Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 28, 1911)
MORNINQ ENTERPRISE, TUESDAY, FEHRUARY 28, 1911. MENELIK ALIVE, BUT POWERLESS Dominated by Scheming Em press, Enllshniaa Reports. ABYSSiXIAM REVOLT CERTAIN. Death of Piatsresqus M anarch Signal Far Tribal Uprising la Prediction. Dieease Slowly Killing Unscrupulous Ruler, Wh. la Tanth Hiieoand af Wily Consort. P. alarqusrUt, who. for three year m employed general mining Ul recto- by tbe Emperor Meueiiit of Abyssinia, has Just returned to Kug '. land. Ilia desorltlo of the state of sfaira la Abyssinia Li gloomy. Id an liitervlew h told an amazing story of tha coaditions that prevail ut the court aod tha intrigue for Hwer conducted by the empress. The emperor." he said, 'la certaluly alive d-ille Hie iuhiiv rumors of hi death, but for all practical piiriMxtoa he la dead. Kor very uiaur vein be baa tx-en the victim of no Insidious disease, which has played bavoc wit hit mental faculties. "Menelik at Ilia lest waa rolttll never anything more than a somewhat astute a bo tiffin a I, and unfettered by III health and domestic millstones alioul his aeck be might hare carried through the task of reclaiming the country from savagery. Jiow It la too late. Rsvolt 8eems Certain, "When the emeror dies the major Ity of the tribes In the kingdom will Instinctively rise up In revolt against the Abyssinian sectiou, numbering boat one-tenth of the population, and new form of government will be ea tabUebed. ai any moment Menelik II. may succumb to his malady. He baa been at death a door many time in recent years, aod on each occasion one has gleaned something of the remarkable precautions taken by the empress to remalu one of the dominating powers la the land. TM emperor, a tall, hard faced, but decrepit figure, played his cards very wetf until the empreaa crosaed bla path. She la one of the wiliest women I have ever met Add to her cniinlup the whole gamut of ttnwmpniona de ' " ' vices and yoo will get somewhere uear ao approilmate estimate of the lady's character. Tor diabolical snMlcty the ' emperor cannot compare with her. "He etJH wields sufficient Influence. mainly armed, to carry his polut wIicd occasion arises, but for the rest he is cajoled Into doing the bidding of the empreaa, whose domination Is very hard to explain. Bbe la neither young nor pretty. Menelik Her Tanth Husband. "Before she cast the bewitching spell or Mr dusky personality over the em peror abe bad been married some nine tune, even according to ber own reck ealng. Prom the moment of this singular combination Menellk's power waned. The empreaa gathered around her a coort clique, making ber position-secure, and thenceforth the emperor baa had to pay due regard to the foibles of . hla royal consort In the matter of royal prerogatives.'' r. afarquordt baa a very low opin ion of the morality of the Abyssinian. . The capacity for thieving la the Abyssinian hallmark." he says. "The people thieve from the cradle to the Crave and vary a career of dishonesty with almost every known vice. The king apparently enjoys the privilege of being able to dishonor hla obligations, and the queen Invariably tries to go one better. As nini min. The Green Lamp .A Story for St. Patrick's Day By Clarissa Mackie Copyiiaht by Aatarlcaa Preaa' Asset elation, ml. t Daniel Ielavan sat on the edge of hia bed and elk-ked bla heela la mo notooous rhythm. Beside him on thai counterpane there curled three one-. dollar bills. The wavy mirror above the bureau reflected a baudaome face with worried Hues around eyee and Ups. At last be sighed heavily. "It's the divll'a own luck." be mut tered bitterly, with a contemptuous glance toward the money on the bed- Tomorrow's the I7tb of March and Nellie's birthday, and me with nothing but a meanly three bucks for ber gift when I waa planning to get that -ring with the Hue green stone aud ask ber What's the user II a bumped hi broad shoulders more disconsolately as he recollected bow be bad so carefully planned months ago to buy the emerald ring fcr pretty Nellie Duma, who might be persuaded to wear it in token of their engagement, provided ahe gave him a favorable answer to the question that trembled on bis 11 pa. He bad selected the ring last Octo ber in a Jewelry at ore ' and paid a small deposit on It. but shortly after ward there had come an appeal for help from a relative In the old coun try, and a goodly share of Daniel'a wages bad gone across the water to ease the last days of the aged uncle and finally ' to furnish decent burial when the days were numbered. "She must have something for the day, decided Daniel, recovering hla usual buoyancy. "If Its only a box of candy or the biggest pot of shamrock I can find, and maybe the .one or the other will open the way to say what s got to be said, ring or no ring. Daniel shrugged himself Into an over coat and left the boarding bouse de termined to seek the lower part of the city, where In the vicinity of the big Interested ears. He miw hoard It before, although some of the peopa there seemed familiar with the atorj and Joked about IL "Is that straight r a "led Daulel ot hla neighbor. "Of course." returned the other, gi in ulng. "I'll take a chance on It. then," aald Daniel grimly, aud presently the lamp waa sold to blm for the sum of I1.&U As he wslked out of the shop with the bundle under bis arm a single word floated out after hlui. "Stuugr 1 Out Daulel did not bear It sud wslk ed dowulown with a pleasant -sens of powwMMlng soiuelblug that wa wrapped lu mystery. AH his life fa- bad dwelt aiuoug the most practical people, -and. the bard knocka be had received as he made bis way In the new country had vanquished all tit pretty romantic fancies that at tens every man. woman aud child born oa Grin's tale. A block sway the elevated tralua rat (Jed aud thundered along. All around htm was ths busy hum of traffic, sud. uuaeclug. uuheariug. Daulel Delavan walked along in a dream of fairies aud frleudly glauts, who rombiued to has ten - bla wooing of Nellie Bums and bring It to a happy termination. At the florist shop be awoke loug enough to buy a pot of ebaiurock tied up in green cra paper, aud from thence be proceeded to a confection er's, where be fonud a large bos of candy tied with au emerald greeu rib bon and adorned with abauirock leaves. That finished the S3. The rest of the afteruoou be speut in accumulating some of the neceaasry cleansing materlala with which to brighten the lamp of Aladdin. He de cided to wait until be waS with Nellie Burns before be touched the verdigris. If there was anything In the story the man had told of course there wasn't anything- In it. but Daniel bad beard some mighty queer stories that bore a SPRING MILLINERY. Shapes Are Oemg te 6a Seneible and Saaaming r S fi- . . - ? ..." -4 "Mi THE DAY OF THE TRUMP By M. QUAD Copyright. 1110, by Associated Ut. rai y Trwa. oars or rat mkimi m aisar mats. Small and medium alied nata are te be the approved abaiws In the "prlng and the model Illustrated la s smart representation of the 'prevailing type ef millinery The bat la of Itghi blue brmri straw covered with white dotted mallnea Tiny pink gardenias with their foliage are wreathed about the hat Businsss Wsmsn's Dents. When starting out to earn your own living don't think you kuow it all; there are a few who know very oearly as much aa you do. If your employer tells you a secret min of train the moat ha h.metl for I keep that secret: store It swsy In a lng director to the emperor I develop ed one of his gold fields and showed that It would produce as much as nine ounces of pure gold to the ton. thereby ranking as one of the richest gold centers In tbe world. Lovs of gold is one of hia majesty's weaknesses. I kaTe seen la his treasure bouse jjo fewer than thirty bags of gold, each bag sufficiently capacious to bold a coupls of hundredweight of coal. Debts Are Rapudiated. The gold was probably worth mil lions, bnt Instead of retarding It as a national wealth Menelik, backed by hla wife, perceived a source of dangfr In mining success. Every form of se curity was thereupon destroyed, all compacts dented and there was so end of the matter. Tbe Abyssinian court onjovs the possession of Immensely rich gold fields, but no one will invest a penny for their development, I have deed bearing the emperor's personal seal, bnt the document Is not worth anything beyond what a cnrlo dealer won Id put upon It" ' Mr. Marqnordt la equally severe upon the legal system of Abyssinia, which bo declares Is as vile ss sny thst can be found. He says: "The person accused of theft In branded on the forehead; to be deemed a purveyor of court gossip ends In the ' culprit's tongue being cut out, and ev ery one suspected of having overheard unpleasant truths Is deprived of bis sars. For various accusations, how. the I:IIU. ' I Ui'' -e all alnl tlilsi Aiiul.l.n "IT CAMS AM BAST AS OOCLD SB." warehouse where be worked aa ship ping clerk there was a florist who of fered tempting bargains. It was down on Fourth avenue that ho saw the anctlooeer's flag fluttering in the doorway of an antique shop. The window showed an array of brass snd copper work, oriental goods of ev ery description, among which were several delicate fans with sticks of carved Ivory. One of these beauties might bo purchased with tbo S3, and Nellie could carry tbe dainty toy to tbo ball on St Patrick's night He decided to aak tbo auctioneer to put op the one with greea silken cord and tassels. To Daniel's dismay tho price on tbe fan went up and up. Several keen faced men who examined the fan with knowing eyes contemptuously overbid tho young Irishman's S3, and at last It was sold for SIS. He turned away, disappointed, and was elbowing bis way toward tbe door when the words of tbe auctioneer brought him to a stop. His Imagination was fired snd his soul was filled with a riot of speculation. "Ladles and gentlemen." vociferated the auctioneer, "I now offer you a won derful bargain. Too see before you what? A little battered vessel of brass so covered with verdigris that It Is as green as the fellow who misses buying this bargain at bis own price! What Is It? A lamp, an ancient brass lamp see, here Is ths place for tbo wick which was found In a.Junkrhop 1n the city o Bagdad. Turkey. Tou all re member the story of Aladdin and bis wonderful lamp? Well, this Is said to bo tbe veritable lamp of AladdlnT He beamed down upon the skeptics! up turned fsces of the crowd. No, sirf This is not s gravy boat It la nothing tesa than tbe tamo of Aladdin, and whosoever rubs it hard wUl be attended by those those mys tical beings who granted every wish that young Aladdin desired. "Why don't you rub, It yourself V In quired one skeptic. Tbe auctioneer grinned Impudently. "The reason I don't summon the sDlrit i or mis tamp is necause I'm S mtA ever 111 founded, the punishment may ! bell realise tbo value of the bargain uau ciiuor imiaoning, aeca piiauon, and mn off with it as wsll ss the nsnging- or Rumnf io aestu. I whole shop. Now, gentlemen, who -The cutting out or eyes or tbe am- will give me a bid n Aladdin's lamnr , potation of bands and., feet are also It went op to 60 cents snd staved among tbo barbaric mMes ot meting, there while tho auctioneer delivered A - - n7hi W i m . a a, awsMaaa . t IL Mfcsanajsjiiil lr t " " " " " - " """I iuiuou. ,vUvs uiuS ir that knmffw m nlot WEI fornM hr the Tftlat Of th fttvftit Umn Th atnrv court to bar mo imMtaated." ' of Aladdin waa repeated to Daniel' Arc Yoc a Subscribe to the tf Tho Morvtlno KntOrprloo is to bo as successful aa tho interests of Oregon City desaaad It mast needs have tho support of all. Tho bow dally has big work before ft la boosting Ore r on city and Clackamas County. Tour Mpport moans nor stroagtB rer uowora. Will You Help Bccst yottt own Interests? ror 11 salted tins the Morula BntorprlM will M told to paid la advance aabscrlborf mm follows: .. Br Csrrlar. 1 roar .... ..........,., fS.fft rr nail. i yw..w ....:......... CaM la jrowr asissorasM fwssWaitso. was a stroke of good luck to attend his asking of tho question. Tho next sftemoon was a half boll- day for blm. and be went up to Har lem, with his packages under either arm. lie bad telephoned Nellie of bur coming, and she greeted him at tbo door, ne thought she had never look ed so charming ss she sppesred In hea white dress with a green ribbon twlsf ed around tbe heavy coll of her buu-fc hair. ' "And whatever bave you tlieie. Danny?" she cried when she hud ex claimed over the shamnxk sud the box of ckndy. "It's Alsddln's lamp." wild Daulel solemnly, slowly iinriiHteiiiitK in.', a, . n and exposing you've beard fellow, ehr "Of course." bushed Xellle. et i min ing tbe lamp witli itittrer. "luti ibat all happened hundreds of yenra . yon can't-J-le nie like tint. Danny Delavan. tture. 1 wen t believe your old fairy stories." "There iuIkui le sometlilng In It" returned Daniel dosuedly. "8meUs like oil." an I (Ted Nellie, with ber pretty none, at the aperture. "I mean something In the story, Tho fellow ssld you had to rub. rub hard, and tho genius or whatever you call U would come out and grant every wish." "Do you believe that. Danny V naked Nellie seriously, ber soft black oyoa meeting bis for a confused moment. I'd like to believe It" said Daniel promptly, with a wistful glsnco at tho lamp. "Why?" "Because I want to make soma wishes." "They will come Just as true without the lamp." suggested Nellie skeptically. "Ton needn't try to fool me. Danny Delavan! Yon bought that lamp le- canse It was green and because today Is my birthday aa well as St. Patrick's, and yon know very well you don't be lieve that rubbing It will do the least bit of good so there!" Daniel smiled sheepishly. "It might be something like tbst Nellie, but I was all carried away with tbe story and so beset by bopes 1. wss fool enough to buy tbe lump. I thought I'd go home and rub It snd wish on It I'm a fooir Tou are not!" flared Nellie.-! Ilka yon for having fancies like thst Dan iel. I'll admit I bave a snesking be lief In fairies myself. Now, let us rub tbe lamp and make wishes. Who knows what will happen?" She opened tbe box of paste be bad bought and found a piece of flannel. Tbey sat together on tbe sofa while Nellie solemnly rubbed tbe paste oo the coat of verdigris. Tho spot sbo rubbed grew brighter and brighter. "Now wish!" she sstd suddenly. Daniel grew red and nodded bis besd affirmatively. Nellie , was thoughtful for a moment and then bent seriously to her task. Nothing happened. Suddenly Daniel snatched tbe lamp from her bands and flung It aside. "Itn a big fool." bo said bitterly. "I'm too tongue tied ever to get anything In this world" Nellie blosbed beautifully and stood beside him. "What did you wish. Dan- ay?" sbo ssked softly.. "That you'd marry me," Bashed Danny, whirling around, "What did you wish, Nellie r "That you'd ask mo why. Danny!" Her radiant face was burled on hla shoulder. "It came aa easy ss could be," ho whispered to her after be had related his doubts and fears and tbe loss of tho emerald ring. "Tfs all that blessed old lamp.' sighed Nellie. "Wo will always have that on tbe parlor mantelpiece, and wo will always believe In fairies and giants, won't we. Danny?" "Sure! Becanse If It hadn't been for tho lamp of Aladdin I might not have teen engaged to you this moment." ssld thst hsppy young man. little recess Of your mind and let It tie there until be asks you about It If he doesn't ask you. It wont matter When you enter ao office or business house for tbo first time do etsrtly ss yoo sre told; don't ask too many ques tions: use your eyes snd see what ts to be done. Don't visit with your employer; he doesnt biro yoo to entertain blm; bla wife can do that Bo on time If yoo lose ao srra to do It; get to business oo time sbovs all else, and doo't be two minutes lats Doo't hove friends constantly railing you on tbe telephone; the Instrument wss put Into aa office for business, not for visiting . . Dont think becsnao yoo nave reed somewhere that a man baa ma rr ted his stenographer thst your employer Is going to marry you; sometimes bo to married before yoo ooter his employ Dont think thst because your ea ployer ts sirring st his desk and ap parently doing nothing be wants yoa to talk to him; sometimes bis mind lo oo a wolgbty problem aod be doesot seed your help In planning It out Be pleasant as soon as you step In aide tbe office; nobody waota to know about your own troubles; your time ts not your own now; It betooga to some one else, aod no doesn't biro yon to look gtooeay Bo loyal to tbe smi or womao who employs yow; If yoo know be Is doing wrong doo't censor blm; make as good an Impression on hiss ss you can; one bumao being caaoot Jndgo soother The New Pessswt Waist. Vsry odd and new Is tbo waist Ulna trated of soft fioiabed isffeta la a rich shade of grsu areoox a fBsnlooable color of tho 'sprtasi It at rs OBASM OBSBBV peassnt lines, with tiny battons set tn rows oo front sod sleeves The ar rangement of pin tucks la front givao fullness over tbe boat' aod Is a goodl Idea. 1; FLATTED CLAIWMQNT For K. C. Ward and Now Wants Pay ror mis aervicss. A case filed in Circuit Court Mon day baa to do with tho claim of 8. A D. Hungato against B. C. Ward, for services, tho sum asked Judgment for being 1120. Tho claim made la tho petition la that tho defendant em ployed tho plaintiff and tbea refused, or negieciea, 19 pay I of tha service. ror wnicn juagmsm is ssked. Tho work portormod waa tho sur vey of a part of what la now called Clalrmont, with tbo platting of tha same, lying In tho Caufleld D, L O, Dimlck A DlmJck ara attorney t for plaintiff. -r"'. ' 4 . Crocheted Puree. Hero sre simple dlrsrtdoos for cro cheting s purse with wool or silk. Commence wltlb tblrtj-eeveo chain, always taking throe chain to turn Turn aod work 000 treble la each chain, turn and coodnao tho ssmo Oil yoa have tbe requlrodi length Rsmsav ber thst the work, bao to be doubled from beginning te. sod to . form tw sides When yoo novo tste length desired. start decreasing oao stitch at each end ontll all tbo stitches are done This point forma ths torn over flap. Double the wosk and sow oratlo 00 tho wrong slda. Sara back and sew a patent fastenes to tbo onder side of the lisp, whists fiastsna to tho- purse Itself. If yoa wlao 10 fasten" tho purse around yons seek, fasten yoa thread at one ens of tho purse aod work eighty chis aad attach tho opposite slds - Bwy a brass ring asd double crochet areas It, catching tt Into the eighty roots In tho cento Psas the cord to go around the seek tbrossrh thla rlag aad the parse hi completed Whoa you writs your classified t ad or any kind of an ad try to Include la It Just the Information ' wjvua use 10 ma if yoa were aa s Put Yourself in the Ad-Recders place... ad-rsader and were looking for aa ad of that kind. I If you do tbis-to oven a amall e exteat your ad will brtna- n- a js BUUril . " . J Due eveulnir after aupler hllaa Wlgirs nli-katl un hla hat off the floor BlidT wslkod out of Hie house without a word. . Mrs; Wlgga did not ask where be was going. Hhe knew. Kvery week day night for years snd years Hllaa bad gone down to the vIIIiik I" and gab for two or thrw hour. Kv ery ulgbt be Inquired for ion 1 1 at the poatoAVe, aud every ulght lie received a shake of the bead. On this evening, however, Hllaa did something he bad never done before. He atopied for a moment to look at hla wife and children, aa If bidding them farewell. Mr. Wlggs had come to le forty-eight years old. He bad worked sllhla life. He hadn't broken hla bark at It, but be had done fairly well for a mail who bated work. There were days when he was hoeing com for aome uiie for $1 a day that he got so mad he Jumd up snd dowu aud whoo-d. He want ed to lake life easy, but he couldn't.' He wanted to have a w hole am k of ...... ....1 ihiu, ...... .f i...i. 1 UV'UI MUU IIHW "'UII- V, 1IHIIM Will . of tbo apettt of the family and then go flsblug, but tbe day bad itevrr come. Neither the village pnatofnVe uor the grocery nor tbe drug store saw Silas that eveulng nor for many long even- logs to come. It waa remarked that. something must have happened to him. Something had. On leaving the bouse 'he bad walked lu the oppMlte direction from the village. He bad walked all night snd all tbe next day In fact, he kept on walking until be waa 100 miles swsy. Then he atopjed and got work In a hotel barn for a few weeks. He finally found the Juan ho was looking for. and after several In tervlews with lilm Silas put fifty uiore miles between him snd home. Tlten be sat down In a hamlet In the midst of a rich farming community ami got bla breath. Aa stain sa realed he an-nount-ed himself ss AbllJuh. the proph et. He had come there to warn sin ners snd all others that tbe last trump was about to sound. He- set the dsy for It lo sound. The dste bad been given him In a dream. Silas' hair hung down to his shoul ders, and he had a venerable appesr a nee and a levp voice. No one around there had ever seen a prophet, liat It wssn't long lie-fore everybody wss agreed that Silas al leaar looked llks) one. At first he was Isughed si and ridiculed, but that eeily made him t be- more earnest. He" spoke from the steps of the tsvern, sad bo went from house to house and from farm to farm. ITo spoke to the women sonre than to tbo men. In two weeks bo bod half a a of them with him. Then bo foaad male converts. Thla wss In Msy. Tho last trump wss to sasrad on tho 4th of August. m In four weeks two-thirds of thw pop alatlosj of a county were converts, la six weeks there were only a few oat aiders. Tbo weekly papers scoffed at Silas snsJ Ms dreams snd. predictions, bat he sfhrsjeed them by asking, "How do you know that this thing won't corns to psasT" They didn't know it They couldn't dec Is re It miosslbls. They couldn't sneer at tbe last trump business wtfbowt offending their Chris tian aubaxTthers. It wss the earns with lawyers snif doctors. They Jump ed on Silas to Jump off again. "Tou believe there- Is a heaven, don't you T he would arsa. "Oh, yes." "Ever been theref 1 "Of course not."" ' "Ever see sny one wbo bodf "No." "Then why do- yoo- betleret" "Because tbo Fflnle- says 00." "But It also- says lb ere shall Jadgrneut dsy."" "Tea, bat why on fho 4th of gstr "Why on any dayf- Why awt oa that day as well as snot her?" "If tho Isst trump Is- to smmd what sf our property?" It wfll le destroyed1 with tho Berth. of course," wss the reply. " Tbst salted some, hut ant tho snsjor- ity. All day on the M of August the-coun ty held Its breath. Fkrmer and vil lager pot on clean shirts- amT fd a work, ft wss said thst children' forgot to cry and' thst never a rooster crowed. ITandreds of people set up art that night, going to their dbors nosr ana) then to consult ths heavens. On the-morning of tile 4th rhrro wae gathering on hills and knotts and farewefr shaking or hands, rsonto spoke In- whispers, and husband ansa wives held hands. TV wss so np to r o'clocjc. to noon, to Di Id afternoon, to sundown. Then Silks Wlgg stood os and ssM'to tho poopl around" hltn: "It has not come and we will dis perse, bnt to hold ourselves la readi ness for a week yet. It msy bo that Gabriel has mistaken the dure." Did- they swarm- for hfctnf Did) thor brinsout a ralf and tar and feathers Did' they go to tho courts snd cost Ms fWjnll? Nothing of tbe kind for Slloa Wljtgs. They allowed) that there waa ts mlNtske somewhere but It astgM ba Cfabriel's fault Instead of Mrv Wlggo. a hung around for a week aad tfeoa withdrew by daylight, aa aa bones msn should, ne sold ho weald dream again and try and have tbo thing eoaso off on time. Silas hasn't worked any stneo. Ha doesn't have tot. Fits share of tbe plun der permits Mm to go ashing all tha tlmov aad ho aover e. oasis hosso empty hsuadsd. bo a Aa- ASHH. foot, PARTY. Qlrls of tha Congraaatlonsl Sunday , -School Giving Boys Hard Chats. t Tho girls of tha Congregational Sun. dy school, who aro In a contest with ths boys In aa effort to raise funds for ths new Sunday school piano, an nounce that they will hold aa April rool part on tho first day of April They announce It thla early ao that their friends may know In time and put this data on their calendars for tho benefit of tho girls. These Con gregational girls ara certainly "op and doing" and tho bora will need to tlr themselves If they art to win. wV btiittosciibep To tSae-K B A I L IF The ESoaing EntegjwSse .j Is to be as successful as the inter ests of jOregon City demands it must needs have the the support of all. The new daily has a big work before it in boosting Oregon viry ana iiaclcaniiSa, County. Your support means more strength for the' work. Will You Help U Boost Your Own Interests? Fjt a limited time the Morning Enterprise will be sold to paid ia -advance subscribers as follows: By catiict, t year $300 By mail, t vcat 2.00 &nd in Your Wmi and Remi&nce