Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, March 04, 1911, Page 3, Image 3

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; ion.
jt Wouldn't Pay to Advertise
A Poor Article r
;- J
Nor preposition sf doubtful merit or honesty for ad-readare,
BOwdy. ,r DISCRIMINATING. They know valuesthey know
OINUINI thing, genuine spssrtunltlss.
ny article which oan bo told by advertising la, by that tost, a
OOOD artll VOO ara aafa lit buying a thing which haa "stood
the fro of publicity." .
The maker Of a widely advartleed article, or commodity, , tU
wiy( fl trial for hie buelneia life. He eannot ehlrk; nor cheapen hie
product end thla la the beet, possible protection for the consumer.
You are SAFE In buying advartleed things It's the logic of
tsvadsys buslneea ssndltlsns.
The Chicago tore
Pays the highest prices for
Second Hand Clothes : : :
Second hand clothes : :: :
405 Main St
MAIN 3731
U W. Warner, of Spring water, waa
la ibis cliy on Krldsy.
Large, Juicy Kalian prunes I Iba. for
lie at HarrU Grocery.
.8. Baxter, of Mllwaukle, waa In tbla
diy on rrily.
Choice office rooms In Gambrlnue
block; steam heat. Bee J. J. Tobln.
W. 0. KHfimmllh, of Clarkea, waa
la this city on Friday.
Mrs. Bobbins, of Molalla. waa In
Orln City on business yesterday.
H E- lint"", of Portland, a former
resident of lin-gon City, waa In this
dty on busliH-sa Friday,
Spring time la seed time and here's
tbs sort Hist will crow, at Harris'
J. M Warn returned to Philomath
oa Thursday, after visiting with bis
dauibtrr. Mrs. K. L 8baw.
I J. Nally. of Portland, waa In tbla
dty on Friday the guest of Miss llatel
Francis. - 2- '
Mr. Rutherford, residing near Shu
bet, aa In thla city on a buslneea
trip rrlday.
Oliver Plikrrson, who resides on
Iks Forks of the Molalla river, .waa
trammeling btialnesa In Oregon City
Henry Mothnke, one of the well
knoa tarmais of Heaver Creek, waa
! traoaartlnf buslneea In Oregon City
n oat the use to bake when you
csa get Royal Bread for Be a loaf at
Hrru)' Orocery.
William Myere. of Portland, waa In
till city on Thursday evening visiting
with his parents, Mr. and Mra. Will
lia Myers.
The M. E. IUya Scouts wlll'have a
paper chase tbla afternoon and It
promisee to mske a considerable sport
for the membera and participants.
C. W. West, formerly conductor on
tit 0. W. P. Hallway, but now a farm
er of Washington county, waa trans
acting business In Oregon City 00 JT1-
-Charles Moulion, of this city, baa
tecepted a position aa bookkeeper and
unor,rapher for f he Mount Hood Rail,
way Company with headquartera at
Bt. Andrews Guard, the boys' or
puliation of tbe Episcopal church,
ot In the Armory laat night for Ita
regular drill. Election of minor of
Beers was also held.
Jsck Frost baa been offered ft Job
la bridge construction work on the
Mount Hood Electric Railway, and la
considering whether or not ha wlabea
to be swsy from home, aa bo will need
be If he accept a.
E. W. Calklna, conductor on tba
freight run on the O. W. P. electric,
ho was arrested a few days ago for
coming Into the city ahead of tbe bour
perilled In the city charter given the
road, appeared before Recorder Stlpp
t4 plead guilty Friday afternoon.
He was fined $25, which bo paid."
The Oregon City Fruit and Produce
Union will hold a meeting In the
Conn House thla afternoon when tbe
horticultural wing will try to learn
some new things in planting or caring
for fruits and vegetablea. Tbeee meet
Inn are proving very Instructive to
Andrew Kocher, of Canby, wbo la
king arangementa to eatabllab a
'nnln Implement establishment In
nil city was transacting bualneaa In
Oregon City yesterday, and will soon
mors a carload of machinery bora, the
option of which will bs In tba
Bchram building near Fourth street.
I B. Rlopcl, of Mllwaukle, waa
tendering up and down Main atreet
Tkursday night In a half Intoxicated
wndltlon and threatening vengeance
01 some one when Officer Green came
kI and locked him up. Ha ap
rd Friday before Recorder Stlpp
J Pleading guilty waa fined 17.60.
father paid the fine and be waa
' ' H. Treler, of Portland, repre
sentative of the Studebaker Company,
In this city yesterday on bualneea
connection with the firm. Tba
wion city Commission Company
been handling Ita goods, and theee
"T bBn turned over to J. F. Hodge,
?' Blxth and Water atreeta, who will
reafter be the company'a agent. D.
fv.J?bIn"' wno charge of the
J-otnmlaalon Company'a eatabllehment
"f. will only handle produce.
TRY." -.
WHl!y '"trated in four colors'.
rHB 8PKLL," an unusual romantic
by C. N. ft A. M. Wllllameon.
Marrs a THI1 WEST."
" Sunset now on sale IS centa.
Oregon Gty
Mra. J. B. Colvln, or Woodburn, waa
visiting friends la the city Friday.
Attorney John F. Clark went to
Portland on legal business yesterday.
Mr. and Mra. Albert Elliott, of
Needy, wer1n Oregon City on busi
ness Thursday.
Hon. C. M. Idlemen, formerly At
torney General of the State, waa In
tbla city on Friday.
- Mra. Newton and Mra. Hrown, of
' San Francisco, are visiting Mra. New
ton Brown on tbe hill. ,
Mr. and Mra. J. Wallace Cole have
returned frtern Eastern Oregon, where
they visited with the former's sister,
Mrs. Horace Mann, of Pendleton.
Mra. John Adams was a Portland
visitor Thursday and while there at
tended tbe theater and aaw the per
formance of "7 Days" at the Helllg.
Councilman Wm. Andreaen and fam
ily will leave today for Newport, Ore
gon, where they will apend several"
days and Mr. Andresen will enjoy a
much-needed rest.
Mrs. J. L. Donner and baby, Jackie,
of Portland, are In thla city the guests
of Mrs. Donner a mother, Mra. Rachel
Purslful, and alster, Mrs. Victor
Mrs. U E. Jonea, wife Of Represen
tative Jonee, wbo baa been visiting In
Baker, Oregon, guest of her sister,
Mra. Lou Is Lavlnger, will return homo
Judge L E. Majors, of Portland,
who waa for yearn Judge of the County
Court In Yamhill county, waa visiting
Justice W. W. H. Samson Thursday.
They were old, schoolmates aa boys
when living at Sllverton. .
Mr. Lyman Warner, of Portland, ar.
rived In the city Friday called here by
the death of hla alater-ln-law, Mra.
Ebeneier Warner, wbo died at 1 p. m.
Friday. He waa formerly a resident
of Medford and la well known up and
down the whole valley.
Mrs. Charlea Lotiggood, of Portland,
and Mra. M. Holt and daughter, of
Medford, who spent the first part of
tbe week In thla city with frlenda and
relatives, have returned to Portland,
the Utter of whom will visit In that
city for a few daya before returning
to her Southern Oregon home. -
Mr. and Mra. William Moray, of
Liberal, were In thla city on Friday,
the-latter-on her way to Portland,
where aba waa called by the Illness
of her daughter, Miss Clara Morey,
who la In that city on a visit. Dr.
Morey returned to hla home last even
ing. Judge and Mra. W. W. H. Samson
will go to Sllverton, Oregon, today for
a abort vlait with frlenda in that city.
Mra. Bam son will vlalt her twin alster,
Mre. M. Palmer. The Judge la called
to Sllverton to write tbe will of an old
friend, C. W. Drake, who la getting
feeble and wishes to prepare for the
Clyde Ladd, who haa been having
trouble with bla eyea, la much better
after making aeveral trips to Portland
to consult the famoua eye specialist,
Dr. O. B. Bruere.
The 1. O. O. F. will give a hard tlmea
aoclal at Fir Grove achool house thla
evening. No finery or Jewelry will be
allowed. A prlxe la offered for the
moat appropriate coatume.
v The Twilight literary society haa a
full program for tonight and the de
bate will bo on tbe subject, "Resolved,
That a Competent Engineer to Over
nee the Road Work In the County
Would be Practical and Economical."
, Read the Morning Enterprise.
ToWhom It
May Concern
I am going to elean up or destroy
the dlsessed fruit trees of Oregon City
and want the co-operation of everyone
Interested. You may get epraylng
dona by C. L. McQhaney, Fourth and
Jackson, or by Clark Fuge, Eighth
and Polk atreete. Those neglecting or
refusing to do the work will be com
pelled to do eog Anyone Interested
plesse communicate with A. J. Lewis,
Fruit Inspector - Clackamaa County,
Oregon City, Route No, I.
COLORADO balls a Claclnaatua
lu pettlcoots In the person of
Mr Agnee L. Rftldle. rerentiy
elected to 'the legislature In
(bat state. Tbe only flaw In tbe com
parison la tbat Mra.. Riddle baa not
"left" ber '.plow" dud still keepo In
touch with farm dutlee wbeo iibt legle
latiug. i
' Many women bave been honored by
election to tbe legislature In Colorado
since tbe adoption of woman suffrage
eighteen years ago, but with few ei
cetlone t bey hare beeo like their
brother lawgiver, of tbe x machine
made variety, Tbe three other women
elected to alt wllb Mra. Riddle In tbe
bouse of repreeentatlvee have no un
usual characteristics. One baa for a "
number of years presided over tbe
deetlnlee of a email family botel. An
other la a profvsslonal polltk'lsn. wbo
has secured a "Job" for ber husband
through ber allegiance to the "organ
isation." Tbe third baa won laurels
aa a "worker" and baa been rewarded
by the Denver Tammany.
These women, like most of their pred
ecessors, are resident a of Denver. Ae
la tbe custom, to conclllete tbe women
voters three of tbe eleven places given
to Denver on tbe legislative ticket
were assigned to women. They were
not pitted against a man. aa waa Mra.
Riddle, wbo waa nominated on tbe
Republican ticket In a farming district
which wsa normally Democratic. Ad
ams county, tbe largeet county In tbe
district, went Democratic by 000 votes,
but gave Mra. Riddle, tbe Republics n
candidate. 870 vole. .
Up Before tbe Lark.
Tbla aturdy German woman, wbo
baa spent the lest twenty year of ber
life on a dairy farm, la tbe moat pic
turesque figure seen on tbe political
borlaon of Colorado Id many years.
Since ber elertlon as a legislator Mra.
Riddle finds It necessary to precede
tbe lark by several hours In tbe mat
ter of early rising. At S a. m., ac
cording to twr dally schedule, aba la
busy preparing breakfast - for dairy
ban da. At 4 she serves tbem at table.
Five o'clock node ber cleaning op the
breakfast debris and planning and pre
paring luncheon for ber family and
help for their -oneumptlon at tbe noon
bour. when she munt be absent at tbe
By 6 the shining face of tbe cbll
dren are made ready for achool. and
an bour later she epeeda tbem on their
way eiutmed with books and lunch
eon baskets in search of education
Seven o'clock Is the appointed hour
for outlining tbe day'a duties for ber
employee. Dobbin I harnessed by 8
to a light buggy, and tbe woman aolon
stsrts on a all mile drive from Glen
dale to Denver, where from 10 a. m. to
5 p. m. she tskea a band In molding
tba affair of etat.
81s o'clock la tbe bour designated for
tba evening meel at tbe Riddle ranch,
and Mr. Riddle la alwaya there to aid
In Ita preparation. At 8, after the
children's bour. they eay their prayera
and ar put to tied aa In any well reg
ulated household.
In addition to ber dutlea aa house
wife and legislator. Mra. Riddle baa
been secretary of tbe atat grange for
six years, and abe frequently roonda
out tbe routine of ber daily chorea by
attending to tbe dutlea required of her
by tbat organisation, which aba haa
seen grow from twenty circle to Arty
four, with a membership of 4 XXX) farm
era. '
Her position aa secrets ry place ber
In practical control of tbla body of
ranchmen and keeps ber alive to tbefr
Interests and progress. It would be
regarded aa extraordinary for a man
to do thee thing. What kind of wo
man la thla wbo can compass tbem no
satisfactorily to all concerned?
Haa Ntrer Been In Jail
She la not a brilliant auffragett. She
baa never saluted a policeman In tbe
ay with ber strong right or prostrat
ed a cabinet member with an upper
cut She baa never been In JslL Sbe
la Juat a modest, unassuming, right
thinking bansfraa wbo baa by bard
work , secured a practical education.
When a little child In Oernufny aha aat
ap far Into tbe nlgbt and studied by
randlellght. wrapping tba book about
the candle to keep Ita light from being
leen. Through the grange abe gained
a knowledge of economic questions and.
aa la natural In a suffrage atat. 41a-
tewthvrnmeat City of Amerieaa Dreads
Psnsma Canal Opening.
Anxiety Aa being felt at Pnnta Are
nas, Chile, tbe southernmost city of
tba world, over tb poaalble effect of
the opening of tbe Panama canal on
traffic through tbe atralt of Magellan.
All vessels paaalng between tbe east
and west bar been accustomed to
stop at Punta Arenas to coaL The
town, which baa a population of 12,
000, paved atreeta, largo store and
many public Improvement. ' baa
thrived particularly aa a reeult of tb
ocean traffic which may be diverted
to the canal.
African Railway Earnings Ini
Tbe earnings of tbe South African
rail waya for the aeven montha alnc
the union exceed by 15.000.000 those of
tb preceding corresponding period.
Prof. Stout Will Partlolpate In Sunday
Night Servlcea at Baptist Church.
Prof. B. P. Stout, tba greatest living
gospet singer, will give a aermon rf
song at the Baptist church next Sun
day evening. Prof. Stout waa here a
year ago and captured all heart a. He
will be assisted by Mrs. Stout, and. the
Baptist Choir of wntcn Mra. L. C.
Olmstead, formerly of Boston and an
accomplished musician, la the leader.
Thla will be a great service and the
seating capacity of the church will
doubt lesa be overtaxed to accommo
date tba people. , i ,
rud political problems with o-r nu
Mra. Riddle, la comniou with all
truly worthy rburacters. lias an arer
lion for tbe perminal pronoun I. but
sbe yielded tbe other dsy.
! wss born In- Mlleala. Germs ny."
abe said. .-I attended Hitch Dsuirb
ten college before I csm to th
country, at tb age of sixteen. ' My
first efforts to become nstursllxed re
sulted In two years' study of dotue
tic science In St l-ouls. After that I
entered a training school for oupmk
and when I received my diploma took
up the active service of my profes
alon. .
Then George Riddle csme wool nit
and winning me away from my cboneu
work. Twenty years ago I came to
Glendale a bride and since thst time
tbe dairy farm has been tbe cedter of
the universe to me. .
"I bave not known tbe joy of tying
baby aboe for my own children, for
no little one bave been given to us.
but I bave raised a family qf ten."
said tbe atateewomao. "I have taken
to my heart and borne tbe children of
my two sisters, one of whom died,
leaving a family of four, another leav
ing six. I bave tried to do my duty
by' them, but they are beginning to
grow up now, so I will bsve time for
new Interests. While I oever aspired
to public offlre, I bave been Interested
In world affair since my girlhood,
when my fsther held official position
In Germany, and I am glad lo bave
the opportunity to work for tbe bet
terment of tbe fanners "
Carried Democratic Diitrict.
Mrs. Riddle represents Adama. Arap
ahoe and Elbert counties In tbe
Eighteenth general assembly of Colo
rado. Tbeee counties comprise an
area aa large aa the atate of Rhode
laland. She drove all over her district
during the campaign, talking plain pol
Itlcs to ber constituents, and waa en
tertained at nightfall at the home of a
friendly ranchman. When the vote
were eonnted In this Deinorrntlc dis
trict Mrs. Riddle's iiermmsl popularity
gave ber a very comfortable majority.
Although Mra. Riddle belonirs lo the
minority party In the hiue. the mem
bera of both wirtle uever lre nn op
portunity to show I tu-tr rwM--t for ber
opinions upon lite ubji--t In which
abe 4s Interexted Tb"? ber as
authority uixni wleiilllli- reform for
tbe farmer , Bbe lin d.'njniixtrated
tbat sbe Is a pracll'nl worunn by tbe
program site mude out for herself and
which she hoM- to put Intu effect
while nIm Is in i be Iptrlxlntiire.
- As a niemlM-r of Hie advlHory board
of tbe HtHte Agricultural college abe
understand Its need ft mi Its methods,
and abe advocate an appropriation for
tbat Institution whb'b sbstl provide
for a corpa of teachers who shall
travel about tbe"ktate1o teach tbe
farmers' wives and daughter aa well
aa the farmer tbe simple lessons of
sanitary living and nursing and wbo
shall also teach tbem bow to relieve
tbe dreary monotony of ranch Ufa by
barm lees social pleasure.
Such a course of training, Mr. Rid
die believe, will check tbe mad rush
of tbe boys and glrla from country
homes to tbe pitfalls of tbe city.
Advocates Cream Testing.
Another bobby of Colorado remark
able woman legists tor Is the establish
ment of a bureau of cream . testing. Ac
cording . to Mra. Riddle, each county
abonld bave a supervisor or Inspector
to look after the cream teeters. Sbe
claim tbla protection In behalf of tbe
farmer, wbo recelvea only 14 centa for
the gallon of milk for which tb dairy
man gets 80. This Injustice, It la said,
la due to tbe cream taster, whose de
cision la final. Thla condition of af
fair la driving men ont of the dairy
bualneaa In Colorado and favoring the
ahlpment of milk from Kanaaa. Mra.
Riddle hope by proper legislation to
right tbla wrong.
The other member of tb legtalatare
may not know tbat thla quiet but de
termined woman with Ideas haa not
waited for any one to set her a good
example, but baa taken 4bo Initiative
oh the anti-pass question and baa
promptly returned all the paaaea aue
received at tbe opening of tbe session.
The adrecate of woman " auffrage
taking stock of Mra. Rlddle'a good
qualltiee ar triumphantly pointing to
thla vital German dalrywoman with a
talent for politic and ar proclaiming
ber "the woman of tb hour" In Colo
Wanta Women's Flumie and Fssrs
Hstpln Jsbs.
"Pletro, tbe plume " anatcber." baa
mad Ufa . miserable for, tbe young
women of Minneapolis and 8t Paul.
He baa mad life miserable and tbelr
bat worse, for' forty dollar willowa
bare been anatcbed with as little emo
tion by tbe "plume anatcber" aa tbe
ordinary ten or fifteen dollar kind.
Tb victims bave alwaya bad to keep
their bands down, for tbe bandit hi
afraid of 'hatpins, ao Instead of
"Hands up." he calls "Hands downT
aa be point a deadly looking revolves
Wear Cotton, Don't Produce It.
The ' provinces of Tnnnab and
RwangsL China, bar a population of
about 8,000,000 each. . Very little cot
ton la produced there, while tbe na
of cotton clothing Is nnfvarssl.
Rev. S. A. Hay worth, the paator,
will conduct the communion service
In the morning and over thirty-three
new membera are to be welcomed.
The apeclal gospel mission will con
tinue every evening next week up
until Friday. ...:
i .- ,
, ' Servlcea at Mountain View.
. The services at tba Mountain View
church will be conducted next 8unday
evening by E. C. Dye. Tbe aermon
will bo upon, The Stone That the
Bulldera Rejected.", Services begin
promptly at 7:30. . -
Subscribe for the Dally Enterprise
Facta Concerning, the Different Qertl-
flcstes to Be Iseusd Under the
Present Laws Now In
' Force.
At the meeting of the last legisla
ture, aeveral laws were passed affect
ing the public schools and pub' It
achool government. With a view to
acquainting county superintendents
officially with - these changed condU i
ttona State Superintendent L R. Al
derman haa aent out printed Informa
tion covering these points. We pub
llsh' below portions of this circular
which will be of Information to our
Under tbe new law on supervision
tb County Superintendent of each
county having more than sixty acnool
districts shall appoint on or before
June 1, 1911, four membera of a Coun
ty Educational Board, of which board
tb County Superintendent la ex-offl-
cio chairman. Tb membera of the
board receive no compensation, ex
cepting traveling expenses. Members
of thla bcrd muat be legal achool vot
ers and no person holding any other
county office, excepting tbe County
Superintendent, aball be eligible. '
On the first Monday in June the
Educational Board ahall meet and di
vide all the achool districts In tbe
county excepting districts of the first
claaa - Into supervisory districts. No
supervisory district ahall contain leas
than twenty nor more than fifty acnool
districts. The County Superintendent
shall be counted aa supervisor for one
district and tb board ahall employ
supervisors for tbe other -districts.
The supervisor ahall be employed for
not lesa than ten montha each year at
not less than $100 per month to be
paid from tbe general fund of the
county. " '
The next examination will be held
on June 21, 22, 23, and 24.- There will
be no examination In August, hence
al persons whose certificate expire
In August, or wbo wish to take teach
ers' examination in order to teach
next year ahould write at tb June
examination. The new law doea away.
with the county certlflcaiea, but you
will have authority to Issue county
certificates on Stat grade until May
Under the present law applicants
must complete' the subjecta for a
Stat-certificate within three succes
sive examlnationa. The new law pro
vides that auch persona may complete
their examlnationa under the lawa
now in force. All peraona, therefore,
who are writing for State certlficUs
should appear at the June examlna
Applicants for a one-year State cer
tificate must make a general average
of not lesa than 75 per cent and ahall
not fall below 60 per cent In any one
of the following subjects: Arithmetic,
civil aovernment. geography, gram
mar, history, orthography, pbyelcal
geography, reading, achool law, theory
and practice of teaching, ana wnung.
Applicants for a five-year Stat cer
tificate muat make a general average
of not lesa. than 85 per cent and ahall
not fall below 70 per cent In any one
of the following subjects: Writing,
ort hours nhy. arithmetic, . physiology
grammar, geography, theory and prac
tice of teaching, reading, U. 8. history,
civil rovernment. achool law, psy
chology, American literature, algebra,
Dhvatcal aeoaraphy. and composition,
Twelve montha' teaching experience
la reaulred for thla paper.
Annllcanta for a life Stat certifl
cate must make a general average of
not less than 85 per cent and ahall
not fall below 70 per cent In any One
of the following subjecta: Arithme
tic, writln:. orthography, reading, pny
alology, achool law, civil government,
grammar, gaography, theory and prac
tice of teaching, U. 8. history, psy
chology, American literature, English
literature, algebra, pnyaicai geosr
nhv. nlane aeometry. botany, physics
bookkeeping, composition, general his
tory, geology, and hlatory ot educa
tion. Six montha' teaching experi
ence la reaulred for thla paper.
Applicants for primary five-year
Slate certificate must make a general
average of not less than 85 per cent
and ahall not fall below 70 per cent
In any one of the following aubjecta:
Mntnnds in reading, methods In arlth
mptic methods In language, methods
In geography, theory and practice of
teaching, writing, orwogrspny, Vaj
stology, psychology, and in addition
thereto ahall write a thesis on an edu
cational subject aelected from a list
prepared ' by the auperintendent of
public Instruction. Twelv montha'
teaching experience la required for
thla paper which glvea the applicant
authority to teach only in the first,
second and third graaea.
No examination In English classics
will be required In the June examina
tion on account of the lack of time for
announcementa and preparation. All
examlnationa will be based upon toe
text-booka adopted by the State Text
Book Commission. f
She'll Never Know.
"And did you aee papa?"
"Yea, and heard him."
And what did he eayt"
"I cannot tell you; I awore off on
using tbat kind of language the first
ot the year."
Expert butter taatera In France
maintain tbat they can tell whence
butter cornea by flavora given It by the
soils over which cows browse.
. Are you frequently hoarse? Do you
have that annoying tickling In your
throat? Doea your cough annoy yon
at night, and do you raise mucus In
the morning? Do you want relief?
If ao, take Chamberlaln'a Cough Rem
edy and you will bo pleased. Sold by
all dealers.
5-room house and barn, new, cor
ner lot 50x100 feet, Falla View;
fine view , ..$1100
groom house with bath room,
etc., good condition, 10th and
Adama atreeta, Oregon City. .$1350
8mall paymeni down, balance month
ly paymenta like rent good .bargains
Stsvens Bldg. Oregon City, Ore
Baptist -Cor. Male and Ninth atrorU,
Kv. n a. Itujrworth paaiur, r-a. Ill
Ninth, n. a. 12 num. Mrs. A. V. Parker
Kip i , nioinlns service l IS, vnin
I lu. I. P, n. C. K. Isli. m. and Juat
lis same bour. Wt4kir- prayer myel
ins Thursday at T:JO i. in
Canaman Baptist Mission 8. meats at
l:w p. as.. Lawla C'onklla supt.
Cathoilo Cor. Watrr and Tenth etreotk
luv. A. Hllletoraad pastor, res. 1J
Wstr-r; Low Mass S S. an., Hlsta Mass
10 .10 a. m.. sftsrnoon ssrvlc i Pi. Msse
every momtn at .!.
Congregational for. Main and Eleventh
streets. Hev. wm. M. Proctor pastor,
rs. SO Third; B. B. II noon, John Low.
ry sum ; morn In service IS:M, even
m 1:19. young propio : Weakly
piayer meetln Thursday at 7:10 e. m.
Christ Bv. Lutheran Cor. Elfhth and J.
W Adams streets. Ksv. p. Schmidt
inxtor. res. 04 J. Q Adams; B. B
-1 . - r.-rhtns; sf ternoons of first
and third Sundays at 2:1 In KnaTlUn.
other Hunday muintngs at ..
with preach In In Osrmaa.
Christlsn Science Willamette "bulldinc;
Sunday services 11 a. m B. . 12 auva.
W'rdnesday servlors 1 p. m.
Osrman ' Kvsngellcsl Cor. Elshth and
Madison atreeta. Rev. V. Wleveslck pmm
Kir. ri-s. 711 Madison: B. B. IS S. m.,
Herman Bchrader. Monroe street, sMpt. :
morn in service 11, yot-n people at 1
p. m. and preaching at p. m. Prayer
meeting Wednesday at f :I0 p. m.
Oladstona Christian Rsv. A. H. Mulkey
Rastor, res. tilsdstone; B. B. IS a. m..
. C. Hendricks supt.; mom In service
II o'clock, evening servlcs 7:10. Week
ly prayer meeting; Thursday 7:20 p. m.
Methodist Main atreet cor. Seventh.
Kev. K. r. Zimmerman pastor, res. eor
Sislh and Waehlnstoo; avft, a4 a m.,
C. A. Williams, Gladstone, supt.; morning-
service 10:41, Kpworih League 0:20.
evening servlcs 7 JO. Prayer meeting
Thursday l it p. m.
Mountain View Union (Cong ) 8. B. I
S. m., Mrs. 1. H. Qalnn supt.; Bible
tudy every . Thursday aftsrnoon;
preaching 7:20 p. m. second and fourth
Bunflays In Jsnusxy.
Presbyterian Seventh street eor Jeffer
son, Kev. J. K. LnasDorougn pastor,
res. 710 Jefferson; 8. 8. 10 a. m., Mrs.
W. C. Oreen supt.; morning service 11
a. m.. T. P. 8. C- E. 0:4 p. m., even
ing service 7 20. prayer meeting .Thurs
day I p. n. -. k
Parttplaee Congregational Rev. J. L.
Jones pastor, res. Clackamaa; B. B. 10
a. m.. Emery French supt.; preaching
services each Sunday, . alternating be
tween 11 a. m. and 7:20 p. m. Chris
tian Endeavor Thursday evening 7:20
p. m.
St. Paul's Episcopal Ninth St.. nesr
Main.- Kev. Chas. w. Robinson pastor,
res. at tectory. Ninth and Water sts.;
8. 8. 12 noon, Wm. Bhewman supt.;
morning servlcs 11 a. m., evening ser
vice I d. m.
United Brethren Cor. Eighth end Tsylor,
Kev. I K. Clarke pastor, res. Portland.
8. -8. 10 a. m., Frank Pvker, Maple
Lane, supt.; morning ' service ll, T. P.
B. C. K. 0 p. m., evening service 7.
Prayer meeting Wednesday 7:10 p. m.
Wlllsmetts M. E. No regular preaching
services. . B. 1 p. ' m., Mrs. Reams
supt. . .
Zlon Lutheran Cor. Jefferson and Eighth
streets. Rev. W. R. Kraxbenrer pas
tor, res. 720 Jefferson; 8. 8. 0:10 s. aa..
Rev. Kraaberger supt. : morning service
10:10. evening 7:4&. Luther League 7
D. m.
Time robs ua of many thlnga, but
wounds our vanity first by Introducing
wrinkles and the double chin, i, ,
Tbe Maple Lane Orange meets Sat
urday for an1 all-day . session. The
principal order of buslneea the
election of three delegatea to attend
the convention to be bold at the court
There will be preaching every Sun
day- evening at Mountain View church
at 7: 10. Emery C Dye will preach.
I Clinton Griffin in on the alck list
having Injured his hand In the woolen
Will Edgecomb and Albert Mauts
are kept baay thla week plowing gar
W. W. Everhart, of Molalla, waa In
Oregon City Thursday all day and re
turned home with bla mother Friday.
Frank 8Uvr haa an attack of la
A family la moving Into the C. B.
Hysom house.
. Grandma Pratt la able to be up
Mr. Morrison and family are moving
Into Mra. Brooks' house, lately vacated
by Geo. Haskell.
The little daughter of Mr. and Mra.
navia has been ill with measles, -
Mr. Bethune went to Portland on
Helen Murray spent Saturday In
Portland. '
Mr. and Mra. John Butaon went to
the nws ritr on Friday.
Miss 8. M. Graham haa gone on s
rin to Ijm Aiicelea. CaL
Mary Brobat apent Saturday and
Snndsv at home.
The river haa been very rough late
ly and the white capa nave tne appear
ance of ocean wavea.
Tbe tools have been ordered for uae
on Aubrey Wood s farm, and. prospect
ing for oil will soon begin.
Henry Aden la Improving hia atore
and making room for bla apienaia
stock or new spring gooas.
Elmer Jonea went to Newberg on
Tuesday on business.
The, torture bv Dr. Walters on Sat
urday evening waa much appreciated
by those who were fortunate enough
to be present.
Mra. Brobat writes that the weather
at PrinevlUe haa been delightful and
she la enjoying her visit with her
daughters, Ellen and Elisabeth.
Have you aubacribed for the Mora
ine Enterprise? If not, you are miss
ing s good thing.
Mr. Kelso met with s serious acci
dent on Saturday evening while grind
ing taut hv ret tine hla hand cauKht in
the machinery, badly lacerating it and
cutting the tops or tnree oi ma nn.
germ. Dr. Llttlefleld, of Newberg, waa
called and tba hand la doing aa well
aa could be expected. .
Tbe apeclal issue or Sunday a mora
ine Rntnrnrtse la a fine booster for
Clackamaa County, and la a credit to
the printer aa well as the artists and
writers. 1
The telephone haa been mixed up
again on account of the wlnda, and
talking haa been aa difficult aa In
"ye olden time" confusion of tongues,
i The Boland place was sold lately
through the agency of Mr. Butaon.
Mr. Boland a many frlenda will be
sorry to learn that he Is undergoing
a serious surgical operation In the
Portland hoanltaL
There will be a aoclal given at the
Corral ftraek school house, nn VrUlas
evening, March 17th to which every
one la coraiauy invuea. i ne program
la a splendid one, consisting . of a
farce, recitations and songs. Baskets
of lunch and cakea will be Bold at the
close of ton entertainment, and tne
proceeds will go to the organ fund
for the achool. . : 1 -
Doris Toung returned on Saturday
to Corvallla. after enjoying the mid
winter vacation at home. Doris wll'
graduate In June, hut will return to
tbe college for post-graduate work,
having been offered a remunerative
position In one of the leading depart
menta of .the college. -
Wants, Foifc!2,Etd
Notices under theee alsantflai
will s Inserted al one seat e wart
Insertion, half a sent additional
tlon a One Inch card. II pee aseattBi
Inrb card, (4 lineal 11 per month.
Cash muat acesmpany order nnlsaa one
has an open aeeount with tbe paper. Me
flaaaalal reepenstbttltr tor errors; where)
errors occur free corrected sotlee will be i
printed lor patraa. Minimum sharge lSe.
WANTED Woma a to do- light house
work. Apply al " fth fit. Phone
1413. . .
WANTKEr Partner with 1 2 00 to raise
poultry; have land and water, large
barn and team. 1 K. Chaae, Glad
atone, Oregon,
e-0" BALE.
FOU SALS 16-foot gasoline launch,
3V borse power. Enquire R. H.
Trulllnger, Postofflce, Oregon City.
FOR SALE Space In thla column
Bell that old plow or barrow; yon
don't use it since you - purchased
your new one.
ONE MODERN 7 -room bouse for rent
one-half block from Main atree.
Inquire 219 Thirteenth atreet
HARRT JONES Builder and General
Contractor. Estimates cheerfully
given on all classes of building
work, concrete walka and reinforced
concrete. Res. phone Mala 11 L
MONET LOANED We (.re acquaint
ed with tba value of all farm lands
In Clackamaa County and can loan
your money on good aafa security.
Farm loans laade one, two and three
years at 7 per cent Abstracts of
title examined. DIMlCK PIMICK,
Lawyers, Andreaen Bldg., Oregon,
City, Oregon. (
O. D. EBT, A ttorn ey-at-L w. Money
onnea, a os tracts lurnisnea, tana
titles examined, estates settled, gen
eral law bualneaa. Over Bank ot
Oregon City.
ITRKN A 8CHUEBEL, Attorneys-et-.
Law, Deutacher Advokat. will prac.
ties In all court a, make collections
and settlements. Office la Enter
prUe Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon. -
V. R. HYDE. Abstract Office
Land titles Investigated, conveyan
cing, notary public.
Room 7. Barclay Bids Oregon City.
The partnership heretofore existing'
under the firm name of Story ft Thorn-,
aa, having been dissolved by mutual
consent, all llabilltlea of tbe firm are
assumed by Owen O. Thomaa and all
accounts doe the firm are payable to
the aforesaid Owen O. Thomas.
Dated at Oregon City, Oregon, this'
24th day of February, 1911. -
- E. F. 8TORT, -
75 acre tract good land, no rocks, S
, miles from Oregon City, lVa miles r
from O. W. P. car line. Good fruit.
" land. Cut Into 7 and 14 acre tracta,
$100 to $225 per acre. Enquire of
- D. K. Bill ft Co., Room 9, Beaver :
Bldg., Oregon Cite. . ' "
K. R. COOPER. For Fire Insuraner '
and Real Estate. Let na handle '
your properties ws buy, sell snd i
exchange. Office) In Ekterprlee'
Bldg Oregon City, Oregon-- - -
tats Dealers, have choice) bargains. ,
' In farm lands, city and -suburban,
- homes, good fruit lands sad poultry
. ranches. 8ee ua for good bnya-
Near 8. P. depot
MANY TIMES you can buy. Juat the ,
article, you want, juat as good aa
new, at a email fraction of tba coat ,
of sew, if you go and see YOUNG. ,
the SAfnnd tisnd tnsn. Hla rallerfv
tlon contains New And Second Hand
Furniture, Hardware. Tools. Curios, '
etc See him; It costs nothing to
To Introduce) The Morning
Enterprise Into a large major
ity of tbe homee In Oregon
City and Clackamaa countv the
management . has decided to
make a apeclal price) for tbs
dally . issue,- for a. short time
only, where the subscrlbsr pays
a year In advance). . , .
By carrier, paid a year ia
advance, IS.00. ,
By mall, paid a year In ad-'
wanes, $1.00.
People who gave our canvaa
ser a trial subscription for on
or mors montha, at tea centa
week, can have the daily deliv
ered for a year for $3.00 by
paying a year la advance.
People who gars our eanvaa
aer ft trial subscription, ., by
mall, for four montha at ft dol
' lar, may have the paper for a
year for $1.06, If paid a year Is
' sdvancs.
Subscribers to ' the Weekly
Enterprise may enssgw their
aubacrlDtloas to the dally, re
ceiving credit tor half Urns on
tha. dalle- that the weekly Is
paid la advsnos. When they
ehooee to add caah to the) ad-
aee payment equal to ft full
y oar's advance payment they
may take advantage e the $1 ,
e tsss. .-"
d, Ws Basks this epeelal pries e
e is that pes sis who have paid e
04 la advsjaee oat eesna other dally d
sad wish t) take the Morning
s . Enterprise, may do so wlthewt
toe great ex penae. e
Read the Morning Etttefprtsv.
v Ik
e 1
, e"