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About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (March 2, 1911)
s jt Wouldn't Pay fo Advertise A Poor ... Nor proposition af daubtful ...... are DISCRIMINATING. MriB7- - OlNOINt thing, go-ulna eppertunltlee, Aay art'1 wh,,h Mrt ' ol'' advertlelng la, by thai toot, a fl000 artlel. YOU are aafe In buying a thing which has "etood (M (Ira of publicity. TM maker of a widely advertleed article, er commodity, la al ' m trial for hla buaineaa Ufa. H cannot ehlrk, nor ahaapan hit rt and this Is the boat poaalblo protactlon for the eeneumer. "". Vce ara SAFE In buying advertleed things Jfe the logic of j.m bualnaaa candltlana. Mes'iyt The Chicago Store Pays the highest prices for Second Hand Clothes : : : WE BUY AND SELL V""'- Second hand clothes : : : : 405 Main St. PHONE MAIN 9731 local outers u t ea or- Bsparaaue nv" . .-.a Ka-lt't delicious. ,20c per can at frit Orocery. lit Smyth la having constructed a (he ceetractor Doing n. a. maobora. tool Fre Apples are scares, but tararated Applaa taete like the is. lea pound at Harrla' Orocery. Tank Bullard. of Mountain View, 0 au bon making repairs on hie n at Un. haa returned to Ore- 1 Cttf. Tank Chute, one of the prominent nan of Highland, waa In Oregon I oa baslnraa Wedneaday. ;rj Howard Heat riour at 11.10 ack et Bigger' Bon's, Beventb rt " " Iterykody I ralalng broad from i Royal Aoa Flour we ought to be na tee. price IMS per pack, at rrlrf Orocery. tariff Redmond, one of the booot i tad prominent realdenta of Jen a Lodge, aa In OregWn City oa Cia Wednesday. Ity talka-and our October mt las a" pleasing way of eaylng, if Bare." tic per pound at Harrla' utry. , rnia Poeell, real eatate man yea- Iday toll a one acre tract of land In krkamaa Halgbia belonging to Leon. I ChtrmM. tee oonalderatton being - -. . raak Scsoeuborn, who recently ar rd atre from CoRon, Waah., haa t charge of the grocery atore on wntk strert be recently purchased Miller 4 Miller. . hoice office rooms In Oambrlnue kk; itaam heat. Bee J,-J. Tobln, C0PLE POINTED OUT Doc flhulta a pent Tburaday and Rkjr Id Portland doing her aprlng Ping. In Beatow, of Portland, la visiting . and Mrs. Gray for a week at ft country home. Vri. W. H. IkUtemlller and daugh- Mitt Ida, of Clarkea, were trena il buslnesa la thla city on Wed- r kill Sadie Roblnaon, who haa been Ptlni hor brother, Wm. Roblnaon, safe the last of March for ber In Toronto, Canada. n Henry lirant went to Shubel rij, where she went to visit her er, Mrs. Christopher Hornahuh. o It very alck. Vr. 8am Roake. of Clackamaa. for- 'fly a resident of thla city, waa vie i with hla daughter, Mra, George rdoar on Wedneaday. Ml Nell Younger, of Portland, k! ltdy in' the glove department of rta Drothera' atore apent Bunday ' the Robin on a at their country m oa Weat Bide. Hr- J. R. Wllllama, and daughter, Angua Matheaon, of thla city, left MBtsdsy morning for Salem, where fT will visit with the former's "rttar, Mra. U. M. Btevenaon. J', and Mrt. Dayne Howard, of '"no, puaed through thecltr Bun 1 on their way to Oawego, where Tinted the former's father, Mr. X". Joseph Ooodfellow and baby rafttar, of nend, Oregon, arrived In City Tuesday morning, and ' with Mr. Ooodfellow'a par Mr. and Mra. Robert J. Ooodfel Ooodfellow and baby left o Holiday-and, made tha trip 'wtkatew railroad,, - . lilLlnd Mrs WaHer Morrla, of "ro. were In Oregon City on r. . T' Thr vlaltlng at the r l-L '""ner'a aunt, Mra. W. smith, of Parkplace. Mr, Morrle n wnnestad with the powerhouse at hre he holda a reeponel- luZ V.0"" w" formerly a real J f Parkplace. "Si?"i! Qoldnmllh and Mlaa Bar- !?S?tC0- "era they have Purchasing their atock Of aprlng toiHf. .k Tet"r,d home. While In Im il Ur ",lte1 v,tl 1tr MaeramS0,d"mUh' M fWn v,,,ud th,lr Drotnr I ,MUTI0N OF PARTNIWtHIP. radSr tfcVt.r,,l nwo'ofora eilstlng Meat .1. .??. dlolTed by mutual Kd!n ,'b,,ltle f the firm are Wnt. 7 0w, Thomas and all ( ttedl? i?wen ' Thomas. -asUir'ton c,tr- Ofgon, this 'VPf rehruarr. mi. . . F. BTORT,- OWKN O. THOMA8. , Article merit or honeaty for ad-readere. They knew valuta they' knew .... - , ... , Oregon City STUNNING F0UURD FROCK Just What the Olria Will Con elder e "Deer" Little Oreae. r rv Of BLOI AMD WBITB roOLABIk Custom cannot stale tbe Infinite va riety of the bine and white foulard frock which aa regularly ae the aprlng aeeeon comae around bobe up pret tier and amarter than ever. Bod a rejuvenatloo baa taken place la tbe frock pictured Tbe deelga is neat and attractive, and tbe blue la tbe new "king's bine." which la bright and be coming la tone...... The akirt la very like the plaited Jupee of several years ago, but tbe blonae waist la eitremely up to data with Ita natty sailor collar and black aatln tie. CORRESPONDENCE ' RKOLAND. : The grip la atlll visiting thla neigh borhood; many are very alck. Mr. and Mra. James Smith and Mra. J. W. Potter are very alck, also J. C. bates and Mrs. Hlgglns are very low with not much hopee of their recovery. Dr. Erneet Cbaae. of Sllverton. was called to the bedalde of hla uncle, J. C. Oatea. Mlga Ada Brock Is recovering from the measles. A dance waa given by Mr. and Mrs. W. McKtlllcan the 24th In honor of Mlaa Sadie Harlow, who la vlaltlng from Portland. - A large number of men gathered at W. C. Palne'a the 22nd to help ralae hla large house which ha la building. IL H. Hargravea, of Portland, la wielding the rod at Evergreen. Do not forget the hard tlmea aoclal March 4. ' ' Everybody la Invited to come and take part. The Redland braas band will play. . BARLOW. . Mr. and Mra. John Warnock, of Sll verton, Mr. and Mra. Jaa. Ogle and Fred Warnock, of Heppner, were visit ing Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ogle Bunday. Tbe Warnock a are brothers of Mrs. Ogle.' Pred Warnock has been attend ing the legislature at Balera aa re porter for same. Mr, Wurfel haa Ms new auto out these fine daye and Is speedily learn ing to run It. Mr. Wurfel aaya as soon aa lie gets so he can run It without running up a telegraph pole he will take his friends for a ride. Wt are all friends of Mr. Wurfel now. Mr. Fulton brought some parties out from Portland Bunday to look at his farm. Mr. Fulton la employed on the Journal therefore he doea not want to reside In the country. v Mlaa Annie Brlckaon came home from Portland Sunday evening. Miss Qlna Blotager has gone to Au rora to work in the Aurora Hotel a few days. Mr. Miller says Oina has been with them so long that they can not get along without bar. Leonard Parmenter left Friday for one of the logging campa In Washing- A If' ton where he will cook for-tbc camp tola summer. Mr. Proatoa and family, relatlvea u air. ana Mrs. Fsnnell, rocantly ar- .. i rum nansaa. nr. Proaton will lucaic nere, no Having rented Leonard Parmenter's farm. Waller Howe .Miss And Mlaa Olga Howe attended the dance at Aurora Saturday evening ( Rav. A. O. White, of Bllverton, held aarvlcea In the church Bunday morn- irk and evening. ttooert Armstrong celebrated hla birthday Saturday evening by a num ber of hla friends helping him to en Joy the evening. Mra. A. Ward. Mlaa Vangla Ward and Maater Bldon Ward, from Boyd, Ore., and Mra. II. Reynolda and Mlaa Maude Reynolda, from Portland ( were viaiung Mra. u. S. Armatrong -Bun aay. Mra. Ward and Mra. Reynolda r cousins or Mra. Armatrong. Mra. Jaa. Erlrkaon,. Mra. J. Andrewa end W. D. Tull all went to Portland Tussaay. I'erry Kecbaugh went to Oregon City Tueaday. Geo. Gllhertson haa the contract for Incloalng the water tank tower. Wo notice what little la done makes a great Improvement In the looka. and when completed It will ge a grsat ad dition to the city. Geo. Ollberteon and Walter Howe are doing the work. MKLORUM. Mra. H. B. Urant'a father Is very 111. Mr. and Mra. Alei GUI left Tueaday to apend a few daya In Newberg. Mrs. Gus Wamblad Is having her one-acre tract cleared and Is Intend ing to build a pretty cottage aoon. : Eather and Harold Heathman are on thf alck Hat thla week. Little Oladya Caldwell,' who baa been alck with tbe meaalea, la better. The ladlea of the Paatlme Club en tertained their huabande at Mra. Earl Beeley'a and they reported a very pleaaant time. The club will meet at Mra. E. n. Grant'a next Monday. Mr. and Mra. O. V. Heathman, of Plover, Iowa, are vlaltlng Mr. and Mra. Oeorge Heathman. CANBY. Ralph Cos returned from Portland Saturday with a broken arm. He met with thla accident there, being atruca by a atreet car. Intereatlng temperance meetings were held Tueaday. Mra. Urah, the State Organlxrr, apent the day at Can by and her visit waa much appreciated and will long be remembered by those who attended these meetings. Rev. C. U Creeay made a flying trip to Foreat Grove Tueaday and from there be Went to Halem and attended to hla regular school dutlea at Will amette University. The object of hla visit to Foreat Grove waa to examine their church building there ae he la one of a committee to consider plans for the erection of a new M. E. church at Canby. Rev. C. L. Creeay, John R. Newton, M. J. Lee and A .L. Bnell constitute thla committee, but aa yet no report baa been made to the mem bera of the church. We are unable to sifte Just what haa been done, how ever. This Is a move In the right direction and It will be supported by the membera unleaa the committee In-, alata on going Into debt. Hut If, aa haa been mentioned, the plan la to construct a building of concrete blocks and a machine be secured and blocks le made by volunteer labor during the rainy winter months, without doubt In from two to four years sufficient will le thua made at no expenae ex cent that of the machine and cement and then the balance of-caeh needed will doubtleaa be available without burdening the membera. In thla way the. Methodlata will have a modern to OOO bulldlnc at an actual coat of about sS.000. On laat Thursday evening at the call of Rev. Creeay for the organUa tlon Of a brotherhood, aeven men be- aldea the leader turned out and unani mously decided for auch an organise tlon In connection with the M. E. church of thla place. On the 33rd of March the organization will be com Dieted, aa on that date the next meet ing is announced. It la expected that there will be many who will then unite with thla movement. W. H. Lucke haa again decided to enlarge hla warehouse and now haa lumber on the ground to extend U another one hundred feet Mr. Saltmarah haa bought the Meeka' property In town. Thla Is certainly a beautiful residence and we understand that Mr. Baltmarsh la tends to make It hla home. For tbe week ending Feb. 25, 1911, the following lettera are uncalled for at Uie Canby poetotrice: Ablrg, Grua; Deamer. Mr. D. M.: Chrlalenaen. Mra. Jennie; Pblllp, Mlaa Eather; Sprlrg. Mr. R. B. M. J. Lee haa been absent for al most a week now. He la at Seattle attending to some business affaire. TONE. The wind from the northeast and the cold nights makea one feel like we were In Illinois or Nebraaka. it froie lea In our bout Saturday night and today, the 27th of February, the wind haa whirled thlnga around con siderable. Wa were down to the Clackamas river this morning and there came a puff of wind and the bridge looked as If It was going off of Its foundation. This bridge is saia to be tbe longest bridge of the kind In Oregon 230 feet long and haa been built about 25 yeara. Mr. Jagger. who haa a position from the county court to look after the road Interests of Clackamaa, was out today and went over the road south towards Redland; hop he will make the road matter a success. Mrs. Susan Griffith, who has been afflicted for aeveral years, has been moved out to Grant Mumpower's. Mrs. Griffith has had aeveral phyalclana at different tlmea for aeveral yeara and haa had but little benefit. It looka aa If Mrs. Griffith had doctors enough to kill her but stu she is anve. x sine ta helpless. Mr. Harvey Skinner and wife came from San Francisco Saturday to visit Mra. Griffith at Grant Mumpower'a. It looka like that some people have to be stung with sickness more than oth er people but all living must die. Dis obedience brought death Into our world. Prepare to meet thy God for though shalt die. Mr. Mlndenhall, who bought Walter Shepherd's place, joining Haye Park, haa rented hla land to bis brother.. Mlndenhall the attorney practlcea In the courta of Oregon. He Is able to have two automobllea and comes out to see his brother Quite often. Our creamery. man, Mr. Smith, atlll holds onto his job,) . Wo dont know what the creamery company would do If Mr. Smith did quit. Grant Mum power has set out part of hla land In peach trees. . v- Toung Mr. Huchlns and two of Mr. noodson's sons went to Olendora, Cal ifornia where the Goodsons carnal from. . Young Huchlns thinks that some of tbe Callfornlans are pretty ougb people drink conalderable and use; bad language. The Clackamaa egg man waa around today, He had tbe largest load of poultry and eggs that we every aaw him take away from here. Thla part of Clackamaa county Including tbe Logan cpuntry can't be outdone for furnishing farm produce. Wben 8 lone geta three or four oil wells and tbe oil running out of tbe earth things win still be mora lively. We must have an electric car line from Port land out here on the Clackamaa river and then wo may want the county seat or government mover here. OAK OROVC L. B. Vonderahe and wife returned home Saturday - from Los Angelas, i ai., arter an abaence of alx weeka. Mra. Vonderahe la Improved In'tealth and was greatly benefited' by tbe U. .11 . - ' C. D. Smith left for the East Sat urday to be abaent aeveral weeka on buaineaa and pleaaure combined D. Toney returned home from New York Monday morning after a busl nesa trip of aeveral weeks for his firm. Mr. and Mrs. Andrews, of Portland, spent Bunday with Mr. Andrewa' sla ter, Mrs. Henry Buter. About twenty of our young people attended the dance Saturday evening In Mllwaukle given by the Errol Quar tette. Mra. Arthur Keuhl waa a Portland ahopper Monday, Mrs. R. L. Herron waa a city visitor Monday. Mra. Chambera and daughter were Portland visitors Monday. Mra. L. E. Armatrong was in Port land Tueaday on buaineaa. Mlaa Katberlne Toney Is sick with pneumonia In one of the Portland hoa pltala. Road Supervisor Harrla haa had Center atreet aurveyed and the grade atakea are all set. Work will begin right away and the atreet Improved east and weat of tbe railroad track to the county road. M. W. A. held their regular meet ing Tueaday evening In Green'a hall. Mra. Clyde Swlnney Is able to be out and la gaining alowly. Mra. Swln ney and alater, Mrs. Wllklns, were Portland visitors Tuesday. Cbaa. Short and mother were city vlsitora Saturday. The Parkplace basket ball team and the Oak Grove Junlora will play ball Wedneaday evening In Green a bail, Oak Grove. Mr. and Mra. Dick Udell were In Oregon City Monday on buaineaa. W. A. Hanaon, of Mllwaukle, baa opened a branch drug atore In Oak Grove In the Warren block. Grandpa Rowley la quite feeble and confined to hla bed moat of the time. Although 81 years old, his mind is clear and he Is sble to talk and knows bis relatives and frienda who come to see him. School Notea. Several new dudIIb have been added to our achool, two In (he eighth grade. . The boys of the school are clean ing off the grounds and getting ready for baseball aa aoon aa the weather aettlea. The dudIIb 6f Miss Felix will give a musical recital In Green'a halt Wed neaday evening, March 8. Invita tional. The Oak Grove Glrla Band win play at the debate Friday evening, March 3. between the Barclay School of Oregon City, and . the' Oak Orove Rrhnol. ' . n. i. Regular monthly meeting of the Oak Grove Puah Club will be held Thuraday evening, March Z, In Green'a hall. Church Notea. M. K. Church. Rev. Henry Spei Ptnr Hundav achool 10 A. M. Ber vires 11 A. M. br the Pastor. The boya brigade gave a social on Wodnrsdav evening in the church basement. Refreshmenta were eerved and a good time had by all preaent MILWAUKIE. City Council will meet Thursday evening. Regular routine of business. Action will be taken on the petition for the Improvement of Main atreet. Also any other petition that may be hrniisht In on other atreet a. -Th Cltv Council haa Inatalled six sre lights in Mlnthorn sddltlon and three on the foot bridge serosa Keuog Creek and Island Station. Regular epidemic of meaalea In our little city. A large number of scholars are out of school on account of the disease. The Dots' Club Is holding interest Ing meetings now. Prof. Gens, their Instructor, of Portland, haa the dif ferent classes organized and are "all In working order. The library and free reading room are well patronised now. Mllwaukle Grange will meet Friday evening, March 3. Regular routine of business, and discussion on bow to mske an early garden. Mothers and Teachera' uiutt new lta regular meeting last Thursday. There wss a very amall attendance on account of alckness. me money raised from the play was turned over to the treasurer of tbe Boys' Clue-. Mavor Strelb ia out on hla farm near Cedar Mills for a few daya. Mra. Ella Maple Is confined to her bed and la quite sick. J. A. Bowen end ramny, or ron land, have moved In the James Oliver home place. W. E. Thresher waa in oaa: urove Tueaday on business. Al Brawley and family, or ueiiwooa, have rented tbe William Shtndler bungalow and will move In Wednea dar. J. A. Thomaa and family nave rent ed the Tripp cottage at Island station and will be settled in a row asys. Mr. Thomaa haa purchased the Mllwaukle prlntery. . . - Mr. Klntel haa rentea mo lm Grande house and moved hla family there Monday. John Miller waa In Mllwaukle wed neaday. Mr. Monroe, our genial biacksmitn, Is building a house on the river bank. Andy Johnson is homo from acnooi with measles. Charles Melann. who haa been quite sick with measles, ta able to be out again. A. H. Dowlln and ramny were fort- land visitors Monday. Homes and Wheeler, of McMlna- vllle. are putting In af moving picture ahow In the Wetxler building. A little son of Mrs. Barnes has scar- letlna. Miss Sue Barnes Is Improving and sble to alt up, although confltred to the' hospital. Mrs. Reddaway, of Portland, apent Wednesday wltn Mrs. J. Elkln and family. W. A. Hancon haa opened a branch drug store iu uat Grove In the ne Warren building on Center atreet. Judge Kelso wss In Portland Wed neaday on buaineaa. Church fotee. ' -Evangelical 0 mrch, B. Radebaugh. 'aefo'. Bunday e hool at 10:10 A. M, 'reaching at 11:80 A. M. by pastor Y. P. A. at-7 P. M. The W. af. . will give their annual missionary pro gram at 8 P. M. Prayer meeting on Wedneaday. Teachera' Tralnlna- a Thuraday evening, and Choir practice on Friday evening. WILLAMETTE. W. Ryner haa hla lota cleared and ready for the plow. The la grippe patlenta are Improv ing and are on the road to recovery. All the vacant houaea hero are bo )ng aecured as now families are mov ing In. Much property haa been ex changed during the past two weeks, several land deala having been closed. Johsnnss Jobnaon baa mada an ex change of property through J. W. Loder. The land waa formerly owned by Charles Miller, who traded to J. W. Loder. Mr. Johnaon 1 expecta to build on tbe property which conalats of four lots, In (he near future. Mrs. Wallace, of thla place, who has been a great sufferer from erysipelas, Is Improving. D. O. Leavens, who hss been visit ing with his son In Portland, hss re turned to Willamette. Messrs. Leavens snd Downey are contemplating establishing a phone service between Oregon City and Wil lamette, so aa to have service at night The present line will be used. Rivers ft McOregory, who recently purchased a new well drill, and who have been boring a well for D. C. Latourette on the west side, will com plete the job this week. They have contracted with R. Petzold and Farr Brothers to deepen their wells at their alaughter houses on tbe Molalla road, and will also erect tne windmills, and Install the piping. F. Welsh, of Elyvllle, Is rebuilding the planing mill at that place, getting lumber from other mills. J. M. Cameron; a bualness man of Portland, waa In Oregon City Sunday looking for a location here. HU3EL. Mra. C. Hornschuh Is seriously 111, her right side being paralyzed. Mr. and Mra. Hornschuh have the sympa thy of the entire community. Mr. and Mrs. Will Doibow. Julia Massinger. Charley Grossmlller, snd Mr. Carlson apent the evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. Glnther last Saturday night Miss Johanna . Massinger, of Aber deen, Wssh., is visiting her parents here. Oeorge BteVena bought a load of aeed oata from John Bluhm laat week. Herman and John Moebnke, Mr. Kllnger and G. A. Shubel, prominent farmers of thla community, apent Sat urday In Oregon City. Mr. and Mra. Frank Schoenborn are apendlng a few weeka at the home of the latter'a parenta, Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Glnther. Ed Schmidt visited 'friends In High land last Sunday. - Jake Grossmlller has sold 40 acres of land to bla son-in-law, Will Doibow. Mr.. Shepard la making many cedar posta for tbe market ' Rev. Henry Hornachuh and wife are here helping take care of tbe for mer a mother. 1 ? 1 Mra. Eva Glover, of Portland, la vlaltlng with relatlvea here for a few daya. MACK8BURQ. The frosty nighta continue to keep back the fruit blosaoma, greatly to the delight of the fruit growers, who know by experience that thia fortella an abundant yield, aa the growth will be rapid and stesdy when spring hss fair ly set in. Mr. Ole Hoode and hla mother, of Blair, Wisconsin, sre visiting at the home of Mr. C. C. Knudaon. Mr. Hoode lntenda to locate permanently In thla part of the country. Mlsa Maude Nebo is at home for a short vacation from the Oregon Agri cultural College. Her friend. Miss Clara Walton, also of O. A. C. la with her. Mr. and Mra. Rudolph Klaua are both recovering from an attack of the grip. Miss Lillle Kundson. who waa atudent at tbe Macksburg school dur ing the first part of the present school year, attended the County Teachers' exsmlnatlona thla month, paased with a high- average and la now teaching near Clackamaa. Mlaa Katie Harlna haa been 111 with the grip but la back In achool. The Misses Maude Nebo, Clara Wal Ion and Lillle Kundson were visitors at the achool laat Thursday. The school board met Saturday even ing and transacted routine buainess. The board Is ready to receive bldj on nekt wlnter'a wood. Twenty cords Of wood, 24 inches long,, and 6 to ! Inches face are required. Those wish Ing to furnish wood msy send their bids to the clerk, Charles Kraxberger, Aurora R. F. D.,,st any time before March 11. Vic. Grim la back from the Wash ington logging campa. Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Strubhar are both 111 with tbe grip. Carl Boeche baa begun clearing the twenty acrea he bought recently from Mr.Henko. He already haa a fence up and land cleared for a good big garden. He expecta to move upon his place next fall. J. W. Smith la soon to ouna a Darn that will be one of tbe finest In tne county. Csrl Damin'a sawmill la running ( room house and barn, now, cor ner lot 50x100 feet. Fane View; en. i 11100 8-room house with ''bath room. etc., good condition, iota ana Adams atreota. Oreaon City.. 11350 flmati navment down, balance month ly paymenta Ilka rent good bargain a. JOHN W. LODER, Owner, tevena Bldg. Oregon City; pro. To7hom It May Concern I am going to clean up or deetrey the dlaaaaad fruit treeo of Oregon City and want the oo-operatton af everyone Interacted. You may get ' opraylng dona by C. L. MoQhaney, Fourth and Jaekeen, or by Clark . Fuge, Eighth snd Polk streets. These neglecting or refusing to da the work will ae com pelled to do eo. , Anyone Into reeled pleaee communicate with A. J. Lewta, Fruit Inspector Clackamas County, Oregon City, Route No. S. . r - . , " steadily. 1 Eph. Jaaua la logging for him. Carl reports wood Is good. He la now on a large order for J. W. smith. - . ....... Ed Koch laid a sidewalk for a qnar- ter or a tune along his own and Harry Herrcomes' place recently. Thia walk Is highly appreciated by the teachers ana tne eniidren woo travel this road on their way to and from achool. The pupils of the Mackabnrg achool whose names follow were neither ab aent or tardy during tbe month of renruary: Oeorge Luebll, Frank Orlb ble, Lydla Kummer. Hilda Berth. Carl Kalb, Freda Zenger, Hans Zenger, ueorge Lamona, Einora Kraxberger, Mattle Kelallng, liana Etzel, Dewey Graves, Allle Kraxberger. Ernest Noach, Robert Noach, Eric.'" Booths, Margaret Klaua, Gertrude Berth, Inez Kelallng. Estes Oribble, Francis Krsx berger, Bessie Berth, Vestla Kelallng, Minnie Etzel, Ed Gravea and Thuraul- . r . " aa uraioerger. Burglara entered the store of O. W. Bcramlln Tuesday night At first they broke into Mike Walsh'a blacksmith shop and procured a hammer, auger and a cold-chlsel which were used In forcing sn entrance to the store. After borins- a bole In the door and trying to pick the lock, they broke a window and made an entrance In that manner. They amasbed the cash register and robbed K of Its contents. They also got away with a quantity of tobacco and canned goods, then tried to rob the csee where the cigars are kept, but aa thia was guarded by the electric burglar alarm designed by Bussil Bcramlln, they were obliged to give up that attempt. There Is, as yet, no clue to the Identity of the robbers. They are supposed to be members of the hobo fraternity. CLACKAMAS. A very pleaaant tea party waa given at the home of Mra. Leroy Paul Thura day, February 23. The occasion wait In honor of the birthday of Mra. J. L. Jones, wife of the paator of the Con gregational church. Membera of the aid societies of both churches were among the Invited guests. An Infor mal program was opened by singing, rending of scripture by Mrs. Jones and prayer by Rev. Speias, of the M. E. church. A variety of excellent aelec- tlons were then read. The closing number on the program waa given by Mra. W. B. Heynolda, who In a very pretty epeech presented Mr Jones with a kandaome allkatlne quilt from the Aid Society, of which the Utter la president Mrs. Jonea laso received a abower of poet carda and other pretty gifta from thoae preaent - Mra. Paul then aerved tea, coffee and other deli cate refreshmenta to the thirty-four guests present The S. P. fU R. has made a survey through the premises of Ev P. Ded man, R. B. Holcomb and Isaac Smith, tbe object being to straighten its line between Clackamaa and Oregon City, eliminating the . present dangerous curves. ALBERT A. 7 The people of this vicinity are all about over the grippe and school is keeping again with the uaual number. The Alberta debating aociety met laat Saturday evening and discussed the question, "Resolved, That Old Malda and Bachelors 8hould be Taxed Because They Are Not Married." It was decided that they should not be taxed. Tbe 'next question la, "Re solved, That the Government Should Own and Control the Railroad a." . Owing to a previoua challenge the Alberta achool went down to visit the Schuebel school laat-Friday and met them In a joint debate. The affirma tive of the question, "Resolved, That Knowledge Is More Useful to Mankind Than Money," waa defended by Milton Clay and Mary Miller, of Alberta; the negative by Beulah and Walter Horn achuch and Zllla Klrbyson. After a good discussion It waa decided In fa vor of the Albertaltea. . They also had a short literary program and a Valentine box, which waa much en joyed by all. The Albertaltea speak very highly ol the kindness and courtesy ahown them by the Shuebel school. . i Born on the 26th Inst, to Mr. and Mrs. Hanson, a 10 pound girl, all are doing well. Mr. Livingstone Is visiting at J. Be son's this week. There wss an oyster supper served st tbe lower Highland church laat Thursday evening. All had a good time. Mlaa Blanche Miller, after apendlng a week at home went back to her school at Barton laat Saturday. Alberta haa a fine .new lamp which la a great Improvement to the aociety. Milton Miller Is very deelroua that telephone calls were not so numer ous so that people would leave their receivers up where they belong.-What about It Milton? We agree with the Shubellte about the road question. The farmers build a good road and before they go to town a half doten tlmea It ia torn and cut pit by heavy teaming over It Now we think it no more than fair that the onea who use and ruin tbe roads should elp build and keep them In good repair. We don't be lieve In bonds, either. LOGAN. It is no joke tbe groundhog knows. Mrs A. Fallert waa a Logan visitor this week. Miss Eveline Newktrk of Harris burg. Ore., is visiting her parenta for a few daya. " The entertainment Saturday night at Logan waa not aa largely attended aa would have been the case had not the grip Interfered. Mr. Bates and Mra. Higgma, two aged people of thla place, are very HI with the grip. Wedding bells will ring soon for one of our prominent young bachelors. Good luck, Henry. T The stockholders' annual meeting of the Clear Creek Creamery Co., will be held March 20, at the creamery. Membera of Harding Grange dont forget next Saturday. Coma and tell ua all about how to care for an orch ard. - Mrs, Hathaway, formerly of Rose- burg, Ore., la visiting her brothers, Ned and Frank Hutchlna, of thla place Sowing grain Is the order of the day bow and farmers art) hurrying while the aun shines. Wants, For Sale, Etc Notleae aadar thaaw elaaalflad haadtrur U I at on cent a word, flrw IBS nine, bait e ant addltlaoai mr tuna, one inch ear. It ar oioata h" Inch card, (4 llna) fl pr atoeth. Cash must aocoonpanjr orsar unle on Haa an open aoooiint with tha papor. N financial mponalblllty tor rrora: wbw rrors occur rra oorre not lea will b printed for patron. Minimum charra lie WANTED. WANTED A first claaa organiser for Oregoa City; big mosey for kuatley; no other v aeed , apply. Addreaa U. 0. 8. J2 AUngton Bldg., Portland, Cregoa, WANTED Woman to do light houee work. Apply at 4th Bt, Phone 1812. 1 ron balk. FOR BALE 14-foot gaaolla launch, IU horse power. Enquire R. H. TmTJlager, Pootofflce, Oregon City. FOR BALE Mare. 10 yeara old, kind, true, 1700 lba. Trial given. Price) 8176. M. A. Hansen. New Era. Care B. Kelt FOR BALE Space la thla column Bell that old plow or harrow; yon don't use It since yon purchased - your new one. . FOR BALE Rare bargain. It aero farm, izs per acre, actually worth $200 per acre; only 3 mllee from Oregon City; auitable for subdivis ion. Need the money and must eell; two-thirds clear. Haynes, 2g East Harrison street, Portland. FOR ajar NT. ONE MODERN 7-room house for rant. nti half Klsw.W U.Ia mm. .vu WWH BU W I . Inquire 219 Thirteenth atreet LOST. LOST In Oregon City Saturday, Feb ruary 25, between Pope'e Btore and Farr'a butcher ahop, amall brown puree, containing 830 In gold and possibly some silver. Reward for return to First National Bank of Oregon City. TEACHER OF MUSIC a. H. DOUGLAS. Violin Teachan-f -via. IU or recelvea pupils, gfa a lesson, one hour. 120 Jefferson 8t, Ore gon City. BUILDER AND CONTRACTOR. HARRY JONES Builder and General Contractor. Eatimataa ehaai fully given on all classes of building work. Mitfnli aralka ani Mdifrnwi concrete. Rea. Phone Mats 11L MONEY TO LOAN. r MONET LOANED Wa ara acquaint) aa with tne value of all farm lands In Clackamaa County and caa loan your money on good aare aacurlty. , Farm loan a aaade one, two and Urea years at 7 per cant "Abetracta of title examined. DIMlCK A DIMICK, Lawyers, Andreeen Bldgv, Oregon City, Oregon. ATTORNEY. O. DKBY, Attorney-at-Law, Money; wsnta, aoairacis rurnianed. lead titles examined, estates Bottled, gen eral law buaineaa. Over Bank of Oregon City. TTREN A-8CHTJEBEL, Attoraeya-at- lw, ueuiscner Aavoaat, will prac tice In all courta, make collections and settlements. Office) ia Enter prise Bldg Oregon City, Oregon. , ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. V. R. HYDE, Abstract CHflce Land tJtleo Investigated, conveyan cing, notary pabllc Critics txmm OnPETITCXS COPY Room 7, Barclay Bldgv. Oregon City. REAL ESTATE. 75 acre tract good land, no rocka, 8 miles rrom Oregon City, 1H aailea from O. W. P. car Una. Good fruit land. Cut Into I and 14 acre tracts, $100 to 8225 per acre. Enquire of D. K. Bill al Co., Room I, Beaver Bldg., Oregon City. E-- H. COOPER, For Fire Insurance and Real Estate. Let as handle your properties wa buy, sell and exchange. . Office la Katerprtse Bldg., Oregon City. Oregon. . FRETTAQ aV 8W AFFORD, Real Es tate Dealers, have choice bargmlna ta farm landa, city aad auburbaa fcomea, good fruit landa aad poultry ranches. - Sea ,ua for good buya Near 8. P. depot SECOND HAND FURNITURE. M ANT TIMES you caa buy just the article you want, just aa good as new, at a amall fraction of the cost of new. if yon go and see YOUNG, tbe second hand man. Hla colleo tlon contains New and Second Hand Furniture, Hardware, Tools, Carlos, ate. Sea him; It eoeta nothing to Inquire. - - PLEASE NOTICE. To Introduce The Moraine Enterprise Into a large major-. Ity of the homes la Oregon City and Clackamaa eauatv the management haa decided to make a special price for the) daily lame, for a short time only, where the eubecrlber nays a year la advaaca. By carrier, paid a year ta advance, Sl.ta. - By amall, paid a year la ad vaaea, $8,M. People) who gave ou canvas ser a trial subscription for one r ssore naoataa, at tea cents a weak, caa have tne dally deliv ered for a year for S.N by paying a year la advance. People vkt gave our canvas ser a trial subscription, by mall, for four aaoatha at a dol lar, auty aava the paper for a year tor Ilea, if aid a yaw to advaaaa - fsaertkers te the Weekly a ay ehaago their to tae daily, re- eel via s; eredU for ftatt time oa tae dairy thai tae weekly as paid la advaaaa. Waaa taey chooee to add eaaa to Use ad raaea payaaeat equal to a fait year a advaaeo perm eat taey say take ad rootage of tae 82 rate. We naako thla asocial arte aa that pssaaa who kava paid la advaaoa oa acme other dally aad wlaa to take tae Moralac Bator pe tea, taay do ae witaows too groat axi Read tae Morning Enterprise.