Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, February 26, 1911, Section Two, Page 4, Image 8

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    BUSINESS 1,;,
'- i"
J J- - - -I
1 -V '
. . 1 Stevens building. where be may be
Business Men of Oregon City Are Pro- .ThVU' SnHTSSi
, -j loaaa money and la that way ta able
gressive and Alive to Needs krio
- of their purchase la cash. Write bin.
, or ra irons
'Residents of Oregon City arc
ay been active la civic affairs,' and
i particularly those which were Intend
ed (o exert a beneficial Influence
funherln- tha aeneral rllhln of
at (b community. Mia position on quee-?"
a a t.V-ATTORN.V. . . .,,;...-. Sr-,.,"..
....v.v.i..-..-. v.. 'v-..!. it. I. v.. i rini rim work, while only
.v . " . I.viiimI workmen ara employed la ma
nranra nap ran nir umiiv imi an vb i - . .
In lha affalra la any cy or various department.. J r t
Ity where they may barren to kcate. lor. of th. laundry ara
It la aot ta tba lea.t strange that pro- Ulake.lee A 8ou. both '
tea-tonal na K; u ruk. imo.1 widely . I- h Ju"r'
tb foremoet lafluantrat cltltena. or bu.lnese. and who gl Ihalr I?'"1
that they attain to hush po.ltkBa la attention to all " '''
h.ialneaa an- flnanrlal circles, ever neeleU aim ma ... - """"
tt ta mora or leaa a natural aeouenoe ' . ... i x .vi. ,.., i K.klrr ln Ha further success, iwnn genua-
- ... . . I 1 . 7 IU ITU. . M V 1 1 l ' . - - v. -. '
Id. 'of tha application of ability and tba ,n. g,O0rm nubile. Oregon nty baa mm ara men of energy and I'p'yj
, (strictest Integrity In conducting their,, number of table and talented attor- sWenesa. and they have aided vary
of ; business that there abould ba In each who ar among DV f or moat materially. In tha upbuilding of tre-(
or tna country cmieos WDO I prax-iitto-era of tba State, and ona of I gon iny ana ner
crwDl taklr.r an active Interest in tiona of thta natura li well and firmly ! 'CB'T araater dvRTa of aucceaa j ,n molt BUCC-.,fu 4Bl taat known
aalectlng men for public ofnea who ratablihad; aa a reault of whlrb ha ? , 1 r on,Pft,'or- Thu f of tbeaa la Mr. O. IV Eby. "ho main-
ara ret-snlxad enthuaiat In the for- enjoya the high reard of hla fellow i 'T. aeroonairaw in 1. iy
ward movement which haa been un- cltli n and I regarded aa ona of tha ! ,h ,uc wb"h attend Mr. paorsa
dvrtaken and which will unqueatlon-, realty aubstantlal and InHuentlal cltl-, A-' Harain. woo. ror a nurnoer oi
a -ai m fimw a i-uhav aa
I biialneaa -In tba city. Mr. Hardin
' aland out pre-eminently among tba j
My reaull In that Greater Oregon i ten a. Mr. Krownell haa been a prac-,
moat Drorealva. enterplialnc ami
ubotantlal cldtena of Oregon City,
and during tha time that ha ba been
Identified with tha bualneaa Intereata
of the city ha baa been held In tha
highest eteem V ainrtrVwhom- ba f
haa bad any deallnga. Ha occuplea
aplendld quarter at 511 Main afreet.
ana ni wen aioruva aivrv ww w
: the neatest and moat attractive
places of tha kind In the entire city.
He carrle a large and comprebenalta
tock of para drug, chemical ana j
druggists' sundries, and tba many (
other artlclea which go toward com- j
plcting the stock of a flrat class drug (
store. Personal attention la given to
the prescription department by regia
tered pharmaclsta. Only the purest
of ingredient ara used In tha com
pounding of prescription and every
precaution is taken to prevent mis
takes of every character, so that
(hose paironlxlng Mr. Harding" may
feel perfvtly aafe In leaving their
prescriptions In his bands.
I 1
!rN: -.V
Work Harmoniously For the
inieresu or vommunity With
7 uood Kesults
a D. Eby.
tains well equipped offloes'-nver the
Itank of Oregon Oty. Mr.Kfy en-
. .. vt it.k.l. -h.I llr.l tflaMM
A inorouamj ren""' -
house In Its eHHlal line l mat m
Mr. J levltt. which Is located In the
llrasiay Mullding The bualnaaa has
been In succeasful operation for aome.
i.nih ..f lima and during all or tna
time that Mr lvllt haa been Identl
ned wifh the bualneaa Inlereala of
tha city ha has enjoyed a largo and
liberal bualneaa,-which -although-It
baa already reached very satisfactory
proportlona. la conatantly and rapidly
Increaalng. Mr.. Ievin ia generaur
kmkad niMin aa a moat enterprising
. .......I..- Humiiiiir anJ hla bual-
neaa la conducted a ion a wiiri'i
llterml line He wcuplea well wr
.nmliM mhlrh are In every
"v. v" I A VI-!
wa an a inert io uoe iiuiui- -
atock I dlplaed In a very neat and
attractive manner Th slock Include
. a. -i..iKir. men. women
and children, shoes and furnishings
of all kinds. A apienum repiiiautin
for handllnc only g.xd which can la
conscientiously . recommended to his ;
patrons Is maintained by Mr. Ivltt i
and amona the blh grade, garment :
which ta carrlea for men may be men-
tloti'ed. SVlcty Hrand and ttchloas ,
Tha bench and bar of Clacakmaa
county la sennd lo none la tha an
il re" rouutry In tha quality of legal
talent displayed by lha leading mem
bers and among thoee enjoying a
Urge and lucrative practice which In
or !dlvldu.te.,M.Bairr"
... pramce reguV. u
cmrta ,'
hkb ba preprM .M
presenting tlivm "w k
There is probably no one element
which has added more to the con
venience of the residents of thl see-
sit of the courts and in addition 'o
this abstract are m-u! and title ex
amined, estataa n.Vd and money
loaned on real et!e necurlty. He
numbers among hi clients some of
tion of the Valley than the well ''". 7
arranged - . iu ..iui u
muest connaence in nis amiuy 10
Joy a large and hrrra'(ve-racitca lunna. Olothlbg. Cordon 111. Nettleton
Mayor Geo. C- 8rawnc.ll.
a man cr the oittnest oraer or integ
rity and honor and It I safe to pre
dict for him a very uccesful future.
Tho Kum la atiltahlv arraneed for the
City so much desired. With that in , ticingv attorney in Oregoa.CXty.for i accommodation of a larga- aumber of
view Hon. George C. Brownell was m iny year past.- enjoy a wide ae-1 horse and they are boarded by the
Mror n1 tk office the f.rat Tiainisnce and haa been more than ' day. week pr month at the lowest
of the present year and It is a fore-'. ordinarily successful in bis profea-; possible ratea and those leaving their
gone conclusion that under his re- j sional career as well as private cltiren. , stock tn the hand of Mr. Itoyer mar
Kim puuuc improvement win be More recently W. M. Stone haa been ; feel attired that they will be well
made which will make this a more f associated with Mr. Brownel! In his cared for' and receive eipert atten
" trmbl rilntial city and which , law practice. Mr. Brownell haa long 'tion from men "who are eiperlenced
will Inure to her growth and general represented many of the leading In- In the care of horse, while plenty of
progreea and prosperity. George C. terests of this part of tha State, and- wholesome food will be supplied. Mr.
grownell haa been identified with the is one of the most prominent practi- Boyer- Is thoroughly acquainted with
beat tatereat of Clackaraaa county , tionera of Western Oregon. He main-! the details of the buslnes In which
tot many year, nas served lor twivetalna well appointed offices and fine he Is engaged, and glvea It the full
-u. i ij owe aenaie ana nas ai- law library at 719 Main street
equipped and convenient
fwl Kir. .hlA la' l,wt al SllA
. .- ta tk v.r. handle casea ot any chararter In a
mers' Feed .Barn. Mr O. W. Boyer. hI' tlafactory manner Mr. . Eby side world.
the present rropriftor, has only been ' ""
conducting the cabllshment for a wel,r of un"r- "'
few weeks, buf he I well known a , he on ot , mot progressive
iMjsmeu raro. id irn ii, uusineas anu
financial clrclea Tie- ts generally r-
and F1orahel'mhoe and other equallv (
high grade clothing, and the price ,
will be found I" compare favorably '
with the f any other dealer In this;
part of th ctnintry. Including the city
of Portland Mr. lievltl I a promlnentj
UxMiter for OregonTlty and he h
alwav aided very materially, In mak
ing her advantages known to the out- j
TK. ci.ia ixt nrHitn haa lona been
garded aa a moat subsUntUI cltlien. nott(l f(yr h( e4r.-nt qUalUy of her
fully worthy of (he blithest success.
Never before In the entire history'
ot tae.j.tate haa there been such an
effort pSit forth to advise the outside
world of the innumerable advantages
or una aecuon of tha country, and
never before haa there been such an
. ' , . , . getlc buslnes man. and fully deerv-
treet. where th-y will be pressed to , ((( the utmtM,t ronndence and re
see prospective buyer. . " ... -r- mor. .v.n
-a"- " v - -
agricultural products, her applea,
prunes and,uthcr. frulta, lelng among
the liest raised' anywhere In the
t'nlted State, and having great de
mand everywhere. Tba handling itf
tha annual crop of (orchard, farm and
products Involves no small
benefit of hi personal attention at iMs? ,BB WM axpected by those beat
ll tfm.t lf I a -M.v.k. nr. p
It la about eight yeara since Hon
T. P. Randall was flrat named aa
postmaster of Oregon City, and dur-. anKMint of labor and Investment of a
Ing all ,of tha Intevenlng time the large amount of money, but soma of
affairs of that Important office have our mt enterprising and substan
been handled In a manner moat aatia- , (a buslnes men have organised for
factory to patrons , and the service ,h purpose of handling tbem and the
inniuiainru ai me-niKnesi aianaara farmer and fruit raiser of tnia aec
of efficiency. However, that no ,ion 1. thereby enabled to secure
greater returna for hla crop than when
to accord him thl prominent men-
, tion amonr our representative b
neaa men and cltlien.
ClMtaunaj county 1 rapidly coming .
influx of people seeking home where in the Bast are learning of the rare
toey may secure greater return for opportunltle existing here and are There Is probably no batter Illua-
tbelr labor than in almost any other coming to thl part of the State to tratlon of what may ba accomplished
aecuon of the United Statea. Among make their home, while many have by progressive bnslneaa men than In
H T' ln PnlcuI"rlT c- fom during the past two or three the case of Frederick Grteeaen, pro-
uva in advertising the advantage of years they are but the forerunner prletor of the Wlllarnetta Hotel bare
Oregon city and her urrpunding ter- of the many who are to follow In the In Oregon City. Mr. Grleeeen came
ntory, ana wbo have reaped a well Immediate future, for never before here about ai year ago with limited
aeservea-benefit from the Increased wa the Inquiry so great as at the capital rd since that tlm baa ac
,rr! "' t8"' hou'd mfcn- present time. Naturally these people quired the valuable property on Slith
uonea Messrs. Freytag and Swafford, -ant all Information possible to se- street where the thraa-atory Wlllara
-ki 1? f. vr'XtfR Swafford. cure before they come, and also to ette Hotel stand and which la one o:
.'LI?? clju,,r1 wlth tn 8 ,a l"ch with a reliable real e- the leading hoatelrleg of tl flty. Mr
Ll T1 .I" " ,in .r" ut deler ThoM ntniPl-tin Griessen and hla moat eatlmabla wlf
Lr"r M!-; J 7 BOt on,.y haT "'n'',r' ,0 City or thl part give the place tha benefit of their per
r Jnf'Jf, 11T "n' b..are 'f ,he vvl,lai"'e Valley should cor- sonal superrlslon and It la condnctad
men of unquestioned resttonsibilitv. r-,- -itt. n c ui,.k.n . r .1 ' j ,. .
wll known .nH v,v,. . " v.v., .mu; mweru iiuti u. la one ur me
as.' 1 -uiit-u 111 1 i.r r n r 1 m n- lot r a r inH . 1 m a a a
Orton n an,! Z Cefr r:al Wte va!ue8 and oPrtunitie. this part of Western Oregon. Con
conduct a rJJrli l i !U? Mr Vtchell. He ha. a list of ducted on the Atrferlcan plan .better
Kn.nrt!vJ?',Matv' land Rui,l'Ie tor nr d"r Pnr- service Is furnished at tba Willamette
' aaa-v u-t-Jit: uat is,- ann m ai
IV naafliraWl fl II tt Fl t i t Ui1 ik.. V . V . A vl..t ... ...
DTODertr ei'her In th- , '. . Z.Z. .- " -----ere lor
and the- wm ' . e r cl UCT ,na ln n ana lno,e th Mme money, chargea be ng mod-
"forifio n .Lf Wb'Cb m eqUally KnoA '- and "
n lmT art of thta , 5" Y in pHce- H 1H cnr" . obtainable. Thlrtytwo roorn. ara at
Sta" AttTouA r hTve onw in fU"r ?'W"v wnd'nce -d tha disposal of guest, and tha hotel
connected ?th I,?.,'! ru 4 h' ou m' mk a. usually crowded. However. Mr.!- fc0Cre" ,f Tm wlU Orleav 1. always ready to tccommo-
?ers th'v have ma". J Xr Jt Z T, "'2 'h 7n w'"h t0 do nd i d-' newcomer, and give them any
ornditL. d tn 2 ?LUdT how n,ucb money you have 10 ,DT8t Information regarding the -country
-re meTin LTyJ? Mr, M,tr;he" thohlT - which they may dealre. Stop at the
n4l w riT. evrt aLiet 7rt S "L De ' Raines, men Willamette Hotel when In Oregon City
sVkl nVooenv either for im 7 work,!1 for, nd nd you will be aatl.fled. Mr. Grlei
mnSSJTtZ' t ?. JZ, " Hr c,ty and deT'op-ent of tba sen I. regarded a. ona of our most
Z o fice Z ?t..TI' feny7,fc ' Clack.m eounty. .ubsuntial buslnea. men and enjoy,
maintain an . office at 212 Seventh He ha office In Room 11 of the the eateem of all who know him.
We Give You What You Ask
For-or We Get It For You :,
If it is Watches, Jewelry, Silverware, Chinaware, Cut Glass, Phono-
eraphs, Kodaks, etc.. VOU will find if here. Ycm Viave 8rt
. t , , - v(ci; iw
teu Just what you want and you'll gct it THE BEST Of ITS1.IND."
c .... ...
-iycry anicie tnat comes into thw store is examined carefully and is not accepted
tHtfes, it measures up to our standard. We are particularly, careful about byr
Watches, and only the best of standard makes will be found here,
v . $5.00 to $100.00- .
We carry in stock every machine and record made by the
Edison and Victor Talking Machine Companies. Prices
$10.00 to $200.00. If you are thinking ef buying , a ma
chine and can not call and see us, write us for a complete
Catalogue, and ask about our Easy Payment Plan.
Burmeister & Andresen .
Oregon Gty Jewelers
Suspension Bridge Comer
. tvfc i
' Hoa. T.:P. Randall.
acquainted with Mr, Randall, for he
is a gentleman of splendid etecutlve
ability and sound Judgment, and ba.
enjoyed a wide eiperienca along linea
which particularly Qualify blm for th-
of flee, he now holds. Mr. Randall
sorved aa county -recorder and no
more conscientious ' or efficient man
ever, filled that -office, lie Is also
one of the llveat boosters for a
Greater Oregon City, and during his
occupancy of tha ebalr of president
of the Commercial Club ha kept thing,
constantly moving along lines which
would tend toward making thl. city
a far more Important commercial cen
ter than she is today. He Invariably
takes an active Interest In the effort.
of people to further develop our many
. r-Bouixe ana nettle up the .ur
rounding territory, reallzin- thai in
tbl. manner larger and more perma
nent returns will be secured. Post
master Randall la known to practi
cally all our people and is Justly pop
ular because of hla genial discommon
energy and prograaslveness. Ha la a
young man of fine capabilities, and
doubtless will ba retained a. post
master so long aa he may desire to
remain, there being a general belief
that he will at all tlmea keep pare
with the growth of the city In serving
patron, of the office. Oregon Cltr
or community for that matter 1. the
"euer tor naving auch citizen, a.
Postmaster Randall. Out.lde people
WhO'Correspond with him relative tn
opportunltle. will find him well poat
ed, and any Information furnished by
' w, oe atnciiy reliable In every
Instance. '
compelled to aell to firms In other
cities. Of thoaa engaged In this tine
of bnslneaa there are no dealers more
widely or favorably known than Xer
sen 4 Co., whoaa large store and
warehouse I. I" waled at tha corner of
Mala and Tenth streets and of which
Meaara- B- B. Larsen and M. E. Mm
Irk are the Individual members. They
have moat advantageous connections
with leading buyer, throughout the
country and they handle an Increased
amount of fruit, farm and dairy pro
duct, each season. Potatoes, dried and
green fruit, wool, hides, butter, egga,
poultry, etc., are Included In their
operation., and they buy In all of tha
territory tributary lo Oregon nty
Quotations are given upon application
and the highest cash prices always
paid for everything purchased, (iro-
cerles, feed, grain, lime and cement,
and plaster, are also sold at whole
sale or retail In large or small qunn
titles. , The members of the firm en-
Joy a splendid reputation for fair and
honorable treatment of all with whom
they transact bualneaa. The company
ha. been In bualneaa for some time
and large auma of moaey have been
distributed among the farmers arid
iruu raisers mrougn ineir operations.
. -
rl . , v i' ' v - - X
Xr X M
. C. M. Dyt,
rludt-s some of the mt Important In
terests In thla section of the gtale.
i-shiHild b mentioned Mr. (". II. I)ye,
hMe-ifnrea are kM-ated' at 714 Main
street, where he haa a carefully se
lected library. Ha la a man well
equip wed for handling rasea of any
hatiiie. being iusaeaaM of a sound
legal training and education which
places blm among the moat learned
memlx-ra of the county bar, and It
la safe to aay that there la no Arm
ucrea. Mr Dye la ia (Mm
aentatlve of .mr heat rttlMA,
Ing at all time a. imi..
all Itialtera tH-rlalnlB t tW M
of the coitiniuiiity and a)0Ttg'
highest eaierm of all ehk ska
Is acqtialnit-d lleld
tic and prlaie eork, kt 0a
time and attention to ika iv
lnau,rarire and maklag aa4 Matt
loans, on real estate asevttf. I
dnre all kind nf notarial net
NtVS. The p-ople of Oregon are doubtless
better acquainted with the senior
member1 of thl. prominent firm of at
torneys. Mr. Wr 8. iriten, through hla
aervlrea I if behalf of lawa whereby
the people may largely govtra thenv
baa fathered the inltlatlf. Isi a
andum an J-after iheatswaaa:
the direct primary and rail veil
acted; and now Mr t: rtsiliwn.'
hard for single ti and nrm t
queationa directly affectlaf -
fare of the 'people aa t WA I
labors have rttendrd orariatr
able period of lima already, MS
will be continued until ash. I
People, generally, who ara aLln
m .i-w im-aiion, are oesiron. of flnj-
a a piace wnere ail of the modern
convemencea nave been provided
there being fw who are anxlou. to
do plpneeV-rand -tbe city whose
business meu are not wholly alive to
he altuatlon need hardly to pUt
o keep up with the procewionr
K?rWy rP"'J'. lHofever, Oregon
for here . egory,
. : , uauaiiy round In
much larger cities . ,t t,
..fHM?M,d.ent A '"tltlonT;,
.trlctly op to date, and especially
and Immedlalglnite n 2 IP clty
tnararrteed to lUm .Work
fact aatlsfactlon? Th2 l."0 per
ld"d with the lateat !24ry ' pr
One of tbe moat progressive gro
cery merchants in the entire city Is
Mr. II. p. lirlghtblll, whose store I.
located at (03- Main street, where h
may also be reached by telephone.
Mr. Drightblll carries a large atock
of staple and fancy groceries, feed
tuff, of all klnda and be carries
nothing but tbe best of everything
to be found In tbe market, and nothing
I. ever sent, to a patron which could
cause the least complaint from the
most eaactlng customer. A specialty
I. made of One canned and bottled
gos and One tea. and coffee., and
Urlghtblil'. coffee" I. known to a
large majority of our resident, aa dif
ferent from anything else to be had
In thl. line, and It I. needles, to .ay
that the demand la constantly Increas
ing. Delivery wagon, carry good, to
all part, of the city and telephone
order, receive the most careful at
tention and are carefully and quickly
delivered. Mr. Urlghtblil haa been In
tbe grocery buainesa for a consider
able length of time, and la thoroughly
experienced In thl. line of trade, and
hi. thorough knowledge of tbe needs
of the trade enable, him to give tbe
highest value for tbe money on every
article aold. He la a gentleman with
whom It la a pleasure to transact busl
muu and be Insist, upon the utmost
courtesy being accorded to all patron,
of the store. He empoyi ,everal com-
i-n-i.v auu cmcient aale.people who
render polite and prompt aervlce at
Jill Umea. Mr. Brlghtblll haa alway
'u huuwu bb one of our best boost
er and hla loyalty to Oregon City and
ir interest, is wen known to all. He
everywhere regarded aa a man of
Integrity and honor and worthy of tbe
uu-ei connaence.
There , are mora nnnnrinniii..
the newcomer In Clackamaa CountjJ
w.t ",ol w the great
, 7 "uu u-y win ne able to get
..v.. . comparatively .mall
amount of capital. Properly applied
result in a competency.
Care should be exercised by the
the proper toll for whatever line he
may wish to enga In wh.i i. v-4..
s fruit land ma.
-"-'-" iiira ui omer
W. t. U'Raa.
elree than otherwise, and It la largely
through hi. effort, that the "Oregon
Ill I Hiii-i ... ., ,i w, n .,i ,,, ,9IWfm
it,- i
enacted Into law au'
paper mill, here but took W"".
which he la advocating.
la distinctively a ,f-BJJ
mmm at nna time e"'i"' .
i- . i.i.ln. itaefi
... A LiiMri nf tb '
until I ue iai "' - --
finally pasalng the requir i f
tion with flying colors. c
haa been practicing ,
City and the firm ""
fluehtlal clientele. Attn '
beat cltlien.hlp nd W ,
Mr. Bchuebel U n
elght-honr law ind BM.
labored for all of the
sure, which have tototw
tha derelopment of Orr" '
u- a Arm bellaver I
and that cauj - P
thaae gentlemen are w . t
tlnctlvely repraient"' .
tlal flltliene of W
they aland high Id the '
many client.. Wn1,.,J!r t.
eea, evfn those wW JV
politically and otbrw
to acknowledga their ,
pose and gbaolute tj
maintain, offlcea In
Into t-'
C tchuebel.
8y.tem,, which la halnap utnv v.
-arloui atatet waa made noealbla. He