MORNINO ENTERPRISE, THURSDAY, MARCH 2, 1911 ' i - - - V nOQNING ENTERPRISE OSIGOV OTT, OREGOV E. BRODIC, Edits end Publisher. S. Mil. at Uw mm afln. fw.- tow scbcbfth Da Tear, by Baafl .. .. . ....MM IB HnatM. B M M " Meets., bp Mil N Per wna. by carter js ! KM aerUotia.'!let IT-feil Mttloi anr mm. w kuM. 1K say a, pur tech l Warn passr Mkfr tfcaa first ease, per B-n firm Ni ii itoa. . , ijc mmZmV' ur ttMt wst nn Pr aaea tlit4 aueruona te Iff? ' Une; to rulsr sSrar- Bim so Dm. Wants. Par Sato. To IUaL e. m a rt first kteartloa; tan half cm! ear additional. . ataa for trnrlMaf ha the Wastry Bniarartae wlU aa th mm as te tlx wit. ror aaorttaasala art apctallr far the waasly. Wsr tha xlTirUtraMt nawaiaiiaai rrooi u eaiiy In ware- tr. wltsaa ekaaa. tba rata will a te ri imi nmiA -wwi x. riflini if wasasss tiHiw bmssvss FROM BID R03ERTS NeW Aero Iceboat Travels at Speed of Seventy Miles an Hour. CANEMAH LAO TOO FAST AND IHOWI GREATER powers Or ENDURANCE. . ' apxtej postMon. boa 14 mneom sorry M tmkaewe te bssteeas afTlea ts ntararlaa. Lecal aaverttsin at raJ adrartiainf Orews aeVartMas: ana aprcial treaateat wtl USeMMeu teen, accord is to srrisl eaadiUoaa sxyrarnlnf tba Tlr Sate- sad Bankroac hV aVr iniaiau ate taca nrat toirtiua: a44i timl mdum mm sutler Jsa teck. Howe ttessa sa van srrtt'ro artic waaam. wni nurreaf to locaj raedara. wfli a (teat ccaatt. Relsrtsd aua- aavar rxai aS pala ac Bad by Hum to prapsy mat aaa. CITY OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER. BUT SELL PORTION 0FGOH0B CEMETERY COMMITTEE TO VISIT AND DETERMINE ON IMPROVE MENT MADE NECESSARY. The wrestling match at MllwsukleJ Wednesday evening between Ask Smith, of Caaemah, aad BM Roberts. of Mllaraaki. remit la a Ttoory for 8mlth. Thra srer two rouada. Smith sinning both. Th Brat Ustoa 20 minutes whea Smith thrsjr his oppoa- nt with tba ana bar bold. Th ro ond fall ni woe la two mlaat. Smith .nslng tb hd sclsaora and bar bold: Tba bora wrs arenlrl matched aa to wrijcht bat Smith proved too fast aad demoaatratod greater eaduraace; tber welched la at 140 yoaods. Roberts has beea wla- alag la a local way around his homel towa. George aad Amoa Smith, younger brothers of Auk. went oa for two pre- limiaary falls, both of which were won by George time two and IS minutes. Oswego Man Evades Arrest. Sheriff Mast retnraed Tuesday night from Oswego after a fruitless search for Cbarlee Sticker, for whom a warreat of arrest was Issued oa a charge of failure to support his wife. Mrs. Emma Bricker. aad their fouri children. Whea the officer reached Oswego the bird had flown. Wl rhete Cepyrlght by America Press AsseclsUoa. KN America as start to gt any place they osaally waat te r lo a harry: Speed la ooe of tae great cettskierauoaa la an metauos ar traeeL This element m oae f tae cnsrarterUOcs ef U aero ice boat Ureated by Charles J. Swala of Philadelphia. He has his craft, which be baa aimed Doodsng. at Sarsesc lake. New Terk. and he hai been traTrllng erer the froaea sarface ef that body of water at fifty, eUty Mere to Attend Hill Funeral. I aad eeea seveaty muea aa aeur. "T'7 """' hfra.: Joseoh Paowest. Mrs. Msrr moontrd oa skMs Instead or on waeeia. aaa it is onren isroaga toe sir oy a Gebhardt, of Portland, aad Mrs. Frank propeller rery mora, tike those need oa aeroplaaes. The propeiir Is sttscbed to a shaft wblrh passes aver tae aeaa oi too rnauaear er ine k-t i"a i m engine that drives the craft ass six cylinders aad ran develop slity or seventy- tee horsepower. Whea going at full speed Mr Fwsin ine i-rn sill leap s-rer holes la the Ice and that rough places do not l4W him oiteriliy. Tse Doodsng ts steered by meant ef a wheel which cniiTrula the Iruui nuuers aa the wheel of aa auto cootroia the front wheels ' Taylor, of Philomath, war In this city Wednesday, ha vine coma here to at tend the funeral services of the late Joha HilL Mrs. Taylor la a slater to Mrs. Hill, and -was formerly a resident of this city. Mrs. Hill and her son. Winifred, leave for their horn at The Dalles todav. Tha former returned ta Portland yesterday afternoon 'with I M other, accessories necessary for ! Mr. Johnson received first prite and trip to Moialla aad white there had the pleasure of hearing U W. Rob bins practice speaking his piece ha Is going to speak fur the st M. I". Aato Co Mrs. Chas. Ilolmaa Is vUitlng sw the raach with her fraadsoa, Charles Mc aoa llolmaa. Mrs. a T. Kay aaa 'beea on Ue sick list for the last week. Mtsa Nordllnc of Portlaad. was vle- lllns Mlsa Mabel Chladgrea this week. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hoi mar are laid an for repairs with crip. The Scnarer Lumber Co a mm was tunning today with a small crew cet ting ready to run with a full fore la the near future. A. V. Darts was visiting home folks Saturday and Sunday. The ground this part of the coun try has beea froaea too hard to plow the last few mornings. H. C. noaacher waa hauling hay from Liberal one day this week. A. U Larklns made a business trip to Moialla Saturday. He either heard the wires 'moaning or someone speak Ing aa auto piece he could not deter Ine which. "J. FALVS VIEW. T. U 8agar. who haa beea residing at home with his son. Loula. haa gone to Portland for a few data oa bust' Mrs. Psquet. training and development work. The young men In tba local school arc tak ing great Interest In athletics this sea- . The saeetioa of the poorly eoadl tJowed feacea about the new addition a . Mountain view, cemetery was hromght - as la CoaacU Wednesday nichC la eoaawqweac It waa deemed wtoe, after awaaa aoaeljrrafkai. to ask committee to go to the inspect the fences and aee what la needed la the matter. - This dtscaaalusi brought oat the fact that a Bortaoa of the' grounds of the ctmetery are annt for cemetery pur poses, and , that there Is a purchaser ha ght for this portion of tba ceme tery holdings. The taforauuioa was volunteered that certain people are hauling atone sway from the cemetery ground cer-' taia portions of It being very much Incumbered and this matter la to be among other things. CORRESPONDENCE TWILIGHT. The farmers are very busy mittinc In their crops while the sua shines. James Hyltoa is taking a few weeks' vacation. The Misses Hoffman, "of New Era. PAYS $10 FINE. Complaint - Comes From the Home; Charge Drunk and Disorderly. jocn Larvaas was taken into cus tody at 4 o'clock Tuesday afternoon and locked la the city prison. A tele phone message waa received by Offi cer gnaw from his home, the com plaint being that he was drinking and very ugly and threatening. Officer Shaw went to the home aad found Larvass under the Influence of minor ana soasive BBS. SO Be took Aim 1 wars meets at ttirkni.. u. .. r ehT4e VraiaT-Tirnav .aJ BBOM H" CrlTUmaby. of Molalta. was quits a cnarge agaiast him of druak and I Rart uir k .t..t , . . . .. t..ji o.i .v'l 7 trM.umwTt u iB-1 iwii j oon aioDaay Bitemoon wnue sura hw uc roMtor ana exneeta tn m hm ii - i . - t rniltv of tin mA xt T"V I , . " . " . u j ii iiauv ruKinra vi ine ocnaier uumper CO.. at Si .nf ... rJTh eCWi lf,.8!,a.r.dlr br ohter. Mrs. j Mesdowbrook. We are not advised a.w e-,a- I F ifU J. MmlM!!. ... V h. - li... V J m aa. -. .... I w , saw assm mVSaiW as sjs as wr WM i" auiaes tsettta and Grace Sunk I he ,,.. h k. . 1. . i.. CHURCH'S RIGHT TO LAND entertained the Mount Pleasant Whist broken aad the other badly bruised Miss Ruby wss gives consolation prise. A delicious luncheon wss served the guests. Twilight Literary will meet next Saturday evening at o'clock la the hall The mala feature of the even ing will be the debate, "Resolved. That a Competent Engineer to Super vise Road Construction In Clackamas County Would Be Beneficial and Prac tical " - Affirmative Geo. Latelle, A. H. Harvey..- Negative J. C M.lDodds. Max Ts'ford. MEAOOWBR0OK. Our school here has beea closed for the past few days as our teacher Mattle D. Hayma'als qulte lll with the tritt. : Louis 8a car, who has beea quite ill for the past week. Is abb to be ap and around again. Mr Shaw, of Poverty Hill, called oa Moser last Friday. Louis Wallace made a bualnees trip to Oregon City Monday. Mr. and Mrs. M. Beck have sold their farm and moved to Portland We are loklng every day to see our new neighbors arrive. L. Moser made a trip to Oregon City Tueeday oa business. Mr. snd Mrs. Henry Wallsce. Mr, snd Mrs. Louis Wallsce and family and Mr. and Mrs Will Wallace aad family attended the dance at Robert Dullard a last Saturday night. ' Mattle O. Heyman spent last Friday and Saturday In Portland on business C. H. Dye Argues That Congregational Church Owns Half ef Street. At last night's meeting of Council C. H. Dye again brought ap the mat ter of the improvement of Taylor street aad the right of the city to Uke for street purposes the property of the Congregational church. At the outset Mr. Dye said that the recom mendations' of the Ctty Attorney la the matter indicated that he could not he In a Judicial frame of mind and that la consequence the Council made a mistaks In heeding his reoommenda- He wss uken to Fred medical aid Club last Saturday evening jit their . If not broken. nome. - . .. Rrhafer-a rMMou The Twilight Whist Club was enter. ' was atimmnnad tained by Mr. and Mrs. Frank Black : There ar. several n i. at their home Saturday evening. The j reported In the neighborhood. evening's entertainment was cards. J. w. stndinrar nut. a h...ina BARCLAY DEBATERS WIN. The Twe Schools Met in Joint Debate Wednesday Afternoon. The eighth grades of the two schools met la Joint debate Wednesday after noon. Th subject discussed wss, "Resolved. That Immigration Shoald he Further Restricted bv Ls - t. i tions. Eastham was gfvea the1 affirmative i Mr- D?" there was no question and the Barclay the negative. The to tD church's title In the land, negative won the decision, on pre- aB(1 B w willing to argue the ques seating the better argument. The af-1 tioa lo Council If that body would set ' nrmative was a trfle ahead In the ' dlte to hear him. th'ia saving the points received on delivery. expense of sn appeal fb the conrta. Those representing the Eastham C1,T Attorney was ready to go- to court were Melva Kidder. Helen Ely and but not to argue outside. Berle Trimble. Barclay debaters ; were Roberta Schuebel, Alena Phillips T0 CONTEST WITH ST. JOHNS. aad Alice Miller. O. D. Eby, Rev.; Zimmerman and Miss Ida May Smith Loc' Athletic Association Getting In acted aa Judges. I to Line fee Good Week. The Athletic Aaanefaflnn nf gon City High school has decided to MARQUAM. The east wind has been blowing quite herd for a few days. No won der for It takes more than aa east wind to blow a railroad through our country. D. M. Benttey and Mr. Shoemaker Intend to start soon for Mexico to look st the country. Good milch rows are In good de mand and also good beef cattle. Some of the people are selling their potatoes altbo there were only about half a crop last year on account of the dry aummer, although the Jand here Is adapted for good quality of pota- ion. Mr. 8hoemaker haa built a neat wire fence around his town property which sdds greatly to Its appearance. Mr. and Mrs. parvln, who have been In Portland for the last twe meaths.4 returned-to their farm near Marquam. Joba Ring, who has been In the hospital In Portland, returned home last week looking well. Mrs. Florence Wyland la la a Salem hospital being treated for append! cltta. Debate at Estacada Postponed. The debate at Estacada betweea the Oregon Ctty and the local High eebooh has beea postponed for one week, at the request of the debaters from this city. That will give more time for preparation on both aides. Those willing to go should hand their names to Superintendent Tooxe so that they may be counted In an effort to get a special ear. accept the Invitation from the Colum bia University at St. Johns and meet the students of that school In n track meet on April 7. To that end there wilt be an Inter-class meet In this city s tittle lster to try out the candidates In the local school snd determine who sre the best fitted to enter the lists at that time. The local association haa recentlv purchased a vaulting pole, hammer It Is Not Unethical to Defend the Guilty. . KS CORDON BATTLE. Premissst New York Lvwyor. TTTIS MOT UNETHICAL FOR A LAWYER TO DEFEND A CLIENT II WHOM HE KNOWS TO BE GUILTY. ON THE CONTRARY. " t GREATEST HARM WOULD COME TO OUR LEGAL IN . BTfTUTIONS IF A LAWYER FAILED TO PUT FORTH HIS BEST EFFORTS IN DOING SO. PROVIDED HE NEVER WENT BE rOHO HONEST AND FAIR MEANS. Instead of th being anjthlnfj discreditable in undertaking tht wssfenaw of a guntj man it is a HIQ1I PUBLIC DUTY that cucb B ana ihonld be defended. The general impression to the eon- oa a miaynception of our system of criminal jurisprn- Tb English theory, which we hare adopted, is that the truth b 7 so o orongnt to hgM by soch a eontrorertT than by larestigatioa. 'twJsT U U deua U k ' "om "1 tradition, erj BhCM hto Uw, that in a eriminal ease the state, represented by the tto7, nll adranee iu theory of the QTjfLf OY TIIE DEFENDANT, .hall present all eridenc iAi- .v.. aatBtiofl to the jury sad shall argue thereon with all proper com ments to fbe end that the- jury may be convinced of the defendant's goat . ' It is the duty of the counsel for the defendant to aubmh to the jory all tlie eridence in his power tending to show his client's lTOTOCfcNCE and to srgue and eonuneot thereon to conrbee the JWy THAT TIIE CHARGE AGAINST ins CLIENT IS UN TEUE Oil NOT FROVED.. And it la by thi. controreniy aad enntentton that we belicrr the truth will bent elicited. .Ti S."J F Ve"Y Ai- 0W VERY DEFENDANT IS TO TUTH CAN a. 'a0 UN" eORY OF LAW THAT ' .1 I The Kind That STANDS OUT J 'L ' " - m 3. 1 I a II HANDSOME STATIONERY Our New Steel Die Emboaint II HarhinelSTIIETIIlXG I Oregon City ENTERPRISE Io the front rank of the II ART PRESERVATIVE PRYING I BOOKBINDING LOOSE-LEAF . SYSTEMS FAtherst 'Tsseh) yeur beys and girls the value ef n,u Let sash sMId have He eWn aatHnss asseun suNlvsts an Intsrest In seeing l grew. snd There Is as better way te ley the feu nam.. . He. thrift ABWaUftaMrySaJ: have a sret Influenee en the ehlld'e future. a This bank has a Savings Department. The Bank of Oregon City D a IJTOUB-sTTTbI Presldest r -Tt, Cassia, THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK nnrsv t mi M OJ UlUiUUn Vet A I , JK.tXMJN I CAPITAL, twOOSiBS. T ran seats a B era! Banking. Business, Open frees K GOOD VOliK SIIOVC'G FOU JDII LODGE COMMITTEES ARK ENTHUSIASTIC AND THE TOWN IS SURELY BOOMING. The Jennings Lodge Community Club met la regular monthly session Wednesday evening at Delta' green house. The meeting wss called to order b II. II. McOovers. who pre sided. P. a Newell. A. O. MrFarlaud and Chas. Redmond were a committee on electric lighting and they reported that the lighting company would glveL . " . Jennlnts Lodse and Meldrum cltlienaT. ole' ee the asms rate aa paid la Oregon City. Oa phones A. J. Johnson reported thst prospects for a new phone ser vice were favorable. The sldewstk committee reported through W. A. Ross thst additional time waa necessary to hear from non resident property holders. Ales GUI reported for the street committee thst things were working out fsvnrbsly. Officers from the rsllwsy company are to visit Jennings Lodge Saturday to meet the committee relative lo rail, way aidlngs. - . - Much Interest was taken snd there waa a largo attendance. The speak ers of the evening were ChasRlaley, A. fl. , HeBman. W. w. Smith. Wm Jacobs. (J. I). Morse and P. U. Newell Seven new members were received F. O. Miller, of. Kallspell. Montana, was present as a gueat There will be siierisl meeting neit Wednesday evening, March I, also at Delta green1 house. Mrs. Rodsh; tisrrett Up, , " Men's llst-Dallard. & f. C. O ; (Mtt.n. J : Unao... John? Pauiia .. rara JhD; paulla. Joe; Kosrfl hZ"! Williams Q.a; WlaiK. v v wsuae II. 8 ,' Njm Chsnosd ts Bums.' Ureases lo marry .ere l.w Wednehday to Neanette t kT-TI to BllaPerry and A. T. lluma. juuge ueatie performed the carial hat mad. Miss -,rry . , Be. tg1"dJLL'qu' tlesnss Qrsrtel J. L Davis and C . E. FsardL. Wndsy grso.l a jire; liquor at Sandy In quantities one gallon. Taeae ..' hw!tl chased the liquor business sf CaW Junker at Randy. rooms n.k. bloeh; steam heat. See J. TstJ LATEST MARKETS SURPRISE TENDERED THEM. Jackson Home at Clalrmont Scene Pleasant Farewell Party. A surprlss party waa tendered lha Misses Edith and Lotha Jsckson at their home at Clalrmont Tuesday enlng. the occasion being In honor of their birthdays and also a farewell as hey will leave for Oregon City, where ney win remain with their sister. Mtas Edith to resume her position with the County Assessor's office. The evening wss devoted to musle anJ games, and followed by a luncheon, Present were Mr. snd Mrs. Chsrles Spsngler. Mrs. Lewis Sutherland. Miss Mamie Wourma, Miss Ruth Kunaman Mr. and Mrs., Benjamin Kuppenbend Miss Jean Maiwell. Miss Antoln ette Kuppenbender, Miss Edith Jack son. Miss Laths Jackson. Miss Olss Jsckson. Miss Ethel Dsll, Miss Rath Kuppenbender. Mr. snd Mrs. J. B. Jsckson, Messrs. Lee Sutherland, Ron- coe Clark Corty Olbba, Walter Lewis Al Mauts. Homer McCormlck, E. Kup- penitender, Leonard Robertaon, Ralph capies, Mr. McCloud, Mr. Tsckard. Letter Llet JJst of unclaimed letters at the Ore gon city posiofflce for the week end tng March I: Women's list Bailey, Mae; Dslssy. sirs, usurs; culver, Phohe; Fields, Your Home Correct and Artistic Decoration at Moderate Coif. Henry Bosch (tzptfi IVall Papers tew Tsrh Chtssgs For the Sssaea ef Nin-tera-eltrta rcprcsnit the best the World affords 'ml Oreeen CKy Markets. The . general market teadtesr downward, la certain IniUsmsMei msrked snd In others beea oat 7 lack of aupply lending apearss. ha whea the sverste Is struck tasks? dency Is downward. . A PPLE&V-Oood apples are la s mand yet aad the price la tovstej better prices for good stock! tw. enough good stork, however, a net there Is little or no demknd far Z atotk at aay price, priest n about 7e to It the boi. rith am. vmmvm rwreivmg a little better flfSfat Offerings are llsht here but rwttssl reports Isrge offering!. . POTATOES-Blow mevesissL ansad light. . Plenty of gnoi stock h the country yet snd a few aayt s outside buyers were blddisg Mih wall for them but now the assets aeema satis fled or the bsyert BaiM j Msay are holding for gosd srtas i higher than the market and isssj ers cannot ablp la safety; eetas) shippers may hsve a better aeaasj than local; must have -to say arks) ' wsated by those who sre Va4kg f VEarrABUCS-lJttle rkaapsamV last report; onions sre a little fstsw la price but other vegetables isnsts i shout the same. Onions SH. twain and carrots Tte to ft sack, psjastM B i to ll.zt sack, cabbage te possl FLOUR AND GRAIN Shoe Btthe j no chsags since last s notations kal ' flour tt.ZI and hard wheat tk Bt higher; oats 121 to 124. eon MOat tl.CS to 11.71 hundrsd. shorts tLM, barley 11.20. narlna ISe haastt hr local wheat While the price at ! aame oa oata the market la ami en local dealers selling seed oats MM leat they drop lower. Selling Is rw land 2 10. HAY Lota of hay la cosstri erf being offered freely now; narts wssk. With winter past far men ts lo sell and the market has erass I consequence. BOGS Prices are stlffenlss I la aad local dealers are paying IN ' doien. BUTTER In country esttsf market Is demoralised: nsemf snd J5c, and the vaiiatloa la est Is as wide as the nrice. Ciwaaar commands S0o to (e and la la I" demsnd. POULTRY Prices sre soawvM higher and the demand good. Be" brine 16c. roosters lie. young ex and mlied chickens He to lis. Mow Ing doing In larger fowls. MEATS Veal, dressed. Is brum 10a to lie. hnas Sm and ISe. Wilt big demsnd for mutton that maisj' fluctuate according to what ! or ttlDFn nraen Sa nnitnd. aaltsn fc dry hides lie to 14c, aheap setts to 76 each. . WOOL Brings lie to llci"" mohslr 2le to 10c. ' , nmnrn rnfnTsuiranflra(M fP" Cc and 7o, sua dried lc, pronst H 6. SALT Selling 60e to lit f I 10 lb. sack, half ground 40 TM w 100 lb. sseks. antMil prteei Hi SaMW ti m U4t win nnm baaailM. a.1. I B. FOX '? rocni A SNAP (02 ACRES 101 acres. of blsek losm. kvWj Pudding River bottom, 10 vm tlvatloa and balance all f rZ land bat In pasture and timber. o" Hrlng water, 4 room house, Snd mitknnaaa eamll orchard, S. ' D., Phone Creaf Route, onel to Hubbard, II rallee to Orsiej Surrounding lands are selllaf iiim Tki is a inap. ' sell for only 6I aa here, JHi - aad balaoce at I aer cent LP. ELLIOTT SCI Near luspeosloa Brldfe. OnV BO YOU VANT A1WTHIWG . . . a Try the Qauifed Colomcj ol.&i MORNING EWTERPRIS-- """ 3000 Raul Davllr