Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, March 08, 1911, Image 1

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    w .T.i tha Mornlna
The only dally newspaper be
lataa In every eectlen of Clack-
maa County, with a population of
twaan Portland and Salem; elreu
50,000. Aro you an advartleerf e
P ,M,... X HI be received for
low nrlce. 4
VOL. 1-No. 51
Pes Week, 10 Cents
o V.J
-rrt a a- MASSED
w .
READY TO Ktrr unuan
j -...k..i. will Miu at
Iditrt ana "
Oalveaton, "dy t0 T,h
thlld Quickly at .
military ami naval demonstration, In
rolvitijc 2U' troopa ana four armored
rulirr '' ordered- by Hie United
lutrt t'mluy t( bo made Immediately
'n th Mftonri -frontier'-and on the
inlf rMIl. '.
Th"h official refuaed to discuss
l puMlMlliy of troops being nt
irroni lh Internatlonal-llne, It
i,iun Hi" "a'" department haa
. coiiBldtTlnn the poaatblllty of
1Urh action for several daya.
As the ulan department openly ad
Bid Ill KiiiMrt of 1,10 ealabllahed
m.rn incut "f Mexico, the Diaz gov
irnnicnl. md Amrrlran eapltallatB
ure investments largely thrnuKh con
vuloni from DU aggregating more
htn iwxi.oi"1. In Mexico, It (a believed
lorfihm Hi"' tteiitonat ration la against
h Madi-ru revolution.
Tbe anion aa taken following the
Murn 'f Ambassador Henry Ine
K'lUnn from Mefleo City 'and colnrl
'a .I.L - .alillini mMlln Ml t)ll Ml
kn.l U'fwiil -hlrf Of HtAff. WHR DIM
knf. t-Thi" atni of mind of the official
tu hn by the action or ucnerai
:jt In l.-nvlnv the White llouau by
Lay of a Krem h wlndyw escape
nreipaper no il
tlilm - Made-That-Mealcan-Troepe
. Have Bert Repulaed.
EL Paso. March 7. Couriers errlv-
In here today aaiiert that for cea un-
Iter the reM leader Madero engaged
folonel Earuderoa federal forcea IS
feud of Moriexiima. klnlng and
kmindinc J5 finloral anldlera. The lo-
knrrtrtua ambuahed the federala In a
tp canyon aernrdlng to the courlera,
nd nnuiWa wliherlna- flrei Into their
frnki i& they attempted lo retreat
voir a remnant of the original force
(raped. It la aald. They atarted In
h direction of Caaaa Crandea and
Wtrt being hotly puraued by Inaurg
ton ahen the oourlera left. It la bo
pTd (hut Eacuilero will bo compelled
In mrri nilcr. The courlera atato that
Uadfro enptured a quantity of ammu
nition and field plecea.
BAN FRANCISCO. March 7.(8pl.)
t-Abe Huff gave up the fight today
od packing uu Ave heavy ault caaea
Mm rluthlna and book a ho alartod to
b Pen In an auto. Hla aeven daya'
'r of execution exulred at 10 thla
morning and at 1:45 p. m., acoom
lold ,y a feW frlonda, bo left the
rlty for Han Quentln, there to enter
un hla aentence of 14 yeara.
Attorney Kean fought for hla client
f o the lam, but after a conference with
Mudice Lawlcr he gavo up tha fight
and told Kucf here waa no other way
P of It. He waa In tha cuatody of
fllr McAuley and Jail Superintend
at Carroll.
There waa aotne little dlacuaalon at
N the nart the vnnnr men took In the
Jf of 8unday morning, the paat few
n. It la generally conceded that
11 to t dAngeroua procedure for the
u"! men . to make ao much notae
nremefn are flghtlnf the fire, to
" eonfualon of the firemen, and that
i" noma be atopped before barm
H" the error.
R"d the Morning fCnterprlae,
. ""r,t,0B whn you plan to buy
qwihv ,,r,b,M- ,f yu
vtu Mrlct')' ' ,ty"h merohandlae
"n OU It hare. - . . .
0TH": ' Oont fall to eee them.
Price Bffotfctsrii
Mot UU OUere
MK and Main Cta.
" - 1 1 "
3 LI S
There-will be a apodal meeting of
Council Thuraday evening. Trlnctpal
among the (hlnga to come up for dla
cuaalon la the proposition to erect the
Ore bell oo the bluff. In a poaltlon ao
that the alarma of fire Bounded on It
may be heard over the whole city.
Then the effort will be made to All In
the vacant place on the city lot be
tween the preaent city building and
the city Jail by extending the preaent
city building east to the Jail, devoting
the upper floor to the enlargement of
the Council chamber and turning the
lower floor Into police headquartere
and fire department headquartere.
Thla Improvement will not coat any
considerable aum of money and It will
provide quartera for both police andT
Are departmenta.
The queatlon of. better Are fighting
facilities will be brought up for dla
cuaalon; better organlxatlon and at
leaat one man on the Job all the time.
It haa been auggeated to Mayor Brown
ell, and he la conaldeiing the queatlon,
that the city hire one fireman for chief
who shall devote all hla time to the
work of the city. During the day,
when there la nothing else to do he
can collect the water rent and be
tween what la paid for the Are chief
and for collecting water rent one man
will have a good aalary and the city
get good aervlce. He will have au
thority aa chief of the Are department
and will have time to post himself aa
to how to Aght Are; better reaulta
will be aecured and the danger of Are
In the city reduced to a considerable
The queatlon relative to who la re
Bponilble when excavation la made
by the aide of a aldewalk ao that the
dirt contlnuea to waah down on the
walk, and aa to whom ahall be forced
to wall up the cut. will be up for oon
alder at Ion and perhapa for new legla
latlon. , .
The Aremen wish for certain
changes In conditions governing their
work and discipline, and an effort will
be made to get together and determine
Juat what la wanted and then ask
Council to grant It Thla matter may
not be ready to preaent to Council
Thuraday night but U la to be pushed
aa rapidly aa possible ao that the aer
vlce may be made aa perfect aa possi
Will Make Electrlo Light, Grind Grain
and Chop Peed.
C. Daugherty and R. H. Lawtell, who
own farme near Molalla, are digging
an Irrigating and power ditch that will
h mi i ami hair In length and coat
considerable money. The purpose la
to have ditch for Irrigating and
power purpoaea. They win taae mm
Taaael Creek, to Which
stream It will be returned after they
have had due tiae of It
They will use the water to waier
their cropa and also to turn water
wheels, each erecttne; a wheel on the
alaaam rvn hla own land .the wheela
being put Into operation about a half
mile apart.'
blnea wilt be used to make electrlo
llghta, turn feed mllla and feed chop
pare, etc , .
High School -Llght-weloMa" OrganliO
The amaller boya In the High achool
or rather the light weight boya In
the High achool have formed a base
ball team of their own and propoae
to ahow the "heavy welghte" that they
are aa "heavy" aa the rest of mankind.
Leonard Wllllama haa been choeen
manager and Shelby Bhafer captain.
There la Borne good timber among the
light welghta and If they train proper
ly it . may ' he po""lole the beavy
welghta" will later oh be glad to drart
a few recrutta from thla organisation.
, .. . r, - '
New Stunte By friendly Bible Claae.
Tha Friendly Bible claae of the
Preabyterlan church la planning for a
baiaar to be held later In the aprlng.
Several new features, never before
tried In thla jpnrt of the country, are
to be sprung on -an unauspectlng pub
lic at that time. No talea will be told
out of school but an Inkling may be
given later ao aa to awaken your
County To Buy Road Machlnea.
Proposals will be opened todsy by
the county court for the purchaae of
a road roller and a rock crusher for
use on the roads of Clackamaa coun
ty. It la the Intention of the county
admlnlatratlon to aecure modern ma
chinery for road construction and re
pair, with the expectation pf reducing
the coat and of making more perma
nent thoroughfare
Looking Over Clackamaa County.
W. H. Brown arrived In the city
Monday from the Kaat, and la looking
over the county with a view to pur
chasing land.
Will Attend Church at St. Paul'a.
The Knlghta and Ladlea of Security
have accepted the Invitation extended
to them by Rev. Charlea Roblnaon to
attend the aervlcea at the 8t. Paul's
Eplacopal church on 8unday evening
at 5 o'clock, on April 2, at which time
the rector will deliver an appropriate
aermon, and the veated choir render
special mualc.
Some Salmon Caught.
Prank S. Johnson, of Portland, one
of the leading hopdealers of that
place, waa In Oregon City Monday
morning, and waa among the few who
caught a Chinook salmon with a hook
and line. Many from Portland are
planning to come to thla city to Ash
on 8unday, and Thomas Brown Is get
ting hla seven boats ready to take
them to the falls, where the Ashing la
considered good.
Mr. and Mra. William Beard enloved
a family reunion at their home at 1002
Molalla avenue on sunaay. in com
memoration or the anniversary of that
more or less august event, there as
sembled the tangible results of the
union coniumated 85 yeara ago, con
sisting of four sons, one daughter,
inn Hamrhtara.ln.1aw. on a aon-ln-law
and four grandchildren, aa follows:
Mr. and Mra. Frank w. neara ana
daughter, Opal, of Oregon City; .Mr.
and Mra William Mc.Lartv. daughter
and son, Martha and Sam, of Oregon
City; Mr. and Mra. Benjamin Beam
and eon, Lambert Lealey Beard, of
Portland; Lambert Beard, of Port
land; Master Henry -G. Beard, of Ore
gon City.
There were also present at thla
gathering, Mr. and Mra. C. H. Beard
and eon, Hiram, of Portland; Mr. and
Mra. T. E. ueara. or Mapie Lne; j.
H. and T. B. Beard being brothers of
William Beard; Mra. Caroline 8tre
aow and son, Amoa Streaow, of Du
luth, Minn., the former being a alater
of Mra. William Beard.
Some very appropriate preeents
were given and received with pleaa
ure and gratlAcatlon to all parties,
i ...Kari itoarri twilna- chosen orator
for the occaalon, made the presenta
tion speech in a few wen cnosen rw
marka, Just all were aeated at the din
ner table, where a aumtuoua repast
araa antnvd. j-
Mr. and Mra. William Beard hare a,
hmiu nt .hiMra,n and cranacniiaren
they are Juatly proud of and we all
Join in wishing mem many sappy rr
turna of the day Juat celebrated, and
hope that It wlll b many yeara be
fore the family circle aa represented
In Bunday'a gathering be broken Into
by the grim tyrant, death.
Mr and Mra. William Beard were
married hi the city of Hudson, St
Crolg county. Wlaconsln. They made
their home In that State for many
yeara before coming to Oregon City.
They are now. among the moot en
thusiastic boostere of the State or
Oregon, and have persuaded relatlvea
to come to the West to make their
home. They eipect to get many or
their frlenda here before many yeara.
6 : ,
Oa Mar In Philadelphia Raoord.
- William Newman, who resldea near
the Abernethy Creek, above Kanaaa
City, waa taken ill while on hla way
borne- Monday morning about It
o'clock and atopped at the home of
Fred Schwarti of Eighteenth and Har
rison atreeta, where he aaked Mrs.
Schwartz, who waa alone at the time.
If he oould come in and He down as
he was so 111.
Mrs. Schwartz made him comfort
able on the lounge, and prepared a
cup of coffee for him, and while ao
doing be waa taken with a spaam.
Newman'a wife was sent for and be
fore h'er arrival he suffered with three
more, and It waa necessary for four
strong men to hold him In bed Mon
day night, aa he waa Buffering-with
such Intense pain.
Newman waa injured in the planing
mill In thla city about one year ago.
being atruck on the head, and It waa
necessary for him to undergo an op
eration In the St. Vincent a Hospital.
It la thought by the attending phyal
clana there la a pre iw ure on the brain
and there la little ho pea for bis re
covery. He Is now unconscious, and
la at HI at the Schwarti home, w here
he la receiving the best of care. New
man haa a wife and Ave little children
and haa been striving hard to make a
living alnce returning from the hos
Had Made No Complaint of Feeling
Worse Than UauaL
MARQUAM, Or., March 7. (Spl.)
Mra. Hagardorn, living between here
and Salem, waa found dead In bed
laat week, when It came time to call
her In the morning. She retired in
her usual health, with no premoni
tion of death. She waa living with
her aon-ln-law. Perry Davldaon.
Mra. Hagardorn waa well along in
yeara; she waa formerly a resident In
thla neighborhood. Many from here
attended the funeral. Interment waa
In Miller cemetery. . .
Hard Times Ball Tomorrow.
A Hard Times ball will be given
next Thursday evening In Woodmen
of the World hall by Oregon City Ae
aembly No. 7. United Artlsana. Prliea
will be given for the moat unique coa
tumea and an enjoyable time la anti
cipated. Bargains In . - -REAL
2', acre tract In Clackamas Holghte.
yt acre tract on Maaa Hill.
1 Block, Improved good 8-room house,
16x24 barn, city water, on Sixteenth
Corner lot on Twelfth and Jefferson.
Both streets Improved. Good 8-room
house. S '
16 lota on Seventeenth at rest.
Comer businesa lot on Sixteenth atreet
.'..'", .-
Lota In Gladstone and a taw oa Fern
Ridge x ... y .
. - ., ; . w - -.. ; : .
Large lot In West side Addition, v
Prlcee reaaonable.. Terma to ault pur.
T. L Chorman
city nnuG stohh
New Bridge Muat Ba Built Somewhere,
Why Hot There? Two Milea
Shorter Route to Port
The Board or Governors of the Com
mercial Club met Monday evening for
the transaction Of business of the
club. There was a visiting delegaJ
tion irom the Jennings Lodge Com
munity Club present aa guests and the
purpose of the visit was In part to
Interest the Oregon City organization
In matters of mutual benefit to both
The committee from Jennings Lodge
called attention to the needa of a Ave
cent fare from here to the Lodge. It
seems that at present the fare limit
stops about 200 yards thla aide of the
station at Jennings Lodge, and people
of both placea think the company
should grant the extension. If It la
refuaed by the railway the clubs will
take It up with the railroad commis
The visitors called attention to the
fact that it Is but 214 milea from city
to city, and (hat this is the natural
trading place for the Lodge once the
fare conditions are adjusted. The mat
ter of the wagon road between the
citlca waa also taken up and discussed
and It waa agreed that the river road,
that has not been used for some years,
should be opened up again and a new
bridge thrown acroxs the Clackamaa
River near the mouth ao that the road
may be used when once opened.
The committee called attention to
the fact that a new bridge must soon
be built some where; that If a new
one la built n the river road it will
divert much of the wear and tear from
the old one and that It will do for
service much longer In that event;
that It la a route two milea shorter to
Portland than the old way and that
now a bridge is needed tt ia an appro
priate time to build below and open
the road. To all or which the Com
mercial Club assented.
The river road ta said to be always
high and dry and that at no time will
it overflow from the river. Roadway
Is partly ' put through now and It
would not cost much to make the Im
provement, aside from the bridge.
The committee manifested a desire
to work more closely with Oregon City
In business and social relations A
feeling that la reciprocated by citizeaa
and businesa men of thla city.
The point waa made that one wish
ing to go to Portland on the O. W. P.
and atopplng off at Jennings Lodge it
will coat 30 cents, while to visit any
other point en route will cost but 25
centa, a discrimination against Jen
nlnga Lodge.
The Commercial Club appointed a
committee of. five to visit Jennings
Ivodge on the regular meeting night
of the Community Club, aa a friendly
call and to meet A. S. Hunt, of the
O. W. P., who promises to be there on
that occaalon to take up matters of
differences between the railway and
the club. It waa thought tbe attend
ance of a delegation from the Commer
cial Club might add to the weight of
the protest that ta to be put up against
the'Tatlroad evils under which both
communities feel that they are suffer
ing. The committee Is composed of
Harry E. Draper, T. P. Randall, G. L.
Hedges, Dr. Clyde Mount and Dr. T.
J. Fox.
Tbe next meeting of the Lodge
Community Club will be on Wednes
day evening and the committee will
attend and see what good things may
be brought out of a closer businesa
and social relation of the two cities.
MARQUAM, Or., March 7. (Spl.)
Some time Monday morning burglars
effected .an entrance Into the store
of F. J. Ridings, robbing the tlU of
forty dollars and scattering the pri
vate papers therein all over the floor
of the atore. Nothings else of conse
quence waa taken and there Is no clue
as to who did the job.
The robbers visited the blacksmith
shop and secured a crowbar and other
tools with which to effect an entrance.
The door at the rear of th atore waa
broken open and It la thought the till
waa .blown open with some powerful
explosive. It la not thought the par
ties were after anything but money.
It la believed the Job waa done by
" awaaaaBaaaaaaaa
Haa Ranted His Farm Near Molalla
for One Year.
A. II. Newman, who Uvea out Mo
lalla way, haa Just returned from a
trip to Modeato, Cel., and waa ao Im
pressed with the city he haa decided
to take hla family there to apend at
leaat one year, but atatee he will no
doubt return to Oregon at the end of
that time. If not eooner. He haa reald
ed with hla faintly for the paat three
yeara near Molalla, and owqa one of
the beat farms In that part of the
county, consisting of 160 acrea, Trait
of which lp under cultivation, and 40
sere pf ti'i to ta jrouvt ortsrd.
C. E. Ramsay, of Molalla, haa rented
the N'owman farm while the owner la
In California.
Twilight Literary Had an Enjoyable
Program Saturday Night
The Twilight literary club had an
Intereatlng aesslon Monday night, at
which time the question waa debated,
"Resolved, That a Competent Engi
neer to Oversee the Road Work In the
County Would be practical and Eco
nomical. George Lazelle and A. II.
larvy were on the affirmative and
Curtis M. Dodds and Mat Telford aup
ported the negative. The decision
waa given to the negative.
The playlet "Twilight Hotel" waa
given, amid applause. Mra. . Kern
bradt, a reader from Portland, gave
one of the best readinga possible.
Twilight orchestra furnished music.
There was a large attendance.
Apprehended and Given Free Lodging
In the City Prison.
The chief of Police of Med ford tele
graphed Chief Shaw Monday to keep
a look out for Bert Cummlngs and
Jlarry L. V. Shoultz, of that city, who
were accused of stealing a lady's gold
watch, and to arest them if found.
They arrived on an early train Tues
day and went to a hotel here and reg
istered. A little later Chief Shaw
took them in tow and when locked up
and searched tbe watch was found In
their possession.
When notified of the capture Med
ford officers said to hold them aa a
man waa on the way with a warrant
to take them back.
Publicity Committee Asks Business
Men and Citfzene to Help.
The' publicity committee of tbe Com
mercial Club met Monday evening and
checked over the plans for the new
Commercial Club home on Main
street. The plans were approved ahd
it waa decided to ask local men to
give bida on the work. The commit
tee la O. D. Eby, Frank Buach, B. T.
McBaln, J. E. Hedges, M. D. Latour
ette and M. J. Lazelle.
It la decided that there ia to be a
Booster Day and tbe committee haa
chosen Saturday, May 6, aa the time.
The committee wishes the earnest
suport of the business men and citi
zens in an effort to make thla a red
letter event
f The Robbie Burna society of Oregon
City met In regular aesslon Monday
evening In the basement of the Con
gregational church with the "Chief,"
Charles 8. Noble, In the chair and 25
officers and members In their respect
ive statlona and placea.
Four appllcanta were elected to
membership. They not being present,
and the "goat" Buffering In the bonds
of la grippe the Initiation waa post
poned until the next meeting. "
No one needa to stay out of the
fold on account of expense. Member
ship In the Robbie Burna society la
open to all true lovers of Robert
Burna and the cost of membership la
10c per month.
At the last meeting a committee
waa appointed to confer with the
Chautauqua Association In regard to
holding a Scotch day at tbe Chautau
qua grounds during their annnal meet
ing the coming Summer. The com
mittee reported no progress. It waa
therefore voted to bold a picnic with
auttatile music program of exercises,
etc., and a committee was appointed
to make arrangements and to report
at tbe next meeting.
It waa also voted to change the
meeting night from the first Monday
to the second and fourth Mondaya of
each month, thereby holding two
meetlnga Instead of one.
After the bualnesa waa finished
there waa an Interesting program ren
dered, as follows: Master Sam Mc-
Larty eongs. "Will You Stop Tour
Tickling, Jack." The enthusiasm In
dulged In by the audience caused the
stove and stove-pipe to part company
Ailing the room with amoke and giving
the "aergeant-at-arma' and the door
keeper ao much trouble that the de
monstration thereafter were more
William Kennedy's "Irish Love
Song" was very touchlngly rendered.
William McLarty gave a Scotch dia
lect recitation that very nearly caused
another separation between stove and
pipe. -
Dr. Bchulti b rendering of a Scotch
song waa' one of the strong numbers,
and very nearly . furnlshsd tbe good
Doctor with a patient or two that
could with difficulty control their hys
terical tendencies.
Kennedy-McLarty, song, "Loch Lo
mond," which waa well rendered and
waa an excellent number
Hugh McKennedy'a "The Day We
Went to Rossle O" again made trouble
with the Are department, so after all
bands joined In "Auld Lang Syne" tbe
meeting adjourned to meet tbe fourth
.. . . u ui
Annnav in Martin
Living cheap taxee low water free aavlnge Urge. There are many
advantagee and privileges afforded the owner of a Clalrmont acreage
tract that cannot be obtained In the city. u Aak ue about them.
Both Phones. , 4, Sit Main tt,1 Crn Cv
DAY, MAY t. "
Reaolutlon Passed Instructing Dele-1
gatee to Support Action of the -So-Called
Grange States.
The Clackamaa County Grange held
Its annual convention Tuesday after
noon In tbe Court House, the principal
business to come before the conven
tion) being the choice of delegates to
the State Grange meeting to be held
In Corvallia on Tuesday, May 9. Mra.
Mary S. Howard waa choeen chairman
and C. E. 8 pence aecretary.
Laura Kirchem, Wm. Beard and
Wm. Grlsenthwalte were appointed a
committee on credentiala. Delegatea
were preaent aa folio wa: Central
Grange Wm. Grleaenthwaite, C. H.
Spence and A. Spangler; Clackamaa
Emma "Jones, Wm. Moxfit and L. Tr
bue; Damaacua J. N. Chlttwood,
Henry Melllen and A. Newell; Garfield
L. J. Parmateer; Harding L. Funk.
L. L. KIrcbem and I H. Kirchem;
Molalla 40 R. It Wright Mary 8.
Howard and Pierce Wright; Mil
waukie Mra. A. Pareliua, ), W. Jamea
and T. R. A. Sell wood;' Maple Lane
Henry Beard, Mra. Splinter and Wm.
Beard; Molalla 840 W. W. Eyerhart.
J. W. Thomaa and O. Kj Daugherty:
Springwater E. Closaner, Earl 8hib
ley and Willie Coi ; Tualatin Fred
Elkerison, O. P. Sharp and T. U Tur
ner; Warner Win. Dodds, 8. Casto
and Fred Chinn. '
Emma Jonea and L. L. Kirchem
were appointed tellers for the election
of delegates. Delegatea chosen in the
election were L. J. Palmateer, Mra.
Ida Palmateer, W.-A. Dodds, H. G.
Starkweather, Alice Starkweather, W.
W. Everhardt, Anna Everbardt, L. L.
Kirchem and W. P. Kirchem. The
alternatea were Phil Wagner, Jennie
Wagner, 8. L. Canto, Edith Casto. G,
V. Adama, Kate Adams, H. 8. Ander
son and Mra. IL S. Anderson.
The convention discussed the ques
tion of progreaslveness among the
Grangers and Instructed the delegatea
to the State Grange meeting at Cor
vallia to take the matter of the en
dorsement of the action of the so-
called progressive Grange Statee at
tha last session of tbe national
Grange before the next aesslon of thla
State Grange.
There were 34 delegatea preaent at
the meeting Tuesday, with a number
or vtaltore in attendance. There waa
considerable . enthusiasm manifested
and the delegation la au'p posed to go
to the 8tate meeting with a full atock
or energy and enthusiasm. In that
way securing ror the good of the cause
that which la due the noblest avoca
tion of mankind, , .
WILLAMt I I t W"Vifc
Can Go Ahead and Get Ready to Build
Water Works Next Yearr
The Council muddle at Willamette
doesn't seem to be worrying the cltl
xens there very greatly. While tt ta
. .1.. n..nn tnlliwl n rlnrh the
proposition to bond the town to ralae
money to go ahead and build a water
worka, and the tax waa not legally aa-'
seased and the city cannot therefore
go ahead and collect it atill aa the
city must go through the steps of
providing ror the laying of water
malna in tbe atreeta and acroaa the
Btreeta and alleya. and thla win take k
time, the delay till next year in eelllng
bonda la not likely to delay tbe Im
provement materially. Council doean t
ni tha money now and if It had it
there would be interest to pay and the
money lying idle In the nana.
mtt: t A
Makea Plana for An Entertainment to
' Be Given m April. ,
Tii. eatnrHa ciuh of the ConaTegfe-
tlonal church met Monday night 4
the home of Mra. D. Latourette on
Fourteenth and Main atreeta. Muclj
interest waa manifested by the mem
hora of the club In the proceeding of.
the meetlnga when plans were made
fore the future. Among the bualneea
discussed waa for an . entertainment
vA I a Anvil at tha. fKltroh Mf.
lors, and a committee composed of
Mra. Ben Jamea, Mra. C. H. Metaaner.
Mlaa Clara Canfleld, Miss Ivy Roake.
will proceed at once to arrange for the
affair, and aub-commttteea will be ap
pointed at a later date. After the
bualnesa was transacted the remain
der of the evening was devoted to a
social time, and the hostess served
refreshments. -'v.j v-
. Preaent were Mra. Richard Freytag,
Mra. John McOetchle, Mra. Jamea
Roake, Mra.' Bert Roake, Mra. B.&
Follenabee. Mra. C. II- Meleener, Mra.
Hugh Hendrle. Mrs. W, A. Wmlck,
Mrs. John Lowry, Mra. Don Jam.
Mra. William Gardner, Mra. C.
Latourette, Jnlsa , Alice BaHey Mia
Ivy Roake. Miss Myrtle Stevena Mlaa
... w-.i wiaa ' Clara - CaufleM.
Mlaa Helen Daulton, John Mark Low-
law IF . I .