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About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (March 3, 1911)
MOKNINO ENTEItrWSE, FItlDAY, MAKCH 3, 1011. I know what I an, ,... -v.: MORNING ENTERPRISE OREGON CITY, OREGON K. C. BRODIE, Kdltoe and tvblleler. "Knteml as rond-cl mattrr Jan vary . 111. al tha poat offlra at Orraon City. Oregon. undr the Act of March V ? tims if suncnmoii. On Tw. by mall . . . 81a Mnnlha. by piall . Four Mnntha, by mall. Par wk. bS carrWr.. . .11 H . It . . . At AtmTUM iatb First Pa. wr inch Itrat Insartk . . . .lt Plrvt Pajra. per Inch addad tnaartlona. .liM Prfrn-a aoalUon any pags. S Inch ftrat Insertion 1 I ioh Frrrrrrrd poaliton any pace. Run paper other than flrat paga. par nv-h rirwt Insertion He Bun paper other than flrat pa. per inch added Inarrtlona - c Local I Ac per Una; to rerular adver- tlaera Ic Una. Want. For Sale. To Kent, etc . one rent a word ,ftrt Uiasvtloa; one-half cent tach additional. Rate for sdrerttatn In tha Weekly Bnterprtaa will be the aame aa la tha dallv. for advert tenenn art especially for the weekly Whera the advertisement la transferred from the dally to the week ly, without rhan re. tha rata will be Sc aa Inch for tua of tha paper, and 190 an Inch for special position. Caah should accompany order where' party la unknown In business office of tha Enterprise. lrgal advert lelnc at legal advertising rates. Cirrus advertising and special transient advertising: at S&c to S9c an Inch, accord ing to apeclal condltkma governing tha -Flre 8ale" and Bancrupt Sale" adrer tlsements Uc Inch first Insertion: addi tional Insertions same matter Ha Inch. News Items and well'en art Idea of merit, with Interest to local readers. , will be gladly accepted. Rejected manu scripts never returned unleaa accompan- lad by alamos te prepay ooatassa. CITY OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER. We wonder If Roosevelt will shake handa with Lo rimer the next time he meeta him.' e . . If Senator Lo rimer la game; and he haa anything of the finer sentiments of the sport, he will resign now that he haa been "vindicated." . President Taft aeema Inclined to give thoae in Congreaa who have been meeting him half way an opportunity for a fear daya of rest between ses sions; likewise an opportunity to fix up their fences at home. If you have something of contempt for Lortmer, who waa lighting for his supposed honor, what must be your feellnga for the Senators who In cold blood could vote to shoulder him and his Iniquity on the people of thla Na tion? a The trouble with a mob la that It haa no discretion. Those Chinese merchant who' have lost their all al ! P'1" .v. v-. .v- i. ,v- i Th situation. men who robbed the populace and re- duced them to the beggary In rhlch we find them. - The fact that leading Japanese dl plomata aay we shall have nothing to regret from the Influx of Japanese laborers Indicates that the Japanese government wishes to keep on the good aide of this Nation for a time ! yet .' e Taft ia determined to have aome kind of a reciprocity measure to go .before 4he country with. It Is thus np to Congreaa to see to It that It is a measure that will pan out In the next Congressional election, either for or against. - i "Any harbor In a storm" is the way I . .. , , . . , . . the sailor is said to feel. After read-1 lng the fight for Lorimer in the Senate ; and the close margin with 'which he 1 waa saved, looks as if the Senator had Uie sentiments of sailor. a distress a oisireasea i , The fact that Chief of Police Wap penBteln, of Seattle, saye he haa noth ing to say tells but little. If half Is true that la told of the graft he pulled out of the fire he certainly la in a position where the least said the bet ter for blm likewise the least done. Our Brains Equal of Greek Philosophers'. k' f;-- U ' 4. X". ' beautiful statue and writing great tragedies, and so they did it well. In England and America we hare got into a habit of MAKING MOTORCARS AND BUYING well because wa esteem motorcars and stocks more highly than we esteem philosophy and poetry. , The fundamental aim of the drama is always to AMUSE, EN TERTAIN AND ENLIGHTEN, Eren the greatest and most profound dramatist must be a popu lar playwright of hii day, but the other aim of the drama and the national theater i to outer it, to CAUSE AN ALLIANCE BE TWEEN LITERATURE AND VHE DWAXfA. Portland publishers and real estate man are making much of tho fact that bulldinr fbxures In Portland war double those In Seattle tha paat month. Portland aeeme to be built on a mora aolld baa than Seattle, yet there ar aom thing about Seattl that ar worthy of emulation : Every member of Council waa prea- ent at th regular meeting Wedneeday evening. And thta la not in nrat time thla haa happened; In fact It la often the cae even when apeclal meetlnga and adjourned meetlnga are held. Thla Council la certainly at tending to bualneaa In good, shape; and aa a aplrlt of wishing to do for constituents eeema rue among tnem If the people dont get what they want from thla Council In caae what they Want la right It will b a long time. until they mUL -e JOHN A. MOEHNKE PASSES. Beaver Creek Resident and Former Real Estate Man Dies. ' John Asa Moehnke died Thursday morning at the home of hla mother. Mrs. Michael Moehnke, In Beaver Creek, after a lingering Illness. Death was due to consumption,. Deceased was born In Canada In 1876 and came to Clackamaa County with hla parents when he waa 1 yeara of age. H was the aon of Charles A. Moehnke. For 14 years he worked In the Oregon City paper mills, and IS yeara ago he waa married to Miss Cora Smith, who, along with three children, survives him. During recent years Mr. Moehnke had been ln the real estate businesa In Oregon City and Portland and bore a high reputation fot; hon esty and bualneaa Integrity. -Two brothers, three alatera. fiv atep fcrothera and four step-sister survive hlra. The funeral will take place at 13 o'clock Saturday from th family residence.. Services will be held In the Preabyterlan Church at Beaver Creek and the Interment will be In the Beaver Creek cemetery. A freckled person alaiays wears specks. . Did you notice that? . WANTS 1100.000. American Consul Wishes to Feed the Starving Chlneee. WASHINGTON". March 2. to meet the preaslng needa of the starving peo ple of China, American Conaul-Getier-al Wilder at Shanghai cabled the Sec retary of State an urgent appeal to the American people for the contri bution of $100,000 more to be sent by cable to the stricken people. Mr. Wilder makea It plain that that amount will be needed before the army transport Buford. now loading at Seattle, can reach China with sup- Mr. Wilder adds. Is riosnoratA While aome relief haa heen given, thousanda are dying of starvation. Bark and weeds, the Con sul-General aaya. provide the only food for thousanda.- - - - - t- In a statement lasued by the State Department yesterday hone waa ex pressed that the American public would make a generous response to the sppeal for funds by the American National Red Cross. The Red Croea yesterday cabled 11000 to Mr. Wilder making a total of $23,000 which the society haa dis bursed. $16,000 having been cabled directly to the stricken districts and $7000 having been spent for supplies for the Buford. COURT REVERSES SELF. Francis Heney Comment on th Re cent Order in Abe Ruef Case. SAN FRANCISCO, March 2. Fran cla J. Heney. graft prosecutor, who t conducted the prosecution " of Abe Ruef. commenting today on the final court order ending In Rnefs fight to efK.ape , 14 Tar,f ,or8 brtb. ery jn the final action a powerful argument for the recall. The state supreme court In vacating an order T0n8 rehearing to Ruer virtuany revergBd ,Uelf afteT u na(i been at- tacked by the attorney general and the legislature had started an Investi gation of the court. Mr. Heney said: "The fact that the supreme court of California haa reversed Itself to sus tain the conviction of Abraham Ruef Is Important chiefly aa a sign of the times of the new era. In which the people are beginning to rule. "That Ruef must go to Jail Is of relative importance only. It Is lm- We Are as Capa ble as They Were. . Br HENRY . JAMM. Author and ' Dramatist. IT IS ERi MA A FACT THAT THE AV. ERAGE CAPACITY AND FOR MATION OF OUR BRAINS ARE QUITE EQUAL TO THOSE OF THE GREEK PHILOSOPHERS. POTENTIALLY WE ARE QUITE CAPABLE OF THEIR ACHIEVE. MENTS. In Greece they got into a habit of talking philosophy and carving STOCKS, and we do it rery Is Our Country Just In Denying Illiterates Entrance? 'They' 0M: Allow; Make fefefeH Worker Good : J&y' Citizens V Enter By JACOB H. SCHIFF, New York Banker. I DO not believe a man alioulJ bcctuae ho ia ILLITERATE or Uvauw bo HAS .U MOXET. Sotuo of our prouiinent nioti tJay are mu of illiterate parent who came through KlIU inlanJ. I AV 1HAT WHEN A MAN . IS HEALTHY AND WILLING TO TO ENTErt.PROVIOED HE IS NOT The Hebrew represent 2 per ..... ' try. It should be at least 5 per moro Jews. I believe, however! that THROUGH THE WEST. The IMMIGRANTS HAVE not the wealthy aristocrat who M.n .Hnin.i. , .n ...tinna ahould be punished, but It la far more Important that th people themselves should control the administration of Justice." Fear for Livestock. JOHN PALPr . March I. The ! snow In the i higher mountains of i Orant county-Jis deeper, than seen In .-u ypra, ana unless 'winter nreans aoon it la feared stock will suffer; as ; hay la growing very acarce." South Dakota Kills Equal Suffrage. PIERHE.S- D- March 1. An eoual ' suffrage measure was killed In the ; lower House of the South Dakota Leg- slatur-today by a vote of 55 to 42. It bad passed the' Senate. IMPROVEMENTS MADE. Dining Room Has Been Made As Good as New. rbe"interlor of the dining room of the Electric Hotel 1iaa been thorough ly renovated by being papered and re- ; painted. The tinting of the walla Is of a dark green.- with an attractive and new design of bordering, and haa attracted a great deal of attention of . OrSB be JenioJ oniry into tlii countrr COMES TO THIS COUNTRY WHO . - . - sr. am A I I rAJ & 1 WORK HI Brloui.i o. www- A"" CRIMINAL. eent of the ppnlat ion of thU coun- . i . 1 1 AAA cent, ana we nee.i iuuy j," they ahouM U DISTKIIU'TED . - . . MADE TMI OOLM R t , and live mi Fiflh avenm. i the many patrons of that r ai ine rear i-i ...c screens r or a urigm rea. mr rb to digest. It seems mat electric light fixtures have also been 0n,,m cn,i,tii to hog th whole added to th nm. The work waa l",. d runj lo i, utn around Oregon charge of a S. Mohler. CALIFORNIA'S O ORAN0E COUN T"' lleauttfully illustrated In four colors. -TlIlr onrl l mm iinnaii.t mif.sntli serial by C. N A A M. Wllllamaon? "WHAT WOMEN ARE DOING IN THE WEST." March Sunset now on sale- IS cent, J OCLESBY WRITES ON .ROADS." Mark Prairie Supervisor Again plies to Criticisms. Re- MARKS PRAIRIE. Feb. 27 (Editor Enterprise) As you made several misleading statements In your criti cism of my letter In regard to the ap pointment of a road engineer, I hope you will be generous enough to allow me spar to enlighten you on some of the statementa 1 made, lou aay I there la no oolitic In thla rod boss ! business, and I ought to know better i than to make that atatement. The Kind That STANDS OUT GLOSSY HANDSOME STATIONERY - Our New Steel Die Embossing Machine IS THE THING Oregon City ENTERPRISE In the front rank of the ART PRESERVATIVE PRINTING . v BOOKBINDING LOOSE-LEAP SYSTEMS SXr SET.-- -. on. of r mr who'w'a. l WJ; editor of . Kutcrprlne ne bo n 7hi. -road boas-' scheme was hat. hed k tha -hi ftMir" of Oregon rity. anu la a mimical scheme to I'ay 'lt SrtlUMlTM and to kill c-r.aln mo., who will 1. t lor ttw. t our next election. 1 You -ay Mr. JKr and I). Ick ar in lavor of a nrnd b.-. Mr Dlmlck Informed me In ls..n Jha ir a HMtd engineer was H.H.nted at a big salary he would tender n,,,,r,,"1; (on u- rtmd supervisor and also nld ho had 1h" requested to rtte loiter In favor, of a road Imsa but refused to do so' as he would h noihlng to do regarding. lb! maMer. Now. Mr. Juat a r..-, lie haa bed at the Pie counter for several year, and anyone j who will hk at his reiK.rta of money I spent will see that vast sums of m-m ff have been spent In hla district. ' -I... i .i-i ... think he has wasted one- ' "third orW-wad tun aa the ex Judge !hus tiurelv....lf he is an eipiri, -j i h;' that Moiiilla road cost thla ctmnty 'so much money. I was Informed by lone of the best county commissioners lihis county ever h:.d that a rallrtm. from Oregon City to MMnlla could h.v. he..n built for less than what that road has cost 'lark4mas County. I see you are still quoting Judge Dlmlck's statements about one third of the road fund being wasted. This statement- la somewhat like another statement that la before me, "If I am elected Judge I will put thla county out of debt and be doing business on a cash baal". Taxation shall l re duced) or I shall reulgn." lld h do either? II waa simply mistaken In thla statemeni,aa he la In that state ment out one-third of the road fund being wasted. .'" Now. Mr. BdltorT why do you not publish aome lettera from aome of the farmera of Clackamaa County along with thoae lettera of "city people." I have received a score or more letters from the most prominent farmers of i th a fount v tnanaina? me ior mo . , . II have taken agalnat thla scheme of hostelry., , .,.- them would make r',iin for the Or.'gon City "hot City. Wehave hearu or me rtairm hog." but Oregon t'lty can show them they are not "In If when It cornea to scheming. We are well pleaaed that th Coun ty Court can not be "bull doled" by a lot of tai dodgers and the county far mora will stay with the Court In turn- Una? down this whole road Engineer j scheme. 1 . tiKO. E OtJLESIlV. ' Several communications on the road question are found In thla Issue of the Enterprise. It Is th greatest econo mic question, by all odds, In the county. . V have opened the columns of thla paper for the purpos of en- coursglng an Intelligent discussion of the subject. Whll many artlclea have appeared from prominent laipayer In favor of a more systematic plan of road building, ao" far only ' tint. E, Oaleabr. road aupervlaor of Marka "4 Pathe p. 0. LATOURBTTsl Prealdeot THE FIRST NATIONAL BAf Traneacte a 0neral tanking ualneaa. Prairie, haa seen ill to endorse the .rcH..nt sllpshixl plan or lark of plan. Ills sr-rnnd r-Mnmunlrailon, while In IMtatr lasle, la found elsewhere In thla Issue. Again we Insist on assuring; Mr. Osleshy, and all other-aupervlaor I hat, as far aa this paper la concerned and aa far as If haa any Information oti the subject, there Is not the alliht rat politics In.the road building ailia lion. If Mr Oalvahy haa any secret Information from 4ils long esperlnnce In in. Ill les In this county, let him put lib II and tell who la In thla awfql political schKine. The- question baa grown to such proportions that Insin uations as to base designs, and "his fours." end "tas dodgere," and such stuff Uoni count. lt everybody come out In the open. If we, are gelling adequate results from the tremendous sums of money poured on the roads of this county, let some Intelligent man who knows the county aa a whole say ao, and tell us when and where. The road fund la now In debt over lllo.ooooo aud the taipayers of the county are now paying In a apeclal levy of ftft.ooooo to apply on this In debtedness bealdas the very tidy sum of flH.noo.oo Jor eipendlturs) this yesr. The largeness of the question ran be Inferred from the sums actu ally expended on the roads and brtd gc or me counij in ins lasi lour iws. suwis.t . . Ihwra la lllil m . years, aa follows: . . " t- 1 I90T lXtg im 1910 I10I.0H Jl . nt.ess.S9 .10t.85e.43 . 1.;S 17 Total I4HV.CO3.0O There were 112.000 00 spent on hiidgra last year. Add special taiee lc ld In the varloua-road dlstrkts, ami we have far more than a half mil lion dollars expended on the roads slone In Clackamaa County In tbo last four years. Now what would thla vast aum of money du'jf properly expand ed? Ut us see. It would, at ,1300.00 a mile construct 200 miles of Brat rlase rock, road and at 11260.00 per mile, construct 400 ml tea of good' gravel road. Now let Mr. Oglesby, or some one, tell us what wo have gut to etiow for tbo moro than $1,500,000 of bard coin put upon the roads of thla county since we went under tho cash road system In 1893. Mr. H. If. Johnson, who wss County Clerk for four years, mskes tho total spent on tho roads during this period nearly two million dollars, but In our dealro to' be fair we jiavo adopted a much lower figure, and we are well within the facts. In the face of this tremen dous situation It la folly to try to array the city against tha country or to pass slighting remarks agalnat any Individual or to cry politico. The tax payers from tho city and county want to know where theae great sums of Your Home Correct and Artistic Decoration at Moderate Coit. Henry Bosch Company's Wall Papers "WTsfh Chlsafa For the Season of Nine-.tern-elevfn rrprrsent the best ihs World affords "! swat (kMra ai mi taal. aaS Ml atOMiifa srlcaa sm4. Tksrs k) sa sSlltailM M M'caaM, . HMtl tarS at Uintt WW SHIMI SIWSINM. DO YOU WANT 1 ANYTHING . 1 Try the Classifcd CoIfl cf 1 MORNING ENTERP . '" . 3000 Rt(i Daily fSi Teach your beys and girl. Ih, v.u. Lei each child have Its ewn ssvlno. ! cultlvsts an interest In seeing l grow. la 1 There la ne batter way to lev ts. . ' Uvea of thrift. A goo .t.rt an, . '.'a H, have a great Influence on the child's future ' This bank has a Savings DepartmcnL The Bank of Oregon City . CAPITAL. IM.000.00 - - money ,r, lnr l and UKln, dodging .ropcur'' eating enr, lul .pp"' H w.y. ,., IhHr oan pock ur. ipnflilral frl,n V a lamllloi, 0 criiicu, j! II. hltMaH"?1 this c.unly U,t lHf reived as st1Wvunr fijl $2:i6J;-.nd- h uT rulatlves r.cel4 mUj. 12013 47 e.ndsdhu, ' " Now. In th. uxxuu.) Oglesliy. I him larlfi, of the good cltMM0(ftr'1 are regaling lhrolrw ii counter . . Choice olftce rooas ktj block; sleam hast lm LATEST llitft . Oregon CHy Heist 1 The gansrsl Buui hwi downward. Is eeruii baa. marked and la otaenjiiZ lack of supply latwlis, I when the averag Ii sum a j dnry Is doaawtrt ArriH-Oood.sMn mand yet and tha aria a. heller prices for foot Sat, isiut ai soy pact ritsii ! about 7ir to II the kg,) ; choice receiving a Utiles! J Oaorlnga are Uitt ha talk, t report Urge offartajx rUTATOES-Slow assaw mand light. Plasty sf a, the country yet sad list s. outside buyers Vert bstg' welt for then bat set as sterns salisned or, Us tow,! Many are holdias lar sat; higher (ban lbs aurketislk ers csnnot ship Is atfar, t shippers may hsn a 4etW I baa local: mnstVmw wanted by thoae wataWstK VKCCTAttlJCS-UUM sW Isst report ; ontoai WlH In price but other vapuhiai about the same OBtoetlW and carrots Tic to II eve, lo l. ii aat-k, rabbagikisa! riXl R AND CRAW-taw: no chanys sic re last tsoUM Hour IS 25 and barf ekes t higher ; oats $21 to W an II.6S to 1171 hundrsiaw barley f 1 20. psylo tUW local wheat Walls l r aame on oats the marts! s local dealrra selling seal o ( lest tbey drop loaor. land 12660. IIAY-Ita of hw 9 aar being offered fr7 ' weak. With winter test to aell and tho martst bus conaeqnence. Zm' BXKJS-Prlces srs stJ and local dealsrs ars Pi doton. IltrTTEIt-In eow'rf market la denorslhel. W and 25c. and 1 la as wide as the sr commands 30c to 4 ( demsnd. - rotXTRY-M higher and the i" Z brlng-lCfrronstert IK I and mliod chlrki 11 lng doing in I'T MKAT8-Veal,4rtaJ- ( 10c to lie. hogs J"t big demsnd for mW , flurtuste srcordlnl . j IlirKB-lron Wsei dry hides llo lo l"' to 78c esch. tt jj,' mohair 2c f,,fLlV fic and 7c. sun drisa w ALT-on.ns; SO lb. sncK. nsu a 100 lb. sscks 102 AClt Ivatlon and W V land but in Pf"V living water, 4 roo" a ..)hnnsl fS""1' Phono Cr-f Burroundlng 1100 and on J-.T' Sell for only ft1" and balance at I V , CD f(U u r. Or A SNA'