeling that Induced ni to
Increase my pace till I reached the
man. When I did ao he turned toward
me a good natnred face and on seeing
that I wss amused at hla appearance
aid Jauntily:
Tb top of the morning to you, air.'
JIow are you, ratT I replied.
"And how did you know me name
waa ratT be asked.
"Oh. you green islanders are all ej
ther rat or Mike. I had an eren
chance of bitting your name.'
"You're not English," he rejoined,
"unless yoa're a coloslst I know that
by your talk."
"I'm an American. But what the
dickens are you tramping for here In
Switzerland looking for a chance to
carry mortar to the top of some aew
"Where there' a fellow to do all the
My reply to this waa a smile. The
man puxsled me. Hla brogue waa not
so broad aa that of an Irish peasant
And why an Irish peasant should be
looking for a Job la Switzerland I could
not cooes Ire.
Whether It waa that I longed for the
companionship of one who spoke a
common language or because there
was something Tery much alive with
my fellow trareler I don't know, but I
enjoyed hla company so well that I
was In no hurry te part with him.
Coming to a Tillage, we sat down to
gether at a table In the grouuda .of a
hotel oa the margin of th lake and
ordered luncheon, rat talked glibly
all the while, hla chat sparkling with
wit and. humor, so that 1 was very
agreeably entertained. I undertook to
- pay for his lunch aa well as my own.
but he wouldn't hare It. I Initiated
thatit waa a low price for me to pay
for ha ring been ao pleasantly cheered,
bat be said that be had. or thought be
had. money enough to take him to
Dublin, and as long sa It fauted be
would pay his own way.
The result of the meeting waa that
w traveled together to Geneva. There
he named a cheap hotel he proposed to
stop at. and I was so loath to part
with him that I chose the same hos
telry. He Intended to set out oo his
walk the next day toward 1)1 Jon,
thence to Parts. Calais and across the
. channel and ever England to his home
in Ireland. But the next day he win
taken down with rheumatism In one
ef his legs and co Idnt more.
. Be did oot quit Genera fur two
Weeks.' It waa one of my stopping
points and I kept hlncouinuny. in
ther words took care of him. then suc
ceeded ia inducing him to permit me
to purchase a ticket for him to Dub
lin. . Indeed, there seemed tit' be n
other way for him to get home but by
train, for. he couldn't : walk and he
hadn't sufficient money to' ride. I told
him that I would make tnnr of lre
tand before returning to Aroerira and
would see him there. If be found It
convenient to pay the loan then, well
ad good. If not I would not miss the
mount On parting with him I asked
him to tell me what be was doing In
Switzerland. He smiled that good
Matured smile of bis and aaid that
would be explained when I saw trim
in Ireland.
It was severs! mouths, before I start
ed on my Irish tour, and on reaching
Dublin I posted a letter announcing
my arrival to the address he had given
me, a tillage not far from the city.
The next afternoon a note from rat
was handed to me stating that be had
had a relapse of hla old trouble, rheu
matism, and could not get out. Would
I kindly come with the bearer? The
bearer waa a liveried servant
; I thought there must be some mis
take,' but said nothing. I went out
side, where I found a carriage with a
coachman In the aame livery aa the
bearer of the note. I was put into the
carriage and driven for an hour when
we turned Into a handsome place. As
we aeared the house I aaw a gentle
man sitting on the porch with one leg
resting on a chair. On bis fare waa a
broad grin, evidently at the surprise
plainly visible on mine, for he was
none other than my fellow traveler.
Ha thus explained the case. He was
a gentleman's aon and like others of
his kind went out Into the world to
fight for a living, since his father had
, lost hla property by speculation. He
had fancied to tramp as an Irish peas
ant; having heard of the death of a
cousin which would give him an en
tailed estate, he was making bis way
nomewara oa loot when I met him.
n entertained me royally, and since
v . . . . . - .
he expressed wUh to tramp In. Amer-!
lea we arranged for a pedestrian tour
In the Rocky mountains. '" r-
The next year ne came over, and we
visited many of our western scenic
curiosities together, tramptng much of
the way. "" '" '
Are Yot a Subscriber to ttie
Nzvr Daily?
If T.h Morning Enterprise Is to be aa
Cltr demand It must needs bar the
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For a limited time the Morning Enterprise will be sold to paid In advance
ubscrtbera aa follows: :
By Carrier, 1 year $ J 00
Br Mall. 1 year. '. 00
Bend In your name and remittance.
When aa ocean liner baa been out a
couple of daya If the weather la fair
those who have had us I de race begin
to And their way o deck. Women re
clfne la steamer chairs comfortably
tucked In with rug, many of them
slightly pale, but gaining color from
the pure ocean atmosphere.
It waa oa such an occasion that 1
first saw a lady whose face at once
Interested me. I waa young, and
youug mea are very sensible to beauty.
This girl waa not ao especially beauti
ful as striking. Her eyes and eye
browa were a dark brown, while her
hair waa a chestnut with a tinge of
red In It. It waa thla contrast that at
tracted me.
Now, I am quite willing to confess
that under other circumstances I
might simply have admired the art Is
tic combination of milky skin, dark
eyea and Titian hair without having
given the girl another thought But,
aa I have said. In fair weather at sea
one ia under different influences, or,
rather, free, to be moved by any Influ
ence. We bad left New York in
snowstorm and were bow oa the boa
om of the warm water of the gulf
stream. Though we needed our wraps,
there waa pleasant softness la the
air In marked contrast with the win
ter wa had left Not only did I feel a
delightful relaxation, but I waa not
troubled with a multiplicity of things
to look at. I saw only the sky, the
ocean and the ship, and on the ship
I looked only at the young girl who
charmed me.
As luck -would have it a friend of
mine who waa aboard atepped up to
the young lady sad spoke to her. I
waa delighted. An Introduction was
assured to me. Within an hour I wa
sitting beside Miss Manning, chatting
with her.
We were making the Mediterranean
trip and. since we bad been out only
two days, ten or eleven days remained
to me to enjoy Mlaa Manning's society
How Impressionable la a youngster of
twenty-fire, especially on who baa
nothing to do but be impressed! I con
fess that I had do right to be im
pressed, for I waa engaged to a very
lovely woman. The trouble with me
was aa artistic temperament I had
been caught by a peculiar condition
of beauty. I did not find Miss Man
ning especially Intellectual, especially
entertaining, but ever before me was
that singular combination of. features.
I did not at first realize the danger for
me. an engaged man, to put myself
under the influence of another woman.
eren If the attraction waa In that
which appealed alone to an abnormal
sense for beauty. Before we reached
the Aaores I began to fear for myself.
and when we reached Madeira and we
went ashore together and walked in
the garden of Funcball, redolent with
the perfume of tropical flowers, I knew
that I waa lost
I had written something dally to my
fiancee to post from our first landing
point, but somehow I could not drop
it In the purser's box to be mailed. I
glanced orer what I had written, and
so completely had I passed under a
new spell that I wondered bow I could
erer hare been under any other. I
tore my letter into Uts. From Ma
deira to Gibraltar I was in an a cony
between a sense of honor, shame and
self condemnation on the one band and
Infatuation on the other. From Glbral
tar to Naples I sank Into absolute non
resistance and self contempt.
I bad not the assurance nor was I
expected to attach myself to the Man
ning family during their stay hi Italy.
ao I left them. Intending to meet them
In a few months In Switzerland. I
had not spoken my Infatuation I can
not call It lore to Miss Manning, for
I could not bring myself to act so con
temptibly while I waa still betrothed
to another. I hoped the conditions
might be changed before our next
meetlDg. though what waa to change
them except some dishonorable act on
my part I did not know.
I had not been separated from my
fellow trareler a week before the
chains that bound me to her began to
drop off of their own weight Then It
first occurred to me that I bad been
captivated by a peculiar beauty. I
saw so many different types of beauty
in the galleries of Italy that I suppose
I became surfeited. Still. I could not
call up the Image of Miss Manning
without backsliding.
Three months passed, and I Joined
the Mannings at Lausanne, on Lake
Geneva. When Mlaa Manning came
into the room where I waited for her
I stood mute with astonishment Her
Titian hair bad turned into a dart
brown, like her eyebrows.
"Ton are surprised at my appear
ance," she said. "Let me explain.
Before leaving America I bad Buffered
from a ferer. On recovering my hair
came out rapidly, and I bad It shaved
shortly before I sailed. I ordered a
wig of a color to match my eyebrowa,
but before it was sent home I tried on
one belonging to grandma. It was so
becoming that I determined to wear
In a twinkling my enthrallment waa
gone. The young lady saw the change
in my features, which were expressive
of my feelings, and looked disappoint
ed. But I felt a certain restfulnesa In
being freed front my conflicting emo
tions. I made my call short snd nev-
r-v uhtw jnauumg irora mat
(ijyttf this. v'
I had great difficulty in making up
with my fiancee, who knew 'very-well
from my letters, which had been few
and far between, to aay nothing of the
absence of feeling in them, that some
thing waa wrong.
successful as the Interests of Oregon
support or alt The new dally has
Americans Caking Early Start
For 1912 Games In Sweden.
AthlsUs WSs Make Highest Average
en Psreetas Basis Wilt Be teieet.
ed, Craig. Davenport and
Several Others $ure ef Pieces.
With the holdlug of the Olympic
game of 1012 In Sweden. President
Everett C Brown of tlie National Am
ateur Athletk uukio la already mak
ing preparations ft- the organisation
of an American team which win per
form aa admirably aa the Yankee ag
gregation that carried off reroler
honors In the world' gamea held at
Athena, London and 81. Louis. Thst
Brown believes thla can be done Is
bown by the systematic way In w hich
he la going about the organisation of
the American team.
Although the time for holding the
gamea la over a year away. President
' "jf 4V
on Tsaau.
Brown now believes It la eipedient to
begin getting Hue on the best ath
letes la the country iu the differeut
events and also start the raising of a
fund to dufray the exi.-nsrs of sending
the team abronil.
A short time bko the National Am
ateur Athletic union care S l.fsio to the
fund, and several times this amount
already have len pledged by promi
nent athlelicentliulaftt throughout
the country. It is understood that
'resldeut Toft will take stea to have
certain amount advanced from the
national treasury, while a similar ac
tion la stireTo be tsken by some of the
governors of the different states.
With the expense fund practically
assured. It now is up to rrealdent
Brown and Secretary Sullivan of the
national body and the presidents and
other officials of the different associa
tions of the onion to confer and bold
trials to aelect the strongest men In
the country to take part In the various
events which make up the Olympic
program. In all probability several
trial a will 1 held In the different sec
tions, and the athletes who make the
highest average on a percentage baala
will be selected.
The fact must be admitted that
America's athletes must be superior to
those representing other countries, and
our representatives will have to win
by comfortable margins to be awarded
the verdicts. Another thing which
must be watched Is the team work,
which is liable to be used on the Yan
kee athletes In the different events.
especially the track contests.
It Is almost certain that these ath
letes will be selected to compete In
Sweden: Sullivan selected F. I (Tex)
Ramsdell of the University of Penn
sylvania for the 100 yard dash. R. C.
Craig of the University of Michigan
was chosen for the 220 yard dash.
Ira Davenport of the University of
Chicago, who is looked upon ss Amer-
t-a's premier quarter mller, waa
hosen for this event. O. FI. Whltely of
rrlncetoti was honored with' the half
mile, and A. F. Baker of Oberlln wag
warded the one mile. Wi A. Ed
wards of the University of California
was selected for the high barriers and
C. T. Gardner of Harvard for the low
hurdles. T. V. Jones of Cornell waa
given the cross country run.
In the field events J. Wasson of
Notre Dame waa chosen for the broad
Jump, and K. W. Burdlck of the Uni
versity of Pennsylvania waa awarded
the high Jump. i. Horner, Jr., of the
University of Michigan was given the
ahot put and Lee Talbot of rennsyl
ranla State the hammer throw. I B.
Vcott of fceland Stanford waa honored
with the pole raolt. ' m - n ; i
BuoBcrlbe for the Dally Enterprise
WORK.' '
Best of work and aatlafactlon guar-
anteeo. Have your noresa shod by an
expert; it pave.
K All kinds of renalr work and emlthv
work. Prompt service; greater por
tion of your work can be sons while
you do your trading. ' Glva me a trial
Job and sea If I can't please you. .
Cor. Msln and Fourth 8ts., Oregon, City
a seas or rtca
Cepyrlshl y Aswrtesit rnwa As
elation. lll.
I bad Just rutered society st the age
of nineteen when my father died lu
solvent and from affluence we were re
duved to poverty.
I found position as goveruesa lu
the family of a Mrs. Woodward, a
widow with several chlldreu. I.ucy. a
girl nearly my saw. was (he oklest
daughter and. of course, I hud uotti
Ing to do with her vdiK-stlwt.- Tbeu
there was a aon. Harry, absent at
tending lectures. He rame home dur
Ing vacations, but 'raid uie no atten
tlou whatever durluar these visits. He
was Interested In young Indies occu
pylng the social world lu which I bad
Juat made my debut and disappeared.
He used to talk a great deal about
them, and I thought that had It Ut
beeu for my misfortune bad he met
me In the gay work! he would have
spoken of me In the same way.
My duties were to take care of the
tittle children who bad outy. begun to
learn. I waa something, but uot much
better than a nurse.
Mrs. Woodward waa taken dowu
with typhoid fever. The doctor order
ed a trained nurse, but when she came
the Invalid directed that I be with her
constantly while the nurse should ouly
attend her when neceeKary. This
threw upon ma the brunt of the ours
Ing, the trained nurse only carrying
out such work aa the doctor's assist
ant " And Just when she waa most
needed ahe took herself off to accept
permanent position.
The night the nurse left the patient
bad bad hemorrhage, and the doctor
dreaded her baring another. He told
me to keep her n the utmost quiet
for ahe waa In dangerous condition.
Her Ufa depended oa thla
In the middle or the night my mis
tress asked ma feebly for some gruel.
I atepped into the kali and was sur
prised to find the lights that bad been
left burning below were out and all
was In darkness. returned for
matches and went down the staircase.
At the bottom a light was flaabed la
my face, and a man's voice called
gruffly: t
"I want the valoables!-
I waa always a timid girl, but in
this case my mistress' condition con
quered fear. I told the man that
there waa an invalid upstairs and if
she knew be was In tbs house It would
kill her. ne evidently did not believe
me. for he swke very hsrshly to me.
I holding a revolver right In front of
;' my face and ordering me to tell blm
I where the'vslusbles were kept.
Now, there was not a bit of silver
plate or Jewelry In the bouse that waa
j not In the sickroom. My mistress had
. always ke4 then) there In health and
j Insisted os the sliver being carried
j there every evening after dinner.
They were nothing to me beside her
; Ufa I begged the man so hard to be
! Here me. at the same time telling blm
I that I would bring blm everything of
! value, that be permitted me lo go for
; them.
But how waa I to excuse myself to
my mistress forvcsrrylng the things
ont? If I tnld her nothing of what
j had occurred would she not believe
, that I waa robbing her when ahe waa
j too 111 to stop me? ner eon and
, daughter were t-f h In the house, but
to awaken either one of them would
be death to their mother. I must
think quickly. Wht put the plsn I
adopted Inte my head I know not. It
came like a flnh.
Rolng Nick into my mistress' room,
I begin to trim the gas up -and down, ;
finally turning It out sa If by mistake.
"Oh. dear." I snld. "how unlncky!
And I don t know where there are
While I pretended to be hunting for
the mstches I was gathering some val
uable Jewels that I knew were kept
In drawer of the bureau. Taking
them and picking np the box In which
the eltrer was kept. J went downstairs.
The burglar was waiting for me. He
turned his light on what 1 brought
him and remarked that there was a
good lot of swsg. Then he ordered
me Into the kitchen' and. tsktng a
clothesline hanging against the wall,
tied me to a heavy table. In vain I
begged him to let me go to my mis
tress. "Oh. nor ha said. "You'd call
the police."
ne went sway, and I began at once,
trying to free myself. My Joints were
very supple, and I soon slipped my
hands out of the rope, sfter which It
was no great work to free myself.
Taking up the gruel that waa on the
range, I went bark to my mistress and,
relighting the gas, gave her what she
would take of tt. Then, telling her to
try to get some sleep, I went down
stairs to the telephone and reported
the robbery to the police. Fortunately
the burglar had not had time to get
to a place of safety with his swag,
and by communicating quickly with all
wie policemen within range he was
The next morning when I told Harry
and Lncy what had occurred they were
beside themselves with terror till I
reached the end. when Lucy sank down
Into a chnlr and Harry-well. I shall
never forget the look Harry gave me.
Just then there was a ring at the tele
phone, and the police reported that
the robber had been taken with Jewels
nd silverware.
Mrs. Woodward recovered, and the
doctor said that I had certainly ssred
her life, nrfrfy Woodward had noth
ing more to say about the girls he met
In society.' When he entered upon his
profession he married me. and I was
once more In the circle to which I be
longed and from that day to this hava
lived a happy life. . ' ' . '
Put Yourself in the
Ad-Readers Place...
When rou write vour claiairurf a
ad or any kind of an d try to
Include In It Juat the information
you'd like to find If you were an
d-reader and were looking foi an -
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If you do this to even a small
1 VMnrow wm bring. ne-
W K VUt O 1 '
A. A. A . . .
English Lightweight to Clash
With McFarland In New York.
Psoky Hss Weight Height snd FUsch
In His Favsr. but Little Briton Will
Mere Than Make Up Per It With His
Llghtwelghta are now occupying the
center of the pugilistic stage. Within
the last few mouths more battles le-
tweeo the 133 pouud boys have been
beld than In any other division The
next big contest un the calendar la the
bout between Tacky McFarland of
Chicago and Owen Moran of Kngland.
The boya are to clash at the Falrtnoni
A. C. lu New York March 14.
The meeting of the pair baa been
anxiously looked forward to by the
fight fa us fur some time. Promoters
all over the country have made aevrral
efforts to match the men, .but failed
owing to some difficulty In getting Mc
Farland and Moran to a mutual under
standing regarding the weight
When the boya signed articles for
the coming bout It could be plainly
seen that they were anxious to swap
punches, as each realised that the oth
atamla lu his way to a clear road
(o the title, so they easily rame to
u agreement, Moran allowing Parky
to weigh 1.13 iKMinda at ft o'clock the
day of the contest.
When Moran fares McFarland be
Ul have the toughest Job of bis ca
reer on band. In this battle the little
Englishman will be giving away
weight, height, and reach, but U con
fident be can add the Chicago boy'a
ilp to hla lelt. But can her Packy
la conceded to be about the ahlftlcst
boxer in the ring today. He la the
Boat accurate o puuebera and a won
t " tfvv' ' j-v'1
'A., k
rcav m'wtuuAnu su uwu atoaaa.
wso its to ctaaai im aaw roaa.
derful Judge of distance; but. like
moat clever men, bo la no terrific bit
ter and seldum knock out man.
On the other baud. Moran U by far
the hardest hitting lad of bis Inches In
the ring and a finished fighter. One
tung ha tears in and battle like a
Mrparland Is the tallest lightweight
in the ring today. He la lira feet
eight inches in bis bare feet When
be enters the ring with Moran be will
Up the scale around 138 or 140
pounds. Moran Is the smallest man
la the lightweight division. He la
five feet four lucbe and can easily
tip the bean) at LT3 pounds. Up until
about a year ago ha bad been fighting
With both boy In good condition
the errap should result In one of the
best battles of the year. Considering
everything, McFarland abould out
point Moran, for he baa every advan
tage in his favor.
Samuel Rtrang Nlcklln, the old New
York and Baltimore player, la studying
music In Parts. fUmmy believes he Is
good for the .300 class In grand opera.
As capable umpires are getting so
scarce, President Lynch of the Na
tional league will engage a scout ta
visit tba minor leagues and look over
the arbiter. -
Manager Bobby Wallace of the 8t
Louts Browns baa picked up a new
firat baseman.' The player'a name la
McAuley. He played with tbs eeral
pro West Ends of Chicago Inst year.
'Another new curve has been devel
oped On the Pacific const, pitcher Hall
of the Tacoma team claim that he has
a twister that he calls the "fork ball"
that Is going to keep the batters guess
ing. He holds the ball between his
forefinger end the second finger and
throws it overhand.
Husbsnd Charges Wife With Being a
Beold Second Wlfs Deserts.
Peter Mayers, who waa married t In
May, 1910, at Portland, to Stella May
era, has filed a suit for divorce, rharg
Ing his wife with being a scold and
possessing an excitable temper. In
October last be says ah told him ahe
did not 11k his ways and that he
could go, and drov him away from
E. H. Lawle ha filed a au'lt for di
vorce agalnat Clara Lawlea. They
wer married In Burlington Juctlon,
Mo.. June 9, ig3, and he charge de
sertion In September, 1908. His at
torney Is George C. Brownell.
Age Yoga a
To 4lae Hev
The Eflogamg
Is Jo be as successful as the inter
ests of Oregon City demands it
must needs have the the support
of all. ; The new daily has a
big work before it in boosting
Oregon City and Clackamas
County. Your support means
more strength for the work.
Will You Help Us
Boost Your Own
For a limited time the Morning
Enterprise will be sold to paid
in advance subscribers as follows:
By caic,
By mail, V
Send in Your Name
and Remittance
i y?a $3.00
yea 2,00