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About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 28, 1911)
2 - - MORNING ENTERPRISE, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1911. - - ' m..w i .. -- . i li mm ii i i. i i i - I . T . Tfc i-f---4"-' '. ' ' ' ".(;. . noRriira. ENTERPRISE - jasocsr-crrr, Oregon E. t. BRODItVEdltoe and Publish, "Entered aa aecond-rlaaa matter Jan . Mary 8. 1(11. at tha post oflfc at Oroa CI l, Oregon, under th Art of March - a, I tit." -4 .... iiM'J I i i ii i i ,icog TtMS sr suscnrmN. On Tear, by mail . . "Is Month, be atall .114 Few Moat as.. ; rn wee. r ;; ;t l AivtiTOws um T Flral Paae. par moa nrt Insertion rtrat Pan. par IncJi added Inaartiona. .lc J. Prefm. j poattloa anjr page, par inch flmt Insertion : It Preferred position any pa. per tarh added Iraertloaa lc . Run paper othrr tbaa flrat pa-, par tasoh flrat Insert to lie adc papar ether tha flrat aaca. dot tech lord Inaartiona Sc Local le prr Una; to rrn!r atfrer tlaer c Una. Want. For Bala. To Rant. ete. on rant a word ftrat tne.-tlon; oae-batf cant . .each additional Rata for advert tarn In the Waakty Enterprise WIU ba th sane a la tha dally, tor sJvartieemenr art eapeciaUy for tha weekly. 1 Wr-er tha advertisement la tranaftnad fraca th dally to th work hr. wit haul chance, lb rat will a B aa Inch for rua of tha paper, aad 1 aa men for special poaltlo. ' Cash ahould accompany order where party Is unknown la business afrtca of tha Enterprise. LaJ advert lain ai legal' advertising sie. Clrcua advertlatng and apeclal transient adrarthrtnK at lee to 1 9c an Inch, accord -wut to apeclal condition governing the Flr Sale" and Bankrupt Sale" adver tisement! Jfie Inch flret Inaertlon; addi tional Inaertlnna aarae matter Me Inch. New Itrma and well wrtt'en articles of marlt. with Interest to local reader, will be aiadly accepts. Rejected manu arista never returned unleee accompan-. tod by atamoe to prepay poataca. CITY OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER. klrt what, th matter with dlacu Be ing taft aa of two yards of materials tor womea's rVM whr on would do? There are. sections la th world whr vomea ar aot buadl with ao man varda of atuff aa hr. and tbara la aa much virtu aa on caa find her, tt ta not tha yarda of atuff a woman weara that adda to her virtue, but tha dignity and grace with which aha weara It And with ao many other who need tha wanted good for new dresseaand thoe burdened with tha additional yarda suffering wher they might say self sad mak others hap- py, why bav we not a gooo auoct for tha atudy of thoao who wish to do 'good? Reform In dreaa would mean great good tha world oer. Can possible iha hobble and tha harem klrt hare a mission In railing atten tion to other lla heald thamaelyea a WAGE ADVANCEMENT AT MILLS. The announcement made In thla morning's Enterprise that tha paper mills have posted bulletins giving no tice of an advance In wares will be received with pleasure by many. The advance, by a conservative estimate, will mean the payment of $75,000 a year more wages to employea without an increase In hours. It meana that men who have be-n receiving $1.75 a day will now receive 12. and In" Ilka proportion in many other departments. The action taken by tha ownera and officials ts In the face of th fact that aa matters terminated at Salem It would be Impossible to fore th mills to do anything In that line within the next two years were th mill opera tive Inclined to be stubborn. But in Interesting Families; Royal Russian and Italian Children rr 0? A CaBla 1 .;iT-;?.'. A nearh Ire In Mlaanuri .hwt It. ! he face of the fact that ther was no I bloom luat in tim. tr. k.. . i....-'! vssibillty of forcing their hand In anow atorm com along and knock th. that--Urn th adranc baa been toI- bloasoms off. ' untarily made, and the employea will a.e, ' begin to receive the benefits March 1. Thla condition ts to obtain In all Report la brought to thla country that President Dias would make' peace his ' wtth th rebels. Iant Dias and reign enough to make rebels? - . Even poor Frisco had a noticeable anow fall Sunday, the flrat In thirty year. Aa attempt of nature to clean p ta city la tim for th big Expoal tioa. - . i Taft welgha more In pounds than Grorer Clevelsnd and yet he la having as much trouble In altUng hard and fast on his Congress a th other big fallow did. three mills and further plana are aald to be under consideration, to be put Into effect as thos In charge see that , th time is ripe and th company' i officials can them out. .. find - the tim to work KBJD are picture f two interesting group of children, those belong ing t to royal. families of Italy and .Russia. In each family there la but one boy. a proportion that la not pleasing to a king anxious -for hla direct aeecendant to succeed him ss Tutor. Caar Nicholas II. f Russia waa particularly unfortunate la being th father of four pretty girls before a eon cam to bleea hla borne and prepare to Jake hla place. The first f hla daughters waa Olga. born In 1. Then came Tatjana, bora in 197; Marl, bora la 1800, and Anastssl. born In 1901. With four daughters and bo son the hope of the caar and of all Ruaala were at a low ebb when, ou Aug. 12, 11)04. the Caarvtch Alexia waa born, sad the hopea of those not In direct line of the descent of the crow a wr cast down. King Victor Em manuel 111. of Italy waa married In 1HM to Princes Helen of Montenegro. Their first duughter. Prince lolande, waa bora' la 1WU;' Princess Mafalda wss born In I'.kC; then came Prince Humbert, the heir apiwrent, born HepL 15, 1904. and the Prim-ess Qlovanna, bora la 1907. - f In only three preceding yeara have ''enda present for the festivities of the losses . from Are in the United tb occasion. Frank Buach and hla States and Canada been heavier than cloBe musical frlenda furnished the In mo. on of Jhea being th year nusle for tb occasion. of th great Chicago fire and the other Tn money made In tb effort was that of the earthaualta and fire in San for the use of the McLouchlin Hnm Francisco. Th aggregate laat year rond. which Is for the beautifying and I Samson. reached the enormous -sum of $?34,- maintaining or th old McLoughlln 470.650. an excess of more than 130,- Pum n seveain street. 000.000 over the lossea of 1909. gun, and ah parties hail from Ell wood. Constable Drown wont to Port land to make the arreat. It being charged that the accused had. fled for a aaf hiding place. Trial will be had oa Tuesday at 10 a, m., bfor Justice MARRIAGE LICENSES. BILL AT ELECTRIC. 'EUGENE - BARBER - MISSING- ; The Jape are aald to b happy to , think that Taft pushed that treaty through with auch expedition. But then, Taft tan't running for a second term in Japan, aa he will find when th votes are counted. . - With the activity that la on among th local churches over Boys' Brigades and Brotherhoods there ought to, be some good recruiting of church mem bership In this city within the next twelvemonth. , , There are many both in Canada and .America who don't want to see reci procity; but while many of them .can convince themselves that they don't .- want It w doabt If ther are any con siderable number who have th mat- ImT aa thnrnnrhlv MwmmtA , k ran . ' 8t" Vn, Ppl. dv. Social . Dane Mooday Evening. SL John'a Young People's Club gave HOBBLE AND HAREM SKIRTS. I00 ' tn. social dances for which While there is so mnch dlacii.rior, ' 'Bat ocitr. becoming noted In abowt the Vobhl .Mr .nx th. v. CUughnn hall Monday evening. wun a large number of members and Give Our Children A Chance tb Play. License to marry waa Issued Mnn Wife Lets Him Have $1750 and Lat-Idar to Alice Perrett and George H. ter Disappears. luicKiora.- EUGEXE, Or., February 26. (Spe cial.) Overcome by the, alght of "al that gob of money." O. R. Carrol, a barber of thla place, baa disappeared with $1750 which hla wife had Intrust- One Italian Accuses Another. L. Kimedno waa arreated Saturday on the charge of larceny by bailee, the accusation belnc nlacad aealnat ed to him to purchase a little ten-acre I him by D. Madonna, both being Ital hom where be could abandon the rax-1 tana. - Th chant la the steaiia nt or for the. rake and th ahears for tha prunlng-hook. Carrol and hla wife had agreed to purchase a tract from a realty firm here and the deeds and abstracts were already, made ont Mrs. Carrol, who was the banker of the family, gave him $1600 with which to pay -for the land and $150 for tb purchase of a horse with which to till It. This was several daya ago, and he baa not been seen sine. ' HAVE FINE TIME. I Crowded Houses Great tha Players Two r Three Times a Day. "The Maa Next poor" will be tbe bill at the. Electric Theatre Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday nlghta. Thla play la by W. R. Siegfried, who takes the part of Philip Melville, (ao near and yet ao far.) The play Is filled with many Interesting scenes, and will no doubt capture th audience. Th remainder of tb cast Is mad up aa follows: .." Jack Wlatar," (who make moat of tha trouble) Cliff Lancaster; "Mary." (a lady who scrubs and talka) Margaret Doyle: "Ooaetanc rarker. (engaged to. Melville) Maml llaalam, Th mualcal numbers will consist of "Go Kaay Ma be." Clifford Lanoatr; "Red Head." Margurat Doyle; "Let M Have a Kiss Until Tomorrow,' Cora llaalam. with two selections from th chorus. Th company la making good, and drawing large rrowda, and arrange- mnta have been mad with th Man agr to bav th company remain here for another week. On Friday and Saturday. "A Cloae Call." Maml Has. lama own aketrh. will be th altrac - KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS - Attend Church at tha Baptist Church en Sunday Evening. The Kntgbta of Pythlaa attended religious services In a body at th Baptlat church Sunday evening. Th order met In Woodmen hall at o'clock and marched to th church In a body where they war addrvaeed by Rev. Ilayworth, th paator, on tb topic, "Moral and Religious Character of Oeorge Washington, i ner waa a large turnout and th address waa wall received. Sotxlal muale had been provided for th occasion. POULTRY DONTS AND 60'S. e Learned In the School of Experience By a Chicken Raiser. Dont expect to reap a big poultry harveat without hard work and eon stant attention, Don't breed fro in the general flock comuoaed of good, bad ana loamereni hena. Do, If possible, bav a breeding pn. If you arc unsbl to get pur bred stock, select your beat hena. a doaen of them. aay. and put In a breeding pen with a vigorous, early hatched cockerel. Hena are better than pulleta for breeding, and cockerels ar preferred to old blrda. Do hatch all the chickens you can In ADrll. It is th Ideal month to make fall and winter layers. DO try to rals enough pullets so you will not need to keep over any of your present Block of,hna except ing enough for breeders. Tha money from winter eggs la moatly la th pulleta. Don't allow your chlckena to b un comfortable from lice. . Don't let them have diseased legs. If the lege and feet have a crumbly look, anotnt with equal parte kerosene and lard. Ddo't art your hena where th other hena will lay In their neat. Have some building or room devoted to the aettlng hena Remov tb "cluck" to her neat after dark and cover her or abut her oa th neat for a day, and she will generally giv no trouble. Food, water, grit and dual bath ahould b kept In thla room so that th aet tlng hena may help themaelvea as they Ilk. Do dual th hena avral tlmea while aettlng, with some good ' lice powder, la order that ther ahall b no He to go . onto th little chlcka whaa they are hatched, aa well aa for th comfort of the hens. Do keep your hen house clean and free from mliea. Do plant a patch of kale bear your hen house and let th hena run la ll Securities ;j which you buy way go up r -own, hut y. can ahaaya dspsnd vary dollar you .apal In eur y8, , ' ,h ' ha a dollar plus th ntara It arn. wl" wiyi Your principal will always b available, which aannot k. . forma ;f Investment ' k,Ml-l( )Thc Bank of Otecon Qty a a IJkTOURBrTTal rrsl4at. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK of OREGON OTV , OREGON CAPITAL, 101000.00, tranaaeu a 0eral Banking Bulnee, not only thru th summer but alas In th winter when th weather good, You will be surprised amount they will eat. Don't naglect to cut a few heads of It and give your chlckena when they ar snut up. Do provide guod scratch ahed whar your flock may b shut In when tb weather la atormy, Don't let your chickens do much wading In the cold mud la winter time If you wish winter egga. And do let ua try to rals enough chickens to supply our own Stat with eggs and poultry) Tlklckens thrive la Oregon and ' we certainly hav tb finest of markets. . : M. N. D. it ala better prices for glV)d ,,777 at lb th.r. I. m. or n . W atock at any prlc. 'rt" " about Xm i t. . . rnw Ja ------ - v in tK)I nk r ehole, rtclvin, . ,, , Offering, ar lcht herafe " rKria large offering. 1 "uniry yet and a f.w -1 - buyers -,.. blddlft, J5 for them but no Z I aatlafUd or the buvwrat It Is the Duty of the State or City to Give It. 1 . A! I j By JANE ADDAMt of Hull Hniu, Cbieas. Youth Must : Have ! What; Youth Enjoys. WE WOULD NOT SEE OUR CHILDREN BECOME CRlMINALS ti.ouLLARDS WE MUST GIVE THEM A CHANCE TO PLAY. NOR MUST SUCH A VITALLY IMPORTANT DUTY BE LEFT TO INDIVIDUAL INITIATIVE. THE STATE. THE MUNICIPALITY, MUST MAKE ,T THEIR BUSINESS TO GIVE T" Y0UNQ THE JOY THAT YOUTH DEMANDS. V- It 'geetn. to me that wi nae not one"Foblem, but manj, si im v portant. We hav to consider the HEALTH OF THE CHILD f bif. EDUCATION, his MORAL WELFARE, hiaTpicS FOR ENJOYMENT and many other things. When we .L pli5h.tnoet -we aimplj do onr beat with each phase of the question that oalront is. e . , ttlr'ij. ,". :iJ-&i&lW7 nd quality of reereation to our young people is one of our most pring" Jutfeal Vwafd them ' - " l.'V,1,,,i., f fiP'1 -whMor from their fellow, .OyfrW W the-tfoMt deairfJdratiture - The eity offer. the adventurous children ,NOTHINQVt,TO 8ATISFY TnFTR '-DESIRE FOR PLEASURE, nothing 'which will allow them' to cneriRh mid feed theip ardent determination to conqner the' world and - rkeflj better'-on92'- VV T, - J il Sxiuie-a' cbidrt'n go ottt-aud GET I3TTO TROUBLE or else " . they stay in their poor hotmes and. . factories nnl turn into gtupid ' duHarda, all initiative, iFfrS.ltamped Wt of them. ' WE HAVE THE LEADER OP THE JUVENILE GANG OR THE . POOR PLODDER IN THE SHOP, WHEN WITH A .BETTER CONC1P Ji TION 6ilJ CIVIC DUTY WE- HcuLD HavV A?HAPP "mlthV , BOY OR GIRL, DESTINED TO.MCOM., yHtLM CITIZEN. The Kind That STANDS OUT GLOSSY ' HANDSOME STATIONERY " Our New Slcel Die Embossing Marhine IS TIIE THING Oregon City ENTERPRISE la the front rank of the ART PRESERVATIVE PRINTING . BOOKBINDING LOOSE-LEAr SYSTEMS - Ha. , j I th coualry-vet and 'I fa?Jf?" ouiald bur.ra S well 1 -wm. MiiaiKMi or lb buyer, fcsT Manv-ar hoidin . Iz"."""! higher tbaa th mark.t and iM? ers cannot ahla In a.f,t,r S PPS1 P"7 hmn ' UmL) than local; muat have to Im? waatev by those who are IUaT" . VEQarrADUCSUiii, CH. laat report; onlona ar a lltuT.T n prlr but other vegetabiaTiaa-! about th aam. Onlona iu. Z? and carrot 76 to l ,,, 2jL!J2? to !. aark. rabt.age , FLO tin ANDORAlNnowltHi. n change si no laat qaoutloeaJZ,! Rour IS IS and hard b tfeuT higher; oats t2S to tort ZZ 11.85 to S1.7S hundred. aaortiT? barley paying lt taM Z I "- wni. nnii in price b a.1 our Home .Z:! " UBUB) BBJ BjaJ lest ther drop lower, ftvlilat k Kh land fl0. - . HAY leMa bt har In eot(nM being offered freely no; . weak. With winter-past faratrim. to aell market baa broka i conaequeno. i KOi ifl prleea are allirtalai i to and local delra are Mrlna u dota. . I UUTTER In country batter a. market Is demoratl(d & and 25c, aod the variattoa h auk: la aa wld aa the irk. Crwar rommanda S0o to 35c and k) baa demand. . POULTRY Price ar Mar higher and th demand at I bring leer rooaira lie, ror and mixed chlckena IM ta lie M ing doing la larger fowl. MEATH Vjaal, drraaad, U krlaki 10c to lie. hogs Ic and lOtnli big demand for motto rAar mm fluctunt according to Vam oflt HIDES lreen &e pouaLMni dry hide lie to He, het pan I to 78 each. - 1 WOOLr-Brlngs Iflc to UK a, mohair tie to lOo. I DRIED FRUITS Kvaportlalaf Cc and 7c, sun dried 5c, praaakt 6c. - ' SALT Belling 60c to 7k Ml B0 lb. sack, half ground Mi Ik I 100 lb. aacka. Correct and Artiitic Decoration at Moderate Coit. Kesry Boscb Cczpsdy's well Pc:3rs aw Tarh . CMMg For the iraaoe al Nior- lren-lrvr rrprrami the beat th Wot Id aftorda aeete aw miimiIm artm Taw m aa tUtlM pin anas . - aaeml aw4 M iMim Wh. tll mwe laiai ILL ,, i a fox m' imi LATEST MARKETS Portland Market. The receipt a on to market for th week ending today ar aa followa Cattle 1997. calvea 63, hoga 1009, abeep 6011 and horse 6. On of tb features of th week waa the . atrength of tb cattle market. prime bay fed ateers bringing 6.75 ana price ranging around 6 for med urn graaea. Buyera war rvady to buy and every thing cleaned up at eat lafactory prices, Th cow market waa steady but receipt a war var light Calvea war In a minor! tv and quamy or inoae oirereo waa not good Tb bog market waa In BDlendld condition. Scarcity of receipts and airong demand account for paid. Only A SNAP 102 ACRES 101 acres of black loaa. huf Pudding River bottom, 66 acrailr tlvatlon and balance all goal a land but In paator and timber. 6 llvlna- water. 4 room hona. t kr and outhouaea, family orckaritl D.. Phone Creaf Route. on-lf nrl... to school, iu mile to Aaronla' 2 car were sold on th M Hubbard, 16 miles to OmtsC AND OTHER ILLS OF TMl ( , ' , , .... . . .i. ' an AT TUB open market, on bringing ii.60 and I Surrounding landa areaalllafd th other, well finished atuff weighing ItlWlfcd.'On up. Tbla la a aaag t 206, f8.76. Ralnpc of the receipt U for only 160 an acre, P")' was coniracieo Eastern atock. I ana oaianc at per cent D nt. ln . V. . L ,, .... I ,Vi. ... ma minp una were Bllll . . - eay large but prlcea aeem to bars found a F P Fl I IflTT & 5-.. level at the following quotations: Ltlelelvl I "i Good grain fed lambe $5.60 to $6J6, Near Suapenalo Bridge, 0r 5 wptner neavy f 60 to 1.75, yearlings ", ewrs J 0O lO ff .00. I f;' Everything waa cleaned up and ship- UuTB YOlir nilGUlM-' ucrm aermra aaiiaiiea. In the bora market demand contin ued good for draftera with an In creased market for delivery and driv ing boraea. Following aalea are representative: 243 aleer 119 . i tk ...1166 6.36 ,,.1053 6.00 ... 931 6.16 . . 136 7.60 396 6.00 6.76 ,4.60 6.36 . THB 6.26 4.75 4.00 6.85 4.76 4.60 4.00 8.75 8.60 75 ateera . 196 ateers C3 steers , , 5 calves . 22 cslres . 0 stags .. 4 bulls ... 28 cows .'. 17 cows ... 24 heifers 47 cows ;, 404 lambs ,, 676 wethers . 627 yearling 920 awes .'. . 88 hogs ........ 106 ho.s , . . . 6 draft horses .... S driving horses . . 10 chunks ,,,-,.,, ... mil, , , , . ....1270 ...1327 ....1057 .1016 , 720 . 950 ........ 81 ........ J26 '. f M .ii,...l'.tl05 J06 187 A.,. $250.00 ...U2100 76.00 HOT LAKE Sanatotitso (The rtou'sa of Eflelaeef . Oregon City Market. Tha general mark! t.n.n.. 1. downward, in certain Inatances yery uiarsea nq m otnerg because of a lack of supnly tending upward, bnt When th averass la dency Is downward. APPLES Oood aonlaa are tn a. mand yet and th prlc Is towards 1. 1 . ..; , oregon-washinct: Railroad &Navlt: S.lli'ronod-trip tlckt.W1' months, allowing m wJ ,; accommodation at tha Tlatn. at Portland aa4. - O.-W. R. A N. SUtfe - - Fr fnrthr Information J'r, . tratd booklot, addreai i P- f i Pb. Medical SupL and Lake, Oregon, any 0.-w. : Acnt, or writ to 5 I' ' rWlw-fMaMUSS ; ., , , aen.ral raaaeMai ' . PORTLAND. .... v .. DO YOU VAWT f ANYTHING ... c Try the Ciassifed Coloaia'of MORNING ENTERPItf 3000 Rit Dally - - ,