Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (March 7, 1911)
MORXIXO ENTERPRISE, TUESDAY, MARCH 7, l&ll. r eAAAaaaAattaaaAaaaaa.. One More Dance TTeraeJaBeaW Away Fsoea aCttoa Woanaa r XORC L. PARXS Vhil there Is a lied ral re pmbf fa rtaaparati wt ba feaad end wtfa. Am l a BaeKboot ttat very yawag bm win Hf si least CW WfMlimHj f a wwmat ' aider thaa tlwlf. Bat let 10b mi ver tea ar tweaty year aad tee a a a wO be aatbtttoae to via suam gtrl aa her teeo: At etghteee I fueled (be ftrrt ran , af thi Mlnnt Uuu efctok mo af friWw. feed of srady tad rrsdJr boat that ywaagwert of say age eel Oua lost lata. ' 1 wa fcaff taftwgb evt lrt aad Ullag a gd stand la at Ctaas. bat 1 u at tied down to tt cuam I persoed. I rather r!ak te( how I rnht "tlia them. I hi bat B.'l la do with th jouij Itjn ; wb were af aa aprcof-u'e age fo eaOegiaae. I fojd them a!y giver to rommoeptace chitchat, wtrh wtvt I had ao sympathy. They were ecfeoot gjrts a!y begtanlng ta k-w bow if eater-tab) a grew bii. . Daring sny yoaJor year la college - fin bii 4 tb eqeaiaf aee f Leon ITaitaey. a young b4 of twenty-six ( I think she m dlsred fa a Ic'rrM d is that freshaesa of youth there was about aaa. especially a tt showed tr self aot la coUege praak aad ath letlc. bat ta a eertsla oHriaal war . had la look lux a poo a world jast Ofv tax as to ate it mt nt ik Rki i chat with dm. preferring evWnrTy tr hear me tatk la talking kntdt A flnt ba treated aw aa a half grow a a a I wi warard. aad ta data araaijxd aa we Jaat tweJv rear aearw. It B beea lairinl to aw at taw'rsUege' aad ft si da at TW kaatnaiu araa I that af a tody, aat eafaaalHar to a I apaaad tt wltaeat ssy tkM(W whatever ee-to wb aad ami M at. kmkiad ftm at taacaarara. I m waa ijaaaa wjuiary. II wu a rrjsl to aiy araoaaaJ af rrwif. It la atagalaf to a traaapurtad by aaa laridrat aarftarard la baM. HolaV hat taat kfttrr ta at; aaad. 1 aa acata jaaacBtrr ac inatf. la ka a-fth a a-nana I caaaahiut far abav aw Tbtm K arrarrwd to aw tfcat Mbb Whitarr Mat aaw .ba wfcaia a frw faara af farty. ha I araa thlrtj-tva. aad atd at that ' WkL thn thaachta a-rw daahlar thraaxh aa? I Uaa to raad tW lctiv It taid aaa fkkt IS latw t . tomrh4 at tV nrmlm af taa ta-1 dar fertiaca I had aravad for brr aad! aiy fTupacaX to aay tat aa aaatT. Bat tarra wr ra aaaa way aba aboard haaitata. Wad I waa far atora aaatwad thaa aaaat aia af mr are. tt ataat ba neaiaibered that la tea or a duara ari I aroald ua be a r aaa. wh3e W waald ba raat olH are. ba that thai vaa her eeJ rma for m rrtartuax H'onw refrfj to aay pr pocai. Sie aafrwted that I ru Jse at tta beciaalac of n; rarewr aad ti aa time I fe.'t the km aa woajd be tdeaaed ta bear fraaa aw ad li cpuiwrs DrnthfR uiorr II I-a f Vr-Sf iinvi 1 1 J d What ta to Oat taao a WiN Wean. bat DT the time I w-aa ral tr lea e!Jet I coald eee M djrerrart n merxnnag toward aaa aad tat ttar raajur Dn of her mrutmnM j All thla wall. thooh I waa bbtoo aaa af It. Miaa WMtBey waa exrlt tX la aja fecllaca other thaa tboat rr ow mm waa am tt at on aa CHIOS. pmatataa; ta fnrodsb.'n. I wonid Mn P" kr la the ereaiac Vbea I aboald ow axaqruic lateaaiax to do the latter i uia uur boon of the bt Bat am retBrajM la arr nnn iut .k. laT 4ra ay book I lonvA mjmJ . gmmg wwtr im mj aalad the !(- we "'aiaaan rather thaa thoae m to be fitBad to radte apoa the aett ar. rather. I mmid ba tklaklox of aajiaey aeraeir. She woald ttr aeraHf Mtwi avt aad K.J MXrarac!ax bat at the "wwar. I waa aaatcsed a cart at "nii'iaa.Bt-a arovttted myw-fi - fhhrfy wfl. MeaaarbDe I had Ua that I aiabed Leoea Whitwj to W 7 eaaaaeaJoa throarh that career aara i waa aaaut t acror. is. aaaaiaiei bexara learta roUeaw ada ber a KroooaJ'la af ftad a canaia dread alar I waa ao Jv- vaaow aaa aaa aa awtvre of fadt ber brtahia arar the line that bad . toaa far aeeerated aa. rV I wrvt her a ote la vbVh ta a eery few word I aefced her to be mj wife. I left eoRer a eoople of dart later, aad before ha Tin rreired aa aaawer I left air addreaa with the registrar aa that any lettera rotnln? t' me Bltit be fonrar44. Erery day after mr retora home I looked esrerly for otae word from VCaa Whltn. Kone raise. Wltb all the aenaldreiieaa of a reancater who had offered hlmaalf to d wooaaa eobalderably older than him elf. and one. too. who waa not wlth art offera from mature men. aome of laem dealrabla partlea. 1 made op my mind that the lady c&n!drd my of fer la the light of preauiarKioa aad J ddened a reply . Tlit rlew af the eaae waa eertalaly not flatter ing, to br, bat whea aenalUveneea to tata a qaeatlon ralld reaaoaa take fight: . Twalae yaara aaaaed. One day ti moomtred that the renmeiit .waa .boat to eren a bnlldlng la the law. to which I Bred. A year later " ?n!rb' 'Bd Poatofflce mored Into It Going to the door one mornlo t racelTe my tmaU from the carrier, ha banded me a latter, at the ; ttnM,hrn expiaaaUo. a!!!""1 lt, ta tart -wa the tstarea of the old poatoftW aer eral letter had been k. m .v.. - i - u.n turn froBj time ta time had til oped down While I waa readlag thla letter I wat maible c-f haring r'J froaa my J oath to that renod where a ma a be- glaa to feel that jotiu glr: . rooaidei Mm aid. I had bore marh Sanered that my ivrefit atteatiooa to a girl at elrfcreea' had Xeea "Ix)ked""poawitl farorXl bfd ukea her oat a aaasbet vt Omea and pennaded myaWf thai the leader avaaa waa eteallag biu my aging Ustx But I wat aot and aerer bad been anything of a batter By. I waa aad alwaya had been a aertoo man. I foahd JKaomewhai irksome to go aboot aa aa uct ta a yonng glrt to laumrati in which I took ao intereat. The very airfat Da fore I rtceired the eotst! f-oa a dlatant pat I had attended my little Kin to a ball where the bad kert km for "Jott oa more da ace" till S o'clock ta the morning. It la not etraare that I waa affected by Visa Whitney repiy to a propue Uoa made twelve year before. Th doaea rear, aba bad atmken of had t-sed and whUe I waa etlU oo the lower aide of middle ae ahe had naaa ed beyond It. Nerertbeieaa my intereat ta bachelor We If I erer had for bad died down nntll lta Dieaawrea had tamed to gall My recent atteodaar npon aoriety bad daring the tmaH boor of the mormlae waa atm freak li my memory. while the laaipid nothing i naa Deea otxiged to nay and listen U anaeated me. I wrote at oaca to a reUMre af wia Whitney atklng what had become of ber. and recetTed a reolr that ahe tired fai the booae ta which ahe had alwart Bred, and ra which I bad ao often railed apoa. her while I waa a atndent -t belored and repected by aD who knew ber and my correspondent wondered that tboagh the had recelr ed many offer ahe bad accepted none . A few dart after the- rwvlr nt iik Information I waa la Miaa Whitney bom and aent ap my card with tht letter I bad ao recently reretred. bar lag niMlersrored oa the enrelope tht postmark ahowiag the day It wa mall ed and another glriag the day It wat recetTed. Whea Mia Whl'ner came diw t rerelTe me. with conalderaUe ember raauaeot In ber manner and a telltale Wash on ber cheek, i waa anrnrlaed tea i aa did not-abow ber year "by air a dvnen. and there waa not a gray aalr ta her head. She looked mark .younger for a woman thaa I for a maa. However. I bad not come to aaa for beauty, bat In the hone af a rwaj of UiatLjsffii'ankrfuLlD I had enjoyed drade ta-fore. She told me that ah had been at a Insa to muU. etand my aflenre. for alnce her letter aao aot been returned to her throqgh the dead letter oOm abe mld not Job. that I had Rretred It Luring a a hocr'a ConTeraatVa with her the fart became ' nnn. my mlx.d that I waa not the man to wrry a chit of a girl and that I would fifjd the COfcrianV.nahln f nAA la Ml Whitney. I recelTMt a nmmia. that the would eorreepond with me, and alnce my home wat not a long Journey from bera t maile her a anm. ber of rfatlU. Bnt my own m!nd waa made up at oor reunion, and fortnnate, ly I had. on It to wait for tha ii. be aaUafW that I would aot ba likely to rrtrrt the step I waa bent opoo Uklng. Tht t retrrettlnr la one of tha mna Improtabie thine In tha arnrM U manifest In the fact that wa hare been married' twenty reara and ara nun rompantonabie by far thaa at the time of the wedding. More than thla. oar affection baa Increased ateadlly. and it seems to me that with na tha tri, romance baa breetrtinerted. coming a It baa In oor oil are. inA . year paaaea bat we and oaraelTos mora depealrat anon each other. " I nerer to by a certain balding la the aws la ahlch wa lira wlthuat r memhering that the old trap- It re placed for a doiep year contained tb my prpoi to my wife. ' And, saoclttted with thla re mem branre Is another I think of the maiden who kept me till 3 o'clock la the morning waiting for that on mora danc. i-. . J I feel rery kindly disposed to that maiden, for. tt- wa hct rVMlnass that kept me waftlnf. franrMtn- at rim. ding, while ah wa flitting about Ilk tt i a. ! if ; if to-TARLAftO MfCtlVlD X ALL If NlCKCLt AKO oiuct., ret hi nT BATTLE. ra-y M-KBrka.l ibe ttlcagu Ugklwelgkt. ln up achung be caaae be dida't waat to go to ber wvieid sead a Vt aMber wVl eat sa the BKratog. atd be lb ether day. "tat aoUlc- d4og la that Mae foe as. I I uiul my asray ahgyea. that t Jut Ibe word, bamaaed m; - tJ aacsraCy beet cy f'fr aeag the (Uht rtuO. 1 g" M fr my rt Aht. an.l. say. tt waa all Is a"Vrl aad d"Bfces. I tboaght I t.-d all the axasey la the wWL tut aaea y aaaaager te. $l-aay ftvaa as I waa t rh I rot "VTO afterward Cr.-PRa-bag Jimmy Brtrt. the UrU.t aim I erer earaed with my dukes, but K dtd aot eeeca at 1 U to me aa . that lJO la the !! data. " Uf rtrtaad derfte.1 the nlrk- aame rackr ff-ra tin little IM tter WNc nrt.Trd wander started ec' or tt wat diaJctxtt far ber to ttt (Se la- "J faatUe toagae to la'r-k. Mr- rarlaad's real gftm nme. sad i la tb taaKteec of I i tar chl'd i bood she caDed her brother 4 rackjr. Tbe aame ttnrk. HERRESHOTF TO GOLF ABROAD 30 YEAR POSTAL PUZZLE SOLVED (ley. C. L BurdcNe, TOM Reg istry Clert Is Cleared. , wubt roa ni autaemtea; aioa Matraaalitta Chaa aa WUI Tea Fa CagNah Aasatawe Title. Maay AmerVaa r '? have twen mentioned at Ukety t. go abroad ttH year. N-reral ateaa to take tbe trip i nor for the aak of tlng preaent at j the magnlSoent roca!lo i-tarlc 1 la Loodoa, bt tJacMetrtally wiil take : IhHr dobs with, thrta. la this way : America la Ukefjf ta bare a larger ami ; better re prtat utattcn in the big uor ! ! aamenu held oeer tbe Kogtiab tlnt thaa erer be fore. J. G. Aadersoa bat t-ra nwatlanad In tbe amateur rbamp!ilu. while the a of W. C Fownes, Jr. of the Oakland Coaotrr club of lltuhor tbe national raam(4oo. bat also been aarsuoaea u tb name connection. ow cornea the authoriutltie'lnfo cetttee el BsHissa Hawhtr Ma a ac at Lat Festal sWvit Oedsr Clewd aa Setame Misaienarrr-Ml-iag letter Containing IXMO fewnd la R asing Us 014 a 1 YloJk-atlon has rvme to tbe lie. Charles Hurdette uf ffiKlagOeld. Vls-ak. broiher vt lkb Hurdetle. tbe Butuwr- j tat aftre Ihlrtr rears of silent Buffer . lag. during which he hat reated Mmlet . . . a dooo. .... . 1 IVLA nr. lioriirtia sat a rraiairy deck thirty year ago Ibe piatm-e at Povta. 111., a number of regiaierrd letter cvotalnlng fX5- dlaapivarrd. Attbugh ao formal cbWrge wae made agaliut tbe clerk, only tbe 'alia or .the p.almater. tJeonral . II, V. Magre. a citII war teteran. prerealed bis leer ing the service with a stigma on his I ba I Ja Id lire 1uwb tha anal4.-ltm. ha entered tbe ministry and deroled him ' aelf to mlauury wurk la tha. far. toft ; ' Ae You was; " " J "ajr-w - -w w III saa'asaaa. j OLD BiG- REVEALS SECRET.; To tike Wev -IF Women are uklng more aad to boraebark riding at a means of keeping IbrmseiTea ta form, bnt of roars there are many who ride mere-: ly for the lore of the exert-to. What-: ev tbe object of the aport. every ' viiHaw nws wania' 10 te inrned ; OOt la the latnaf ant mrtaf fw.4 I nOlas toga.N dowdy looking woman ' Ukefy to rrprta.Lt Kt.-a Jert. She won t be a 'dowd. however. If the goes to a good .tailor and fol Iowa the Idea of tbe rhlfng cwrame eea, li the UJnstratJoa. The airt la a t r ! .-.ww (von xae autnonuuvw mroa In. and the detalta ar rormt la K ' nmtloa that Fred Ilerreaboff. tbe mef i.nar. , ropoutaa rhampioo. wur also i-An . I totem with thoa going at-road H Memorial to Finu. Wa Tb Udy chapel of lb new UrertMioi cathedral, which W to be opened next nmmer. has a arbem of beautiful taiacd glass windowt commemora Or of tbe noble deeda of gaud women Heaiiiea tbe famous women of the Blfcle the following are commemorat d: Dr. A lira Marvel and a.'l who have UJd dovni fcfrJlTcs thair aistera. Grace Liarng and . ail eonrageotta maidens. Josephine Botlet and aD orav champlona of parity. Mary Col let and an prayerful women. Louise Stewart and an tha iu.i.l. - - - v'uwv m 1 ui J 1 1 : t.uriiiae uosaeltl and aD weet ainsera. Catherine C:adata ad an loyal hearted wires, ri 1 Barrett Browning and all women who nave see the Infinite In thing. An reU Btxrdette-Cootta aad all women aimoner or the King of heaven. Moth r Cecil and an women loving and "-' ueanea in consH. . I .. Hew to Ut Sawduet. Bawdoat may be made to aerr a Bomber pf purpose for the bouse wife. It la good for removing sediment m -" ! earthen ware. A handful thrown on a dying firs will help to re rtre It WeU dried aid heated and priakled over great sputa la carpet. It la useful la removl&g these objeo tloaaU marks. It should be well robbed la. left f x a few boars, then treated again If necaary. Heat oma Mwdnst on a pier of paper la tb oven, and It Is an excellent reme Jy for mildew and damp spot on ttetaJ or other poUahed goods. Bob ome dry sawdust on art's-Ins that have been polished and the polish win mat longer, "lightly moistened saw dust aprtnkled on outhouse floor, veranda or larder, etc.. and brushed off with a hard broom will clean tb floor without much trouble. 1 . I, i r.-to ' li I l I m I -e" r Doing In Laather Goods. There I ooth ice stnkinat 1. leather accessories for the desk except tn'tb flnlsh of tb materials.' Shape r aeceasarlly tbe same a they bar counter worm or wtm-a nt, blottkb ad TsxarnoM caaa. oat or i gut id letter h bmnrtit ma "" wnii ah wa flitting a bo Wat on of these. - .c , butterflv. And eras It nn thla 11,1m tyauuavrau tt in town ' iu ui nica 01 qui tnat .where waa located th eoDeg at m"to f lnfe Btta,cto!7, r7f "4 t f-D K. ' t,: t Hi it. ;.: 3.! V .H'.ji:. a.- ' V,i1 . ' 1 1' ft n ,t Jii,'- 1 'i.'vlt ' - s nrHL t "WW i c mis w.U) If Th Morrtlno Entorpri I to b a taecefg H th intetittt of Orao CltT demand It must needs hs-a tha lnnnnr' v.r .tr ' ti. ,.""?Q"C; -a-w t"m a w aaa a. . A Ufa Ufjaa- qiiw M work before It In booatina; Oregon City and riiicjfama, CotintyYnur aupport mean mora strength for tie work. , l- 1 ' .' 1. . 4 1 .' .... Will Heipfuown Klerrstir aT.a M.f AT l al.a. UlaW tMaad aa. a. as. awill ... . . uWiibrg m follow Jta - v. -v f . - -f MJ r110 MWC ltn in yur Mmi and ramlttan. M 7 "S" teen for year, but there ar beautiful flniablng and mountings that rary from season to season. Tb artlcla seen In th cot ar ear ned oat la English morocco In a charming abade of dull green and TJ!!i t1Pbon caa mad a de Hfhtful addlUou to W desk flt menta. - ... -Subcrlb for the Tlir Enterprls ; OWEN G. THOMAS BLACKSMITH INQ -AND REPAIR .' r WORK. 1 Bat Of work and aalafi. nUd. , Hay your horaa shod by an prt; It pay, ' All kind of ranale waefe mi work' Promot 'aerwlcai np.ii. "On pf your work ... you do your trad inn. m. . ..1.1 Job and e If I can't pittas you. OWEN G. THOMAS mo BBanaorr.rao will plat aaayaB) mun. retnouC Uk many of tb other. Is to tak tbe trip for tb aak of th pleas ore to be enjoyed at that gay time. n. however, will play golf and In tend tO fallow In tha fnotatana of k. other metropolitan afar 1 Travla and Jerome T rarer. In having iry tor the blue ribbon of BriUnb amateur golf, which la to be played at raiwK i, Kcotland. In Jane. Than HerreMuoff eolfera of thi. rn..n try could wish tor no better represent tlv abroad. Travla and Travera have both aamplel th leading course of Britain and played k gainst th cream ui me MritiHU talent, with what result II Who follow tbe rams know T,..i. to th only American who ever crossed lu" w"", iw carried off the title. SPORTS IN SMALL CRUNKS A national motorcycle circuit to pro posed. Th Broncho. 2:004.' will be bred to nuor iieir, l-XHib. , t ujiiips-Andover academy student har raised 2.'i.00O foe a ,1 -"""""'"a Th Oatlonal horaa atuiw avlii ft.. i w uenj In Kew York Mm it t. ik . . . making a teren day show de- w me wooded horse of th woriu. The profesalonal - vii me noma- fltslvl olnh'a w uu. mi, in wiilcb Jsmaa TImM t vt .7 "IT . niur. "J-tioc na Arnaod Massv win tak part, will occur April a to & Put Yourself in the Ad-Readers Place... . Wbtn irAtl writ. . . . .. re?1?' r Uklnrr" " aa 01 thai UnH BULT8I wln br,n R- asAA. . . 'Beveotly aa old and battered mall bag waa taken from tb Ran fraartow fjuafotBce fur retiairs. When tha work . man cut opra th bag In tbe work of repairing U-t era th heavy leather lining he - found , d" aid " avsolla - ea- vrlop rivctalnlng the JUJVO that die ' peared so myateiioualy from reurla , thirty years agoi Crew Up la the Ttas. Mr. Burdette la a brother of tbe Re. Bobert J. n unlet te. now of I'aaadena. CaL. who a chief of Ibe llurUagto Hawkey a dated or ao agu vt a alcb for blmaeif among bomorlsta. Another brother. John W. Hurdette, I well known lawyer of Cbk-agu When be waa a boy la the early are-' en tie Charles tlginleite waa employed ' aa registry clerk la the IWla p.t office. IIU faml(y lived la tbe little : dry, aad tbe brothers. Includlna the afterward famoua huoMUt, grew tip ! tber. General klagee. who bad woa I laurel aa a commander uf Illinois vot- j Bateer In tbe civil war. was aalnt ' ter al reorta." He had knuwn Runlwta : from boyhood and waa a friend of th ra muy. Th late John Comsturk. a wealth I real eats 1 man. known to almost ev erybody ta that section of Illinois, ao-1 pea red on day at young Harden window la th puatoffic. lit said b -Wiabed to aend O In laralve raaHa. 1 tered letter to clients In Nebraska and , Dakota. - - Now." be said to Burdette. "I want you to see m pat th money la tb ' envelope. t i i oon t want to. ae voo oat im money la th envelopes," aaawared Bardett. "1 am not auppueed to know ; what your lettera rootalo." J -But I want yoa to know." said Coca stock. 80 Comatock counted out tb money befor young Bardette and placed It la twelve envelope and passed th eo elope through th window to lb clerk. Bardette registered tbem In th ruHowary way ana gav Comsturk receipt. Put Thsea In Mail Bag. ' Then b placed all twelve envelopes la one large envelope of heav nanae Thla he careful! blared at tha h.n of a mall bag In which th morning mall wa to be aent off by (he next train. On Hop of th envelope be threw th unregistered mall. Oo lop of the unregistered mall be placed bia railway book. Then be locked and aealed th sack. - - When tb railway mail clerk pre pared to dlatrlbot th mall among tb pigeonnoiea ot th mall car b Oral re moved tbe registry book and then damped tb contents of the bag upon bia distribution table. Tbua tb regis tered package at tha bottom nt th. uck would fall out on top of th pit I of mail on tb table. Th mall clerk'a neit atep wa to compare tb rg1a tored mall with th entries In tb reg-1 totry book. igo hi nam la th book I u suow D aaa received th registered packages and aend tb book back to the registry clerk. The root agent foond tb entries to Borden' registry book, but whea b emptied tb mall bag b found no reg latered envelope. Now. after thirty year, lb old mall bag, which baa traveled hnmiMi. thoosanda of miles carrying Uncle nam mail, baa given up Its secret. ana uuraeu nam la cleared. The Mognitiff msz 1 ' . ... Is to be as successful as the inter ests of Oregon City " demands it must needs have the the support of.all. The new daily has a big- work before it in boosting Oregon City and Clackamas . County. Your supporf means more strength for the work. Will You Help Us Boost Your Own Interests? CITY PAYS TO BOOM ITSELF. Billa Aeneyllle, N. C, Settles lu Own Fee Advertising. Asnerui. N. C. claim to b th oujy cut in the conotr nih.j a .. Uw to aoend mouet to aitr.rti.. i..i . 1 . m cominaT to M I commnn ihln. ... dUe to boy apace In manai. magaxine to call tb attention of man- -.-urer- ana me public generally to - -""""" tor induatrlal rnaiuence pur)oea. Ileretofore hi v... - . - aiwaa pawn flnanced by public spirited print dd- """1 uui AtneVUle DBVS tha KM.. OOt Of th CltV till. Parh.n. a wlU com, when tb T-tty-press agsnt ! w 00 OI in saaantlala .try town, , and I been For a limited time the Morning Enterprise will be sold to paid in advance subscribers as follows: . By. carrier, I year $3.00 By maU, I -year 2.00 flWT OF THI SEASON. Man A flfiilJirm a.. i f eaaon ahortie ji.""m .tne 2nd Zi: Port. i...... . i"in nere, several Dad b tea h i-.n -.1 . woiirki.. . , 7 lu o a Deauty welKMng ;i pound, wat prouder nt hia .Mnk- 11... J " . T .1.. ... "iy iuaa a general w no naa Inlt.n . , . Send in Your Name and Remittance J Cor. Main And Paui-th tt, Oregon City . d ,h,.c,tch h on"- took the car for Portland.