Ctadttimas County Mas Splendid School Mnfe SB ' I ' . ,' T. . . - fT CLACKAMAS COUNTY SCHOOLS By x. J. Gary. County SoperintetiJnt of School. Qackamaa county ia divided into oo hundred tveaty-eixhl arhoot dis trtcta Im which nor than two hun dred earn eat teacher are ahaping the destiny of Ita youth. The buildings and grout da la maxr of Ua districta are in good coodi tioa. Da rtnc the laat three year there hare beea thlrtj-to achool hooe rected In tha county at a coat of aaay thoaaaads of dollar. A very few districts aar poor buildings but oat of these will, without question, be replaced by dv aad ntodera one Ail of our schools have libraries , aad aaany of them hare the wails : decorated with works of art. The climate and topography of this coon try make it as ideal place Tor schools. The climate Is so mi id and unable that a child caa attend school erery day ia the year without ageing dwarfed by the cold or enervated by the heat Children la this climate grow larger thaa their parents phy-: sicaJly, aad it U to be hoped that; climatic conditions eause aa equally vigorous mental growth. There Is ' probably no better county In the world la which to study nature. A child SCHRATER-8 BAKERY. There are fw is tt w 'vn th size of Orwerjt r;.T ti-h can boast of a baktry sa t t oi aWy eoadvetied at SIS Main s-.rsf by Mr. H gchradr and whose crod jt ! r ' ' f,- - J.,,.-.......-:., . -iJr : : ' ',: -Jj kr'- lm 12 J I 1 - sabl m . - 1 "Ht 1 . L ; ' is la aa dmaad aa to aita,e ; ( thai esploraieat of a number of xjeo peteat aad expert workmen to snpv?y ia tr4. xr. Bebrader has been - ecsxaected with tie baSiaes Jmtt ...- the dty fa- .a crmai4ra.bl length j s . of time, having bn a resident of the I 1 , city for tbe past thirty years, eoadict-! ! . ! hi presesat bwataeaw for about I . lva years. Ta bakery is spleo-; . npupyeu mm owiy ia purest tsredieata are used Ia the prepara tion of all food staffs. A distinctive . feature of th business la their aom ma bread, this bread being raised wtth Bona made hop aad malt yeast, aad tale ia the only bakery la this ecooa asvowa to prepare bom made axr. scarader I a pleasant 'view Crandstsod nd Raoetrack pgTlasi'auf i in- r flTTJ iJflkTri i'sTIi I I li mJZtVtotVStSST&ttL J I .. T S A W i' can. without leaving the confine of the county, see the different forms of vegetation from the ' semi-tropical : i figs are grown In Oswego and al mond In Willamette) to the frigid , (arctic vegetation la found about ML; Hood). Here we have all kinds of soil from the rich alluvial of the river valley, which produce vegetation in ' abundance, to the volcanic ah of the) foothills, which is unsurpassed for : the production of fruit. The e&Vct of the tides on the ocean j may be en in the Willamette river. One of the moat magnificent, water j fall to be found anywhere Is the WU- j lamette rails of Oregon City. In the southern portion of the coun ty are level plains extending for miles These are bordered by the rolling foot hills, while back of these are the forest covered mountains, and above all stands the peaks covered with per petual snow. At Oregon City are foand extensive woolen mill, an electric -plant which supplies much of the electricity for the city f Portland, and some of the largest paper mills In .the country. If ihe children from the Middle West could travel over Clackamas county for on week they would learn more geography than they could In a life time at home. , Clackamas county has an excellent S'.el Bui'dinqs of C'aikama g?t?man wi'h vtra it U a piti-,r 'o tnde. at;d he bit always main-, tainM tk highest reputation for stri?t , Looor and intirrity and in cotute-; j'ce tif trade is constanUy and ; rnd!y lncreasiag. Th demand for & tracer's home made bread far ex ou the oTput st all time, while th pie and otter article find ready favor with prticular people. Wagon are employed to deliver gooda lo any part of :he city. Mr. Schrader is In every way a model citizen, never losing aa opportunity to boost for bis home town. CYRUS POWELL REAL ESTATE. There ar a nn ruber of local people who are putting forth their utmost endeavors to make known to th out side world the many advantage and opportunities la Oregon City and Clackamas county for investment and bona building aad on of th most succs fnl of these Is Mr. Cyrus at Clafcata County Pair Ground. in i MORNING ENTERPRISE, kitkhaY. FEBRUARY 26. 191U library Uv'. which provides that ten cent a h:i be apportioned each year for each pupil of school agw la the county. This enable the boys aad girls of the country districta, aa well as those of the cities, to obtala some of the beat In literature each year. Our compulaary Education Law Is especially good, as it requires the at tendance of children until they are sixteen years of age unless they have completed the course of study or after the age of fourteen, are engaged la some useful occupation. All schools are required by law tc maintain, school for at least si months each year. Each school must have at least three hundred dollar! for maintenance. ' . .A law has Jut been passed provid ing that certificates to teachers wll hereafter be Issued by the 8tati Board. A certificate obtained la thi: way will.be good In any .part of tb State. Diplomas from accredited Nor mat Schools acd accredited College and tniversies will be accepted here, A law has been recently passed which will give this county two Su pervisor who will work la conjunc tion with, and under direction of. the County School Superintendent. It Is their duty to visit the schools In their district as often as they caa. and to: help, id.. aad.,. Instruct the teachers ' I I - ' ft ' ' i ' I 1 ' e .r" . ". County. Powell, who maintain an offlcjef at bis beet efforts to all plans calculated 71 Noble Bldg.. Main street Mr." for her benefit In tn stodio spwlal Powell has located a large number of attention Is given to enlarging and people in this section of the Wlllanv grouping, and there la no finer work et'e valley, and all sem to be satis- done anywhere than that done by Mr. , fied with their Investment, largely Hart and his assistants, and no reel owing to the fact that Mr. Powell Is dent of the city need feel that they 1 able to give expert advice to all who . are obliged to go to Portland for first ', have any idea of becoming residents I class work tot tbls character, for It of tbls part of the State, or even those i who have resided In th immediate vicinity of Oregon City for h Is gen erally known to be on of th best posted real estate men In th field. He has made a careful atudy of this section and 1 familiar with all condi tions and his ad vie Is extremely val uable to any contemplating th pur chase of property, either for home building of for Investment Mr. Powell Is a man of fin business ability and anyone corresponding with him iwtll find him absolutely reliable. Thor oughly Imbued with th Idea of a rapid development of. th surrounding country, Mr. Powell la , exerting his best effort along then line, and his Influence has been strongly felt In this direction. P. M. HART PHOTOGRAPHER. There Is probably no city of equal size anywhere In th country where such a complete photograph gallery may be found, or a photographer of sucn ability as Mr. P. M. Hart, of this city, without exception his work Is of the highest character and qual ity, being fully equal to that done In the largest cities, whll hi nhoto. graphic work of children Is a matter of wonder to all who see It. Mr. Hart keep closely In touch with all of the latest discoveries la th DhotosraDhlc worm, ana nas ail of in latest ..ap pliances, Including th finest lens to be secured, resulting In th high' st class of work. Howevr, price charged ar no more than those asked for the work of Inferior artists, and consequently Mr. Hart onjoyi a con stantly increasing trad. H 1 la very way one of the most progres sive and enterprising cltltens of Ore gon City, always taking aa active In terest la affair pertaining to th weV far of the community and lending In iw.i. k rtiim U la baawl up- 1 t.i aa thoM of th Cllr. CUIe Ionic ko" lh of rymM (wrvUloa o4 kat h4. but tbv ctNintrjr arhooia bT hn !fl lo ahlft , for lhml aa beat lhr oouM , Wltfc all lb dvatara (b ouuntry t chi'!a In Clackamaa county ijow bav , lbr b BO 4 fvr opJ irft to th elU in or.Wr ibat tbf tur vdurat tblr rbllJfn ; CUrktnii County na .four HUb School lt r-rr cxHirM'a. Tbr T A Car. 1 1 re sli'een schools that are doing ban four year, of High Sch work. Utacada. Caaby and Stone not only ! r , tip! live a higher education for thr'r own (lr maD years and which culminated boys and girls, & they are conven- ,n h ,.,1,,,, of McUwghlln Inatl- rrarwBJ,ng,w - eductHH.ann.tltutlon which Oregon City la building a forty-thoo- ; has attained to a nigh position snd tand-dollar- High School. With more hoM. future Is fully assured. Rev. ban one hundred students, five Jn- M(11Drmn4 undertook the seemingly V,lLfZP?l!Z u;mpalble taak of ral.lng fund, for oil i Iberrectlon of the prent buildings "k" " ot - bestcboos l but crowned hi efforts, and he State. .... iln 1WT -they were completed. Ji ;J'a -eiia weB?nr.crnyPaT. ' U" '' outgrowth of TSJ Ztt'Z 'I2atJ :. Johns rh.wl snd I. under the dl in ge."atl wUhorierrl;rect sup.rvl..oa of Rev. H.l.el.r.nd '1- IT u nJwmJ. ' principal.- He Is aaalated by a will doubtless be working under this ,IAIU ln.n. . r-.ik. system la a short time. Eastern people heaitate to go to a I new country because they rear tns school facilities are not adequate. The -The greater part of the year In writer has lived la four Eastern state ,'wet,rn Oregon the Weather la aarh and can cheerfully say that the s4irjtha, ppi thoroughly enjoy them rational outlook of Clackamas county J out " 0f doors and In ronse abe present time, la better thaa that , 4WBr i bey enjoy better health thaa of any Eaatern roaaty he ha known. , would be Impossible to secure better work than 1 turned oat at tbls up-to- date studio. J. W. COLE'S PLACE. For the greater part of twenty year J. Wallace Col baa been Iden tified with the buslna Interest of Oregon City, and notwithstanding that there are some peopl who entertain an Idea that a maa engaged la the liquor bualnea must lose hi respec tability and standing, nothing of th kind has happened to Mr. Cole. - He I -built" along different lines. At all time his place la maintained at the highest standard posslbl, rowdy. Ism la not tolerated In other words It I a refreshment resort catering to th mors discriminating trad; Mr. Col buys his liquors la larg quanti ties direct from the government bonded warehouse and dispenses pure good to everybody alike He has a large Jug trade, hi older pa trons, friends and acquaintance rea lizing that It Is not posslbl to secure better goods thaa he furnishes, or at lower prices, quality considered. Mr. cole has aJway shown a disposition to tak a front place among those business men striving for a Greater Oregon City, and la regarded as a pub lic spirited and progressive citizen. His place Is at the corner of Main and Blxth streets, and Is conspicuous tor we wen known and popular 01 ym pia Beer sign. He keep that famous beverag on draught, acting a agent of th company In Oregon City. All of th well known- brands of whiskies, brandies, wines, etc., ar carried In bottU and la imik. jUit as good aa . - . f ' : ,',r ' J , '."V; McLOUOHLIN INSTITUTE. ! To the untiling energy and unreas- 'in efforts of Rev. rather A. lllUs- brand the peuplw of Oregon City sre , . , . , xnm Uwly M" mation of plans which he entertained . i-.,uMiir nnii. r ir reilaimia wv . Schools of OREGON CITY SCHOOLS. Oregoo City I itrictly In th front rank of Western cities which main tain their schools at the very highest standard and taxpayers are always more than willing to bear th expense of ample provision for needed build. Ings and equipment. furtbermor only the best known and most suc cessful educators are employed, re sulting in better work In the Oregon City schools than Is usual In cities of this size and comparing most fav orably with the largest cities In the country. - There ar enrolled In the Oremn City schools about 1000 pupils, while tne total enumeration In th district Is about 1400. T. C. Toose Is principal of th city schools and under hi most efficient direction splendid progress has been made. Twenty three teach ers are employed In the various school building. . People who ar coming West need not h Ml Lata abnnt lnrHn rv.. m ,, u,rtuu City so far a educational facilities are concern a, ror may ar fully the equal of those of any section of th East. - Truck gardening .brings Immense return In all parts of Wstm Or " Clackamas County I espe cially adapted to that branch of In dustry becausd of It close proximity to ths best of markets and good ship ping facilities. - Many farmer hav finished their seeding this spring. Hav you far mer of th Middle Wt and Bast got started yet T What Is th us of spend ing on's time In a cllmat where win ter constitute th greater portion of th yearf Com to Clackamas Coun .ty and he happy. . There, la no part of the United Btste where the natural scenery Is mor magnificent than In Wtrn Oregon and Oregon City and Clack a mas County certainly her their share and thousands every year visit this part of th Stat simply for pleasure. Think of living right In th midst of what people come thousands of miles lo visit for a day or two. ' ; ... "! McLooghlln Institute. belief or rreed are admitted and ao attempt whatever, is mad to Influ ence tbem alMg theological line, MrtMighlln Institute Include" In Its curriculum both grammar and high arhonl rourae as provided for schools under Stat aupervlalon and furnishes the further very material advantage of more Individual attention to each pupil. Vocal and Inatrumental lessons are furnlahed by the painstaking, pa tient and loving Ulster, any Instru ment selected by parent or pupil being tautfht with equal facility. Then, again, the mental aad moral environ ment at MrUighlln Institute Is all that could pnaalbly b dealrwd. Com plet control 4f pupil 1 retained by the plater while they are wlthla the building or on lb grounds, a fact which has influenced many parent to rhooae this Institution la preference to any other. ' Thar are at prweeat 12S pupils enrolled, aa vldc of lh high standing of McLougkltn Institute la the esteem of thoe having children la tboae sac t kins wher they ar forced to remain housed np for at least six months of th year because of the extreme cold Come and so Joy the ttn climate, Oregon Cty and Clackamas County. With paved streets, good business structures, live business men and a psy roll of three qusrters of a million dollars annually Oiegoa City Is natur ally on of th best cities of Its sis anywhere In Weatern Oregon and these brief facts are sufficient to show to the Intending settler or In vestor that ther ar genuine reasons why he should come to Oregon City snd Clackamas County. The greater portion, of this Immense pay roll la spent among merchant and business men of Oregon City, th people as a whole are prosperous aad happy, a majority of them owning their own homes. At nearby points there la everything that might be deetred la th way of pleasure spots, while th sportsman will find this section a f table paradise. risk and game abound and It I not nscessary to make long trip to reach them. Ore gon City xtnd a cordial welcome, safe In the knowledge that all who come will be fully aatlsflsd aad be come permanent ridnU, Rssldsne of i . of school ag. The .,, button well equipped, larj.. lry, while ampl. pi,r roqt4 b provided lo-Tn.ttr; , amount of out....r !!. fc, boy and girl ar admlttai h a. puplla. Tuition rhargea art van Z Inal. being lioo pe, nwialh a, . grammar rouraa and II u lor the high .m-hmoI rourWTI tlonal charge la made for tstriatT et ruction In mu.ic or votaieir Tb Popl of Oregon City aaTal part of Oregon tali Just rlTaI Louchlla Inatitut. not io kl It wss founded In honor 'Wfr-T of thU ctty. but alao, beca)-T Bin wortblneaa and high Staafatk ducstloaal circle. TMmtl brand has been pastor of ft j. hurra sine. )iti aad h) Z1 widely aad nut lirnrably ktowja our pople, but la regudef aj . tlactlvely one of th koat ptbai Ited aad ntrjriing resMsiu a) at ' part of th mat II sure and aeod sosm af tba papers bach Lat to HopW rhtn seeking Information about tab pt of the eowntry, snd bs bmj bi 4ew4 to com to CUckaaaj Qbaw. TOWNS IN THE COUNTY. In addition to the towns aj lag, which have been s-ta-elsewhere thr ar mCUsus. County a number of fl.mrtrtiai mcrclal centers wblrb f J peopl of those sections jJISJ "J trading and shipping e"l""fcjt who mrchsnis snd deslsn alive to conditions ad stock, ap-toosl awl . price. a as Among th towns mtf Honed Mllwaukl. V?0 Estaceda. Bandy ijd .J1 These towns vary In sls a strong Influence upon ttJJ i- prosperity of Clackanuj C ker Vsopls. and ar wUssI rapldVrewth In th Iwmsdlsts w Extra copies of this "Jtf. had at the KnUrprUs offl Ing lmmdlatly. bat as tm WW llmltd, do not uei-7- Gee roe, A. Mar1