iXOHNTlJO ENTERPRISE, SUNDAY, FEBRUABY 23, 1911. - - . u Vomen to Love Men to Admire Mysteries to Solve mi HOW would you like to have George llarr McCutchcon, Conan Doyle, or, perhaps, Irvintf Uachcllcr,come into your home to-day and tell you one of his many delightful stories? What could be moro fun than to try to vol ye one of the deep mysteries created by Gaston Lcroux or Mr. Doyle? Around the characters of fiction arc woven many entertaining stories. There are lovable women, and men to admire in these novels. Of these characters, many are famous, and their experiences have been shared and enjoyed by thous and. There arc more than 500 differ ent titles. Thc best works of popular authors bcsutl- , fully printed and bound In cloth, roost of them having cover. Jackets and 111 uai ra tion! In full color. Formerly published at Sl.flO NOW 50c We list few of the very recent titles a Complete list for the asking: The Music Master . . Doctor l-avrndur's People l.onirauci . . . . 1 he I'surpcr . . Where l.ove Is . She That Hesitates Like Another Helen The Scarlet Empire . . Charles Klein Marfaret Dchind Thomas Dixon, Jr. William J. 1 oike William J. Locke Harris Dickson Ceorfe Horton David M. Parry The Yoke Elizabeth Miller Doc liordon , . Mary nilkini-rreemaa The Third Decree . Klein & Hornblow The Thirteenth District . Brand Whitlock Conitton . . Winston Churchill Happy Hawkins . Robert Alexander Waaon The fashionable Adventures ) David Graham of Joshua Crail The Message . . . A Rock lathe Baltic Bruvver Jim's Baby Red Men and White rniiiips t Louis TracT . Robert Ban . P. V. Mi he Is . Owen Witter HUNTLEY BROS. CO.- THE REXALL STORE We are often asked by other druggists, by traveling men and by, our friends how we have built up the largest drug store in the state, except one in Portland, in so small a town as Oregon City. The answer is easy: 1st Quality goods first, last and always. 2nd Willingness to "make good" every just claim for disatis faction. We do not consider a transaction closed till our customer is satisfied. 3rd The best clerks that we can hire; experienced, courteous, well-paid clerks who take a personal pride in the business and have the interest of our customers always in mind the same as the proprietors. 4thA considerate -charge system that is open to every honest manand woman, The broadest claim made by the, average paint dealer or paint maker, is that their product is "just as good" as Sherwin-Williams. That in itself Is a nice compliment to Shrrwin-Williams Paint, but most people after trying them all get back finally to Sherwin-Williams as the kind that locks better! last longer and goes farther than any other brand. We are headquarters for ' CHI-NAMEL, ALABASTINE, JAP-A-LAC, JOHNSON'S WOOD DYES DEKORATO, BAY STATE PAINTS. Besides everything that goes to make up a first class paint store. . ' Send us your name on a card and we will be glad to furnisn you with paint information free of charge. ' DR. DAVID ROBERTS Veterinary Prescriptions COW CLXAJrCB CALF CHOLXBA BXXXDT. COW TONIC habd MILKING OUTFIT MILK nVXH OUTFIT COLIC DRENCH ... .! GERM KILLEB JrrUEPTIO FOULTICX . DISINtXCTAIX. par OeJ.. WOBM rOWDEB WHITE LINIMENT ABSORBENT WARTIME FEVEB PASTE HEALING LOTION HEAVE rOWDIR HORSE TONIC HOQ TONIC FLT OIL, petf Gejloa . Sl.OS . 1.00 - .so so . S.00 . . .so . 1.00 - 1.SS .so .so 1.00 .. .so 1.00 - .so . so .so 1.00 l.SS "On ftsuriatiss ftr Irsry JUmiI JUJaest" Dl. IaYIO I0IUTS "Mucnai hone miRBuius, Ctstk M, Is Fru. ' Yes, You Can Rcfinish a .Piece of Your Furni ture at Our Expense Call at Our Stort for Materials, Frte C want to' prove to you, bow simple bow easy it I to m. km an old pier of furniture Ilka new what beautiful, lasting results too cancel from lohnson's Materials. Here Is what we civs. A bottle of Johnson fclecrrlc Sol to to Instantly remove the old nlah. A bottle of lohnson's Wood Uve cliooee your shade from list elow to beautifully color the wood. A package of Johnson's Prepared Wat to Impart that beautiful liandrubbed effect protect the finish against heel marks and scratches It will out catch or bold dirt or dust. Johnson's Wood Dye Is Dot a mere stain not simply a surface dressing. It Is a real, deep seated dye, that goes to the very hesrl of the wood end stays there fixing a rich and permanent color. Johnson's Wood Dye is made in 14 standard shades: A. 116 I.igkt Oat - AV. Ill FortttCrten So. Ijo WiaHurti Oak JV. lif ttark Oak At. lyi Flimttk Oak . At. I )l Brawn Wtmlktrtd St. 11 Milium Oak St. iy Hrvwn tUmuh Ha. IJl Orttm Wtalkrrtd A'. 110 liojf Oak Aa. ijS I if-kl Makuganf At. J JO Mam a Oaktr JV. lit Moil Ortrm So. Iig Dark Makagamf tarly f.mglttk Let them demonstrate what Johnson's Materials will do In your home. Free Samples and Literature At Our Store r aw m t- w s -r. . i raw A Si New Remedies Are being .advertised every day You don't need to send away or wait just come to us and you will ' ind us "there with the goods". Here are a few taken at random: Therox, Balmwort, Spurmax, May-a-Tone, Delol, Amarol, Boro-Ltstor, Cerol, Qainola, Luxor, Cantbrox, Cardiol, Harden e, goin-Ton?, tta-Canthol, GaUol, Mlnyol, Plnex, -Crystos, Rose Kavloln, Vllane Powder, Mentho-Laxine. .No one line o! medicines have been so popular before as Rexall - Remedies They are known from Coast to Coast and the one best store in each city ot town is appointed selling agents for them. We have every confidence in these products be cause we know the ingredents contained in each one. OUR LEADING PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS MEN 0. C. ELY GENERAL MERCHAN DISE A FARM IMPLEMENTS. Vi. m iMMitilj. I ha mtiftitar fn. f lure which la oeinliiR to this city In 111 way of material development and rnhanred prosperity, due to the rapid Influi of kmiIo to tbla sort Ion of the country, thereby Increasing the de mand fur Roode sold In Oregon City, which la the) rknowledxed trad ren ter of I hie section of the Slate. The city has already experienced a Urn irowili In trade circles and the up-to-diitf Institutions la the rlty have ur icled In building up splendid reputnilona for houeaty and fair deal lngn. AmoiiR them none Is of more ImiNirtnnre than that of Mr. D. C. Ely, denier In general merchandise, frorertea, farming Implements, hard itre, etc. Mr. Kly has on of the largeM and beat stocked places of the kind In the city, and It Is doubtful If any other dealer In the city has aa large nn amount of farm machinery of vnrlous kinds. Farming Impfe ments, wagons and bunnies alone oc cupy a atore almost equal In alxe to many of the other atorea, aside from the splice taken up by other department-., tho entire building coveting shout a quarter of a block. The trade Is drawn from all of the adjoining ter ritory and Is eonatantly Increasing, having already reached very satisfac tory proportions. The store Is located t 9nn Seventh street, snd those who are not already acquainted with Mr. Ely nnd his methods of conducting his afrnlra will do well to call there, when they will find a gentleman of advanced and progressive Ideas, broad snd enlightened bualness policies and who in poHaeaaed of a marked degree of public spirit. . C. a MILLER. In Oregon City one of the most sue CMHful eHtnbllithments In the retail business Is owned and conducted by the man whose nam heads this short sketch, who hss succeeded In a com paratively abort time In building up a large and lucrative business, hla trade being drawn from all aectlona of lb county tributary to Oregon City. . Mr. Miller deals In all kinds of bicycle and auto supplies which be sells at remarkably low prices, and he also carries a complete stock of sporting goods, Including revolvers, cartridges, fishing tackle, raiora, scissors, pocket knives, etc., utilizing the space of 60 xl25 feet for the accommodation of his large and complete stock. In every Instance his prices are extremely low, considering the fact that be only haudlea the highest gradea of goods to be secured. Mr. Miller Is a pleas anU, genial gentleman with whom it Is a -pleasure to trade, and the fact that he always gives his customers a square deal la well known to all who have any knowledge of his affairs. He la a mini of unqueatloned Integ rity and honor, and w are pleased to ac,cord him this special mention among the live merchants snd busi ness men of .the city. His success Is due In a very large measure to the fact that he gives his personal time and attention to the business with which he Is thoroughly familiar to the last detail. The atore la located In well arranged and finely equipped quarters at 609 Main street, where Mr. Miller will be delighted to serve those In need of anything In hla line. BUILDERS' SUPPLIES COMPANY. Business men of Judgment and fore sight realize that the mor recent Im petus In building operations is but th forerunner of what la to follow, and they have made preparations to properly look after the business. In the line of furnishing building mater ial en.th't nothing will retard the OoatlM4 growth of Oregon City and the further development of this part of the Stat. The Builders' Supplies Company at Main and Fourteenth atreet la one of the most Important of these local enterprises, and will continue to exert a strong Influence upon building operstlons. Under tba able management of C. J. Hood, the company Is prepared to furniah lum ber, lath, shingles, doors, windows, mouldings, plate glass In fact, every thing required for building purposes outside of hardware, and In any de sired quanta lea. Close and advanta geous relatione with leading manu facturers makes It possible to quote low prices and thereby Induce the building of more bomea and bualneaa structures. A specialty Is made of furnishing complete bills for contrac tors and builders, prompt delivery being a distinctive feature of the man ner In which affalra of -the company are conducted. However, Mr. Hood Is a progressive business man wbo la exerting his best endesvors toward a further upbuilding of this part of the State, lending hla loyal support to projects having that end In view. Es tlmates for bills of lumber snd build ing material are promptly furnished when desired, and contractors will find It to their material advantage to .figure with the Builders' Supplies Company before purchasing material required In their operation. Mr. Hood Is prepared to make ahlpmenta to out side points, when necessary, and In any desired quantities, Oregon City Is the county seat and leading commercial center ot Clacka mas county aside from the fact that she Is recognised as one of the lead ing manufacturing centers of the Pa cific coast. The largest pulp and paper mills and the largest woolen manufacturing establishment west of the Mississippi river are located at Oregon City. l K- . f IT II irii u : ii t 1 1 f ' -aW V 1 , (r t A i---ey, ' "V.. k l U J H all mm ' . ,'r. i Clackamas County Exhibit at National Appl Show, Spokane. I v .;. . .... i ' . .1 r 15-7 W Tij i 4 f i y i mltm.m i0 JaWsiaS) SeWSW A t J-l .UnA View of Ortgon City. HARRY JONES CONTRACTOR a BUILDER. The questions of a thorough know ledge of all branches of the contract ing business and supplying an ade quate equipment to handle contracts of any magnitude are among the es sential elements In fixing the degree of success any man or firm la to reap In that line of endeavor for they un questionably have a more Important bearing than almost any other. Harry Jones, of Oregon City, has fully dem onstrated his capabilities In the gen eral contracting line, and as he erec ted the Hawley Pulp ft Paper com pany's mills In Oregon City and psrt of the mills of the Crown-Columbia Pulp A Paper company, at Camaa, there Is no question of ample equip ment. These are both large and ex tremely Important joba and reflect great' credit upon Mr, Jones aa one of the most progressive and up-to-date contractors doing business in this part of the country. He Is prepared to undertake contracts anywhere In the West and carry them promptly to a satisfactory conclusion, and Is In the field to enter bids on anything In his line, Including reinforced concrete work, concrete walls and all classes of buildings. He has erected many structures In Western Oregon and Washington, his operations' not betng confined to any on community. Mr. Jones Is a well known and highly re spected cltlsen of Oregon City, main taining his offices In the Masonic Temple. No man familiar with condl ttone In this part of the West Is more enthusiastic than he regarding the future or Is more willing to lend as sistance along th lines of develop ment. It makes no difference how large or how small buildings are to be erected, a contract should not be let without first consulting Mr. Jones. H. YOUNG SECOND HAND STORE. Oregon City owes much to th en terprise and energy of her leading bualneaa men who have worked un ceasingly for her best Interests. Among those who have been excep tionally active In asatsttng to forward th development of this county may be mentioned Mr. O. H. Tonng, who conduct a successful establishment on Main street wher may b found a splendid stock of second hand furni ture and household necessities, which are sold at remarkably low prices, and which are In may Instances as good ss new. He also carries a large amount of new goods which he sells very reasonably. Mr. Young has given much attention to the collection of old colna and Indian goods of various kinds, and he has at the present time some very fine speclm-ns from which to make selection. He has been, a resident of this section for the greater part of the past twenty-five years, and la one of our best known and most highly respected citizens. He has al ways been prominent worker for the future greatness of Oregon City and Clackamas County, and is deserving of more than mere mention in this review of the city's best Interests and cltlsenahlp. He Is wide-awake and progressive, and a firm believer In the future of Oregon City. There is a disposition on the part of people of the East to look with skepticism upon statement made regarding possibilities In the West, but these should remember that there are thousands upon thousands of peo ple now living in this part of the country who originally came from the East probably from your neighbor hood and certainly you may bellev their statements. None of them go back, and certainly that la an indica tion that they are satisfied and doing welL The Bank of Oregon City has the distinction of being THE OLDEST BANK IN CLACKA M AS COUNTY, having been organized and established nearly thirty years ago, and during its whole existence has been under the same management. The policy of the bank ha alwaya been to look out for the safety and security of tts depositors' money snd de a safe and conservative business rather than take chan ces with the prospect of greater gain for Itself. .As the business has grown we have kept pace with K and have Increased our force ef clerka and added to our equipment so aa to car for It In th proper manner. We have recently remodeled the Interior of the bank, get-' ting more room for the working force, as well as customers, and better light and ventilation. New fixture with all modern cow venlencea were Installed. A large fir snd burglar proof vault of th latest and most approved construction was built, and safes snd vault fitted with time locks, thus giving us the most complete safety for our fiends and securities. .With smpl cap ital, first class equipment and th experience of thirty year back of us we feel Justified In soliciting th business Of those who have banking matter to be taken car of. , CAPITAL AND 8URPLUS $123,000.00 J ; " i ' "" . , ja"v r ' ' ' r.. Roses a They Crow In Orgon City. .