Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, March 05, 1911, Page 4, Image 4

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A Demonstration
Ooprriett fcr Awrteaa hm
claUoa. UU.
. Dick Aine worth, a young American
with a rich aad Indulgent father, spent
era of hia time abroad, rarla being
hie favorite place of residence. He o tale the cement la nearly corn
was a frequrot visitor at the opera and P'eted and they will begin pouring
the theaters. Indeed, the) werehi. cement Monday. Thla work will take
world. Ooe nlght-on the atafe of the! " ,
w r M. n- R- L Badger, out Beaver Creek way.
Opera Comlqoe be saw his fate. Ooe.nM . npoH rr0m hia rose and ha
of the singers. VI He. CKvhette Verdler. ; for February that he may well be
waa the Impersonatioa of modesty, of prbod of. Four co s yielded a reve- I
decorum, of aU that La geatle and fem
' ai .
' " -v ' -
irrrou 10 iaae aim oeoiau toe sevnn
and introduce him to the lady. Tnli
waa duly granted, aad Alnworth!
rVmnd Mil imw h- .h,
atagk. m was ramer pent anaiaUtnu ln ahat-place aome time U
dressed off aud wually on the stage!
la very simple attlroTB; hair especial-
It Olainlr A,n.v fflwn A in.
:-;LL, ' ..,.,....,..
" ""
eyes dropped to the Coor and b stood
before, him a , Hi lug statue of limo
cence. At the end of a few mouths, dur
ing which Ainsworth gave Mile. Ver
dler all of hia time that
he wj,
able t spare of h.r own to be with
Mm h fonn.1 hinwir A.-.rii. i -
love with her and made her a ropo-il
of marriage. It waa accepted, and'
Ainsworth was Inordinately happy. II
toM his fiancee that it would not Ik
necessary for her to remain ou the
stage that hia father was a very rkb
Alnawerth senior was but twenty
two years older than Ainsworth junior.
, bat he had always been very liberal
with his eon and had told the boy that
when be wished to marry be would
provide for him. "I don't wish you to
' ' be In a harry to get me out of the way.
Dick.- the parent bad said. Tm go.!
for twenty or thirty years yet. but I
shall not trouble you because I still
live." When Clocbette asked Dick if
his father would object to his marry
1ns one on the atage Dk-k told her
that his father had come very near do
me the same thing hinuwlf before he
married his mother.
JMck wrote his father about his en-
fgement. and his father replied sym
pathetically that If the description be
bad received of the lady were icrrwt
be would have no objection whatever
to the match and would provide for
tha couple liberally. The Uer Alas
worth waa a widower, with ni oth.-r
child except Dick, and he promised to
settle half of his estate oo bis boy on
tha day ef hia .aaariiaaw. -P.ut. he
aid In closing hia letter. -I mont make
. the acquaintance of your fiancee be
fore giving my approval, and I am
orry 10 say i shall not be able to
crosa the ocean for several . months
Thla last part of his fathers letter
was the only part of it that Interfered
with Dick's comfort. He was very
much In lev and desired to be made
"PP7 once. It troubled him that
hia dear, modest little Clorbette abould
continue to be the target for the eyes
of the-young bloods of Paris, fie
would gladly have bad her leave It at
once, but sbe declined to do so until
they were married. So Dink was
forced to wait till his father could
coma over and all abould be settled.
At nut ne received the welcome
aewa that Mr. Ainsworth would sail
n a certain date and go direct to
Paris on his arrival at Havre. Dick
waited ror the day of arrival feverish
ly. He bad no doubt of his father's
approval of his ladylove, gti.h unaf
fected sweetnesf would charm any
man. Beside. Dfc-k knew that his fa
ther bad a keen insight Into character,
peciatly of women. He would at
nee recognize Oochette's moral worth
would see bow different sbe was
from many women on the stage.
On the day of bis father's eipected
arrival Dick received a telegram from
Mm inviting hi son to sup with him
at a cafe on the Champs Ely-. Mr.
Ainsworth would not arrive before 10
p. ui., and hia son waa to go to the
cafe at 11. At the appointed hour
Dick went to the cafe and asked for
his father. The proprietor announced
that M. Ainsworth had engaged a pri
vate room, but that be had evidently
been detained, since be bad not yet
Dick Impatiently walked back and
forth f'r an hour, when a waiter step
ped up to blm and bade him follow
blm. He led tbe young man to an up
per story and, stopping at a certain
door, threw It open.
The sight young Ainsworth beheld
startled him. Around a table on which
were the remains of a supper sat a
company of men and women all the
worse for wine. But tbli was only
the beginning of what Dick saw. At
one end aat bis father, evidently the
boat while tha crowning feature of
the scene was a woman dancing around
the festive board.
Bba was Mile. Clocbette Verdler
-Father! Clochetter cried Dick
The dancer stopped, looked from her
futnea to hia father, got down from the
table and walked, angrily out of the
-My son." aald the elder Ainsworth.
demonstration la better than persua
sion. I bare been a long while In
Parte incognito studying your flaneea."
.... u.. run or LMca Aina- ;
worth a dream of love-at least that 1
dream. H bad another later, but thla
tinra his father approved of hia choice
a aoon aa ha saw her. '
Ate Subscriber to tbe
. New DaUy?
- i -
If The Morning Enterprise la to be aa auccesaful as the Interests of Oregon
City demand it muat needs have the support of all. The new dally baa
' a big work, before It In boosting Oregon City and Clackamas County. Tour
.., support means more strength for the work. . -
- Will Yoii Help Boost
a limited time tha Mom lag Enter arise), will b sold to paid In advance
ribere as follows: .. ,
By Mall, l year......
Send In your name and remittance. ,
The millinery display at tic John
Adaaastatore Saturday was on of the
eateaidiapiaye ever put lato a
wla -
dow u taia city.
Adolph Fischer, from Fischer's
waa traaeactlng business la Or con
City Saturday. Ha reports that work
on I ha new bridge at that plat la
being rushed aa faat aa possible. ,
Tha Iron and eteel and also- th
cement for tha Flachar Creek bridge
are on the ground and ready for erect
g lato the structure. The form work
nue of 165 30 and .165 hena an evea
sum of $50. A few more months of
i lnd. or a few tlmea the multiple
of the nurabor, and Badger will be
buying the Panama Canal.
Institute at Osweoe School.
I Clare G Morey. principal of the
'I Oswego schoola. waa la Oregoa City
Saturday planning for a teacbera' in
April. It will be a local Institute In
hich all the teach, rs of the county
: Pnr" PlCipa(e. DUl
'H i to be held at Oswego. County
j School Superintendent Gary will have
an important place 'oo the program.
Comes to Oregon For a Husband,
lease Kerr, of Clackamas county,
and Miss H U Kocher. of Lincoln
county, were married at S.30 p. in.
Sl,ordilT h Court Horn Judge
! oniciaung. lit nnae
arrived from the East on tia dav
and was married aa soon as the got
Notice of Hearing of Center Street
Notice is hereby glvehat the appor-
. tionment of the cost of the Improve-
I menf of Center Street. Oregon City,
Oregon, from the North line of Sev
enth Street to the North line of
Ninth Street, has been ascertained
and the proposed aaaeasment has
been apportioned and la now on
file in the office of the Recorder of.
said Oregon City and subject to eg
aminatioo. Any objections to such
apportionment that aty be made In
writing to the Citv Council of aald
Oregon City and filed with the Re
corder thereof within ten daya after
the first publication of thla notice
will be beard and determined by the
Council before the passage of apy
Ordinance assessing the cost of
aald Improvement.
The property assessed for said Im
provement lies on both sldea of the
part of said Center Street proposed
to be Improved and the line of lots
abutting on said prt of said Center
Street fartberest from aald part of
said Center Street and aaid part of
said Center Street. . . ,
'This notice is published In the
"Morning Enterprise" the first pub
lication being March-7th. 1911. anl
the said City Council has set March
zz, lii. at 8 o'clock, p. m. at the
Council Chamber In Oregon City,
Oregon, aa the time and place for
.passing on said objections.
U 8TIPP, Recorder.
Ordinance No.
An Ordinance Granting to Th Mount
Hood Railway and Power Company,
Ita Successors and Assigns. Tor a
Period of Twenty-five years tha right
and Privilege to Erect, Construct
Maintain, and Operate an Electric
Light Heat and Power System In tha
City of Oregon City, Oregon, and thr
1 Right and Privilege to Erect Polea
anj Stretch Wires Thereon and
Thereover, Through. Over and Up
on the Streets. Alleys and Public
Highways, and to Construct Under
ground Conduits or Pipes With all
Necessary Manholes and Other Ap
pliances in and Under the Said
Streets, Alleys and Public High
ways in tha City of Oregon City for
conoucting and Conveying Electric
ity for Light, Heat and Power; to
Charge Rents and Tolls Therefor
and to Collect tha Same, and Au
thorize tha Said Mount Hood Rail
way 4. Power Company to Tri
Shade or Ornamental Trees In the
Said Streets, Allays and Public
Oregon City Does Ordain aa Fol
Section 1 The Mount Hood Rail
way at Power Company, a Corpora
lion dury organised and existing
unaer the ias of the State of Ore
gon and having Its principle office
and place of b-islness In the City
of Portland, In the 8tat of Oregon,
and Its successors and aaitlgna, is
nereny granted, subject to the con
sideratlons and conditions In thla
Ordinance contained, the right and
privilege to erect, construct and
maintain an electric light, beat and
power system In the City of Oregon
City. Oregon, and the right and
privilege to ereot polea and Stretch
wires thereon and thereover,
through, over and upon the atreeU,
alleys and public highways and to
construct underground conJulta or
pipes with all necessary manholes
and other appliances. In and under
said atreets, alleys and public high
ways In the City of Oregon City for
conducting and conveying electric
ity for light, heat and power and
to charge and collect tolls therefor.
Section 2. All rlghta and privi
leges hereby granted shall expire at
the end of Twenty-five years from
the date .of the acceptance of the
terma aftd conditions of thla Ordi
nance by the aald Mount Hood Rail
way A Power Company, and In the
event the aald Mount Hood Railway
A Power Company, its successors
and assigns, shall fall or neglect, or
refuse to perform any of the obliga
tions or requirements Imposed by
this Ordinance, thla grant and privi
lege shall be terminated, and an
nulled by tbe Council of the Citv
of Oregon City, and the aald Mount
HOOd flAilwaw a. Pnf Paimmh
lts successors and assigns, shall be
your own Interests?
deemed to have- forfeited all rights
aad privileges hereby greeted.
Bccttoa X. All veceeaaxy connec
tions 'to auhacrlbera aiatloaa and
to other polnta may be made from
such wires and con doctors, and
such meeaa. apparatus aad appliae
cee aa may be requisite. ' Said gran
tee, ita successors and asalgita,!
file, front time to time with tbe Citv
Engineer, or properly rooatltwed
authority of the city," plana of all
Conduit a. . saaahnlee. distributing
polea, and all other, construction
proposed wfihla tbe limits of
streets, alleys and public hUhs-ay
or the city, and la sock form aad
detail. Including appropriate maps.
aa the City Engineer, or other prop
erly constituted am sort t lee may de
mand and approve; aad plans and
BpectOcattana of relocation a and
changee a hall be Bled la like form
and be approved before the same
shall be made or work begun there
on. Alt poles erected by virtue of
thta rranchlse and grant shall be
maintained at such length aad the
wires thereoa shall be of such
height and placed la such manner
aa shall be satisfactory to the City
of Oregoa City by Ita properly con
stituted authorities. Said grantee,
Its stcceaors or asslgna. shall not
removelts" poles after' once being
set. from any location to another un
ities permitted to do so by the City
of Oregon City. vr its properly con-
atttuted authorities.
Section 4. The said Grantee, its,
successors or asalgna. under theS
direction of tbe City of Oregon City,
or Ita properly constituted authori
ties may make all necessary exca
vatkma In., any.. street, alley or pub
lic highway for the purpose of erect
ing, constructing and maintaining
pole and ether supports . for , Its
wires, conductors, lights or arc
lights and for repairing tbe aame,
and ror laying, repairing, and main
taining, ita underground conduits
and pipea, and for placing, repair
ing. maintaining and operating Its
wiree and other conductors thereon.
All poles of the said grantee, its
successors or asalgna shall be
erected at the edge of the sidewalk
unless otherwise directed by the
proper. City Authorities.
TneVlty of Oregon City, by Its
pmpeny constituted authorities
shall have the right to cause aald
grantee, ft. succeMorr asalgna.
to move the location of any' pole or
arc light shenevrr the removal
thereof shall be deemed for the pub
lic convenience and the expena
thereof shall be paid by the said
grantee, Ita successors or assigns.
becticn 5 When any excavation
shall be made, pursuant to the pro
visions of this Ordinance, the satd
Grantee, Ita auccessors or assigns.
shall restore the portion of the
street, alley, or public highway to
the same condition in avhich it waa
prior to the opening thereof, and
all work shall be done In strict com
pliance with the rulea. regulations.
ordinances or orders now In force
or which may be adopted from time
to time during the continuance of
this franchise, by the Council of
the city, or aa may be otherwise
provided by law. It Is further nro.
vided that the Chy authorities may
require that any opening In any
hard surface pavement In any street
alley or public highway ahall be J
uueu in ana tne pavement replaced
by the City Authorities, and the
cost thereof. Including the cost of
Inspection and eupervlston shall be
paid by aald grantees. Its successors
or asulgna. and the City Authorities
may require a deposit with the City
Treasurer of a sum of money suffi
cient to pay aald cost by said granr
tee. Its successors or assigns, before
the opening of said street, alley or
public "highway shall be begun.
Section 6 At all times, the
power and right reasonably to reg
ulate in the public interest the ex
ercise of the franchise and right so
granted shall remain nd be vented
It. the Council.
Section 7. Tbe construction and
Installation of the plant and system
herein provided for shall begin
within one year and shall be com
pleted to the extent of at least five
hundred horse power or more readv
for public use within the limits of
the City of Oregon City. wMhln,
eighteen (18) months from the date
of acceptance of thla franchise. The
grantee, in this franchise, shan, be
fore exercising or availing Itaelf of
any of the provisions of said fran
chise, within the City of Oregon
City, and before laying, erecting or
constructing any wires or conduits
within the said city, make and exe
cute to tbe City of Oregon City, a
good and sufficient bond to be ap
proved by the Council of the city.
In the sum of not less than $2000.00
conditioned upon the faithful per
formance and execution of the ex
act terms of thla Ordinance, pro
vided however, that when aald gran
tee, ita auccessora or aaslgna shall
have expended the sum of $3000.00
on the construction of Its plant or
system within the limits ef the City
of Oregon City, and evidence of
such expenditure ahall have been
given to the Council of the aald
city, aald bond shall be void, other
wise to remain In full force and vir
Section 8. The Grantee, Its sue
ceesors and assigns are hereby em
powered and authorized to cut and
trim any and all ornamental shade
trees In sny of the streets, alleys or
public highways of the city, that In
terfere with any light, pole, wire,
appliance or apparatus used In con
nection with or -as a part of the
electric light,. heat, power works or
system, but no such shade tree or
ornamental trees aball be so cut or
trimmed to a point below twenty-
iive (25) feet above the sidewalk
grade, nor ahall any such shade
treee or ornamental trees be cut
and trimmed until the said grantee.
Ita successors, or assigns shall give
written or printed notice to the
Owner or occupant of the premises
in rroni or wnich aald trees are
growing, to trim auch treea, within
one week after giving aald notice,
at the coat and expense of said
owner or occupant. If aald owner
or occupant falls, neglects or re
fuses to so cut and trim auch treea
as required by said notice, the aald
. WpRK. ' l"
Best ef work and satisfaction guar
anteed. Have your horses shod by an
expert; It paya.
All klnda ef repair work amithw
work. Prompt service; greater por
tion of your work 'can ha don. wt,n.
do your trading. Qlva ma a trial
and see If I cant please you.
Main and Fourth Sta Oregon City
grantee, Ita secceesore or eaalga
snaytirt or trim or cause to be
aad trimmed aech treee aad at
ene of aald g ranter. Its succoe
sors or aaslgna. '
, Sectioa "Nothing la thla Ordl-
, aaace ahall be coaatrvel aa la any
vise to prewat the Cl'y of Oregoa
City from sewering, grading, par
ing, plaaklag. repatrirjt. altering
doiag aay work that way be desir
able sua aay of the streets, alleys
or peMIc highways, but all auch
work ahall be do, if possible, In
aara maaster aa .'Lt(,' obstruct. In
jure or preveat the f?ee use and
operatic of t aid " t-lectric light,
power and heat niem of aald
granie. its sixco.v-s or alsa.
Section la whenever It ahall
accessary la or sevrrlng
or la makleg any other Improve
meats la aay etrevt. alley or pub
lic highway u remove', change or
relocate aay pole or poles or con
duits belonging to said grantee. Its
successors or asaun. on hlrh anv
line or lines, wire o- . s of said
grantee. Ita successor or asalgna.
ahall be atretched or fastened, the
aaid grantee, ita iuorors or as
algna, shall upon ten uvs' notice
from the City of Orecoo City, or Its
properly constituted authorities, re
move, change or r!-ate' such pule
or pole or conduit, and If falling.
neglecting or refumg so to do, the
aald City of Orr n Oty. by Its
properly conatltuted authorltlea mav
remove the aame at the expense of
the aald grantee. Its socevtsors or
Section 11. Pal J gYante. Its auc
cessora or assign .hereby agiws
i and covenants to indemnify and
save harmleaa tbe City of Oregon
City and the officers thereof against
ail -damagea, coats and expenses
whatsoever to which It or they may
be subject la consequence of the
acta or neglect of uld grantee. It
successors or assigns. Its agents or
servants. In any manner arising
from the right and privilege's here
by granted.
. Tbla franchise and right shall not
he construed aa any limitations up
on the City of Oregon City through
Its proper officers to grant rights,
privileges or .authority to other per
sons or corporations similar to or
different from thoa 'herein set
forth, in the aame streets, alleys or
public highways.
' feet ion It It ahall be unlawful
for any peraoa or persons unless
authorised by. the grantee, Its suc
cessors or assigns, or by the City
of Oregon City by Its properly con-
..stituted authorities, to Interfere
with, meddle with, injure or remove
any of the , poles, aires or under
ground conduits or pipe or any In
sulator. Instrument, light or appara
tua used In or as a part of the .elec
tric light, heat and power system
herein provided for upon the streets,
alleys and public hlghwaya of Ore
gon City, and any person or persons
violating any of tbe provisions of
this Section ahall iin conviction
thereof before Municipal Court be
punished by a fine of not less than
Ten and No One Hundredths l$o..
(KM Dollars or more than One Hun
dred (IKHI.ooi Iiollara, or by Im
prisonment In tbe City Jail not lea
than Ktve (5) or more than Fifty
1)0) daya or by (with said fine and
i Section. 13 The rlghta and prlvl-U-Kes
granted by thla Ordinance are
granted upon the conditions herein
contained and upon the following
considerations, to-wlt:
First Tbe said grantee, shall
within thirty (30) daya after thla
Ordinance, shall be In force, file In
the office of the Recorder of the
City of. Oregon City, ita written ac
ceptance of this Ordinance granted
to and conferred upon (be aald gran
tee, its successors and assigns, sub-
. Ject to all the terms, obligations.
. restrictions and provisions In this
Ordinance contained, and upon -the
expiration of thirty (30) Amy' time
allowed for acceptance of this Ordl
nance the sam not having been ac
cepted unconditionally, thla Ordi
nance shall become wholly void, In
operative and of no effect.
Second The grantee. Its aucces
sora or assigns, hereby consents and
agrees to perform and abide by all
the terms, requirements and condl
tlona required or Imposed by any
provisions of the City charter upon
the granting of franchise rights and
prlvllegea whether recited In this
Ordinance or not.
Third That said grantee. Ita suc
cessors or assigns, shall pay to the
t ity ofi Oregon City, on or before
the 15tb day of January of each
year and every year during the life
of tbla franchise, In gold coin of the
i nited states of America, a sum
of money equal to two (Z't) per
cem oi me gross earnings of aald
grantee, its successors or assigns
from taxes or toll a collected within
the corporate limits of the City of
Oregon City for the preceding year.
aiaiement or which gross earn
ings shall be aworn to by the Presl-
ueni ana Secretary of aald Com
pany and filed with the City Re
corder, and no license tax or charge
on the business, occupation or fran-
cnise or the aaid Mount Hood Rail
way ana rower Company, Ita eue
reason or assigns shall during the
existence of the rights granted by
this Ordinance, be Imposed upon,
exacted from or required of the
.saia .Mount Hood Railwsv ami
Power-Company,-Its successors or
assigns other than the above speci
fied annual payment of money, but
thla provisions ahall not exempt the
property of said Mount Hood Rail
way and Power Company, Its sue
censors or assigns from lawful taxa
tion. Each of the annual payments
of money required by thta Section
ahall be made by the said Mount
Hood Railway and Power Company,
ua auccessors or assigns to the
treasurer or Recorder of the City
of Oregon City on or before the 16th
day of January of each year for the
preceding year and said Treasurer
or Recorder ahall laaue his receipt
therefor, which shall be a full ac
quittance of said Mount Hood Rail
way ana power Company, Its sue
cessors or assigns from such pay
IPut Yourself in the
Ad-Rcadcrs Place...
When 'von .44a . .4
ad ne an. . siiiea
r-TT . T. k,nd of " "d try to
a . "u wars an a i
' If VOII rin . '
"tintyour ad will bV "IT11
BULTSI , will bring Re-
vents. Should aald Mount Hood
Rallwav and rower rompany,
auccessora or aaalgos fall or neg.
ut Air ihlrtv dava after the same
shall become due and payable and
after written notice from the City
. of Oregon City to pay tbe aame. to
pay aay of aald annual payments
provided for rainia ' necuon, m
City of Oregon City, by Ita properly
eonarlluted authorltlea ahall have
the jjxht and privilege to collect
such overdue paymenta from aald
Mount Hood Hallway and Power
Company. Its successora or assigns,
by a suit or action and shall have
a Hen upon ita property and fran
chise hereby grsnted for tbe pay
tnent of the aame.
Fourth That tbe maximum rale
to be charged within the corporals
limits of the Cliy of Oregon City j
for service by s.tld grantee. Us suc
cessors, or assigns, ahall be as fol
lows: Per Power.
"Kilowatt Hour PerK.Wll.
: 100 to SM or less per month 6c
600 to 1000 per month 4c
1'XK) to 5000 per month 8c j
JiHHV to tiOOO per month Ic !
oort to looou per month lo :
' Per Light and Heal. 1
-Twelve CeiiW (lie) per Kilowatt1
And It Is agreed that the grantee.
Ita successors or assigns shall fur-,
nlah to (he City of Oregon City, up-'
on request of the City Council, such
electric energy for (he lighting of
aald city a may be required, at It
sub-station to be established therein
at the rate of (wo (j) cents per K.
V. Hour. That no power ahall be
' Supplied to any competing company j
hen such art will prevent other;
person or companies from reeelv- !
Ing sufficient power or current for ,
their needs. '
Section II The franchise here-
by granted to the Mount Hood Hall-;
way and Power fonituiny ahall not ,'
be sotd. transferred or leased to 1
any other person, firm or corpora- j
.iion witnoui ine consent or tne
Council of the City of Oregon City
first given by Ordinance duly enact
ed, and every aale, traafer or lease
of such franchise ahall be deemed
void and of no effect without the
consent of the Council aa above pro-,
Head first time at a regular meet-'
Ing of the City Council of Oregon '
City, held on March 1st. 111, and'
ordered published and to come up fur j
second reading, and final passage at
a special meeting of the City Coun
cil of Oreaon ("It v. to tut held at th
Council Chamber In Oregon City on
the IStb day pf March. 1911 at I
o'clock P. M.
f alnD t, !
- - Ordinance Ne. 1
An Ordinance Providing for the Vaca-,
tlon of a Portion ef the Alley In, I
Block No. 112. Oregon City, Oregon, j
Oregon City does ordain as fol
lows: - - -- -i
That portion of the Alley In niock !
No.m, Oregon City. Oregon, de-1
scribed aa follows: Iteglnnlng at the ,
northeasterly corner of lot (3) -three,
block lit, on Madison Street; i
thence In a northwesterly dlreetlon
following tbe northeasterly line of 1
lots 3 and 6 In aald block lit to!
Jefferson street; thence along tbe I
easterly line of Jefferson street IS !
Inches; thence In a southwesterly j
direction, parallel with tbe north !
eaaterly line of aald lots 3 and 6
in aaia block ill, to Madison street; :
thence along the weaterly line of
-Madison street eighteen (IS) Inches
to tbe place of beginning, be, and
the same la hereby vacated. ;
Read first time and ordered pub- i
Untied at a regular meeting of the !
City Council of Oregon City, held !
March 2nd. 1911 and to come up for
second reading and final paasage at
A hAAUl maa.Im t ..... S I . s m. I
-k" Him i ii p v iu vnj VOUU'fl
en to be held March 15th, 1911 at 1 1
s o clock, p. tn.
1 ST1PP. Recorder.
Notice' ef Acceptance of t Street Im
the City Engineer of Oregon City.
Oregon has filed hia certificate of
the completion and approval of the
work done by Harry Jones, contrac
tor, on the Improvement of Center
Street, Oregon City, from the North
aide of Seventh Street to the North i
aide or Ninth Street, and the City '
Council of Oregon City, Oregon, will I
consider tne acceptance thereof, and
all objections to the acceptance of
sata improvement, at the Council
Chamber of said City, on March 22.
ii, I o clock, p. M.
Any owner of any property within '
me assessment district of said Im
provement or any agent of such
owner, may at auch time or sny
time prior thereto, sppesr and file
objections to the acceptance of aald
Improvement, and auch oh lections
ahall be considered and the merits.!
tnereof determined by the Council
at the above named time and nlao
This notice Is published In the
Morning Enterprise snd the time
and place of hearing were fixed by
oruer or tne uity council of Oregon
U 8TIPP, Recorder.
Ordinance No.
An Ordinance to Provide for a con
crete Sidewalk Along the North Side
of Seventh Street Oreaon Citv.
Oregon, From the Top of the Steps
Easterly to the West Side of Center
Oregon City does ordain as fol
Section 1 The finance commit
tee Is hereby authorized to enter
into a contract for a concrete aide
walk and cross-walk from the top
of the ateps at Seventh Street Eaat
rly to the West side of Center
otreei aiona; the North side of Sev
enth 8treet, according to plans snd
specification furnished by the CUT
Section 2. There Is hereby appro
priated out of the general fund the
sum of $200.00 or so much as Is nec
essary to pay for -said walk.
flection 8. Whereas the condition
of said walk Is dangerous to the
people who travel over aald walk,
and It Is necessary in order to Im
mediately protect the people who
use said walk, that thla walk should
be constructed Immeiii.t.i.
mirgency is nereny declared to ex
. . - . : "ft
.... uu mis ordinance shall be in
force, and take effect Immediately
n ... iiiuti oj lne Mayor.
Read flrat time and ordered pub-
ou- i l ,pecl" meeting of tbe
City Council of Oregon City, held on
March 3d, 1911, at 5 o'clock P. M.
t tbe Council chamber In pregon
a, nd t0 come ufl 'or "ocond
reading and final passage at a spe
cial meeting of the City Council to
be held at the Council eh.mH. t
Oregon City, on March 16th. mi
at 8 o'clock, P. M.
P0) ft2a2 Blev
- 1
Is to be as successful as the inter
ests of Oregon City demands it
must needs have the the support
of all. The new daily has a
big work before it in boosting
Oregon City and Clackamas
County. Your support means
more strength for the work.
Will You Help Us
Boost Your Own
Interests ?
For a limited time the Morning
Enterprise will be sold to paid
in advance subscribers as follows:
By cattkzt, I year $3.00
By mail, yeas? 2.00
Send in Your Name
VI '" -- f
and Remittance
L BTIPP, Recorder.
f !