Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, February 26, 1911, Section Two, Image 5

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    Section Two
Pages 1 to 8
VOL -1 No. 43
Per Week, 10 Cests
Oregom City. Prosperity
Oregon City and Clackamas County Extend Welcome to All
' .' -a .a
3N H KNI) I NO FO RT 1 this edition of The .Morning Enterprise it is solely with a view to lotting people'elsewhere know of the actual conditions and advantages which exist in Clacka
mas county to attract their ' attention to Oregon ',ty and surrounding country, simply because wc who live here know that there is not a better portion of the' State, or one where the
newcomer may make gHl m prater measure. Nothing has lcen overdrawn in fact, past experience lias taught those of the West that half the truth is more readily believed than
m. t lie wholq, because everything is so much more favorable than jH-ople of the East are familiar with that they can't comprehend it and consequently are disposed to believe statements made
jrross exaggerations. , ' '
in tho rich soil of Clackamas county the man who wishes to engage in general fanning, fruit raising, truck gardening, poultry business or dairying will find conditions ideal Mar
kets an' easily available and prices for everything raised are higher than those prevailing in many sections. Portland, San Francisco, Seattle and Tacoma furnish an ample outlet and trans
portation facilities have U-en provided so that daily shipments may Ik; made whenevcr required.
There is no real winter in Western Oregon. Every newcomer spends his first winter iponths awaiting the oncoming of winter and eveiituallv the time lias passed, spring is upon him
and he has cxiH-riencetKno inconvenience whatever winter is over and he stops to let it soak into his head that there is really such a vast difference between this country and back East How-i-ver,"
there is, and a visit is all that is required to convince the most skeptical. Just as a matter of illustration it may be said that garden-making is in full swing at this time and crops of all
suits will Ihj planted in tho immediate future. Nobody is. attempting anything of that kind back East, are they? There was a little snow fell twice thiswinter, but it did not last lone
The writer of this articlo was raised in Northern
with reference to the material difference: Eurthennor
and no part or parcel of it-isbetter than Clackamas comity.
You ieople of tho Middle West and East who keep on thinking that you would like to "break away," but are somewhat skeptical about disposing of your holdings, just cut loose bring
your families and such stuff as you may want to make use of and come to Oregon City or any other part of Clackamas county. Son cannot miss it. With a smaller investment, less labor and 1
with infinitely more comfort, you will make more money and will bless the day that you pulled up stakes and. cast your lot with the progressive people of Clackamas county.'
.lust look this edition oveiyjind then sit down and write to the secretary of the Oregon City Commercial Club, or any of the reliable real estate dealers who are represented in these
n.lutnns, tell them exactly what you want to do, how much money you are able to invest, how large your family is, etc., and they will immediately give vou information which will prove val
uable and result in your securing exactly what you want ami insure your future happiness and general well being. Do it right now. . . '
In the preparation of this edition Secretary Lazellc, of the Oregon City Commercial Club, has extended every possible assistance and the Publicity Committee has lent financial as
sistance with a view to making the undertaking as successful as jKwsible from the standpoint of publicity for Oregon City and Clackamas County.
Iowa, Wisconsin and Minnesota, and has traveled over the entire Middle West, and in consequence is. thoroughly competent to speak
e, I was back there and spent the winter a year ago but never again, no never again. Western Oregon for mine from this time on,
klly M J rclln. secretary Oregon
City t ommerclai (tub.)
k . f. 4
Uirutinii Northwestern Onv
(Rc.n, uti williunette Itlver.
. VniHilitHim 29,931.
n.i. Uiii;i. County Is hH imtxt In the
b iihrrn pari of the Wlllanictce mi
ll? Trie northern boundary Joint tha
iijr limit of Portland, while on the
Mt. Mi. 'int Hood graces the extreme
l..iiii' v Thin vat area of fertile
mm mid timber Iran extend be
nd tie Willamette river on the went
tnd nl jjilim Marlon County on th
ni:h. 'mprlHltiK In all nearly I, mm,.
0 m i ii Thin jnoo aquare mile of
lie ti'- i uirt of Oregon ho a valua-
ton (.f 1j',iMMl,0O0.
Tho I it,, I la IhvpI, rolllnn and hilly,
ffonlnn lilciil ctiiiilltloii for the varl
m ntv ii ultural pursuit, Krult tree
Lrlvi- mi thn higher land and the
rri.i" iln well on more level Innd.
Lnipm ii'ipilrp the southern alope for
)i ln-'i n-Hiilt. (irHlna and forago
nim pun abundantly In the fcrtllo
lit h. vi bill' the bottom lands produce
li liinv vegetables that have made
InrkntmiH fninou.
R'il r'nr loum la the usual toll, al-
hmiKh till varla from a light' loam
n tin- rii h Murk aolla that are found
in thi In it lorn landa.
Cleared innd near Oregon City Is
Mllng from $100 to 300 an acre,
pnlle farther wajr, the price la from
'0 to 1 1 nil an arre. Of conrae cheaper
knd nuiy lm found, but thee flKurea
pfw to I lie boot farma.
Manjr furmrra follow the dlveralfled
yitim, Although the apeclallat In
lirkmnnM County la coming forward.
T anil Krnln are ralaed with profit.
tlthnnich more Intenalfled cropa will
radimlly take tholr place. Wheat will
"in rrntn to 40 buahela and oata
III yield from 40 to 75 buahelt an
r. Ryn. Imrler. enelta and corn are.
po among the grain cropa. Clover
" --- - ,i r i'' J.-,-.. xxxx i ii i in
v. , - (-'' i x. h '"fTh'a .y .-..'f'---..
- " TT' ' ' '" jf -' j. " '
and vetch yield abundantly .-and are
the most extenaive-of the hay cropa.
Hops do well and many hop yards
of the county, are producing the best
grades- that go upon the market
Potatoes are the banner crop of cer
tain sections, and 100 sacks to the.
acre Is a very common yield.
It Is the prediction of many authorU
ties that In the near future Clackamas
County will be deroted mainly to fruit
grrowinK. If- has been demonstrated
that all kinds of fruit adapted to a
mild climate can be grown and that
the quality is first class.
With the advent of the growers'
union, which has recently been per
fected, there is no doubt but that
fruit-raising will become the major In
dustry. One orchardlst near Oregon
City picked 200 boxes of apples from
20 trees. These trees made an aver
age return of $8. Out of 1C5 boxes
picked from the trees, 91 fancy and 32
choice boxes were packed.
"Clackamas County against the
world for strawberries." This Is the
motto of the Oregon City Commercial
Club. Meing so near Portland the de
mand for fancy berries is always
good. The soil Is especially adapted
'j the growing of all kinds of berries.
The size, color and flavor cannot be
excelled. One strawberry farm near
Oregon City produced 8439 boxes an
acre, making a handsome return to
the owner.
Many people are living on five and
10-acre tracts. This proves the ad
vantage of intensified farming. Truck
gardening, fruit and berry raising af
ford the opportunity of making a liv
ing on a small tract of. land.
'1twf ..HI. 1.. wmlaA .
tent on the cheaper lands, although
strictly speakinsr this Is not a caltle
country. . Dairying is taking a promi
nent position In the county and sev
eral creameries are thriving, some of
which are operated on the co-operative
Hogs are a source of profit, espe
cially so when raised in connection
with a dairy. The luxuriant growth
of field peas assures an abundant sup
ply of the best of feed for hogs.
Continued on page two.
L L' ' I
M- J. Laislle, Beeretary Publicity De
partment Commercial Club.
Hen. R. . Beatle, County Judge.
F. J. Tooce, City Supt ef Schools.
Hon. J. U. Campbell, Circuit Judge.
' ' '
Hon. J. C. Hedges, President Commer.
olal Club.
Hon., Geo. C. Brownelt, Mayor.
. 1