I HORN I NO ENTERPRISE, BUJf DAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1911. (The Largest MaattfacteMg Plaiats m the State Ane Located E3e?e MANUFACTOWINO Kr - ..in thla splendid InMtt in..., til llll 1UIW " Zurl ot "regon City and West Lr0 ''n, fr"''n. it I. lh linnt s 1 ? r: n..nl "f th. kind west of th ... l"i In-rplUm. Tb. Oregon City II HinifM'i Company wo' f '', ! ,, blankets, steamer rugs auto P'M blanket, bath and loung- ru" .n..n i.Unknts. comforts. -i.irta caaalmer over- rnnP . ' nvrshlrts. flannel in- Miiri. ' Mackinaw- H..rcir, i ; . . - . r Mackinaw miina. W " . .,..1 iirri"T r.n.lvnd Ilia highest .".Ids wherever Itiflr product haa C! exhibited. 'rom "'" t;"nll r r ....... in vii nuo unia in isio. canal incra i a.x'ka, caa lunar socks. - i - u.,u 'ri... uncus nun ni" b1"'""' " Best 1 1 and Bpokan, from which points Iba trad la supplied. Tbr U always a damaud for men and woman In thla flna factory, at good waKiia, and aa conditions ara aa nsr ly Ideal aa It la possible to find tham, her In Oregon city, newcomers, and particularly young married people, fluil lucratlva employment here wbara I ho general surroundings ara moat congenial, and the coat of living no higher tban In cities of similar size anywhere In I lie country. The man agement tukes an active Interest In the welfare of Ita employes, ami sanl tary condlllona are provided In all part a of the plant of the Oregon City Manufacturing Company. It would he hiird to find a more contented lot of people employed In a plunt of I hr na ture, than those working for thla In atllutlon. Notwlthatanillng that I In business Ini a been long ealahllahnd and the giMida are widely and favor ably known, there la no question thai a large part of the credit for success m.U U-" aai ltd hi fc . . 71, I'M Oregon City Woolen Mills nnri l the AI-iuipii-i niiB r.- Mini. II ill heauie. ' In Hi. i.peratloua 1 It furnlah.-a em- .lit nifiil lo alxnU .l.'iti Mien ana fcoliien . I'pwarua i iu -niuiiwi wiuiuli f w".'1 '' nnuaiiy, ao hat' II "y eaaliy te aern mat ine ,r..,,n CHv .Manufaclurtiig Company Lm fur r ajiliig luflueiic In thla urt of I"" couuirj, iiiamua ultnlaed la due to the efficient man agement and bualneaa acumen of A. It. Jucoha, the genial prealdeut and general manager of the plant, lie la a gentleman of exceptional huiMncaa nunllflcHllona, enterprlHe, and with the, moat progreaalve Ideaa and baa alwava lii-cn a at rung factor In the up bulldlng-of Oregon City and Clurka- maa County, lie la thoroughly fa ml I WILLAMKTTK PJLV A PAPtH CO. Oregon City. la th home of tha third largnat paper making eetabllah ment In the United Htatea, and one whoae product la uaed all over the Pacific Coaat country and tha greater portion of the entire Weat. It baa been In operation for many yeara and enjoya a moat enviable reputation In trade clrclee for uniform high quality of product. Thla la tha Willamette Pulp paper Company, whoa m menae plant la arranged to utlllx the furllltjea furnlahed by the Willamette river and fulla at thla point. . The il mil la one of the moat modern and ara uaed annually, and getting tbeaa out of tha timber la another Induatry In Itaelf, and meana tha employment of many men, ao that taken aa a whole, tha operations of tha Willam ette fulp A j'gper Company undoubt edly mean mora' to tbla particular part of the State than any other one Induatry. Throughout the entire ble tory tha management baa been one of progTeaalvenesa, the moat modern bualneaa Ideaa being, applied to all tranaactlona, while the gentlemen In (h.irge of the local affaire of tha com pany ara known aa diatlnctlvely among tba moat enterprlalng and aub atantlal cttUenehlp. Second Vice- men to whoea energy may be attrib uted much, of tha mora recent phe nomenal prosperity of Western Ore gon, and whose efforts will aaaure a atlll brighter future. Oregon City without tha Willamette Pulp Paper Company would not be the commer cial center ah la today. There la no paper company In the Weat which la better prepared to give prompt atten tion to ordera of any magnitude than tha Willamette Pulp & paper Com pany, a fact which la very generally appreciated, and which haa contrib uted largely to the high degree of auc cess attained. Ample transportation facilities have been provided for the W 'n"l'iiiiiii M? l fIWJHfcJSInr,'' View, of WllUmett Pulp & P-per Company's Mill. coniplt-te from a manufacturing atand point, to ln found anywhere, the luteal machinery and appliances hav ing I'.ti Installed. Print paper la . . - .ft- . , l ...... - f . j... . , j . . IMUlli.f lli I. raa.l I.. .nut niiunll. 1 am 1 1. Lii,t fur the sliecu rsiser 10 uiaiuj mr -wnn an conuiiiona. anu uoes mil i - ' bis ool at home anu ai nigneai 1 neanaie to einpnaiicaiiy announce io ; " .u- wun inn ilfge garment factory ia . poopin living elsewhere tnat ttiey will " ij "o ."is m- hi connection w It h the doubt leas be better sal af ed on the """" rum over .nn,.;.Mi. aim Pt ;)rtn-. iinilurtaMl bnanufarlurv of gooua, ana as me I.H'tnry Is conuuciea in n mumi tllh the iimnuisciur 01 imwi, buu the factory throughout la equipped la lib all of the laleat and moat lm- vrd mm-hlnery ana appliances, Ihriw canny nice, coin iw n iu h.rtls qmillty and nnian. tunesrooma trr maUitalncl In N York, Chlcggo, Ln hTam iw o, a Angelea, Portland, President N. p. Lsng. and H. T. Mc Italn, aaaiHtaqt" treBHiircr. look after th operation of' the immense plant find the bualneaa of the company here. Mr. Mcltnln Is a member of the pub licity committee of the Commercial CROWN-COLUMIIA PULP A PAPER CO. . Oregon City la the home of one of tba Immense planta of what Is gen erally acknowledged to be tba largest paper manufacturing concern In tba entire. West -the Crown-Columbia Pulp and Paper company, and Ita oper ations here have long exerted a atrong Influence upon the general prosperity of Oregon City and contiguous terri tory. A large number of men are em ployed In the- Oregoa City plant and tb company contributes In large pro portion to tha annual pay roll of 1730,000. In addition to tb Oregon City mill the company operatea mills at Warrendale, Oregon, and Camaa, Washington. The product comprises a complete line of high grade newa, manilAa, flbr, bolldlng, tissue and fruit papers and paper baga and the trade of the West has come to depend upon this progressive company for whatever may be needed In tbe paper line.-' Newspapers In all Western states use Crown-Columbia Pulp A Paper company's product and Jobbers and dealera find Itjo their own ad van. tage to handle the lines manufactured by tbls company. Tbe Crown-Columbia Pulp Paper company baa adop ted a yellow label, bearing tb words: "Manufactured on the Pacific Coast," and all rolls and shipments of paper are so labeled. Utyal residenta of the Pacific coast have come to know and look for thla label, thereby lending encouragement to home Induatry. Large quantities of fir and other tim ber are used annually and this part of the Industry furnishes employment to many hundreds of men. The mills are equipped with the latest machin ery and appliances. Insuring unifor mity in quality while shipping .facili ties are adequate to assure the buyer of prompt shipment of all ordera. Gen eral offices of the - Crown-Columbia Pulp & Paper company.gre In tbe Commonwealth Bldg.', Portland, where all business Is transacted. prompt handling of shipments In any direction, while, because of the ex-1 lenitive operations of the company, I prices quoted are always on a basis i which Is a strong Inducement to the; trade. Probably more newspapers of i Mr. Theo. B. Wilcox; Secretary and Treasurer, Mr. T. Osmund. Mr. Haw ley 'has had a wld experi ence la th paper Induatry, and tbre Is ne question that tb material auc ceaa achieved la due to bis progrea air methods and bualneaa ability. He Is one of tb cltlxens actf?ly en gaged iu developing the latent re aourcea of this part of tb Stat and In bualneaa circles Is regarded as on of our foremoat and substantial bual neaa men. A large number of men are em ployed In tb plant and Ita operation meana much to tb commercial Inter est of Oregon City, of tb annual payroll of upwards of a million dol lars tb Hawliy Pulp A pap.r ,,,. pany contribute a .rK proportion. HAWl'Y PULP AND PAPER COMPANY, One of the latest and nfost lm- a a a ri.i. a Club, and active In promotion work ! the West uae paper mada by the Wll i P"al " ""jn for . Oregon and the Pacific North- I lamette Pulp & Paper Company tban Ing eMabllshmenta la Ue Hawley Pulp wont, with ttMKMal effort directed Fruit whole If they mm her to llva. Ore-! ninm w-ry much. Indeed, to the com gon City and Western .Oregon fully merrlal liit-rests of Oregon City and I toward the further upbuilding of Ore-aiiiireclates-tbe vaat beneflta accruing ! Western Oregon aa a whole. A vast t gon City and development of Clacka- from this flue plant, and recognUea' Muantliy of logs, about 40 million' feet, ' mas County. He Is one of those young 1 ably of a pleasant nature, . . .. i i .. . i. . . . . ' in 9ir- iai-wiiB unv wi mo inrniiiimi in- .-y.-- ... . . . . .r... . , .. .. . . , fluent lal cltlxens of this part of th " " r ' T country. If you contemplate locating ; rvn 1 hhilwht, kiwn i anywhere In the pacific Coast country i POWER CO. and require work thmughout the year all othere combined, and universal ua v....nuy. satisfaction results, while trade rela-1 manuiaciure or paper aa uuuw: Hons with the company are invar! come to Oregon City. UBLICITV DEPARTMENT OP THE OAeOON CITY COMMERCIAL CLUB. Thli branch of the Commercial hub -i Oregon City Is In charge of k ciiiiimiitce of five meinbe-re wno ar kppoiaied by the Hoard of Governors, the present commltte Is composed bf . K. Cross. II T. Mciiain, u. i. fcliy, tr'riink lluwh and I K. Jonea. Tbe dlrn'MoM of in omc is in hrxi' of M J 1 iJi'elle. who naa ien larly that ixirtion lying In Clackamas county. He Is In possession of 'all facta and flgurea relative to what may lie accompllahed In any line of agri cultural pursuit and what newcomers may expect to find upon their arrival her. This Information he Is always ready to Impart upon application, and In no Instance will It be found exag gerated or overdrawn. Facta and fig ures furnished are based upon his own observations and experience and the expurt knowledge be secured while a student of the State agricul tural college. Mr. Ijuell la an en application and further- detailed In formation when desired. There Is no j queatloii of the materially beneficial Th Influence the company has already i r exerted upon Portland and the sur- THE FIR8T NATIONAL BANK. kith the Commerrlsl Club for some , -1 Hassslnsst l and conscientious worker buie as secretary nd auveriiaiug ,n brnBlf f a (;rt,a,rr Oregon City. Wxnagit . and the further development of the The' rapid growth of Oregon rrn tl,nt reaources of Clack- inJ Clscksmas county during in past i county and Is by long odds the rears, nua been largely tbe re-1 -Miil,r,.nr anrretsrv the Com- ults of the extensive advertising cam-1 ,IPrP,B (-ub or Oregon city has had There s no gainsaying the fact that tranaportatlon facilities exert a great er Influence Uxn the upbuilding and i rounding cltb'S.and territory and with progress of a city or community than the great Influx of people In the Im- ' any it her one element, and only those j mediate future It will have a still 'cities which have modern and strictly more - Important - bearing - upon " the j iiHo-laie street car systems are ac-1 growth and general progress of Port- counted modern aa that word la un- land. Oregon -City and the many aub I jlerstood In these , daya. Interurban ) urban communities, all of which are Itnea have done much In making the r Increasing at a rate which Is beyond "Hack to the land" problem possible; j the belief of those not Intimately In (for they bring acreage tracts Into I formed of actual conditiona. Write close ' communication with, city life j the Portland Railway, Light aV Power and the markets for products raised. Company If yon are Interested In Portland and vicinity la most excel-1 Western Oregon, lently served In this respect by the" Portland Railway, Mght A Power , CLARENCE SIMMONS CONTRAC Company. Aa a direct result of its j TOR AND BUILDER. operations the suburban dtstrlcta lu ' Only National Bank mas County. in Clacka- .inn tlisf baa been carried on by the fubllclly Department. The Commercial Club win, in me tear Mure, erect a building on Main itreet. opposite from in County court louse, to b known as the promotion ifflr of the OregonsClty Commercial lut. This will b the heaquusners r all progress of th county. A dls- ir nsim will be mainiaioea. snow l to visitors th various crops that rsgniwu in ciacganias - III also be an imformation ouremu ir the benefit of th people. There Is a grest wora ahoaa ior hose In charge of exploiting iscsa- as county du to the fact taai tnia kreat million acres or una is nown to the people and but tn gum- big hand only Is absent to piac ne Lomcseekers, in a land of peso and klrnty alnce Its organlxatlon. Printed liters ture will be furnished to anyone Inter ested In this part of I Western Oregon tiMin application to Secretary lJielle and In addition personal letters will further set forth any desired Informa tion. Mr. Laxelle la one of the rising young publicity men of the West, and his rise will doubtless be rapid, for lie takes an earnest Interest In the work and Is making a deep atudy of the problem In all Ita phases. Kastern .people should write to Secretary la xelle If they, wish any Information re garding Oregon City or Clackamas county. LAZELLE ORKOON CITY'S PUBLICITY EXPERT. The business men and varied Inter ims of Oregon City and ciacaamaa unity have come to tha conclusion ht nnlv through concerted erron limy they attract to thla favored sao- M. J. Laxsll. 'nH flllr tirntwirl ton l K Immlirl. Mn 'h P)l ( ln (,!.. t. k Tlanlflrt country, and with that nd In th r lrurr..n r-l v nmmA.lal !UI) Was OrsanlxAil anit Is nfflcnred bv tme of the mm) nrntnlnant and tiro- FfMslve f'feRnn. However, It Is a well tab fact, that no business man Is " a position to devote Ms entire time ) matters nr ,.i,ii. ih it Iherefore deVnlVnA innn h n'rvsntr.a. 'on to secure aa secretary a man who 'hnrnilKhlv famlllai. lltt avlatlno- pndliluns and who Is imhund with 11 Proper bona! ..auLrlt in nrnnnrlv "k Kfter tha lniraaa hi Iha Cnm. racial Club, Oregon City and Clack sitias county. After experimenting rn aifferont men who made repre- r-uaiions of being exports In the Vnt of publicity, Marshall'J. Laxelle PsS Chosen aa nf -- n nh. ----- avmiiiij ui n.w "'IT Cntnmllla. . .1 ..J. t.l Jlun. k. a nix -uiiu cti mm . . F"n mora haa ....nll.Kail fnxn ever hafnra. Ua la a nallva nf " Prt of the State, la a graduate J the agricultural college, and Is nOmilBhlv nnaL l. ..I.ll.a nn. u... ' .... v. i v. wk n lu BAiav.iia " - PHInnt and nnnnrti.nllU. In tha fa. wifui luii.uvi ... mw - I WHlamette Valley, and partleu- TRANSPORTAflON. One of the most essential elements In city building or the development of any given section of the country Is that of adequate transportation fa cilities. Oregon City Is particularly well altuated In thla respect for, in addition to being on the main line of the South-em Pacific railroad, but fourteen mllea from Portland, ahe al ao haa dally boat service to that city and consequently enjoys most favor able freight ratea. That the shipping of Oregon City reslly amounts to something may be gained from the statement that freight to and from Oregon City mllla each year totals 400,M0 tons. , However, It la with more moderate affairs that the average person Is In terestedhe Just wante to know that he may get somewhere if he desires and that his produce may be easily sent to market. Clackamas county has special advantages In thnt re spect, resulting In greater net returns to the farmer, truck gardener, poul try raiser, fruit raiser or dairyman. And, by the way, thla Is certainly the banner dairying section of tbe West. But that subject Is dealt with else where In this edition. In addition to the Southern Pacific railroad and water transportation ' the Portland Railway, Light ft Power company op erates an Interurban line between Portland and Oregon City, maintain ing a half hour service and also carry ing mnll, express and freight. So the question of transportation has been thoroughly solved here and requlrea no further consideration from the prospective settler. Chances ar that In coming to Ore- mn Cltv you will travel over the Union Faclfle, , Oregon-Washington Navigation company and Southern Pacific, and If so any agent anywhere In the East will gladly give you more detailed Information, or better yet, write tbe secretary of the Oregon City Commercial Club. Do you of the Middle West and East fully reallr.e what It really means to pick roses throughout the entire winter? That la wnai we oi wiw. City are able to do. Ton aara from todnV V0U will W0n- der how It happened: how it was that you did not appreciate that Clscka maa county and Oregon City were to ....,ika such a nhenomenal growth. Oet In and help to boost along one of the best sections of tne country iui lies out of doors. Send some papers back East to people who are anxious to get away from that cold climate. particular have rapidly settled up un- It la the younger element Of our til one may now ride In several direr-! business men who are doing moat Just lions for twenty miles or more lu j now to push along development work what has becom really a part of the of every nature In Oregon City, and cltv of Portland. Along the line con-: this section of the Stste generally, 4 meting Portland and Oregon City j for they are Imbued with the Ideas 4 r : T 7! That there was not only ample room but a legitimate demand for a second banking establishment In Ore gon City-has been fully demonstrated by the phenomenal growth of Tbe First National Bank alnce It waa orga nized, and it ranks today among the leading financial Institutions of West ern Oregon. According to the last nubllshed statement tbe bank has j total resources of f295.373.25, a capi tal stock of 150.000, surplus fund and j undivided profits of nearly 13,000. .while deposits have mounted gradu i ally upward lo the very respectable sum of $238,818.41. The circulation is U.S40. Of the men In charge of bank ing affairs In Western Oregon there are probably none better known than the officers of The First Nstional Hunk. I). C. Ijitourette la president. Ijitourette vice-president, F. J. Meyer cashier and M. D. Latourette Wrapping. Newa, Tissue, Wrsps, Light Maallss. . The plant la equipped with the most modern machinery, with an output of 35 ions per 24 hours. The officers of the company are: President and General Manager, Mr. W. P. Hawley; Vice-President. OREGON CITY ICE A COLD STOR AGE WORKS. One of tbe essential features of mru city life a an ample aupply f. b-oln'ely Pure Ice and th pro viding of cold storage for edibles of very nature, that they may be kept In good condition foT delivery to the consumer. Insulations' of this nature contribute directly to tbe health of the people and Its Influence Is not to be overestimated. Oregon City has all modern conveniences and not least among them Is tbe Oregon City Ice Cold Storage Works, which Is owned and under the able mrf ment of Messrs. L. p. H or too By Cos, two of our progressive busi ness men who conduct their affairs along moat modern lines and furnish residents with tbe best possible ser vice. Their plant Is conveniently lo cated at Twelfth and Main etreeta, and ia equipped with the lateat ma chinery and appliances for the manu facture of pore Ice from filtered water. Thla Is sold at the lowest pos sible prices and delivered to reslden ces and places of business, as may be desired. The Messrs. Horton and Cox are among those who are lending their best endeavor toward realizing that Greater Oregon City for which loyal cltizena are striving, and are in all particulars among tbe more rep resentative and substantial citizens. People considering locating here will nd tbe service of the Oregon City Ice & Cold Storage Works fully tbe equal to that furnished by similar es tablishments where they may have previously resided with the cost fully as low. Perishable goeds of mer chants and dealers are stored at rea sonable rates, ample fact lit lea having been provided for that purpose. - !t Beiutlful Wlllsmstte Falls Which Furnish Immense Water Power. The Messrs D. C. small towns and villages have inruni: of nroeresalveness which " mark the assistant cashier. up and a large number of people who ( Kenernl trend of affaire in all parts jsnd C. D. Latourette are practicing previously lived In the city have built of the world today. Of those who are attorneys who have followed their splendid homes where more land Is j PKhing nara along mono nnea tocany available. Here they may engage In ; no" mor deserving of praise than poultry raising or truck gardening , Clarence Simmons, general contractor with the knowledge that at any time ! builder. Although engaged In they aro within easy distance of one ! 'hat line of business It Is not from a Of the most metropolitan cities of the nm"n mieresi aioo- inai mr. oim country, and markets as good as may be found anywhere. Along this line there are Innumerable opportunities for the people who desire to engage In' these or slmllnr pursuits, or who mons believes in making things go some he Is endowed with a spirit of progrcsslveness and energy which atuates his motives and causes him 1 t'i make things hum whenever and desire to have suburban homes away ! however possible. No man In tbla from the bustle and turmoil of the city and yet easily accessible to all the advantages of those who make up the urban population. The Portland Railway, Light A Power Company maintains a half hourly service In each direction over the Oregon City line a line which la doubtless as well patronized as any In th country a fnet which demonstrates that people are not slow to take advantage of the Ideal conditions existing In tbls part of Western Oregon for the kind of life which seems naturally to appeal part of the State la better equipped for general contracting and building than Mr. Slmnlona. He furnishes com plete plans and estlmatea for resi dences or structures of any size and has ample equipment for handling the contract for their erection. He has built many of the best residences In Gladstone and Oregon City and other nearby places, entire sstlsfaction re sulting In every Instance. At Ninth and Main streets Mr. Simmons main tains an office and woodworking plant where he manufacturea his own .... - I , . , u I . . . . 1 tn 1 to all alike. In addition to the aplen-1 mienor iiniBn. u..s. anu un did street railway service this thor-1 tores and In fact, any and everyth ng onghly progressive company furnishes ! ' the woodworking line. Includ ng electric light and power In Portland I "ne furniture of Oregon fir Mission and Oregon City at rates which leave tyj and either burned or -talned Jo no cause for complaint, oren uiiy "" .. ..m.... ..... Is as well lighted as most cities of Simmons has taken the Initial steps itiwnru mv ti Kiiimsutiu ui a uuimmn and loan association here, and while Its size In the country, stores, public buildings and residences being Illumi nated by thla modern method. The service In 'this department.! main tained at tbe very highest standard of efficiency and Is eminently satis factory. But the feature which will doubtless most appeal to people . of the East Is that concerning oppor tunities In the suburban districts. For their accommodation the company conducts a land department -vhere any desired Information may be had, finely Illustrated booklets being sent upon ' : he has not yet succeeded In interest ing a sufficient amount of capital there la no question of the ultimate success of the venture, those really Interested tn the welfare of the city realizing that homes for people are one of the greatest assets a city' has. Anyone contemplating the erection of a residence should not fall to secure plans and estimates from Mr. Sim mons, for there is no doubt that he Is able to save money and atlll per form first clasa work, . I H. WEINrlATO BREWERY. a . -" Education along the lines f 'the proper use of beer during tne. past few years bss done much Jto,. teach tbe American people with reference to the proper use of that beverage, and as a result well made beer la now recognized as distinctively a'footf" pro duct, a strengthener to people who are In a .weakened condition from sickness, snd is prescribed by the liest physicians in many esses. Throughout the Pacific Coast country the product of The Weinhard Brew ery, of Portland, is recognized as tbe highest standard of excellence tn beer and is widely used aa a popular- bev erage, while many of the leading fam illes In every city keep a case con stantly in their homes for private use and on all social occasions. einnara beer is fabricated from the choicest bops snd barley, by brewmaaters who have been educated in tbeir profes sion tn the leading brewerlea of Ger many. They have at their command every facility to turning out the best beer possible,, Jo make, with ample storage capacity for properly ageing It one of the most, essential, features In really 'good beer I The manage ment of the brewery keeps fully abrtast of the times in the matter of progressive Ideaa, and no expense Is spared In the outlay of iwhich the standard of tbelr product will be maintained at the highest point, or which will In any manner facilitate the handling of their immense trade. . branch of the Weinhard Brewery Is maintained in Oregon City under the management of Christian Hart mann. who has had charge of the business here since 1894. He is a gentleman well equipped for the posi tion. Js -popular with the trade, and regarded aa a business man of Integ rity and standing. Not only does he serve a large number of the saloons of Oregon City, but many private families buy case goods, keeping Weinhard beer constantly in their homes. The Weinhard Brewery owns one of the best business buildings In Oregon City, and. Is always ready to assist In all legitimate ways in fur thering the general Interests of this part of th State. Local people are promptly served by Mr. Hartmann, deliveries being made anywhere In the city. ' r chosen profession with the greatest success In this part of the State for many years past Depositors and pa trons of The First National Bank, therefore, have at all times the bene fit of the legal knowledge of these of ficials In protecting- their Interests. The policy of officers of The. First National Bank has always been one of progresslveness and anything tending to the betterment or upbuilding of Oregon City and Clackamas county is Invariably loyally supported. The bank stands solidly btffitnd the busi ness interests of the city, and every courtesy consistent with sound bank ing Is extended on all occasions. A general banking business Is trans acted, letters of credit Issued, collec tions made anywhere, foreign and do mestic exchange bought and sold In fact there Is rj facility offered by the large banks of Portland and other larger cities which Is not furnished by The First Natlonall Bank. The banking house occupied Is one of the most handsome and complete In West ern Oregon, mahogany fixtures and furnlHhlngs presenting a view of rich ness and stability. A very consider able part of the management of this splendid Institution falls upon the very capable shoulders of Cashier Meyer, a gentleman whose experience has particularly qualified him for this Important position. The First National-Bank Is a distinct credit to those responsible for Its organization and management and of Inestimable value to Oregon City and Qlackamas county. Three cropa of vegetables of all va rieties ar raised on tbe tame ground each season In Oregon City and Clackamas county. Is It any wonder that landa are worth more than back Baatt ' ' . COWGOLEUM The Floor Covering for Hard Wear CONGOLEUM is especially suitable for places jvhere there is exceptionally hard wea?r such as in stores and offices, around bil liard fables, in busy passageways, etc. Where ordinary linoleum cannot" stand the traffic and something tougher is needed, buy Congoleum. ESPECIALLY good for nickleodeons, theatres, etc ' ", -'' ' I7ONG0LEUM will -;notjbut:n. Matches, cigar VH" ashes, lighted, cigars, or live coals will not ignite it. i ' ' MANUFACTURED ONLY BY UNITED ROOFING & MFG. CO. , West EsdTrsst Buildisg . PWIsdelpWa, fa. . w-". :;" Cbk-sje SOLD IN OREGON ONLY BY . PACIFIC PAPER COMPANY PORTLANDOREGON , PIONEER TRANSFER CO. There Is no other element of city life which is of more Importance than the well conducted transfer and ex press business, for there Js hardly a citizen of any community who does not at some time or other require the services of the expressman. Oregon City Is fortunate In the possession of a reliable transfer business which Is under the capable and efficient man agement of Messrs. Dwlght Bain and E. E. Crises, men of enterprise and energy who have the Interest of the city very much at heart, and who are counted among our representative and substantial cltlxens. General transfer and draying Is done promptly and at the lowest possible prices', heavy hauling, piano and safe moving . being made a specialty, while house hold goods and merchants' hauling la also given prompt attention. A num ber of wagons are employed with cap able and reliable men, and every ef fort Is made by the proprietors to please and satisfy their patrons. Mes srs. Bain and Grlsex recently pur chased the business from Mr. Green man, who formerly conducted the business. In addition to tbe transfer business, sand and gravel for build ing purpose are also to be had In large quantities. The office of the firm may be found In the postofflce building on Main street and they may also be reached by telephone, their number being 12. Prompt attention will be given to all ordera at any time. Being men of strict honor and Integrity as well as ability, it Is safe to predict for the firm a very success ful future. In addition to their dray business they are agents for the Mt. Hood Brewing company, and furnish a number of saloons with beer aa well as many families. A sufficient stock Is carried to Insure the prompt filling of orders, deliveries being made any where In the city. ; Si-