Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, February 26, 1911, Section Two, Page 2, Image 6

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Exceptional Opportunities for Hqme Seekers in Cctos Couiij,
! :
f Sheep ere atao raised with profli I
f Sheep pasture MT o ootataea
j l real a moat, asd lamb, before
I om ver old, tll sell at from I J o
; $4. The average sheep will sac
! poowd. The prr of wool during the
illadstone baa but on church di
ne at present, but It U a building
ku so wooderousiy w .';' ?'""-? 1 "... U trf .U East Who'.ra... l.U ,ad. of -ooi. .hit
of as woaderful a towaalt m cm b
fband anywhere la the Stat of Or-
worn. la fact iner ar iew nxv v-mm-
Bf bo found In th Stat vt lo N u ehlBg aomes aaoara " mm of to yrmrunrs
found loading lato Caabr. , mtl. i ihiwi l''u" ; " ,"M . .
" ... v.i V. rimed lands la the vicinity of Caaby
county rair uiwki wb - t: - . ., .-. . V i.mtv
urai iie n w ' ' " - " . - " ... ...n. .JiimI let ra'mlBC , ,t - ,J).tmlc this
tbta almoat
fmrma la Clackanas county
fartUa farmlac comnuDltr ia trtbutat? , track la tb Northvoat and conao-
U It, boing loratad la ta boart of ib qUatly a Urco aambor of bono train
WUIaaiotta Valloy tbaa br no bot- j vr( cotno to Canby for latw quartern,
tor aofl caa b fouad aayara la U j why Kwk kar for a borne, boa
I'ntoa for aenoraJ purpoaoa. Including by coming to Canby you caa totter
fanning, fruit growing, truck farming. your condition, enjoy II fo. raiao your
A .iran6y track u ine oo.y n- ""i"-- " ". IrM,k of ,.rrr d. , m. a., ikree iper aitUa.
tortptioa. Tbey nay oa im bu wj , om ix aaica ta ixt iciru
term In many Innancea. aad coad- tb, world. Tbo aj-ee ttHI e.tirlor
tka are aocb that the tnyeator arttl-' ad ba a ttnJlof TJV
reap the greateat pobl mum from . tvio prr aaaunt. The produvt of Ihe
hia ItNvt and quickly acqulro a com- Bln, to ;jj a day. or a total In
Paaby la oBO of mo ore tia of TJii) too. THee raiup
poultry raining and ie enrtar. Tt , family aumwnded with tbo beat of ia
at .yalley of the Molaila RJrer, ra f fluacea and prolong your day la ka
branch of the Willamette, to ita souia : ptnesa. peace aad plenty.
la all tributary to
acre of fertile aoiL aome of which 1
In a high mate of culUratioo while jW
other pan are practically undevel
oped, offer a rare opportunity to ,
wher" dime wUl grow dollar.! of W. - B h. terw a
ouW-ker thaa aay pUco you caa plant rorg Influence in t be upbuilding of
Ite tuwn 01 laaoy ana uepttieai
.m" . lH. a. ' of tb Hirruunding territory, for In hi
Aay on who U 'r"t ; c,pac!ty of .bole-ale deaJer and eom
pot -hen the traini .to , 45,00 merchant he handle. .t
beug waooa wiva '"' -""J quantttie of l be product of Clacra
ablpped to thi. cl y Pr" m mu county farma each year. H bu -b
convinced tbat to locat. near C for CMn h.T. ,r,,,. fd. pc
by meana to be able to wta. abund , on greea and dried fruit.
ancforaoaae aad tobabJe or fce hiD4,
to aiapoa 01 awpiu- - , rommodiUe oa a fair and 0M
mflt Tba railroad employe oa tn ; "
aaata lice of tb Southern Pacific j
which ruas Uirough the tow cUim ;
that no other towa its air along the
road ahlps out a much veaL pork. ,
poultry, eggs, vegetables, berrioa and )
potatoes a dooa Caaby. I
Prom tb quality of tb atrawberriea .
and logan berries raised at Canby no
on could claim for them a bom oat-1
.ia. of Canby: for better berries nyer.j
grw than laea raised at Canby. Tbef
KaUoKz oeople of Tare Rivers, Mich- 1
th famoos growers of tbe thorough-,
bred plants, recognized that in no '
place to their knowledge was th soil ,
aad climatic coadition as favorable J
for raising th strawberry plant as on
tbe Canby prairie, and therefor taey J
hav a well established nursery here.
Canbys being close to Portland is a
great advaatage. Canby is only twen-ty-foar
miles from the metropolis of
th Northwest, with both railroad and ,
river transportation. Tata makes it
aa easy matter to market without do-
lay aad cheaply all produce and It , rr '.
geaeraUy eonceaea mat roruaaa n,- - -
.. oirui.. la altuatfd in toward which ry rlllaea looha wllh
The city of Utado-. ta alt-ai a . , wo b, ,b rhrlalla.
. ' ,,J,V.h. wr il.m.U. vaHer lulchurck. Rev. A. II. Mulheyj th pre
towaaitlatb Wlllamett va.iey. 1 began to bold aervlco la
"7 ha. -'TTll toward the Wll- thr,H.h Me etforta and th united
UJ;. d ftaVtama. rivers of ab.H.1 f.s "f bis fl.h lb church was built.
Umette ana 1 iaraia g rtM.m achKJ houae, well
t?J?&?&lT-&M and ventilated, and bull, with
twTWci , magafnoeal streama-ib. maiopurtHH-s I tnlnd-to got a
cnackama. emwie It ri-r watrr. ' building that would last, and on that
Ka 'Tru-Th. mountain. Into ,h. vM th scholar, comfort.b...
Vl.meVte al It. feet. Tb. Clarha Trt.r. Mrri.lon Vedd.r la principal,
ma. rUer fumi.hea aa celleo Ther. are two .lore., poelofflc meat
aourro of supplv Mr water for tb n.arkrt. arlr , ahop. rehoiia.
1 ' 1 . . . ? 1 a. a ftua. m Mil tavrh tial amtaili ataaaT
a. Tka i tf ar aTmllkawrm m T till W 1B- irrigllK a w ae - - -
kippin poiU la CU-kta. ctmet? u ;v-V f of W yr Th . smriM of furnUb- dfHH, n4 Unit Hall. hlrl U m4
. rt. V -aL 1 il Tl T a DB1 r Tix - PJ IMMnaT UK OIIIKll it.' "w- w . . . k. i K nil r k at f aaf antl ID al K"iv
. nslabed product ai am,wtjtr . Brx .,,., tKm and-wotli-will 4
to 4-M.ooii toaa p,r annum , Unt , h, mmedtt. fu-
A wovden mill afekh a i Ju
llhed la 1M man;ifctare. the vr I -m, ,i,,Br m.kea t;ladlone
oua kind, of wwl.-n fvd. ub aa - , .,,r,.) pl.cra lit
tlanketm. robea. Bannrin. hirt. mack-; .nk, f dutiful
whether buying or selling. Parmem
bring their pmduce to him from long
diataace because aware that they
will evt the beat net result, by aell
ln to W. H Balr. rrequent ship
meots of rarktad kvs to Portland and
other nurifi ta made Catby an 1m
piciaet p.nct the 5a!fcera laciflc
and e-ry facility from a trnporta
tMa :and?oint is enjoyed I t has
la thnwgh b effrts that a reg
ular market has beea es'.aMisbed ia
California. Texas and Art roc a. for our
maws; etc. It bIm ha a larte gar-
meat factory la .iteci.s This mill,
whkh Is tr larg-t wet of tbe .Mia
alMippI River. tm,)i Jl' prrn
and uaea UJO.Oi0 pond of wxl a
Tbe timber of Clakama County I
one of its moat al-iiMe aaaeta.
Among tbe forest products are lum
-cy grade, of potatoes aad Orecvn piling. kga. ahiagles. mining tlm
ben. teieoboao mlca. railroad II
wd" are now recognized In those
a t aa tbe beat procurable. Mr
Ba a young maa of excellrnt bul-
Dries are good. On gardaer has
marketed over laoO worth of rhubarb
off of a single acr. Those who have
marketed asparagus report even a
larger Income from aa acre of this veg
etable. .
The raising and Crying of prunes la
also a source of wealth, which most
aot be overlooked. Large driers are
ram at fall blast during tb drying sea
aoa. The Italian prunes raised her
are nurmrt to aoae produced aad a
ready market ia always to be found.
Caaby Is also aa important shipping
point of cord wood, piling and mining
timbers. There la still abendaace of
timber dose In. which makes ti nosai-
' T .
1' .
I , V.i -- - j,m" 'j
aad cordwood.' all of wblch are e
tensive Indaatriea.
The country la bJeed with man?
brooks and sprioca of the puret
water. It may truthfully be atated
that there la acarcr.'r a farm of JC
, acres In th county but which Baa
(running water. '
Tbe Clackamaa and Molalla Hers.
as well aa the Willamette, afford the
flneat scenery. The falls of tb Wil
lamette is on of th sbow place, of
--h-e svate. but Ita commercial value
far -surpasses Its scenic beauty. Thl
falla baa a capacity foe producing. In
mense horsepower, nd Industries k
cst'ed ther ntlllie practically air of
: this force at the low watr-r stage
Beside, the tnduktrtra mentioned
above, a power plant here supplies'
a considerable pcrt!on of the energy
for llthts and streetcars in nrtland
These Industries nte tregoa nty an
unusually large pavroi)
lxing considered
Clackamaa rlter are full of shady
oka. if Vine Maple, and evergreen
trees and pretty frna Here the an
tgW-r dellchta to teaae tbe sirly sal
moa and spreckled troit. which msy
be seen In th clfr water.
On cf the Meat Attractive Rural
District. Adjacent t Oregon ,
' ' City..
for entertain
uirnta. Ter tPwianuie tor
many lnrior. 'who w lit And room
for all kinds of btialnewa, and get In
on the ground floor.
Cladaton la th bom of th. Wil
lamette Valley Chautauqua Assembly
which Is In a two weeks' aeanlon every
yrar during I he month Of July. This
inatiiutloii la btraied in a seventy fl.
acre park within lbs Hy limits and
attracts from two to Av Ibouaand
people from 1 he boat and most cul-
aomea B ,B w
meetings. Tm&5?H
Chautauqua I. Ihtw-f'r,
ln.j.lratlo0. J.?!?J,A fccaV
ftatfAJw lv
At aa isct Upheld a fC ;
10. th el.'ufJWk
lo becom a
' neoum an liuorporauiT.
O. E.rey,.,: .Alu'7l
O. A. lUiler. p. A hni1,
Howell. Br.0m v-dV
surer. J. K. pard.
liant Hammond
Tb Aral lodrn ot.... . "
on, and th only ... aj
ton, and th onl - .17
em. la tb Ch.uu.inu, t p Tb. Ll"
orders a fll m ,a
brl Uol of I . (Tf J
will son lay rlairn to Ll,i
put on the woi k f thTfi"
th. bert team, ,n ,h
lodge meeta eiry M.d
A wise maa once aald, "Thai th
best country In the world was North
America; that tb bet place la North
America wa. tbe Called State.; that
lb beat place la tb Called State,
wa. Oregon; .nd that tbe beat place
In Oregon was Clackamaa County."
. Tb surburbaa district of Twilight.
Wated at Ih door of Oregon City.
Is a realistic picture of one of those
toris which you read of la boohs
uf "Rural homes, orchards.- flowers,
gardens, green meadows, peace and
plenty, and ait In connection with a
happy and contented people. These
are th coodlthma- .that appeal to
thoae who, by city employment, have
leeti. deprived of part of the true- life
that ia jutty due every man. Tb
sloxan. "Hack to tbe soil, Is not
population 1 merely a popular fad. to eitst today
and be gone tomorrow; It la the cat-
gon Clly'wlll allow resident, of Twl- Is dally dellseryd to
light lo have advantage of city n. a governmani tum rarriar ll?'
ploy men t; and provide th advaa-floog dlsiame telephone .Ji?
tag. of a country home, reductloa of
living eipenae and th great advan
tage of having a. garden .nd orchard
a. well a. poultry and icow,
Mom. resident, of this district are
making a great euccea. of ralalng
poultry. Climallo aad soil conditions
favor this very profitable buslnesa.
Kggs are produced during lb a later
months to great sdvsniage.caarcownt
of Ih. abundant growth of green food
such aa kale. etc.
Home of tbe apple orrharda hav
proven, the adaptability of th soil ta
this line and now many more or
rharda are being planted. " Not otily
applea. . but , pears, prune, cherries,
and In fact all kinds of fruit and nnt
tree, produc. equally well.
- Kaapberrlea. logan lerrlea, black-
lernea. g.xwe oernei an currama . ,Bort -)rtaor f -
II produce abundanily to Ih. .atir , w . y AhmtnkYitt
.ath.f.cti:.n of tb. m.-t rrltlral grow-. w ' ., M
er. Im. Jbe MTIUW.IiKKK Y la 1 .nd reap . n1,,nrT
hswanf I aa.l.Wk
vHW -RiMsra will mVi
aa well as wkh the 0.1,14,
aldawalk cntnecta with OrJTV'
and la fan all ,b. atZTl
lencea are found t TaUltkL
Th Und at TwillgM wwJ
th realdenta wha tr got raeZ.
by Und agent a. Tbtia. haia7.
Interested )n having a koa. a J
desirable Belghborhaud JL
go for IhemseUrs, ss tottlJml
sna juage for (hemarlvs.
1 1
1 More recently ther ku Wsi.
aomenal develupmeat of tk, aun
sections of all cities of ,
Ba and thoiiaand. a sua tasaaiht
people hav purchased am, tM)l
It is tb boast 0 Clacaamaa County jural course of event a brought about
that tl baa more miles of Improved j (b demand for . the pnMrtlonal
hlathway thaa an j r other Oregon rcmn- j dutributton. of mankind in the .urban
ty Much attention baa i-een devoted ana rural districts "
table commiasloB baala. He has pro- neaa ability, posh and energy one of
vtded -ntle storaee room for carry- the real-'live wire, of this sectkn of
teg on a large and constantly increas- the State and tiis future success Is
inc volume of business and no man 'rally assured. He Is a native of Ore
enjoys4 a hlgber standing with the goa and therefore fully- conversant
firmer, as a whole than W. H. Balr. with her requirements aa well aa the
to road building within the. last few
years. Th An hishwsys make Clack
amaa roada favorite, with motoruie
of Portland
tt"blle Clackamaa Is one of the old
est counties in the state. Oregon City
at one time having been considered
" --u mm 1 ur . ..... II. r.
With a efficient amoant of cash pro- many opportunltiea eiisting for the v " TIVT"'
vided-Mr. Bair is ta the market stall newcomer, each and every one of 1""'T " V V V -i,fci .V-
Urnes for farm prodocelt the high- whom Invariably receive, a loyal wel, b,f dKpment. In fact bln the
est cash prbres and he has' the high-"come and every assistance from Mr. u twt in ,he ct" ' t!
e reputation for ,uar dealing. Balr. going ahead " to. Th
. ia still much land to be cleared which.
: ... timer and nnderbrueh removed.
' 1 enjoyed by thoae living In larger will be divided Into prod net 1 v. farm.
title.. Write tb Caaby canal for de- The fruit induatry, too. la in Ita in-
In all parrs of tbe world It la now . tailed Information regarding what fancy, and Clackamaa offer, many In-
hie to aecar the beat baildiag mater- folly realized that the beet crop are I may be had and ' accomplished on ducements to the horticulturist.
tela at the lowest coat, hi ach aarfaced assured by irrigatioo. even sections ' these landa Ieading In th work of develop-
lumber, cord wood, mining timber aad 'where tie rainfall is ample, being ' ; ment. la the Oregon City Commercial
alise are ablnoed bv the carload to becefi'ted in treat measure br aa ir- Cluh. Thla I. rombosed rf a live ag
Eaateni points. Those who are seek- rration system which makea it poa- j WILLIAM H. .UCKE COMMISSION rreetic.n of buslnes. men. who are
lag; bud which can be irrigated will sible .to turn oa -a supply of water
Dad that such U&d may be had aloes
the Molaila River.
While the popwiarJoa is oely about '
serea haadred. yet it is cocataatly
growbsg. Daring tie past year more
thaa tweany new bsfloisgs have been
erected, aad probably ebovt JK?.0) :
have Veea expeaded for inrilding pv
poses. Oar eoatracVjrs tU cs that
from iadieatSoas the oimr of troiVt
iaga to be coesu-acted this seuon wl!1
exceed that of Up year. Oft people ,
are atektng wX home, ia our beasti
fal Dl towa. where theye are no aa-
toon aad where peace re-Iran supreme.
The fact 'tat tie p-op of Canby
aboOahed tie saloon hat led the best .
eUas of pe; to ek he here:
therefore Caaby is a towa of loni. ;
Caaby is also a bcry lHtle fiutfnesa
We have tare large depart
noree. two large tvdware es-
ta&iabmeats. three eomaiasioa boos
es, a creamery, a caniry, a jewelry
store, a bakry. a printing office which
gcs oat a weekly paper, three real
eata'e otaces aH of which are doing a
r ,
' In considering a location In any
; given section of the country one of
! tbe unit essential elemebt. to the
1 farmer is that of a suitable market
aiding very materially to place Clack
a maa County in tbe foreground. This
club support, a publicity department
whtcn takes an active part in all prog
ress.' Oregon City Is growing. Several
brick blocks were constructed last
j for hi. products so that he will be Summer, and building operation, will
i insured tbe highest cash price, at all be resumed In tbe Spring. A dock,
j time, and be able to market his crop hs been constructed, a. well a. many
j with the leaat trouble and expenae. street and other Improvement. The
1 Wi:h Portland and San Pranclsco Government engineers' are preparing
wittin easy reaching distance tbe
market for Clackamas county is thor
oughly established and enterprising
business men have entered the field
with a view to buying everything
raised r the farmer. In Clackamas
county one of the most prominent, as . good buildings and equipment
most extensive dealers, la William H--cate this The Installation of
for the construction of tbe new i;im,
fxrfl locka at tb Willamette River
fa IK. . A second railroad ha been
built to Portland, which show, the
increase of traffic. ,
The farmers are prospering. The
.Therefor thae line are dedicated
to thoae who hav. received "Th Call
of the doll." and oa of th many
desirable local lona fur a home la Ore
gon will be pointed out.
KINO of all crop. Twilight la the;
hum of in "llig Red strawberry.
In IMS reaper! Oregoa 6tf 11
The aull I especially adapted for thla . . . .JZjLJ
-..- It ..... . m....rn.m. In ..-. ' ' "H W
- v . .thrown Upon Ihe marks! i e - in" pimwui-iif ivii's.
" flaeat lands IB rrmtmm,
' ""'7 -1!"":- ellag ia small- Uacia aU o
producer his f.mou. .trawberrie al kulnr f m..,,
hi. ' goulh Knd PUat and Urn Ifrl.arlB a L
Parm." at T.l.lgbL Th. Mlowl-g ; JTr? tlTctaar
1. a communication aaareaaea to ine
' ,V- . ,
,-s e-rftarfiijBri.wctrir.' 1
Prlte-wrinning Jtrssy Bull, Owned by
"Mapl Lawn Farm."
W. J. W. McCord, Proprietor f tb
t Just out aid of tbe rlty Haiti Mi
tb main mkrsdan mad kwcsji
Oregon Clly Tb. soil hMf
adapted lo fruit raising, tract at
Ing. berry ralalng. etc. AlnaijU
; school building has assi get
ther ar. stores, etc., asi mar
; tat Ion will be furnlabsd hlki
. worker by a mudera gasaaatati
j abllng those employed at tatcti
1 reach their area, of lake at C
' aa cirrumataar. may taatn. i
I Th. tract, which ar hsataMj
. ClaiVmont rang from t m
I ward and may b had !'
' when desired and to salt ft ar
. lean of th. purchaser. TkUsi!
tur which baa appeal H I
j wage earners and they htn ar
ihomri there, many of tan h
at lb7 end of ih. first rsar net
' w er 1 . for th Brst tlm.. tostaa!
I and no kmger need pusl tt
agallkt th wag. grlB4staat I
, ertipeople wanting iMllhosaH
small tracts ar. really hnwr I
large one In this eountrf-w
conditions at nalrmoat
i.i.i mnA hmiiJ not fall t h
thla splendid suburb" a""
they reach Orer t-'T
bus I
ti.aiiH f im hand la
wealth through leglllmaM jfi
resident. Of !
mat Issnuata
M. J. Lee.
lMrV. of Canby, wbo ha. been en- and lighting sy.tem., with telephone,
gaged In that line of business for dally mail, etc, give the farmers
nearly four year. He handle, im- every modern convenience,
mense quantities annually of Clacka-M Clackamaa County held laat Pall a
ma. county farm produce, hia con-" record breaking fair on it. own
nections making it possible for him ground, at Canby. The display of
to pay tbe highest cash price. He farm products -waa very meritorious.
make, frequent shipments to San and gave some Idea of the arrlcul
thrivtag basiaeea. several eoofectioo-, when the crops ost need It. It ab-, Pranclsco. being the Western Oregon tural opportunltiea that are open to
ery stores, a targe rami-.ure store, an soiuieiy oovuue. crop lauurea ana in- representative ci wolf son of that , all who settle la this state,
mviertakiag eatablisninest aad a bank sure, to the farmer, truck gardener , city. Mr. Laicke Is a business man of j .
with over S2A4.9O0 on deposit, two 'Aad fruit grower a greater return on the highest standing and haa always, OREGON CITY.
Mack-waahh shops, a pool hail and an hia Investment whether he operates enjoyed a reputation for the "square ,
p-to-date livery stable with aa aato- ' on a large or small scale. Another deal" in every transaction. He Is one ; Oregon City Is essentially a city of
mobile garage. These btrsintss place. , distinctive feature Is th fact that ir- of tbe strongest boosters for a far- homes Here conditions are Ideal In
certaialy prove Caaby a lite town. ligation Increases tbe prod action to tber development of th resource of eTery respect for the family who ap
Beaidea w hare tbe town lighted with such an extent that It Is not neces-' Clackamaa county, and a live and pro- j oreclates mod. conveniences but
electricity and have a fie mutual sary to cultivate so large aa area In 1 gresaive citizen In every way. A large
telephone system, which Is maintained oraer to reap an equally large profit, portion of tbe Clackamaa county far
at a cost of W-ss than tZM a member Tbe Canty canal will provide water raer, make Canby their market point,
per year. for something like 13.000 acre of selling to Mr. Locke. He baa large
No saloon, but many churches prove land In the Willamette valley sur- and modern warehouse for storage
that morality is at a high ebb. There 1 rounding the tow n of Canby. and as purposes, and la able to. handle p ro
ar foar ehurcbe consisting of th a result": itut particular section of dtice In any quantity offered. In the nations' with awret and
Methodist, the Christian, the Norweg- ClacVamaa county will enjoy a de- country surrounding Canby i some T.i In rLuh-
laa Evaageocal and tie German Evan gre of prosperity never before of the finest farm land In the West. 1 . 1- VL.I' .!T 7v . .iTi
Klict W. .ltr, k wrmA I..U W,. .ml . . .. t. m ... .v C'-.-un.uil, WIQ w..n S"-"7
aw . v - a-w hiivwmi - aa sijj fr du yy j ui waci vm simu w vuimc 1 s wt all II II VA k UCi C W sjlilsaaj
whereby the child may remain at borne secured from tbe Molalla river and, did field for their operation.
predates modem conveniences, but
who desire to live In a smaller city
where social relation, ar usually
more congenial than In 'the larger
centers. .
With a moat excellent public school
system, with all th church denomi
1 T,r mi. ,.
1 -
-4.1 .i W'..
I 1 1 1 wm,,
Pann Scan in th Twilight Neighbor hood.
posed and thoroughly progressive peo
ple residing here, no place offers
more than Oregon City. Th climate
Is all that might possibly be expected,
and far more than Easterner, will
believe It to be until they have ex
perienced It themselves. Portland Is
within easy .reach on tbe Interurban
cars; the mountain are easily acces
sible; the ocean Is but a short dis
tance away and there are many place,
where pleasure and recreation may
be sought during the summer month.
Oregon City Is distinctively an up-to-date
commercial center. Her mer
chants ar allv to th requirement
of,th people and carry large stocks
of th best goods. These ar sold for
considerably leas than Is possible In
larger cities where expense are high
er. All necessaries ar available, the
luxuries at hand, and, In fact, nothing
left to be desired to make home Ufa
absolutely Ideal.
Oregon City and Oregon City people
welcome th newcomer. They do not
almply give a pleasant greeting when
yon first arrive, but put forth a gen
uine effort to lend their assistance
In permanently and profitably locating
thoae who may contemplate making
tneir nom ner. it la not Just for
today with Oregon City folks they
ar genuine In their welcome and It
lasts. Mighty good people to II v.
witn. i
Com and Investigate thla city of
.a muusnmj peopi with its immeni
manufacturing Interests, Its rich farm
Ing country surrounding and posslblll.
ties greater than any city of equal
six anywhere. ql"
But from one to two and onehalf , Oregon Clly Commercial Club, which ,n- Mrl f re
mllea from Oregon City Is one of the will give sn Idea of an e Xpert's opln- -- Tb. rlln
. ... . t. ..... 1 i".in... . . . ... colour.
"i m Hum iii ( 1 uini iou i strawiierry culture:
district The fact that th famous j "In regard to the cultur
scenic -uin Koaar which is berries In Clackamaa Countv I wl l Zi h.nnlne
the main road through the .tale I. state that the nosalbllltlea are Im. " u i.ii... .leasiBl
tb public highway of this neighbor-mense, and the future outlook mor ..h.u4in. uesteri Or
hood la a second consideration. A. ; than assured. and a for yourself.
"" iiuMuit-u bhu uny auvo- -witn I'oniana msrsei at our ooor
the demand Is mora thsn th supply ;
for fancy fruit Peraonally I cannot
fill my orders for fancy berries; la
fact, they ar always engaged on.
year ahead. Our soil la especially.
mobiles per day have been, known
to make use of this road on their way
from Portland and Seattle to Salem
or San Pranclsco.
A view of the neighborhood from
an elevated point- will gtv th Im
pression of a landscape broken now
and then with a grove of Ar trees, or
aa I. mor generally known. "Or
gon1 Tall pine.. Tbe contour of the
land la rolling to some extent, al
though no more so than la desirable
for agricultural purpose, from th
standpoint of water and air drainage.
Twilight I. located upon a large pla
teau Juat south of the busy manufac
turing town of Oregon City. Th soli
Is known aa the shot soil or clay loam
and Is not to be excelled for produc
tiveness. This section I. adapted for surbur
ban homes, as th proximity to Ore
poaalbly be desired; th '
of !,r": coming from the snow-WsJ"
itjr I will ,.ijb fct happlneat V
Th flood gal of opportatW
to tb settler In ClacUaai"
and th man of
requisite Brgy win MJ
" "i. wr -i.iii- .. fnr Whirl S -
adapted to their cultur. and for sl.e, "hnty,h;p.i,ii of p'
p.., n my yl.,4
1439 boxes to tb acr.
"I will alao stat that I as abso
lutely nothing but th Kellogg thor
oughbred plante and follow their cul
tural methods, to which I attribute
my great success.
"A. H- PINNKJAN. Oregon City."
Notwithstanding Ih advantages al
ready mentioned. It should b consid
ered that Twilight haa a gnral mer
chandise store, blacksmith shop, pub
lic hall and a modem school building
and ably conducted arhool. Th mall
mall fruit and U
tracts in Clackamas
Ing peopl olnd!!tr
room for thousand! mors.
keu r at hand. pr1c
aU thai to required ta. -
fort on th psrt
thos vocation. asi
of thoa who sr fciPPT
m.m Jaa.atsT'.'!f a.. . L t m7
: I
1 i
. aa
. mmm-r. VT"!
XK-r- i- '-- 'a!
A ''- 1 . v
' ' 1,.'!, -
Vlw of autlful Parmlns District Nar 0rgn CKy.