Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 28, 1911)
"'MOltMMr WfcM'KI!-,. "UKSDAT FEHKUARY!28,1911 Wouldn't Pay It A bbr Article- t Nor a proposition ef doubtful ,daya, ara DISCRIMINATING. OINUlNt .thing, genu'" esoriiiniisB. Any srtlcls Which can be (old by advsrtlalng la, by that teat, a OOOO article. YOU art Mfa In bvylrn a thing which haa "stood ( Iha flr of publicity." . ' . j Th maksr of a widely advertleed 'artlela, or commodity at; iriya on trial for hie buelnesa life. He cannot ahlrhVor cheapen Ma product and thle le the beat possible protection for the consumer. ; You are SAFE In buying advertised thlnga H'e the . loglo of .rfavs bualnaae conditions. n0WO7 WW , Tt--rt7T - i The RIcago Store " . ; . - Pays the highest prices for Second Hand Clothes : : : WE BUY AND SELL Second hand clothes : ::: 405 Main St. PHONK MAIN 3731 LOCAL BRIETS . '.I -.1 l-u. .- TOO H'',n l7 '" uthhpi- (4 tbtlr new rhurrh on tbe hill Bun day with appropriate ceremonies. Kryl)dy la raising bread from ur Royal Ann J1our wa ought to be raising the price $115 per Back, at Harrla' awry. ; . W. A Ftnley, lecturer of the Nation al AiaortHtlon Audobon Societies, ta oa the schedule to speak at tbe High school forum on wedneaqay or inia week. ' . J Wednesday la the evening for tbe , rsmilar 4n.t.tlng of Council, and aa tbr In mtich arheduled for that oo eulun It l likely to be a mooting wlik much of Intereat connected with It. ' I Quslltr lalka and our October cherse has a pleaalng way of aaylng. -buy more." 20e per pound at Herrie" Grocery Mr tend. Mra. Clifford L. Zlegler Sunday afternoon entertained Mr. and Mra. E. J. Htblegel and Mr. and Mra. j A. C. ! and two daughter. The party cam out fftim Portland In Mr. grhlrgvl a marbtne. 0-t a can of asparagus tlpe and atalka It's deltrloua. 20c per can at Harri' Ororery. . The 1 o'cVm k car on the O. W. P. In from Portiaad ran over a dog at Ninth street and cut off bla leg. No one Mag oa hand to claim him and care for aia Oftleer cooae eno we eaimai to pal It out of in I aery. Tbe boy a of the Daptlat church were guadiy given notice that there la to be a lioya' Scout Club organised In the Dear future, the data to be named u soon aa a few detalla can be ar ranged. At the communion aervlce In the Baptist rhurch next Sunday there will be 30 membera preaent to receive the right hand of fellowahlp. An effort la making to have a full attendance of the membership of tbe church, There are aeveral casea' of meaete at Mountain View, among thoee being afflicted are the two children of Fran cla Quinn. and the children of Mra. Newman. Mra. Newman la also one caia In Oregon City. ' Rv. C. D. Hyaom and aon, C. B. EDectnc Tlaeatrc Tuesday, Wednesday arid Thursd ''J? r 0 1 ' . , v." ' ' V () J nilDAY-. AD SAOAY, ft 1 $1. to Advertise merit er honesty for ad-reedsrs. TKay knew valuee they knew ui Oregon City Hyaom, who left about a week ago for Eastern Oregon, and accompanied by tbe latter a young eon, have been detained on account of the latter hav ing come down with meaalea. (lood Freab Applea are Scarce, but our Kvaporated Applea taale like the fresh. 10c a pound at llarrla' Grocery. Fire Hose Company No. 4, of Moun tain View; will bold a apeclal meeting In the Company'a headquartera Wed neaday evening, at 7: SO o clock, when Important bualneaa will be brought up for dlacuaalon. . Madlaon Brown, aon of R. M, C. Ilrown, of Wyoming, and a cattleman of that State, baa arrived In Oregon City for a visit. He went to Portland to remain during the day, returning to tola city laat night. Nfra. Anna Davie and two children, who have been vlalt Ing the former'a parent, Mr. and Mra. J. II.. Baty-ot Mountain View, returned to their home In Portland on Sunday accom panied by Mra. Baty, who will vlalt In Portland for a few daya. V The drill for boring wella recently purrhaaed by Rivera it McGregor, of the Went Bide, le at work on the pro perly of I). C. Latourette. A well waa recently atarted by theae men, but the drill waa broken, and another had to be procured. Harvey Rverhart and mother, Mra. Rverhartr of Molalla, arrived In Ore gnu City on Baturday. vlaltlng at the home of the latter'a eon. George Ever, hart of Hood atreet. Mra. Bverbart will remain In 'thle city for a week, but her aon returned home Sunday evening. . , In order that there may be a full at tendance of memhera at the prayer meeting In the Baptlat church tbla week Thuraday evening every per son la requested to atudy the aubject, "The Blind Man'a Creed," and then go prepared to give one reason for the creed. Prof.'B. P8tout haa been engaged to pome to Oregon City for a three-day meeting at tbe Uaptlat church and the meetlnga will begin Monday, March G. The plan la to have gospel meet lnga every evening that - week, with Prof. Stont In attendance three daya, at leaat. The Brotherhood committee of tbe 4 4 HASLAM'S OWN SKETCH, Congregational organisation, bavins In charge the banquet to be held Tues day. March 1, will meet at the borne of H. , T. AvIhod,. prealdeot of the Brotherhood, Wedneeday evening to complete liana fr the banquet neit weak. I'liDa In band Indicate that Ihla will he one of the moat enjoyable meetings aver bald. PEOPLE POINTED OUT, Mr, A. A. Price made a bualneaa trip to Portland Monday. Mra. Francla paold. of Portland, waa In Oregog City Monday. Albert Kate a waa a Portland visitor Sunday afternoon. Mra. Clint Rutherford and aon, Will lam, apent Sunday In Portland with frteuda. "Mr. Uancroft, of Portland, la In Ore gon City vlaltlng with Mr. and Mra. Duaiie Ely. . . Dr. Murdy, ot.Canby, a dentist or that city, waa vlaltlng with frlenda In Oregon C)y Saturday. Milton Noble, who haa been on the alrk Hal for tbe paat week, la able to be around again. - MUa Sedonla Shaw apent Saturday and Sunday at St. Johna, the gueat of Mlaa Bertha Koerner. Mr. Alexander Taylor, of Gladtld Ing,' wae among the Oregon City bual neaa vtaiiora Monday, Mlsa Letba Jackson went to Came Sunday where she visited with Mr. and Mra. Charlea Spaiigler. Mr. and Mra. Rudolph Koerner, of St. Johna, were In Oregon City vlalt lng with frlenda Bunday. Mra. T. C. Rice, of Jennluga Lodge, and Mra. Sarah Varney, of Portland, were In Oregon City on Monday. Mr. W. J. Gordon, fdrmerly of thla city, but later of Canny and Tillamook, haa accepted a position with a print ing plant In Portland. Mr. Claire Gordon, of Canby, waa In Oregon City Sunday, a gueat ac the home of Mr. and Mra. L. J. Lageaon, of Twelfth and Main atreeta. , Mlsa Nellfo Swafford. who haa been 111 with the grip for aeveral daya, waa able to resume her poaltlon with (he Water Collector, EL H. Cooper. . Mr. Out flchuebet. one of the orom- inciit farmera of Shubel, waa In Ore-' gon City Saturday, and waa accom panied by bla daughter. Mlaa Scbuebel. Mrs. Agnea Silver, after 'vlaltlng with her alater, Mra. Roy Wilkinson for aeveral daya at Vancouver, Wash., returned to Oregon City yeeterday morning. Mr. and Mra.. Chester Mulro" and two children. Glenn and Virginia. apent Sunday In Oregon City, the guests or Mrs. Mulre aiater, Mra. a. K. Frost, or Seventh and Madlaon atreeta. Mr. Bruce Wllmot and family ar rived home Mondav. morn I oa from Southern California where they have kun antoiirnlna since Beotember laat. and again took up their residence In Gladstone. Meaara. C. T. Toote and W. M. Wmtth-were-ontt-t'nion-! ill StinJay taking a blrd'a eye view of certain uwttona of that country witn a view to annexing It to the many choice pieces of farm land which they have on their Hat for Belling. Mra. Emma hnHoy, of Ooldendale, returned to her home after vlaltlng with her parentar Mr. and Mra. O. H. Vanlloy, of Mountain View. Mlaa Van Hoy la In the millinery bualneaa at Ooldendale and while here aha pur rhaaed a atock of erooda at Portland. Mr. Harvey Croee went to The Dal lea rrlday and remained with hi family until Monday. Mra. Croaa and the children are looking forward with pleaaure to the time when they may return to the family home In Glad atone, which It la aald la not far off. Mr. D. Ouenther. of thla city, went to Shubel on Bunday, whereTie Tlalted with bla parenta, Mr. and Mra. Will lam Ouenther, who have been ill for the paat two weeka. Tbe former waa called home In the afternoon, hia daughter having taken 111 during hia abaence. Mr. O. K. Freytag, of Oladatone, left Monday night for Walla Walla, Wash., where he went to attend the conven tion of tbe Fruit Growere' Aaaodatlon ay ; LE ROY OSBORN Musical Comedy Company , MONDAY nd TUESDAY The lion Nexf Door i By W. R. Siegfried (copyright) i f ' : : ' CAST... r Philip Melville So near and :1 yet eo far W. R. Siegfried ' 'Jack Wlatar (who make moat 7 " of the trouble) Cliff Laneaater Mary (a lady who aoruba and ' talka) Margaret Doyle Conatance Parker (engaged . to Melville) Mamie Haalam' Opening Chorua. .'. , , . . .Choru . ! ,.Jo- Easy, Mabel, Clifford Lan-, 'f" 1 ' ' caater. ' i Red Head Margurate Doyle Let M Have a Kla Until . Tomorrow. Cora Haalam . - Final . lEJntlre Company Entire Change ot pro- , gram Tuesday . THE USUAL KUMF P5CTLT1S , , "A CLOSE CALL BSJgBBjgas-gg of tbe North weat. going aa a repre aenlatlre from tbe Oregon City Fruit io:ice Union, In Clackamaa iv. Tbe r nventon wlU eonvenc la Walla Walla today. r- vV. C Green and aon, Clyde, went to Portland laat night, where ty attended a farewell party at tbe home of Mra. Sarah Boylan given la honor of Mra. George lloyUn, ho luavce for her home at Redmond, Ore gon, the latter part of thla week. Mre, lioylan baa been tbe gueat of ber daugbtera, Mra. W. C. Green and Mra. Uyd Wllllama, for three montba. Mr. Elmer Lanklna, who baa been connected with the Willamette Pulp & Paper Company for the paat 20 years, baa realgned, and will take harge of tbe farm of O. B. Dlmlck, near Aurora. Mr. Lankln'a resigna tion will take place Saturday evening, and he wlIIiuove hia family to the farm the following week. Tbe Dlmlck farm la one of tbe beat. In Clackamaa county. Benton County frultmen Combine. CORVALLI8, Or., Feb. 27. At a meeting of tbe Benton county fruit growere In tbe Commercial Club room, plan were made for an aaao datlon almllar to the Hood River com bination, and a committee waa ap pointed to draw up artlclea of Incor poration. Tbla ta the first movement made by fruit men of thla part of the valley toward organization, and It waa brought about by the unstable condi tion of the market and tbe refusal of numerous email growera and farmers to comply .with tbe requirement of the Insecticide, law. It waa ahown that while Benton county growere were getting only SO and 75 centa a box for choice applea, Llan county waa get ting 11.76 and upwarda for the same quality. , 1 Raising Turkeya. Turkey hen produce auch a limited number of egga that It le scarcely neo eeaary to bring Into use the Incubator for their hatching, aa the hena them aelvee can take care of all they lay. Moreover, the fact that tbe turkey hena are almost Indispenaable to the aucceaaful rearing of the poult makea it an absolute necessity that they should hatch acme of their egg, ao aa to induce them to brood tbe poulta Field and Farm. . parental Tactica. -4 1 A worried parent ia aomeUhlea obliged to do eomethlng like thla: "Pa, what la a tranacendentaliat?v "Have you chained up tbe dog.'aa I told you?" "Not yet, pa." "Well do that, and when you come back I will tell you what a transcendentaltat la." While Bobby, waa gone hia astute par ent dug the needed Information Out of a dictionary. BlnnlnghamAge-Her-aid. . A New York lawyer who haa acted aa administrator of an estate valued at 17600 haa finally turned over $750 to the helra. He probably gave them that amount for tbe purpoee of allow ing them that be waa no hog. IT WON'T C O ST-YCU A CEN Come and aee thoae beautiful Shirt Walata in Holmes' Window. The Amerieen Wosiia. ' The moat spoiled women la tbe world are tbe American women. No one dl patea this, oot even the Amartcao wo man hereett 8be accepts It with com placency. But are ' tbe grounda for ber com placaory JuatlflaWeT ts It to ber cred it that the man spends bis last dollar that she may be Indulged; that abe Occupies tbe poaltlon of a Spoiled oar ttnf rat ber than aa helpmeet and com panlon; that ber days vacillate be tween rest cures and a mad search for excitement? ' Are not tbe Amerk-ao men responsi ble for this helpless attitude of the American woman T Hare they not In tbetr desire to guard women ' from every pin prick realty crippled them and spoiled their efficiency ss asslstsnt burden bearers Tbeattitode of the American woman has become definitely Mvoloua. She wastes ber abundant vitality on thing not worth wblls; she bends her keen mentality upon tbe attainment of so cial prestige, with Its endlees and life destroying competition: she recklessly spa ber strength fa a hundred InerV factual waya " .- But her ambition la frivolous, bar energy spasmodic, and tbe expression of both Is rotlle. because the objecta upon which tbey are spent are not worth while. Why not give ber In Bight and ber vitality to tbe men of ber family In their etru-glt for suc cess 'And let ber mnks of society a relaxation, "not an object; let ber use It as a graceful ornamentation, but not as a foundation Who la to blame for ao unjuat a alt nation? Both. Tbs American man be cause be foolishly shields the woman from every wind that blows, making of ber a fragile orchid of botbouae beauty when abe should be s hardy garden rose. And the Woman ta to blame for shutting her eyee to life's serloua aspect.-for chasing butterflies In the fair rnrdena of convention day In and day out. when abe mljtht be climbing, aide by aMe. with tbe man to the high mountain top In tbe land of flhe achievement Qood Things to Know. In preparlnB grapefruit for the table if you will roll tbe fruit before cutting you will find that It la Improved. It not onlz, maaea tbe fruit more Juicy, but loosens the pulp and gives It a far better flavor. A convenient broom "holder ta made In thla way. Take a aquare'of cloth a little larger than will cover tbe brush of tbe broonvi Put a hem an Inch wide In each end and run a tape or at ring In eecb hem thea all that la needed td have a broom cover la to lay elotb ever the broom, draw tbe atiing at each end and tie. If all the reserve rorka are too large for tbe bottle try. soaking one la hot water, . it. will go eaaliy into tbe-bot tie snd leave no apace tor air to gat In Before hemming heavy table llnea rub hem with dry white soap and nee dlO will go through more readily Try putting lemon Juice on rust spots and then applying- a bot iron If rust does not disappear try again. Ooed to Live My. .' . There Is only one, way to get reedy for Immortality, and that la to love this life sod live It aa bravery and faith fully and cheerfully aa we can. Henry fan Dyke. . , . MONUMf NT FUND BALU j Dance WIH Take Place In Suae Hall . Saturday Evening. .The el volunteer Are com pan lea ire b?Mn4 a benefit ball for the pro vd flremm'e monument fund. The ffilr will take place In Buacb' new ball Saturday evening, March II, and In borate arrangemente are being made. There are committeemen from every oomnany connected with the plan to bnlld a splendid monument to the voluteer Bremen and there I every reason to believe that the peo ple of Oregon City will co-operate with tbe fire laddiee to make tbe first grand ball a auccesa In every r aspect. Two Indian Boye picked Up. Two fnlllAn hv vrninv ittAm tmm Hie Indian achoo) at Cbemawa, drifted Into the city Monday evening and were nicked tin hv Ofrtrar CnnUa They were given a night lodging at the city police atatlon and communica tion will be opened with the achool toda yto determine what la to be done wun mem. CORRESPONDENCE RCEOLAND. Grip 1 the order of the day aa near ly every family haa one or more alck. A. S. Allen got hurt with tbe atump puller a few day ago but la improv ing. Allison Allen waa kicked on the face by a young colt and bad aeveral atltchea taken. Dr. Mount ia waiting on him.' Mlaa Ada Brock came home from Oladatone very alck today. W. C. Paine will bare a raising bee March 22nd, building a houae. Some partlea from Portland have bought tbe eaat half of Neat Smltb'a old place, and are building a houae. Gravel ia being hauled for the new bridge at Fisher mill. Robert Baber, of Idaho, la vlaltlng hi parent. Mr. and Mr. Jamea Ba ber. Tbe I. O. O. F. will give a hard tlmea social the first Saturday evening In March. All are Invited to wear your. old dadtr and come. The ladlea will give a hard tlmea aupper; the Red land braae band will play and there 111 be a program. . All are Invited. ' CANBY. y . 8. K. Brune stopped 1 at Canby on hia way to Oregon City, where he went to transact bualneaa. , Prl Coleman made a bualness trip to Portland Baturday of last week on bualneaa. Charles Terry made a bualneaa trip to Oregon City February 25. He In- tends to spend several daya there. We are glad to note ttat Howard Eccles, who baa been kept In during the paat week with the meaaies, is again able to be about Carl Smith made a bualneaa trip to the city Saturday by way of Oregon City. A debate between tbe rartpiace Hlab achool and the Canby High achoo! will take place next Friday ev ening at Parkplace. The Canby achool Meaartrf Is to be represented by Ralph Mandervllle, -George Berg, and Mlsa Mabel KenKnight A base ball team ia being organised ia the High school, which will Join the County Ueague of High schools. ' Mr. Haln. aouth of Canby, haa a nine year old orange tree with more than a dozen fine orangea ripening upon It. It la a beautiful eight Mr. Walker, son-in-law or J. L To-Day Afternoon and Eveiang the Deluge For powerful ecenic effecta, thrilling magnificence and strong characterisation with ev ery detail of historical anti quity, thla portrayal haa no com parison. . Thla la a Biblical drama per formed 3317 years 8. C, s pic ture of the destruction of the world by a flood. THE GRAND . "FOR GOOD PICTURES" 5-room house and barn, new, cor nor lot 60x100 feet, Fall View; flna view 11100 8-roora house with bath room,' , ' etc., gooa conauion, luin sua A itn striata rtrnimn Cttv. .11350 Small payment down, balance month ly paymenta like rent good bargains, JOHN W. LODER, Owner. . Stayena Bldg. . Oregon City, Ore. To Whom It May Concern I am jgolng to clean up or 'destroy the dlaeaaed fruit tree a of 6regon City and want the co-operation of everyone Interacted. , You , may . get apraylng done by C. L. McQhaney, Fourth and iaekaen. or by Clark s. Fuge, Eighth and Folk street. Thoae negleetlng or refusing to do the work will be com pel led 'to do eo, ' Anyone Intereeted please communicate with. A. -I. Lewie, Fruit , Inspector Clackamaa County, Oregon City, Route No. I. 1 THE PEOP.I - MASONIC TEMPLE SUILDINO If you are looking for qu ' a a : f t . you can certainty una 11 but absolutely first class Cloarenco Sale of Ladloa' Cultm Our entire stock of Ladies' Suits from such well known makers as the "Wooltex", "La Voinie" and "Printzess" to be closed out regardless of cost as we need the room for our new goods. , Combs, made his father-in-law and family a vlalt tbe last of the week. Mr. Walker la employed by the. Ar mour packing Company, of Seattle, and came to take bla wife and Infant aughter home with him. leslle Newton, who la attending Willamette University at Salem, spent Sunday with hia parenta. Leelie re ports that he la enjoying hia achool work very much. , Tbe regular aervlcea in the M. E. church Sunday were well attended. Rev. C. U Creeay, tbe pastor, preached on "Prayer" In the morning aervlce, at tbe close of which . the doors of the church were open to re ceive new membera. Avon Jesse unit ed with tbe church at this service. The pastor and Avon Jesse sang a beautiful duet at this service. .The subject for the evening service waa "Our Dependence on God." The Jun ior and Epworth Leagues were also well attended and the Men's Union prayer meeting at t o'clock led by Mr. Fisher, waa an Interesting: service. Next Sundsy this meeting will be held at the Norwegian church. REAL ESTATE. Tbe following transfers of real es tate were filled yesterday In the of fice of County Recorder Williams: Paul and Mary E. Dunn to Florence J. Fieldhouse, 5 acres, aectlon 2, town ship 2 aouth, range 4 eaat; $500. Paul and Mary E. ' Dunn to Allde B. Culy, 5 acrea. section 2, township 2 south, rsnge 4 east; 1500.' John H. and Rosaline Gibson to H. D. Crary, tract 24, Gibson's subdivision of tracts 10, 11. 12 snd 13, and west 480 feet of tract a 1 and 2, Logua Tracta; $1060. . Bafah A. and William Bowlln to Tiieckla Bright lot 4, aectlon 26, town ahlp 2 south, range i I -east, 2.07 acres; Fred Schneider to Anna Goertler, south " "6 lot 3rTloctl J," BarloWs Hirst addition to Barlow; $175. George B. Guthrie to E. T. Allen, tract 4. Elk Rock Villas; $10. i William T, Peabody to S. B. Berg, lota 7 ana 8. dioce i, uariow; siv. Samuel B. and Gena Berg to Ber nard J. Berg and Jamea M. Ertckaon, lota 7 and a. block 1, Barlow; $2. Jane and George Newton to Oluf Benson, land In Barlow; $1500. Frances Peloid to Robert Bur b northwest quarter of southwest smar ter, section 8, township ( aouth, range S eaat 40 acrea; $500. Frank Pasold to Robert Burch, southwest quarter of southwest quar- '.er, aectlon g, townahlp 6 aouth, range I eaat, 40 acres; $500. W. 8. and Elisabeth A. King to G. G. Parman, lota 1 and 23, block S, Shaw'a firat addition to Oregon City; II. Wants; For Sale; Etc Kotioes under these classified headlna will be Inserted at one cent a word, nrsl trmertion. hslf a ernt additional Inser tions. One tnoh card. IS per month; hall ln-h card. M lines) tl per month. f-h mint ippftmninv order unless on hss an open account with the. paper. No financial responsibility for errors; whert errors occur free corrected notice Will a minted for patron. Minimum cram ik WANTED. WANTED A first class organizer for Oregon City; big money for hustler; nn other need simly. Address U. C. S. 228 Ablngton Bldg., Portland, Oregon. . FOR AtE. FOR SALE House, two lots, tent on frame and other imnrovements. Price $250. Rev. Harvey Buck, Nob Hill, Oregon city. for SALE Snaca in this column Sell that old plow or harrow; yon don t use it since you purcnaaea your new one. FOR SALE Rare bargain, 60 adre farm, $125 per acre, actually worth $200 per acre; only 2 milea from Oregon City; suitable for eubaivis Ion. Need the money and must sell two-thirds clear. Haynes, 426 Eaat Harrtaon Street Portland. FOR RENT. ONE MODERN 7-room bouse for rent one half block from Main atreet Inquire 219 Thirteenth street FOR RENT Rooms in the Gambrinus block, the Electric Hotel Annex, at , reasonable rates. For particulars Inquire of J. J. Tobln, at the Elec tric Hotel. These rooms hav-e the latest conveniences, witn steam heat, electric lights, and the choice rooms have running water, both hot and cold. . ' - tl LOST. LOST In Oregon City Saturday, Feb ruary 25, between Pope'a Store and . Tanr's butcher whop, small brown purse, containing $30 in gold and possibly some allver. Reward -for return to First National Bank of Oregon City, . ' s TEACHER OF MUSIC a H. DOUGLAS, Violin Tescher; vis Its or reoelvee pupils, 60c a lesson, one hour. -J20 Jefferson St., Ore- ; gon Clty. iji i.; a ;J i;:,-f- v rt BUILDER AND CONTRACTOR. IIARRY JONES Builder and General Contractor. Estlmatss cheerfull Ilk t . . i GUSrGTOnG ality as well as low prices here. We offer nothing goods. Cloaranco Caia of f.Jen'a CuHa Our line of Men's Suits are from1 such houses as the Stein Block Co. and A. Kirshbaum Co. -This in itself is a guarantee of the quality. Your choice of any suit $ .7,00- ,, tlil ': given on all classes ' of bnlldlng work, concrete walk and reinforced concrete. Res. phono Mala 11L MONEY TO LOAN. MONET LOANED We are acquaint ed wits the value of all farm land la Clackamaa County and can loss your money on good aafe security. Farm loana made one, two and three years at 7 per cant Abstract a of title examined. DIMiCK DIMICX, Lawyers,. Aadreeen Blds, Oregon City, Oregon. ATTORNEYS. O. D. EBT. Attoroer-at-Law. Money loaned, abstracts furnished, land titles examined, eetatee settled, gen- eral law bualneaa Over Bank of Oregon City. U'REN A 8CHUEBEU Attorneyat- Law, Deutscher Advokat, will prac tice In all court a, make collections aad settlements. Office In Enter prise Bldg Oregon City, Orsgou- ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. V. R. HYDE, Abstract Office Land titles Investigated, conveyan cing, notary public. Critics (raraT OKPETOS COPY Room 7, Barclay Bld, Oregon City. DENTISTS. DR. L. G. ICE. DENTIST Rooms 4, f and Beaver building. Mala St, Oregon City. Phones: Home A-198 and Pacific Statea 122L REAL ESTATE. 7S acre tract good land, no rocks, a miles from Oregon City, 1ft miles from O. W. P. car Una. Good fruit land. Cut Into 7 and 14 acre tracta, $100 to $225 per acre. Enquire of D. K. Bill A Co., Room t. Beaver Bldg., Oregon Cltv.' " E. H. COOPER, For Firs Insurant and Real Estate. Let as aandls your properties we buy, sell and exchange. Office in Eaterprlee Bldgu, Oregon City, Oregon. ... FRETTAG aV SWAFFORD, ' Real Es tate Dealers, bar choice) bargains in farm lands, city and nbtrrhaa homes, good fruit lands aad poultry ranches. 8ee -as for good buys Near 8. P. depot If yon can make bid ; ' to deliver In a reasonable time : A I piling ' with 10 inca to. not lose than 45 feet long, peeled or anpeelad. delivered Portland, Call oa or phona ' B. C. Dye, 8th and Main.' Both Pbonea. SECOND HAND FURNITURE. MANT ,TIME3 you can buy Just the-. . article you want )uat aa good a new, at a email fraction of the coat of new, if you go and sea TO UNO, the second hand man.' Hia colleo-1 tlon contain New and Second Hand. etc. See him; it cost nothing to Inquire. - PLEASE NOTICE. . ay . i . v. y To Introduce . The Morning 4 Enterprise Into a largo major .wa . vivsvu . City and. Clackamaa county the e management baa . decided to make a special price for the dally issue,' for a short Urns only, where the subscriber ear w a year ta advane.-' By carrier, paid a year la advance, M.Os). . 't w a By mall, aald a year la ad- vance, $1.00. . , . People who cava our canvas- aer a trial aubacriptloa tor on 4 or mora month, at tea cent a week, can have the dally dellv- - ered for a year for $3.00 by paying a year In advance. - People who gave our canvas- - aer a trial subscription, by 4 mall, for four months at a dot- ' lar, may have the paper for a year for $100, if paid a year la . advaaee- ... a Subscribers to the Weekly e - Eatersrieo- may caasn their d aubacriptloa to ther s e celvlna credit for half time oa 4 wytha dally that the weekly Is e paid fa advance. When they ' choose to add cash to the sd-. 4 vane payment equal to a fall e year's advance pay aa sat they 4 . v may take advaatage of the $1 e' rate. ; . . , ..1IU t, , ... e ' W make thla apeclal price it ao that Tfoplm who have v-W e In advaaco oa asm other eWly 4 and wlaa to Uke the Morales a. i I.., Mi. . . . i . . . w 'P,miiii, an ug BO wlUBSJtK W w too craat expense. . a -. ' , '" . v e