Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, March 03, 1911, Page 3, Image 3

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    ' M0RN1NQ feNTERPRI8Et Fmi)AYt MAKC1I-3, 1911. , J. . . 3
It Wouldn't Pay to Advertise
A Poor Article
" I
Nor a proportion of doubtful niorlt or heneety for id rtidirt.
nowaday, re DISCRIMINATING. They know value (hoy know
GENUINE things, gonuln opportunity.
.Any artiolo which ean bo told by advortlolng lo, by that teet, a
GOOD artlclo. VOU r af I" buying a thing which haa "etood
tho flro of publicity."
Tho makor f a wldoly advortUad article, or commodity, l( (.
waya on trial for hla buslnoio Ufa. Ha cannot ahlrk, nor chaapan hla
product and thla la tha beet poeelbl protection for th conaumar.
Your SAFE In buying advertlaed - thing li'a - tha-logla - of -nowadays
.buslneee conditions.
The Chicago Store
Pays the highest prices for
. Second Hand Clothes : : :
Second hand clothes : :::
405 Main St. Oregon City
local BRiers
Charles Davis, of McMlnnvllle, waa
In own City on business Thursday.
' large, Julry Italian prunea 3 lbs. fur
J5c t Harris' Grocery. .
Ccorg levins, of Portland, waa In
1Mb riiy on bualneaa Thursday.
Choice office rooms In Gambrlnua
block', steam beat.. See J. J. Tobln.
J K. Porter, of Salem, was In Ore
gon fit jr on bualneaa Wednesday and
Spring time la seed time and here's
the sort that will grow, at Harris'
John snd W. A. Hazaard, were In
-thle city on business Wedneaday and
Thuraday, reKlsterlng at tha Klectrl
J H ('avtnces, a traveling man of
Portland, waa among tha Oregon City
bualm-e visitor ou Thuraday.
Try Howard a Heat. Hour at $1.20
per sack at llljtger Y" Son 'a, Seveutb
D. Williams, of Yamhill, who has
been In this city for a few dsys, hss
returned to hla home.
You huve mlnaed a real treat If yo
have never tried our Peerlcaa Coffee;
4te at llarrle' Grocery.
Fred Hrhafer, tha sawmill man of
Mnlalla, waa In Oregon City yraterday
oa biuuneea. '
BVJlum Kendall, a prominent farm
r of Hprlngwater. apent Tuesday and
Wednesday at the home of Bam Fran'
('. Henchy, a repreeentatlv of tha
M. Boiler Hardware Company, of Port
land, waa In Oregon City on Wed nee
David Miller, one of the prominent
fanners of Amity, waa visiting with
friends In Oregon City on Thuraday,
and transacting buelneae.
Canby High school will visit Park
plnrn tonight to debate with the Park
place High achool. Plana are on foot
for a very Interesting time,
T. K. Carrlco, Mra. George Everhart,
Mr. and Mra. O. W. Griffin, of Moun
tain View, attended the literary meet
ing held at the Clalrmont school houae
on Wedneaday evening.
C. K Onnner, of Rattle Creek, Mlchl
gnn, who la representing tha Postum
Cereals, was In Oregon City on Tours
day visiting all of the grocery march
F. G. Zahna, of Hutchinson. Kanaaa,
waa In Oregon City on buelneae Thurs
day. Mr. Zahna la a repreacntatlva
of the R. 8. V. P. Company, and la
ninklng a tour of the United States.
J. W. Liescr, one of the prominent
rcaldonta of Canny, waa In Oregon
City yesterday. He accompanied C.
BrhuWx'l by automobile to Portland,
and returned to hla home at Canby
laat night. .
Hurry 8. Moody and family, who
have been mnklng their home on Sixth
and Center streets, have moved to one
of the apartmnnta of the residence on
(he I)rms property on Ninth atreet,
near Railroad avenue.
Parknluce basket ball team went to
Oak Grove Wednesday night for
lame. The event proved to be full of
eicltlng Incldenta but the Oak Grove
team waa too much for the vUltore.
Additional word from Governor
West, received by frlenda In thla city,
Indicate that the need will he pressing
Indeed that keeps the Governor from
Heading the Congregational Brother
hood meeting In thla city next Tuee
day evening.
local flHhermen report that a few
salmon are being taken In gill net
nut that It la atill too cold to do any
nod with hook and line, Plahermen
r anticipating a good aeaaon and
re making preparations to get the
most nut of it.
Word received from the Columbia
"Iver tells the atory of Immenae runs
of smelt In the watere of the Cowllta
Kivnr. Representative Mngone, of
Bolton, la planning to epend a day on
Cowllta. next week to enjoy the
pleasure of the sport of taking a few.
A J. Lewis, the county fruit Inspec
tor, has been on the alck Hat for a
k or two and for that reaaon he
aid not attend the fruit grower' con
vention In Walla Walla this week,
mi Iiwl" feared that a change In con
onions, consequent ion making xha
Jf'P, might make him alck and ao O.
rreytog waa forced to go without
snyone from the local Union to ao
company him, . :
O. d. Kby and L 3. Lewla, tho fruit
nspector of Clackamas county, went
w Mr. Kby'a orchard, near Oladatone,
.'nurertay afternoon to Inspect eondl
,n the orchard. Mr. Kby la one
I1.' ,m(,ln men n the Oregon City
""it and Produce Union and la deep
n ,n,er'", In aucceaaful fruit rala-
w"l!?'.,t u h, Purpoae to keep his
"rctmtd tpl, p( ordw -0 XM h
"',2cln,e, my that he it willing
w Practice what he preachea.
Tha St. Andrew Guard of 8t. Pan la
Episcopal churrh will mrct tonight In
I t.d A ...... -u ...A IIS L I J . a. . .
;.,. .' ,n twcu,m
; 1
Mr. Sanderson Reed, a Portland at
torney, was In town yesterday.
Judge K. P. and Attorney Prank U.
Itlloy. were In the city yeaterduy from
Mra. K. Warner la lying daugerously
111 at her honie on John Qulncy Adams
Mr. T. M. Dye, a young attorney of
Portland, waa calling on frlenda in the
city Tuesday.
Mr.' Joseph Gerber, of Portland,
waa vlslllng with frlenda In Oregon
City Wednesday.
' Mra. Wlckham, one of the old real
dents of ibis city, is lying dangerously
III at her home on Sixth atreet.
Attorney w. M. Stone haa gone to
his old home to visit friends, guest
of his father, Wm. Stone, of Viola,
Mr. D. K. UII1 la able to be out, after
being confined to hla roonie In the
Ooaver building for several weeks by
Mrs. John Levitt and baby, of Port
land, arrived In Oregon City yesterday
afternoon for a vlalt with her slater-
In law, Mra. J. Levitt. -
Prof. Howard Ecclea, of Canby, a
teacher of that city, waa In Oregon
City on bualneea yesterdsy, returning
on the evening train.
Mr. and Mra. Herbert Robbina, who
reside near Heaver Creek, and the 1 ti
ter's slater, Mlsa Schwarti, of Iognn
were In Oregon City on bualneaa yes
terdsy. ' ,
Mr. liorton DurneK, of Portland
representing the Haxeltlne Hardware
Company, waa In Oregon City yester
day on btislness, and while .here visit
ed with friends.
Mr. and Mra. J. Smith, who have
been, apendlng aeveral montha with
their son at Orovllle, Cel.; returned to
their borne In thla city on Wednes
day evening.
- Mr. Edward H. Langford, a former
Oregon City correapondent of the Ev
enlng Telegram and now In the con
trading bualneaa at Portland, waa in
the city yesterday. ,
Dr. George Hoeye, who haa been
very 111 with congestion of the spine,
waa able to be on the atreet yesterday,
but It will be aeveral daya before be
will be able to be at hla office.
Mlsa Myra liocox, a alstef of Mra
John Adama,- left-Thuraday- morning
for Madraa, Ore., where ahe haa ao
cepted a position aa bookkeeper and
atenographer for a large business firm.
Mrs. J. R. Williams and Mra. A.
Matheson returned from 8alcm yea-
terday afternoon, after a brief visit
with the former a. daughter, Mra. U
M. 8tevenson, nee Angelina Williams
Mra. Btelner, of thla city, went to
Portland on Wedneaday, where ahe at
tended a party given in honor of the
76th birthday annlveraary of Mrs. K.
J. Wolfe, a former realdent of Heaver
Mra, A. Naterlln, who resides In
Kanaaa City addition, and who haa
been 111 for the paat month, waa taken
to Portland on Thuraday, where ahe
will receive medical aftepdance at
Bt. Vlncent'a Hospital.
Mr. O. El Freytag received word
from Snlem Thursday announcing the
fact that he haa been chosen aa the
auperlntendent of the Pavllllon of Ag
riculture at the State Fair at Salem.
Thla la a re-appolntmcnt and cornea
aa a reward for paat good service.
Mra. Rae Norrla and baby, Donald,
have arrived In thla city for a visit
with Dr. and Mra. J. W. Norrla. Mra.
Norrla little aon haa been very ill,
and unable to return to their home
near Heppner. Aa soon aa his condi
tion Improves they will make the trip.
Mrs. E. P. Gllaon, of Seattle, Wash
has arrived In Oregon City and Is the
guest of her alater, Mra. C. A. Miller.
Hefore returning to her home In Seat
tle, which will be about one month,
Mra. 01 Icon will be the guest of her
aunt, Mrs. C. T. Hickman, and coualn,
Mra. A. C. Warner, of Mount pleaaant
Mr. and Mra. Newman,-who have
been the gueata of Mr. and Mra. Hall,
of Mountain View, returned to their
home at Wllholt on Thuraday morn
ing. ' Mr. Newman haa been in Modea
to, California, on a 12-daya' bualnesa
trip, and during hla abaence his wife
vlalted In this cltr
Mlsa L Bluhm, the Seventh Street
Milliner, oppoalte the City Park, will
have an attractive spring millinery
display on Saturday. Mis Hluhm In
vitee theiadlea of thla city to Inspect
her line, which will (be larger than
Observers Afarmed Over Preva
- lence of Diamond Rows.
igne and Rumors Point to Frlotion
Among 8vral Club Ownara In
National Laagua May Oierupt Old
There la a well authenticated rumor
that mnjor U-uitxio baseball la on the
vertse of a bU upheavals Ituforo t lie
luat eruption of Venuvlu the crater l
canie actlvw and underground ruin
blliia-a gsve wnrnluir wtilrb the luliub
itauta of the mountain slotiex. In ibelr
fan led set urlly, refused to bear Pre
vlous to the earthquake which burled
Meaalua canie minor Irembrlnics, which
were by tboae accustomed
to litem. In IkiIU cuaea, however, there
wore'ptMNluilMtlc aclentUia and wl
.old tluiera v bo looked for trouble.
There are tHlay veteran followers of
the notional gunie claim to have
aenarK varloua algns nnfnvorahle lo
continued q ili t In the baseball world
Thee men meet unoHtentatloualy and
dlacUMa ttjp following facta ani fan
clea: ' '
It Is an op-n mcret that there Ja fric
tion In the National league, to aplte
of the feeling against syndicate ball,
the finger or Mimpli'lnn polnta Co eome
ondergroniMl connection lietween cer
tain cluba wlioe real ownerahlp la un
known. Home prealdenta of cluba are
widely at variance as to how tne
lesgue should I run, and there are at
leaat two opuslng factions.
Big Row la Started.
Things went ao far that report cred
ited Herrmann with the determination
to drive Murphy and Pogel from the
league. Stories that were very clone fo
personslltlea were permitted to appear
In the newpnpera. from Cincinnati
came the statement that the Chicago
quarters for visiting players were a
disgrace to the club, while from the
Windy City came the retort thst the
sccoaninodatlona were what the van'
dallam of the Cincinnati team had
made them.
At the anntinl meeting of the Na
tional league In 1W0 Jhere waa a dead
lock wben U came to electing a league
preatdent. Cincinnati. Pittsburg. Bt
Louis and Ronton were on one aide,
while Chicago. Philadelphia. Brooklyn
and New Tork oppoaed them Thomas
J. Lynch waa elected aa a compromise
candidate. At the recent annual meet
ing fTemnann wished, to re-elect Lynch
for a term of years and leave the
league schedule In hla hnmla Murphy,
with Ebbeta and Frntel atandlng (Irmly
behind him. waa able to prevent both
propoeala from being adopted.
Ebbeta waa dropped from the. sched
ule committee, on which he bad served
for years. Lynch appointed Mnrpby
to the rules committee, and Herrmann
and Roblann resigned from that body.
A story emsnnted from somewhere
that eome magnates favored the adop
tion of a new official league ball, and
Dame Rumor haa again come forward
and whispered that Murphy la backing
a new Chicago manufacturer of baae-
There la a report which emanates
from well Informed aonrceo that
Fletcher of third league fame haa been
approached by experienced baseball
men. and asked about hla original
plana, also what eontracta'and pro to
la ea he was able to secure and jnst
what he could actually do If he waa
called upon to go ahead.
The national agreement baa compar
atively little longer to run Options
have been secured on varioua proper
ties aultable for ball parka by unknown
persona. Several players have got long
term contracts. Rumor aaya that Ban
Johnson would not be averse to a
twelve club circuit In the American
lea me The receipts from baaeball laat
year were not what they were In 1900
Will all clouds disappear from the
baaeball sky, leaving It calm and
clear? Many persona believe that the
whole thins la but a tempest In a tea
pot, anyhow. They maintain that It la
merely a case of crying "Wolf, wolf P
to stir up excitement. The veterane
who disagree with them merely point
out that at the end of that atory the
wolf arrived.
Famoue Horesman Will Continue. to
Breed Horses In Kantuoky.
The James R. Keene atable la not
likely to figure largely In turf events
In America during the coming aeaaon,
according to advices' received recently.
The best of the atting will be raced In
England hereafter. The Keene breed
ing establishment In Kentucky will be
continued, however.
A further report In thla connection
la that James Bowe. who haa trained
the Keene horses for yenrs. haa amica
bly severed bis relations with the vet
eran horseman, who la now In Europe.
and will train ft. R. Ptiryea'a boraea
In England and Franc during the ap
proaching racing campaign in tboae
countries. .
Winnings of Keene horse on Atnr-
pnn tracks during the past tan years
foot up nearly 12,000,000.
Bonhag Never Cempetea en Sunday.
George Bonhag, the crack amatear
distance runner, sever competed aa a
When They Wr Children.
"When w wnt to housekeeping."
she sadly complained, "you were glad
to wipe Th dlahe for me."
"Yea," he grumbled, "but that waa
when wo had only two dlahe to be
wiped." , i . ,
A Stone' Throw.
"Th ancient Romana had a Catapult
that could hurl rock mor than a
mile." " ' ' '.' ' '
"Now I underatand it" k
"WhatT" . '
"My landlord told m -this houae
wa a stone throw from the depot.
He must have had It on hi hande
alnc the tlma of th Caeaara."
Rich Sport Who1 Will Stock Forest
. and Streama From Africa,
NEW YORK. March l.To reatock
the United States with game, thereby
striking a blow at the meat and leath
er trusta, la the purpoae of an ezpldl
tlon which et out for South Africa
today under the' leaderahlp of Major
Frederick Russell Hum ham. Among
those Interested In the project of Im
porting animals, fish and fowl, are
Clifford Plnchot, John Haye Hammond
and Congressman Hroussard of Louisi
ana. A bill baa been Introduced. in con
gross authorizing the secretary of ag
riculture to apend f 000,000 in the Im
portation of wild animals, but aa It
can not be enacted at thla aesslon, the
men behind the project provided the
funds for the Hurnham expedition.
To Be Given a Warming Up aa Re
t minder of Error.
PORTLAND, Or., March 2. Oregon
and (ho coast country will bear an
echo of the. famous "bath tub" trust
prosecutions In a suit filed today in
the circuit court by a local plumbing
company. Damages to the amount of
175.000 are aaked against local plumb
ing concerns, which are charged with
being In a trust and restraining trade
In their line of. buslneaa.
The '"bath tub" prosecutlona were
carried on by the United Statea au
thorities In New York and Alabama.
Indictments have been found agalnat
several merabera of the big trust and
recent turn of affalra In New York
sent the managers of the trusts scur
rying to Europe for an extended vaca
' WASHINGTON, March 2. Because
he haa not enough poatal aavings
bsnka to go around, Uncle Sam, aa a
banker, la losing thousands of dollars
"Every day," aald a postofflce de
partment official today, "scores of let
ters are received by Pom master Gen
eral Hitchcock from persona in all
parte of the country with auma rang
ing from 1100 to $1000, which they
wish to entrust to Uncle 8am for aafe
keeping. There la no poatal bank In
this city, and the law prohlblta a reel
dent of one city from depositing in a
poatal bank located elsewhere."
' The greatest range of vlalon among
human racee la said to be possessed
by the Peruvian Indians, who have
distinguished Individuate IS mllea dis
Clalrmont - Voteo Definitely to - Have
Exhibit at County Fair.
Clalrmont literary called off Ita de
bate Wedneaday evening on account
of the lllneaa of three Of the partlcl
panta; debate poatponed indefinitely.
A challenge waa received from Came
to debate the queation, "Resolved,
That the Panama Canal Will be More
Benefit to the United Statea Than the
Railroads," on March 15. Clalrmont
la to be given the negative aide of the
question and Frank Mlnter, George
Kordanant and B. Kuppenbender will
appear for Clalrmont.
Clalrmont elected new officers, aa
follower B. kuppenbender, pres.; John
Gaffney, v. p.; Frank Mlnter, treaa.
Mra. Gene Maxwell, aec Fred
Wourma, marshal! at arma.
The society to have a booth' at the
Canby Falr)'by unadimoua vote of the
aociety. The committee to have Ui
matter In charge will be chosen next
Wednesday evening.
United Artisane Will Make Event
Pleaaant One For Frlenda.
The United Arflaana met In regular
weekly aesslon Thursday evening with
a good attendance. The regular rou
tine business took up the attention of
members, and there were alx appllca-
tlona for memberahlp received.
After the routine bualneaa the lodge
voted to give a hard-time ball next
Thuraday night, in the rooms of the
order. Artlaana and their frlenda are
Fish Warden inapecta Ladders,
R. E. Clanton, of Salem, master fish
warden of the 8tate. waa here Wed
neaday Inspecting the fish ladder at
the Falls. He reports finding thlnga
In good condition, with a few salmon
running at thla time.. The salmon run
ia Just Btartlng and It waa the purpoae
of the fish warden to aee for himself
that every convenience waa at hand
to enable those salmon bent on dutyL..r and Mrl
io gei up me river ana biock ii lur
future years of good fishing.
High School Debates.
The Gladstone High achool will de
bate with, the Mount Pleaaant High at
the Gladstone achool thla afternoon
Canby High achool will be at Park
place this afternoon for a debate with
the High achool of that Village. The
rfubject In each Inatance will be that
regarding the restriction of Immlgra
What'a the uao to bake when you
can get Royal Bread for 6c a loaf at
Harrla' Grocery..
The folloklng tranafera of real ea-
tate wereflled Thuraday In the office
of County Recorder U E. Williams:
Kathleen and M. U Hammltt to C.
B. Webb, 3 1-3 acrea, section 30, town
ship 1 south, range l east; $10.
Mt. Hood Land Co. to Byron A. Bar
low, southwest quarter of northwest
quarter, section 6, township 3 south,
range 5 east, excepting a 2 acre atrip,
38 acrea; $10. " 7-
E. G. and Maria 8. Caufield to W.
A. and C. G. Huntley, lot 5, 6, 7, and
8, block 23, Bolton; 1700.
Ann W. Jaggar to R, Petzold, west
erly 88 feet, lota 7. and 8, block 55,
Oregon City; $10.
J. E. and Stella Painter to Herman
Scherzlnger .tract K, Willamette Falls
Acreage Tracts; $10.
H. W. and Elisabeth Morris, lot 12
block 9, A p person 'a aubdlvlalon of
blocka 6, 0, and 7. Parkplace; $75.
Alice V. and P. W, Haley to A. Ven
ter, 15 acrea, section 36, township 1
south, rang 8 east; $3000. .
Th regular annual Grang County
Convention, for the County of Clack
amasls called' to convene in th
County Court room at Oregon City,
Oregon, on Tuesday, March 7th, 1911.
at 1:30 p. m. Said convention la
called for the purpose of electing five
Representative to attend th next
Annual Session of the Oregon State
Grange to be held at Corvallla May
to 12. 1911.
County Deputy.
Hsd Flesaant Time In th Sooth-
lands, But Olad to Oat Home.
Mr. and Mra. Bruce Zumwalt and
daughter, Mia Clarice, and eon, Ed
win, who have been apendlng tb win
ter In California, have returned to
Oregon City, and are making their
home for the preaent In Gladstone.
Mr. Zumwalt and family auent two
montha at Loa Angelea, and one month
at San Diego, and before returning to
tbelr home In Oreiow they anant aome
time at TIJana, Mexico. '
At the latter place there are a few
Inaurgenta, but the condltlona are not
aa bad aa la reported In the paper.
Tbey are glad to return to Oregon,
and aay there la n6 place like home,
although tbey have had a moat de
lightful trip. Mr. Zumwalt will resume
hla position with the Crown-Columbia
Paper Company.
Horticultural Meeting Saturday.
Those who are Interested In fruit
raising should not neglect the meet
ings being held In the Court House
each Saturday, under the auaplce of
tne Oregon City Fruit and Produce
Union. These meetinga are produc
tive of good reaulta and the better the
attendance the more good can be ac
compllahed. Good apeakera are pro
vided for each meeting aa far aa It
la possible to do so.
Senator Dlmfck Next Forum Speaker.
Hon. w. A. DJmlck. Senator from
Clackamaa county, la the next apeaker
on the schedule to talk to the High
achool atudenta In the Forum next
Will Hold Social and Dance.
The Order of Owla will bold their
aoclal night at the Willamette Hall on
Friday evening, at which time dancing
win be one of the main featurea of
the evenlng'a entertainment. Refresh
ments will be served during the even
ing. .
They Want Their Money.
The American Adjustment Co. haa
filed ault agalnat George L. and Mary
E. Curry to recover 194.10. The
amount la embraced In the clalma of
Yatea A Raymond for 155.75 and
Boehl aV Wetzler for 138.35, which
have been assigned to the plaintiff.
The following have registered at the
Electric Hotel: W. O. Howard. Port
land; W. A. Matoon. Dick Blair, Mr.
and Mra." Calvert, Portland; D. Will
lama, Yamhill; Fred Bchafer, Molalla;
C. C. Bryan, C. Zlnn. W. C. Ward. John
Hazzard, W. A. Hazzard, Condon; J.
H. Stlpp, Dr. W- H. Eddy, O. H. Ev-
ana, San Francisco; W. O. Genoughty,
Portland; J. E. Porter, Salem.
The partnership heretofore existing
under the firm name of Story A Thom
as, having been dissolved by mutual
conaent. all liabilities of the firm are
assumed by Owen G. Tbomaa and all
accounts due the firm are payable to
the aforesaid Owen G. Thomaa.
Dated at Oregon City, Oregon, thla
24th day of February. 1911.
E. T. 8TORT,
Mrs. John F. Jennings, who has
been 111 fps a number of week, la rap
Idly Improving.
Mra. T. C. Rice and Mrs. 8arah Var
ney," of Portland, were Oregon City
vlaltora Monday. - -
W. L. Flnley. president of the Audu
bon society, will apeak at the Oregon
City High achool forum on Wednea
day. March 1.
Miss Dilly, of Portland, apent Sun
day with ber friend, Mlaa Mabel
Mr. Burt ia quite ill at the home of
hla daughter, Mra. Grant, .par Mel
drum. Mr. and Mra. Alex Gill were called
to Newberg to attend the funeral of
a relative of Mr. GUI's during the
Mr. and Mra. Heathman, of Mel
drum, are enjoying a vlalt from tbelr
aon and family, of Iowa, Mr. Heath
man, Jr., expect a to locate in the
Henry Smith Is keeping bachelor's
hall ia the J. Smith cottage.
Miss Mabel Morse and Mlaa Helen
Palntow assisted In the program given
by the Rebekaha at their banquet on
last Friday night In Oregon City.
Hugh Roberta and
family spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. S. F. Scripture In Oregon City.
Mesdamea. Barnhart, W. L. Flnley
and H. H. Emmons are among those
who have been under a physician a
care during the past week.
The Misses Fern and Ethel Hart
and Alice Heater and Bessie Roberta
attended the hard times party given
by the Beta Club on Friday night and
report It a very aucceaaful and enjoy
able affair.
Mr. and Mr. Tibbetta, of Portland,
have decided to make Jennings Lodge
their home and at present are occupy
ing the Barker cottage on the Willam
Mr. and Mra Waldron, who recently
came West from Adair county, Iowa,
moved to the Lodge on Tueaday. Mr.
5-room house and barn, new, cor
ner lot 50x100 feet, Falla View;
fine view ...1100
8-roora ' house with bath . room,
etc., good condition, 10th and
Adams streets, Oregon City.. $1350
Small payment down; balance month
ly paymenta like rent good bargain.
Steven BIdg. Oregon City, Or.
To Whom It
May Concern
I am going to clean up or destroy
th diseased fruit trees of Oregon City
and want th co-operation of vryon
Interested. You may get apraylng
don by O. L. McGhaney, Fourth and
Jackaon. or by Clark 8. Fuge, Eighth
and Polk atreeta. Thoae neglecting or
refualng to do the work will be com
pelled to do ao. Anyon Interested
eaae communicate with A. J. Lewla,
Fruit Inapector Clackamaa County,
Oregon City, Route No. S.
Waldron' new house I beginning to
be built; th contract being let to
Mr. L. Wilcox.
Mr. and Mra. Roblnaon'a good were
shipped from Portland and they will
occupy the Walter Beckner cottag
which they recently purchaaed.
Dan Salt, of Seattle, waa a gueat at
the home of Mr. and Mra. Geo. Mora
ob Monday. - ,
H. C. Palntow Is drilling a well for
Mr. Grasle at Lakevood.
Th Pastime Club held Ita first
monthly aoclal at the home of Mr. and
Mra. J. E. Beeley on Monday evening.
A very delightful evening was apent
Mra. Wm. Csrner assisted the hostess
In serving dainty refreanmenta.'
Mr. and Mra. Frank Davy arc (pend
ing the week with the latter' parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Gerber, of Logan.
Mr. John Roberta and family are
very pleaaant ly located In the Newell
bouse on the County Road.
The prayer meetinga are being nice
ly attended, from eighteen to twenty
being the Usual attendance. G. D.
Uoardman waa the leader on Thuraday
evening, February 23.. '
Rev.- Heverllng preached a very able
sermon from John -17:23 on Sunday
afternoon. The prevhlpg services at
the Grace Chapel are held at 3 p. m.
every Sunday and the.. Sunday achool
one hour earlier, to which an invita
tion la extended to all.
F. G. Miller, who haa been visiting
bis "daughter, ha returned from a
pleaaant'vislt from Newport. ,
Mr. and Mra. A. A. Clough have re
turned from a visit to Newberg.
A little baby girl came to gladden
the home of Mr. and Mra. John Ro
berts on March 1.
Andrew Boland la home again from
Great Falls, Montana. He came in on
the evening train with the usual pleaa
ant smile on hla face.
O. M. Keebaugh apent laat Friday
and Saturday In Oregon City on bual
neaa. Perry Keebaugh haa gone to Port
land to do aome painting, also to- at
tend the meetinga there.
Mra. John Andrewa and two daugh
ters. Mis Ionia and Thelma, are in
Portland thla week.
Mr.-Opal Crecraft, who resigned
aa principal of our achool on account
of aickneaa, ia visiting Miss Anderson,
the primary teacher.
A meeting for the purpose of orga
nizing a Farmers' Union of Colton
waa held at N. P. Hult on Tueaday.
Mr. Renbard waa elected prealdent of
the organization, and Oscar N. Hult
secretary. Many thlnga about gen
eral farming were discussed, and pa
per read, mostly upon the subject of
cow-feeding. Subaequent meetinga
were arranged for the laat Saturday
afternoon of each month, and every
body la invited and urged to attend,
even the ladle will find many thlnga
of interest In garden raising, chicken
raising and domestic science discus
sion e. -
The dry Eaat wind of the last few
day ia doing the road good.
Mr. Boyer, of Oregon City, la haul
ing gooda for Mr. Danielaon, and a
consignment of aeed for the Colton
Hardware Company.
A good time waa reported at Bee
Hill achoolhouse last Saturday even
Mr. En berg and family left for
Seattle on Monday, from whence they
will move to Minnesota, where they
expect to make their home.
Mr. J. A. Johnson who bought the
McLaren place, haa moved- up from
near Boring, where he haa had prop
erty. He la busy plowing with a three
horse team.
W. 8. Gorbett put in about 300 thou
sand feet of logs for Hult Broa. laat
month, and expect to do better than
that in March.
The Ladle' Aid Society met at Os
car Hult last Thursday. About 20
ladles were present Subscription for
a Mother' Room to be built In th
church amounted to 4.90.
-The wind blew a gale Bunday and
Monday, leveling eome old fence, but
doing no further damage,
Mr. Pomperine and son are build
ing a fine fence of woven wire ber
tween their plac and Mr. Gage'a.
They are using Cedar post that Mr,
Gage and hla boys secured and put
under cover quite a number of year
ago, and therefore are well seasoned.
Mr. Pomperine bought hi fencing of
Jake Peter, at Wllsonvllle.
Mr. MDem, on the Hayes' place,
has a riding plow. He says now he
can stand more work than hla boraea.
Mr. Chapel and family, from Mich
igan, who have been visiting at Mr.
Gage'a, left Friday for the Rogue
River valley.
In the Item of a week or two ago,
It aald Mr. Gage's eldest daughter
waa at home, wnereaa it should have
read Mr. Schattx'a daughter.
A number of the young people went
over to the Brown school house, below
New Era, last Saturday to attend an
entertainment given by the teacher,
one of whom, Mia Julia Weddle, haa
a home In Stafford, and la very much
liked by her old schoolmate and num
berless friends. 1
The school children hero are hav
ing a alege of aore eyes.
A few older people are also suffer
lng from the ame complaint.
The wind la drying the surface of
tha ground ao hard that, farmer will
have to harrow their grain flelda in
order to allow the tender shoots to
force their way out Into the sunlight.
March roared quite a little at Ita
entrance, but not like a lion, ao we
may have gentle weather through the
month after all. -
We sent onr anniversary number of
the Oregonlan, together with the En
terprlae, to frozen up Eastern people,
who have the disease called Oregon
Mr. Nussbaum Is making beautiful
pyramids of the stump he sent sky
ward last week.,
Mr. Wiseman I slashing on the
John Schlewe place.'
Len Francla 1 pitching Into the
work on his place, and we hear h ia
talking of putting up a new house.
Mr. Aernl drove hla colt to town
laat week and although it la country
born and brought up, it never saw a
thing to shy at
The young man on tho Moaer plac
ha bought the same, we hear, riv
$4000. There 1 considerable personal
property on, the place, which consist
of 10 acres.
Wants, For Sale, Etc
Notices under thee elaaelfled haadlna
will be Inserted at one cent a word, flrai
Insertion, tialf a cent additional tnaer
tlona. One Inch card, it per month; hall
mch card, M lineal II per month. -
Caah must accompany order unleaa on
ne en npn aronimt with the paper. N.
flaanclal reaponalblllty for errors; whsrt
errors occur free eorreot. notlea will H
print lor petron. Minimum (tiara
WANTED A first !aa organiser for
Or ego City; big coon for hustler;
no other need apply. Add res U.
C, 8. 228 Ablngton BIdg., Portland,
Oregon, ,
WANTED Woman to do light house
work. Apply at 4th BC Phoa
3811. - -.
WANTED Experienced girl for gen
eral houaework In family of three.
Apply at Huntley Broa.' Co.
WANTED Partner with $200 to raiae
poultry; hav land and water, large
barn and team. I E. Chase, Glad
atone, Oregon.
FOR SALE 184oot gaaollne launch,
2 V horse power. Enquire R, H.
Tmlllnger, Poatofflce, Oregon City.
FOR SALE 100 egg capacity Manda
Lee Incubator, good aa new, alao
-few aettlnga Ancona eggs. Inquire
920 Main Street -
FOR SALE Mare, 10 years old, kind.
true, 1700 Iba. Trial given. Price
$175. M. A. Hansen, New Era.
Care R. KelL '
- , i H i, , ,. .1. ,
FOR SALE Space in ' thla column
Sell that old plow or harrow; yon
don't use it since you purchaaed
your new one. V
LOST Wedneaday, $5 gold piece.
Leave at Jones' Drug Store. Reward.
Q. H. DOUGLAS, Violin Teacher; vis
its or receive pupil, 1 0c a leason.
on hour. 120 Jefferson St, Orev
gon City.
HARRY JONES Builder and General
(contractor. Eaumatea aruy
given on all classes of building
work, concrete walk and reinforced
concrete. Re. Phone Main 111.
MONEY LOANED-rW are acquaint
ed with the value of an farm land
in Clackamaa County and ean ioaa ,
your money on good aafe aecurity.
Farm loan uade one, two and three :
year at 7 per cent Abstract of '
title examined-' DJMlCK DIMICK,
Lawyers, Andreses Bldg Oregon
City, Oregon. '
O. D. EBY, Attorney-at-Law. Money
loaned, abstract a furnished, land
title examined, estates settled, gen
eral law bualness. Over Bank ot
Oregon City.
U'REN ft 8CHTJEBEU Attoraeyaet-
Lawr Deetscher Advokat, will prac
tice In all court, make collection
and aettlementa. Office la Enter
prise BIdg., Oregon City, Oregon.
V. R. HYDE, Abstract Office
Land title Investigated, convey se
eing, notary public.
OMPtmoRS copy
Room 7, Barclay BIdg Oregon City. .
75 acre tract good land, no rock, $
miles from Oregon City, 1V4 mile
from O. W. P. car line. Good frutt
land. Cut Into 7 and 14 acre tracts, .
$100 to $225 per acre. Enquire of
D. K, Bill A Co., Room 9, Beaver
BIdg., Oregon Cltv.
B. H. COOPER, For Fire Insurance
and Real Estate, Let aa handle
your properties w buy, sell and
exchange. Office In Baterpriae
BIdg., Oregon City, Oregon.
tate Dealer, have choice bargaina
In farm land, city and auburban
home, good fruit land and poultry
ranches. See us for good buys
Near 8. P. depot
MANY TIMES you can buy Just the
article you want. Just aa good aa
new, at a email fraction of the cost
of new, if you go and aee YOUNG,
the second hand man. Hla collec
tion contalna New and Second Hand
Furniture, Hardware. Tools, Curios,
ate See him; It coat nothing to
To Introduce The Morning
Enterprise into a large major- e
ity of the home In Oregon (
City and Clackamaa countv tha '
management haa decided to
make a apeclal price for the '
dally Issue, for a short time
only, where the subscriber nays
a year In advance. . e
By carrier, paid a year In
advance, 13.00. . . .
By mall, paid a year In ad-
vance, $2.00. J ' )
People who gave our canvaa-
aer a trial aubscrlptlon for on
or mor month, at ten cent a
week, can have the dally dellv
ered for a year for $3.00 by
paying a year In advance. e
' People who gave our canaaa- ,
er a trial subscription, by )
mall, for four month at a dol-
lar, may hav tb paper for a
yar for $1.00, If paid a year in
advance- .. .. v..
' Subaerlber to th Weekly
' Enterprise may change their
Bubscrlptlons to tb daily, re-
celvlng credit for half time on
the dally that the weekly la
i paid la advance Whan they
choose to add cash to th ad-
vance payment equal to a full
year' advaac payment they
rmay take advantage of the $1
rate. .
W make thla apeclal price
so that popi who have paid
la advance om other dally
and wish to take the Morning
Enterprise, may do so without i
too great xpen. - -
Read th Morning Enterprise,