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About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 25, 1911)
I'mDwivn rvTcnpnrsE. SATURDAY. FEIIKUAKY 25, 19lh ; . . mmmT- . r iimr. rinrtrri Til 'I For the Children OPERATE PLANT RADIUM WILL HEAT WORLD A Uttl .' Urn (fcr Coal Hrlng Od Useless Creaf Energy Prorct Says. Professor dlum la l tb way o' BX' extra Mr LvUg.a t!uia U bring' carried TO r aler source, or im Fung j7"V K.A. II. BCCnEBER. profror 1 1 11 of physW la tb Calierslty of In, tb falted Stato. artt; supply U ,b PtrhUel tTrpoea, thai tb people who lo alrrp i Jaaohlniethal. la Bohemia, though yying a unit tiM poaaJbl exbaurttlou o(. my own radium wbj rrooi id I nit k. world'. nlal animlr and th gradu j ed Statra, Tbe Aaatriaa government 1 fnMin. an of everjiulng. with dor Bot allow lb ore to WlaUa from . . folks (amine to Icicles or aWting out fbe country, and th product to extract ta airship for a pis art where tticrc j ed nnd-r goTeninirnt u;vervu.lKa. Tbrr Is Kill too Br lfu had no can to i bar hero getting outy about enterals U ik tlm mi&l irive 1 of m.llum oat of a too of or, though H W f - w- - , , the turthud of estractkm baa recratij t been improved. At pr"' 7 bar one allium mfor ma rkejTT5J which represeata a l k about tb sis t oaf. tb doctor think. If It ever !- radium wUl b doing all the work .that fact aw-aconipi'he and mora. Dr. Bucberer la qualified to mL with aooM degree of prophetic insight of a pln'a bead. beraua h la devoting all bla apare , -Th idea of elenwots baa to-n com- j time to the inveatigatioa of radium. pktrl.r dtroyd by Ramcay'a dlacoT- j ery that copper, bltnmo aapfuaea 10 b aa plraxnlal tttim. roa!4 b molrrd by radium Into two acparata nbtunm. rbylrbit hold tb tb.' ory that all matter la lowly dcom poatns. but la mt caea ao alowly that It la difficult to watch tb dcom poaitioo. that tha haabaad ta eullty of 4wllM hr mora than oMr alnc March 1. 10T. 8ha aak for th cuatody uf ta eWM. Oay D. Wataln. M4 yar. tlvro C. Prownll la tba t tornry for Mr, watklaa ' . kaa titM "' Th tato U IYd K. Urn wa fti4 for probat la th county clra ornc oa Tharoday artrrmwa. Th ratal U ld at Jx 4 h;,r. ar ta .Y Rnw"JB' arnr, both f Wllaonl. fTd lumrak father of th lattr to. .did at Vtlavlll ta ,l-to!r. w. K. Have ta th attorny. OWNR OF 29 BUSINESSES' ALMOST BECOMES TRUST. C-rlcus Conditloif In Illinois . Ttrouch Founders' Wills, FACTORY IS GG1XII0 OX " and b make bia prrdictioo In tt llxbt of tb wondrrfsl diaooTery Of Sir WlllUm' Ramaay. th treat Engtiali frleotiat.that radlam wUl aplit np , aom taliif that bad bitbrrto been anppoatd nonapllttabl and In tb aplit ting art looae'a' trrtneodoa lot of ra- crcy that Dr. Borbrrer think will on ' day b karnad np and mad to drira tractably. Gradutc -of John Hopkiaa. " Boya and fir win orly b ib at tb comical ptcrnr of a Hittw am of a flrTpia y!nar b-db' tw a raba. That fak an tuo4 at tnHirt it Wfr playuc. but tirniiy doubtful If ah had brvatb rouU(6 to Only Death PrvRt TW Atta.n- TwmlT-nLo balniMa r do. td by Taak K ' l?mdrt. ca h Kanway nd radium aa an ! B:i that aat.bonc Aa la n m zpkwlre to dydahilte copprr Into oth. larrr than aanwif. thoush an to bold It wttboat dimcaity Aitr eatly ab t makloc a lira rtlon to extract moatr frm V pr""M i e'r tbinjea It Uromoe-j other auth ! aUnce to rapKliy that It aeta fre a i trrmendona kt of ursy. lii tbla fact It waa la John Ilopkin anitersit? : lin gntit Mpctatioo of tb cl otiflc world. Greatest Source of Inery. "Tbla rojKrty of radium enaran tea to tb world a aourc- Of enrrirj that aarpaaae anythiax that ran l . dptha Bat lb truth ta ab an la tb Inatromrot. ami what a qo"-' of aounda b at, ba'r prort'V-l' Br chikUab treble. bmadrnrA rtd dpo4. (" ibrcb lb raha. doabttcM dHicbied afl tboa rorrqnat that Dr. Bocberrr a a atudent l- t hia reaearcb work, a'thoacb that waj be for anybody knew there waa ' aoch a thine aa radium. Tb doctor paid a rWt to his old alma mater tb other day and ld be foand tb aam . aptrlt of Inquiry that had alwayicbar ' octertaed that Inatltntlon. ntlll ej latent ; "la Germany." aaid Dr., BoeherrrV -th anbject of toterert anwne.phy ... ,.ri,. , lM1,.kM1 when, de- i at the Cryatal paiac la Uodoa. of reUtirltyr; i . f 0f hi and rn- . that motion can only b defined by ii'; ... . - ni .. applied by th combuilon of coal or enooeh to bar l- Tb lltti d by any kind of chemical action-more J tj dauebtr or aa EnHb b-ndamaa, thana mlliioo time aurpa W . Pr. waa taken at Some mm of arrat lmaeinatjv power i uonaj naoq - data la still tb principle of ehaag la th reUMr position of ma terial bodies. The treat American physicist Mk-brUon of tb I'nlTernlty mt Cbiraeo disproTed the Uarwniaa theory that motion coald be defined as ehane of position reUtir to tb aD perradlne ether and eatauiabed that I rryy. the bumaa -rac win eraJuaiiy die ont from cold and when on tne carta's surface wCl obtain coaditioas similar to Ihoae oa tb fsrc of the moon. -Tbua -ientijt are confronted ,by th problem ofunlocklne th en ergy cootalueU in in atom, wuiru bexomes free upon tb decompoaltion th only asotloa of matter lireiaar to of th4) uner. aa la all radio-artiTe proceaea. "As for radiam Itarlf. you can wjrtgn Str Taa Bae. . Tom la th aam of a Me 'aa bear , which la' ward by a I-ronaylfaata fanner. The bear baa a pro brtw ! th booa and barn, and a-ioog rbala j fastened tb hi collar lta blm piay aU i aroand tb pea. On mooollebt alebt ! the farmer wa awakod by a grrat -Hr wa laboratory work Is con cerned principally with' radiam. I hare used some of the properties of growling aad : rattling of " lb enaio Looking oat of th window aad srrtng norhln hm ahoatad lo Toca to krrp tb same portion tea years after yo, f j bat lDtn Tom broke bis hare first weighed It and Its loss wUl , lo th- bararird frarw and radloai for In re rating th eryb laflnltmimal. yet the energy sr Qnk.klj c11lllbed lL Tb fanarr paiwd problem which Mlcbeteoa has lnresrV fr u sorb that radium ltelf la con- HU elotbea and ran oat to lb bara gated bare th effects of .BiotloatisUatly sereiJecrrra alTe lhegfjrry,, aiMj found Toa trying ta oiake a r of material bodiea relatlrely ta'oa a a- f age tempera tare. .- Now. if w soerred flP0 . ebeep wbicb b bad other eaa only b larestleated by lm- ; in exploding the atoms of other mate- ' from t a yard. Tb sbvrp parUag to aorh bodiea rrlocttlea whirl ! rlala we bav all th enerry we want, bleating sad kicking la tb br approach that of tljrbt aacb as are "I conaidrr this probiem olsjipplylng p, tBd Tom waa dancing a round faralihrd by th parricJes thrown off j mankind 'with heat and . energy the . to ct. rafdog him and doing bis t . by radlaav which ovr with nine- most important that can be considered. Q5oar to bead blm off. Tb wild bear teatha of th retodty of Ugbt. aad It is a problem of actuality. If It to tb right and left aad tba CaTioaa BiacOTenes XxSe. i moir1 ln tb tnn br.Rl?JUT -eaddeely dropped oa aD foora. srtxed a. hhMr -wat Bd haT-we-for coal? There . by tB Drrk D lwtB "a aada taat manrr oeaarea ee-; -u th. nrA hm T-!imt . 1 - . -w aunm i v arms bioub Biore ahont pcyelca and cbemUtry in ; gno, Toar.aprang apoa bis back st th Bin year sine radium wis dl- ooc aBd Wt b)m to it oerk. and ba ( mwmwmA fn If hrft iMPnMt In . th - . - . . h. - - - AUa aotta has beea that what paytlrtsts ; thajaaad year before. For on thing , nTV ym. lo Tom. Dariag lb flgbt nmaar or a pronea arurte n ym that moat of what It bad tArmtr na t0 (D bam and got aa lareaslag!y larg as wa la- .teamed bltberto had been baaed apoa hat for a V.n Hm a had aa th reiodry with which we j a taiarooreptkia, and radiam haa help- rhaor (0 qs tb wrapoo. Finally a at. In Germaay eryway f d arleBtlstT to get hearer the troth. ' M w biM ebmBew and burid It la lb keewest taterest fa tb prob- ' -J beiiere the dm win com when '-ua beara neck, and Tom then eaaiir of aadtag mm experlaseata3y la radiam will be aopplylng tb energy , anihl him. law the ntaa of a body de- aad heat that are now bring obtained , -- prods aiia to retotlry. Th bests f j from ordinary fuel and -more, and mM Chda iaeeaCgatioa is Mdlwm. I there are many scientists who are "Tafaatuaatety the fclgh prtr of ra- working to help lulng that about" . tkefy fgffereat aader tach circa m- i froaa what haa beea sapposed Oa of th moat peemliarre- aaojart O ; O LOSES CURE FOR VOICES. ! TATTOOING IS" "SEDITIOUS V Phf aitiao Aaaarta Saactaclas i LtrraiM Laat tlngiof Ability. - A physkSaa la Londoa. Dr. William Mania BJchards. baa had occasloB to . obaerr a relation existing between th eyes aad the roice aiid has reent ry made a ststement of two cases that caaa aader his treatment wbere ac tresses who had lost their voices com pletely recovered tbem when treated for defective eyes and fitted with proper glasses. He tells of one young woman ln whoa family eye diseases were hered itary who found herself at the age of twenty-two losing ber voice. Her eyes wer found to be In need of attention, and when she had been supplied with glasses a be promptly recovered her alaglng voice. Wbea sb discarded the gtase some dm later and ber eyes were once mor neglected ber voice also relapaed Into a husky state that precluded all alnglng. This practitioner baa observ ed a number of similar cases, and tbe discovery of tbe relation between tbe , eyes aad tb vole should certainly be "valuable to stag folk and others who depend largely upon their voices for their status la tb world. rVeblMi With Fsrty-av. How can 43 b divided Iota four each parts that. If to tb Ont part yoa add Z from to scond part yoa soa tratt 2. tb third part you moirlpiy by t aad tb fourth part divide o X ta Man's Pictorial Lv F.r , ,k. rMtM , tK. a i aaaw anmaa.uvnl . arvai- vs rrsnea e9r VTn.n. BCulOpUcaOoB SBd tb quotient Of tb The caae of a patriotic Inhabitant of .ii n.n T. rihtoiw are ini;ie t 0; r- out to w ha! Iragth bU aoillt!D -u 1 bar led him bad be iird a few jer uxw. II waa fifty aloe . . :. "'" IWnrda-l waa a real rtt a.-ent.' a fir lnorn. agent, a n-itarj .public aad a Itf laavraa' aetit; b rwat lo rret. ' aatnumbi'V t hir. booe to rent; h kept a I cr.v 'ataMr. traded store, ra a a uii'l. dr.iv an ev prr wagno. dug WrH and . built windmill: he waa a foT-,U,"r- D road atvl moved tmtUlinc. b cirrlr.1 the malla and opst-d a drxlge: he manufactured k-a. cream, b dealt la !: b took contract fr".e:. 1: . drov a afar. attndnl t ptumMns carte,! frrtebt and ran a i-ltrr f "f. be waa a lanflarap ranl-ncr. rnd'Kt ed a grrmbowe ami had a 'Hnrr-aiir-ety.'and b aupp'led l)r.-r n roo tract from tb larg nutulrr of mru In hi employ. , . tupld Mr Thai. Half'th Matarlsl Uaad l C""etia Canal Pttial eiaaim t Cot. I aiia Family Meljf VV'lh I Aaaiatan Few Mar Man. j tu of the niit uulqu alluallona la'; tb Indumrlal Uletory of lliliKda iis at Auimt and tMBi'-vra laigral ; Banufaliirlue plant outaKl of lb j i..rii....f.. raliriutil mIhiIi. few days ago la: 'WaKa Mtu yy" HMrltaT6"Vif 16iH'''T'"rrr Pmiih ulnv uiu ar ien in -ouirH of lb gtval plant -at lb aiTU rd j of tb rly of Aurvra tlt ruiils : hundred of bhu and luru out ruad cunatruttlon ma'hluvry and tallrKd car that ar Ulj i-.l t every pari if tb worH. I u half f tb niaicrlui used In building tb Panama raual baa lrn tunnf at lb glituntu rartory niw owned aolely by wi.iii.Mi. Maoy'jrara a;ii lb let xVarnm Berk w lib waa road mauler of lb llur- j lln'gloa dlllon f Hi turllton rail iMad In Iowa. fharU-a II. huilih waa hlanirrk. Aa the Hurllhgton rirltmad , waa'llng ImlU throuab lwa lUnk- ' with had ni " i1'' Its rtmniru- ; lion. II derldtM to gi tbU hlhd I of work and t.ok hia young clerk a ; partner. ', ' ! tart In Buainaas. In their wi rk ihrw ifii men fnund a fr rwd grudrr. aj4 ? .corn- ' mencri to inaiiufacturf In a await, way for'tbrniwlvra imiy. Tlieo lby , found a Ufiiund for their nluit 1 a.mong connrin v'auaBlrai ami a4d they, rlaWlbrt'a-f.i'VT ,,,r m"' f faotnr" It ra .; This "was at' M'Min,t Pleaant. In. 'and waa I lie ! , ginning of Hie rV'tnpauy now owui-d by , Blur wottirn. t'apTain lU klih and tin lit ir. , Mct'lur of Moutit riraaant. la., bad ( married wlner. tlic MIm I'ortrr of that lty.. IWkwIlO and Hnflth skd Mcttur to. take Winir ai' k In tb company, and b did . Tu!ay th eatire Wk of tb i-oitiminy la held by tbe famllle of .the men. all of whio ' ar deait Further, tb atork I con trolled by tb women of I lie three famlllea. Mr. C. II l"mllli and bei daughter. Htella. Flna and llruevle. Aurora: UN. R i: Itrrkwlth and ber s!f slaughter. Mr. Trigg l!mf, th MOTORCAR CALLED CURL Veaanbad as Rmdy Fee Whpng Cwgh by Spanned. Tbi favorabff ta of a chanr ' air la tb Jater state of wlH.plng cough are well known, ami It. Mao ael Rodrlgurs Portillo. in ninlay Laboratorio. atates that !hre renulKs ran beevra bettered J y ordering such patients to tadulg In motor drive., . He lmps rertala rondltlona. how- evrr-namrly. that a rU-ar, iiTl'.d day t-. chosen for tb icrloa.'a god level road "elected, a speed of s'x and a half mile, aa hour never' reded and that the child placed on the front aeat of tbr car. next to th t-haMfftHtr He al tribute th braetWInl effi-rta of I hi treatment to tb Increased t!ettb of tb pulrnona'ry reaf'lratloii th.-r.-tiy lixluce! acting as a sort of sweeper out of tbe resplrstory rtasagr) a well a to the tnlc and aflmalatini: action of .tb reh air breathed. Th anrtle and blood forming powers-of tli ayalem are also In- reed. arrested at Metx during tbe recent pro French demonstration there, la exer cising tbe minds of tbe German au thorities. When M. Schneider undressed at tbe police station In order to be measured for anthropometrics! purposes it wa found that bis body was covered with "seditious' tattooing Tbe expression "Vive la Franc:" was prominent and also a gibe at tbe expense of Prussia. The discovery was taken very se riously by tbe German police. An offi cial translator was called la to draw op a report on the tattooing despite M. Schneider's protest that he could do what he liked with his own epider mis.. It Is further stated that the police hav also undertaken an Inquiry as to whether tbe seditious phrases, have ever "been exhibited ln public." Thus If M. Schneider ran b proved to hare frequented tbe public baths be will be liable to six weeks' Imprisonment. Tb'flrt la I. ta which add fr-Mk Tb saeond Is U. subtract -io Tb uilra la a. muinoiMd ar s-1 Tb fourth a dhnoad ay s-ak Subtract 43 from 43 and Mar 45 aa a remainder. ft r 41! I auala 1 1 1 t squala WENT SWIMMING AT 02. "Orandfathar" sf Cnolirh Matale Dis at Pips Agi. . "Tbe ' gr still .old ni.iii f 'ti-'li ! twnd." Willl.Tii . 'v'-ii-iv known aa "gmai5fv!i"" by li felT-w memtM'r of the nirbtnti' l.lfi-iinov club.' has-int eway at lij' mw:!i London home. II" In 1iU nliiety third yea Up to ix w -1 I.' fore lil-i d'-atb Mr. Mr Ken!- n. Utt'jliig III Illfli gate jmiIiiJ, !.(! b- Im.d bntiied fir many year. Ml uufulllng repilarlty at the age of nlm-fy two irolably con stitutes a n-on! In n it.itlon. Until three yearn iii' In-' Joined in tbe win ter lifebuoy ImtLliig iort. HI prac- tic was to walk over the two miles from Highbury and bark for his swim. Fresh Eggs a Fallacy. An egg dealer I authority for the statement tbat nine oat of every ten dozen eggs sold In New York city aa "fresh" sre more than a year old. "FIRST LADY" BARS WINE. Virginia Governor's Guests Must Put Up With Water. . "As long as I am in the executive mansion there shall b no Intoxicants. My entertainments ar fully as well ' enjoyed without them as when tbey wer served during former regimes. People who visit my borne will never touch tbe win cup." ' Thus spoke tb wife of tbe governor of Virginia, who is to bold away In the : executive mansion for at teastrlhre years longer. These words of Mrs. WllIiamHodgs Mann wer mad ln -a address to th Women's Temper ance League of America at Richmond. ONE OKLAHOMAN DISSENTS. Lieutenant Qevrnor Prefers Qhtrt 8lvs to "Jimswlngsr." Despite tbe fact that Governor Cruce of Oklahoma bos decided that tbe "Jlmawlnger" Is tbe "official" coat of th stat. tbe lieutenant governor, J. J. McAlester, has decreed that shirt sleeves "go" In the state senate. He gave something of a shock to som of the mor decorous senators recently wbea he strolled Into the chamber costless aad. with a cigar In bis month. In tb same unconventional attire be presided over the delibera tions of (be senate. ' i 'I never could work with my coat on," was the lieutenant governor's only explanation when tb matter waa caned to his attention. Mt Gothamltos Pay Rsni, WhOa 83 per cent of American fami lies own their homes, 05 per cent of ; New Tor families ar rent payers. SstsllSl equal a) Ramarfcabl Fish. Th curiously named trigger fish ar plentiful la Japanese w a tars Tbey ar of tb baliste genua, and their popular name la derived from u trigger-Ilk peculiarity of the -seeood spin of tb dorsal Bla. When tbe On la erected tb first ray. or aplo. which la rery thick and strong, maintains its elevated position so firmly tbat It can not be pressed dowa by any degree of fore, bat If th second spins Is pressed th first Immediately' falls down with A spring, ilk tb hammer of a gun lock wbea tb trigger pulled. Tbe flab ar' marked In striking mran, aom of tbm being very richly corsred -esben gray, blue and gold. A hrt Daisy. A llttl boy sat out for sahoot on tag, sod b erapt . along id way aa alowly aa a oould vr go. Be aoutad. and b llftad Bp Bla vote, an tna b wpt And laid tb dust wttb all bis whteb earn la steady flow. "1 do not want to go t sebooi." a waaa- 4, wlf of a Kansas tlty pbyl lou; Mrs, N. Mctlur and daiiKhtera. Ml Martha of Mount pleasant and Mrs, Mae Mctlure Kelly ofI.liK-oln, Neb; . Dr. MrCtur was lb nrat to 01: ; then Captain Itrrkwlth foUowrd a few years latrr and Uirn Captalh Smith. who died last yearr Wena t Mansg. There will lie no rbang In lb man- ! agemriit of tbe rai-r romtmay. This. was tb delr of tbe 1st Captain ' Smkh and hi partner, and their wUbe will b rarrrd . out by tboa . Into wboa hsnda lb prufirrty has com. Tb s'rsrr company baa liern a family Inatltutloii for yeara. Nearly ; all tb bead of department and many , of tb employers have tircu with tb ; company for year and went to Aurora ' wbea tbe Institution waa moved from ! Mount Pleasant, la. , As tbe corporation laws of Illinois require that certain forms alia II b - compiled with, lb nine .women who ' own the company will meet and ar range for the new board of directors ! and for th ofDcrra. i It is probable that they will select ' th hosrd. from, tbelr own number and will cbooae their own oftVrre. The, however, will act nwrrly in aa ad visory way wlU th artlT. manage- ' meat of tb srrsper company will b i lo the same band that It has for tuapy years. -.. A 60N0 FOR SOLON 8, Norway Smalts by Clsstrleity. Smelting iron or by electricity la a access la Norway, where th industry ta coming to tb front. Ase You a Subscribe to ttfe : - ; Ncvr Daily? If The Mornl-ia Cnterprlsd ! aa successful aa th InterasU of Oregon Cite demand It moat needs hav th rapport of all Th new dally haa ' a big work befor it la boosting Oregon city and Clackamas County, Tour aupport means mora strength for tne wore. . Will Yea Help Bccst yotff owa Iatefests? ror a Itmltod tlm th Morning Bator prlaa will bp sold to paid la advance s-.bacrlbra aa followa: tr Carrlor, 1 yer,.. ....... .,i.... ......... ft.00 ry Mall. 1 rear t ZM Sand In yoHr nam and rwrnltAanoa. ' . v . .. : nail IB 0 pair. "I want to atay outdoor sod play wtta otnar utti soya will aot gol H sat dowa resolutely tnan ana (Dr As a forwsr. But fast tba tbr aaM I as awrul noia H was tb Mil a-rlnglng. salllBg sblMraa to to scnooi Aad UirMtanlng to punlab thm tt tbey iiwuw nmv mi. Aad mtl soy. wttb all els Sot wnt trwB auita ooi. i3ot en at tM ana drlaw at sys aa ww e aw way. Old-Fsshlond Soelllna MaUh. Among ma oiner features of amuse ment at tb Presbyterian church Fri day evening was aa old faahlonad spelling match. Tb fun hronaht ont had a tendency to take the older Mo- pi back to th daya when th spelling match waa a red letter day In their lives and In the community ln which they lived., - WsnU Divorce and Custody of Child. Olive Watklna la th plaintiff In a divorce suit filed la th county clerk'a office yesterday, and th defendant la Guy B. Watklna. They wer united In marriage at Vancouver. Wash., on October 1, 1902. Mrs. Watklna claims Ito, gallant anions, 'neath th atat- hows doms! Ther ar vote calling, calling, from th one bark bom. And a thousand Institution through out our mighty atat Ar urging on a thousand claims, and none of tham can wait And a thousand thing divert you from your otliar tg1latlon. Demanding erveral thousand ach for thlr appropriation. Then for ths Impacunlou Institu tions, small and big. Dig 'e-fl In your eoftrl but r-ia-mler yoa die: To kerp your foot on th soft, soft A, pedal. Oo slow; don't olf too far. For cash leas, and It surely can akedniflla If th I M la li ft alar. MunMcenc la lovely, but don't give It too much slack. Tla a Virtu on ahould mnaaur by tt.e. volume of hi stack. So kwip'your foot on the soft, soft plnsiw don't dig too far. Prht the time may com soma . wiikii, in nm krii worm, W will be rich enough to heave X, our lucre at th birds. And the coffers of th common wealth will compass an amount That would put the fabled Croeeue on his back to take the count. Perhaps when aom one's master mind th nutty problem' cracke And we alt Impaled la paradla upon the alnal tas. But until that millennium, O gal lant anion all, ' .What tlm you dig, responsive to our many throated sail: , I . cnoRtja. Just kap your foot oa th soft, soft ' Pdl. L . Oo alow: don't di too far Z For cash haa legs, and It surely can manais If tb lid I left ala. x Iov tb Impecunious whrvr you T T can spot, em. 7) f won. ou love ramemb!1 tha A vrnmn dob naa a bottom. And keep yearr foot on th soft, soft pedal, And pleas don't dig too far. N. B.-The melody should wag tb mors fortissimo proprlatlona go T" br,v erando on the diapason stop As tha bottom f th eola eaa wvwnmH, ADOPTS NEW SCENERY IDEA. 1 ... lnnvatin f Alcaandsr ts B Uad hy Frehman. John W. Alexander, presldrot of th New Tork Academy of Iiealgn, baa de vised a method of making scenery for I plays, which Charles Frobman after testing In Clmntei ler" has aald b 111 fur all hi productions. The I new met hod. it Is claimed, will revolu tionize the staging of plays and will permit Minn 11 theaters, sorb as thos In "one night" stands, to hav tb ben efit of all the scenery of a company. It gives ntmoMphere and persiectlv to setting to an uncommon degree. The scenery Is wonderfully light and takes only a . fraction of the space which otherwise would b required. "The scenery Is mad of filmv hang ings against a background of black velvet," an Id Mr. Alexander. "These hangings, which are as thin as tissu paper, are tinted with colors sprayed on them to represent the arene. Moat of the light Is thrown against them from the renr Instead of back from the footlights, and this, filtering through them, ranaes tbe trees, houses, clouds and sky and everything else to stand ont ss If real." Ore.n Beetl Big Kits. ;The congreaonnt hnus committee on agriculture hns learned from Dr. I O. Howard, t hief entomologist, that the green beetle, the tree climbing variety, will eat from twenty-fir to thirty caterpillar a day. Chairman Scott marveled. Inasmuch aa tb cater pillar Is so much larger than th beetle. ' . . w Put Yourself in the Ad-Readers Place... 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