Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, February 26, 1911, Section Two, Page 6, Image 10

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    ' nmmm mini iiiin h-' rn-"'"v ""
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Thl Section Is the Horn of Fine Horses.
Showing Off Their Driver.
"THE DAIRY INDUSTRY IN CLACK- duced on an acre and as it grows all
AMAS COUNTY. wlnttr- " "n oauled from the Held
. each day. fresh and green.
' The Favorable Climate.
Th grass growa green the year
- Probably there-is no section of any ' around In' Clackamas county. Per
country that off en a greater oppor- haps thla statement wilt convey some
- By M. J. Leaelle, a 8.
The- Clackamaa County rlr
aa ortanUed and ncormr-
ted In 1SKIT and has held four aucceaa-,
tS Bral fair wa held at Gladstone
on the Chautauqua Grounds, the ortb
i .k f.i fair hollllt
cn in rnir vi i" - . (
Duk.i-j avit nrAli1in( lleo. M. I-
telle, vlepresldent: t K. 8ponce.
s-reiary; Thoe, f. R". treasurer.
Th gnmnda at CanLy ei thou pur
..k...i mnA th .hhiii.I flr was helii
in the now grounds l'h ..
t.le aa president; K 8.
president; T. J, tiarv. pi "- t
Thoa. K. Kvan treasurer. The tnmi
annual fair wsa msnatfM by the f"
lowing orfictrs: Ceo M. Ij"1'. Irv
Identi J. W. Smith. vU-e-presldent;
M. J. I-ee, secretary. ai'J W. M. Itair
treasurrr. The fourth siniusl Clacka
mas tVunly rtlr by fr iwrpnased tlu.
thrve precwllng enrolls nnil rni',f''e'i
a llve-stok and agricultural display
that was a credit to the i!te of Ore
gon. The management 'f ,h' 'r
was entrusted to J. W Smith. pitI
dont; O. K. eytg. tl. e-presl.lont :
M. J. lJlelle. aecn-iary. and O. V.
Kby. treasurer; At too reccni nv-
i,.. V...M h h Ktotk hoMors. thc-
j same directors arid officers were re
The ClacVsmas County Fair hs
'been the gratelrTll,l''t,'' ten ,hM
I the ctunty baa knowu and on thrite
! grounds haa received mm financial
aid from 1h County Court at differ
ni tlmea. Clackamas. County Kslr.
although one of the youngest In the
i State, haa th reputation of being the
ibest district fair In the Willamette;.
Valley. - !
At the last fair, not only waa the '
live tock department a surprlim tot
the peopl but the dairy eow contest j
had more entries than did a slmll .r .
contest at the Oregon tate Kalr.-The :
liH-atlon at Canby is Meal for Ihe flr
grounda. , , '
The tract of land TomprlsVa forty i
acres. Including the pen ground on
which Is located the best half-mile I
race track In the State, and the pavll-1
Ions and barna and a beautiful fir and j
oak grove that Is the seen of a tent !
city during the fairs The Southern j
Pacific railroad bounds 'the east side
of ,the grounds, and Is a. great factor !
In 'bringing the great crowds to the ,
fair every fall. " " -
Arrangements are being made for
the comln fair for"lU. and In view
t of the great auccess of the pant fair
. and the fact that tbe same managers :
are at the helm. Clackamas county
, Is looking forward to an even greater
. fair this coming fall. The dates for
the Fifth Annual Clackamas County
: i.w . . . ... fpair have been aet for September 27. have proven trt be a great boon to tbe
V!,"?.L.J Jl., ..Vl" '".P?!5 RIBBON FAIR.- to the market while the dew Is still
iuu tuisi wuui nam mr urn us nit
I -,'' '-- .-.',' " i .
v " ' J.,VV' M '"'. f
, '.: :y": .
One of the SUndsrd ired Race of Claehawae County.
: 0 :
. 1 ' ...
;a it-:
ev 1
Clackamas County le Especially Adapted to Raising Fine Stock.
proved roads and all the advantages
of datly-mainnil telephone systems.
He is a wise dairyman who Investi
gate the advantages of Clackamas
countv, Oregon.- "
on the fruit
taaJtr for the dairy Industry than idea of the wonderfully mild climate
does Clackaaaaa County, Oregon. which gives thlgTwontry such a great L ; -
y- Qontion cf rst- advantage for daio'ing. The only 4 Clackamas county wanta you;-you
- ' ' " change tn" weather la sunshine and want Clackamas county. Tbe only
Clamueotimr has a very strong ,hower for extreme cold is not question involved Is that of your com-
wu"i known and tbe coldest experienced ing and becoming familiar with con
.1. . it... nl nar HIMnni aa ih art nil oi luf Tftat ! on urrKua anu w "ui'" - .
for dairy cows. The legnae crops. ph.. ,h- froM rtx.f to will settle everything and from that one great fruit producing section. The
d .v.- i , . t it., -.i. i. n .in nuiiinr nf mm deveknment of the fruit Industry Is,
about all the bousing that ia teeded of the best counties of the great atate as yet In Its Infancy and wltntn tne
and even these rains are warm and of Oregon Come and see. neit tew years the productlonof the
are ntn found uncomfortable. ' rous fruit, will be wMe4.
. .. ...r -r it,n.,.H. ,-.n thm.. -Moneyea iniere-.. - j..-...-
FRUIT- CR0WIN0 tN- CLACK AM AS Asn'k,l'',,"rountr"Ii,''r"
COUNTY. i mrtroiolls of tbe Northwest. Ptirt-
: ' jland, with her IW.ooO people, puts
Hy M. J Lawlle Publicity Msnager i h(g dl,,r)p ,n ,h pinion of a gar
Oregon City Commercial Club. . den supplying a great kitchen. This
The fruit production of the North- fact alone, considering the proatmlty
west Is Immense and has by fsr sur o-thls great local market, la attract,
passed the expectations of the pioneer n (he attention of many fruit grow-
fruit growers. The eyes of toe worm rri
It is plainly seen from .the foregoing
sock as clover, vetch and peas
veil and are fed as green feed spring
sad Summer. Tbe vetch hay, which
Is anequalled as s feed for dairy cows
yields three and four tons per acre.
The clover will also yield the same
at tbe first cnttinc The grain croos
cannot be excelled. As much as ftS ; fs that the dairy product can
bushels of oats per acre Is birr eat ed ! produced most; adrantageooaly
and SA hnshels at wheat la rarimoCL' ne nexi consiaeraiion wouio
The root crops, such as mangel trort-, Uy be the market. Portland,
sell, carrots, tornlna. etc- rrow In ' tropolis of . the Northwest,
abundance and pempkin are the ban-' twelve miles from Oregon City and the boosting
er crop, their size often causing dlf-' tne snipping lacumes. eiicer oy raw
ftcultr about loadioc into tbe wazoo. ' or boat, ire tbe best. There is a good Milch cows and atock live out of
rwn nnVttvm ten and f!ft tons demand for dairy oroducu the year doors and eat fresh green
per acre is fed green and made
eullire Rat the kin of all crooa
for the dairyman finds Its borne In pound. Tbe Western, dairymen are ! dairymen of the frozen East
Clackamaa county Is a beautiful
rolling country with varlated land
scape of gardens, orchard, field and
forests, and a most desirable place
to make'a home. The roads are good
and tbe country folk have tbe advan
la many ways to assure success to the to grow the crops leg MltQsg;
new settler. to prepare h mm kg fci
'-History will repeat Itself," and , kel. The products tre lbs) saat
likewise will Clackamas county prove to th" I nton sad are sola wSjk
to be a great fmlt M t.o.Tbe eon-: advantage and 4ba check MOrat
dltlons are right for tbe growing of j the grower tbe first of entree
fruit and at the present time the j Membership In Ike I'skn sir:
price of the. land la within tbe reach I Hon from several etaaspatiSK
of alt. and the test of suthorttlee of great help to the begtuel
agree thai thla section Is destined to 'cultural pursulta.
be one of the largest fruit producing; 'The present offlceri sis, Ca I
et-tiuns in the Northwest. dron. . president ; R Kffts:
j TirtF-prrxiui-ni; M. J. usu SI
- . i mnA .vrw-n hort cu tnrlsts are con " . ganuation ia anow
sands of jopie bark East wno are '.n. lo ,,, lfr(lun for telephones, dal y ma t. modern owei , f nsckamas county. More trt
be seriously tninMBg ir com ng .o me ,.- "'.., u .,Um , .m- ,reat "n- ""r na n.l"' . ,re lelng planted and a general
here, pacmc coast tn tnemmeiaie future- j-. - --- -i,;-v-m n ....-j,., tft are aatisnea wim tneir ct.nunions. r(l, u horticultural lines is
nsiur- oenu inroi "i "" , ,i, v.... fmind Tk. n.nn fit. Ifnll A lnwtuee - festrd The orchards that are
toe me- tnereoy neip in .nera u - - the already i nlon .hlrh has een recently oraa Ing are receiving better a
is only Clackamas county. Uo your snare oi . .n,,-.!, , v.. i..h,...,- ..n .. it,. The t'nb.n thla vear haa auoolled t
extremely high, but with the proper warehouses at Oregon ( Ity. This or- members win nmesuipnur spray anu
Investigation this will prove to be a gsnizatton hna In-en and will be the ; more sprsylng has been done than
fallacy, considering the adaptability ' means of bringing the growers o ever Itefore.
the The t nion hss an nun's ana wire
and house In Oregon City and deals In
piles fruits and farm products of all kinds.
tons demand for dairy products the year doors and eat. resn green grass h nt, , (
into aronnd and for the last two ye.rt throughout the winter In "ackmm" u,,. froro ,he fruit. The practical ! pr(H.r' methods of fruit raising,
rope ter fal h averaged thirty cents per county. Doea that look good to you ,hu hl h taBd i J,, .,,. to thB ,.,,- of ,
for the dairyman finds Its home In pouna. me western os.ry men are ua.rrn.en oi i for lhM,e who want to enter tbe tusl- and the selling of the crops of fruits, also fruit growers" supplies and nur
tblf pertlcuUr locality, namely. Kale unable to cope with te demand and may be skeptical but come and see for on of I ,n.1 mnli frm ro(irf.' n general! aery stk. A sufficient percentage
which; Is grown here by the tons and are n supplying the local trade. yourselves. u q ,n tnlt hi, pro. . Th(, unim ,g mmnmfrd hr prominent Is charged to defray operating eipeo-
of the country offers " u adaptability for fruit growing growers of the county who are practl- sea and all other benents go directly
selple ofIsaac Walton mti Tet hM not "cne1 be4ghth,ps men. They are alwaya willing to to the members who sre Ihe produ
tary; O. I) Kltj, trsassrsr.ais;
lag. manager, These celfVsai
II prominent gravers tat vt r
Tt, iirr.nn fit sViilt A Produce gnawer any inquiry si w ts il
I'nlon was orgsnlied and Incorpors. ! preferably yoa sbesM sttnal
ted during Ihe latter half of the year; aecretary at Orogos CIV i
1910. and already the effect or ine or- I
n on the fruit Indus Oregon City onets excsyaaii
portnnliles for miautsctwHt st
of vsrlous kinds. Poesf hah
at low rates snd tie Mitsa'!
entire West easily rescaai U
"P- ' .
The Immense eater soew
oped at. Oregon City Isexrsi
tare prosperity of this sKoeil
manufacturing staadpofst"'
H an exceptionally F
which l engsge Is kesisewlr
of tbe Immense pay roO H
Industries locsled here.
Tons of this feed can be pro-
As far as health Is concerned, for : fih. It Is a sportsman's paradla
acre 'had Is fed br wagon loads dur- No Better Place to Live.
in tli wfnter months. These succu- Not onlv are theee previously stated' No section
. .. - m . .i 1. tf . . A -1 ..I. . .A k J t ...I n! . I.I f
lent punts , weign iwenty-nve anu con-ioermi ou. . ...or vl . -k- " of lo u(-h n extent that ,rcept the membership of beginners cere
tnirty pounas ana even more, ana are oere. ' r 4T " ZXL ,a .h.r i the prtce of tbe land is out of rcrh In the fruit Industry aa well aa the ex Hy meana cf Ihe Cnlon. the farmer
unsurpaaseo a a miia prouucing co- oie '" ; -'-- ,k ... lnver. Therefore now .wrl-nrerf .nrtlcultuHst. and will helt) Is first Instructed In the nrooer war
la the time to oonaider tnat great
scope of country lying between Mount '
ilood and the Willamette river known
as Clackamas County and . which l .
Just In the development of a great :
fruit section. j
Apples have been grown In Clacka
mas county for more than fifty years
T.iir iiol "uhifr a few yeara ago were i
' they cared for as a commercial crop,
and -ven at the preaent time a very '
small acreage of the county Is grow-'
Ing apples. This seems very strantte
when this very productive soil will
. produce forty bushels of wheat to the
acre that will probably . return the
grower per acre md his neUh-
bor along by the side of him, oti the
, same kind of land 1 growing apples I
and strawberries with five tlmea aa .
great a return. General farming has ,
, been the custom of tbe pioneers ever '
since the days of donation land claims .
1 and it seems that an established rut
i Is a stubborn obstacle In the way of
i progress. Hut now Clackamas county
is entering Into the eve of reforms-
J tlon. More people sre coming from 1
the Eastern States and settling upon
I smaller places that sre made by tho ,
division of the larger ones. These.
smaller .places win d uiwik !
It really means soomubi
Clackamaa county Is Ihe ?eT
of tbe famous Willamette H
of tbe richest agricultural
the world.
. .. - . - - , - - , ' . -
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Parade of Fine Stock at County Fair. ,
k i V i - ...-( j
.. "-. ' ' '" 1
r. ' - .1
i r
. r.-
Camping Grounds Nose Fair Grounds.
Intensified lines snd will return many ,
fold for the proper methods used and
the Intelligent use of the time ex
pended. The strong loam soil of Clackamas
county In connection with tbe wonder
ful Willamette Valley climatg, which
Is free from the extremes of boat and
cold, prove to be tbe congenial com-
i bination that meets the requirements
of all kinds of fruits. A great variety
lot fruit Is being grown on the farms
and often large red snd yellow apples,
different varieties of pears, all kinds
of cherries, quinces, apricots, plums,
prunes, peaches, strswberrles, rasp
berries, login berries, goose, berries
and currants will be found producing
abundantly together without the
slightest attention of the farmer. With
the advent of the horticulturist and
specialist, the height of perfection In
fruit growing Is being developed.
I i ue center 01 ine iruu inuusiry lor
uiBCKamaa county ia Oregon city, at
wntcn place the growers' union has
the headquarters. This is the natural
shipping point sa this place has the
sdvantage of the best of facilities. The
main 1lneof the Southern Pacific rail
road Is used for ell overland ship
ments of some distance, Tbe water
transportation by steamer Is used to
some extent snd. will be a great fao-
ior aa soon as tne Panama Canal Is
opened, which will place this section
In touch with the world h. r.
Jhort distance and local shipments,
hetwo electric lines out of the city
Thoroughbred Cattle Are Raised In Clackamas County.
' V
Scene at Clackamas County Fair,
t 1