f ? ' TV T itts; n n n-t n jr. rr -r-n rn rr rrrv-rry - rrrv -n-i rr i ; ... Section One . Pages 1 to44 -j , M u la u i u u i wij 1 1 1 aeri u i u i iaen u kv u u u u ulo - , - - . i ' VOL 1 No. IKQON CITY, OREGON, HUNDAY, FEBRUARY 26,' 1911. ORTIFIED CANAL IS THEDECI8I0N Lull VOTtt TWO TO ONE TO ,.rNp ABOUT ' 1 FORTIFY CANAL. WiO GIVEN TO START WORK L St"'" ' 'vof Tw'lo'0t B.u.f I. That Action of -House Settlee Proposition. WAHHINUTON. Fob. .5.-(8pl.)- Ve are l' bave Ioruu-u """ C- ,M-r ft 10 o'clock tonight voted f 11 .... .. j.iHb p. in lutvln tha L.,rk It WBB B ' - nn II la OB- .mated 'h" w - JOO. . I.. ... n In A 1,1 ... .....llM.ljttta ll Itf V. in fuvor or me irtin" - kouittit 'tic n. uuu w FnM u -r...rl In nafull ThH-.r niw.7i-."- ------ L,ru'u vo for lb. tnnlUrrrd. EXTRA 8E8HON CONOWttS. Leilealiy Agrood Upm for Tuotdy, April ......niurTiiM rb . ttt.--iopl.i Llrm . .b.,roh!r -ttaiud b.t .r will l'1' MTiprwHj B7 -nnrrM Biul In roni"'nr ho h t),M will 1 IliO o"" """V" : the iH inorrsU nn nn l; hv llino lo ly OUt plP- MUCH HARD KICKING Mtn Whoto Mour Aro Not n.-..4 Walt. SAI.KM or. Kb. 2 5-(8 P. FMt Vi-tixJ lh Ulll ippniiii..i ,,0-Kl fr lmll(llfl t tho io rir id fav-.r.. tho $160,000 for t ho Cop R iiuilittiiKK. and frlrndo of tht rir erltl. lHlM Win todoy. They erlt m. Mm for permlitln n PI ir. of ov.r imir mlllloiio two yooro ,l not thrir bill omcing tho numbor. Ciuoht in tno toi'". . SKATTIJS. Fb. 5.-(8pl.7-h'" l . ,.nii rfpuonea. was today on ho charito of brlb- t i. A T " llllll in unn MO nirmwu- -- iii"r' h"iod. v , t HAS NATURE CURE. 43 Ol 1 MAY NOT BE FATAL EGG. - J. Peb Week, 10 Cents GOVERNORS NAME HEW COMMITTEE I HEDGES AND LATOURETTE ARE ON PROMOTION DEPARTMENT OP COMMERCIAL CLUB. ANNUAL BANQUET COMES NEXT MONTH Club Will Footor Big Booator Day to BO Hold In April and 'Will Cooporato For Calibration at Gladatono Park .'" t I CLEANUP II HOW IT LUw.. tv m. OrtJIisArtV CAY M' ST. ANDREW'S CONSTITUTIG HI MAIN ARTICLES ARE GIVEN FOR ENLIGHTMENT OF'PEOPLE IN TERESTED IN THE WORK. - Tho boya of Snlnt Andrew a Guard h'l'l mrotliif and adopted their Dew ronatltutlon. Wo print below tho main llprna In tho ronatltutlon. Thla aorlety la Eftllng Into kxh1 ahaoe for biialneaa and the drill will commence at the next ineotlng. Following la the eonatltiillon: ' . ThU oraanlaatlon ahall be known a amm niTwp uhhiu , ARRESTED POR BRIBERY. Th- purpuao of thla orKanlr.atlon - ahull be the encouraging and aaltlnK tf Chlaf 'f Po4' f of the boya of Orrirort City In attain ing the brat fhinga which mae ror arMxt clltienahlp. - - ' The (iunrd ahall mwl on the flrat kmnml today on Ihe cnarKr m u..- ,n,, (Hrd juny, f earn montn ai ly Two aaliMin men who had paja 7;0 p m ,nrt nl B,lnD piaco had other lr urotoctlon ",1 ' n'v?. t tlmea aa ibo director ahall appoint. TWO READINGS IN JULY. Mlit Lulu Tyler Gatea an Especially Good Attraction.. Oiia nf tha attractlona for the Chautauqua program the coming Bum mer will bo the reaair ana imperso nator, - Mlaa Lulu -Tyler - Galea, who baa a reputation TTni aecond to none on - .1 I' :.-r-, BROWIIELL'S GOATS H UP HIS ROOF Wllf .iifnrnim Bava Ooatn vai y Cure Conoumption. ...... -.nl tU ITMIl. Zft. I Din. 1 Lfnr.,1,. now emta to tho front with mo.y that Ita "loatn ""--7 mitur,. annltnrium ana mai i b-- IhM d.-Hirt will cure lui.crr.u..-.-. . . -i i. mnA aro vi-riil hay iney bbt- re The gaa la aak to 1 death tp illicrruloala gtrni. CC CNI8T D Y TO BE tri. . . . ..mi' rlarl kvcrnor Probaoiy March 1 Half HOiioay. 8A1.KM. Or.; Feb. 35.. .U0eror out will doubtla laaue prociamw- n di-c luring March l . "uoionioio )ar.n a aoinlb'Ral holiday, no e- -t to hoar from C. C. cnapman kit MMwuciit of tfce plana that are ilrr wiiy and ahortty atterwan win dmiht iniike a request inai m ... ,-.,.,... An avarvihlns In their fewer to promiito tho welfaro of their ate Btid Internal their frienaa in a iiRrpnH of Oregon. - Ju iho nature of tho procUmaUoo kiii umi i nni known definitely. ft It prniia' will bo largely along ii llnca of t lint auggeated by tho aeo- ttary of the Oregon ueveiopiu"" ague. REVOLUTION IN PARAGUAY. niiPMoo ivni-q Fah. JR. Adrlcoa krivi4 h.r. ihow atat that another i . - . . . i.. ivowtionary movement Baa oeguu pfmy. . . f Siibocrlbo for tho DHy Knterprtao .anouQcement itfaofdiaafy e nave lust received lare 'Ipment direct from the fae ry of the celebrited JOHN STETSON and The METTE HATS for ring made exclusively for by the John B. Stcts6n Co, Wladelphla.' Hats that have tamp of style and char Jeter. Don't fall to see them. 'OBvaawmwawaaa ' 'rice Bfothccc EXCLUSIVE CL0THIIM Not Llko Oikon ' th and Main tc Tba offlcpra shall be aa followa: rrealdenl. Tlre-prrahlcnt. aocrniary .k.I iromiiiror who ahnll lie elected from tho membera of tho Guard and .i.uii . h.. il nffli'M fur a. term of one yoar from tbo third Friday In March or until their anrccaaora aro -incit- and qunllfled. . The bualneaa or Ihe uuara anau io tranaocti'd by a board , of manngora tnlntlfig 'of aevon neraona,. aa roi Iowa: Tho Rector of Balnt I'liula pariah, who ahall act aa chairman, two membM-o of tho Senior prother- hood of Saint Andrew, iwo memnora of tho Junior Brotherhood of Saint Andrew, of St. I'aul'a parisn, ana iwo member, of thla Ouard who are not membera of either of tno anovo or- gatilsatlona. All - of tbo foregoing managers, witn ne excepuun nn n.tw ahall in elected by thla organ isation aa tho offlcora named In sec tion 4 arer elected ana anau noia oi fire for a period of one year from tho third Friday In March or until their aurceasora aro elected and qnallfled. Any boy In good standing in ma community who la nine yeara of age or over la eligible to membership in thla organisation. Tho duea of thla organi.auuu ... bo ten cenU per month, payable In . . Each member ahall bo asaignou io . iv.. nn,naniAa nf thla oraanUa- IJ I IT- VI l. v.-' ' K . . w .k nlrwln. and ahall Berve IIUII UJ k.v-. - In aald company and bo subject to hla auperlora in omco Tka minrsrv niiicrsirBi ui iuibi - tun m''-' . . . . . aw IK Ml l'll " - . board of managero, proviaoa n appointment anau no uuin. mr ' .... ... iv. Hlrarlnr nf tha KUard. II ahau be tno to bo present at every regular raw . 4,111 An member ab aon't Vo";ucc;;.W. drill, ahall b. subject to auapenaion or urnm.-. loaa on a furlough or having a good and Any member may bo dlamlaaed or ouapendod for disobedience or for non- anaa aftar duo courtmar- tla) or privately by the board of man agora without oourtmartlaL ' , Tha mintarT ORuariinitii vi -a .vail V. a mvarnad hv the In fantry drill regnlatlona of the United gtatea Army, ah ouainoao mwuH- ahall be govornoa oy RODorto nun. Lot Order. ThU Conauiuuon ana or be amended by recommendation of . . n.. .4 v Manaarara and the Vote of a majority of Guard proaont at any regular meeting. r- vote for auch 'AJ? taken on the same day that the rec ommendation la made. , NEW POSTMASTER ORDERED. WASHINGTON, Feb. W.The post office department ha. au borlaod th oatabllahment of rural route No. 1, out of Bcotf. Mllla. Marlon County. The following poatmaater. wore appointed today for Oregon! Georgia V. Bennett, Allegheny , Jamo. Barne., Ton Mile. You need not bS afraid thehjn. will eat too much oniahed aholla. them have all they wanL tho American plat form. Tho man agement of Chau tauqua feela that It ran congratulate It oelf In securing thla entertaining young woman. Miss Gatea will gtve two readlnga, one on July 5 and a aecond on July 6. The two programa will be greatly var ied, ao that a per- aon - hearing one will be aa grOatly delighted in hear lug her the second time. Mlxa Gatea la aald to be strong In her Scotch dialect, and that aho glvea It to perfection and to the great do llvlii of tha Scotch folk themselves. The management assures us that they have In thla young woman one of the heat attrnrtlons. of anv character, on the American etage today. GIVE FAREWELL PARTY to mm MASS YOUNG PEOPLE OF WILLAMETTE GIVE SHERIFF'S DAUGHTER . AND SON GREAT SEND-OFF.'- .- k fnrewpll tiartv was tendered Mlaa AilHh Maaa anil Krneat Maaa. aon and d:iiighter of Sheriff and Mra. Krneat Mima, of Willamette, laoc nignt ai their home, tho occasion "being a fare well to Willamette, a. they aro to iia nn their residence In thla city on Tidnesday of next week, their home to be on Main street nciween bignm and Ninth atreeta. Hoth will be great iv tniaaad hv thalr aaaoclate. at Will amette, aa they are general favorite. with tho younger aei or inai piacr, where they have resided all of thetf Uvea. Tho early part of the evening was devoted to game, and these wore fol- I,.--.,! hv vcw-ai ana inairumenmi mu sic. Mr.. Maaa waa assisted aunng tho evening by Mra. B. P. Burdine ana Mra Ne 11 Uurdlne. A aeiicioua iunn- eon was served. Oregon grape wns uaed among the decorationa or rooma Present were the Mlaae. Alice Ol Ma niiver. Mabel Larson, Eath I V V I I 'J - y .rnn uaaal Rchults. Ida Berdlnd, Mildred Reama, Mabel uarcnoiumww, tKii..h..K Dmilav. irrancla Rodlev. 1111- aiiHitu ....... . , - - . da Kaiser, Georgia Edmonds, Jer.slo Johnaon, Glady. BaKer, inoiho iiuu- ardaon, Hattle Coleman. Etnei uomok. Adah Maaa: Mossr.. Melvln Young, Krneat Young. Ernest Ma.., Byra Tnmnkln. waiter Ldoaman, bjwwiu ' - . in.u ij..nii, croa iiaKac. qiuubj vr" Lihiir Waldrnn. Arler Johnaon, I vm i, n ...... ' t Thomas Johnson, Harry Col son, Em ery Reain, John Raucbo. John Roddoy, Edward Berdlne. Lavene Mwbnke, Oeorge Snldow, Wlll.Snldow, Mahlon Snidow, Leo Lraen SALEM STOREKEEPER IN . DUEL. hai.rm Or.. Fob. 85. An attempt ..... laal nlsht bV a hne high in rnh Jack FTOBt. who Con . .mail mmhtnatlon stationery u,nf.riinnnr atoro on Twelfth troet, near the Southern Padflo de pot. Froat wa. .hot once In the fore head and again In the left band. The highwayman escaped" and up1 to the preaont time Sheriff Mlnto and hla force have not located him. . Mr, Froat, who la an aged man, had Just turned out all hla llghta but one, and wa. In tho act of closing: up wnen the un known robber entered the atoro and ordered him to throw up hi. banda. Inatead of complying with the order, Froat picked up a revolver close at hand and opened fire. Ten ohot. were exchanged when the light wa. .hot to piece, and the robber ran. FEAR HAD LEST THE DESCENT . SHALL PROVE DISASTROUS TO HIS GOAT8HIP, George C. Browne!! la the owner of alx full-blooded Toggenburg milk goata, and bo I. probably tbo only man In the State who poaaesae. goats J. E. Hedges, M. D. Latourette, O. D. Eby, B. T. McBaln and Frank tliiarh rnmnrlaa tho new Publicity committee of tho Oregon City Com mercial Club. They were named Sat urday afternoon at a meeting of the board of governor, and will have en lira rharaa of the nubllcliv and pro motion work of the club for tbo en suing year. Tbo. preaont committee ha. been asked to close up It. affairs and make A complete report to tho board of governora oerore we hww committee aasumea the reino. Mr. Hedge., tbo president, and Mr. La tour otto, the aecretary-of tho Commercial Club, are the now men in tno promo tion department, succeeding H. E rvna. nil Unit E. Jones, and thou select loos meana that the publicity committee will work In close harmony with the board of governor.. It la ex pected that Marshall J. Lazelle wlh be retained aa aecretary or tno puouci department. -nn.iiiarahia hnainpaa vii tranaact- ed at Saturday , meeting of the board of governor.. The entertainment committee wa. given carte oiancno authority to proceed ' with arrango- menta for "holding tno tnira annual banquet of the club. Tbl. event will . i. . .i.m navl mnnth. y . i Arrangement, were aiaw for a Booster Day lor uregou v.1.7. There 1. available for thla celebration . ...j n ahniii iiTn rrom me iai Booster Day and the Fourth of July fund, and It la a neat rounnauon ior -iwai.r na that will eclipse any pro- ... ih.r rharacter. viuiia c , c n . v There will be no Fourin 01 JU17 celebration In Oregon City thla -year. . infnrmnll dlacussed inn iuouii - , . , but the board of governor, concluded to Dormlt the.WUiametto vaney uu a I at film A a ATW SALE of Haviland Chinavare For. the next few days we are placing op sale a fine lot of Haviland China Plates, Cups and Saucers. Sugars and Creamers Salad Sets. Pitchers and Bowls at prices from one-third to one-half off. o yt dot. Piatt a, regular price 12.60, now . Yt doz. plates, regular price S330, now 14 doz. Cupo and Saucora, regular price 84-60, now Single Plates, regular price 7 So. now Single Cupo and Saucers, rogularprico 75c, now Large Water Pltchora, regular price $3X0, now . Sugar and Creamer, regular price $3.00, ........ .$1.68 . 2M . S.60 AO ... J&0 ...18 ... 1.M These gooda aro all displayed fore they are picked ever. In our window. Come early bo Burmeistcr & Andresen Oregon City Jewelera. Suspension Bridge Corner. to take a ride, providing they could find a gentle one. Mr. Dogger, a horse-trader, wa. present at the time and atated he had a gentle horse, but the women thought differently when they saw It, but the two men urgeo the boy to mount the horse and .how it wa. gentle. The boy did aa was requested, but tho saddle allpped over the horse e riank rngnteuing it, ana ran awav throwlne- tho lad heavily to the ground, breaking hi. artn.- - Dr. 8tuart waa aummoned, and It wa. several hour, before tho boy could be taken to his homo. - Tbo break la very painful, and It 1. feared It will permanently cripple the boy. Couple Married By Judge Beatte. County Clerk Mulvey Issued mar riage' license. Saturday to Zelma Spraguo and H. P. Mattoon, 'and to Ida May Wallace and- T. F. Spraguo. The latter pair were married at the court house by County Judge Beetle. since that time four'tlrta have been born, two of which made their appear ance laat Sunday. Martha Washing ton, to celebrate the anniversary of hfr birth on Georra Washington's birthday Wednesday ellmbed to the ton of tho nrownell house, which Is Ali rAt ft-nm tha around. Mr. Flrown oil haarlnar a naltertflo Of feet"ent to her porch to 000. what wa. caualna the commotion ana peering exywara - " 1 to permit m. n uui"- , . . of thlg breed. : He purchaaed im of 1 tanaua to have full avrtng at Gladstone the gonta about two year, ago at Red-1 prk, and extend , to them the co- . . . .a a-. i A . . . .ua rwaar,n C.t 9 neOOlO. anaa, i.aiuoroi iv tima, auu i operation wi iui.wii"-"j ---.- .ina thai iima fnur'itiAa ham ham I . Tki -fnnnwtn members were, ap pointed aa delegatea from the club to attend the meeUng of the Pacific Highway-Aaaoclation Mrcn a i ru. v land: Franklin T. Grtrnth. Dr. E. A Sommer. J. W. Oanong, G. B. Dlmlck. Thoma. F. Ryan, it is tno puriwjw thla aaaoclatlon to plan a main high way from Waahlngton to 8otithern California. ' . -.1.1 ri..h haa made ID- I no conimonon ana pwnun ?" t ne tjommoiviat - . - she obaerved Martha on the peak of pUctlon to the United State. Fisher- horbouae. The rat wa. enjoying the lei Bureau for a large allotment or . ''" ...I J... ...... h . , ' v. . ni..arf in tha various I trout i' j iw u" i"- - . ... atreama of Clackama. County, with the ultimate re-UK that tht. .ectlon will be more than ever a aportaman a paradise. ' - - , MEETING SATURDAY LOCAL FRUIT UNION A. J. LEWIS TALKS "N rnTi AND THEN GOES OUT TO TRIM APPLE TREES. Joadeoooaooofooooooooowoooeomoeooocooe t ' A PENNY SAVED IS A PENNY EARNED , ' THAT'S WHY SO MANY PEOPLE LIVE tK CLAIRMONT Living cheap tixes low wa tar free oavingo largo. There are many advantages and privileges afforded tho owner of a Clalrmont acreage tract that -cannot bo obtained In the city. - Ask us about them. v ' W. F. SCHOOLEY & CO. o ' o o Both Phones. 612 Main SL, Oregon City. ooeoooooooooooooeovoooeoooeoeooooootoeoeoeoeoooeoeo Bcenery in the distance, and refused to come down until It became tired ani than mid. Ita deooent . carefully and aafely. . -At the rear of the house la an embankment, ana me aoai Jumped from thla to the roof and made the trip to the highest point on tne house. The following day and ever since that time a .harp lookout is kant nn tha eoat. aa .aho Jia. made manv attempt, to repeat' tne reai. n,i. .mi ka th mnr ownea dt t Ml" ft1'-. - - - Mr. and Mra. nrowneu. la wortny 01 the name which ba. "been given it. The name, borne are. Haael, Blue Bell, and the two making . -their ap- naaranra on last Sundav nave been alvan Iha aamna nf Laddie and LaaMO. The milk from .these Boat, raisea oy m nms-nian la nf fina flavor, ana ricn and the family ha. b-wn. using the same for borne time. 'Tney are very valuable, and Mr. Browneii ha. re fused aeveral ouma of money for them. All have become pet. o vne neignoor t.A mwA anv Hav can bo found grox- ia la iha vnat vara at tne urownm ii a o - - - - vard nn Eleventh and John Adam. street.. a... Ant From Portland w r m j w-- - - . ... a u rhencv. of Portland. ill l a. . ... - - chaperoned an automobile party to thla city Saturday afternoon, which Bprayng in September with lime i.n h her son. Oren. hi. gueata ea Bprayiuo k u.ra.,r. being Mlaaee Jeanette Wigglna, Helen P O;egon Experiment SUUon Wlegand. Ruth uusning ana ueuev.e a . a.aoia oanirnan vn i iihii i anaver. in .w-w..-. of "the horticultural wing of tho Oregon City Fruit ond Pro duce . Union waa . held In the Court timiHA Saturday afternoon, witn me beet attendance no far ahown. County Frul tlnspector A. J. Lewi. wa. prea ont and made an address. E. C. Ryall made a talk on grafting biacic wainuis. T. J. Gary discussed grafting crab ap ples and wild cherrlea. e. r o .rail railnd attention to the fact that grub worm, were destroying currant buahee. A. J. lwib bubkii $485 PIANO FOR ONLY $245 v. aKn.,1 a-!tn ana ainea at tne Louvre, where a feast wa. enjoyed. REAL ESTATE 2i4 .ere tract In Clackama. Height.. Vi acre tract on Maaa Hill 1 Block, Improved good S-room houao, 16x24 Varn,lty" water," on Sixteenth Street Corner iot on Twelfth and Jefferson. Both atraata Imoroved. Good 8-room house. "" "" - " . " 16 lots on Seventeenth .treat. Corner business lot on Sixteenth street Lot. In Gladstone and a few. on Fern Ridge. Largo lot In Wast Side Addition Prloo. roaoonablo. Term, to suit pur- ehaoor. T. L. Channan : CITY DRUG STORE iicaiwa t tinhhla had anrared gooaeDer- rle. for tbo green worm with arson- ated lead. , A. J. Lewi, in answer to wquirj, -.1 il.i ih.n waa no narm to a grown: orchard to raise vegetable, be tween the row.; luouga m 6 able. would .uffer, however B. Kuppenbender .poke on the ben efit, of the Union and O. D. Eby on tho future of the Union. u. T.ata mid the address of the day on the matter of .praying. After the address the audience aujouruou .v. -iVa.man hnma arrOSa thO .trOOt to .ee apple tree, trimmed a. an old tree ehould be treated, i ne iree w found to be Buffering from .cale and tha attention of those preaent wa. called to It. condition. In .praying Mr. Lewi, aald one wantea tne proper pray., at the proper time, In the pro nr manner and with thoroughness; Tha mHinn oi lu uuiva n ...k.nin. th farmer, of the county a. they were never .tlrred up before and it 1. certain that much good win come from It Tne meeting next eat urday will be at I o'clock. BOY THROWN FROM HORSE. Owner' Of tho Horse Telia Party It la Gentle. a mVJtn. tho 11-year-old .on of Mr. and -ts. Fred Rowan, wno re .i. .a xii mh and JaffeTMn streets. while visiting at the bam of hi. uncle, William Rowan, on 8lxth and Water a.aaafa mat With II accident WD1CQ resulted In the breaking of hla loft arm near the elbow. - - ' . ' Several of the wotnan who are play ing at th Electric Theatre called at the Rowan barn for a horse Intending Big bargalna In Planoo com mencing on Feb. 27 and last- , Ing to March 6, Theae are -a few left from my laat ahlp ment and I muot have the room for new Planoa coming In. , Theae pianoe aold on eaay term... A full line of Graphophonoa. A nice Jot of sheet music for only 10c a copy. ; '. A. H STURGES. center sts. Lots ffoi? Safe 5eoutiful Residence Section In WEST j OREGON (CiY Near Suspension Bridge; .';'.' " aK'"W - lt . '' - ''' Prices Will Shortly Adyahco. R. W. t a "A EA mm AGENT 2arid"3 Masoiiic Bide., t