Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, March 03, 1911, Page 4, Image 4

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    i f
of Time
An Old raahtMad Scary
tba Western Plata
By John Thorn dike
I Cln,i w " 1
Caaifitaat by Aanrlraa Praaa
TVm arc oreaaa of la ad Just aa
tWrt ar areaaa of water. At laaat
kyod th Mh-ilppl rlrer there anr
regtooe which, viewed from tt toj
kava fh uotinoM of great sea
rii laifnr so Coda a vast level;
ri. i. throng wok b rao few streams.
. . ... . . .... ....
Md those that exist, having oo foiUei
their beaks, are without beau 17
Taw ground, whicb la oftea roiling, la
sjsuslly coTered with ao flora except
whoa apeara art like bayonets
Oa afteraoa a joaas mao wearing
troaaera of buffalo skin, a wouteo shirt
a ad a sombrero sat oa bi borae. bad
lag bis eyes from tb aaa with bi
fcasd. peering at eomethloc ta the dls
taaea. U was oa tb rrt of o of
ta la ad rollers and managed to make
at. eoupi of mile away, tb white
top of a plains schooner.
. A Utt'e paff of amok appeared near
, H. followed by a faint ' crack, then
aaotber aad another at Id terra la H'
keard respcoaJT crac ks, but tb land
, lay a that be coald not see rrvm
whom tbey ram. But be knew that
ka waa ta tb country of tb Apache.
' aad persona .Urine from behind a
wmgoa meant wait men defeodine
the mar It ra froaa tb avwt sarar tribe
af India oa. The ptrrnr to!d blm more
' than this. On wagoa did not Indies te
many whites, whereas ttiere were
plecity of Indiana a boat. Arsln. a
wagoa waa almost surely IndlesUxe of
a ajoriaK family la wbk-h there were
likely to b women and children.
TbeaaeoocfaaloBsdtd not reijnlre tea
aoalBf proreaa. They cam to Jim
Tama asua aaotrr nca othejl
B ackers like a flash. Had be been
eaperUlly Interested in bla own wel
fare be would bare beaten a retreat,
for the pk tur that he could aee. taken
with what be could not aee. told him '
that the travelers buue wuald soon be
vbJteoiac oa the plain and if be should
go to their assistance bia own bones
would obi tee with them.
- Bat. la tb first place, Buckera put
'- bo great vain on bia owa liie. and. In
tb aacond. be was sot tb man to run
-away froaa such a responsibility. He
was Ilk a rodderlesa boat tossed atwbt
poa tb waters. Plains life la'not
Coodacire to bome making, espectally
when tber Is little to do except (mncb
' cows, aad tber are few women to
- tarn the men and mak tbem Gt for
1 hcaoea. Indeed, the prospect of a Cgbt,
tea ta a loslnc cause, was not unwel
come to Ro'-kers (Juk-kly descendtntt
tats tb hollow between two rollers, be
rod with all baste toward the wagoa
tin be knew by tb loud cracking of
rifles that those firing were near by on
the otter aide of one of tb rollers.
Dismounting, be ascended the alope.
, crawling aa bs beared the summit, and.
lying flat, be surveyed the scene on the
other aid through cactt
A family consisting of father, moth
er. aeverei boya ranging from twelve to
eJgbteeo years old and a git I of twen
. ty were using the wagon ai a rampart
by which to protect themselves against
three or four times their number of
; Indlaaa. who were approaching from
comparatively level ground, the red
skins being widely acatterd with a
riew to preventing their enemies too
eeotraOng their flr and that tbey
- might take tb party on the flanks as
- well as tb center.
U That tb white had saflMerit arms
. wa evident from the fact that every
'. oa of tbem. Including the two women.
: held a breochloading rifle, a compara-
' . uvaiy new gun in tbon days. He wbo
, waa evidently tb fatuer of tb fam
Cy waa giving bia little army orders aa
o tb direction of tbelr fir ao that It
would b properly distributed. They
wr ooug ineir best to pick off th
reosKina. oat tb latter wer bo wary
u xpwuig inemselve that It was dif
ficult to bit tbem. '
; Backers returned to bia horse, an-
, hooked bia rifle and. removing all the
ammunition b bad In bis saddlebags,
placed It la bis bat Beside this am
tnnnltloa. bis belt waa full of car
tridge. - Taking bia load up to th
crest, h shoved th muzzle of his gun
i H V
'.. ..BMW
Ate Yotf a Subscribe to tbe
,r Ne7
If Th Momlna Entororl to. to b a
ruw lemanrf u must needs have tb
A biff work before It In booatlng Or
. support means mora strength ior inawort.
Yill Yott Help Boost yoor own Interests?
For a limited Um tb Morning Bn tar prise win b sold to paid la ad vane
subscribers as follows: .. 1 : ' " '
' By Carrier, 1 yar... .........,..tti..' i. . 13.00
By Mall I yr........ tOO
tend la your nam and rsmlttano. , ; ,
.- ' -7- .': . .- 7-. .:-' :
Ml bcrwecw ta rulM and ni ready
I Moawhll tha lidliM had rbaacwd
their tactic. Tbey wr ooentrl
la their rir preparatory I
c barring tb wago. It was piala to
to wall I bat lhy wer lost, la
tales das of lb ladiaas aoaa ot
the might a tilted or disabled, tart
Umt weald t pieaty left to toma
hawk their eseasfcrs. Tb father
rote t rem Wed aa a aahl;
-Let urn die hard."
pi at that esoaseot a surorta r
c . J to both white and redaln
1 Tur . former beard a crack behind
tbem. and lb Utter aaw a puff of
amok oa lb rrrot. . Oa of the la
dlaoa fell dead. Barker instead of
bring agala frum the um snot scram
to hnini fw rants to hta
f aD lbw .ootber bal
, withoat wilttax to e what dam
bad doe
b moved and 'Bred
i anln
The Indiaae paused la their advance
Rockers hd produced already tb tn
I nnukin rn.r ikm vera at tea st B-
I en I neeaona on tbe crest, and Bine a
kept up a 6 re from different pointa n
was Impossible for the aararea to tetl
bow many tber were la this re-en
EooaUv Interested In Rocker
the party directly beneath him. They.
wer casting quick glance over their
shoulders, hoping to ae a party of
armed whites come over lb crest to
their assists rx-e. Bat when Rocker
called to tbem to keep op their flr.
that he waa alone, there waa disap
pointment. But tber waa hop. The
father, teeing tb advantage of Rock
ers strategy, encouraged hi family, at
tb name .tiro admonishing tbem not
to flr except at an eepeclal rdkln.
But bt this time the Indiana bad be
taken themsetve behind a slight rise
In the ground, where they remained
out of Bight. Tbey had evidently
withdraws for consultation or with a
view to getting the strength of their
aew enemy. Buckera and ibe white
below also ceased to Are sine tbey
could do no damage. Ruckers called
to their commander, auggestlng that it
might be well to direct on of the
parry to crawl through the cactus to
tb crest: thatdy tiring from different
points at tbe ) time tb two above
might further make it appear mat
tber were not more than on person
there. '
It appeared to tb father that who
ever succeeded In separating himself
from tbe party might have a better
chance for bis life. and. deirtnfto
give this advantage to his daughter,
be directed her to do aa Ruckers had
auggewted. The redskins detected her
and sent a abot at ber which raised tbe
ddat only a foot from ber. but an suc
ceeded In ber attempt
- When Backer aaw aa attractive girl
wbo bad come to fight with htm for
ber life and tb Uvea of all concerned
a new resolve came to blm that tbey
abould win. There waa an eager light
ia tbe girl's eye aa ah asked what abe
ahoald do. Rocken. who sine abe
had been fired at la Joining him had
lost confidence In hi ruse, told ber to
lie flat beside blm and wait for orders
Tbe Indians appeared again, scatter
ing at flntt in order to dtatract tbe
whites, tben suddenly-making on con
verging lines for the wagoo. Rockers
called to those behind It to aim at tbe
aavages nearest tbe center, told tbe
girl beside him to flr at those on tbe
Indiana' right, while b would cover
tbe left and any snob Individuals a
be thought It an advantage to put out
of tbe fight. 1
This dividing up the enemy between
them proved to be very effective. Tb
aavages bad not covered half tb dis
tance between tbelr starting point and
the wagon when a dozen of tbelr war
riors bad been dropped. Tbey hesitat
ed, broke and scurried for cover.
Tber waa a about, and a dozen cow
boys came . galloping toward tbe
Rockers turned and looked at tbe
girl beside him: ab tamed and looked
at him. Tber are momenta when oar
emotions sweep away conventionality
Then two had met for tb first time
half an hour before. Death bad tben
stared tbem la tb face. Now all were
safe. Yielding to an impulse that
seized upon both at once, they threw
their arms about each other's ne ;k.
and tbe man covered tbe girl's face
with kisses.
Rockers bad not been on the crest
an hour, but he bad been mere long
enough to save tbe Uvea of the family.
When Ms first shot cracked tbe sav
ages were about to make a charge that
would have been trar-cetuifuL He had
stood tbem off Just long enough for
the cowboys to come In and mak the
fety of tbelr Intended victim cer
Night 'a coming on, and tb cow
boys threw op an earthwork in a circle
a bo at tbe wagon and tbe stork, and
(IckK were put out for tb night, bat
morning dawned without an attack,
and not a redskin waa to h seen.
Tben under a aofficient guard tb fam
ily who had so narrowly escaped death
moved on..
'Tbe adventure drought a great
chance to Jim Ruckers. For blm and
for tb girl he loved it stood in Ilea of
a long courtship. When Jim told ber
he wlMbed her to be his wife she could
not well my blm nay. for had it not
been for blm abe would not have bad
a life to give any one. Tbe family
stopped at a settlement, entered land
and built a home. Jim stopped, too.
and never moved on. He bad found an
anchor, and th apot wbsre Its Cuke
entered tb soil to now th center of
prosperous farm.
II Is much Interest
ed In tb crops he raised, but on crop
; ke has raised to beat all th rest-
eight children, now mostly grows.
All thla happened years ago. when
th buffalo still roamed on th plains
and tb redskin waa a terror to eml
tract and aettlers. Yet It was not ao
long ago after all. sine It Is within th
memory of middle aged men.
successful aa tha Interest of Oregon
support of all. Tha new dally has
son City and Clackamas County. Your
clattte Ibita Sports.
Thinks Dtaftina by Big CI thttld
at Dow Away Witaj Wew Plaa
Wld Cawoawtrof Wf mibibty f
Wa,iatrstw Cwmittsa.
Jim Sullivan. B-retary -treasurer of
tb Amateur Athletic on too. ia oa the
warpath. Needle to say Jim Balll
vaa means business Waea tbe genial
ibougb dynamic, good natured though
aggressive emperor of amateur at h let
V yanks hla sis feet of energy out of
la New York rtty and. burling-bis prr
fecto out of the window, forcefully
opines that sacb sod such a thing fur
lb betterment of sport la going to
happen events generally shape them
selves In conformity with hi remarks
Recently Jim threw away bis per-,
ferto, got down lb big etk'fc sad said
things .that warrant certain parties
taking to tbe cyclone cellar. VI r. But
11 van will recommend change la threw
rules which If carried oat will affect
dabs, college and oftVlals In all parts
of thlB country and Canada.
H will send a letter to every mem
ber of the national body recommend
ing that the union abolish all district
regixtratloa committees, prohibit any
athletes from Joining and competing
for on club until two years after b
shall bar been released from another
club and prohibit any roller man
from competing for a rlnb until after
bis graduation from college.
Ia my mind the changes are es
sential to good, clean sport." said Mr.
Sullivan recently. "The little cloha
mast be protected. .The time has comV";
now when we Bust atop tbe unsrmpu
lona recruiting by the big clubs If we
nt to encourage sport among th
Uttl fellow. .
Big Cluba Oraft Vaungstera. -For
eeveral years the little cluta
throughout the country have Iweti de
reloplng champion. Aid bit ba
been tbe resnlt? Aa ti a lv di
played good form a rv niltitis otfl'-er
from a big Hn' w-ou'd lrip Mci T
with pronilws-vf thl and fl-t kind
WllU llie I '111 l fill 1 in- , ..11 -r- in.., -.
struggled hard 1 .(ve'i blm "t hi )
With the teatlTt "fhuT The-etWW. bad
membershii Jnt wlien he h m d have
beenearafne them fame.
I hell.-ve. and I ttil ik every fair
minded man K" of lite nnie nplulon.
that tbe hlr i-lrt h-ld n be al
lowed to twiMii.-de rn ihl-te to leave
th club In whi h he hns been devel- j
oped" . . J
In regard to the collet: rule Mr. Sul- !
llvan said:
fcI think thnt nile will le et for all ,
concerned Being a member of a col- .
leg team does not mean that a col-
lecian shall not I allowed to compete
In open competition. To tb contrary. J
tb Amateur Athletic anion invites blm ;
to compete. In ninety din cases out j
of a hundred an athlete prefer to
compete In his college colors, but some
of tbem like to compete both for a
club and a college. This I what they
ar allowed to do now. '
During the summer vacation tbey ;
ar allowed to compete for any clnti j
Aa It Is during this period of tbe year
that most of the rbampionhi are
held, many college men are recruited
by tbe big clubs. They retnnln with
the club during the summer season.
n championships and points for It
and then are rarely seen again In Its
colors. This also helps to discourage
tb small clubs. Tbey cannot offer
sufficient inducements to get the cham
pion collegians to run In tbelr colon,
with tbe result that they a re further
handicapped In tbe championship.
Responsibility Divided.
"There Is too much divided responsi
bility with tbe registrstlon committees.
Tim and again clalma are made by ,
athletes and clubs that tbey are not ;
getting Justice from th committees In j
tbelr dlstrlcta. When traced they In
variably result In on committeeman
ladng the blame on another. My
lan Is to concentrate responsibility.
If each district had on man aa a
Judge of Its athletes' actions tber
would be no way In which that man
coo Id evade hla responsibility.
"FI ahoald be a-high class man. a
man of Integrity and on wbo knows
tb rules tnorougniy. 1 tning it wouio
be a good scheme to pay blm a salary.
IT could then b held accountable for
his actions and If found wanting could
be removed at a mlnnte'a' notice. Vn
der tb present rules It would , take
weeks to bring charge against a com-,
mltte. and tben It would b mighty
hard to remove it"
Mr. Sullivan's scheme might work
well In tbe east for a time, but It will
not be tolerated In th west In tb
east some of the clubs that have not
th proper facilities for bringing out
the best that Is In a boy will fight to
have such a ml made, hut they will
soon tire of It. Fewer youngsters will
Join their ranks because they will be
deprived of eventually Joining one of
the world famous organizations.
In th west the clubs ar made np
almost entirely of college men Th
Chicago A.. C Illinois A. C. Olympic
A. C. Seattle A. C. and Mnltnomnn
A. 0. are represented almost entirely
by university men. To put through a
rule prohibiting college men from com
peting for a club until after their grad
uation would mean th and of athletic
In th wast
Read tha Morning Bnterprlae.
Bat af work and Batlefactlon guar
antd. Have your horsaa shod by an
xprt; It pay.
All kinds f repair work and smithy
work. Prompt rvlc; gratr por
tion of your work can be don while
you a your trading. Qlvs m a trial
Job and m If I cant plaaa you.
Cor. Main and Fourth at, Oregon City
CesrvtcM Dr'AsMrtraa ri
t ' rtaiiu. Ml
"Your aam, alrr asked tb clerk of
tb BtaiTtag Uceae bureau.
-lUljrar fUrk Btwart" rep led tb
-The Udy", pleaaeT . .
-Cynthia a Gedde.-
Tbe clrrk filled out tb'U od
kaaded It to tb propi-ttve groom, a
pompoaa ma a. wbo lakl down a five
dollar gold plec la tten vt a f-e aud
drew tb lady away without waiting
for lb change.
A few day later tb clerk asked tbe
Usual question of a cvui'ie stsuding
at bis window;
Oeotlemau'B aameT" '
-WUlla It, KatbhuD,"
"Cyaibia Oeddest- ' '
Th-cierk looked as'do at th lady
It aeemed to blm that be remembered
giving a llcens for oa of that name
before, ' Not recognising her face, be
turned back tb leave f hi bok till
be ram to tb names of KJcar Clark
Stewart and Cynthia B. Jeld.a, no
ticed tb "R" In tb lady's name, con
cluded that It waa a case of cvlui
deac, wrote tb certificate and band ,
ed It to tb man.
"H'mr remarked the recipient
-Air well that eada well.
Th same morning men were at work
puttlnapp an awning bc?.re a hand
some dwelling loa residential rtlii
of tb city, and la tb evening guet
wer to aasembl for the re-rpilti
after tbe wedding of K.lcar, Clark
Stewart and Cynthia B. Gcd.le TU-'
wedding wa a notable one. for the
con tract Ing parties both stmxl bleb In
sorts! circles, tbe groom was ri h. and
the bride's parents were a!o blcMed
1th a fortune. AatomoNiles weri' In
attendant- to convey the bride frru
ber bom to tbe r bunch, where, as bad
been especially arranged, she was to
meet the groom, alls Geddm lDlte-t
on planning tbe affair to suit her own
fancy, and It U a bride's privilege to
have ber owa 'way In all things per
taining, to ber nuptials. She declared
that ber father and mother should pro
ceed to tb church In cue auto, the
others In another, while she. and ber
alster. Mis Esther GedJea. would g
la a third.
No one understood this w him. but no
one' thought of niaktag.any oijmltlon
to it Indeed, th father and mother
of-the-brldo-wer only-toode!tgbted
..... " . rtij .rv '
to give tbelr daughter her own
In the matter of th wedding so long
as abe was yielding lu marrying the
man of their rbolc Instead of h-'r own.
Mr. Gediles bad worked bard for the
fortune be bad accumulated, and It l
a well known fact that, wealth awail;.
la tea with wetltb. Mr. Ktewart could
match the pile of his father In-law ex
pectant. At the dor stood three auto Into
tbe first Mr. (ieddes handed In his
wife, then got In himself. Into the
second entered two of tbe brid'a aunts
aad a younger brother. Into the third
atepped tbe bride and ber slater. Usage
required that the order and the dis
position of iiersons 1 reversed, but tbe
little procession Mnrtetfas stated.
The Orst auto drew up at the church,
and the aecond airto did tbe same. But
where was the third? Mr. Uedde
stepped out on to the sidewalk and
-banded oat hits wife and looked about
for hla daughters. He sent the other
present Into the vestlbul of tb church
and waited outxlde. If be bad waited
till tbe arrival of the 'third auto be
would hare lieen there to tbls very
But the third auto. Tb procession
bad ao sooner started than It began to
lag. At . every .street crosalng tbe
Chauffeur seemed disposed to give
1 place to all vehicle in hla path. Final
j ly, after quit lengthy halt, starting
I up, at tbe neit corner h turned aside
I and. being well out of algnt of the au
! tos In front, put on speed. There waa
' a sputter, and the auto dashed away.
leaving behind a fin odor of old
nai ao j,oor ater this third aoto
grw np before a pnrsonag ten or flf-
I teen mues rrom tne rnurcn wocre me
1 wedding was to. have taken place. The
chauffeur handed the bride and ber sis
ter out, th three went tnto the 'par
aonage, and the chauffeur banded a
marriage license to tb parson. It
read Willi I. Rathbon and Cynthia
And so It was that while tbe gentle
j m.n ot th. ., U.PDnm was waiting at
the church for his bride tbe gentle
man of tbe aecond license waa wedding
tb lady In a different part Of the
town. When the bridal party returned
from tho church and Mr. Geddes was
telephoning to the pollc of the disap
pearance of a bride on tbe way to her
wedding Miss Geddes Junior rode op
to the bouse In the third auto and re
ported that her sister had been kid
naped by the rbnuffeur.
Mr. Geddes fumed and swore that he
would never forgive his daughter and
all that, but when ab returned from
the honeymoon he thought better of
It and gave. her his blessing.
Now, there is no Intention to recount
this affair as being Justifiable. It de
pends upon the standpoint from which
one looks 'at elopements, especially
wtiere one lover Is left In th lurch.
whether It Is Justifiable or not Tber
I an adage, however, whicb waa In
vented to rover such cases, and It does
away with all criminality. It to "All's
fair In love and war.' Why love and
war, which ara tb antlpodea of each
other, abould be brought under the
Bame rule to a matter that baa never
been aattofactortly explained.
fl-.A f ai !'''
rut iuurse.r in me
Ad-Readers Place..
When you writ your classified a
ad or any kind of an ad trv tn
includ In It just th Information
you'd Ilk to find If yon wer aa
ad-reader and wer looking for an
ad of that kind. -
If you do thla to even a small
extent--your ad will bring R.
8ULT8I . - J
Salt on the Bird'sTail
Story ol a Mrcb Crat
CVprrlgM Amerlras VrAt-
etatlow. 'UL
-Wbo to U blggvol to joa
-Maa or womaaT
WomBa. . - t'
-Tb girl I'm engaged to."
-Welt I like that. What kind of
wlf do 0U l.pect ber to uakr
-How abouldrl know, her, qualifies
tloa for a wlfT Marrtag l a-Mtry
Other mea may Buarry for quallnca
tloaa, but w youngir dmt preteod
to forecast what a girl g"!"
Aad I don't believe tb Vld one bit It
any better than w.M,
-What make you act your fiance
down aa a fool f
-I'll tell you. but 1 must begla back
a Uttl way. Shea Madg wnitrwg.
ooly It abould b Madg Wlldnr In j
stesd. Not that wild aa ahe
waa. Sh'a beea quieted down a bit U.V ;
a. - a fe akiakam .
certain lltti oapiwoius
near resulting dtsastrouaiyv be- near
ly caused my death."
-Too dat mean Itt Not Inteattoa
ally. I aupp" :
-Well, whether tber was a spark f
Inteotloa la It 1 doa't know. Tou oever
can tell what a woman la going to do
or a by ah doe It. W ran t b aur
sb knows herself. If Madg bad
causedvmy death any prosecuting at
torney mhtht bar mad a ry rl
cae against ber of doing It with mat
K- aforethought And to tell the truth
I'm not aur but ab did"
"And you'r r'lng to marry becT
"You bet-that I. If ab doesn't shake ;
a for another fellow, though I don't
think ab would do that. Bow. Sb 1
might bav don It before thla thing 1
I'm going to tell yod about happened; j
but aa I said. It sobered ber. and sbe'a ;
quit Um. That's tb tlm r'rbos for j
Dotting salt oa tb bint tail ; :
"Ther'a tuor approprlateo la5
thla almll than ydO may imagln. as
you'll a? la a moment But for tbe
Incident. , Wt 'floor glider. as ou ;
called our dancing club of young peo- I
pi tber waa ot on over twenty, j
and some of lb girl weren't over Of- 1
teeo-co Deluded we'd celebrat tb )
Mardl Uraa wltb a masquerade ball. I'd
beea getting sweet oa MadgV-WlldOr I
I may aa well call ber-and about th 1
time th-costume wr being araagH
ed I was sitting up to ber Ilk a sii k
kitten to a warm brick, la fact-w .
arranged . to . ba corrspoudln, coa:
tume for tb ball
-This was after Rostand's play of I
Chanterler' cam out. and everybody
waa talking about It. Yod know that ;
tbe leading lady chicken In tbe play !
to the ben pbeaaant. tbe leading gen
tleman being tb rooster chanticleer, j
W Tonctudedo groaraie upaa 1
the two birds: I araa a month ar i
ranging ny oatflt-1 did It all myself,
you know-but when I got It don It j
waa a corker. -1 mad tb body o(,a ;
rooster, whkb I strapped under my
arm, with aa elegant bead and comb j
In froot and a On display of cork's :
tall behind, tb tall being, mad of I
tissue paier of different color. Yaw j
couldn't bav told It from tb real
thing. ' I
"1 went to ae Madg tb afternoon :
befor th ball. It ao bapiwued that ,
w got to ' quarreling, and I weut
off In a buff. This waa uufortunat. I
to say tb least We bad spent a lot )
of time getting up.our bird rigs and ;
expected to mak a lot of fun billing
and cooing during the ball, and tb
worst of It waa. now that w were la
Just tbe opposlt condition from what
we expected, we hadn't tlm to get
other rigs."
What waa tb cans of tb quar
rel r .
-We tried on oar costumes la ad
vance, and when ab walked I told
ber abe waddled Ilk a duck. That
mad ber mad. and sb fired back, and
w soon wer In for It hot and heavy.
"Wbea th ball cam off. Instead of
walking about together. I strutting.
sb cuddling up beside m. w were aa
far apart aa possible aad when w
met glared at each other. After awhll
I aaw ber Bitting to a window wltb
Ned Tucker. Tbls mad m all fired
Jealous aa well as mad. and to show
my spleen what did I do but go up
near wber tbey wer sitting and
whisk around with tbe Intention of
turning my back on Madge. I didn't
calculate bow -near my tall feathers
were to them, but It seems tbey
brushed tbelr face. Tbls mad Madg
madder than ever. Ned bad Just struck
a match to light a cigarette. Madg
Jerked It out of hla band and bld It
under tb tip of my tall.
"In a second th whol of It waa In
flames. I tried to get tb rooster part
of ma off. but It was tied on ao well
that I couldn't do It Tb flame ran
from tbe tall to tb wings and from
(be wings to the. test of th body. Tb
wbol roomful of people rushed toward
me. scared oat of tbelr eeven senses,
very one crying. Tut blm outr
Whether tbey meant to put out tbe
flames or-put m out to prevent my Bet
ting them all afire I don't know. I
was bowling wltb tb burns and with
fear when a Roman aeon tor took off
bis togs and wrapped It about me.
"I waa taken to a earring and bom.
I wasn't burned at all, but Just lo pun
ish the confounded girl that applied
tha match I gav out that I might dl.
Sb was knocked clean oat aod'wben
I let up on her aba wilted. Sb bad
put a match to my tall; 1 put aalt on
bers and caught ber."
"Yon mean ah caught you. There
ar lots of men who tblnk they do 'the
catching when tbey ar caught tucto
aelvas.'' Brvles at Mountain Vlaw. .
Tha service at the Mountain viW
church will b conducted, next Bandar
evening by K. C. Dye. Th sermon
will be upon, "Th Stone That the
Ilulldera Rejected." - Herrlrea
promptly at 7:30.
Card of Thanka.
Wa wish to extend our slncar
thanks to tha many friends who ao
kindly assisted us daring oaf lata be
reavement In th loss of our loving
husband and father, tha lata John
Pauls Hill, and for tha baantlful
floral offerings.
MRS. ida HILL and Family.
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