... j ) ,u Jl will be rilri '" ! benefit of low pHce. jus) amy mm tweeit Portland i ana and Salem; elre 4 latee In evsry Motion Claofca- imi County, with a papulation e 10,000. Are yew an eavertleerf i STATES " TROOPS NEEDED .-...CAN INVESTORS IN MIXICO 41 y NEED PROTECTION FROM THIS COUNTRY. gjK.(f ARMS ACKOSS BORDER TMI Hlo" 'n,l'u Thal ,h ,n,U'" net thill Not Given 4 Aid from This Coun. try. WASHINGTON. Msrcb (Bpl.) k ( out now that Iho cause for a. itMlnf of United State troops ... ... ! iKirdrr la to tlon fill- torln eipedlllona from Ihla aldo ika fcirocr ana 10 pu v Li if tha duty of tha National Oov- ... (a uilr-o In tha flrat otare. p4 Id lb second plsce tha cutting of of tha SHPI'lieS I"" inrrwn ... t.i. fh rainilar envettiment to -I down tha rebellion, which Is want i M tots sdmlnliitrstlon. ' ' jj aatniin!''1""" ib epHl H Mn "N "f ,B- Quickness HI whirs tt l moblllxlng troops on ... u.(n frontier. And tha abort tim ovce' to do ihla work la's fh ovrrmnonta of otbar na- tooi that w can 1 Quick work on rtort noilca It wo ntoa to, ana mat u mil what tha cauae for it TIkm with Ihe thought of foreign lifailuo of (he l nitaa Kieies win (im rKlr. . . " TU story la going tha rounds that cat president IMai aboold dla at tin Urns It may bo necessary for thla Niitno to take poaseaslon of Meitco A-r tn kwn ixara amonK tha cltl- triii of that nntlon and for tha pro- irtloa of Ameriran inYomora. AND ENJOY PROGRAM KINOIItaARTCN CLAr IN PRCS- IVTCRIAN 8UN0AV SCHOOL HA PLEASANT TIM I. (Tba Bua4y acboot room of tha Piitijrrt church waa tba acana of a wjr pnltf affair Tburaday aftar- I aoua from i to 4 o'clock. 1 D occa- tiua m (As banquet nivrn for toa IkwIumt' rlaaa of tha Hundar achool. TIkm lit I la tola range from (brea to li tun of ae. Tkr wera alxty children to alt toti t( the Ublea and forty pa re n la itrt prftont. i n Droaram conalalad of aonra and rcrlitUona by tba Uttla folka followed by i map bubble blowing conteat. I Oa rlitnr from the tablea tha Uttla Mil vara lined up tn a grand march iriin4 "Four and twenty oiacK oiraa taM In a pie," The pi warf bakud In a irlani pan ia 4-oralfd with black blrda. Tba mag of thia pia waa a aaca ot canaj taMrh tot nroiMtHt and tha little onaa matl? enjoyed tha grabbing. After tha dim rlbu lion of candy tha rtlMren wera. taken borne by tba par ol. 4 Mr. Ch. Kly la tha teacher of thla All who ware Dreaent enjoyed tba fair eicewdlngly. lankat Shipped to T 8T. LOUIH. March 9. Ordert wera 'waived today at tba United 8tatea OonoiliMry Department bera for tba mmnllate ahipment of 1S.0O0 biankata o Trxaa. Captain C. W. Wllaon, aa- littnt depot quartermaster, aald tba lock of blanketa In tha depot will "'Pply an army of 100,000. Bit car liwdi of prorinlona wera alao ordered io Tma. REPUBLICANS IN CONORESS. WABHINdTOV. March rSnl ) Tb Rppubllrnna In Congreaa wlU bold eocua and organlie on April S. Cwoon may be made tha Republican iwnar m the llouac. A atrong or tnlMtlon U to be effected In an effort iccompllah all poaalbla for tba Ad ""olitration. IP Yoo Want To y Well Posted Mw1!'. ,nd, l00k oy,r th M"' "w.t eraatlona In atyllah weap. Nw aj 8 PPrel. to rw. ,k fl and Inofuctlva for you Uil, ' ,h dlfferam atylaa created "on In man'a and young man'a wtarablaa. Price Btfotheis EXCLUSIVE CLOTHIERS th and Main St a. 444) WKATHER ' FORECAST, Oregon City and I'ortland I'alr; variable wlnda, moatly f oaalerly. Orejon Fair; norlheaaterly wlnda. CONCERT BY OIRLS' BAND. Program Planned By Thoa Having Affair In Charga. E. 8. Warren, of Oak Orova, ao companled by Heattr Arniatrong, Jaa ala Spldnll and Margaret 1-awla wera In Oregon City on Wednesday aelllng tlrketa for tha concert to ha given at Oak drove on Saturday night. March II. by tha Oak Orova band, tha little glrla being members of tha band. They dtapoaad of many tickets. Following Is tba program to be giv en on that nrcaalon: Helactlon, Oak Grove Girls' Hand; piano duet, "Rib bon Polka," Mlaaea Arniatrong and Kill: recitation, "An Order for a Pic ture,' Mlaa Ada Htarkwnather; vocal solo, "Tbrea Uttla Cheatnuta," Mlaa Mary lltirna; violin solo, aolacted. Prof. Brhuff; vocal aolo, "Almond Kloasoraa." Mra. ft. F. Drlscoll: vocal dut, "larboard Watch," Mrs. Marble and Mr. Oreene; recitation, "Our HI rod Girl.' Mlaa Gladys McCuley; vocal aolo, "Ma was a Prince, Mlaa Rae Wing; aflactlon, band; comet ao lo. "Klllarney,- Prof. 'II.' F. Drlacoll; vocal aolo, "Anchored,' Mra. Fay Mar ble; recitation. "For Her Country," Mrs. U. F. Drlacoll; vocal aolo, "I Won't Play With You." Mlaa Jesale Bpldell; vocal duet, "The Land of Klowera." Mlaa Wing and Mra. Mar ble; nlaoo aolo, aclocted, Mra. U. F. Drlacoll; Scenes from tba laat Days of Pompeii, Mr. Frank H. Iawton; selection, band. A Few Real Estate Deala. K. P. Elliott A Co. have been doing Imalneaa tha paat week regardleaa of the fart that buatneaa baa not opened op yet. ' They - have sold the John Htokea place, B mllea eaat of thla city. the paaaold farm near Molalla, the F. C. Uurka farm of 80 acres at Molal la. 22 acres at Willamette to Mr. Mat thews of Portland, 20 at Willamette to Mr. ntlita of Molalla. 20 acres at Wil lamette to O. W. Wreatlcr of Salem, and 48 acrea south of Oregon City to Mr. Iliillard of galem. Wm. Brhullt. grocer on Seventh etreH. made a bualneaa vlalt to New berg tba flrat of tha week. GOV. WEST NAMES STAFF. Three Re-Appolntad and One Falls to Receive Endorsement. SALEM. Or.. March . 8pU Sev. eral appointments on tha General Mili tary Staff wera made today by Gover nor West. Colonel Samuel White baa received the appointment of Judgo-Advocate-General and Major Creel C Hammond, of tha ""mirth Iitfantry. Captala Hiram tl. Welch and Captain txiren A. flowman, of tha Third Infan try, have all bran commlaalnned on tha General Staff. Major Hammond la the onl yono of tha four not reappoint ed. He la named to fill a vacancy on the staff which baa been In existence for several months. - " Bryan Talka to Bay Staters. linftTON Marrh S William J rtrv. an today 'addreaaed the two branches of the Lrglalature after ha had lunched with Governor Foea and nearly 100 of the Democratic leadvra In this atsta. KG RUNAWAY 101 PfR HILL FARM TEAM MAKES IT LIVELY FOR OTHERS USINQ THE SAME ROADWAY. An exciting runaway occurred on the steep grade of Singer hill Thurs day morning, and several men had narrow escapes for thalr lives. The borses attached to a farm wagon bad started down tha hill when a chaaffuer In charge of an automobile following blew tha horn for the driver of tha team to. turn to one aide. Tha borses hearing tha nolae of tha horn became frightened and ran down tha blll'at a teriiflo rate, but tha driver remained In tba seat and held to tha reins. There wera several teams going In tba opposite direction, on a of F. T. Darlow, which was driven by Mr. Cbsrles, wbo Immediately turned bis team, and escaped from being struck by the frightened horses by only a few Inches. Tba horses proceeded on their way across tha track ana down towards tha river. At tba corner ot the 8ulllvan property tha horses turned and ran Into a large Or tree. Had It not been for tha tree they would have gone over tha bluff Into the river, taking the driver with thara. It was recess at the McLoughlln Institute and many of the children were playing In tba street nearby when the horses dashed down from the bluff, and the youngsters bad a narrow escape. . Tha borses had no mora than passed wer the railroad track when the passenger train cam along.' ' ' ' ;' " ' Read the Morning Enterprise. KICK OVER ARREST. Firemen Think Officer Cooke Was too Haaty at Sunday Fife. During the Are' Sunday' morning there was much rowdylam on tba streets to the annoynance of the fire man and to the discomfiture of the po lice. As an outcome Officer Cooke arrested a fireman who was at work on the lire under tha misapprehension that ha was Interfering with tha work of extinguishing the blase, ' Complaint was made to the Mayor In the matter and the subject was brought up for discussion at the meet ing of Council Thursday night. There Is to be a closer watch kept of who are and who are not at work at the Ores and by what authority men are working. The firemen felt outraged over the deed and no doubt tba officer felt ha waa doing his duty. oreqon city, Oregon, frijjay, march NO PLACE FOR A QUIET WILLAMETTE CLUB BUSCH'S HALL SCENE OF PLEAS ANT GATHERING OF LOCAL SOCIETY PEOPLE. PROVES VERY PLEASANT OCCASION Good Music, Jolly Crowd, Spsclous and Wall LlgMsd Hall Makes for ' v ' a General Good v" Time. ' The Willamette Club, an organisa tion effected for the purpose of giving four danrea among the social people of the city, gave Ita flrat dance In Buarb'a hall Thuraday evening. There waa a large and enthuaiaatlc crowd present, the number embracing many of the society people of the city. A few sent regrets. Those present declare that the event waa one of the moat successful aver witnessed In the city. There waa much of quiet refinement mani fested and those present being from among those who are wont to attend social functions together made for a happy time for thoae who participated. Paraon'a orchestra, one of the moat popular musical organizations In Port land, furnished tha music for the oc casion. The refreshments were of a high order, toothsome and dainty. The hall was nicely lighted with ample room for all. Those In attendance wera: Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Price, Dr. and Mrs. C. II. Melssner, Mr. and Mra. O. D. Eby, Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Latourette, Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Greenman, Mr. and Mra. Harry O'Malley, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. II. Howell. Mr. and Mra. John B. Lewthwalte, Mr. and Mra. John F. Clark. Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Fields, Mr. and Mrs. John Adama, Mr. and Mra. D. C. Ely, Mr. and Mrs. C.D. Latour ette, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Gay, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Wllmot, Mr. and Mrs. Chaa. J. Hood, Mr. and Mrs. John F. RJaley, Dr. and Mra. Clyde Mount, Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Huntley, Dr. and Mrs. A. L. rteat!e, Mr, and Mrs. Geo. M. Han kins, Mr. and Mrs. K. T. Avlaon, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. LaSalle, Mr. and Mrs, Arthur C. Warner, Mr. and Mra. Linn E. Jonea, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Balls bury, Mr. and Mrs. K. P. Rands, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Spencer, Miss Cls Pratt, Miss Anna Shsw, Miss Eva All dredge, Miss Mary Ellen Long, Miss Trost, Miss Bess Warner, Miss Brown, Miss Madge Brtghtblll, Mlaa June Charmsn, Mlaa Marjorte Caufleld, Mlaa Minnie Rakel. Miss Murdy, Miss Alma Alldredge, Miss Merle Keck, Mrs. Wm. Burkhardt. of Salem; Meaars. Rotwell L. Holman, Wm. J. Wilson, Lyonel Gordon, Percy Caufleld, Wm. B. How ell. Elbon Long, Harry Gordon, M. J. Laxelle, Emll Gordon, Bothwell Avl aon, Llvy Stlpp, Harry E. Draper, Ray Acmatrong, O. T. Parker, Samuel Stevens, Dr. A. T. Murdy, Rea Cole, Burt Long. Carl Schrew. The next dance by this club will be given Thursday evening, April 0. HORRORS IN CHINA. People Trying to Sustain Lrfe By Using Things Not Food. WASHINGTON, March 9. More gruesome stories of the horrors of the Chlneses famine reached the State De partment today from the Consul-Gen-eral of Shanghai, who sums up condl tlons at the beginning of February. One traveler reported paaslng 13 dead bodlea In 13 miles on the road. The missionaries tell of the natives eating cakes made of leaves and stems, mixed with millet chaff, which they buy with the allowance from the government of three cents apiece. Trees had been atrtpped of bark, which had been eaten. KNIFE-WIELDING AUSTRIAN . Is Fined S50 By Recorder Stlpp Wlli Probably Pay Out. John Narobe. "the Austrian who cut tho clothing , severely and the flesh V HAS SOCIAL DANGE CITIZEN FROM RED DOG. Regsrs in New York Herald. slightly on tha person of Frank Do Isjo, Wednesday, waa taken before Recorder Blivp Tburaday for hearing. After listening to the evidence In the case Recorder Stlpp fined Narobe $50. which be and bis friends at once be gan to try to accumulate. It la a hard matter to get the true facta In the caaa with the difficulty of understanding the foreign Jargon, and the efforts of part of tha wltneaaea to cover up evidence, so that the sen tence probably cornea aa near meeting j the emergency aa la consistent with the difficulties. Wrestling at Armory Friday. A wrestling match will be given at the Armory on KTIday night, March 10. at which time Peter Buznkoa wIM meet "Auk" Smith on the mat. Bu- aukoa agreea to throw Smith four tlmea In an hour or lose the match. There will be two good prellmlnarlee and the match commences at 8:30 o'clock. v ' BUSCH'S HALL FILLED AT FIREMEN'S BALL PLANS CERTAIN TO CROWD HALL TO ITS CAPACITY SATURDAY NIGHT, APRIL 11. There Is no doubt but Buscb's ball will be filled to Its capacity on Satur day night when the Are companies of this city will give a grand ball for the benefit ofj firemen's benefit fund, the orocwos oi woicn am to oe uavu lor hbe erection of a monument and foun tain combined In a conspicuous loca tlon In Oregon City, one of the places that has 1 been' mentioned being the ooutf house yard, provided the county court grants the privilege of erecting same. The 'Intention -of the firemen Is to erect a monument the city will be proud of, and there Is no doubt but all will give the fire laddjes a helping hand to do thla. '". The committee In charga of the ball to ba given on Saturday night is com posed of members ot tba ' different companlea of the city and la aa fol lows: Hook and Ladder Thomas Qleason. Charles Burns; Company No. 1 j. Oeborn and Al Cox; Company No. t Llvy 8tlpp and C. Croner; Company No. 3 W. A. Long and O. ErtckHim: Company No. 4 George Hanklna, M.' A.' Elliott; Company No, 5 C. Slmmona and U. Griffith. Farmers' orchestra of six pieces has been engaged to furnish the music for this occasion, and from all Indications this will be one of the most succuess- ful dancea to be given In the City. REAL ESTATE 2', acre tract In Clackamas Hslghts. tt acre tract on Mass Hill. 1 Block, Improved good S-room house, 16x24 barn, elty. water, on S'tteenth 8treet Corner lot on Twelfth and Jefferson. Both streets Improved. Good S-room house. 16 lots on Seventeenth at reef. Corner business lot on Sixteenth street Lots in Gladatone and a fsw on Fam Ridge. . Large lot In West Side Addition. Prices reasonable. Tsrms ta suit pur. chsser. T. L. Charman CITY DRUG STORE 10, ion. SPECIAL SESSION OF CITY COUIXIL MANY MATTERS OF GENERAL IN TEREST OISCUSSEO AND RE FERRED TO COMMITTEES. mm asx support Much Time Devoted to Needs af Vol- y?',,rl Fireman and Matters Will Be Further Con. siderad. Council met in special session Tbursdsy evening with Messrs. An dresen. Burke, pope, Roake, Hall and Michaels present and Mayor Brownell In the chair. ' City Attorney Story acted In the place of Recorder Stlpp, who was absent Tba request for the transfer of the saloon license of the Miller saloon to J. A. Butler waa referred to tba police committee for action. Aa all licenses are up for acceptance at the next regu lar meeting It waa deemed unneces sary to hurry In the matter. Matters of Interest to tha volunteer firemen were up for consideration. There was the question of putting the bell on the bluff so that when an aUrm was sounded all could hear It. The question of paying each Are company $100 a year instead of $25 wss duly considered and referred to eommlttee for report. The question of who Is to care for the dirt and rock that falls on tho sldewslks when once a cut has been made along a property waa up for consideration. Ordinance will be pre pared causing the property "owns to build retaining wall or continue to car ry dirt away. Mr. Howell wished to have the as sessments made on Washington street so that property holders might go sbead and Improve property- now and get benefit of conditions existing and not be forced later to pay assessment on improvements. Ex-Chief Koerner thought there ought to be phones In all the engine fire company houses. Mayor Brownell asked Council consider the matter of providing three public lavatories, one on the hill and two down town J. F. Hodge wished to rent the foot of Sixth street on which to build an addition to his present barn. , An ouncad willingness to pay $6 a month on five year lease. Referred to public property committee C. Schuebel waa present to present a remonstrance against changing the grsde on Sixth street after It bad been once established and the damages and benefits once assessed; said it could not be done without another appraise ment and that his client would not uermit of It under other circum stances. There wss much discussion relative to the Are department and the fire apparatus, etc. The Bremen wish to have the Are bell put on the bluff, so that everyone can hear the alarm. With this Council agreed but there is yet a question as to what Is best to da As a Portland Arm are to give figures as to the cost of establishing 10 or 13 alarm boxes over the city it wss thought best to combine the two matters Into one and consider them later. There was talk of paying the chief engineer $100 and requiring him to collect the water rents. This led to much discussion as to what could be done, what the water board would do. how he could be put on aa special policeman and what the firemen would do In case the city choae the chief rather than the men. About the only thing accomplished was the reference to committee of the several matters discussed for the committee and the city attorney to see what can be dona. The whole discussion oi me volun teer firemen's needs and rights brought out the fact that the volun teers are doing much for tba city and without pay; that It is a esse of non property holders fighting for the pro perty of others ana mat tney snouiu at least have the expenses of the com pany paid without being forced to give dances to get money to pay them. The whole matter will be threshed out In committee and then Council can act Intelligently, me wnoie Conncu seems illlng to do what is fafr In the matter, and the volunteers can rest assured that all will be done that seems reasonable to the City Fathers. OFFER'S TITLE FOR STREET PURPOSES QUITCLAIM DEED OFFERED TO CITY FOR STRIP 30 FEET WIDE ON NINTH STREET. When the city began to Improva Ninth street It was found that tn cer tain portions ot the street the city did not own lands making the street 60 feet wide, but only owned to tha mid dle of tha street. That tha city might have a street tbe full 60 feet In width the purchase waa made of the addi tional 30 feet in the settlement with the property owners. Tbe Congregational church owns a lot on Ninth street which will be as sessed along with the other property oq the street. This lot was given to the church by a former pastor, Rev. Atkinson, but at tba time of the dona tion he did not give the 30 feet half street to the church nor to the city. Seeing that other property holders were settling with the city on the re- leasement basis members of tha church secured a quitclaim deed from the heirs of the original donors and then the church waa In a condition to trade easement for improvement as sessments. But when tba matter waa broached the City Attorney reported adverse to the claim of tbe church, and was fa cetious In bis remarks as to the hold ing quality of tbe claim. After a' recent meeting of tbe church there was an Informal discussion of tbe matter and po official action tak en. But fcecauae of certain criticism of tbe church and its attitude, a meet ing waa held Tburaday night and of ficial action taken. It was tba sense 6f the meeting, and waa so expressed In a formal resolution, that while the church might have legal rights which could be established in tbe courts, It would ba willing to waive tbem and execute to the city a quit claim deed to tba property In question. And a committee consisting of L. Adama and Rev. W. M. Proctor was appointed to convey tbe action of the church to the city Council. Thla waa done and tha Mayor and tba Council expressed their appreciation of tbe action of the church in the matter. There can be no reason for criti cism of tha action of tha members of tbe church who, seeing others given rebate for tbe easement of tbe 30 foot strips wanted for street purposes. and knowing that tbe city did not own the strip in question, went to tbe pro per doners and secured tha atrip for qse In trading purposes. And there can be no Just causa for criticism of the church for asking a trade on tbe same basis as the other land holders on tbe street. HERE TO SETTLE FIRE LOSS. Insurance Adjuster Will Assess Dam- agea to Shoe Stock Friday. J. 8. Lageson returned here from Nyasa, Oregon, Thursday morning, having been called here on account of the fire that occurred in tba Oregon City Shoe 8tore on Saturday night Mr. Lageson will have the Insurance adjuster come today and settle, after which be will open his establishment, whicb is In charge of bia father, L. J. Lageson. Mr. and Mrs. Lageson are making their home on tbelr homestead at Nyssa, and the latter remained there with ber little child. MAKES GRAVE CHARGE T THE COURT GRANTS HER LIBERAL ALIMONY DOCTOR ALLEGES NO ROOM IN HOME. Dr. John T. Townley, a well known physician of Milwaukle, la the defend ant In a suit' for divorce instituted here Thursday by Mrs. Louise Town, ley, to whom he waa married In Ore gon City June 9..1902. Mra. Townley says her - husband called her a "damn fool," that while they were living at Dufur he choked her so that she was ill for six months, that he said he wished she would leave him and get out and hoped she would die so he could get rid of her. Since they have been living at Mil waukle ha Is said to have cursed her and kicked her out of bed. In April, 1909, tbey moved Into a drug store at Milwaukle and rented two rooms. Dr. Townley saying there would be no room for his wife. During the year following he la charged with mistreat ing her and last December she says he tore her waist off and scratched her face and arms until they bled. Mrs. (Townley states the doctor has an Income of $350 a month and owns a $1000 automobile and that she has as sisted aa a nurse In building up bis practice. She asks for $250 court coats and $25 a month permanent alimony, which the court granted. George C, Brownell is her attorney. HOME FROM CALIFORNIA. Oak Grove People Have ' Pleasant Time, But Glad to Get Horn. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Vonderahe have returned to their home at Oak Grove from their trip to California, where they spent five weeks sightseeing. Among the places they visited wera Loa Angeles, Redlands, Long Beach, Santa Barbara, San Francisco, Oak land,' Alameda, Sacramento, Riverside and Pasadena. While on this trip they had tba pleasure of seeing 20, 000 aclres of orange trees filled with the ripe fruit and that many more of lemon trees bearing fruit, a sight they had never before seen. Tbe weather was delightful In many of tbe places tbey visited, but they state the water was poor, and did not compare with that found in Oregon. Tbey are glad to get back to tbelr home In Oregon, where they can en Joy the air and an occasional rain storm. Mr. . Vonderahe says that In all of his travels In California be nev er saw any prettier girts, with me rosy complexions found In Oregon, and especially In Portland. They vis ited Oregon City Thursday afternoon, returning to their home last night Will Banquet Husbands. Wedneaday, April 19, the Woman's club will give a banquet to tha, hus bands of tha members of tbe club and to those who have assisted them in the programs the past winter. Tha banquet will be given at tbe parlors of the Commercial Club, In the Ma sonic temple. J A PENNY SAVED IS A PENNY EARNED J ! " THAT'S WHY f SO MANY PEOPLE LIVf IN J CLAIRHOHT I p . . r v ' ' ' 5 Living cheap taxes low water free savings large. There are many 4 2 advantagea and privileges afforded tha owner of a Clalrmont acreage a X tract that cannot be obtained In the city. Aek ua about them. X W. F. SCHOOLEY & CO. Both Phonea. 612 Main St, Oregon City. 1 OWO0Q40400004040404 Peb Weei, 10 Cehtb fish coaio;i RULE PERDUS WILLAMETTE ANO CLACKAMAS CLOSED WITHOUT AIDING SALMON PROPAGATION. ' " " Fishermen on Lower River Simply Destroy Buoineee of Local Fish ermen Without Protect Ing Salmon. SALEM, Or., March I All tha atreams tn Clfttaop and Clackamaa counties are to be closed from March 15 to May 1 by a ruling of tba State Board Wedneaday afternoon, the de cision being such that tha cloaed sea son on these streams will conform. alter March IS, to the season on tha -Columbia River. Tba season on tha Columbia River 'for salmon fishers closed March 1 to continue until May ' 1 and U was the original plan to eloaa the Willametta from March II to April IS. ! , :;', Considerable difficulty arose last year over the closing of tha Willam ette, the river being closed after a fight It was aald that If the stream waa allowed to remain open It would v be a breach of faith with tba State of Washington. Under tba ruling made by the Board for this year,' not only the Willamette, but tha Clackamaa River in Clacka mas county, the Young's River In Clat sop county, and In fact all of tha Clackamas and Clatsop county streams will be closed from March 15 to May 1. This adds 15 days to tbe original closed season for these rivers but still leavea them open 15 days longer than the Columbia. The Board assumed tbe attitude that It was the Intention of the law to close all of the streams In conformity with closed season on tba Columbia, to keep faith wi,th Washington. The Clackamas county fishermen are exceedingly dlspleaaed over tbe above order of the State Board of Fish Commissioners In closing the Willam ette and Clackamas from April 15 to 'May 1, and say that aa a result thous ands of dollars wUI be taken out oi their pockets. ' Representative M. A. Magone telephoned to Governor West Thursday afternoon protesting against the commission's order.but tba only satisfaction ha obtained was the state ment of the Governor that tba matter waa closed. Local fishermen will probably not attempt to violate the order closing the streams, but manifest extreme dis appointment They say none will be benefitted, as tbe uppvr rlvert become . warm during the latter part of April and the salmon become lary and make WUe effort to go over the fish ladder at the FaUa. and He In the river and die. The Willamette and Clackamaa flHhermnn contend that tha order works against tbem to tbe Interest of th Columbia River fishermen, but that it does not protect the salmon. It is said that on account of tha mud dy condition of the Columbia late in April there la no demand there for an open season until May, but that simi lar conditions do not prevail on tbe Willamette and Clackamas and their tributaries. " SAY THEY ARE FLOODED. Claim tha CHy'e Scheme of Draining Seventh Street Hurte Them. W. W. Myers and Mra. Kate New ton, living at Monroe and . 8lxth streets, object to the present methods Of draining Seventh street on to their flow on Seventh street is turned down Monroe street and the aewer on that street not being large enough to car ry the accumulated water It overflowa on the property of complainants' and they now insist that the city must do something to save them from tha an noyance. The scheme of the street commis sioner. U la claimed, is to take the water into the stream that flows down between Fifth and Sixth streets, but this Is "a theory and not a condition," and because ot this fact tha property holders flooded are making a kick. Two Soclallat Meetings Scheduled. The Socialists of .Oregon City will hold their regular meeting on Sunday afternoon, at t' o'clock, to. tha office) of W. W. H. Bamson. The Quarterly meeting of the county organisation there are three societies, at Oregon City. Canby and Molalla will ba held at Canby on 8unday, April 1. at which time the routine business of the or ganisation will be transacted. Charged With Selling Bear, E. H. Harris and Walter Harrta, hla son. of Oak Qrove. were arrested Wed nesday for selling ' beer 'without a li cense. They were taken before Re corder Stlpp for trial and atter hear ing the evidence In tha case) th Re corder bound tbem over to court in thd ' sum of $500 each. Tha officers think that they hv a clear case and feel certain that they will be able to convict tha accused when they come to trial. , , , . -