Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (March 1, 1911)
Corning enterprise, Wednesday, march i. isn. ;! 1 , - j-yr -7 t.vV - l ur 1 m UOBMKG- EHTERPBISE , osxcov crrr, oreoos E. E. BROMC. Edttse end PieMleher. teraw aa ran4-rlaaB aaatter Jaa- S, 11 i. at the eoat eOlce at (Itmm cut Orc, waeVr Um AW of . Marc a. IITl" m r nascnrrwR. Oeje Taer. h ....MM ......... IM ,) IB Una t ha. kr Fw Mualha. ay Mil. Par week, br carrier... First Pwsv. ir irx'S nret rneartto ...Ite First Pasa. par vac aJUeS nmrtlpaa. . lc PlifiM pealtioa amr V. Bar b rtrat tneartto U pewit ua any pw, par aaeti ud4 Inarrtrana lac Run pal - other than tlrat se. rr a- first frvewttoe. lie Run papae ihtf thaa first a, par la en aeVIa fctaarMoae me Locale 'c par llaa; to reewktr eerer- tteara e Itiia Want. Per Sal. Ta Rant ate-, ewe ortil a wwd first toiee.-ttoa: esja-hatf eewt ach additional Rates' for aJrerttatws In the Weakly Entrprte arui b tbe easaa as la the 4if for adverttaeiwenta art aepeclelty -for the weekly. Whrre (h advartieemnt la tranafrrrrd frrra ih dally to th weak ly, without rnaace. the rata will be Se aa tare for tan ef 'ha paper, aa4 lee aa lara fer epaclaJ poatlwn. Cask ahoutd arrorapsxr eroVr where party kt unkaowa In business office of the Snterprter. Lacal adrartlainc at l-cl adrentstaf Clrctia advertising and special tranaVni adrartlainc at t&r in Se an Inch, accord ka( to ap-olal coadllloae t or em In g- lb Flre Bale" end Banarurl Bala' tlaemants tme Inch flrrt inart!ea: add) ItaneJ haaartlona aaraa matter 2ke Inch. Nawe Itrms and wall wrlt'an artldaa of BeerIL with iateraat to Incal raadera. win be sladly accpu-d. Rarctel manu- sertpts neva ted by stami oe te prrpay soetaan. CITY OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER. WHAT -ABOUT LORIMERf About e'very so often the Senate of the United States, which Is supposed te be the most dignified legislative ' body In the world, does s banch of boy , J, ' L,toufa,',et Mrm. W. stunts that would make an eighth, A sbewman. Mrs. Andrews, of Penn arade achook boy1 ashamed of himself . sTlyania. Mrs. T. A. McBride. Mrs. If once he was led to atop and con sider. . Just at the present time the contro versy Is over the taking of a vote on the proposition looking to the ex pulsion of Senator Lorimer. who Is accused of the wrongful use of money la aecurlns! his election to the Senate a.j -k. .v , .w . . ... I em, and the sooner the better? Is It possible that there are those who are so fearful of the outcome that they wish to save him as long as possible is the belief that JatJcm.- rrke steajnv--wr boob condense and then Lorimer may escape? To men who stop to think there are several ugly sides to thla Lorimer matter; and the longer It la kept In the public mind the worse It looks. There can be no doubt la the minds of those who understand Inside ma alpu 1st loos that Lorimer need money, that hla lieutenants used money, and that Lorimer furnished It and knew that It waa their intention to use it Then why haggle over the Judgment when that judgment Is to end In Lort- j mer's losing the seat to which he bat o right? Certainly the spectacle of1 thla haggle is not Inspiring and It can not be convincing of Innocence though hie friends tire out those who would see him punished. And the way-certain other Senators rattle around In aa effort to save Lori , mer is having its effect in leading citi Sana the country over to think that there may be reason for this effort to shut off all debate and voting be anna t. flw ... nn,t I . ' erybody come dressed In bard-times tag that a flood might wash more than Anyone wearing Jewelry, en off hla Senatorial base. And why j tie, collar or other finery, will be fined should It not, in case others have been for each offense. A prize will be giv es guilty aa Lorimer? To let no ! eD ,n bst costume representing . ,. : hard tlmt-s. The Redland brass band 7' m ,n'ure DO ne- ' nless one InterpreU meting out to a erbplanes i Police - ti.:. reatest Utility Wars, ' ':X j' fVHOMOH HAXtrf. laveato. ' ,':;-'sejiTrr' a '' ' i '" . "' '' , . " ' A ' nmg'-r raacaine cue .. jrc 'ponftTiM what are we" r-' "'going' to do v'ith it t , x ;y There are" three fielils opeiv for L' TiAtloD-SPOliT,' W ARf ' AJt" D i :iX WAUiEKUJJVLISM. - ' , w, there are twS- waya to -- pwpare ior Trar. Odo la to. pre- 7!iiM for it amply with FOKTiri CATIONS, WARSHIPS AND , AEROPLANES, and the other w " - : to talk ' about .dinarmament and . peace at any price.'. . . ' f' W1 1 ' V ' i " innre are two wava to orevent check, and the other is to be so prepared that there it) no need for ."bitt.ngWk.' 'But the 'preparation for war la the' CHEAPEST .. ,KINJ) OF INSURANCE. ; : ' ' L y '-, ' IT IS MY BELIEF THAT THE GREATEST UTILITY OF THE FLY V . ." INQ -MACHINE 13" FOR WAR.. IN THE NEXT GREAT WAR AVIATION it"' 1' 'OOlNfi'TO AKE WAR. Ifrr'p, THE TIRD OIMENSION.'AMD -.WE'LL HAVE THE WJHOLf CUSIO CONTENT'S Of THE CELESTIAL ' OOMAINjrO PROTECT'y' ', V; . - ' )). ' " 1 Victory in the future will depend on the POLICING; OF TlIE . '- SKY. v "' , -v 4 '' ' ' '' .' ' " . ' . Tliere will bo lut one -way of 'meeting aviation, and that i by ; aviation;' 'Wi nmt MEET THE FLYING .MACHINE.' - WITH . TXtlNO ."MACHINES. Id tlrtereot'Iof; war 'it will 1 RTR0NGE5T VM. - - ' . . ertsalaeJ the JuetJce which, hla peat lire) deserves M teJury. ; "f ' a. CliUTiCH OP CiCliST ! 4 ML BE DEDICATED FIRST SERVICE IN THE Ji.fNO- SOME, HEW HURCH will be HELD NEXt'sUNDAY. Service will be held ta the new chnrch of th Church of Carta. Scien tist, oa Sunday morning, at 11 o clock. This will be the first service that baa been held In this building, and no doubt there will be a large congrega tlon. . The readers, of tne eeevtce II b by Mrs- A. a Freel, Are, reader, and George Krey. eecond reader. TM reading room will be opened this af ternoon from S to 4 o clock. Thla buildlne- ta ona of the most at ran Ire edifices tn. the city. It ta built - on th buna alow style, wlta drooping roof. The windowa arc of chipped glass, and the door, which has just been completed, lav or Dungajow style also, aad la most attract Ire. The upper part Is In colored glaa bearing the Cross and Crown, the emblems of j the church. MRS RANDS ENTERTAlW Wednesday. Afternoon Bridge Club Has An Enjoyable Occasion. Mrs. E. T. Rands was hostess to a bridxe party at her home Tuesday, which proved a Terr pleasant occa sion. Her quests were the members of the Wednesday afternoon bridge club. The prlia-bautlful ailrer spoon were won by Mrs. Nleta Bar low Lawrence and Mrs. J. R. Hum phry. Refreshments were erred. Those present were: - -J Mra. Nleta Barlow Lawrence, Mrs. J. H. Walker. Mrs. Ma Bo'lck. Mr. K. F. Baker. Mrs. J. N. Welsner, Mrs. E. A. Chapman, Mrs. Lena Charman. Mra. L A. Morria, Mra. H. F. Mount. Mrs. John Adams. Mra. L. R. Porter, Miss M. L. Holmes, Mlsa Marjorle Caufleld. Miss Nell CauHeld, Twilight Literary Meets Saturday. The Twilight literary society will meet on Saturday night and for that occasion there will be produced a lit- tie playlet, with a musical program aim i. cviiu.. v v from Portland. There will also be a debate on the subject. "Resolved. That a Competent Engineer to Oversee the Road Work In the County Would h Praetfcst and1 Economical' The Twi light orchestra will give several nam bars. . Council to Pass en Permit Plans for the Commercial Club building, to be built on Main street icroma from the Court House, are com pleted and. will be presented to Coun cil at its meeting this evening for the approval of that body. Ascare has been taken In meeting the require ments of good business methods It la not believed there will be any hesi tancy In paaalng favorably on the pro position. MUST SUPPORT FAMILY. Chit Bricker, of Oswego. Arrested for Failing to Do So. Charles Bricker waa arrested Tuea day at O'wego for failure to support his wife, Mrs. Emma Bricker, and four children. Mra. Bricker swore to the complaint, and theu warrant waa served by Sheriff Mass. There Is one man doing a year in the county Jail at the present time for the aame offense. Hard Times Social Saturday. The I. O. G. F. will give a Hard Time Social at Fir Grove school house next Saturday evening, March 4. Ev- mM furnih music Tor the occasion, .s0 refreshments will be served. Will Be of the Sky. war. i" OnA i to -turn tK 1 Steel Ski HiliV In '.Wisconsin XnweT Into the Air 11& feet - fyrr vO; -. ; ' s , i Ml ' .; ' -c-, . . -v.-:,---.- . , - a MER1CANS are beginning te show A na meats aa la shewn ta Norway, from whence the sport cornea. Al ready there are sis "ski bills" la thla country, the longest and finest nsvln Jest bean dedicated at Btenghton. Wis. This "hill" te really aa ukctlse supported e steel towers. The platreraa at the extreme top la us feet from the ground, and the elide drops at a ateep Incline a distance ef T feet te the "bump" or Jumping place, which la fifteen feet above the ground The platform tt seventeen feet higher than say ether ski hill ever constructed, and the slide Is also steeper thsa aay ether In eiisteore. The Jnaapers who have the temerity to slide down this ley IncMae will attain a apeed of seventy or etshty mile aa hour, and after leaving the "bump" will fly 140 or 130 feet throiigU the sir te land In a pile ef soft snow.. The Amerli-sn record fer a jump la 140 feet, while the Norway record ta 168 feet. The cut shows th new hill at fttnnshtne) with a kl Jnssner tn flight In the roruer. Married In Portland Tueaday. Frank Davis, of this city, and Miss Viola Howard, of Portland, were unit ed In marriage Tueaday evening. Feb ruary 21, at the residence of Rev. Benjamin Toung. of the Taylor Street Methodist Church. Portland. Will Lecture In Gladstone School. Dr. Bancroft, a lecturer from Port land, will speak In the Gladstone Hla-h school forum on Wednesday morning on tne "Assassination of Lincoln." Dr. Bancroft claims to have been one of he first at the aide of the stricken Pnsldent. and that he assisted In re moving him from the theatre to hla home. He la a man who haa seen much of the world and It la aald makes a very interestlng-and instmo uve aaarese. . I v'. . :; ...trsV" , - . v ':. V ' ' ;v i i . - almost aa much Interest ta ski tour SUCCESSFUL RELAY RUN. Boy Scouts Will Enjoy a Paper Chase Saturday of Thla Week. The boy acouta of the M. E. Sunday school made n relay run to Bolton last Saturday. The lads all walked out and then made the ran In. Those who " I participated enjoyed themselves huge- ly. On Saturday of thla week there will be a paper ehae by the aame .or ganisation through the town and over the hills. One boy will be given a quantity of confetti and set loose and after he haa a start of two aquares the rhaae will become general.- The lead er must scatter hla confetti so thst those In the chase can keep track of the direction In which be la running. Try Howard's Beat Flour 11.20 sack at Bigger ft Tanls,' Seventh street. The Kind That STANDS OUT GLOSSY HANDSOME STATIONERY -J Our New Steel Die Embossing Machine IS THE THING Oregon City ENTERPRISE In the front rank of the ART PRESERVATIVE printing :; bookbinding loose-lexf SYSTEMS; ' " '. ' , - i lls ' " ;'-' ' .,.-. . - - - .. ..t:.'. Wv, '; : ' . ! .---e-ee'-"" JOD FEUIS HILL tlRIED HERETO-DAY MR. H'LL WAS FOR MANY YEARS AN HONORED RESIDENT OP ' OREGON CITY. . i . . 1 ' The remains of John Pettis Hill. business man of The !llee. who died at' hla home on Monday moraine, at 10:40 o clock after an Illness of two nMM.ihs.were brought to thla etty yes terday morning by bis son. Wlnneld. aad the remains are at the llolmaa undertaking- parlors. Mra. Hill will arrive la Oregon City thla morning, and the funeral services will be oov ducted from the Bt. PaaCa Episcopal church thla afternoon at t o'clock, Rev rhariea Roblnaon. rector, will i.friciate. The Interment will be In th Mountain View' cemetery. John Hill waa born May f. II JO, In inhtiann rnuntv. Missouri, and waa i h. an of Mr. and Mr. Thomaa Win field Hill He came to Oregon In the ear of U7S..end settled at Oregon City, where he waa united In tnarrte to Miss Ida Anderson In the year ts Tan children were born to there. Wlnfleld and Mlsa Vara, both of Tb Dalles. Mr. Hill was in tns city ior years until the year IrOQ. wnen no loft wllh hie family for Bumpier, Ore mn. remaining there for some time, and then went to Silver Lake, Oregon, and In I KM went to The Dalles, whtrh niasa he has made his home ever since. ' , Deceased -waa well and favorably known In thla city, and waa ta busi ness here for many yearn. Special Services at St Paul's. There will be services at Bt Paul's Episcopal church on Wednesday. Morning service at T:S0 with commun ion; 10:30 service, and service at 7:30 p. m On Friday evening aervlce will be held at T:30. Rev. Charles Robln aon officiating. - . ' . ' REAL ESTATE. -The following transfers of real re late were filed yesterday In the office of County Recorder L. E. Wlltlama: German M. E. Church of Mllwaukle to Emma Spangenberit. lot t, block 1, subdivision of tract 5. and east half of tract 2. 0"k drove; 50. Christ and Rosalie Palmer to cnaa. Helna. land In township S south, range 2 east; $12.0m. Henry A. and Haltie Ball to Elmer E. Jtall. north half of lot 2. section 6. township 2 south, range 1 east, 4S acres; 110. W. A. and Nancy Salt marsh to Char lotto Taylor, lots 67 and SI,, Prune land; ftO. . -William A. and May L Caldwell to C. Sleurewald, west half of north west quarter, northeast quarter of northwest quarter, northwest Iqusrter of northeast quarter, section 14, town ship 7 south, range 4 east; 100. Alice H. and J. A. Roman to Thomas and Mary T. Smith. 14 -4 acree. town ship S south, range 2 east; 2HM. - N.-1 and Delia M. Hnriner to w. n.. MarhellT 20 acreiTsecllotinrnd-t; township 1 south, range 4 east; ISI00. - , , ' :; . : ' ' 'Fntfetrsi isesn iwr leys Let each ahlld Have Ha own wvlnoa aseoulv cultivate an interest In seeing It grew. " ht There la ne better wsy to lay the found... . Hee ef thrift A foe atari r,t'!'" a great Influence en the ahlld'a future" w1" have Thla bank has a The Baalt a a latocbttb THE FIRST NATIONAL BAriv . ; ' of OREGON CITY , ORGON ! :" ' - CAMTAU St4iS0tXSt. ' Treaaaaea a awere Senalnf . Iwli AT BAPTIST CflUn NEXT SUNDAY PROF. STOUT WILL SING AND PREACH SPECIAL PROGRAM OP MUSIC A patriotic, service waa held at Baptlat ohurch last Sunday evening. Tne pernor. Rev. 8. A. Hay worth. spoke on tbe reUcloua and moral char acter of Oeorie Washington. Kulghta of Pythlae were present tn body to the number of about fifty, Tbe Orangemen were also present With the presence of these two orders and tbe regular members of church tbe house waa well Oiled. music wss a leading feature. Mra. Olrasiead aang a solo, "Hail to Chief,'' at tbe close -of tbe address which waa pronounced by alt who beard It a moat Inspiring solo. Moody sang. "The lUttle Hymn of Republic," tbe audience Joining oa chorue. Nest Sunday nlcbt there will be special musical aervlce participated by tbe choir and assisted by Prof. P. Stout, tbe great gospel alnger of the West. Prof. Stout la everywhere regarded as the equal of Bankey. He waa here one year ago for two weeks assisting Paator Hay won b and at tracted large audiences. He also sang In the first M. C church Portland for two wreka.' Prof, "tout slnga with great fervor and spiritual power, landing hla me sac" In the heart of tbe hearer. Tbls combination of talent at tbe Baptist church neat Sunday evening will give Oregon City people a rare treat end uplift of soul. Choice office rooms In Gambrlnua I block: steam heat. Pee J. J. Tobtn. Your Home Correct and Artiitic Drroration at Moderate Cost. Henry Bostt Cospjfs IVall Papers new Tsrk GMeage ' Tor the Season ef Nine-een-lrven reprrernt tbe best lh World sflords SaarW sarti aWa m aa a4 mam antaiilM . Tkars h aa akliutlM m . aarckaM. a l t-4 tm as4w III ttmln kwMeida m J. B. FOX '23 LATEST MARKETS Portland Markets. The receipts on tne market for the week ending .today are a follows: Cattlo 1997, calvea (2, hoga 1009, aheep Gnu and homos 8. One of the features of the week waa the strength of the cattle market, prime hay fed steers bringing $0.75 and prices ranging around 8 for med ium grades, fluyera were ready to buy and every thing cleaned up at sat isfactory prices. The cow market wss steady but receipts were very light Calvea were In a minority and quality of those offered waa not good. The hog market waa In splendid condition. Scarcity of receipts and strong demand account for prices Jald. Only 1 cars were Bold on the open market, one bringing $8. SO and the other, well finished stuff weighing 208, 18.75. Balance of the receipts was contracted Eaaterq etock. Recelpta In tbe aheep line were atlll large but prlcea seem to have found a level at the following quotations: Good grain fed lamba $5.50 to $5.85, m ill lm MM1 r n - DO YOUtANT "'ANYTHING..'.. ' . ;j .; i i . ' ; . . ' .... ' I I - Try ttc Cfcr:irc ana ins the value a went,. at Savings Department K)f Oregon Qty. Oren freaa'i 't aallu.. w - ... Everything w .J u era Mme4'ajlafle4. 9 M Ja !ltho m'rl, . L Med good for drafters creaeea market r..r -hi: i Ing horses. ""7 following sales are 143 ateera .... 75 ateera IN ateera .... 81 ateera I calvea .... II eelvea ...... ' S aiaaa ...... ' buiis II cows 17 cows II helfere 47 cowe ...... 404 lambe 7 wetbera 527 yearling . , . " 20 ewee S8 hogs loe hos S draft horses ...j". S drlvlne horses' . ., IS chunks rtarstai ....tin -..1HI -..vJi m . .. Jit im ....1MT .... m .... M .... tl .... n .... w .... w .... in the Tie tbe The Alata..X tt V the Oregon City Ma, The general market downward. In certala MZrJ marked and In others lack of supply letidm. anwa hen the aterage Is itraVj; dency ta downrj. APPUCSO,. ,pptat wfc msnd yet. and the price k mV better prlcea for t stork wTl enough good ,,w( lowm there Is III He or no aanu (a It '"r Price. PrVw T about 75e to i tke ke. : choice receiving i little btturSm Offerings are libt ksra m w reporta large offarlnrt. POTATOES-Hlow awreaea. t mand light. I'Iroly of Hm' the country yet and a fcettrii outalde buyers were klesiaj a. welt for them bat sow tat fast exeaae ea'lsfied or the ktysn bet Many are holding for ttwi m Mr. tbe the ta It of higher than Ike market a4 kah era cannot Mp ta safety; an shippers may 'tare a better ear loan local; must save te ety at wanted by thoee eaeartacMlaj VEOKTARLEH-Lttns tsaass last report ; onions are a Blue In-price but otheri tatrUWe lw about the aame. ttoloetlHian and carrots 7Sc to 1 1 each. Baratig to 11.25 aark, rabtaa k soasi TXjaVK AND GRACt-teett no change alnce last swutloer-l flour $5.15 and hard ektetSskl higher; oat a $25 to $H, em aV $1.15 to $1.75 bundrai Ibertt barley $120. paying ' let keiM I local wheat. White tsftrkskl aame on oats the marlliai local dealers selling seed est tali lent they drop lower. SttSajfer. land $28.50. HA V Lota of bay Is being offered freely It; aa weak. With winter pa"? waei to sell and the markes; an tnta consequence. BKKIH Prices are stiffed and ' local dealers are jfajtaj t dosen. . , ' ' I BirTTER In country, W market la demoralised; I RW ' and 25c, and the variation fet a aa wide aa the-prirei ow commands 20c to 25c and I ' demand. 4- iTpall POULTRY Price are hlsher and tbe demand il bring 18, roosters lze, jp and mled rhlckens 13c 1rtl tnr doing In larger fowls ( MEATS veal, nreaaea, tne to lie. hogs 8c sna I". big demand for mutton 'b1 fluctuate according to whutk HIDES Green 6c pound, dry hides 12o to 14c, sbeefr to 175c each. ' WOOL Brings 1n to ,1" r mohair 2e to 30o. . DRIKD rRWTS KVBpors--' no and '7c. sun dried 6c, wn" SALT Selling 60o to t 80 lb. ssck. half grounu. 100 lb. sacks. A SN 102 ACRl i. ..... nf hiaCS UW-a ' V at"" v IhiiMUa Din. bottom, ulrv' tlvatloa and balance all I land but la ptar llvlnjr water, 4 room nj and outhouaea, family o D., Phone Creaf Route) to acbool, m miles to X to Hubbard, II mla W Surrounding landa J .... r ... . This Ida - sun; ana on ui. j i sen for only $00 an acf y. and balance at jar era , sa ci I inTTl Near Buapenaloa BriM ( Ccivxc ol r1 f f f 0 r 0 e- '.ft