MORNING pitse 'wiTXliAY. FKHHUAKY 2T,, 10". r. " 1 ' .' M .,,., before. . 'ta,Mkiii!wT wn en vou duv iix.m nisMnii nans. - - . , . .v-.iva iniu n " 'i.M CaJne. tb. Pt ,7 N Dni " -. LARSEN C COMPANY WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Groceries, Produce & Commission Merchants The Only Complete Stock of Crass and Field Seeds, Vegetable, Garden and Flower Seed, also Onion Sets, etc Corner lOih mnd ttmla, Oregon City MORNING ENTERPRISE SPECWl Bll RAILWAY FRANCHISE ORIGOH CTTT, 0REG05 C. E- BOOIE. Editor and Pvbllele. - ExicJ as oord-eiai wiattrr Jaa un 1ML. al tte poet f at CUj Ort-raa. vrjef tr.e Art Van Hall CiImI Maatarpiec T -Revived All T Week," ' Starting with the matinee today. Baker Stock Cora pa ay will be see All next week la pledld product toe of Hall Caine'a famous maatarplec. -Th Cbrtatlaa." that atand fur all that la powerful and thrilling la th world of drama. Us proud poeltlon at th bead of playa of It's, peculiar ceal W aaejueeuoeea f" .. -dosra yeare of eucceaa. coaataal and Ddintlntaaed, It ee Manna ela theatreHroers t tats city km had th pleasure of witnes sing products Ot it. an" w proline wrltar of original "" Matinee will be given Wedneeda and Saturday. -SEVEN DAYS" AT MEILIO- Ec raa ml no ly Funny Cody Wk at Leading The'"--Serev Par." the comedy by Mary Roberta Rhlnehart and Avery Hop . ..... . . . w. u.ili for wov4, anica romn m " ." , . . hrt week a tuiM. .tning Sua-1 from aa evil heart tark-a itaLttia" ur,"1S;J,t?.J-' ..... i d liar ret t. WIHlaat Wiii TM tbrvp. Mairei ' I ...... .n.l -krenc Robluatm w- a - - Of th Rudar Mo of .WV S'S Pill run f KBCtmm, MAY BE SENT TO STREET AND PUBLIC PROPERTY COMMIT TEE FOR CONSIDERATION. On Tax tj mi! g:x al-vilha bv .. Faor alcatha, by uti.. per . by cimrf .we . 1 M . 1 ! . .: imrrrcts uru pvat Pa. nr m-a rtrt iBaM-tVMi . . .':ac avt Put tr irrb aMed mni ms IX prrfTr (.Krtr-kw ary rf- fr ftr aaerlKai PtrTTd powrtr aar . added tnmrrxom 'c Bus rr ter tbaa T-.-rt par. pr hi -a rtrat lnrrt 1? Baa aap'r otfrrr t.iz f.rrt r' Pr aaavd anvr. lara IV jx-r '1t; to rf."-r Jr Uarra I ttaa. - Waat.. For To Rent ( orw ent a word firat ir.a-t'a. ot'-haf crnt earh adtitW-mai RatM for a4vrt!T H th EairprW will b tk raa aa tn aJlv. for ir KWitt at rarUll' for the wrrklr VThrr ! a4Trt .e. mX ' ki tranfTrd from th daity to t!v wr-k-without rharnr th wni N c aa narfe for run of the paper, and lc an fear for apia) poaiuoa. Caah ahnold arcotnpanr er&rr wiser party ta unknown i tn btttea ofTio cf Die Enterprla Lasal adrertlataa' at Va adaartiataa' atra. Ctrcua adTrrttaina: arwl ipwi! traant adrwrtarinc at JSp to 5 an men. imrt aac to aprcsaJ condittona ftv-mrc th Flr Sale" and Ban rapt B" adT-r-tteraarata lie tw frt rtirfon. aJd--tkaiaJ tnirtnaa aajn maitrr Se :a Km Heme and w.ll wrlfm articl'8 af mm IC w-ith tawttf! tn Ineal rnln win a rtadlr am-pud. P.)xtrd aulata never rtarae4 m!ea aco?mtan M W stamos to prepar poatac. CITY OFFICIAL. NEWSPAPER. At a revert meeting of Cooncil there wa a frarchise aaked of Council for a r.ght of way for an electric line throrisb the atree of Orecoa City. :b lice jropoic to build from thla city oat into the MoUIla country. Tba fracck'.ae waread first time and then tr rote of Coanc'.l the ordinance waa referred to a special commit! re con poaej of Mers. Meyer. Roake and Andresen. with lcatructiona to report at the trit recular meeting of Council, which wt:i be heid Wednesday eight. It ta per La pa hard to tell what iirtt move, men at times, but there U a tnpTernriit-on foot to hare th matter taken from the hands of thla special ' coraialttee and referred to the Street asd Property committee, which Is com prised of Messrs. Burke. Roake. Hall and the City Aftorcer Who la back of the movement does not show on the surface or wfcy the change la desired no ooe seema attaur The Street and Alley committee have much to do with the streets, la ore claim, acd it ia wise to have the City Attorney on the committe 1 another. --T - : - . I I -1 t -- . . "V ' - VHVk , I 1 WPfTW eec. PAPER LEGALLY ENTERED. - The -man who mad It kla especial .btialneaa to run arouad and tell Cows- dlmen that to pabllah city notices in uj (tt -Word Day Service By W. U. Annouccemetit is made by the Wesj tb fnion Terrgraph Co. that becauae of the succesa- with which the SO-word niint news letter has met the com pany has decided to institute a similar day serrice. By the terma of this new aertice one can send a W-word mes sage at the coat of one and a half times the regular rat for tea word. There is no doubt that this will prore a great boom to the business world. tt will meet witn realty re- mean or as comrg frvm a bad lltar. Iioatoa Transcript. . Meo ata apt to worship what they can not understand womee for Instance Soma men are Ilka wheelbarrows coonectka wlth-l,DB cr- T1 . tl" 'orT on they wont earry anything unlraa ttay ker. ha being the hlck Maaara. Wageohala .Kemper. jftre pu, tha Morninr. EiterprUe did not make spocse from th man who wishes . th publication legal. Toluteering the Qlck action in affair of buaineaa. infonnatioa that th Morning Enter prise had not been admitted to the ' full use of the mails, knows about as mock aboat tkat proposition aa a few others he butts ia on th city over. Ia the frist pUee th Morning Enter prise was admitted to the fun privi lege of the second elaaa mail aerrice oa January J. Ia th second place tt doesn't matter whether th paper has ever been en tered or not as regarding tke legality , of aotices published ta its columns A paper can be a newspaper of gen eral eircalatioa in the community and not aead a paper at pound rate. In truth, four-fifths of the regular clro latfcm of the Morning Enterprise ia by carrier and the papers do not go through th mails at any time. But th Morning Enterprise has been admitted as a second class pub lication by th Postofflce Department and is enjoying ail the privileges of tke big city dallies Many InctiMtor chicks are kfTlfed with kindness by bing overfed and kept too warm. The March hatched pullets will be the rly tall layers. gernesa. haa been moat forcibly i-; day, with ta aaual matinees Wednea presaed in the rush there haa been : day and Saturday.: has ,'bem termed, for seats ever since th first annoon. . tha greatest comedy h.t in 20 year, cement waa mad' that It waa . to b ' ly VP good. revived. Th Chrtatiaa is best known healthy, normal people prefer to lauxh here for Its close Manager Geo. U Baker, b being the hica Maaara. wagennaia Kemper 4rf) pu, first to offer It here in Stock, and thia whewthey planned their present, i. Ihr- u ,B- rraaklness la a man making th founk tlm it kaa been wonderful vcomedy "ucceaa. Tvn ,,,,115, crop out when he played ao. . He early secured th en '.wC hungry. tir WesteVn rights to It. and haa For a 'season or two th American! , , , twice sent it on the road wftk labo- stag bad been glutted: by morose. RAISINO MAINE "OAMBLC." rate companies ana scenic equipment. jnuwnoieBom. so-raneQ aeruma piaya covering the entire country thla side with morbtd of 'the Miaaiaaippi. If. anyon knows leina and distasteful character.-Tn psychic moment appeared to have ar bow to correctly present the great It ia he. and' he states that th present production of it will be the greatest theme, nasty "P.rob-I .. Ui B Maarl t WA8HISUTON. Fo. U-TM total tu-Aai aa m H alia naf.alna s) k a. llirv gv am Ul alilaami IV VUri IH y . W M a Kaa Kdkff ahould.contaln some of th aunshlne. I"" . T- il.7n. HARD TIMES PARTY l3f,'.Cir2Tirt Power ful Pi ia Make Money for th piano Fund f J Sunday Scnool. The hard time party given by the Beta Club at the Congregational church Friday night waa a successful affair. Much amusement waa caused by the costumes worn, and the first priies were won by Mis Ivy Roake aad Mr CooVe, and the consolation prizes were won by Bext Roake and C. H- Dye. Refreshments were sold daring the evening, those serving were Bert Roake and Mr. Cooke, and Mis, Marjorie Money acted as cashier. The result waa a neat sum. which will go towards the piano fund. One of the features of the evening was Ike musical and literary p roc ram. consisting of the following number: Solo. Roberta Schuebel; recitation. Sammy Mclarty: recitation. William McLArty aolo. Mlaa Ivy Roake; se-1 lection by the Buttinski Orchestra. 1 composed of Mrs. V. Harris. Miss Ivy i Roake. Vera Roake, Aibert Roake.! Herbert Harria. 1 The young folks givlLg the enter 1 uinmenr are now planning a St. Pat rick's entertainment on March . a f mi At the Portland Theaters j J LAST CAR LEAVES POR OREGOIf CITY AT MTDIHGHT I VVi..t- ''"-' J I K w -Ta J- i al I 1- XVL -if? tf; . al I 1 l it 11 1 r :. I l-'lWl l -"T'-:' ,1-. 1 r -a . ." w 1 - -. 1 1 1; a 1 1 x-ftAiiy -.v-r I;- I '. ' t .-e t r .'--'. , - ' , .'V. 1 ?V !;.( - AI-L I? .... I T)) T tleshlp Mala, now lying la Havana harbor-la a "gambl," according to Major Cavanaugh. th nglnr officer In charge of th work. Th coat may b ckine to U.000.000. Major Cava naujth told th appropriation commit' tee of th llous today. Th present appropriation for th undertaking la 30Q,ooo.' TWO SEWERS UB0ENT. Clalana Mad 'That Somtthlnj Need t B 0n Si, . I People living on Eighteenth atrt I want a newer at least a "part of tbra I want one. To that end a petition waa l put la circulation and aubacrlbera ! cured aaklng Council to .put on jtarouKh. But In some way th ptl 1 tlon haa bcom loat and th work muit now be don over again If th sewer la to be built. Also a number of people on Taylor i street ar Insistent that they b given a sewer. Th claim la mad that that section of th city la on la wblch a newer la aa ever present neceaatty. Council baa In mind to do all th lm- j proving possible within tb next few ' rear, but naturally th portion ahow Ing th greater needs must be taken up first. I SECOND INVITATION RECEIVED. Baptist Church Would Hav Old Sol iar Mast With Thtm. In addition to th Invitation from BLPau)' Episcopal church, to attend service at mat rnurcn on Decoration j Day. the 0. A. R. Post kaa received 'an Invitation from tb Baptist church 1 for th aam oeraalon. Th Invlta j tlon for tb Episcopal church haa ever seen her. Over fifty people are 1 rosea and lor of Ilf. "Seven Dars." referenc to th services at th morn- In the fast, and th large modern j accord. ng to th Judgment of Messrs. ,D hour of service, and that at tb stage of th new Baker Is splendidly Wagenhi's A Kemper, had all th HP,1t church for th evening hour. equipped for production of thia kind. J elements required to meet the slttia- Tblabelng the case It ia possible th inurston Hall, on of the best lead-1 tlon. and nhen It waa produced, the I m,T accept uotn invitations ana Ing men Baker Stock company haaDUblic and th nresa. with unusual ttend rvira twlr on that day. ever had. will play the rol of John j unanimity, cordially agreed with them. I " owrm, ne lervent young minister, : yne entnuaUstle verdict of the first ' ""ra nusoanw wun urunKsnsaa. and Ida Adair who haa ao successfully j olzbt bait not ben repealed. "Seven I Hrnlc A. Warrn today filed suit played the rol of Clory In the Eaat I DnTt- atlll at and a as the greatest ; 10 thaClrcult Court agalnat George 1 r. barren for a decree of dlvorc. the subject of taxation and asseaament I lb!r, ."""'J 0r0" City will be thoroughly dlacussed. and th T " il ' 7 ... ' mK9Q '' ici. mwm. nan en caarKen her husband 1 may wvn, kajl ytl 4mi always d.p., . ' ,.,ry ..liar fmi d.pU N Mr ,. -sp.rtmlMN w W'mw warn. Ywir arlrHlpal avill alavayg a4 vallakl. which canrtat a- fertri f l")Vl"at M M af H The Bank of OfcgoQ 0 C. LATOL'Rrrni Praldal r. i THE FIRST NATIONAL BAIQ of OREGON CTTY , OREGON CAPITAL. lAOOOaoo i. rranaMta a ! Banking. Bu in a. A iian is Blind to hi own interest wKen he doei not adopt Gavitfs System Regulator Th Wlotvt Used It Longest RcMmmcnd It the Unzft flnr JeAGRIPFtv CONSTIPATION. RIIFXmTn I? use for over a quarter of a ceMory. Nothing tie i A W Box, 200 Days' Treatment for tit) W. W. UtTItt MtdJCBJ WIUBaJJICtttrtrB.Tnneka r.. ri.. r" ir, Dakar & Dakar Hit SCENE FROM THE COMEDY, "SEVEN DAYS" AT HEILIQ THEATRE. Wagenhals aV Kampwf will present th comedy hit ef th naat 30 yaars, -Seven Days," at Th Halllg Thatr , 7th Taylor etrte, for 7 nlghta, beginning Sunday, February 2S Special pric matin Wednesday and - 'aa--wv 1 s.- ABERNtTHY GRANGE HAS ALL-DAY ffl JUDGE DIMICK, CAPT. APPERSON AND PROF. TOOZE THE SPEAK ERS FOR THE OCCASION. Abernethy Grange met at the Grange Hall on Saturday. The meeting waa an all-day affair and was attended by many member or tb organizations. , Judge O. B. Dimlek, master of the 1 Grange, presided.. At th morning ' aeaaton buslnaa of importance . waa Drought up for dlacuaalon, and at noon a dallelona hot dinner prepared by th women of th Grange, was partaken of by all. Following th dinner hour th af ternoon waa devoted to add reuses, and Judg Dlmlck'a aubpact wa concern ing th Uxes and agriculture. Mr. Dimlek' addresa waa greatly appre ciated by his hearers. H talked on tn proper methods of agriculture and criticised the method pursued by a large number of the firneraf ot Clack amas county, for the PJheon that they were not making their farma aa profit able as they ahould. Judg Dimlek was followed by Captain J. T. Apper son, who talked on th origin of the Oregon Agricultural College al Cor vallls, and It development, beginning at Its4 early history, and compared each step of. progress It has nad. Prof. Toom.1 of the Oregon City school a, also gave a talk at this meet ing, his subject being "Public Schools, and what should be taught" At the next meeting of the Orange matter, a well as the members Invite all those Interested. Single tax will also be 1 1 sunned. There will be many talks on this subject. , C. Kraft, of- Shubel, was In Oregon City Saturday. He recently purch ased the property belonging to Mrs. Clara Smith. The latter Is having an attractive bungalow built on the plank road, Richard Schoenborn having charge of the construction. wun having become a groas and habitual drunkard and asks for the custody of their child. She Is represented by Attorney Gordon E. Hayes. . SPECIAL MEETING TUESDAY. Oladston, Council to Further Consider Its Water Works Plana. Gladstone Council will meot In spe cial session next Tuesday" evening to Heiiig Theatre 7th V Taylor Street. Phone Main 1 and A-1122. SUNDAY AFTERNOON, FEBRUARY 26, I to 4: JO o'clock, Third POPULAR SUNDAY AFTERNOON CONCERT. 75horus-79-80. Orchastra-20. Popular Musi at Popular Prlc 75-60-35-25, Scat now selling at Theatre. A.T, oC,,U2 T,HEATRt 7 N,0HT ".ginning SUNDAY, FEB. 26. Sp cl.l Pr e Matin... W.dn..d.y .nd Saturday. W.g.nh... 4 prsaent Th. Grat..t Comedy Hit In 20 Year SEVEN DAYS Mh. th m,th,,M! 'MMi25. new . (MACMaTa '' THEATRE NIGHTS beginning MONDAY, THE MIDNIGHT SONS - Seat sat, open. Friday, Marchf. OREGON CITY SHOE STOS Is Hetdqoartm for Best Made Here you will find Shoes for' Mea, Women and Children that will fit and are comfortable.' In Ladies' Shots we carry fuliiioeof John H. Cross and Harney; and ia Men'i Stacey Adams, Packard and J. E Tilt Oregon City Shoe Sim MAIN BETWEEN STH AND 01H STRCCTS ELLIOTT & PARI! f Propo. FORD QARA0E Cars FOR HIRE, Day or Experienced and Careful Chauffer Repairing of 'all kinds on Automotr Motorcycles. Bicycles, and our work it Guaranteed. ; Garago an Fuih Strc:' ' , ' ' . .- ' ; ' : ' BETWIE1T MAIN AITO 8. P. R. R. further the cause or . the new' water works system for that city. It la eg pected that there will be a report froaa the water works' machinery company of Portland that Is figuring aa to what the new water system will cost nad r i Yonr Iloine ( Correct and Artistic Decoration at -Moderate Cost. Wccry Eastt Ccr.ry'j UdlPcpors W 'ark , fklsage For th. SeaaoN ef Mn. te-vy repreatm th , ntH th. Wotld aaordsV VJLTt . ""tT k. I. ..n k tnatal'ed. " I. mm" 4 , , other dala that IheTtf" before It acls In th atftta An Ike weather U f more lhan eleven en a hen. Whn a brr aUowed, the eggs art m covered, and tho. ?. of the clutch r w 1 chilled. Cure Your Pfel J. D. FOX'?? oinnn ANO OTHEW IttO & B ' ; ATTHi m HOT U - (The Houae f lfr- ; . TH'. oregon-was!:: Rfillro-dNav:; Sells round-trip ckaJiC months, allowing f , accommodation st t j' : rlum, at PortU-ij OW. t iot further nformattk ' "trated booklet, drji Phy. Mdlckl 8v7.1 Uke, Oregon, nf V Agent, or writ, to OsB.r.l Ptf rORTU