Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, March 05, 1911, Page 3, Image 3

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    iLM Cil 51911.
and the
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This evening at 7:30
prof. G. Hr Douglas, of California
Singing by Choir and Ladles' Quartette
10:45 A. M. When A Good Man Gets Rattled
LvA Italian pruues I lbs. for
:5j st Herns' urotery.
J. II. Kraus, of Grlbhte Prairie, wm
lo Oregon city "n Business Baiuruay,
D. I". IiKuni'it, of Beaver Creek, was
t Hiurcly business visitor in. this
Choles office . rooms la Gambrlnus
block; stoam Baal. ee J. J. TODia.
Cut 8hiiebl. of Schuebel, tbla
county, wa transacting buaineaa In
thl tUj Baiuruay.
W. C. William", of Sellwood, la vUlt.
Inf friends In the rlty gueat of bla
wit, linrvey W. Wllllame.- .
J. K. Urlbblo. one of tha prominent
farrow of Dribble Prairie, waa In
Oregon ("Uy on buaineaa Saturday.
Spring lima la eeed ttma and bara'a
ik sort (Uatt will grow, at Harris'
A. T Jones, of Carue, la vlaltlng bla
mother. Mr. J. I. KnebL who la atlll
very III and la confined to her bad. .
K. ('. ()iwind. who la employed lo
one of the l"KKlng camps at Prescott,
aa vIdMIiir ltb frli'iida at Mountain
VlfW Bniurilay.
There will ba a St. . pstrlrk's Day
dance' MHsmghlln hall on tha even-
Ini of ih, 1 7 1 h of March, for which
preparation urn now making.
What' tlm ua to bake whan you
caa art It'iyal liread for 6c a loaf at
hurls' Urwcry. ;
M. Juatln, who haa been under tha
rar nrtlHTnrttnnd rye specialists
Drs. (iUMtave Hruere and KrankH.
Klatnrr. for the pant two week a, la
reported a much batter.
A, W. France, a former resident of
Orvfun City, waa In tha city from
Vnnltud HaWrday on buaineaa. He
found tlm ahlie her to attend tha
mmftrr of tha (). A. R. held at tha
WIIUmHto hall.
Rev. f hss. Robinson haa been mak
lor a series of ahort addresses at the
prayer mooting services at tha Episco
pal church for the pat few weeka that
art proving of great Interest to those
who attend. The subject to which he
la talking Is, "And Ila Went Down
From Jerusalem to Jericho." '
Prof. T. J. Gill, of Csnbv. waa In
Ortton City on business Saturday,
Mrs. Mary Cross, of Molalla. Is In
this city vlaltlng with Mra. .Frank
Cross. ..
Mr. H. (. Hopkins, of Snrlnafleld.
Ohio, arrived In Oregon City on Sat
urday, being tha Kuest of Miss Nellie
Mlis Roma Stafford left on Frldsv
afternoon for Portland, where aha will
t the fuest of Mlsa Grace White-
Mia Ethel Park whn la aahtnv
Hhs-WHlmtt-achool, arrlTed In Oregon
A Few Old Violins Left
I will sell these old Violins at very
reasonable prices. They are excell
ent in tone and of fine workmanship.
Frank Busch, Jr.
At The Bosch Store
K Wouldn't Pay
A Poor Article-
Nop a preposition of doubtful merit or honssty for ad-rssdsra.
"days, are DISCRIMINATING. They know values they know
Nuine things, osnulne opportunities.
Any article which tan ba told by advertising Is, by that pat,
000 article. YOU are aafe In, buying g'thlng which haa "stood
lh flra of publicity." - . . t . , ,
The msker oif a widely advertised article, ar commodity, la al
wy on trial for hla buaineaa Ufa. Ha eannot ahlrk, nor ehaapan hla
Pfoduct and thio ls the bast possible protsetlon for tha consumer.
Veu are SAFE In buying advartlssd things Ife tha loglo of
"lsy, buslnsso conditions.- ; '
City on Friday to spend Saturday and
nunuay with her mother, Mra. A. L.
Attorney H. CTX'ross went to Tho
Dnlli'B Saturday to apend tha Sabbath
with hla family, who are living there.
Mra. H. Ilestow, of Portland, who
haa bean tha gueat of Mr. and Mra.
J. W. Gray, of the Wast Side for the
paat week, will return to ber home
today. - '
Mlita Jessie Paddock, who went to
Csnby on Friday evening, where aha
vlaited with her brother, Arthur Pad
dock and wife, returned to Oregon
City Saturday morning.
Mra. Harry Boyles and two children,
who have been vlaltlng with the for
mer's Varenta, Mr. and Mrs.. P. M.
Graves, wall known residents of
Mackaburg, returned to tbelr home In
this city on Saturday.
Mr. Georga K. Swsfford, of Eugene)
la vlaltlng In tha city guest of his par
enta, Mr. and Mra. J. L. Swafford, of
Madison atreet. The wife and bablea
of tha young man have been In the
city for a couple of weeka. . , .
Mr. Arthur Preaay. who la one of
the city detectives of Portland, ar
rived In Oregon City yesterday after
noon to apend Saturday and Sunday
with hla parents, Mr. and Mra. Will
iam Robinson, of tha West Side.
Mlsa Ine Snodgraea, who Is the
leather at Heaver Creek, la alck and
wilt not be able to return to ber achool
duties for a few dsys. She Is giving
good satisfaction In the neighborhood
and a few days of rear won't hurt the
pupils of tbst school
Mr. and Mra. J. Levitt and son
Alexander, Mra.- 8. Levitt and Mlsa
EaUter Levitt went to Portland tbla
morning, where they will attend a
housewariulng at the home 'of Mr. and
Mra. J. Lauterateln, who will move In
to their beautiful new home on East
Ankeny street.
Mrs. George Boylan, who haa been
visiting with her daughters. Mrs. W.
C. Green and Mrs. IJoyd Williams for
tha past three niontha, will return to
ber home at Redmond this evening,
going aa far aa Madraa by- railroad,
and the remainder of the way by auto,
reaching her home .about. Tuesday
TRY." "
Beautifully llluetrated In four colors.
"THE SPELL," an unusual romantic
aerial by C. N. A A. M. Williamson.
March Sunset now on sale 15 cents.
When a man cornea along whining
that ha Is the victim of clrcumatancea,
tha chances are that the clrcum
atancea were contained within Iron
bound afavea and labeled "Old Rye."
Make aome crack and crevice filler
by mixing glue and fine aawduat. Put
It In soft and warm, spread down well
with a knife and let it get hard. It
will be all right
Cor. Main and nth St.
to Advertise
Nearly all eixika hava a r.ka r.n
sometimes. Don't worry. knew a
young man who wbn bla wife by say
ng whan bey cake fell: "i always did
" iuai nsu rauen."
Better buy one good book for tha
family than three or four cheap alory
papera. Hoy a and girls scqualnted
with great tblnkera of great tbougbta
will not aeek the society of loafers or
tvma ioa iromy, enervating novele.
Bora think they, must have the
oven sizzling hot when they put bread
In to bake, and than ih
a thick crust comes on tha loaves,
wniia me middle is not at all well
baked. The best way la to have tha
oven Juat hot . enoush so that tha
loavea will take on a nice brown In,
lea or nueen minutes. Don't be
In a hurry to take them out too soon,
either. An hour Is not too long to
bnke bread to hsve It just right.
When you pack ewiy hams and
shoulders for summer use. h aura
thst they are well amoked and thor-
ousniy uriea out. Powder each piece
with pulverized sulphur, slip it Into a
Pper flour-sack, tie each sack tlihilv
tliea pack,' not too closely together,
'" a bin or large tigM box filled with
oas. We nark hem each veer In thla
mauner In our oat bin. feed In a nut
the oatjk-to the bens ss we use thl
meat, no worma, maggota or other
pests attack our meat aupply. '
The Willamette Valley baa been
made Into a district In the fruit grow
ing and fruit packing business of this
Northwest country. In consequence
there will of necessity be a meeting
of the fruit growers In this section
some time soon, for organlzstlon and
conference and at thla time wa rise
to ask why not In this cltyT
The Willamette Valley Is a large
section of country and embracee a
large part of tha population In thla
part of the world. WKbln Ita bounds
are many people and so opportunity
19 ralae a very large percentage of tha
furm, garden and orchard products of
the 8tate. A a Oregon City la a cen
tral point there la every reason why
the people of this city should get busy
snd try to get the convention for or
ganization and then make a desperate
fight to retain the center of the stage
In this particular Instance.
Thla convention will be held soon
In an effort to Una up tha whole fruit
snd produce business of this section
of the States hence It la none too early
to get buay and get tha Initial conven
tion bare: and that will put ua In
Ngnrrfor-future gatherings and may
enable ua to atep up to the head and
become a leading factor In the raising
snd marketing of the product a of this
the richest spot In tha whote North
west country. i- , .,
Wa print herewith a few of tha rules
formulated by the Central Exchange
rulea that will be of tha moat Interest
to members of tha local union aa wa
hava not room for tha whole aeriea,
and aome of them having little gen
eral Intereat for tha public.
Wa alao print the rulea aa to grad
ing that our readers "Ttiky have a
knowledge aa to what la expected of
those raising fruit to pack and aell
through tha efforts of the local Union,
that Union being a part of ha Central
Condensed rules of tha Central Ex
change, of which the Oregon City
Fruit and Produce Union la a mem
Tbe Central Exchange ahail hava
the exclusive selling of all the fruit
products controlled by the association.
It ahall establish a sales syntem cov
ering all marketa where It la practical
to aell Ita fruit. ,
It will establish rules for caring,
marketing, grading and packing of
producta of members.
The selling charge shall not exceed
ten cents a box.
The district aaaoclation shall hava
control of Ita grading and packing.
under supervision of Central Ex
Following: are the rulea for grading
fruit according to tha agraementa of
the Central Exchange of which the
local union la a part:
Extra Fancy Perfect, well formed
apples only, free from all Insect pests,
worm holes, stings, scale, acab, aun
scald, dry rot, water core or other de
fects: limb rub. skin puncture or evi
dence of rough handling shall be con
aldered defecta. Applesa covered with
or sprsy must be cleaned. Apples
admitted to this claaa shall he wen
matured and of color characteristic of
the variety Spitsenberg, Wlnesap,
Arkanaaa Dlack, eto., and must have
75 per, cent of good characteristic col
or, lien Davis, noma ueauiy, , etc.,
must show 60 per cent red. r Red
Cheek Pippins and Winter Banana
must show red cheek.
Standard Apples of tbla grade must
be free from all Insect pests, worm
holes, scale, sun-acald, dry rot, water
core or other defecta; akin puncture
or evidence of rough handling than
be conaldered defecta. Slight limb
rub or one email atlng healed over
will ba permitted providing not over
10 ner eent of tha applee In any box
ahall ba so marked. All varieties of
applee admitted to thla grade ahall be
wel matured and of natural color. Red
varletlea must show aome red.
C" Grade Thla grade ahall be
made up of all, merchantable apples
not Included In the Extra -Fancy or
Standard grades. - These apples must
be free from all Insect pests, worffl
boles,, scale,' but will Include mis
shapen apples, or appioa navmi a umu
mh or other like defects.. Applcg o
this grade may contala two worm
atlnga or slight bruises. iney neeo
pot bo wrapped. . ' (
Subscribe for tba Dally Enterprise
GANIZATION. Tba Derthlck Club met on Friday
afternoon at tbe home of Mra. J. W.
Moffatt of tha West Side. Mrs. II.
Straight read from the life of Edward
Macuowell, the great composer, of
whom tha club Is making a study. The
record and eventa of J: is life was tha
Interesting topic read by Mrs
Htrslgbt. During Jhe afternoon tba
hostess plsyed several selections on
tbe plapo, which were highly appre
ciated by ber guests. Refreshments
were served. Tbe next meeting will
he.! held on FrldaV aftsrnnnn Mirrh
17,' at the home of Mra. H. E. Straight,
at which time Mrs. Lon DesLarzeg
will hsve chsrge of tha program.
Those attendina ' Frldav'a meetlns
Wcre-MrsrtiTLr Porter," Mrs." John F.
nam, Mrs. u. it Mnistwer, Mrs. Leon
DesLarzes, Mra. E. T. Avlson, Mrs. L
l- Pickens, Mrs, G. A.. llardluK, Mrs.
If. H. Straight. Mrs Charles Csufleld,
Miss Muriel Stevens.
Grsy overcoat., at the fire; finder
please leave at this office. ' . j
Intoxlcsted Msn Put Undsr Arrest
Whenever Seen on Streets. . .
SALEM. Or., March 4. Acting un
der tha orders of Chief of Police
Hamilton, the local patrolmen are
placing behind the bars every man
who appears on Bnjem streets In an
Intoxicated condition, and since the
Chief Inaugurated the new method Sa
lem la nearly free from that claaa of
men who while under the Influence of
liquor bump Into women and men on
the streets.
Although Former Chief of Police D.
W. Gibson quelled, sny attempt on tha
part of those so disposed to rslse a
"rough house," he wss unable to keep
the drunks off the streets, for the rea
son that hla number of asslstanta was
limited. The present Chief haa taken
up the matter of driving from the city
or aendlng to jail the chronic drunks,
and with an Increased police force is
making a cleanup..
WASHINGTON. March 4. Repre
sentative Hawley today nominated
Ralph Kennoth Bailey, of Grants Pass,
principal, and Albert Burton Mason.
of Cottsge Grove, alternate for ap
pointments tol the Annapolis "Acade
my. There are five applicants for
Wesfpolnt cadetshlp, but no appoint
menta will ba made before March 10.
Representative Kills appointed Haw
ley Bean, of Pendleton, principal, and
Clark B. Moore," of Prlnevlller alter
WASHINGTON. March M. The gen.
eral deficiency bill aa. Binned, provides
that the Secretary of tha Treasury is
suthorlzed to adjust and report to
Congress all unpaid claims of volun
teers In the Oregon-Cayuae - Indian
wara, and the amount found due each
Individual shsll ba certified to Con
gresa. It also provides for an appro
priation of i lO.ono for Investigation of
condltlona In Alaska by a committee
of Ave Senators and five Representa
tives, to be elected by the Vlce-Presl
dent and Speaker.
VimiT U'ih. Mareh 4 While
flanrirm Plarra anil mil Mnnn. nf Ya-
colt. were bunting between Canyon
Creek and riy creex, iq miiea nonn-
r.t Viwill PlafM Itllttut a 400.
pound black bear, tba largest bear of
that species killed on tha Pacific
.County Grange Will Meet
FOREST GROVE, Or., March 4.
Gals Orange, of thla city, ia preparing
an elaborate programme for tha Wash
ington County Grange annual -convention
here March 22. Mortimer White
head, of New Jersey, who haa a Na
tional reputation In Grange work, will
alve an address In the afternoon. It
Is expected that the meeting will be
attended by a large number of farm-'
era and dairymen from all sections of
tha county. Dinner will be served
the visitors In tbe K. P. Hall at noon.
WASHINGTON. March 4 The Sen
atejtoday passed the Ellis bill author
ising the Secretary ot the Interior to
exchange desert lands In Oregon for
lands In the National foresta in Ore
gon. Also, the Senste today confirmed
Postmasters John R. Casey at Ash
land. James L. Psge at Eugene and
Thomaa P. Randall at Oregon City.
VIBNNA. March 4. The recorda of
the Hungarian postofftce show that
$37,060,000 waa sent to Hungary dur
ing 1910 by Austro-Hungarlana flvlng
In America.
Another Big Orchard Tract
ALBANY, Or.. March 4. Another
big orchard la to be platted and set
to trees between here and Lebanon.
The Maurer farm, sold near Tallman.
and the Keebler lands adjoining, mak
ing altogether 800 acrea, may be used
for orchard purpose. It Is said this
will not be an apple orchard, but that
prupes, cherries snd walnuta will be
set out
. EUGENE. Or., March 4. The cur
rent from Eugene's $300,000 municipal
electric plant at Waltervllle, on the
McKensle River, waa flrat sent over
the transmission line to Eugene yes
terday afternoon, and the city's water
pumps, are now being operated from
that source Instead of from tha Ore
gon Power company 8 plant i-ater,
the city will light the afreets and will
probably do a commercial bualneas.
Add a large onion to a pot of cook
ing cabbage. It will take away tbe
gaa and any 111 effects of the cabbage.
Think every day of beautiful things.
If you do not you will soon get so
that there wilt be no beautiful things
to think of. .
Pot pie will never ba heavy if you
put In two tablespoonsful of corn
starch with tha flour. ,
Msiy a msn who ii calling loudly
" JWtlce would 'ba In tha county
jail If ha got It -
Soma men are Ilka a laying hen,
hey sot up a big cackling every time
tbey do anything.
It may be true that figures do not
lie, but you can not make a fashion
able dreasmaker believe It
It Is claimed that marriage la a lot
tery, but It csa not ba true, also tha
law would take bold oi It. .
Men who owe all they hava and all
they are to an Industrious, economical
wife, too often leave her out when
they boast of their success, aa moat
aucceasful men are prone to do.
Women may possibly not. know
enough' to vote, though wa don't ad
mit It; but aha certainly knowa enough
not to aell that irpte to tbe first briber
who may happen along.
There la a wide difference between
having a note In the bank and having
a banknote in tbe pocket, and therein
lies tbe difference between compla
cency and discontent
Choice office rooms In Gambrinua
block; steam beat Sea J. J. Tobln.
Mrs. Serlah Klelnsmlth died st
o'clock Thursday morning at her
son's. There are six children, Elmer
Klelnsmlth, of Portland; W. O. Kleln
smlth, Mrs. Bottemlller and Eugene
Klelnsmlth, of Clarkes; Alvln Klein
smith, of Medford, Oregon; Henry
Klelnsmlth, of Clarkes.
There are also . 13 grandchildren to
mourn her loss. The funersl wss
held at the M. E. church at 1 o'clock
on Saturday with Interment In Clarkes
Mrs. Serlah W. Klelnsmlth waa born
In Pennsylvania Msy 6, 1835. and she
lived 75 years and 10 months.. She
wss married to Henry Klelnsmlth and
they moved to Canada from Pennsyl
vania, then moved to Kanaas and
stayed 6 yeara and then they moved
to Portland, Oregon. They lived alx
yeara at Milwaukle and then moved to
Clarkea, where they spent the rest of
their daya.
' Aldla F. Matthewa. wbo died at hla
borne at Sycamore last Monday, was
born In Germany, November 27, 184.
He leavea a widow, sons and daugh
ters. Tha family -lived In-Damascus
for several yeara. and onry "lately
moved to Sycamore. Funeral aervicea
were held on Wednesday from- the
German church st Damascus, conduct
ed by Rev. Mr. Freund of Gresham,.
Misses Ethel and Olive Merrill gave
their mother, Mra. Charles Merrill, a
surprise last evening by Inviting a
number of friends to spend the even
ing. Cards and refreshments filled
In .the time until a late hour.
A. Hocklnson.who lately purchased
the Gresham livery barn from Ed
Metzger. Is having a basement made
under the building and other improve
ments will be made.
The wrestling match Wednesday
evening between Auk Smith, of Ca-
nemah, and Bid Roberta, reaulted in a
victory for Smith. 8mlth won two
successive falls, the first lasting 20
minutes and the second two minutes.
George and Amos Smith, younger
brothers of Auk. went on for two pre
liminary falls, both of which were won
by George time two and 15 minutes.
City Council met Thursday evening
snd ordered the improvement of Main
street from one end to the other with
macadamize full width. Petitions were
also presented to the Council for the'
Improvement of Harrison and Wash
ington streets. The City Engineer
wss Instructed to draw up plana and
specifications and estimate of cost
Mrs. A. Lehman Is making prepara
tions to lay cement walk in front of
her property.
Mayor Stretb returned home Thurs
day from hla farm.
Mra. Ella Maple la atlll alck.
Several new cases of measles among
the children.
Milwaukle Grange held a good meet
Ing Friday night with a large attend
ance. .
Tbe moving picture ahow opened
Saturday evening with a large attend
ance who were well pleaaed with the
The Guards of Llridert Circle Wom
en of Woodcraft will give a dance In
the City Hall March 25.'
Oak Grove junior basket ball team
defeated the Park place team Wednes
day evening In Green'a ball.
Oak Grove Push Club met Thursday
evening in Green's hall. Mr. H. Clod
felter acting chairman. The following
officera were elected: J. Chambers,
president; John Risley. vice presi
dent; J. D. Butler, secretary; J. H.
Rupert, treasurer. The new officers
took their placea and. the president
appointed the various committees. To
save expenses the club will meet in
lasts City delivery only at our own
convenience. '
Furniture ond Hardware
, the church, which waa kindly donated
lor their use. Tha first Thursday lo
each month will ba tha meeting night
ah are invited. -
. The Osk Orove Girls' Bsnd will give
a concert March 11 la Oreen'a HaJL
Tba proceeds will be used to pay for
the Instruments. Let everyone come
and help tha glrla as tbey are working
nera and are deserving.
1 Tbe debate between 'the Barclay
acboor of Oregon City and Oak Grove
' was won by tba Oak Grove school two
to one. Question, "Resolved, That
immigration Should Be Further Re
atrlcted by Lew." Affirmative, Robert
Cosgrlff, Alfred Livingston, Jsmes
Hefty. Negstive, Miss Schuebel, Miss
Phillips, miss Miller. Judges, A. Gra
ham, V. L. Clark, of Oak Grove, and
C. T. Parker, of Oreron Cltv. Each
school had a yelling squad and. tbe
school spirit ran high. Good feeling
; existed between tha schools. A large
crowd came from Oregon City and
among the noted onea waa City Sun
erlntedent Tooze. ' .The Oak ' Grove
'.Glrla' band gave several selections.
Mrs. Georga Blgham and daughter,
Mra. D. O.-Worthlngton were Portland
visitors Friday.
M. Vonderabe waa In Oregon City
Saturday on business.
W. A.. Hanson, of Mllwu'akle, waa In
Oak Grove Saturday.
sptlat Cor. Main snd Ninth strseM,
Ker. g. A. Haywortb pastor, rea. Ill
Ninth; 8. 8. It noon. Mrs. A. F. Parker
upt.; morning arrvk-a 10.10,' evening
7:30. T. P. 8. C. E. :10 p. m. and Jun
ior aame hour. Weekly prayer mrtt
In Thursday at T:10 p. m.
Canamah Baptist Mlaalocv 8. 8. meets at
1:00 p. m., tawls Conklia aupt
Catholic Cor. Water and Tenth streets.
Rev. A. Hlllehrand pastor, rea. til
Water; .tow Maas S a. m.. Hlsh Mas
10:10 a. m.. afternoon service 4.10. Mass
every morning st 1:1 1. , '
Congregational for. Main' and Eleventh
atreeta. Her. Wm. M. Proctor pastor,
- res. Hit Third; 8. 8. 11 noon, John Cow
ry supt.; morning arrvics 19:10, even
Ins 7:10. young people (:10. Weekly
1 prayer meeting Tbonday st 7:10 p. m.
Morning subject "What Consti
tutes a Full Gospel." '
' Evening "The Gag Rule at tha
Paper Mills a Relic of Industrial Bar
barism." ...
Christ Ev. Lutheran Cor. Eighth snd J.
. Q. Adams streets. Rev. P. Schmidt
.paator, res. SO J. Q. Adam; 8. 8.
. : a. tn. ; preaching aternoons of first
and third Sundays at 1:10 In English,
other Sunday service mornings at 10:1
with preaching In Oerman.
English service at J p. m. "Temp
tation 'of Our Lord." 1. Ita Nature.
2. lis object
Chrlstlsn . actonce Willamette ' building;
-Sunday arrvloea 11 a. m.. 8. 8. 11 moon;
Wednesday aervlors I p. n. .
Morning subject ''Man."
German Evangelical Cor. Eighth and
Madison street. Rev. F. Wlevrslck pas
tor, rea. 711 Madlsftn; 8. 8. 10 a. m.,
Herman Bchrader. Monro street, aupt '
mom Ins service 11. yong people st 1
p. m. and presrhlng at t p in. Prayer
meeting Wednesday st 7:10 p. DV
Glsdstons Christian Rev, A. II. Mulkey
paator. re. Gladstone; 8. 8. 10 a, m.,
N. C. Hendrlck supt; morning s-rvU
11 o'clock, evening service 7:10. Week
ly prayer meeting Thursday 7:10 p. m.
Morning subject "Our Exaltation."
Dr. Bancroft, of Portland, will make
the-addresa at tba evening hour. .
Methodist Main street cor. Seventh.
Kev. K. F. Zimmerman paator. res. cor.
- Btath and Washington; 8. B. S:4t a. m..
C. A. Williams, Gladstone, supt.; morn
ing service 10:41, lOp worth League S:S0.
evening service 7:10. Prayer meeting
Thursday 7:30 p. m.
Mountain View Union Cong ) 8. S. 1
. p. m.. Mra. J. H. Qulnn supt.; Bible
Study every Thursday afternoon;
preaching 7:30 p. m. second and fourth
Sundays in January. .
In the evening E. C. Dye will preach
using tbe subject, "Tbe. Stone That
tbe Builders Rejected."
Presbyterian Seventh street Vor Jeffer
son, Kev. J. R. Landsborough pastor,
res. 710 Jefferson; 8. 8. 10 a. m., Mrs.
W. C. Green supt.; morning service 11
a. m.. T. P. 8. C. K. :4t p. m., even
ing service 7:10. Prayer meeting Thurs
day 1 p. m.
Parkplscs Congrsgatlonal Rev. 1. L.
Jones pastor, res. Clackamas; 8. 8. 10
a. m., Emery French supt.; preaching
services each Sunday, alternating be
tween 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Chris
tian Endeavor Thursday evening 7:10
p. m.
St. Paul's Episcopal Ninth St.. near
Main. Rev. Chas. W. Robinson paator,
res. st itectory. Ninth andWster st.;
8 8. 11 noon, Wm. Shswmsn supt.;
morning service 11 a, m., evening ser
vice t p. aa.
Holy communion Sunday at S and
11 a. m.
United Brethren Cor. Eighth and Taylor,
UeV'.'. L. F. Clark pastor, res. Portland:
8. 8. 10 a- m.. Frank Pnrker, Maple
. upi.; morning service n. t. p.
B. C. E. p. m.. evening servlca 7.
Prayer meeting Wednesday 7:30 p. m.
Willamette M. E. No regular preaching
services. 8. 8. I p. m., Mrs. Reams
supt. v
Zlei Lutheran Cor. Jefferson snd Eighth
irreia, nev. w. it. Kraxbenrer paa
tor. res. 720 Jefferson; S. 8. 10 a. m.t
Rev. Kruberger supt.; morning service
10:10. evening 7:41, Luther teagu 7
p. m.
Morning subject "Christ Tempted
Like aa We." 1. To Get Bread In an
Illegitimate Way. 2. To Tempt God In
a Sinners Way. , S. To Forsake God
for Earthly Things.
Meeting of the Luther League at the
evening hour. , v1,,
Wc pot on
sale this well
built Hard
wood Rocket
very large
us regular
$6. 00 value
for 2.95' as
long as pre
sent, stock
Oregon City, Or.'
Notloss vnder those slsaslfled he4" t
WIU be Inserted at one sent a word. I. 4
Insertion, half assent additional lne-r-lions.
One Inch card. l per ssonihl few-f
Inch sard. (4 lines! 11 per month.
Cash avast seesmpaay order unless
hss an open account with tha papsr. Kii
flnanclsj reaponatblllty for errors; where
errors occur frss eorreeted Bottos will be
printed for patron. Minimum cr.ase IS.
WANTED Eipertenced girl for gen
eral housework In family of three.'
Apply at Huntley Broe.' Co.
FOR SALE 16-foot gasoline launch, .
2 Mi horse, power. Enquire R- 11.
Trulllnger, Postofflce, Oregon City.
FOR 8ALE Space In thla columa
Sella that old plow or harrow; yon '
don t tuw It since you purchaaad -your
new one. .
FOR 8 A LB Mare,' 10 years old, kind,
true, 1700 lbs. Trial given. Price)
$17S. M. A. Hansen, New Era.
Care R. KelL
ONE MODERN 7-room house for rent.
one-half block from Main street.
Inquire 219 Thirteenth atreet
HARRT JONES Builder and General
Contractor. Eatlmates cheerfully
'given . on all clssses of -building
work, concrete walks and reinforced
- concrete. ReetPbone Mala 111.
MONEY LOANED Wa are' acquaint
ed with the value of all farm lands
tn Clackamas County and csa loan
your money on good safe security.
Farm loans made one, two and three
years at 7 per cent. Abstracts of
title examined- DlMlCK DIMICK.
Lawyers, Andresen Bldg., Oregon
City, Oregon. , - . ,
O. D.- EBT, Attorney-at-Law, Money
loaned, abstracts furnished, land
titles examined, estates settled, gen
eral law business. Over Bank ot
Oregon City.
U'REN SCHUEBEL, Attorneys-et-Law,
Deutecher Advokst, will-practice
in all courts, make collections
'. and settlements. Office la Enter
prise Bids;, Oregon City, Oregon.
V. R.HYDE, Abstract Office
Land titles Investigated, conveyan
- clng, notary public,
Csyncs com'OT
QOTToas copy
Room 7, Barclay Bldg, Oregon City.
The partnership heretofore existing
under the Arm nsme of 8tory ft Thorn-'
ss, hsvlng been dissolved by mutual
consent, all liabilities of the firm are .
assumed by Owen G. Thomas and all ;
accounts due the firm are payable to
the aforesaid Owen O. Thomas.
Dated at Oregon City, Oregon, this.
24th day of Tebruary, Mil.
E. P. 8TORT,
75 acre tract good land, no rocks, 3
miles from, Oregon City, 1H miles
from O. W. P. car line. Good fruit
land. Cut Into 7 and 14 acre tracts,
$100 to $225 per acre. Enquire, of
D. K. Bill Co, Room 9, Beaver
Bldg, Oregon Cltv.
E. H. COOPER, For Fir Insurance
and Real Estate. Let us hsndle
your properties w - buy, aell and
. exchange. Office In Enterprise
Bldg, Oregon City, Oregon-
tate Dealers, have choice bargains
In farm lands, city and suburban
homes, good fruit lands and poultry
ranches. Sea us for good buyV
Near 8. P. depot
MANY TIMES you can buy just the
article you want, juat aa good aa
new, at a small fraction of the cost
of new, If you go and see YOUNG,
the second hand man. Hla collec
tion contains New and 8econd Hand
Furniture, Hardware, Tools, Curios,
etc. See him; it costs nothing to
' e
. r ' e
To introduce The Morning
Enterprise into a large major-
ity of the homea tn Oregon
City and Clackamas countv the
management, has decided to
make a special price for tha
dally Issue, for a ahort time e
only, whera the subscriber pays
a year In advance. - e
By carrier, paid a .year In '
advance $3.00.' e
By mall, paid a year in ad-
yance, $2.00.
" People who gave our canvas- e
ear a trial subscription for one
or mora months, at ten cents a e
week, can hava tba dally dellv-
ered for a year for $3.00 by
paying a year in advance.
People who gave our canvas- e
eer a trial subscription, by e
. mall, for four months at a do!- - .,
lar, may hava the paper for a
year for $2.00. If paid a year la '
advance. -
Subacribers to the Weekly
Enterprise may change tbelr
e subscriptions to the dally, re-
e celvtng credit for half time on e '
4 the daily that the weekly Is
psid In advance. When they
4 choose to add cash to tha ad-' e
vance payment equal to a full
year's advance payment they
may take advantage of tha $2
rate. .
. Wa make thla special price e
so that people who hava paid
:ln advance on some other dally e
and wish to take the Morning
e Enterprise, may do so without
t too great expense.
Read the Morning Enterprise.