MORNIKO BNTJJRf RI8P, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY' 26, 10X1. Consult Usi FOR YOUR DENTISTRY H i tn lo on thoe tooth you admire a 'rftUcrTaj- f 1114 with oue porooU'n inlays. They oro har) to detect. " . - Children whooo tooth arc wol eared for ar not oo susceptible to contagious dlsoaees. , For preferable lo H to go to a modern dontal offlco than to an old fashioned chamber ( horroro. Would you rathor have a oomfortablo oot of teeth then a cheap eet (hat continually fall) outf You lot money If you don't aeo ua about dentistry. - : 1 I Dfo L. Lo Pickens Dr Go A; Brown Both Phonea. C. i i 1 . r.,.., ----- . . o SEVENTH STREET MARKET BROWN & KLOOSTRA Props.' In our market you will find all kind of Fresh and Cured Meats Phone Your Orders We Deliver Promptly , HOME PHONE A19 local BRiers Pest Hrd Wheat Flour for $1.40 Uck at lilKKcr e, Hevemo airoei. Ceorgo Hulman and Mr. and Mra. ..ri... stelner. of ' Beaver Crook, Lre among the Oregon City business hslmr on Saturday... 0t a pound of that good cone for kf at llmrla' Grocery. 0 J Mills, the bllllardlBt. waa play- k fihllilMOii gauiva m luv-fv"' Mr. Hmun, on main purti, )ay nlghl Now I the time to get Fertiliser ror . ..II. J Tk. rht kiiyl al llarrlaJjOrocery. 1 ih.hlemler. of Heaver CroeK, waa L, orenoii. City on bualneea Saturday. Hubert tilnther. on of to promi nent n h""l teacher of thla county, Show home la at BhUWV was in ure- ton City on bualneea Saturday. Fine Kedlanda Orange, sweet and hilcy. Urro sla 350 per ooseu at Harris" tirocery. i e..rK. ,.,. is. the Int. Many of them came from e Columbia Kiver country and among e lot are Bom very handsome one fail City Butter Is always sweet and it tho right flavor 75o at llarrta' rocery. lltrv Dahm. of Clackamaa Station, rill rjh burled Sunday at 1 p. m. She Jed February 23 and li years of ag. l DanlHh minister from Portland had hari of tbo funoraL A clilren of Oak Grov was hunting )h city over for the Fruit Inspector, k horn he waa told waa In the city. U mill there were a lot of Infected ree In that, neighborhood and h tlihed to hav the Fruit Inspector bik hem over and determine what is to be don In the matter. Wm. Detitcher, who Uvea on tho 'est Side, la planning to go to the adraa country within a few daya. e and several friend wish to aecure land clnlm and will run up Into that tmntry and ae If there are any to oe -ad. They are planning to go by Mra. B. Warner, who la critically 111 IHecHrnc i To-Mght and Monday n vALTC.i Bill For Toes. Wed ; and Thor. M DENTISTS Rooms e7-t Wtlnhar Bldfl. PACIFIC MAIN 27 team, driving the dlstance-'and making their cam pa at the end of each day'a I ra vet. : - There, will do an addi-ea on Bach, the musician, with a short biograph ical sketch of his life and works at tho (lladston church 8unday evening, with a musical program In connection. Plana aro making for a very Interest ing service, to which friends and mem ber of tho congregation aro Invited. Mr. and Mra. W, Doe-Its, of Minne apolis, Minn., who have been making aa eitended visit with relatives In Portland, and with tbelr niece, Mra. Henry Streblg, of thla city, will leave Tueaday morning for Ixm Angeloa, California, where they will visit bo fore returning to their homo In Min nesota. They will ho accompanied by Mrs. Streblg aa far aa lxa Angelsa, who will visit for aeveral weeka. Frank Schoenborn, who recently re turned from Cotton, Wash., with his family to make hla homo In thla city, left oo Saturday for Bhubel, where ho will remain for a few days boor tak ing eharg of the grocery Store ha re cently purchaaed on Seventh aire. Schoenborn will take charge on relatives at Shubel Maater Creaton Brown, th 17-yr old eon of Mr. and Mr. Frank Brown, of Sellwood. but formerly of this city, waa taken suddenly 111 Saturday morn ing at hla parents' horn, and waa tak en Saturday night to St. Vlncenfa Hospital, wher a aurglral operation waa performed on him for appendicit is. Th operation waa aucceasful, and It la thought that th young man will soon recover. Mr. Brown waa In thla city at th time hla son waa taken 111, and returned to Portland In response to a telephone message, and waa pres ent at fh tlm of the operation. PCOPLC POINTED OUT Hon. J. A. Talbot, of Clackamaa. waa In the city attending to matters of bualneea on Saturday. W. H. Duncan, of. Corvallla, waa among the Oregon City vlaltora on tLtarrtizQ 1 ! L at her home oo John Qulncy Adams street, remains about the aamo. Mr. Charles Catta, of Bellwood, was In thlaj city Saturday vlaltlng with relative ana friend. w; II. Treece, representative of tbo Htudebaker Ilrothara' Company of rortland, waa In tbla city on Satur day., . Mlaa Dorothy Htafford, daughter of Mr. and Mr. Stafford, la 111 with meaalo at tbo Stafford homo on lllgb street, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hasting, of Pen dleton, aro visiting friends In Glad stone, gueata at the homo of Mr. and Mra. O. EL Freytag. Mra. George Brown, who ha been suffering with blood poisoning In her finger, la allabtly Improved, although the flnicr la still lufneted, and It baa been necessary lo have tbo finger lanced aeveral tlmea. Mr. W. B. U'ften, who haa been watching thing at Salem for the past fw day, arrived at home and waa gristing hi Oregon-City friend Sat urday, , Mr. Chaa. Kelloy, the young man who waa aaaoclated with bis father In 'tbo restaurant business for yeara on Main street, la sick with grip at his homo at Ureen Point. ; County Treasurer J. A. Tuft la hav ing g a1-ge of grip but Is sticking to bl Job and aienda part of the day In hi office at the Court llouae despite tbo attack that would lay out an or dinary man. Miss Freda Martin, who waa severe ly Injured In a coasting accident last winter and waa confined to her homo closely for aome week, la now able to go to school but baa sot yet the free ue of ber arm. It seem aa If certain of the nervea In tho aboulder have been torn loose and It la feared her complete recovery will bo a mat ter of aeveral yeara. i .... REAL ESTATE. The, following tranafera of. real es tate wore filed Saturday In the office of County Recorder Wllllama: A. and Oleana Qunderaon to Ned Nelson, northwest quarter of aoutn east quarter, section IS, township 2 souths range 4 east, 40 acrea; $2600.. Joa. H. Hlllyard to Ned and Victoria A. Nelson, weat half of northwest quarter of northeast quarter, aectlon 3, township 3 south, range 4 eaat, 20 acrea; $1450. Joa. B. Hlllyard to John H. and Olenora U Nelson, east half of north west quarter of northwest quarter, aectlon 3, township 4 south, range 4 eaat. 20 acrea; $1(60. Oregon Realty Co. to Mutual Realty Co.. southeast quarter of southwest quarter, aectlon 20, township 4 aouth, range 4 east, 40 acrea; $10. Gladatone Real Estate Association to Mra. Etta Chase, lot 6, btock 60, Gladstone; $125. W. W. Abbott to 8. E. Brune, 6H acrea, John Mark'a donation land claim; $5000. Hiram Maden to J. U Ketch, 6 acre, aectlon 28, township 3 aouth, rang 4 eaat; $1000. William Andreaen and Winn! An dresen to J. U. Campbell, lot 6, block 8, Oregon City; $10. Gladstone Real Estate Association to Warren J. Kinney, Otla E. and Jen nie Unulae Lambereon, 1.03 acrea, Gladstone; $260. William and Winnie Andreeen to John V. Under, lota 7 and 3, block 81, Oregon City; 10. Etta and E. U. Chaa to Elisabeth B. paddock, lot d.block 60, Gladstone; $10. . c 8. P. and Lealle T. Howland. and B. J. and Lula U Howland. to Home Installment Co.. lot 10, Plnehurst, t acrea; $10. E. T. Maaa. aherlff, to Tho. F. Ry an, eaat half of northeast quarter, aec tlon 22. townahlp 4 aouth.. range 2 east, 80 acree; eherlffa deed. H. B. and Pearl A. Ballantyne to W. R. Allen, lota 11 and 12. block 7 aecond aub-dt vision of Oak Grove; $10. W. R. and M. F. Allen to H. E. Bal lantyne, northeast quarter of north eaat quarter and north half of south east quarter of northeaat quarter, aec tlon 36, township 5 aouth, range 1 eaat, 60 acres; $10. C. P. and Anna M. Andrewa to O. E. Freytag. lota T and 8, block 34, Olad atone; $10. IE ROY OSBORtJ Musical Comedy Company SUNDAY w4 MONDAY TrouWcs of a Lobster The Time Sunday and Mon day. - The Place Electric Theatre, Oregon City. The Girl And then some. Albert Langton, W. R. Selgfrled Grace (his wife) Mamie Haalam Fiddler Cliff Lancaster Servlna (the maid) Margurate Doyle Nellie, Cora Haalam TesMe... Vada Peek Kittle....; Minnie Miller Clara Marie Cahlll Nettle ' Cecil Roaa Mualcal Number. Opening Chore ........ Choru Winter ...v.. Margurate Doyle Hoo Hoo. Ain't Tou Coming Out Tonight. .Mamie Haalam I'm Going to Tell on You, Cora Haalam. -Final ........Entire Company See the Bcoutiful Electric Effect ; Entire Change or pro gram Tuesday THE USUAL RUN (J FJCTQS CLOSE CALL" Mary Ann and Jamea H. Hatton to O. B. rreytag, lota 4 ana , block 10, Gladstone; 110. Frank p. and Bertha E. Nelaoo to W. W. Leete, lota 12, 13 and, 14. block 12, Gladstone; 110. ' John and Kate Rometach to Edward Mendonhall, trustee, 20 H acre, Will lam Arthur donation land claim, town ship t south, range I east; II. R. J. and Jano Moore to A. M. and Mary R. Miller, one acre, William Bngle donation land claim, township I south, range S oaat; $10. A. J., and Kate Lata to O. W. King, 10 acrea, section 6, township 8 south. range 1 oaat; 1800. joaepn v;. ana Florence a. rrrnum to Fred L, Strout, 46 Vt acrea, L. D. C. Latourette'a donation - land claim, townablps S and S south, range 2 oast; 110. II. N. and Gertie Everbart to Clyde and Otis Englo, 44 acres, section 3, township 5 south, range 2 east; $2250. Jamea L and Carrie DeLong to Ella Carson, one acre, township 3 south, rangel east; $1150. Frank E. and Besale E. Aandrewa to W. L. Lunt, 2.68 acrea, William Holmes donation land claim, township I south, rang 2 eaat; $10. "barlus and Mary Demi Font to Dariua Fouta, J., lots l and 2, aectlon 10, township 3 south, range 3 eaat, 11.16 acrea; $44. ' . LOBSTER T AT ELECTRIC THEATRE THE PRETTY OIRLS AND CATCHY BONOS WILL PAY YOU BACK FOR YOUR DIMES. The program given at the Electric Theatre last night by tho LeRoy Oa born Mualcal Comedy Company waa good, and each number on the pro gram received It share of applauae. The theatre waa packed to the doors at each performance, and the corn puny baa' been engaged to remain for anotbei week. Lat night waa the laat performance of the "Ice Man." Thla playlet waa filled with humor and kept the audience In good humor. The aongt were catchy, and thoae ren dered by Mlaa Margurate Doyle, Miss Mamie Haalam and Mlaa Cora Has lam were especially pleasing. Th attraction at thla playhouse thla afternoon, evening and Monday evening will be "Trouble of a Lob ater," and the eaat of cbaractera la aa follow: Tb Time1 Sunday and Monday. The Place Electric Theatre, Ore gon City. The Girl And then aome. Albert Langton W. R. Siegfried Grace (hla wife). .Mamie Haalam Fiddler .Cliff Lancaater Servlna (the maid) .Margurate Doyle Nellie .Cora Haalam Teasle Kittle Clara Vada Peek - Minnie Miller ... ... Mario Cahlll Nettle Ccll Roaa Mualcal Number. Opening Chorus Cliorua Winter .uargurat uoyie Hoo Hoo. Alnl Yo. 3omlng Out To night .........-''Mamie Haalam I'm Going to Tell on You, Cora Haalam Finale ,..- Entire Company ADDITIONAL LOCALS. Th... in xm aarvfaM at the Primi tive BapUat church thla morning at 11 o'clock. c . onrviraa in rhrlat Ev. Lutheran k..k viia will K at 10:1ft a. m.. with preaching In Oemtan. The topic for thla morning wm. oe --urwuau Love th Fruit of Tru Faith." Thar ill ha no Luther. Lecue sor- vie at Zloa Lutheran church thla ev- Mini Thura will he two D reaching service, however. Tbe morning topic will be, "Are iou rrepareu io uo With Chriat to Jerusalem!- mis ev enlng, at 7:45. the topic will be, "I Am the Lord Thy God." The boya' brigade that has been or ...i.i mi that St. Paul's EDlacopal church met Friday night and adopted th iwtnatitution an aeoiaea on .rr. tn. th Uwil or anlia t Ion. The .nan la sl Andrew'B Guard TI..K. .n nulla m. numoer oi new name presented at the meeting Fri day ntahL ' Servlcea In the M. E. church thla evening will be of a patriotic cnarac ter, and Co. Q, O. N. G-, will attend In a body. Judge J. U. Campbell will make the address of th evening. At the morning hour Rev. Zimmerman will speak on -fTom bgyp in.'1 Th. Hnv.1 nrlfAde of the M. B. A aav iLrj " church held a meeting In the church parlors Friday evening, une muer i. Knatnut wn the dannlng for a relay race, to come off In the near future. The race win .De u uunuu and return, it not being deemed wise to attempt to cover too much ground the first race. IT WON'T COST YOU A CENT Come and aee thoae beautiful Shirt Waists In Holmes' Window. THE PASSING OF THE OLD WORM FENCE. You're tearing down th old worm lOtlGQ It makes a huge bon fire! Replacing rotten, moas-grown rails with anink-anan woven wire! D'ye mind tbe time we built that fence Some twenty year agor Then Pa waa In th prime of life: . We twlna were twelve, you. know. I've aat for hours upon those rails, Or loitered here about To shoot gray-diggers stealing grain And dlKKlna taters out.. , How hard Pa worked to make that fence, ,i,Ajd wa nt he proud the day II finished It now he'a gone, too, Just died the tenth of May! . Tea, Ned, tho fenc had served Its time, . Yet aomethlng grips my heart. It'll curious how a bon-flrel amok - Will make th teardrops a tart I Let's take thla short-cut to th house; The homestead Beams so dear I haven't Been the old log house For well nigh fifteen year! . ... ......... i .... I wonder where we'll cross the creek, The atepplng sones are gone. You aay there la a rustlo bridge A little farther on, Down by our ancient swimming hole Which your boya use, no doubt . 1 Gee whit, you've widened thla old ond. And atocke4 the creek with trout) We ought to otiike tho lane right here Where we, with good old Tows, On summer evenings, thru the dust, Drov up th errant cows. Th Ian la gone, bcaua you have For It no longer need; Your gentle, pure-bred Jersey owe In fields of clover feed. I tho't to sea the house from hero. The roof la very low What! have you torn It down and built That modern bungalow? You have a barn that's up to date- Say Ned, what'e that I hear 7 Your auto? Seems all right In town But out here one aounda queer. A little run-about, I aee ' Makea dally trips with cream D'ye recollect our all dayjaunta To town, with Pa's ox-team? You tell me that the farm haa paid . For all of thl and more You have a telephone, the mall's Brought dally to your door! Well, I'm right glad you're proaperlng, You were the one to stay Upon the homestead, you knew how To having the farming pay. Nor la thla all for you have, made Your home attractive, too; No need to fear the clty'a charma 3VII1 lure your Bona from you. . You've poisoned all the gray diggers, The fern-brake are laid low. No, Ned, I think I'll not come In The Moss-back too, must go! Goodbye, dear Ned, one boon -I crave, Sometimes when looking back, Think kindly of the old worm fence The log houae, and of Jack! MARY NEWTON BADGER, Oregon City. WHO GOT THE DRAWERSf Mis Rambow Saya 8he Did Not Take Thorn, Or 80 Them. A case In Justice Samson's court Saturday forenoon waa that of State of Oregon va. Oda Rambow, of Glad stone. The charge wae larceny and the complaining 'witness Mrs. F. De Lashmutt. Mies Rambow waa accused of steal ing a pair of woman's drawers, the explanation being that ahe took them for the purpose of wearing them to a party the evening ahe took them. Mlaa Rainbow denies tbe charge and aa ahe waa under age tbe Judge aent her to the juvenile court. From there ahe was returned to Samson's Jurisdiction and he released her pending further hearing on her own recognizance. Mlaa Rambow aaya ahe waa never In the home of her accuser, and never saw the drawers in queatlon. Her mother and sister being alck with meaalea. who will be her main wit nesses, waa the excuae for postponing the case. It la said that the Incident haa something of the neighborhood Quarrel attached to It. Neighbor say they have their doubta as to there hav ing been any then. Two Additiona to Street Force. Chaa. Wllllama, cook on the ateamer Anna Cummlngs that run in nere from Cams, was drunk and disorderly and Officer Shaw locked him up. He was before Recorder Stlpp Saturday where he was alven ten daya In jail. Joa A. Johnaton. a transient who drifted Into town, was also taken be fore the Recorder and drew a fine of 115 or ten daya In Jan. neitner could nav and both will be Put 10 work on the streets Monday. ROBBED OF 110,000. Had Just Recelvsd the Money to Moot tho Pay Roll. PITTSBURG. Kaa., Feb. 25. Mra, Gua Joneph. poatmlatreaa at Fuller, enal rarao near here, vtl held by two highwaymen laat night and robbed of tin 000 which ahe baa just -receivea by express from Kanaaa City. The money was to have been used to pay off emnlovea of the Sheridan Coal Company today. SAMSON AUCTIONS HORSE. City Wanta to Collect Dollar Auction Feea. But Judge Wont pay. Mra. Hill, of Ely, brought her horae to Justice Samson Saturday ror him to sell It The Judge at once got Into tbe buggy, called about him the people on the street, and began to cry It off. A little later Tom Brown came by and seeing and hearing the effort stopped and made a bid or IZ5. The horse was hitched to a buggy and had a names on when Tom Brown atopped to Inspect It. About an hour later word was sent to Brown that "be had bought aomethlng." He at once went ud atreet to get hla property when he waa told that he had purchased only the horse; that the buggy and harnesa were not on sale. Brown kicked at the deception but finally weakened and paid np. Then came the aequenc to the whole proposition: Samson made tbe sale for Mra. Hill without any charge, just to help matters along. Bui the sale waa scarcely over until along cornea Officer Shaw and makea de mand for a dollar from Samson for license for auctioning on th streets. So far th officer haa been unable to collect from Samson. aa he saya he won't pay having done the work free of charge. 5-room house and barn, new, cor ner lot 60x100 feet, Falla View; fine view 81100 8-room houae with bath room, etc., good condition, 10th and Adama atreets, Oregon City.. $1350 Small payment down, balance month ly payments like rent good bargain. JOHN W. L0DER, Owner. Stevens Bldg. Oregon City, Or. To Whom It Concern I am going to clean up or destroy tho dlaeasod fruit trees of Oregon City and want th eo-oporatton of everyone Interested. You may got spraying done by C.-C McQhanoy, Fourth and Jackson, or by Clark 8. Fuge, Eighth and Polk otreota. Thoae neglecting or refusing to do the work will be com pelled to do sot 'Attyon Interested plosoo eommunlcate with A. J. LwJ Fruit Inapoctor Clackamaa County, Oregon City, Rout No. S. ' my aUoBwa. : Adlainns.a THE PEOPLE'S STOP G MASONIC TsTmVlK BUILDING If you are looking for quality as well as low prices you can certainly find it here. "We offer nothing but absolutely first class goods. Cloaronco Sale of Ladloa' Suit Our entire stock of Ladies' Suits from such well known makers as the "Wooltex". "La Vogue" and "Printzess to be closed out regardless of cost as we need the room for our new goods.' T" - TO BOOM A. O-. U. W. Deputy Grand MasUr Trauqer to Build up the Membership. , T. A. Trauger, deputy grand master of the A. O. U. W whose beadquartere are at Portland, arrived in Oregon City on Scturday morning, and will work for tho Interest of the order ror month. On Monday evening March 6, a banquet will be given at th A. O. V. W. hall on Seventh atreet, a; wblcb time J. M. Dickson, grand recorder of the lodge, will be tbe toaatmaater, and a good time la promised. There are now over 120 members In the A. U. W. aud it Is the intention of Mr. Traucor to Increase thla. Wants, For Sale, Etc Notice under these classified headlnirt 111 tx Inserted at one cent a word, first Insertion, half a cnt addition! Inser tions. One Inch card. 11 per month; half Inch card, (4 lines) fl per month. Casb must accompany order unless one has an open account with the paper. No financial responsibility for error; where errors occur free corrected notice wlU be printed for patron. Minimum charke lie WANTED. WANTED A first claaa organizer for Oregon City; big money for hustler; no other need apply. Address U. C. S. 228 Ablngton Bldg., Portland, Oregon. WANTED Experienced girl for gen eral houaework In family of three. Apply at Huntley Bros. Co.- FOR SALE. FOR 8 ALE Mare, 10 years old. kind. true, 1700 lbs. Trial given. Price $175. M. -A. Hansen, New Era. Car R, KelL FOR 8 ALE Spac in this column Sell that old plow or harrow; yon don't ua It sine you purchaaed your now on. r. FOR SALE Rare bargain. 50 acre farm. $125 per acre, actually worth $200 per acre; only 2 ml lea from Orecon City: suitable for subdivls Ion. Need the money and must sell; two-thirds clear. Haynea, 426 East Harrison Street, Portland. FOR SALE 10 acres orchard land; 7 acres planted to apple trees; 7 room house, small barn; 1V mile from Oregon City on good road $3,500: terms for quick aale. Tele phone Farmers 213. 8. R. Cogaa, R. F. D. No. I. Box 1S9, Oregon City, Oregon. FOR RENT. FOR RENT Rooms In the Gambrinus block, the Electric Hotel Annex, at reasonable rates. For particulars . Inquire of J. J. Tobln. at tbe Elec tric Hotel. These rooms have the latest convenience, with ateam heat, electric lights, and the choice rooms have running water, both hot and cold. I ti LOST. LOST In Oregon City Saturday, Feb ruary 25. between Pope'a Store and Farr'a butcher shop, .small brown ourae. containing $30 in gold and possibly some silver. Reward for return to First National Bank of Oregon City. TEACHER OF MUSIC. Q, H. DOUGLAS, Violin Teacner; vis its or receives pupils, 50c a lesson, one hour. 120 Jefferson St., Ore gon City. ' BUILDER AND CONTRACTOR. HARRY JONES Builder and General Contractor. Estlmatea cheerfully given on all classes of building work, concrete walka and reinforced concrete. Res. Phone Mala 111. MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY LOANED Wo are acquaint ed with the value of all farm landi In Clackamas County and can loan your money on good safe. security. Farm loans made one, two and three years at 7 par cent Abstracts of tltl examined. DIMlCK A DIMICK. Lawyers, Andreaen Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon. ATTORNEYS. O. D. EBT, Attorney-at-Law, Money loaned, abatracts furnlahcd, land . title examined, estatea settled, gen eral law baatnoea. Over Bank ol Oregon City. U'REN A SCHITEBEL, Attorneyo-at-Law, Deutscher Advokat, will prac tice In all court, mak collections and settlement. . Office la Enter prise Bldg., Oregon City. Oregon; ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. V. R. HYDE, Abstract Pf ftp Land title Investigated, conveyan cing, notary public ; to(x:;ic:dit icmtz COPT . Room 7 Barclay Bldg., Orogoa cy DENTISTS. DR. L. OvICTB, DENTIST Rooma 4. Clearance Sato of Men's Suite Our line of Men's Suits are from such houses as he Stein Block Co. and A. Kirshbaum Co. - This in itself is a guarantee of the quality. Your choice of ny suit 7.00- t and Beaver building. Main St. Oregon City- Phonea: Horn A-1M and Paciflo State 122L . t REAL ESTATE. 75 acre tract good land, no rocks, S mile from Oregon City, miles from O. W. P. car lln. Good fruit land. Cut Into 7 and 14 acre tracts, 1100 to $225 pr acre. Enquire of D. K. Bill A Co., Room 9, Beaver Bldg, Oregon Citv. E. H. COOPER. For Fir Insurance and Real Estate. Let ua. handl your properties w buy. Mil and xchange. Office in Ratrpria Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon. - FREYTAG Or 8WAFFORD, Real Es tate Dealers, have choice bargain In farm lan da, city and i suburban home, good fruit land and poultry ranch. 8e na for good buy. Near 8. P. depot. If you can make bida to deliver ; . In a reasonable tlm - ' A I piling with 10 Inch top not leaa than 45 feet long. . peeled or unpeeled, ) delivered Portland. Call on or pbon - E. C. Dye. , v .1 th and Main. ' Both Phone. ' ' SECOND HAND FURNITURE. MANY TIMES you can buy just th article you want, just a good aa new, at a small fraction of th cost of new. If you go and see TOUNO, the second hand man. HI collec tion contains New, and Second Hand Furniture, Hardware, Tools, Curios, etc. Be him; It coeta nothing to Inqulr. CITY NOTICES. Ordinance No An Ordinance Defining Certain Dutieo of the Chief of Police Regarding tho Collection of Licenses. , Sec. 1. It I hereby mad th duty of th Chief of Folic of Ore gon City, to Inspect th license of every person, firm, company or cor poration, engaging in ot carrying on any profession, trade, calling or oc cupation for which a license akall be required under Ordinance Na 207 and No. 323. of Oregon City, and if he shall ascertain that said person, firm, company or corpora tion so engaging in or carrying on such profession, trade, caaing or profession, ha failed to obtain a license as provided in said ordinan ce aforesaid, th Chief of Polio shall Immediately collect th amount of such license du Oregon City and pay th sam to the City Trea surer. Th Chief of Police shall also make any and all collections of any and all licenses, fees and moneys which are and may become due Oregon City as th sam may be required of' him by the council of Oregon City, and th said Chief of Police shall receive aa sole com pensation therefor, th sum of 140.00 per month from and after February lat. 1911. Sec. 2. That Ordinance No. 358 of Oregon City, be and the sam Is 'hereby repealed. : Read first time and ordered pub lished at a apeclal meeting of th City Council, held February 17th, 1911. ' U STIPP, Recorder. . PLEASE NOTICE. To introdnc Th Morning Enterprise Into a larg major ity of th borne In Oregon City and Clackamaa county th management haa decided to mak a apeclal prio for th dally Issue, for a abort Urn only, where th subscriber pays a year In ad vane. 1 By carrier, paid a year In advance, 13.00. ' By mall, paid a year In ad vance, $2.00. People who gav our canvas ser a trial subscription for on or more months, at ten cents a week, can, have th dally deliv ered for a year for $3.00 by paying a year In advance. People who gave our canvas , ear a trial subscription, by mall, for four month at a dot ' lar, may hav th papr for a . year for $2.08, If peM a year In advance- ' " - ' " ' Subscriber to- th Weekly Enterprise may chang tbU.. subscriptions to tb dally, re--celvlng credit for', half tin oa th dally that 'th . weekly " paid In advance. - When thoy -chooo to add cash to th ad vene payment eqnal to- A tan year's advaae payuaat they may tatt advaatag of th I ' rat. .,' W mak tfchV c9 so that pa who ha.. . ' to ad van o aa some other daily : and wlel to take the Morning rMorprioa, aasy do without too gr tape, - - v o 0 ) '' ' Sk ' - ' ' V 'V 4L