T :...i.i.a a tha Mornlna ...in ka mia hiJ fa at The nly dally wsa . lateo In every eeetlen of Clack- mee County, with a population of tween Portland and Balm; lrov 90,000, Are ye a advertleerf nr, u a iniii" - - A rat. , " ? a -.1 bnM f low, iriM. VOfi. 1 No. 44 OREGON CITY, OREGON, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1911. Per Week, 10 Cento 'MS BY WEST- ARE CRITICISED -,n IDENTICAL SILLS, INTRO T w - - - LfcuCED BY Dirr-artarcr wan, TREATED DIFFERENTLY, AIDCEMENI USD IKE CUM Mi of Blila for Consideration, t"le Tf u But Errora Ar Too Glaring to So All of Judgment 1 HAIJOM. Or., Tub. 27 8pl.) A ha ainoKa i in iiuih iwmf kir ili r' sre evidences tbat Govar- L.r Wi-xi waa nut disinterested Id tho CinT f hi vetoes. That tbsre wero Ln lu'uaiirro that ehould have boon ktdwd all will aumii. out inai m uao i th am by ibo uovornur was done fiihout li cannot bo eald by tboao ho have Klvrn tho question study. There arc those who nave begun to arr i hit tho Governor vetoed not CronliiiK to Judgment but la accord Nib I'ui'x biaa or personal apito or a- - . kterrat Till la tbo only conclusion bo tan arrivo at wno nas aiuaiea too HI. thai were kinea eiong wim tnoao bu b "'' perqimrw. m any turuuau. Two hill that woro almoat Identl- kl, currlnn different ooctlona of tbo lit ami introaucea oy one mia Meodly and ono unfriendly, bavo been blued according to tho altitude of tbo bvernor. la tho charge mad. Taklna it all In all tho roto acllvi- Va of ho Governor have" boon very appointing to tboao who did not it a mean, of aocurmg tne signs- kr of the Governor. , MAY CHIEFS ARE SATISFIED WITH RATE ILL NOT PROTEST FURTHER, CtINC THAT PROTEST WAS INJURJNQ BUSINESS. NEW YORK. Feb. 27. 8pl. Rail- thief a jhv woro out apokoa In At crUtclam of tbo Railway Corn- Ion fur rafualng to pormlt an ad- ico la roigbt rat, aro aoolng a v li$t and ar now aatlaOod tbo Jaioo aa a rigntooua ono. A r"D'ral confaronoo, that u to held it a Indignation protoat, baa a flvf-o up bocauo tbo big railway ta lout Interoat In It. Tbo big men that It la poaalblo to make money It la and that adrorao critlclam la not. doing bualnoaa any good. EldHT INDIANS KILLED. M CtHaln Tboy Woro Guilty, Cer tainly Not Children. nil) Tbrro wa a running fight iar hfro bntweea 21 men who came kB a hand of II Bboahonoa charged hh killing four wealthy Nerada bcknvn in Northern Waaboo county Janimrr 19. Eight Indiana, Includ- g two Hquawa fcnd two children, and fo white men wero killed. The In- an women fought bravely by tho Be of their huabanda. Not certain W Indlnn wero guilty. SENATE TIED UP- bo Senator rfant Thlr Own Way and Are Stubborn. ' WASHINGTON. Fob. 17. (8pl.) kilty wanta a vote on tho Lorlmer Ue and Cummin wanta ono on tbo klff board. Neither wtabod to yield id an. the Senate waa throvn Into an Idurahrn teat. Tbla brought about toiKht aeaalon and tho end la atlll In )ubt. CHOLERA AT HONOLULU. t " Franelaco Wont Raeolvo Vala Without Proper Pa para. HONOUTMT. Feb. t7-(8pl.) fur more death from cholera hare rcorred In tho lalanda. at tho quaran- datlnn. Thla makea a total ox 4eth. Ban Franelaco baa notl- d uilpDlng that It muit bavo auar in narwr or bo aubJect to ouar- 'ina at that port. J Frott Doing Polio Duty. ncer b. r. Qroen waa enjoying a ret Monday and Jack Froat on fluty in hla place for tho night. fl tl rMr)Artiarir traofdiaaty L. . ' ... , . . C na?e just received a Urge fpmtnt direct from the f C- Vnf th. .l.u TrttlVJ 7 vt the celebrated JOriN STPTQOM Tk-Murdu- One of the featuree of tno C 1 olilN Alia 1 ne. ... .n b. tn excellent muslo, LAMETTE HATS f it de xatuMrAorJrJ& by the John B. Stetson Co. ff ... I mm delphia. Hats that have r u usi I"" "TW i ttamp ol style and char- Mer. Don't fall to see them. 'mim a tf JB30 tbCS?0 to tXCLUSIV. CLOTHIERS . Net Like Others M and Main St. ' 'or, THE LOOKS LIKE RUNAWAY SUSPICION AROUSED THAT TWO ST. JOHNS OIRLS MAY HAVE PASSEO THIS WAY. Boye walking along tbo Southern Pacific tracka at Flfioenth atroet In thla city found a bundle of clothing and a large Imitation mOrocco purae. tho purao being drawn under tho rail at that polnL Tho package contained a black aklrt, two palra of tan ahoea and a pair of low black onea and tho purao contained two palra of black gloves,' silk handkerchief, curling iron .and in tie thing of that charac ter. Tho package waa torn open aa If It had been broken by a fall or elao car ried so long that It waa broken open with handling. By tho aid of th klrt were two card, each having a meaaago written on tho back. Tho card waa a bualneaa card and bore tho Inaciiptlon of 'Moore'a Toggery, St. Johna. Oregon." Tho meaaagea wero aa folio we: ALMA: Hero aro a few thlnga I hope you can use; with love. ELLA." "ALMA: I forgot my rubber on tho back porch; you can have them. MINNIE." In the purao waa a entailer pure having three centa In change, and In good condition. There waa a label taken from a package of good deliv ered from tho Mel or A Frank Co.'a tore. It waa addreaed, 'Mr. B. 8. Moore, 140 North Sixteenth atroet. corner Hoyt. It waa marked "Clerk H, Packer IS." . Thla had been torn from tbo package and aeemeo to no retained In tho purao aa a memoran dum. When delivered to Chlrf of Police Shaw ho made a cursory examination but could glvo no solution to tbo mys tery. He had been .given no notifica tion of any elopment, and had not boen requeated to apprehend any girl who had escaped from an Institution In this locality. . That they may have been a pair of runaway girls from St. Johna waa aurmlsed but the police have not been aaked to apprehend any. If there have been any attempta oi tbo young Inmates of tho St. Agnes Homo to leave tbo institution no one will give any Information In the mat ter. Chief Shaw haa bla eyea open for any solution to the mystery, BIG SOCIAL EVENT by mm. ELKS DATE SET FOR SATURDAY, APRIL 42, AND PLANS ARE AL READY UNDER WAY. Ono of the aoclal evonta of the sea- aon wui DO me rn amu w uaj by the Order of Klka at the Busch L.H - . .ail Tka Mtiawsl AAMtPAlr. u composed of Henry O Malley, W. B. Howell. John Adams, and oub- commltteea will he .appointed at a "5 of ?!!" J WttKtS II iu vim imw - . BvUd- pwl1 f' f, Cst to return the ueta to their homea Portland. entertains gypsies. The Punetlon Waa of tha Character e . ikwtr. and waa Vary Pleaaant Mlaa Bdltb Cheney, whoao marriage Mr MtV PortUnd, will be aol- ?&VZrtt The affair waa In the form of a ahow- and Mlaa Cheney waa j)reem SUBSTANCE AND THE SHADOW. ' . -N:S " '- . r- with many useful artlclee. Refresh meuta were served to the following during tbo evening. Mia CIs Pratt, Mlsa Bess Kelly. Miss Helen Daulton, Miss fleas Daul ton. Mlaa Ethel Cheney. Vrs. M. IX Ijuourette, Mrs. C, If. Melssner, Mrs. Wslter Wells. Tbo affair was given In Portland at th home of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. B. Dodson, where the hostess Is at present residing. Tho evening waa devoted to Five Hundred and the prise -waa won by Mlaa Besa Kelly. TWO GOOD SPEAKERS. The Congregational Brotherhood Meet Nat Tuday Offer Much. Tuesdsy, March 7, a certain to prove a rod letter date In the Congre gational Brotherhood calendar. There are, two speakers of note Invited for the occasion, one promised and the other promised eondltlonaL- In case both are present each will be given an abundant opportunity to Bay what be haa to aay; in caao but one can get here ho will be asked to stretch a point In making a talk to those pres ent They are Gov. West and Vice President Lewis, of the National Brotherhood. "Plan to hear them." la the advice of members of thla Brotherhood. EVANS HAS A RECORD THAT IS NOT SAVORY BOY CHARGED WITH STEALING HORSE GIVEN ROUGH HAND LING IN JUVENILE COURT. Saturday's issue of the Morning Enterprise contained an account of the arrest of Melbourne Evana, on the charge of stealing. When taken to Portland to answer to the charge In the Juvenile Court, trouble broke out among officers of the court aa to whom had custody over the boy and In the scramble the boy was given considers bio rough handling. Melbourne Evans, the boy over whom the fight started, was arrested by Mr. Krurn at Maxburg, near Ore gon City. He had rented a saddle horse from the Portland Riding Acade my, and started out for Eastern Ore gon with the avowed purpose of be coming a cowboy. He rode from Port land to Origon City, and struck out east from there. Krum overtook him before he had left Clackamas county, Although he la only 14, Evana has a criminal record. He was charged on February II laat year with obtaining 11.25 from II. Gordon's newa eland through false pretenses. He was ad Judged a delinquent boy and aubae auently paroled. In April of laat year he waa arreated, charged with having atolen a bat worth 230 from Hoffman's Ostrich Plume Company, Ho haa lived with hla parenta, at 632 Market atreet. MADE SPLENDID ADDRESS. Larg Attendance of Cltlaone and Fair Attenaance aoiair soy. There waa a large attendance at tha aervlce In the M. E. church Sun day evening, at which time Judge J. U. Campbell made the addreaa of the evening. The boy a of co. o, o N. Q.. attended tn a body, but aa the K. P.'a also attended aervlce at the Bantlat on the aamo evening, and some young men belong to both or ders, the attendance waa not aa large by tho soldier boys aa If conditions had been different. Judge Campbell ' spoke on "Wash ington u a Thinker." and hla address waa one having much In It of especial Interest to alh Several young men have remarked concerning the helpful nature of the address, how th pre sentation of the thought of th speak er had led thenrto atop and eon aider aa to whether or. not they wore get ting all out of life la a temporal way and not to look towarda tho aplrltnal that It waa possible to do. And sev eral fathers of half grown boye and young men have remarked on how glad they wore that their aona had been preeent to hear the addreaa SURPRISE FRIENDS; THEY WED THURSDAY FORMER OREGON CITY RESIDENT TAKES TO HIMSELF A WIFE FROM PORTLAND'S LASSIES. Surprising her Portland relativea aa well as friends. Mlsa Jessie Hurley, of th Rose City, boarded the 8alem Electric Thursday, and waa married Thursday evening to Gordon Moo res In Salem. Mr. Moore haa been as sistant chief clerk la the House of Representative during the Legisla ture. Although th wedding took place Thursday, the fact was not made public until Saturday. . Mias Hurley is the daughter of Mrs. Mary Hurley, Is a graduate of the Uni versity of Oregon, member of the Gamma Phi Beta sorority, and last year took post-graduate work at Goucher College for Women tn Bait! mor. Moore la a aon of Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Moore, who are on their way to New Orleana. Ho was graduated from the ptate University In 1909, is a mem ber of the Kappa Sigma fraternity, and a prominent football man. At one time he was a resident of Oregon City, being In the land office when It waa maintained here by the U. 8. Gov. ernment. His Oregon City friends ex tend eongratulatlona. , DEBATERS GO TO E8TACADA. Oregon City and Ettacada High Will Hold Contt in Latter City.- . The young people In th local Hlgb school participated tn a debet at the Hlkh school Monday afternoon, the subject under discussion being, "Re solved. That Immigration 8hould be Further Restricted.'' The affirmative waa represented by Waldo Caufleld, Eva Alldredge, Eheula Bchuebel and Echo 8 pence: the negative by Louise Huntley, Cor Us Andrewa, .Marlon Mon ey and Haxel Tooze. Both aldea made a good abowlng and the leaders are said to have made moat excellent talka. - The debate Monday was to familiarise the partici pants with the subject ana tne won and from this number there will be three chosen to go to Est a cad a on Fri day of this week, where this aamo aub Ject will be debated by teama rrom the two schools represented. Those who "will represent the Oregon City Hlah school will be chosen thla morn ing from among the number that de bated Friday. Bargains In REAL ESTATE 2' acre tract In Clackama Halght. 'a re tract on Mail Hill. I Block. Improved good S-room house, 1Cx24 barn, city water, on Sixteenth Strt Corner lot on Twelfth and Jffrson. Both troto Improved. Good S-room house. II lots on Seventeenth at root. Corner bu(n lot on Sixteenth atreet Lota In Gladstone and a few on Fern Ridge. Large lot In West Side Addition. Prloeo reasonsble. Term to suit pur. . i ehaeer. T. L. Ch&TGL&a. CITY DRUG STORE WAGES INCREASED N PAPER MILLS FOURTEEN PER CENT RAISE VOLUNTARILY GRANTED BY THREE COMPANIES. ' IS NEW SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE TOMORROW Minimum Seal Will Be 2 Pr Day and Rat Means Additional Disbursements of About $75,000. B. T. MeBaln, assistant trees- urer of the Willamette Pulp A Paper Co.. statoa laat night that tbo Increase In wages In tho three big paper companies would amount to 75,000 per year, which Is a great increase In the Oregon City payroll. All L75 .men will receive $2, and the shift men who have been receiving 22 will average $2.28. going on the hourly basis, which means that on the day shifts of 11 dours tbe wage will be $2.09 per day, and on the night shift of 12 hours the scale will be $2.37. The various Oregon City paper mills will, this morning, voluntarily put Into effect a scale of wages higher than ever before paid on this. Coast for like employment, notwithstanding the fact that their competitors In other statea on the Coast and in the Middle West are paying less In every depart ment than the rate heretofore In ef fect amount to. The manager of the Willamette Company states that hla people have been working out many plane In thla connection, among tbem being a Home Building Association and an Immense general merchandise store, but as tbe merchants of the city through their associations will no doubt do every thing within their power to bring about honest dealing, weights and measures, upon the part of a few who In the past are stated to have raised prices whenever the men have re ceived higher wagea; he has atated to the Enterprise representative that nothing will be done In the laat men tioned matter, at Ira at for the present, although auch a proposition, he claims, would save considerable to the Company's employee. Thla new scale of wage amounts tn many Instances, especially to the low er paid help, to an Increase ofover 14 per cent and will bring Joy to the homes of many families. - The men can oe depended upon to show their appreciation of tho efforts made In their behalf for more efficient and manly fellows cannot be found In any other paper milling district, and the managers of all the mills here are of one voice when It come to recommending their employes for hon esty, fairmlndednesa, sobriety anJ high moral character. Besides this the nature of their work keeps tbem In proper trim at all times for most any kind of athletics. Sickness, there fore, very seldom bothers those reg ularly employed, a very good sign, al so, of proper sanitary conditions In and about the nlanta here, and It is renorted that there are a number of the shift employee who are willing to prove their physical condition by meeting In the squared circle or on the mat. In the morning after the long ahlft, those who have Been fit to atate that they are on tne verge oi mo grave. The hours of labor and shift work will. In future, be 11 hours days and 12 hours nights, and, as all will be paid on an hourly basis all will be happy. With this scale or wages ano with the work being done and already completed for the prevention of acci dents, the mills In Oregon City, not withstanding the unsatisfactory adver tising our city and county received during tho last legislature are, accord ing to the reports of the Labor Com missioner, In better shape than ever and -the conditions satisfactory to ev en the most exacting. The Commercial Club, In all Ha lit erature, contlnuea to recommend the mills, and rightly, to people looking West for opportunities In the way of employment, and It will not be long before the effects of proper and truth ful data regarding conditions here will correct the wrong Impression given the public generally In other sections. May our Industries live long and pros per. BASKET SOCIAL GIVEN BY THE LOCAL LODGE THE MODERN BROTHERHOOD OF AMERICA HAS VERY PLEASANT ' TIME MONDAY EVENING." Oregon City Lodge No. 2974, Modern Brotherhood of America, gave a bas ket aoclal laat night at Willamette Hall, that waa a decided success. A stirring address was delivered by State Manager' Applegate and the time waa pleasantly passed In games and dancing. The lodge waa organised February 2, of thla year, and ha already a Urge membership, being an Ineuranc and accident Indemnity fraternity. Tho committee In charge waa com posed of Mesdame B. F. 8hohan and Christina Boltman, Mia Malda Sack, and Messrs. John Pac and A. S. Fuller. SMITH VS. ROBERTS. Two Local Wrestler Will Go on the Mst at Milwaukl. Friends of Auk Smith, tbe Canemah wrestler, have succeeded In making a match for him with Bid Roberts, of Miiwsume, and tbe date set la Wed neaday evening, March 1. The match will bo called ajfi:30, and aa both are In good condition there ought to be a lively time. Smith la the champion up thla way and haa never yet been thrown sloe be trained and went upon tho mat. Roberta la aald to be a husky young ster who baa been putting them all on their backa down Milwaukl way. Both, aro ambltloua to break Into big ger company so that the match la very apt to be with vigor from the call of tlm. . Tbe match will be th first two fall out of three. The two Smith young sters will go on In a friendly bout for a preliminary. : ATTACKS PRESIDENT. Senator Bourne Make Fre With Charges In Senat. WASHINGTON. Feb. 27. (Spl.) Senator Bourne tonight openly charged President Tart with using public patronage In an effort to In timidate members of Congress. And while hla remarks In the Senate were accepted by those present aa an at tack on the President still no one arose to make reply. DEATH FROM MEASLES TAKES MOTHER AWAY CALLED SUDDENLY FROM THIS LIFE AT AN EARLY HOUR SUNDAY MORNING. Mrs. Lillian Verweyat died at 9 o'clock Sunday morning at the family Home, btgnth and Monroe streets, Oregon City, after a two weeks' ni nes. Death waa due to measlea. fol lowed by congestion of the lungs. Some of her children had been af flicted wfth meaales for several weeks. and the mother was In constant at tendance, but did not call In medical aid, being of the Christian Science faith. Last Friday she was prevailed upon to call a physician, but Mrs. Ver- weyst, who bad contracted the disease while nursing her children, was be yond human aklll. She Is survived by a husband and Ave children, the eldest being 14 years and tbe youngest 4V years. They are Myrtle. Edith, Dorothy, Martin and Theresa. ' Funeral will be held from the home today at-9:30 a; m.. with burial In Mountain View cemetery. Mr. Verweyat Is a member of the Yoncalla, Or., lodge of Independent Order of Odd Fellows. People of the Christian Science faith aay that the children all recov ered, and were given treatment by them , only, and that the mother's death was due to other causes than rrom lack of medical aid. Don't breed from, late pullets and eockerela. A PENNY SAVED IS THAT'S WHY SO MANY PEOPLE LIVE IN CLAIRIYIONT Living cheap tax low water free savings large. There are many advantages and, privileges afforded the owner of a Clalrmont acreage tract that cannot be obtained In tho city. Ask us about them. W. F. SCHOOLEY & CO. Both Phone. o404oooooeoo4o4ooo40Tfieo4oeoo4oooo4ooeo m Lots f Beautiful Residence Section In WEST OREGON CITY Near Suspension Bridge. Prices Will Shortly Advance. R. W. BAK AGENT ' 2 end 3 Mcsosic Bids.,1 WORK OF IMPROO JEFFERSON STREET PROPERTY HOLDERS NOT ALL AGREED AS TO WHAT SHOULD - BE DONE. . ' ' The work of Improving Jefferson street Is under way and excavating Is going on at the Intersection with Sev enth street near tbe Presbyterian church. 1 he street Is to b Inaeroved from Third atreet on th south to Twelfth treet on the north. At Seventh street there la a deep cut to make and when the City Engi neer planned it the purpose was to run the street on a level from Eighth to Ninth and make a raise In running from Eighth to tbe alley to the south of two feet and a half. Thla would require a flll-ln In front of W. A. Whlte'a realdence to which he ob jects. Mr. White aay that th thing to do la to run on th level from Eighth to Ninth atreet, aa now planned, and than drop to th Seventh atreet level by an easy grade. But to raise t feet to the alley between Eighth and Seventh Just to get a chance to drop further In running to Seventh, he can not aee good and sufficient reason for. Why make the raise when there mnst bo a drop to get to Seventh, and the more you rats the more you must drop? It Is said that those who use the al ley are tbe people wishing the raise made, ' and that it would make Jt a more easy matter to use th alley. But on the other hand tbe claim Is made that the raise In the alley would " detract from other conditions toVa greater extent than the benefits could tn any way compensate for. Mr. White Is willing that the rals be made In tbe street to get to the alley, tf all parties want It provided there is no attempt to fill the atreet in front of hla bouse. Messrs. W. A., White, C. Bchuebel, James Roake and .Will Howell are a commute named by property holders ' on the street to look after the Inter ests of all those living on the street, and while they are divided aa to Just ; what ought to be don there I good reason to' think that they will tak . this matter up and agree aa to what la best for all concerned and then seek to get that Incorporated In the Improvement The present City Engi neer seem to agree with tho who contend that It la wise to run the street on a level from Eighth to Ninth streets, and then drop It gradually to the Seventh atreet level without refer ence to the alley between Eighth and Seventh. Sacred Concert Gives Much Pleasure. The aervtcea at the Gladstone Chris tian church Sunday evening took the form of a sacred concert, with aa address by the pastor. Rev. Mulkey, on Johanea Sebastian Bach. Th con cert was given under th leadership of A. F. Parker, and there were num ber by a male quartette, a female quartette and by a mixed quartette. The address by Rev. Mulkey waa bio graphical and contained much of In terest to many of those present. . r-o : o : o t 4) O o A PENNY EARNED 612 Main St, Oregon City, j? ; Qrcccn City www Sale m o o -