Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, March 07, 1911, Page 2, Image 2

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B. . BRODUV Eer and Shiblleher.
Eiitaid as eai-rlaaa sssttw Jaa
Dary , ltll. at tha pot. olrka at OrssMS)
City, Oracoe. ate the Art of March
a. ir.-
ix Mnaiha. by mil
Four Moat ha.
two r sotscmiM.
Om Tear, br mad
i, by mall
by crr1r, .
First Pa, p mem ttrat lneartloa....lS
Flrvf Pac. par Inch added tnaarttoaa. .le
prrfarrsd poaftlas). any pa. . par btoti
firs Insntloo Ike
rurfuna position any pes, par tarn'
aaJrd Inarrtkina le
Ran paper ehr tbaa flrat Pt. par hirh
rirvt Insertion He
Run paper otbr than flrat pas, par tach
added assertions (c
I.arala le per Una; to raralar adrar
tlssra to Una.
Want. For To Rant ate., ana
rwt a '-m first Inaartioo; ea-balf cant
aarh additional. .
geaeratioas following will M vea
mora closely.
Those who cannot aee wkU U
the air now ahould study, th condi
tion or former geaeratlona and mtb
of them; seeing the thing that vera
wrong I thoee generatioaa and under
landing thorn through the additional
data that we now hara ahould In
press Itself on th minds of thoa who
do not aee tha needa of thta genera
Hon with tha fact that thera ara need
and that a few rcrs later thay will
show up dlatlnctly. And knowing thta
to be a fact from tha study of tha his
tory ' that ta to repeat tteelf thay
should become wise, and atop and
.look, for ceruia Jt'la'lf oo,-wUl look
in alncerltf he will be able' to kee
much that la covered from those w
do not look. ..
Not all can aee the glaring evil
that are In the beat of systema honest
ly administered but they are there
what then can one eipect of a batf
daily, for advartissraenis art especially good system badly administered? An I
is It not because of these condlilous
for tha weakly. Whera the advertisement
ta cruaferred from the dairy to the waek
ly. without chang. tha rata will ha Sc
aa Inch for run at tha paper, and Ie aa
Inch for special position.
Cash ahould accorananr order where
party la unknown In bustneaa office of
the Enterprise.
Lejral adrertlalng at legal advertising
Circus adrertlslnc and special transient
advert tslnc at c to i"c aa men. accord
ins to special conditions governing the
"Flra Sale" and Bankrupt Sale" adrer
Uecmenta I&c Inch first Insertion; addi
tional Insertions same matter SC Inch-
News Items and well wrtt'en .artlclea
af merit, with Interest to local readers.
will be gladly accepted. Reacted manu
scripts sever returned unless aecompan-
. lad by alamos to prepay poataan.
Congress la through with its regular
session and will rest until time to take
oa the special session, called by the
President Quite a number of Repub
licans will continue 'to rest, the call
of the President not interesting them.
Had Congress done aa It should
hare done extended to business
strictly snd not spent part of Its time
la trying to keep from doing what the
majority wanted done, and that for
wbkh they were elected by .the peo
ple, there, would be no need of an
extra session at this time.
And it may not be wise to overlook
the fact thai It was this attitude In
the lawmakers sent to the past few
Congresses tbat of dodging everV
thlng the people wanted and buckling
down to business every time the Inter
. eats called, that led to so many Re
publican Congressmen being left at
home by the late election.
At that there are but few Republi
cans who can sea what did really hit
them; and many even of those who,
were hit are trying to prove to their
friends and constituents that It la the
natural restfulness of the people that
caused them to lose out that It was
time for a change, and that the peo
ple cannot be satisfied long at a time
with anything but must have a change
of some kind about so often despite
who Is in the saddle, or the way in
which he rides. '
But this Is not a true analysis of the
nmiuuiu yiwajtius; uvw, luu uui
tree of conditions that have ever pre
vailed. Whenever the people aa a
class have been restive, the history
of the world over, there has always
been a reason; and a few In tha gen
eration affected have always beei
able to see It, snd tbe great majority
of the generations that have followed
have seen It A few in this genera
tion aee, and certain of these men
have given warning; the two or three
that we seek to elect our wiser men to
make and administer laws for us
And are these conditions not suffi
cient reason why we should pick and
try, and when one man fails to come
up to what he is elected to do for u
that we should choose some one else
to act for us In his place?
With a Congress of several hundred
of men It ought to be an easy matter
to determine who arA faithful serv
ants of the people. These men should
be chosen to succeed themselves. But
wherever there is a man who neglects
to-wrrve his constituents, and serves
the interests or is a man of whom
there U any doubt he ahould be left
at home and another choice made.
This will only happen a time or two
until men will see that a Congressman
must be a true servant of the people
if he would continue to serve, and it
will then become the fashion to serve.
As It is now the man who receives
the most for serving the Interests has
Just as good a chance with the people
for a re-election and oltlme better
than the man who aervea hla consti
tuents. A premium Is put upon "do
ing" the people-rather than -"doing
for" the people the people can have
faithful servants If they will retire to
private life quickly any man who
dodges duty, whether he lines up with
the Interests or not
We have no fault to Jlnd with the
recall, and In extreme cases It may
be made to serve with great good;
but If tbe people will follow their best
Judgment In selecting their law mak
ers, and not stick so close to party
regardless of fitness, there will be lit
tle necessity of invoking the recall,
with its attendant expense.
Old Schoolmates Give Mrs. Henry
Cooke a Surprise Saturday.
Mrs. Henry Cooke was taken com
pletely by surprise at her home on
Seventh atreet on Saturday afternoon,
the occasion being her birthday, and
the guests giving her the pleasant
surprise being her old schoolmates.
The afternoon was pleasantly spent In
the reminiscences of schooldays gone
by, and a luncheon was served. One
of the features was tbe presentation
of a beautiful set of Havlland china
tea plates to Mrs. Cooks, the presenta
tion speech being made by Mrs. Henry
Meldrum. Mrs. Cooke responded feel
ingly. The hostess haa resided In this city
for many years, being a daughter of
two of the oldest and highly respected
pioneers, Mr. and Mrs. Winston, now
deceased. Those who assisted Mrs.
Cooke to make ber birthday anniver
sary an .occasion to be long remem
bered were Mrs. C. C. Babcock, Mrs.
Pennsylvania Girl Named by ,
Her Father is Deputy Sheriff
( rr ' '5w' KJ
I te
OW would yon Uke te be made prisoner by this young woman T
Would you resist if she put ber Band oo your anouiaer ana sbiu,
"You are under arrest r" The chancwa are that you would uuWtljr
aubmlt and would hold out your bauds 16 be handcuffed if your cap-
tar tbeuabt such a precaution nsceaaary. 1 ne young woman is -
Jebna. and be a duly accredited deputy sheriff of Kayette roeaty. Pa. Uer
father la tbe sheriff of the county; and he has appelntad hla daughter aa one
of hie aasiatants with full power to make arrests and U act for aim In any
efflrlal capacity Tbe Jail ever wblca her rainer naa eeotn oneo won a
beadred prisoners, so It will be seen that Miss Johns will and plenty or wars
te de. 8 be Is s resolute young woman ana win not ss rur any ravnra narsusi
of ber set. ' She will draw the fell aalary of a deputy enerin. and aoe espavw
to earn IL '
Mrs. 8vlvla Mctlulre, of IMrtlsnd.
Monday filed a suit for
divorce against Waller 8. Mctlulre. to
.1,. waa married January T,
t)3. at UMilsvllle, Ky. 8he charges
iil.Im ku a nnvulllg dixmiSI'
.i..- I ,.B.wUIla rharai-tcf. Still
thst on March 1. he threatened
to leave her unless sne nmwni "
take his slater snd brolheHn Isw lne
their home. In November of the same
v. i- a.i.i i. Itava told her that
J he 'did not love her and that he hwked
1 . w i . ui.n.m almnl aa a blial-
neve arrangoittant Because Of three
difficulties she haa not been able to
secure her necessary sleep and rest
and ahe became a nervous wreck and
left McOuIre July SS. and went
fcnn. in lha Kast. Her hU
tMtnd repented and promised to treat
her kindly and id wend hte-wsys wnd
she returned to hint, but she stales he
broke his promise.
Kmlly Selglaff chargea that she was
Illegally married to Arthur W. 8leg
laff on peeember I. 1!9. at Cneur
d Alene, Ida, Two weeks later at
u..ifl. k tnrnrnml her that he had
a wife, Anna by name, living at Mil-
waukle. Wis, ana tnen ne w
Mrs.- Pelglsff aska for permission to
resume her maiden name of Kmlly
8,-hneck. Wheeltick A Wlllams. of
Portland, are her attomeya.
Will Hsid Nail Wssk With Good
. Program.
TumiIi avenlnc. March 14 la the
data or the net mealing of the Pres.
by let Ian Brotherhood. It will be held
in th. narlors of the Presbyterian
church and In connection with the
niararv nrosram there will be n feast
by the, ladles of the church.
The main question to ne up tor ua
cussloa will be that of Uxalloo -taxation
methods snrlent, modern and fu
ture, the methoda of tbe Hebrew be
ing used to typify that of the ancients
and Single Tax that of tbe future.
W. g.'U'Ren. Grant U. Dlmlck and
Rev. LAndsborougb are among those
who. are on the program, and . there
will be a half dosen entertaining mu
sics! numbers.
what'a tha una to bake when you
eaa get Royal Bread for to a loaf at
Karris' Oroeerf.
Ttaah y.yf key V glria , --ttt
ssh shlld hava Its ewe. Mvlno. .
cultivate an Inltreal In saslng It grow.
0 There la ne wetter way te lay th. ,
live, wf thrift. A9Mari ...:-,1"w
have a teeal Influense en lha ahllaf, uw? '
Thla hank hag a Savings Dspartm.nt '
Tfce. Bank of Oregon Qty.
a a MTOURBTTB rreeident
Jreeeeets a 0eeeal tsnhlnf tuelneee.
SMMssejaesssssssessssssssssasssssssssssssasswsssss sass
Henry Meldrum, Mrs. E. O .Csufleld.
Mrs, G. W. Church, Mrs. Charles
Burns, Sr.
Banquet to the Little Folks.
The kindergarten class In the Pres
byterian Sunday school, with Mrs.
Cbarles Ely teacher, will enjoy a ban
quet to me little.. ones on Thursday
afternoon from 1 to 6, at which time
Mrs. Ely will be assisted by the moth
ers of the little folks to do the honors
of the occasion. There will be a pro
gram by the little folka and a nice
time la being planned for
Gray overcoat, at tbe fire;
please leave at this office.
Read tbe Morning Enterprise.
Will Give 0e of Its repulse Banquets
this Evening.
Tha rtrotherhood banquet Of the
Congregational church will be held In
the church parlor this evening, r re
parations have been made for a very
enjoyable time. The ladles will aerve
the banquet, aa usual, and the D
Larsea orchestra will provide the Ba
sic. "
principal among the speskers of
', 'w- f f
Better to
pffl Poor
I ) Than Rich 1
4 4
OST milBonaires' wives are not happy. They have too
many luxuries and bare no mental resources to fall back
upon. Some of my partner have been unjustly criticised
for what was not their fault, but the fault'of their wives.
WOULD . RATHER II lORM Dnn d tuim a am I muiias .
- -"- ....w.'.i-.Ff rnu
K . J have made forty-two or forty-three millionaires in my time, but
I want to aay that the only right a man has to wealth lies in his
trouble with the wealth of today is that the sons 'of millionaires do
not realize this very necessity of being useful' to the community.
iWork that one is not glad to do never amounts to much. SMILE
' I like to think of the story told me by Mr. Schwab. It was while
they were having s little trouble 'down at Homestead, and the boy
had ducked one old German in tbe river because he wouldn't leave
the pumps.' . ' " 1 ",' '7 ' -
t.--'- Mr. Schwab met LTans coming op tbe road all wet and bedraggled
nd looking the picture of distress. '.' - , ' I'.
' "Why; what' the matter, liana 1", asked" Mr. Schwab." V0h,'I got
thrown into the" river f' was the cheerful reply. "And what did you
dor "1 JUSt-XAUOnKD " So' when you ire In danger of
loning your temper jus thj"k .tat oH Dutchman and smile., .
- " . '."j'-7 . ;.
The Kind That
Our New Steel Die Embouin;
Oregon City
In "the front rank of the
". . kc' ' . '''''' '- - -
7th and Taylor street, rnensc Main 1 and A IIM,
. a t a a. a as. a a, aa 1 . .
niomt seginnino wwt( MARCH S. Iptclst
Wsdnesday and Satyrday The Blf Bpect.ei.f MytiaJJ
"The Midniaht SnnO'
. . . w
With th ravertt Comedian 0. w. Monro.. jva
stage-300. Company travel In sped si tral 7 ttr. iJZ
Cstehv musle. Vaudeville ana) run. aw... - . . ""Css.
Both Matln,.a1.00.rWlMt, SSAT NOW Stn?.'
March 1J 14
Catchy mual. Vaudeville and fun. Pnea: Evanl
Edward ! Terry .
And His London Company, Lloblee A Co. Mansaam. kW. a
-.-Swert Lavender." Tuesday, March ThTitZ?
COMING MARCH 1S-1MS Th Maslcal flsy Succeei
the evening will be VW rrealdetit
lewla. of tbe National nrotaerbuotf,
who etimps wllb repqiallon Nr beta
a tainted ariar-dtnner speaker bard
lo eirel. OoYsraor Vtnt baa bee In.
rlted and prumlaed to be bare tf be
ran arrange to Set away. "Short ad
dreasHi by local apeaker 'will be ad
dad la rase 4Se priTam has sot al
ready eabaoated the patience of tboee
present. Taken all local bar lb pro
ram this evening pitntae nurb of
entertainment and Interest.
Oirla' Club Eaj;fcttTtm.
The C. II. B. Club of Clarsamaa
llalghta. conalatlng of seven a ma 11
Clrla, was entertained by Mis Oeoe
vlave Aldricb on Baturdsy aftemooa,
March 4. at ber borne on Darkamaa
llalshta. The afternoon was spent In
tames and music. A delicious tanch
eon was eerred tbe gueeta, who were
Ka and Viola MeAnutty, Helen and
lni lirunner, rraores and Etta Car
Hale. Iiorothy IhirgM, Genevieve At
Sarlah W. Kiemamitn Estste Probated
1 na estate of the late ftatlah W.
Klelnamlth was afmlttat tn nmKlla
before County Judge lieatle Monday.
vtiinam u. Kieinamtta was appoint
administrator. Tbe valu of th ae
tata la IU00. Th heir are Wm. 0.
Klelnamlth. Eugene Henry C. Elmer,
Aivin b. ana Mr, um J. Bottemlller.
uimick rnmlrk ar tb attorney
Oregon City Market.
Tb general markat tendency . I
downward, in certain Instance very
marked and In other becsas of a
Isck of supply tending upwards, bat
wnen tb vrsc is struck th ken
dency la downward.
APPLES Good spples ar la J
msnn yet and tb price I toward
better price for good stock; tbare 1
Your Home
Correct snd
Artistic Dccorstion s"
Moderate Cort.
Kcsry Eosd. Ccrpass
IVall Papcrc
; hew Tark QMsnf
rorthc lci 'of Kine
tn-lTtn rtpreatnt th
. but dba World affordi '
ar Ssski .ksm HrWN4.
JTTw"" ! We is
enough good aiock. sovtnr a
there la littlo or m UmZ'l
prlr fnjt
about tc te It tu haVra
choice rommaadliuj M kid a
Block In band of gieeanasil
wn suia; it IS U ssai
and Iks axia...j -. " .
id Kv appla an
' POTATOW-flew
"MBd light PlraO af mj .
tb country yat aad I be tc
otitalde burars ear skUlat 1
wall for thesi bat aoe Oat
seem satisfied or tk Ityei i
Many ar boljs g pM t
higher tkaa the twist 14 Set
r cannot ship ta MM
hlpper may kav a hattw 4
lhaa local, mast Urt a? r
wanted by tbosa ska m Ib.
last report; eafcia t kia a
In price but ethsr vscaotfa ta
about tb aaaM. Oaloa rt,tt
and carrots 7k ta U aack, avr
to Sl.zft sack, cabbac k yjasl
lower and daauad voU. I
down to S wltk kast krhc
15.80; some sailing Hbiil
Prans and otker load Fim t
It a ton from last repora, asvc
lag l xo. bra barwy fl.lLasi
to 11.70, oata Z4 to U tiT
for local whtat
HAT-It of bay I um
belpg offored frsely ;
weak. With winter past tor!
to ll and tb nsrkst km
eonequsnce. Au grvm w 1
from II 10 t
111 to IS. timothy HI w
fa 111 10 IT.
BOOS Are very pnaum
price rangea about 17.
mirrr-Varv weak id "
only commsndlng from 1
ermry always H
log 10c to 36 now
market Is only payts fwi W
for country.
POULTRT-Prieei sr. r
higher snd tb dasusd I" '
bring roostsr lf"" J
aad mlied chicken Us 1
lag doing In Isrgsr tee".
uira-Vui dress!
a. iA il hnaa I SM IK
big demand for mutlca that "
fluctuate according o u
dry hide 11 to IM. sM r
to TSe each. - "
WOOLr-rinng 1M '
mohair ia to SO.
PRIED rRriTS"!" ,
So 'and 7c, an anaa w r-
o." . . ... n. fer
SO lb. ssck. half row
10 2 ACT
. t kl.k k 1
101 acres 01 -Adding
River bottom, W
tlvatlon and balanc
land bat In Pur,l
ll vlna watsr, 4 roo
and outhouaes. faaw
D.. Pbon Crf
to 'school, I fOm
to Hubbard, 15 "K:--
Surroundlng lnd',r.r
1100 and on op. ""- 1
Mil for only
and bUnc at Pr
Near Suspension f""'.
2000 Rcjli.?J Diily