Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, March 01, 1911, Page 3, Image 3

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    ; - . . . M0UN1N0 lSNTKKI'IMHIS. WEDNESDAY, MARCH , 19U. : . i' ..'..., C
It Wouldn't Pay to Advertise
A Poor
' Nor propoeKlen of doubtful
OENUINE thlngo, onulie rtunltle, '
'. ' ' ' ' '
Any artlol which ma ho ld by odvertlelng la, by that teat, a
OOOO artlola, YOU ar eafe lit buying a. thing which haa "Hood
th, fir f publicity." '.; ,
. . i. . ' .
Tha makar of a widely advortlee artlola, or commodity, la al
weye on V,al r Bualnoaa Ufa. Ho eannot shirk, nor cheapen hla
product ana; thla la tha het poaelbl protection for tha enaumr.
You ara SAFE In. buying advertised thing It'a tha legl of
nowadays bualnaao condition, " '. .
The Chicago Store
Pays the highest price for
Second Hand Clothes : : :
Second hand clothes : : : :
405 Main St. JSS Oregon Qty
Tk reaular monthly meeting of
Coancll UI to held thla evening.
C. W Muwleit haa the lumber or
dorrd and on (be way for new homo
la Clalrmont.
Quality lelka and our October
ciee be a pleasing way of eaylng.
-bay more." Me per pound at Harris'
juhn Andrso rode (bo gnat at the
ai"i I" "f I he Gladstone Odd Kellowa
Mnariaf evening. Report haa It that
jotiq sat 1 1 k tit and waa not hurt la the
Jetst Jobb ' eaya ho waan't even
Kf.rvtiody U ralatng bread from
oar Royal Ann Klour we ought to be
reinlfg th price $1.25 per each, at
Harris' llroeery. f
) sem to be almost epidemic
la the county at thla time. There
la hardly a arhool that haa Dot more
or lew pupils out from thla cauae aaj
ao end of trouble comne to conse-
Good Frexh App'es are acaree, but
our Rvaaurated Apple taato like tbo
fresh. 14c a pound at tlarrla' Grocery.
Tie With echool boy have not yet
completed tblr, baa ball organisation
for the en. Tbey bov a lad In
mind for captain but ao far bare been
unable to Bt mattera up and complete
tha IVneet.
Circle "J" of the Preebyterlan
fiarre win give a allver to on Tbura
Uf alernooo from S to I o'clock at
Uie tori a of Mra. Moore, of Green
Polil, at which time a Longfellow
arofram will bo glren.
Tke Community Club of Jennlnga
Lrdce will bold Ita monthly meeting
taia efnlng. The publicity commit
tee aa plana made for. the dlatrtbu
tloa or certain publicity advertising
lad hna other Important buatneaa for
aoailderatlon. ,
Choice office rooma la Cambrlnue
lock; at earn heat Boa J. J. Tobln.
1 "Opklr," the pet Spltt dog belonging
to Mr. and Mra. Henry 8hannon, baa
ant mnde bla appearance. The dog
aa toln about two week a ago from
the family borne, and a eearch baa
been made by the owoere but baa
failed to bring any light of hla where
aboata. . - "
Wedneodiay and TlhixirodtBevy
.... -:v.
merit or honeety for ad-readere.
They knew valuee they knew
Mr. and Mra. William Nefiger and
Mr. and Mra. Oliver Charala and Wal
ter IUrt have returned from Couor
d'Alene, Ildaho, where tbey have been
the paat three weeka. Mr. Cbarala
and Mr. Nefzger were aent by the
Portland Fire Extinguishing Co. to
pluce automatic aprlnklera In the Ida
ho Mercantile Co. Ltd. Department
Hi ore, established In 1883, Couer d'
. Mra. Opal Creacraft la visiting with
Mr. and Mra. A. O rreel. '
Mils Mamie Roake, of Portland, la
visiting with her alater, Mra. George
Mra. Mamie Wallace, of Willamette,
who baa been very III with eryalpelaa.
la allgbtly Improved.
Mr. and Mra.'T. O. Ridings, of Ub-
eral, were lo Oregon City on buatneaa
Mr. Cheater Elliott went to Salem
by automobile on Sunday, making the
trip lo throe boura.
Mr. and Mra. Donn Una are receiv
ing congratulatlona ver tbo arrival
of a girl, at their Clalrmont borne. ,
Mra.. Mortimer Cocarell, nee Edna
Park, of Hubbard, waa In Oregon City
Welting. wits bar mother, Mra. Park,
on Monday. ,
ii. W. Church haa the foundation
down for bla new homo in Gladstone,
and the promise la that It will bo a
handsome one. . '
W. r., Bchooley baa Juat finished
planting 'abade treea acroae bla pro
perty, both at front and back, at bla
Gladstone home. .
Mlsa Fay French, Nelson 1 1 off And
Everett Taylor left Monday for their
arhool dutlea at Corvallla, after a visit
with frlenda hero. .
Mra. Chaa. Uonggood, formerly of
Oregon City but now of Portland, and
Mra. M. Holt and brother were vlalt
ing with relatives and frlenda bero oa
Tueaday. ( U.U .
Mlaa Pearl Belvera, teacher of tbo
third and fourth gradeo In tha Glad
atone acbooi, la out account of sick
neaa and Mlaa Kate) la McOetchlo (
acting in her place.
. Mlaa Lillian Wang, of Canby, vlalt-
. BJ
od with her alater, Mlaa Florence, of
cur on Monday. The latter la
the primary teacher of tho Cane man
school. ,
Ur-Bancroft, of Portland, on of
'"' " p'oeera or mat city, who haa
been thf-'giiiwt of Mr. and Mra. Dusne
Ely, of Seventh street, left yeaterday
ur oia oome.
Miaa B. V. Parka, a trained Burao
from the Bast who baa been ependlng
some time in Portland, waa la tho city
"7 to try io eetabiiab a local
Mr. Ray Cooper, eon of Mr. and Mra.
E. H. Cooper, of thla city, who la con
nected with tbo Pacific Btatea Tele
phone Company with beadquartera at
Clatakanle, Oregon, a per "unday aad
unaij m (Die city.
Mlsa Mabel Mills, who haa be .la
iring with ber parenta, Mr. and Mra.
Mills, at Waabougal, Wsh., fur the
past week, relumed to Oregon City
Sunday evening, and baa resumed her
posit Job at the John Adarua atore.
Mr. Wilbur Andrewa, a etudent of
tne Oregon Agricultural College at
Corvallla, baa returned to that tnatl
tut Ion, after visiting with hla parenta,
Mr. ana Mra.. Ed Andrewa. of rails
Mlsa Nellie Derby, who haa been 111
for the paat 10 dars, haa returned
from her home in Salem, and reaumed
her position In County Recorder Will
lama' office.
The Mountain View club haa a plan
for discouraging merabera who persist
in calling that neighborhood Elyvllle;
It la to fine them 26 centa for each
and ovary offense.
Mr. Gaylord Godfrey returned to
Corvallla thla week to resume bla
atudlea at tho -Oregon Agricultural
College, after a week'a vacation with
hla parenta, Mr. and Mr. William
Godfrey of thla olty.
There waa a delegation of Oawego
business men on the streets Monday
Messrs. F. T. Johnson, real estate
dealer; Chaa. Halnea. confectionery:
Lester Klelnfelter, auto dealer: rrank
Davidson, road aupervlaor.
Mr. C. A. Hendrlcka. of Portland,
waa a Sunday guest at the homo of
hla ather, N. C. Hendrlcka, at the
family borne In Park place. He baa the
position of manager of the "White
Lunch," a new cafeteria Juat opened
In the Rose City.
At the meeting at Clalrmont thla
evening there will be the election of
offlcera and the regular literary pro
gram, which- la uaual. Tbo debate
111 be on tho attbject, -Resolved,
That There la More Profit In Raising
Poultry Than in Dairying." ,
The caae of D. Madonna, of Ell wood,
who bad L KJmertno arrested on the
charge of larceny, waa beard before
Justice Samson Tueaday and tbo Jury
rhoaen failed to agree. Tbo Aaalatant
district attorney, L. Stlpp. then made
motion to dismiss th caae, which waa
Ooie. It waa a caae of .bad blood be
tween two Itallana.
Mr R K Vvtr nf ' Hubbard, who
la visiting at tho borne of Mr. and J
t !!..-.. Dnt.kln. M.MIn Wkmmr '
Denver Creek, waa In thla city yester
day on bualneaa. Mr. Yoder and ala
ter. Mlaa Nellie Yoder. have been
apendlng aeveral daya at tho Robblna ;
farm, and. will leave for their home
Mlaa Olga McClure, who haa been
111 with typhoid fever for tbo paat
three montha In the Bt. Vlncent'a Hos
pital; haa been removed to her home,
and la now able to alt up. Aa aoon
aa ber health will permit ahe will ro
aumo her poaltlon aa stenographer for
the U'Ren A Bchuebel law office Of
thla city.
. Young Couple Married Tuesday.
Th marriage of Mlsa Mary Trov
Inger to George P. O Malley waa sol
emnlaed Tueaday afternoon by Rev.
A. Hlllebrand, paator of 8t. Johna
Catholic Church, and the brld and
groom left th name evening for Wal
la Walla.
Boata to Let to Fishermen.
Ed Buach haa been a busy lad the
paat few daya getting hla boata Into
ahap for th apring trad on th riv
er. He haa a nice tin of boata. that
he Iota out to sports coming her to
fish and ho pride hlmaelf on having
some of the trimmest row crafta on
tbo liver. Tbo young man lost two of
hi beat boata in hla father'a flra laat
fall. 11 ,.
Musical Comedy Company
The Greatest Comedy Hit Yet
Theatrical Man-
ager s Troubles
Dy W. R. Siegfried (copyright) "
Mgr. Dam ...... W. R. Slegfred
Pat', th property boy .......
.1... Cliff Lancaater
Booth, -an actor, i
Thea Schnoor.
Adellnla Pattll, Margaret Doyle
Lillian Ruaael. , Mamie Haalam
Opening Chorus. . , ( . .Chorua
Oo ..Easy MAb'el, Clifford Lan
caater... Red Head.....Margurat Doyle
Let Mo "Jrav a Klaa Until '
Tomorrow. , v Cora Haalam -Finale
, . , Entire Company -
Children 15c Adults 20c
Friday and Saturday
Mamie Haslam's own Sketch
"A Close Call" :
Tne publication In the Morning En
terprlae of Tueaday of tha fin Hug on
th Southern Pacific txacke of the
bundle or laaies clothing brought to
light tho facta .In the ease. Th (wo
note found In th bundle war writ
ten to tbetr elster la Canby by two
young women who are living in St
Johna, at th Toggery whoa card
were need for th conveyance of the
Tbo home of th parties I In Canby
and the, young women are h daugh
tera of Don Summnrfbild of that placa.
i neir motner au-a eome time ago and
tho " daughtere are - working - in St.
Johna while another alater la at home
assisting In rearing the youngor mem
here of the family. And tbo bundle
fit thing found waa a package which
the young women were Bending h' roe
for use in making over for tho young
er children.
Last week Don Summer field wont
to St. Johna to see hla datmhtera and
they made up a bundle and acnt it
borne to another daughter The fath
er took It and came to Oregon City on
tbo electric expecting to take tho
ateam car from here. At th d-pot he
lay bla bundle down and walked about
a little and when he returned for It
It waa gone. Borne one had atolen It
and taken It down the line and op
ened It. Finding that it had no value
for him he bad pushed It under the
railway track where It waa found Sun
day by toya..
The publication of the new brought
out these facta, Just aa It would bad
there been thoae of more moment
banging in th balance. The garmenta
were put together and will be forward
ed to tboee to whom they belong.
On of th young women In Bt.
Jchna waa at on time a domestic In
the bom of Attorney O. D. Eby. In
thla city, and ah la well thought of
by himself and hla family.
Flower thievea are already at their
work. - Mr. and Mrs. Chris Hartman,
whoae property la on Eleventh -and
Center streets, - have been priding
themaelvea on having an Attractive
place the coming summer, and pur-
(chased two docn rose buahea of the
Caroline Teatuot variety. . Thea were
planted In th parking In front of
their property, and lb rosea were
commencing lo , bring forth their
shuots. When ta roeoe-wer Orat
planted, and had,, been In th ground
for a few daya, -two of the largeat
buahea were pulled up by tho rose
thievea. and on Saturday night four
more were taken. It la probable thoae
taking the busbea hav spied them
during tho day, aa th largeat were
taken, and these no doubt were se
lected at daylight.
It la the Intention of tho owner to
have the guilty partlea brought to Jus
tice If they are caught, and a aharp
lookout la to bo mad. Mr. and Mra
Hartman hav gone to a great deal of
expense In having their property im
proved, and they feel they hav been
don an injustice.
Choice office rooma In Oambrinua
block; ateam heat. .See J. J, Tobln
Mr. Den Griffin waa brought from
the hoapltal to Mrs. Grant Mumuow
er a (her sister) bat sue is in a pro-
f oarku condition. one "haa" been
great aufferer for a long tkn but con
tinue to bear it with heroic oourage
Mrs. Damm waa burled laat Sunday.
She. too. had Buffered for a long time
till death brought relief. Her bu
band and relatlvea have the- xympathy
of all.
We are having wintry weather and
It la quite cold, but It la perhapa Juat
na well aa the fruit buda will be kept
back and not get out too soon. .
While other sect Ion a have their civ
Ic Improvement clubs we are treited
with th spectacle of having our read
rooted and torn up by hogs, It la
about time the aupervlaor puts a atop
to thia performance. . ;
Grant Mumpower'a aaw mill '. run
nlng Bteadily and you can get any
thing you want In the lumber line
thor. ' . v
, Some partlea are building a new
road up the bill to Outlook, and we
hope tbey make a good on,- while
they are at It. . .
Tho debate at the achool house last
Friday resulted Ju a decision that we
are to contlnuewlth capital punlah
ment In th future.
Mr. Goodaon and aon, Frank, are
alaanlng brush for A. R. Smith.
Arthur Cliff will finish hla concrete
bungalow when all danger of frost Is
paat. ,
Erwln Hackett, Jr., has not found
any wood-cutters yet.
A. R. Smith atlll contlnuea at the
helm at the creamery, and If ho can't
ateer the ship Into port there Is no nee
for any one else to try. There are
no better butter makere anywhere.
D. - F. Whlteman atlll contlnuea to
deliver mall on thia route and a more
painstaking, careful man It would bo
hard to find. Wo hop he may con
tlnue to serve ua for many years yet.
for ho la tho right man In the right
place, and waa rightly named.
'. . ; CLARKS. ,
Mr. Wettlaufor bought a horse from
Mr. Debrev. .
Mr. Bowers, from Portland, vlalted
Cbaa. Harrington last Sufiday. .
Elmer Lee lost a bora the other
Mrs. Rlngo went to Washington to
vlalt Mrs. McQueen, who I very sick.
Mr. Wettlaufer went to Canby to
preach in Henry Hornahnch'a place
laat Sunday. . -
Mr. Cornwall, from Portland, waa In
Clarka last week.
- Sam Elmer sowed oats laat week. -
Mr. Marquardt was In town laat
week. - . '- - , -Mr.
Fawver waa on the alrk Hat,
.r-?! te T-
Mr. Bottemlller la burning an old
log In bla weath field.
Mr. Sullivan waa In town laat week.
The home of C. a Hall waa burned
to the ground Sunday at 4 p. m. All
furniture aaved.
The Metbodlat church la prospering
greatly here. The younger people are
taking auch an active part.
lb debating club, held at Oawego
poatofftc every evening, will be on
the dead Hat aoon aa the office will
be moved to th city of Oawego (no
A. K. Wilson, of New Town, haa re
covered from bla serious illness and
la able to ait up and take nourishment.
Mra. Wm. Qray gar a little floor
warming at her home Saturday. Feb
ruary 14.
Mr. Pettlnger, of Old Town, la hat
ing hla treea pruned.
A. Pourtner la reported improving
under hoapltal treatment.
Mra. Henlnger haa returned to her
home In Oawego.
Mr. O'Brien haa hla property In nice
Wo are waiting for th Oregon Cly
Electric railroad to com through to
Portland. When will It com?
Charle Horatman ha starred hU
training school.
are atlli enjoying beautiful
weather to thla part of the valley and
the roads are In fine condition, some
thing unuaual for thla time of the
year. Many of the farmera are plow
ing and getting ready for their apring
Mlaa Nona Puqua and Mlaa Florence
Yoder called on Mlaa Anna Ootfred
son and her 53 puplla at the Rural
Dell acbooi. Mlaa Anna la on of our
very aucceaaful teacher and . baa
made many frlenda her alnc her ar
rival from Belle Fourche. 8. D. .
J. R. Watson and family visited
with Fred Santa and wife last Sunday.
Mr. Santa will aoon leave for Oreaham
where be will do bouse painting dur
ing the apring and summer.
Carl Sether and Len Owena. who
left our neighborhood eome time ago,
are working with a piling gang near
the Molalla.
J .Bo and sou are cutting logs for
Kauffman'a milL
Mr. Oottwalo, of Kauffman avenue.
was laid up th paat week with a bad
ly sprained ankle but at present writ-1
Ing is about o. k. again.
A. L. Yoder, our local mill man, la
getting ready to aaw shingles, expect-J
ing to begin about March 15. 1
Bert Rue, who la attending bualnesa
college in Portland, waa a cajler at ;
L. D. Yoder's Saturday afternoon.
Chaa. Taylor, a popular young man
of South Yoderville, haa Juat pur
chased a new buggy; well, girls, get
ready for a good time.
J. U. Oottwald made a flying trip to
Oregon City and Portland laat week.
Friend Hart and family, formerly of
St. Johns, haa moved to his farm,
which la located one-half mile west on
the Sampson road.
Mlaa Nora Conrad and A. E. Taylor
took a trip to the county seat one day
laat week. Mlaa Nora will spend
some time with her alater, Mrs. J.
McCorraack, before returning.
A. G- Yoder and W. Sconce are busy
clearing land on the latter'a farm.
J. B. Yoder haa a alight attack of
the grip at the present. Cheer up Joe,
"you cant keep a good man down."
John Domlque la quite a borae train
er and Ita a novel aight to aee him
driving bla eight montha old colt,
which la well broke and seemingly as
steady aa an old horse.
J .3. Yoder and daughter, Nell, and
Miss Maude Yoder had a very pleas
ant Vlalt with M. F. Lantx and wife
Sunday. Mr. Lanti reporta that hla
brother, Levi and family, now llvjng
In McCoy, will return to their farm
before long.
Mr. and Mrs. F. Watson, A. G. Yod
er and wife, Mlaa Anna Ootfredaon
and R. Yoder called on J. W. Watson
and family Sunday.
R. I. Garret and family have moved
5 room houBe and barn, new, cor
ner lot 60x100 feet, Falla View;
fine view 1 1100
8-room house with bath room,
etc., good condition, 10th and
Adama streets. Oregon City.. $1350
Small payment down, balance month
ly paymenta like rent good bargains.
JOHN W. LODER. owner.
Stevens Bldg. Oregon City, Or.
To Whom It
May Concern
I am going to clean up or destroy
the diseased fruit treea of Oregon City
and want th co-operation of everyone
..' .
Interested. You . may get apraylng
don by C. L. McGhaney, Fourth and
Jackson.' er by Clark S. Fuge, Eighth
and Polk etreeta. These neglecting or
refusing to do the work will bo Com
pelled to. do ao. Anyone Interested
, V - - ! . 1-
pleae communicate with A. J. Lewie,
Fruit Inspector . Claekamaa County,
Oregon City, Rout No. S. ?-
to Canby. They left many frlenda
here who were sorry to Be them go,
and wlah them all kind of a access in
their new location.
Surprla Party.
Mlaa Emma Oottwald, a papil of th
Rural Dell acbooi, waa given a sur
prise party by her many friend Fri
day eve, th occasion being ber six
teenth birthday. Many gamea wet
enjoyed until th hour for aupper ar
rived. Th refreshment were provid
ed by th young ladles at th head of
th affair. Th birthday cake waa a
very dainty and pleasing article, being
garnished and decorated for the oc
casion by two of onr popular cook a
Mlaa Emma received many dainty and
appropriate preeente from her young
frlenda. , t
Froaty weather atlll prevail.
Mlaa Llllle Mltta called on MU
Lucy Mitts Sunday.
, Wesley Rlggs visited at Jim Mitts'
Earl Kocher visited his parents Sat
urday and Sunday.
Prof. Jake Mitta made a flying trip
to Molalla Saturday.
Some on tried hla luck to rob Mr.
Scramlin'aator laat week and se
cured about 130 or $35 In change and
knivea alao a pair of ahoes and de
stroyed the register. - '
Mra. William Roth vlalted her moth
er Thuraday.
Miss Lacy Mltta flatted at 'Dave
Wolfera' and Mr. Wright'a on Wash
ington'a birthday.
Miss Elta Smith called oa Mlsa
Clara Harmack Sunday.
A. J. Morrison haa recovered from a
aevere attack of throat trouble
. Mr. Blord closed a aU week'a term
of school laat Friday.
Mr. and Mra. Cupp, of Lenta, are
keeping houae for and asaleting Mr
(larver with bla farm work.
H. H- Udell aad family spent Sun
day visiting friends at Barton.
Mr. Blood entertained hi a'sur and
husband laat week from th East.'
Ed Wolf is In Sandy helping In the
A few of the enterprising neighbors
made garden during the fine weather
of last week.
! - Mr. Morrison entertained relatives
from th East laat week.
A largo crowd attended the ainging
clasa Saturday evening.
Mrs. Bewa la on th aick ILtt. ,
Jacob Cooper and a friend are visit
ing thla week at th Coope.' home.
Jim Wolf expects to move Into his
new house this' week. -
Mrs. O. Woodle returned from Port
land Saturday.
Wants, For Sale, Etc
Notices under thee, clarified headrnr
will he Inserted at one cent a word, first
Insertion, hmlf a cent additional Inser
tion. One Inch card, IS par month; hall
lni-h card. (4 lines) tl per month.
r-ah mii.i arcomDanv order unleae en.
has an open account with tha papar. No
financial responsibility for errora; where
errora occur free corrected notice will be
prtnt.6 for patron. Minimum charx lfcc.
WANTED Experienced girl for gen
eral housework In family of three.
Apply at Huntley Broa.' Co.
WANTED A first clasa organizer for
Oregon City; big money for hustler)
no other need apply. Addrea IT.
C. S. 328 Ablngton Bldg., Portland,
FOR SALE! Mare, 10 years old, kind,
true, 1700 lbs. Trial given. Price
$175. M. A. Hansen, New Era.
Car R. KelL
FOR SALE 8pac in thla column
Sell that old plow or harrow; yon
don't tise it since you purchased
your new one.
FOR SALTS Rare bargain. 60 acre
farm, $125 per acre, actually worth
$200 per acre;' only S miles from
Oregon City; suitable for subdivis
ion. Need the money and must sell ;
two-thirds clear. Haynes, 426 East
Harrison street, Portland.
ONE MODERN 7-room houae for rent,
one half block from Main street.
Inquire 219 Thirteenth street ' '
LOST In Oregon City Saturday, Feb
ruary 25. between Pope'a Store-and
Farr's butcher ahop email brown
purse,, containing $30 In gold and
possibly some silver. Reward ' for
return to First National , Bank of
uregon city.
O. H. DOUGLAS, Violin Teacher; via
It or receives puplla, 50c a leseon.
1 one hour. 120 Jefferson St, Ore
gon City. ,
HARRY JONES Builder and Genera'
Contractor. Estimate cheerfull;
given on all claasea of bulldlnt
work, concrete walk a and reinforce
concrete. Re, phono Mala 111.
'Its cons trtsctfoa i Idzat.
Its vrotklaz qpaiititi exz
- perfect. Ercfy ltfiOT7a fc&t
tstc of coayi encc, as T7c!l
as some that ue distinctly
its own embodied in its
makeup. Taken all fn all
the Quality looms up as
the best Range now on the
market. ,
Owe Catalog WHI Conrince Yo:
Frank Buscn
MONET LOANED W are acquaint
od with th valu of an farm lands
la Clackamas County and can loan
your money on good aaf eeeurlty.
Farm loan a mad one, two and three
year at 1 per oeai. Abstract of
Lawyer. Aadren Bldg., Oregon
' City, Oregon.
O. D. KBT. Attorney st-I-aw, Money
loaned, abetraeta furnished, land
title examined. tate settled, gen
era law bualneaa. Over Bank of
Oregon City.
Law, Detacher Advokat, will prac
tice in all courts, mak collections
and settlement. Office In Enter
prise Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon. ,
V. R. HYDE, Abstract Office
Land title Investigated, conveyan
cing, notary pakllc
rmm copy
Roost 7, Barclay Bldg... Oregon Qty.
DR. L. G. ICE, DENTIST Rooma 4.
( and Bavr building. Main 8t
Oregon City. Phones: Horn A-191
and paelfl State 1121.
75 acre tract good land, ao rocka, 3
mile from Oregon City, 1 Bailee
from O. W. P. ear lino. Good trait
land. Cat into 1 and 14 acr tracts,
$100 to $225 per acr. - Enqnir of
D. K. Bill A Co., Room , Bvr
Bldg., Oregon City.
E. H. COOPER, For Fir Insurance
and Real Estate. Let as handle
yoar properties we bay, Mil and
exchange. Office tn Enterprise
Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon.
1 ; ;
tate Dealers, hav choice bargain
In farm landa, city and suburban
homes, good fruit landa and poultry
ranch. See na for good buy-'
Near 8. P. depot
MANY TIMES you can buy Just the
article yon want. Just aa good aa
new, at a small fraction of th coat
of new, If yon go and aee YOUNG,
the second hand man. HI eollee-.
tlon contains New and 8eeond Hand
Furniture, Hardware, Toole, Curio,
etc. Be him; it coat nothing to.
Inquire. . ; - ,.v
Notice of Fire Election. v
NOTICE la hereby given that an elec
tion will be held on th 6th day of
March, 1911, for th election of a.
Chief Engineer, aa Assistant EngK,
neer and three members of th-..
Board of Fire COmmlsslonera. '
Election will be held at tbo Fir
Houae, at Fountain Hoes Company's
nail and the polls will be oped be
tween the hours of 10 a. m. and 4
p. m. " - -
President Board of Fir Commisioners.
To introduce. Th Morning
Enterprise Into a Urge major--Ity
of tho home In Oregon
City and Claekamaa countv th
management haa decided to
mak a apodal price- for th
dally Issue, for a short Urn
only, where th subscriber pays
a year In advance, . ,
By carrier, paid a year In
advance, 13.00.
By mall, paid a year In ad
vance, $1.00.
People who gave our canvas
ser a trial Bubacriptlon for on
or more montha, at ten ents a
week, can hav th dolly dellv
ered for a year for $3.00 by
paying a year In advance. ..
People who gave our canvae-
aer .a trial Bubacriptlon, by ,
mall, for four months at a dol-
lar, may hav th paper for a .
- yoar for $2.00, If paid a year la
8ubscrtbr to'- lh Weekly 0)
Enterprise may cnang tneir e
subscription to th dally, re- .
celvlng credit for half time on '
the dally that th weekly I
paid in advance. When they
cbooe to add cash to tho ad- 4
vane payment equal to fall
years ao vane payment tney,
may take advantage of the $2 )
Wo mak thla special ptic o
ao that people) who hav oald
o ' In advanc on eom other daily
and wish to take tho Moralng
Enterprise, navy do oo without
too .great expense. . '.r . .. .
1 - 1.1
'Read tho Morning En terprlae.