Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, February 26, 1911, Section One, Page 4, Image 4

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    , ' ftp-if"'
and others who have
able from now ori to
"has arranged to run shows every afternoon; You should not fail, to take the chance
to see the many interesting dramas, operas, comedies, , educational, industrial and , scenic
"pictures that are shown to the public m the best possible
of amusement. MAKE A START JVIONDAY and see the reproduction of the
famous opera, ILL TRO VATORE. Hand colored in rich tints and accompanied
-1 . .
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Evane returned
home Thursday from Kansaa where
they were called on account of (ck-J
neaa of a relative, who .passed away
before they arrived. Mr. and Mra.
Evans rlaited relatives and friends
before returning home.)
George Blgbam has .his house
moved and Is building an addition to
It, making a larger and. more beauti
ful home.
Ed Olds 'has finished the cement
culvert he was building for the coun
ty Bear Rlsley's place
Mrs. W. M. Holt was in Portland
Friday on business..
Oak Grove Literary Society met on
Tuesday evening in Voaberg's hall and
an "interesting program was given.
The club Is studying the River Rhine.
A. B. Una has sold out his place
of business to a party in Portland.
Mrs. Linn and family will remain here
tIM school Is out
. Mrs. Alt Allen, of Rlsley Station,
Is quit sick.
The debate between the Barclay
school of Oregon City and Oak Grove
school will take place next Friday,
March S.t the Oak. Grove school.
The Portland' RaUray,v Light
- Power Co. Is setting polr up Con
cord avenue so the people In that part
of the country can have electric light
Mra. Henry 8chuefler spent Friday
with friends In Portland.
-. The new firm of 'Warren aV Em
monds is fixing up its store and get
ting in a new supply of all kinds of
L E. Armstrong has taken down his
old fence and will put up a new one
on the north aide "of his property.
K. C. Warren la painting the inside
, of his new store building on Center
Fred Harris, our new road super
visor, has purchased fine span of
horses and a wagon to work on the
roaiL Hiason- Charles will drive
Mrs. Virgil Clark was a Portland
. visitor Friday.
Mrs. J. b. Evans spent the week
end with her mother at Troutdale.
J. C. Vigles Is able to be out again
after a severe attack of plural pneu
monia. Mra. Ada Cosgrlf. of Courtney Sta
tion, .waa entertained by Mrs. Hay
hurst at dinner Friday evening In
Henry 8cheufler is fixing and plant
ing his lawn, putting out shrubs and
roses and beautifying his place.
Mrs. Swanson waa an Oregon City
visitor Friday. A great many of our
citizens are seen making trlpa to the
Sheriffs office these days to look
after their taxes.
To the Lovers of Good
, W wish to advise yeu that w
1 have Installad In our stor a new
Electric Coffee Mill.
v-Thls machine Is sauippsd with
steel knives which cut the berry In
. to uniform clean out particles.. In
stead of grinding and crushing It,
; aa by the eld method.
All coffee mllla heretofore uaed
will only crush the berry mutilating.
. th minute ell eeiia, allowing the
coffee oil to evaporate, thua Impar-
Ino the strengtri and flavor.
" By this now process the Utile oil
sells remain unbroken, the essen
tial oil (food product) cannot ovap
' orate and the coffee thus retains Its
fins flavor In Its full strength. This
' Is one reason wtiy a pound of coffee
out In this mill will ma from
twelve to fifteen eupa mors of full
- strength coffee than will any coffee
ground the old way. -
Wo steel out the coffee the right
, fineness for percolators or 'French
i Drip Coffee Pots. .
Try pound of our coffee cut on
steel out mill and we know you will
tw1th the results.
T-( special ) ooffso at Sfto . the
poun cant bo beat at the prlos.
Others at SOc pound, iSo eid 40c
pound. Respectfully yours, to serve,
J. B. gEELEY, r
Oregon City, . . Oregon,
with special piano music.
not had the opportunity-to see moving pictures
fulfill that want, as
op Oregon city
Waller Vlglea left for RIckreall.
Oregon, this morning to work.
- Mr. and Mra. Roy Gilbert apent sev
eral days visiting relatives and friend
here last week. Mr. Gilbert has chart
of a big ranch near Salem. '
Mrs. John Oatfleld attended an art
ernoon party given In honor of Mra.
Matssen at the home of Mrs. Richard
Scott In Mtlwaukie Friday;
Johi Rlsley waa in attendance at
the rate case last Wednesday at Ore
gon City. , .
Baptist -Cor. Main and Nmin etraU,
Kov. 8. A. Hay worth paator. rra. Ill
Ninth; 8. 8. li noon, Mrs. A. F. Parkrr
supi. ; morning aervicw 1:J0. evening
T:Su. T. P. 8. C. IS- t 39 p. m. and Jan
tors same hour. ' Weekly prayer myel
ins' Thursday at 7:1 p. m.
Morning subject "Christian Pa
tience." Evening "Moral and Religious
Character - of George Washlngtbn."
The KJDlghta of Pythias will- attend
the evening service in a body.
Caiteman Baptist Mission Ar-8. meets-at
.3:00 p. m.. Lewis Conklin supt.
Csthsllo Cor. TOater and Tenth streets.
Rev. A. Hillebrand pastor, res. Ill
Water; Low Mass ( a. m.. Hth Mass
' 10:10 a. m.. afternuon eervlce 4:10.' aUss
every morning at 1-1S. - :
Congregational Cor. Main and Eleventh
streets. Rev. Wm. M. Proctor pastor,
rea. (0 Third; 8. 8. 11 soon, John Low
ry supt.; morning service 100, even
ins; 7:10. young people, :10. Weekly
prayer meeting Thursday at T:10 p. m.
Morning subject "Jesus at Cave of
Evening "The Praise of Men."
Christ Ev. Lutheran Cor. Eiahth and J.
Q Adams streets. Rav. V. 8chmldt
pastor, res. 80 J. Q. Adams; 8. 8.
:10 a. m.; preaching atemoons of first
and third Sundays at 2:10 in EnaMah.
other Sunday aervicea mornings at 10.10
with preaching In German.
Morning topic, 10:30 a. m. "Chris
tian Love the Fruit of True Faith."
Text 1 Cor. 13th Chapter. Preaching
in German. :
Christian Science Willamette building;
Runday eervtrea 11 a. m.. 8. 8. 12 noon;
Wednesday servina S p. m.
Morning subJecWChrlst Jesus." .
German Evangelical Cor! Eighth and
Madison streets. Rev. F. Wieveslck pas
tor, res. 713 Madison; 8. S. 10 a. m.,
Herman Schrader. Monroe street, supt.;
mornlnr service 11. yoi'ng teiDlc at 1
p. m. and preaching at 8 p. m. Prayer
met tlng Wednesday at 7:30 p. m.
Gladstone Christian Rev. A. II. Mulkey
pastor, res. . Gladstone; 8. 8. 10 a. m..
N. C. Hendricks supt.; morning service
ll'o'cloek. evening service 7:1'. Week,
ly prayer meeting Thursday 7:30 p. m.
Morning subject "Did God Paaa By
Abab's Sin and Visit It on Hla Son?"
Evening address will be on Bach,
the musician, with a program of mu
sic. Methodist Main street cor. Seventh,
Kev. E. F. Zlmmermsn pastor, res. cor.
8lxi h snd V'ashlngton; 8. 8. 45 a. m.,
C. A. Williams. Gladstone, supt.; morn
ins service 10:4S. Epworth Lea rue :10
evenlns; service 7:30. Prayer meeting
Thursday 7:30 p. m.
Morning subject "From Egypt to
Evening Patriotic service, attended
by members of Company G, O. N. O.
Judge J. U. Campbell will make the
Mountain View Union (Cong ) 8. 8 1
S. m., Mr J. H. Qulnn supt.; Iilbl
tudv everv Thursday afternoon
preaching 7:30 p. m. second and fourth
Sundaya in January.
Presbyterian Seventh atreet cor Jeffer
son, Kev. J. K. Lnasoorougn pastor,
res. 719 Jefferson; 8. 8. 10 a. m., Mrs.
W. C. Oreen supt.; morning service 11
a. m.. T. P. 8. C. E. :4"p. m., even-, service 7:30. Prayer meeting Thurs
day I p. m.
Morning subject "Strong, Watch
ful, Faithful Men.
Evening "Come, Jesus King."
Parkplaes Congrsgstlonsl Rev. I. L
Jonea pastor, res. ciacaamaa; a. B. lu
a.- mr. Emery -fVench aupt.r -prastchlng
services each Sunday, alternating be
tween 11 a. m. and 7:10 p. m Chris
tian Endeavor Thursday evening 7:30
P.m. l
St.' Paul's
EdIscodsI Ninth
at., near
Main, Rev. Chaa. W. RoMnson pastor,
rea. at rtectory. Nlntn ana water sis.;
8. 8. 11 noon, Wm. Bhswmsn supt.J
morning service 11 a. m., evening ser
vice t p. m.
Unltsd Brethren Cor. Eighth and Taylor,
Rev. L. V. Clarke paator, res. Portland;
8. 8. 1 a. m., Frank Pnrker, Maple
I aim. supt t morning service 11, T. P.
8. C. Bl p. m., evsnlng service 1.
Praysr masting Wednesday 7:J p. m.
Willamette M. KKo regulsr preaching
services. p. m., Mrs. Beams
Zlon Lutheran Cor. Jefferson and Eighth
streets, Key. w. K. Kraxosrger pas
tor, res. 7 JO Jefferson 8. 8. :! s. m..
Hey. Kraxbergsr supt.j morning service
1., evening T:t, Luther League 7
. m. '
Morning subject "Are Ton Pre
pared to Go With Christ to Jerusa
lem! -
Evening aublect "I Am the Lord
Thy God." There will be no Lather
League service on Sunday.
- Two Pups By Express.
A. B. Bpckles received two Spits
pups yesterday by express from J. H.
Bobbins, who Is the owner of the
mother and father. Trlxle" and
"Spits," the latter of which won first
nrize at a kennel show In New York,
and both winning first premium at the
Portland BTTnOalUodT ' ThO dOgS are Of
fine breed and have attracted great
Mention when on exhibit Mr. Rob-
hlna mirrhased "Boltl" at Bianioru
University about aig years ago. '
. K. P.'s st Baptist Church Today.
'The Urpio tor this evening's preach
ing service at the Baptist church will
be, "Moral and Religious Character of
Ti I 'h.lrt-nn A Hullo IMV
George Washington. The- Knights of
Pythias will attend the service In
body and the character of th sermon
will be of a patriotic nature. The
lodge will assemble at the Woodmen
hall at 7 o'clock, and marcbjfnisa there
In a body. This lodge has a member
ship of over an hundred, and a good
turnout la anticipated.
Rev. Landsborough Will Tell His
Hearers About It This Morning.
Evldontly the pastor of the Presby
terian church. Rev. LandabonniKh. has
been reading the accounts In the dally
press concerning wbst haa been going
on at the meeting of the legislature In
Salem. He will preach this morning
on "Strong, Watchful, Faithful Men."
That's the kind that are needed at
Salem, and one who haa followed the
doing of-that body thla winter can
scarce but talk on the subject as ex
pressed in the topic from which Mr.
Utndsborotigh will preacn; ana ne is
In a position so may talk to
some purpoBe aa he no doubt will
this morning. There were a few of ;
that class of men at Salem, but It
might be wise to increase the percent
age. , - . . r
- Make It a rule to count the biddies
every day. Some- folks never do this.
They might be robbed end never know
It. 1 -
I have heard the advice given to
feed the chicks all they will eat up
clean. That won t do. They will eat
no clean (the first week or two) more
than they-have any business eating.
Hard enough to aet for two weeka,
without having to be gnawed all the !
time by Insect pests. Look. at your
setting hens once In a while and be
mixe they are -free from enemies of ,
this kind. ,.' .
You can make money by gettlhg a
gooq roor r.KOi u"w . --i
WllD. some OL.Jur oei. nrni"u "rl .
the eggs. Your basket Will get full a
lot faster after those pullet, get to (
Particularly at this 'season of the ',
year do not set a hen until it la posl-
ttve 'that she Is thoroughly broody. If '
she does not have the full fever, she.
Is apt to desert her charge, often af
ter setting a week or two,
Oregon City Markets. ' ;
APPLES There Is little to note in
this market and the tendency la about
as it has be-n to Day good prices ft ,
nice stock and to act Indifferently to-
warda that which Is below grade. Prl-
cea range from 50c to $1, with the very '
choicest fruit commanding a little
more. (
POTATOES Potatoes are In active .
detnnnd with buyers from outside the '
State making Inquiries but not bid-'
ding too high. Quotations range from i
90c to, with this fact prevailing.
tnai real cnoire biock win always
spring tbe market a trifle. Good home
grown sl6ckls "being "offered quite
- , . . . . .
Pudding River bottom, 60 acres In cul-,
ti..nn. .ni hin .11 ,vi f.rm
land but In pasture and timber. Good b" W,,D 1tntance. It la bet
living water, 4 room houae, 3 barns tw1.b "uro" -nd ""wr'
snd outhouses, family orchard, R. P.IJ-'1 t0 tn lut-tl "How do yon
u., pnone crear Route, one-nan mne
to achool, 3Vs miles to Aurora, 4 miles
to Hubbard, 15 miles to Oregon City.
Surrounding landa are selling at from
$100 and on up. This Is a snap. Will
sell for only $60 an acre, $2960 cash
and balance at 6 per cent.
Near Suspension Bridge, Oregon City.
System Regulator
Composed entirely of native herbe,
roots and harks. Cures aU blood.)
Stpmsch,' Kidney and Liver Troublee, hMll "X be oeed except for bustqesc
No steeping, ne boiling, no mineral, no , S2TT " SocAu'.tt u on, em
poW, Chronic or e'SSJ
Olceaaee. Try It and yen will use no ; meetings of a committee or society
. A I MM A 1... . .. .. I . .
viner. tt. tv unio M SO ICS I WO-
Oavltt'a Block, Topeka, Kane 0. t.
A. A 2X0 box containing nearly one
-"-w"- ""m; 1 ' "nu
ll!. These herbs sre sold only by
agent. Agent Wanted Everywhere.
41S 7th St, Oregon City, Oregon.
at night, will, be
, Let Him Play Host,. .
. Grant the boy tin plvllei: of hat
tng his friend tu uwula as ftrn as
you can convenient l arranev hc It
Perhaps you are anions iliosv fortu
Bat ones who haw alar fumlly
with a big table where the addition of
an extra plate counts for little. If
atic-h la the raae vuiir way Is simple.
gDoa)d thrre be aeri-ral aotia to plan
utiiltr a sywtem f ntatlii that
h Blll uts In a fair
ratio. If your family Is etuall. so thnl
It Is desirable to tutve a little notue
In advance before adding another
hearty boy'a appetite to those you hate
reckoned for. Ox on a certain time
when: your boy may ask a friend la
to dinner or supper Hoys are delight
fully nncrltk-al creatures, bleaa tbelr
hearts! Give thetn a cordial welcome
and plenty of food and they will never
mlsa frills ofTssrvlng -
8tdy"ther compensations for the
abattnenre from natnral racketing you
are obliged to demand from your boy
while be. Is at home. Provide bfin
chances to lei off steam elsewhere. In
pacea Intended for Juat aocb relate
,1ob, fn nm out to the open on
m,,, gnrt Wm (be mesns of
pursuing sny sthletlc sport whh h st-
Rs ,ur then ,
playground connected with the
. . . wot b.i . '
. . '
' -''Z
w .
by oeed not I limited to the posses ,
"Jon of a pleasant room and tbe other
privileges I have meuUoned. Don't i
rorget mat wncn ne aispiaja ine con
slderatlon denianded of blui In a well
regulated family be la putting a re
atralnt uoni himself you can hardly
i understand, no matter bow close your
sympstby with him. Many comments 5
have been made upon tbe wonderful
control displayed bf the child who
submits without protest to a prohlbl
tlon or granta prompt obedience to a
coromsnd beyond his comprehension
Largely a matter of habit po"l'ly.
there ta a great deal of tbounht
going on Inside that amall head, and
oftener than we Imagine we parents
are being holed before a child s men
tal Judgment aeat and condemned un
reservedly or with recommendation to
"How De Yeu DoT" Merely a Orsetina
It la a wise person, man ss well ss
woman, who when asked "How do
yon do?" responds by ssylng he or she
is well.
"IIow do you doT Is really, gener
ally speaking,- a caanal greeting, ac
cepted by custom as being the aim
pleat form of addressing s person If
either Individual takes, the greeting
I seriously snd answers that she Is not
I well the otnv-r person frequently is
much astonished and almost without
. .
woman-or man. eltber-may be
A fsct persons learn with advancing
years Is that each Individual, aa a rule,
prefers to talk about himself or her
self rsther than bear others talk.
Nor la the dislike to listening to such
topics strsnge. We feel sympathy only
toward those of whom we are fond; to
others It. Is necessary to appear sym
pathetic, and this la not an easy mat
ter when we would rather be talking
on gay topics In which were really
The person who Is most popular la
she who amuses others generally, who
goes , shout ' with something lively
rather than something doleful to tell
nine esses out of ten a doleful per
son will be avoided, while the gay one
win be sought
I .. ' Poatcer. Etlauotto.
Aa a general rale a nostal cant
forwarding an address, if it i an .h.
solute necessity to send one to a friend
or a member of one's family, aa.
koine, the' aentencea ahnnid h .knM
word for Its nsc The commnnlcaUoB
. ,0o,1,1 not be prefaced by aa
tfrectlotuu ealntstloa All porinsl
-g should be omitted V. Vrt
the Intimate termination thai la
proper In a sealed letter. The slgni;
hrStUn6: iltlafcV
Cresssntareal Csnt.- M..
Playlna WsnaWuMr Fr T. Vsar
Ari- ufflioii. '" mmi"' J,r,,
Of the Ia. ImW !.'?
on Anmrl.HH Ic. K K
lallon m-mI ihla -Aril liae ai
wsys Ihh'ii ..hw ..f m' f. ' ''
h. who -.. t.aU.- ! ' ;"rr
move with l.-lllMriloii ami tv
thought. ,
l.imi.n baa HH.ii i.U.vlutt l " ,ln
Ihet'n-avenia f..r ..Thni' lb t '
.1 ..iilmr iinrr r rovff
f Hut lila I'laylnu lMrliy to I
Mom of Ih hiss. I'lH.rsrs who arr
now In th frtmi rank an araduaira
. .lltfc r a. IhmiI In fanatic
LU'p I'm ollior aid f ! "' "N"
ypunslir lmv nanny any ..-.
sport Hian ahailim. ami lacil.H.
frm thr- thin- H the.rraille
"until iWttrnhhinsinli It""!- thrr In I""""' Ttirvf..r
they are.' with frw iuilloa. the Ul
! hscT plarr In thr world
! Mm ftlnu ! Artie- he plated
hmkrr In of Ihf a.hmla of
Jjnntroal nntll h waa alttwn rrara of.
age. and at thai rlnd. Jnat the time
a an a Lirriiua. osa or aMsaira's
aasaTRMT HtM'saf rtaiaas
that he waa discarding knkkerUM'ker.
be went to New York. . .
You can't keep a young fellow who
has figuratively been born on the ,re
away from akatee, and Artie waa oue
of that aort.
Way Urk In WOO be Orel ahowed up
at the Crescent Athletic club and waa
put on the aquad. Even In that day
the managers regarded lb terror the re
ported prowess of tbe Canadians at
the game of hockey, and young UtTlton
waa given all aorta of opportunities to
show hla aupertortty over the. ' New
York lads.
Although he had never made good
' Hllh ih raaff I mm tii ml in thji arhjui ,.r
Montreal, he develop Into an
the rrgiilsr team of tbe tWenta
For two years he captained tbe se?
en that won honors for the Hnxtklyn
; aggregation, ana iminy. nnner captain
j Kennedy, l-imtort la playing as no oth
I er locally developed tncmlter of a
j hockey team,
Seventy Days Allotted to Big Traeks
Between May 20 and Sept. 30,
rrL rf. 1 . .
! 1110 1 milium 11 (taring avux'iauon,
which controls the turf In the iKmiln-
. has dt-cldi-d ' upon a schedule of
raring (Intra for this year after a con-
' forenre at Toronto Karb of the Ore
! tracks holding nii-mliershlp In the aa
, soclatlon haa rreelved seven daya In
the spring and seven In the fall. In ac
rordnnce with the new Inw passed a
year ago Thla makes a total of sev
enty racing ilnys from Msy SO to Kept.
30, but the gaps between these meet
ings will lie MM by smaller tracks
that were furnx-rly outlaws, but are
now legalUi-d. The schedule for Can
"da's Iradlug tracks la aa follows:
Toronto. May 20 to May 87; Mont
real. June 3 to June 10; Hamilton. June
17 to June 2t; Kort Krle. July 1 to
July 8; Windsor. July 15 to July 22;
Port F.rle. July 20 to Aug. B; Hamlt
Aug. 12 to Aug 10; Windsor.
Aug. 28 to Kept 4; Montreal. Kept U
to Sept. 10; Toronto. Sept 23 to
Sept 80.
Etiqustts Seeks Populsr.
Tbe fsct Ibst tbe old fashioned eti
quette manual on "How to Act la 80
dety." etc.. Is still popular, even In
the big cities, wss shown by the recent
distribution by a New York Sunday
paper of a book on good form. Thla
pamphlet told tbe reader bow to act
tn every conceivable social occasion
wbst to say when spoken to, what not
to say. bow tossy what was to he said
what to do with the bands and Ihe
feet under certnln cln-unistsnrea. hon
to addrifM letters of In vltn tlon or derll
nation or ai'tfptsnie. ami n host nf oth
er thlnr IVron miimi diligent,
ly n-Mdliiv tiiMM. Mh111n.11,. illinium 111
elevated 1 oil. ,, i,.,Ml- f, njijrs
after fheli 1, ,.!( iMoti
Jeweh 2.? f0f Dtm
Ha 2L Cut Olaae
nd China. Complete Line of
pptlclsn Qooda, Watch repair
ing" Specialty.
Oregon City,. Orsgon. , Main
traet, ietween mi and tth.
The Fuialvra
Ladies Suit and Coat S
T1 C L U L al
with finest of linings,- classy
To make thei e a general booster anj
ccptionaliy good bargain to the ladle.
have put our entire' lihe of ladieiV tuiu 5
coats in two lots. . ' ,
Lad op dpn't l7Ioo Fi":
I I 1.1 LJr- Hta
saw I I I I V I
furnitu;re and hardware
The GMcago Stcr;
405 Main St. M:ff!?ai OregcaOt
and Dress Better
We are closing out our Men's
and Boys Suits, Pants and all
Closing regardless "of: cost.
The , big bargains . 1 offered
makes . it possible ' for ' you to
Lot No.
All our $15
$20 Ladies' Sui
and Coats gofer
Lot No. 2
AU our $25 id
$30 Ladies
and Coats pf
. r,r-L. K fanr nwtlAr-
LLJ I I '. - L -I .1.. 4.0
per ancncu sue )
A new face on you kit
en' wall will be deli
ol to tbe cook.
Pays the lUffhest prices for
Second Hand Clothes : : :
tiir nitv ' a mitx phi f'
Wts-UU I AnU-Dblele
Second hand clothes : : : i
pay less and
dress better, v
, ' . , . " ' .
Such auiu at We are
! offering at $9.00, $9.50
to $11.50 will lave you
from $3.00 to $5.00 on
quality u equal to uiU costing '
to $20.00 utftfct. Uy' .'
Come i&nd "fee what :
; offering fa your. bene.
jr. A: HbLr:.
... ;617l-1t . -f