noun V4e ' The onry dairy newspaper,; be lata tit every Motion of C mae County, with a population tween Portland and Ml am) elrau- JO .000. Aro you an advertiser? Suberlntione for Send l your ord.r too.y w VOI 1-No. 50 OREGON CITY, OKEQON, TUESDAY, MARCH 7, 1911 Via. Week, 10 Cents 9 ffl EACH DAY rMJT ABC RUEP CAN V,T TMUWVjr. . rW . .lultllllllTIN KEIP OUT or " PRISON LONOER. W( COURT REFUSES WM ' . j 'a.,..,. It Ra. Liitlen Tu"" - dud No Now Fc That couio Be Mad Vital to Caaa. . i-iiAS'l'IKCO. March 6. (Bpl.) Ubi Rii'-f """,0 ,""t pl,y ,oU" i nrlaon for I bo H-yoar larm in ,m. ami h- lost. Tuesday ho Diuat I id th prison unleaa ho can turn L,tblng up that la nowhere now In km Ah Hu"f. who haa lived llko pd for tl"H i""7 '' 8e fit or the iinu. mu iiim r . .i .... iivImkn fa r A Af RU'I " V " - - IT f'"' W,,,, ,n wn,rB 10 " Liln nmiiera before going to pri ll and It granted, and ho ueed I.', .hnl. wwk trying to atudy up nn schema of escaping fato anj Iho Kurt. It l (ttuii'trul whether any court rill glv him another chance to mako n m-mpt In cheat Juetlo. V fl hours notice no wm reqmrao b five before no mum mae any iei t.- A than aakad tho California Lrm fuurt for parnilaalon to pro Lt a petition for tho court to rocou- .tar In ren-nt onmra ana in riH a kt; In tba nn-anilmo. Tbla tho jiylo Wuwd. toiitmnl auya another t Wnpt will l niatlo, from tho prison ttci b. MUST CANCKL RATI. lillwiyi Will Not Ba Parmlttad to Su.pcno ina Advanoo. WASIIINCTOS. March B. (8pJ - lidtm mllay offlrlnla who waro fcihwi to put naw and advanced itra Into nHration on tna rauwaj rld ronforrnra and aakad tho Hail ny rommlmlin to allow them to ana rni tholr advanced ratpa from March I to NnvaffiW i. nd not to cancel k prrtpoMd rta, aa ordorad by tho smmlulon a fw daya ago. To tbla k rommlMlnn replied refuattag tho uMfniiion and Inalatlng on tho can yntion. - Thli arlkia" of tho oommlaalon Mn, (Air lower ratea will do lu brra tor two yaara. ICMATORIAL DEADLOCK I nit Broktn at Oneo, Saya Oovar- nor Dlx. ALBANY. N. Y.. March 6. (8pl.) h lmM'railo Inaurgonta here balk a cauriia aa tbay do not wlah to art their handa tied. An effort la to nidii lb hold anotbor conference to Ilk matK-ra over, even If tho Inaurg- !ti won't go Into a caucua. gov. i la Mid to have aent a demand that eonirHtanta at onco nettle their IfortncoR ao that a Senator may bo amea. Tbla tnuai no acoompnanea Nw York will have but one Sena- V In the apodal aeaalon. HRCC TEMPERANCE ADDRESSES lit Superintendent of Anti-Saloon Lwaue to be at M. E. Church. J. R. Knodoll, gtato auperlntendent the Orr-Kon Antl Saloon League, of prtland .will aieak Sunday at tho B. church In thla city. There win ihre at-rvlrea and an effort will bo ld to nil the church on each occa- Mr. Knmlcll will apeak to worn only at 3 d. m.. to men only at 4 m. and to a mixed multitude and hoped by thoao having the .matter tharce ttmt thpre will bo a roultl Me-at the evening hour, 7:30 p. m. Mr. Knndcll la aald to be a atrong ..r, and It la aald that be refralna pm pflrsonnlltlea Intended to hurt p feellnKN of thoae who do not hap- fa to think JiiHt aa ho doea. f)4)4..t.444440 WEATHER FORECAST. . Oreiton City and Portland Rain; aouthnrly wlnda. Orepjon Rain; aoutherly winda, becoming brlak to mod- lately hlch alone: the coaat. 0 te44444 OU CAN'T fw UU 1 Wn,,r,t,0B you plan to buy y.. ,tr,ct,y "tyllah merohandlaa I TkLj 8 ' 11 n,r0-' 'Ivad-STETSON HATS, 'LftiuLl" ,nd MICHAEL STERN j -ni,; Dont fall to aea them. ice Btbthcfs - EXCLUSIVE CLOTHIERS Not Llko 0 there . '. Ith and Main Sta. - PICTURE TRUST a-' r fwm . r jt- i aam. ''aa -ab DOES JAPAN SEEK WAR WITH THIS COUNTRY? S. OAKLEY KNOWN IN THIS CITY, THINKS SO JUST HOME PROM ORIENT. IL 8. Oaklny. who will ho remm- bored by a few Oregon City people, nd who yeara ago waa a ateamboal man on the Willamette, told aome In terval Ing trutha In a recent Interview which wo reprint aa of Intereat to n!erirla readera: fc.War may not be aiarted aoon, but on every band In Japan la found evi dence that the Inbabltanta aro antici pating trouble of tome kind and there la no queatlon but that government la Innlrumwntal In the purchaae of heavy atiicka of flour and wheat wherever It can be negotiated for, and, beaidea, an rder haa been placed with England for another modern battleahlp," aaya 11. 8. Oakley, of Spokane, who waa puraer on tho flrat llghtdraft ateimer operated on the Upper Willamette, making that run In 1877. n company with hie, wife, Mr. oak- ley yeaterday terminated a 40,000-mlle Journey that began laat 8ummer with Ma departure from Spokane and em barkation for Europe via New York, nd hla return to the Norlbweet vJa San rraiiclaeo, coming from the Ori ent. The China plague alluatlon la In a moat aerloua elate," he aald. "There will bo over 1.000,000 deatha ahortly. udgtng from the fact an average of 300 are dying dally, and unleaa the Summer, heata check the apread there la no aueatlon but there will be the greateat loaa of life alnce tho Middle Agea. Mlaalonarlea are leaving' the country for their homea in the United Statea and England, aa tnero aeema to be no ceaaatlon of tbo epidemic. ' Should the dlaeaao reach canton, in the form It haa been prevalent else where In the empire, there la certain to be dire conaequencoo. With Ita population of 3,000,000 aoula, living In 01th, with no acavengera dui nogi, na tho entire newer ayatem an open one, Canton will offer dlaaatroua Induce menta for an epldemlo.k The dlaeaae la dlagnoeed aa being of tho pneamo- nlo type and tho mortality haa been ao great that inbabltanta of the Infected dlatrlcta are terrified. ! aaw a Chlneae lvtn hv the road at one point ano It waa apparent he had been atrlcken. Not one of hla countrymen wouia oner aid and he remainea mere an auer nnnn. until ho died.". Mr. Oakley waa In more than one marine venture on the Willamette and Pninmhii rlvera. but he recane nia ex perlence on the ateamer unio, wmcn niiorf . far aa Corvallli and Eugene, aa one of tho moat aternuoua. He lert laat night for hla nome. out eapecia to return to apend a few weoka re- vlaltlng old aeenea, aa be naa reureu from active huaineaa. A YEAR FOR OESERTION. Qlvcn Hla Liberty on paroia, rn-u nnAil nanavior. rt,i-ta'a'nrickar. of nawego. charged with failure to aupport hla wife and four children, entered a plea of guilty vaatarda afternoon and waa sen tenced by County Judge Beat to to aerve one year In the county Jail. It atinwn that Brlcker la not In the beat of health and mat tna eiaeei ui ...... i a , hla children 1a a son is years oi aa", .nrf Jnrlaa Beatle paroled Brlcker, ...... to nar nia wue eu month toward the aupport of tht faml- ly. . - ' HOUSEKEEPERS' DAY, Nxt program By Woman'a Club Will j ' Ba Along That. Line. m- urnm.n'a rinh will hold their meeting at the Commercial Club Thnmrta afternoon. It waa planned to have a debate on that day, ihi. v. hoen Indeflnliely poet poned. and the Mra. B. W. Boott. who baa charge of the program on thla day haa decided to have it "nou"i' Day." and she haa arranged the fol lowing promam. ,. . Tjihnr Ravine? Inventlona for tna t. M.. n K. Itardlng; "Pro- .. 'nf the Pure Food Law,". Mra Roalna routi;-rValtlng Houaekecp- WAR IS NO LONGER M- sv1' rxsi i - er," Mra. O. C. Drownel); tJomeetle Science in the Schoola at the Preaent Time, and Plana for tho Future." Mlaa Ida Mae Smith; queatlon box; Instru mental aelectlon, Mlaa Madge Urlght tilll; Inntrumental aolo, Mlaa Florence Urnce; vocal aolo, Mra. Frank DetxeL Mra. M. D. Latourette Entertaina. Mra. M. D. Latourette entertained the Gypalea at-her borne on Four teenth and Main atreeta . Saturday evening, the feat urea of the evening being. Five Hundred,, and the prize being won by Mlaa Deaa Daulton. He frenhmonta were aerved ' during the evening, and a delightful time apent by Mlaa Zlda Ooldamlth, Mlaa Edith Cheney, of Portland, Mlaa Almee Bol-lack,- Mlaa Cla Pratt, Mlaa Helen Daul ton, Mlaa Doaa Daulton, Mra. Waller rwella. 4 CELEBRATE BIRTHDAY AT PARKPLACE HOME EIGHTEENTH ANNIVERSARY OF MISS PEARL JONES REMEM BERED BY FRIENDS. Mra. Sam jonea entertained at her me at Park place on Saturday even ing In honor of her daughter, Miss Pearl, whose 18th birthday occurred on that day. The memoera or me Parkplare High school claaa were the gueata, and a moat enjoyable evening waa apent In games and guessing con- testa. In one of the guessing conteata the flrat prlxe, a postal card album, waa awarded to Mlaa Ethel Butts, ana a Henry Fraaler has eatabiianea a reputation of carrying away the booby prlsea at the parties given at ram place, and did not break the record on thla occasion, he waa given a fine, Juicy lemon. During the evening a luncheon waa aerved by Mra. Jonea, who waa assisted by Mra. John Kent. The rooma of the -Jonea home were very artistic In their decoratlona, daf fndlla and college pennanta being uaed In profusion. Present were Miss Kaue urunnw, Mlaa Vera Hendricks, Mlaa t-inei Butta. Mlas Grace Barnett, Mlsa Amy Peckover, Mlsa Myrtle Holmes, Misa Mildred Barnett. Mlaa Pearl Jonea, Mlsa. Re va Jonea, Mra. Sam J. Jones, Mra. John, Kent; Messrs. uiarence Rrunner. Henry Fraaier, Aaoipn SdIoso. Will Lucas. Frank Peckover, Ernest Pursell. Lester Brunner, Henry Loenberger, Kenneth HenuricKa. MEADE POST C. A. R. ACCEPTS INVITATIONS WILL -WORSHIP AT ST. PAUL'S CHURCH IN THE MORNING BAPTIST IN EVENING. Ten dava ago the officers of St. Paul a Episcopal church extended an Invitation to Meade Poat. O. A. R.. to aHatori relleioua aervlcea In that church as a Poat. on Decoration Day, A fear dava later an inviuuion waa ir- aivai from tha naotlat church. At h maatini- Saturday the Poat voted to accept both invltationa. worsmpiun with the neODle of the Episcopal church In the morning and with the Bapttat church In the evening. Tha memhera of the Poat will meet at the hall ahortly before the- hour of service and march to the church in a body. A large turnout la being planned for. Aa the old eoiaier ooye are getting on in years there la more than ordinary intereat to their friends In connection with these annual aer vlcea. Each year there la a thinning in tho ranks of the poeta the eountry over, and the fewer there are of our "Natlon'a defendere" the warmer hv aeemlngly have In our boarta. .. -MARRIAGE LICENSE. License to marry waa lasned Mon day to Marian Rosa and Howard Nya. Dannall in SL Lauia Oloba-Damoarat. SENIORS DUOY PARTY WOODMEN HALL' IS PRETTILY DECORATED FOR OCCASION LARGE ATTENDANCE The Senlora of the Oregon City Hrkh school gave a narty at Woodmen Hail on Saturday nlaht. that proved a moat delightful affair. It waa attend- ed by-snout 70 young people, the pat-1 ronesaea of the evening blng Mlaa I Edna Caufield. Mlaa Louise Brace and I Mlsa Esther Johnson, In the early nart of the evening there waa a grand march, which vii Jed by Mlaa Esther Johnson and Thoraton Howard, and ueaalne- conteata and tnualc followed. In the bean messing contest the Drlzes were won by. Miss May 8mlth and Chrla Michaels. Refreshments and punch ' were aerved during the evening. - The Woodmen hall waa gaily deco- rated for tbla occasion with pennanta of bright colore, festoon a of crepe paper of the clasa colors, green and cream. Thla was one of the moot sue cesaful parties ever given In thla city by the students of the Oregon City High school. The committees in arranging for the affair were aa followa: Enter- talnment. Bothwell Avlson, Madge Brlghtblll and Haxel Tooae:' decora- tlona, BernlcoaDawaon. Zeta Andrews, Milton Nobel; invitauon, Misa Maua Park. Fay Batdort. Ray Scott: refresh- menta. Evelyn Harding, Margaret Me- Culloch and Ethel, Kidder. . , : Gate K. O. T. M. Insurance Record Keeper of the Knlghta of Maorabeea E. 8. Follansbee received on. Monday morning tne insurance policy of 31000 of the late Millard Hyatt.-and Mr. Follansbee will today take It to the widow, Mra. Jessie Hy att, who la at preaent realdlng in Port land. Mr. Hyatt died aeveral montha avn nA hmutht to thla c.ltv for burial, and had been a member of the K. O. T. M. for eeveral yeara. . j . -r b l. SUDS' I'nvnuBMi i vve v opi. Superintendent F. J. Tooze, of the v . kaa aaAAlwavl a n invitation to aaaresa me aiuuem bouj .ml faemtv of Pacific University aome time this month, Thl. I. honor mai uoeani come i u... tendent in the amall city achoola and Mr. Tooxe will undoubtedly prepare hlmseTto reflect credit on the school, thai he renreaents and the city In which lie 1a principal Read the Morning Enterprise. Bargains. In " V REAL ESTATE 2', aore tract In Clackamaa Halghte.1 yt acre tract on Maaa Hill. . 1 Block, Improved good 8-room houae, I 16x24 barn, elty water, en Sixteenth Street , Corner lot onTwelfth and Jefferaon. Both atreeta Improved. Good 8-room houae, 1 16 lota on Seventeenth atreet Corner business lot on Sixteenth street Lota In Gladstone and a few on Fern Ridge. 1 - . ' ' ' '"' .' Large lot In Waat Side Addition. Prieee reaeonabla. Tarma to ault pur- chaser. " T. L. Charman CITY DRUG STORE HRE II! MATTRESS DID HIE DAMAGE DOUBTFUL IF THERE WAS ANY FIRE FROM EXPOSED LIGHT- INO WIRES. . NORE DAjMACE BY WATER THAN FIRE a-aBBaaaaa " Smoke So Danae That Fireman Could , Not Sea Juat Where Fire Waa or What It Waa. " Some new thlnga come to light In connection with Sunday nlght'a fire when the acene waa vial ted by day light Monday. It waa plain that the moat of the fire waa confined to the back room, where .there waa found an old mattreaa that had been ablaze. There waa no place found where there waa any certainty of lire else wb ere. When the firemen came upon the acene the amoke waa pouring out through . the roof and through the openlnga from the loft or attlo above the atore In auch quantity that one would think the fire muat be in the attic. The firemen thought tbla and mounted the roof and cut their way through Into tho attic. But when tbey did ao tbey found plenty oi amoke but no fire. The hose waa turned into the bole for good luck and after aoaklng the ceiling the men were called off the roof. It la the belief now that had the firemen been able to aee Just what'to do they might have taken the mattreaa and waate out or aoora ana ex tinguished It there and aaved throw- inc anv Water on the atoclc at all. The amoke waa ' ao dense when the fire men did arrive tttaan one could aee a foot ahead, hence the atep taken that waa taken and the outcome aa it la. t VETOES THE FRANCHISE. Council Paaaea It Over the Mayore Head 12 to Z. .SALEM. Or.. March 6. (Spl.) The Salem, Fails City and Western Ry. la aeAkina- a franchise In thla city. The Council paased the franchise and the Mavor vetoed 1L Then Council to- night passed the veto over the Mayor's had bva vote of 11 to 1. The Mayor 1 then took the floor to explain and bo talked very plainly of bribery and money easy to . get., ,No accusation I were made, however, I streams RISING RAPIDLY, PENDLETON. Or.; March 6. (Spl.) Streama In thla part of the State are rising on account of warm rain that have fallen, . melting the snow and thus adding greatly to the usual volume of water. ROOSEVELT'S TRIP WEST. r--.pratident Will Start Wedneaday . a(n Ba Away Till. April 26, Kcnr YORK. March 6. (Sal.) I Theodora Roosevelt will .start for hla tHn nv.r country Wedneaday. and h. -.m not he home again until April H) ... at0n la at Atlanta, then I to New Orleans, crosses the continent to tne southewst country, cinces up p.Mfle Coast to Portland and pp. sound. Ha wiii be at Portland about the Kth nf Aorll. at which time he Is to speak to the people aa they gather to honor him, Auto Takea to Bucking Sunday. Th auto of F. M. Laache, of Glad- atone, took a notion to cnmD on to the urilea belonging to H. W. Streblg at hi meat market on Main atreet. I Sunday, demolishing them and giving I tha nwner of the auto a good scare, r Mr. Lasche naa jusi lumea u u.-r chine towarda the river to drive down nrth atreet when mevacciaeni w rnrrfui The scaie wns a I -- . w , . he settled ror mem wouu-,, 1 ' ' . (.in T Snnrtav achool The Baptist mission Sunday school J t hext rin, tha treat- Bunaay. i u pui. -- er number of scholars Is to reeeira a dollar Jll canta. After Sunday each on wno brings In a new acholar la to receive a song book aa a prlxe: f HORSE TRADE MUDDLE ; IS STILL UNSETTLED WYRICK ET AL ASK FOR wa- RANT FOR CHRIS SCHUEBEL, ? BUT GET NONE. In Sunday'a Enterprise waa printed a atory of a horse trade In which Chrla Schuebel figured aa attorney, with the natural sequence that the lawyer came out on iop. There were two teama to the dis pute, the aorrela belonging to Tom Montfellne, of Milwaukle, and a gray team tha property of 8. H. Wyrlck. The teama were irsaoa uu iu eMon 0f the men In direct opposi tion to 4he listing above, witn ii m tha hands of Wvrlck et al. Then came the attempt on Montfellne'a part to trade back, with Schuebel getting In aa attorney and poaaeeslon of both teama. ,' -" Monday Wyrlck and CaaeCaae be ing the et al. were out with blood in their eyea, and the blood getting red der each time they thought of what Chrla had done to them. Bo a trip was made to Justice Samaon and that official Importuned for a warrant for Schuebel. Samson at once backed np and off tbey trotted to Recorder Stlpp. Stlpn waa out of consolation powdora and advised them to have their attor- ney make the application In person. Schuebel still bas ' possession of both teams, and la atlll out of Jail, and la determined to get that SIS back or aell the gray team to get 1L PROF. STOUT PLEASING. Two Large Audiences Sunday, With a Good Service Monday Evening. . Sunday waa In Intereating one In the history of the Baptlat church. At the morning hour 17 new members took the obllgatlona, followed with the communion aervlce. Prof. B. P. Stout, who alnga and preaches, occupied the pulpit at both morning' and evening aervlce. At the evening service the bouae waa packed, chairs being placed In the aiales. The Professor waa at his beat and thoae preaent were highly enter tained and Instructed. Prof. Stout aang again Monday night and will be here tonight and Wednesday. He will sing and talk at each service and the pastor. Rev. 8. A. Hayworth, will give a short addreas at each service. This church will bold its Brother- hood banquet on Tuesday evening, March 14. The Congregational and Baptist churches will unite In the Boy Scout movement, organizing on March 15. Each church will have patrols of Ita own and the patrola Joining in one band of scouts. . Wil Elect Officers. The Mount Pleaaant Civic Improve ment Club meet thla evening at the Mount Pleaaant school house, at which time the election of officers will take place, these officers to serve for the ensuing year. Other buslneaa will be brought up for discussion. mm BRIDGE WILL BE REPAIRED CLARENCE SIMMONS, A LOCAL BUILDER WILL DO THE WORK, COSTING S3000., Several weeka ago the crlticlsma of the condition of the suspension bridge across the Willamette River at this point becoming Insistent, and that there might be no cause for complaint against bis court, County Judge Beatle had a bridge expert make an examina tion of and report on the condition of that structure. Careful examination showed the bridge to be la fair con dition, and not in a dangerous condi tion, aa the criticising public had averred. ' - The recommendation of the. expert led to a decision to have certain re pairs made so that the structure may continue doubly safe. These repairs will entail an expense of about $3000. Clarence Simmons, a local builder, haa been engaged to make the repairs and will commence at once. Among tn repairs to be made are new pillars and reinforcement, as also the laying of a new floor. When these repair have been made the -expert . assures the Court that there can be no danger in the nse of tbe-brtdge np to a strain three tlmea the usual load. ' oooeoeoeooeOwOeooeoo4 o o o o o o o o o o o A PENNY SAVED IS THAT'S WHY 80 MANY PEOPLE LIVE IN . CLAIRKIONT Living cheap taxea low water free aavlnge large. There art. many advantagea and prlvllegea afforded tha owner of a Clalrmont acreage tract that cannot be obtained In the city. Aak ua about them. W. F. SCHOOLEY & CO. Both Phones. 612 Main 8W Oregon City. o oov0v0oooeo4oaov04o0v0oooooooao4oaov0o 1911 Ford fully equipped with top, wind shield, gas lamps,' gen-' erator, speedometer and magneto? No extras to buy, , $775 AT OREGON CITY FIVE PASSENGER CAR $8 75 Inexpensive to buy, inexpensive to nsel" Travels 25 miles on 1 gallon cf gasoline. Tires last twice as long as on heavy cars. Lots of power. One horse power for every 60 lbs. weight. HUNTLEY BROS. CO. CLACKAT.IAS COUNTY AGEilTS WILL PUSH DRILL FURTHER DOWN BATTERED PIECE OF CASING HAS BEEN REMOVED OBSTACLES NOW OUT OF THE WAY. ( , SIGNS OF 01 KABPANTDAiY Will Not Start New Wall But S!n Old One Down to 1200-foot Depth, Using Two ' hlfte. STONE, Or. March 6. (Spl )- Well, the announcement la made offi cially tinat the oil well people have aucceeded Jn getting the casing that waa fast In the well loose aad have drawn it out, thna solving that put of the difficulty; .confronting item. This casing had been fast In tho well ' for several daya and continued bat tering at It had badly defaced tb-i top and made it very difficult to get hold and draw lt. This haa finally been done, we are told, and the well 1 now In good shape for further pmresa downward. That meana that the flrat hri t to L-c drilled further Into the bowel" of Mother Earth, with the hope that there will be an oil or gas flow worthy tbo effort ' ' . The Home OH ft Gaa Company boa aucceeded In getting; driUers that know the buatoaa thoroughly ard these men will go ahead with the work. A night and day ahift la to be operated from tbla on and ltls be lieved that the well will be down the 1200 feet that the company haa vcteJ to go within the next 30 days. This meana that the company, no that the well ha been clean out., ia satisfied with the present well and will not atart a new hole bat will purm this one down deeper Into tba earth with the hope thut it may prove pro ductive. Proa peeve are very flatter ing and the members of the company are In no way discouraged, aa to pn-e-pecta. but a trifle annoyed wl'a tho delay. ST. PATRICK'S BALL To Be a Pleaaant Affair and to Be Well Attended.' , r .The ball to be given by the Merry Dancing Club at Buach'a hall on 8t. Patrick's night, March 17. promise to -be one of the most successful dancing parties given this season. The mem bers of the club are a paring ao palna ' to make it a grand success. , .-, Hoesley'a orchestra, of Portland, one of the beat In Portland, haa been engaged to furnish the music for the dancing. Several new aelectiong nev- , er before heard on the coaat are to be given on thla occasion. Many tick eta have been disposed of by the young ladles, and from ail indicationa there will be one of the largest crowds ever danced In the Bosch haU. 4,000oeoe)oeoec-oeoeoeoa ! A PENNY EARNED o o o o o '. o o it Runabouts