Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, February 25, 1911, Page 3, Image 3

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" Men's 50c Work Shirts
with ; slight imperfections
, For Saturday Only
2 for 50c V
rhliri..H Mct'arvcr I visiting wltb
rsUilvN In l'oriiana.
WnTrLucIl. or t:ssuy,- w -trns-
,rI..K .usm. --!"---"
ur Tdim Warner l very in si uor
hOIIH' !'" ""
",'", .........
m (HXIIKl Of Itlkl gOOO. COllO lf
jic . ifiirrls' Grocery. ;
Hum 8t'w formerly or mis city out
... MK hl lutntl Vlirv
now it i " ;
III win ml, I recovering.
i m Wnrc. rrr rniiomsin, srriveu
I. wl.iHii ..n I ii . fur
, i-e)' visit with his dsughter,
Mrs. K. l Hnsw.
Th. r wn quit s ran or snow m-
div nicirnliiif. Inil aa ln atmoapher
WS mine winn wviwi
II Ml. - 1
There wlH b services at th IfThl
live- liai'UHt church Haturaay aner
noa i o'clock, and alo Sunday
mornlK t II o'clock. . .
Now l the lm to get Fertiliser for
. ... . - l I -.. - .1 Tk.
vour -'' anil ve-Bet""'" ium. uv
right kluit at llarrla' Grocery.
There will be an all-day meeting at
Abrnmiliy tirang today with a good
dinner l non time. juemimra are
all uncd t present. .
Kino itedlands Orange, sweet and
Juicy I -or aite 3 bo per 'dozen at
Harris' Grocery. . - ;
Matt Justin. Main atreet aalnonlat,
who In suffering witn an uicratea
rjre, wont IO roruanu yesiBrusy,
where he consulted an eye apeciaiisi.
BrnVea III C'hrUt . Kv. Iutheran
church Sunday will be at 10: SO a. m.,
with preaching In Oerman. The topio
(or tli" morning will be "Chrletlan
Love llio Fruit of True Faith."
W. W. t'iMik. the new road super
laor at Iminaarus, la atlrrlng up mat-
tan snd netting, things Into ahape for
omo K'"l trk aa aoon aa ine wam-
r will p'fmlt of It. Damaacua people
art predicting a aucceaaful year In
road building
Th-r will l. no Luther league eer.
lce at Zlon Uitheran church Sunday
mltiK Tln-re will be two preach-
Ing arrviica. however. The morning
topic will !. "Are You I'repared to
(Jp With nirlut to Jemaalerar In
the vinltiK, at 7:45, the topio will be,
I Am Ih" lrd Thy Ood."
Fall City liuiTer la always aweet and
haa the rlxht flavor 76 at llarrla'
The boy' brigade that haa been or
iranltml at the St. I'aul'a Cplaoopal
church met Friday night and adopted
the conntltutlon and decided on a
nam for the local organltatlon. The
name rhoaen la St. Andrew'a Guard.
Thnre were quit a number of new
namra presented at the meeting laat
alfbl. .
It iwH-ina that C. n. Schumaker, who
wis arpnted for breaking a window In
aa O W. T. car, had a pal who was
offendi'd at Ih way Schumaker was
traatrd In the matter. About noon
rrlday he hunted up Officer Bhaw and
began to tell htm bis opinion of Bhaw,
the wliolo Mllce force and the better
ld of wx'lety In general. He waa so
full tin could scarce atand ao Chief
Shaw liM ked him up for aafe keeping.
Bill For Sunday
- . .'.'.
Service In the M. UJ. church Sunday
venlng will be of a patriotic charac
ter, and Co, o, O. N. (., will attend In
a body. Judge J. V. CampkHI will
make the addreaa of the evening. At
the morning hour . uv, Zimmerman
will apeak on "From Kgypt to Can
aan." The Hoys' brigade of the M. K.
church held a meeting In the church
parlors Friday evening. One matter
for buslneaa waa the planning for a
relay rare, to come off In tbe near
future. . The Tare will be to lioltun
and return, It not being deemed wise
to attempt to cover too much ground
the first race.
Tbe machinery haa arrived for the
new planing mill In Ely and haa been
stored until such time aa tbe building
la ready to receive It. Ground has
been, broken on Motalta avenue, the
lumber Is on tbe ground and aa aoon
as workmen can complete the atruo
tur the machinery will be Installed
and work begin.
Mlsa Maud Warner la III with a
severe attack of la grippe.
Mrs. Wlllard Hyatt, of Portland, Is
visiting with relatives In this city.
. Mr. A. n. Ilibbard, of Marquam, was
In Oregon City on business Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Jeaa Williams, of Clair
mont, are moving to Portland oh Fri
day. Mrs. G. W. Church, of Gladstone, Is
very III at ber home with a severe at
tack of grip.
Mlsa Roelyn Robblns, of Canby, Is
visiting with her brother, Herbert
Robblns, of ftedland. '
Mr. Ernest Packard left last even
ing for Iowa, where he haa been called
by the Illness of his fsther.
Mrs. Charlea Jennings, ofPortland,
la vlaltlng her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
O. H. Vanlloy, of thla city.
Mr. Waller Deut waa an Oregon
City visitor on Wednesday. II was
formerly a resident of this city.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bplesa, of
Clackamas, were In Oregon City on
Thursday visiting with friends and
transacting business.
Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Ridings, of Mar
quam, passed through Oregon City on
their way to Portland. Mr.' Riding
la on of the prominent merchant of
Mr. D. K. Rill, th old soldier who
la commander of th local Post and
who baa been alck the past two weeks.
Is convalescent and will aoon be "on
the Job- again.
Mlaa Edith Jack eon, who has been
III for the paat als months, -waa able
to go to Portland yesterday to vlalt
with friends, returning last evening.
Miss Jackson will resume her duties
In the County Assessor' office on
March let.
Mr. Robert Bealey and eon Walter
have arrived In Oregon City from Van
couver, I). C, and are visiting at the
horn of tbe former' mother, Mr. C.
T. Hickman. Mr. Dealey will arrive
today and will Join bla family and Ibey
will then proceed to Southern Califor
nia, where they will go for th benent
of the aon'a health.
and Monday "A
Mia Clara Moray, of Molalla. was
an Oregon city visitor thla week. -
Mr. Cal Harding, of Portland, was
th guest of 8am Francis on Wednes
day. i .
Mrs. Y oder, of Mountain View, left
yesterdsy for Idaho, where eh will
vlalt wltb her alster, who I 111.
Mr. Gilbert Long, of Csnemah.f Is
numbered among th grip sufferer at
thla time. '
Miss Jesnnett Sunderland, of Sher
idan, Is visiting friends In tb -city aa
giK-st of Mrs. Ullerd Ualley, of Ninth
Miss Minnie Bchats, of Caneman,
waa a member of a theatre party that
enjoyed tbe "Havana" at th Helllg
theatre Friday night.
Mlaa Ullle Anderson, of Logan, waa
a guest Friday of Miss Orva Freyisg.
of Gladstone. Miss Anderson was
here to attend, the surprise given Fri
day evening to Mlsa Anna and Peter
Rlnnaraon. ? . .
Mlaa Gladys Ryrom, who Is making
her home In thla city wltb ber aunt,
Mrs. Duane Ely, while attending
school, left yesterday afternoon for
her home at Tualatin, where she will
spnd Suturdny and Bunday.
Mlsa Emma Vanlloy Is spending th
week In Portland electlng her spring
stock or millinery. Miss Vanlloy has
been spending a month with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. O. II. Vanlloy, and
will return to ber bom In Golde ndule,
Oregon, on Monday.
Mrs. A. N. Munsey, of Salem, and a
former resident of Oregon City, haa
returned to her home after attending
to business matters. Mrs., Munsey
will have extensive repairs made on
her property on Sixth and Center
streets. While In this city sb waa th
guest of Mrs. Thomaa Miller. . '
Miss Josephine Newton, who haa
been visiting with her mother, Mra.
Kale L. Newton, for several months,
left yesterday for Philadelphia, where
she win resinhe her duties aa profes
sional nurse. Miss Newton on ber
way here made a European trip, and
expecta to make a similar trip before
returning to. this city.
Mr. Allle Grout, a atudent of the
I'nlverslty of Oregon, waa In Oregon
City yesterdsy visiting friends. He
left for Portland .where be will visit
for a few days with his sister, Mrs.
Maurice pinford. Mr. Grout formerly
resided in this city, and left some time
ago wltb bla parent. Mr. and Mr. J.
W. Grout for Coo Ray, where they
are making their home.
Mr. F. 8. Oswald, of Pern Ridge,
waa In a peck of trouble Friday morn
ing. Mr. Oswald la working away
from, home and when she arose In tbe
morning and called the children ahe
discovered that the four of them were
broken out with the measles. No on
of them la very alck. but wltb four at
a time having the meaalea Mra. Os
wald haa her bands full. ''
Messrs. E. E- Brodle, editor of the
Orecon City Enterprise, and W. A.
Shewman, editor of the Oregon City
Courier, have been apendlng the paat
few daya In attendance at the Printer'
Cost Conaress. In Portland. Tnls is
the leading printers' organization of
the country, and Is doing much to
wards 'standardising the business tb
world over. '
Mrs.' Bell Sleight and daughter,
Anna Lou, who have been residing In
thla city at the Greenman home on
Main .atreet between Twelfth and
Thirteenth atreeta. have moved to
Portland, and hv taken up their
residence on Tweoty-aeventh and
Kllsworth atreeta. wher they have
purchased an attractive. new bury;i
Mra. Martha Holman, who haa been
very ill at. th home of ber son, R. U
Holman. of thla city, with a aevere at
tack of . pneumonia, waa yeaterday
taken to her home at McMlnnvllIe
Mrs. Holman was taken by carriage
to Oswego, and from there by train
to her borne. Although over 80 yeara
of ace. ah la recovering from her Ul
ness. 8h waa accompanied by ber
two daughter. Mra. Mary E. Turner,
of thla city, and Mra. Watklna, of Ida-
hor the latter being summoned, her
during bar mother Illness.
Invite 0. A. R. to Church.
Th member of the G. A. R. are In
tb habit of attending religious er-
Muilctl Comedy Company -
YMU 3.-Q0 DfEB 7,lj
IIco MeiriL
George (th Iceman)
Cliff Lancaster
Lucils's Father.. W. R. Selgfried
Lucll Mamie 'Jaalam
Th Cook Margaret Doyle
Time, 1911. PIk. Electric Thutri
Opening Chorus Chorus
"Tie Your Little Bull Outside."
- ' Cora Haslam
"Swing Mo Just a Ltttl Bit
Higher," Marguerite Doyl and '
Chorus. -
"My Honey Boy," Mamla Has
lam and Chorus.
FlnaU -. . . ... . Entire Company
Sec the lieoutlful
Electric Effect
Entire Change ot pro
gram to-morrow
vice In a body th Sunday preceding
Decoration day. This year Decoration
day come on Sunday, May to. Wltb
that In mind Rr. Robinson, of tb
gl Paul' Episcopal church, ba ax
tended an Invitation to tb old soldier
to attend hi church on that occasion.
Those who bav been consulted In th
matter are In favor of accepting tb
Invitation, but tb Poet baa not yet
bad time to act on It
Com and thou beautiful Shirt
Waist In Holmes' Window. - -. .' -
how Air Wave That Deflast Ceurse
ef Prejsotll.
A cinematograph apparatus wblctr
takes picture with Intervals of onet
Ore-tbousandtb of a second has been
Invented by Dr. Cranx of tbe Military
Afademjrf " Bextffj. A striking ex
ample oX tbe ower of tbe apparatus
shows a bullet fired st a bladder' of
water that 1 bung on a string.
Tbe eye only sees a little smoke from
tbe pistol and a couple of boles In tbe
bluddof, from which the1 water runs,
but when this I cluematograpbed and
tbe film Is shown slowly a very Inter
esting aerie of operation can be
First the bullet Is seen sppronrblng.
It Is traveling 1.000 feet a second, but
It seem to move quite deliberately.
In front of It and extending a long
way above and below it Is a dim line
bent sharply Immediately before the
bullet A bullet can no. more pass
through air than a vessel ran' through
water without making a wave, and
thla la tbe air wave. It Is made visible
on account of Ita different density, Juat
aa tbe waves In air are seen above a
chimney or over hot ground. .
Behind tbe bullet come scattered
grain of tb powdi-r that, have not
been burned, and traveling more alow
ly atlll come tbe wad. Tbe bullet
enter th bladder and disappears In
side, a tittle water spurting out of tbe
bole It mskea. Then It reaches tbe
other aide, but It no longer cuts through
at one, aa It did when th bladder
was backed up by tbe water.
Something Ilk a - finger, seems to
push th bladder outward Into a long
tube, then tb tube opens and lets ont
th bullet, which gradually travels
away. The tub does not at one col
lapse;' Its form la maintained by tbe
stream of water which followa tb pro
Civil War Rtlica te Be Installed at
; West Point
An effort is being made to locate
urb gun saw service at Fort
Sumter during the civil war wltb a
view to having tbe ordnance mounted
at tbe United State Military academy
at West Point. N- Y. With this end.
In view Ms lor. E. w. Hubbard, com
tnandlng the FortAfonrtrt army post
at Charleston. 8. C. la now prosecut
lng an Investigation to identify and
locate th gun for us by th Military
At th present time there are two
old guns and two thirteen Inch mor
tar at Fort Sumter, but Major Hub
bard la Inclined to the opinion that
ordnance la of later date than tb pe
riod of tbe civil war, and It may be
losslbl that some of th soldier who
served at tbe fortifications In Charles
ton harbor may be able to furnish him
wltb Information.
Maryland Wildeata Hungry.
'"Wildcats are ao numerous In Gar
rett county, Md.. this year and are so
Here that In somo sections It 1 not
safe to venture oat on tb county
roads after dark. Tb cold weather
and deep anow have made foraging
difficult and tbe cat are b angry.
wildcat recently attacked a rural mall
carrier near Grantsrllle, and these anl
mala bar followed pedestrians and
New York's Huge Debt
New York city owe one-half a
much money a th combined Indebt
dues of tb twenty-seven next lar
gest cities In tb country.
(Qlv th boy all the pi he wants.
When he ts noult ho'll know It.
He would not for It If his sys
tem did not crave It. Dr. Woods
Let every
mother's lit
tle soa
Qlv praise to
Dr. Hutchin
son. For .he can
diasnooe all
A small boy's
- husky app-'
Whore la the
boy who
likes not plot
Yea doa't
know out,
no more do I.
.But he eaa't
make that cravlnc cms
4 With on small, narrow, sUncy pise. j
H wants It cut In areat big chunks
W Or broken oft In lar, fat hunks
Or In Ion, wide. Irregular slabs, T
y iiivi.k .mm Ih. tiAntrv ahalf ha X
Which from
shalf he
Apple, pumpkin.
peach and mince.
pear and quince
Rhubarb, cherry,
Hs likes tham
all (and so
do I)
And every oth- ;
or kind of
O cruel moth
er. whn you
- Th pie re
member not
to starve
I The darling
oy mat you
adore -
Who paasca up
his plat ror
X -.mmA mil "
V fear that he'll be III.
H knows whan h has got his All
Of Juicy fruits and flaky eruat .
X Hs may swell up, but he won't buat Z
-itienara uninioum m nw x or
1 ftu. Xlil
aptlet Cor. Main and Ninth etroata,
Kav. . A. Ilayworth paator, rra. Ill
Ninth: fl. B. II noon, Mrs. A. F. Parker
aupt. morning aervlre 10:10, evening
T:tv. T. P. . C. K. 0:10 p. m. and Jun
ior earn hour. Weekly prayer meet
ing Thuraday at 1:10 p. m.
Morning subject "Christian Pa-
Evening "Moral and Rcllgloua
Character of Georg Washington."
Th Knight of Pythla will attend
tbe evening service In a body. .
Canemah Baptlat Mleelon fl. 8. meet at
(.00 p. m , Lwla Conklln aupt.
Csthelle Cor. Water and Tenth street.
Kv. A. Hlllebrand paaUir, re. Oil
Water; Low Maas S a. in.. Hlsh Maaa
10:10 a. m.. aternuon eervlr 4:20. Maas
very morning at 1:1.
Congragatlenal Cor. Main and Eleventh
street. Hmv. win. M. rroctor paator,
re. 00 Third; 8. 8. 12 noon, John Low
ry aupt.; morning arvlc 10:10, even
ing 7:20. youn peopl 0:20. Weekly
prayer meeting Thuraday at 7:10 p. m.
Chrlet Kv. Lutheran Cor. Elrhth and J.
Q. Adama e(rta. Kev. v. Bchmidc
paetor, rea. ( i. Q Adama; 8. 8.
1:10 a. m.; preaching ateraoons of first
and third Sunday a at 2:10 In Englleh.
other Sunday services nnornlngs at 10:20
with preachlng'he. Oerman.
Morning topic, ID: 30 a. m. "Chrla-
tlaa Lov the Fruit, of Tru.FalthZ
Text l Cor. 13th Chapter. Preaching
Christian Sclance Willamette building;
Sunday service 11 a. m.. 8. 8. 11 noon;
Wedneaday services p. m.
Oerman Ivanoelleal Cor. Eighth and
Madlaon atrreta. Iter. IT. Wleveelck paa
lor. rea. 711 Madlnn: 8. 8. 10 a.
Herman8chrader. Monro atreet, aupt;
morning aervlce 11. yoi-ng peopl" at 7
p. m and preaching at p. m. Prayer
meeting Wedneaday at 7:10 p. m.
Oladaton Chrlrtlan Rev. A. II. Mulkey
Raator, rea. Giadetone; 8. 8. 10 a. m.,
. C. Hendrtck aupt.; morning service
11 o'clock, evening rvlc 7:24. Week
ly prayer meeting Thuraday :10 p. m.
Mathodlil Main etraet cor Seventh,
Hcv. K. r. Zimmerman paetor, rea. oor.
Slsth and Washington; 8. 8. it a. m.,
C. A. William. Oladatonv. aupt.; morn
ing aervlc 10:48, Bp worth League (:10,
venlng ervlc 7:20. Prayer meeting
Thuraday 7:10 p. m.
Morning subject "From Egypt to
Evening Patriotic service, attended
by member of Company O, O. N. O.
Judge J. U. Campbell will make the
address. .
Mountain View On lonM Cong ) B. 8. I
S. m., Mr. J. H. Qulnn aupt.; MIDI
tudy every Thuraday afternoon;
preaching 7:20 p. m. second and fourth
Sundays In January.
Preabytarlan 8evepth street cor Jeffer-
eon, Kev. J n. ljnQ.wnjuu (lumr,
re. 710 Jefferaon; 8. 8. 1 a. m., Mrs,
W. C. Green aupt.; morning servlc 11
a. m T. P. S. C. E. t:it p. m even
ing servlc 7:20. Prayer meeting Thurs
day p. m.
Morning subject ''Sftrong, Watch
ful, Faithful Men. '
Evening "Come, Jesus King."
Parkplac Congregational Rev. J.
June paetor, rea. uacnamai; b. b. i
a. m.. Kmery French aupt.; preaching
ervlce each Bunday, alternating be
tween 11 a. m. and 7:20 p. m. Chrta
Uan Endeavor Thursday evening 7:10
p. m.
St. Paul's Cplecopal Nlntn St., near
Main. Rev. Chas. W. Kobinson paator,
re, at itectory. Ninth and Water ata.;
8. B. 12 noon. Wm. Shewman aupt.;
morning service 11 a. m., evening ser-
UnHed Brethren Cor.' Eighth and Taylor,
Kev. Lfc K. cuu-a paaior, re. mnuui:
S. 8. 10 a. m.. Frank Pnrker, Maple
lanr, aupt : morning service 11. T. P.
8. C. E. p. m.. evening servlc 7.
Prayr meeting Wedneday 7:10 p. m.
Willamette M. No regular preaching
ervlce. 8. B. I p. m., jara. cueanu
Zlon Lutheran Cor. Jefferaon; and Eighth
trecta. Kev. W. K. Kraxoerger pas
tor, rea. 7t0 Jefferson: 8. 8. 0:10 a. m .
Hcv slraxberaer sunt.; morning service
10:20. evening 7 46. Luther League
p. m- - '
Morning aubject "Are Ton Pre
pared to Go With Christ to Jerusa
Evening aublect "I Am the Lord
Thy God." There will be no Luther
League service on Sunday.
Eye Specialist Rectifies Error After
Several Week of Suffering.
Some week ago Frank Sajovle waa
engaged in blasting rock near tbe
nark on the hill when In an explosion
he bad bla eye filled with dirt and as
he auDDoaed ruined for life. Finally
the pain he suffered sent him to
physician who soon passed him to an
eye specialist. .
An examination by the specialist
showed that Sajovle ey had been
turned inside out by the force of the
explosion, that it also bad been some
what bruised. The ey was piacea in-
to position again and th young man
is coming on nneiy.
K. P.'a at Baptist Church Sunday.
The topic for the evening preaching
service at the Baptist church Sunday
will be, "Moral and Religious Charac
ter of George Washington." The
Knight of Pythias will attend the ser
vice In a body, and the character of
the aermon will be of a patriotic na
ture. Th lodge will assemble at the
Woodmen ball st 7 o'clock.-and march
from there in a body. This lodge haa
a membership of over an hundred, and
a good turnout la anticipated.
Woodmen of the World Initiate.
Two candidate were Initiated into
the Woodmen of the World lodge Fri
day night They were Messrs. Walter
Wood and J. O. Meyer. There waa
an application for membership, which
waa passed on favorably, making fu
ture work In the initiatory degree.
There waa no other business for the
evening the Initiation consuming the
hours of the evening.
Wants Pay For Keeping Horse.
A case In Justice Samson's court Is
that of O. W. Boyer va. W. H. Lowry,
both living in Oregon City. Th plain
tiff sue to collect a bill for the keep
of s horse, and the amount Is $13.10.
Th horse I said to be worth th bill
but attachment wa made on hors
and saddle and on wages due tbe de
fendant. '
To 7hom It
May Cbncern
.. I am going to clsan up or destroy
th diseased fruit tress of Oregon City
and want th co-opcratlon of vryon
Interested. You may get spraying
don by C L. McGhany, Fourth artd
Jackson. r by Clark 8, Fug, Eighth
and Polk trtV"Thos nsglectlng or
refusing to do th work will b eom
plld to do ao. Anyon Intsrsstsd
plea communicate with A. J. Lewis,
Fruit Inspector Clackamas Ceunty,
Oregon City, Route No. . ? ; 1
It Wouldn't Pay to Advertise
A Poor Article
i Nor a preposition ef doubtful msrlt or honesty for ad-reader,
nowadays, ar DIBCRIMINATINO. Thoy know" valu they knew.
GENUINE things, gsnuln opportunities. '
. .
- Any srtlcl which can b sold by advertising la, by that test,
GOOD srtlcl. YOU ar safe In buying a thing which haa "stood
th fir of publicity."
Th maker of a widely advertised article, or commodity. Is al
ways on trial for hi business life. - Ho cannot chirk, nor cheapen hi
product and this I th hst possible protection for th consumer
You ar SAFE In buying advertised
nowaday businsss conditions. '
Wants, For Sale, Etc
Notice under these classified head Inge
will be Inserted at on cent a word, first
Insertion, half a cent additional Inser
tions. One. Inch eard. II per month; half
Inch card, (4 lines) II per month.
Cash muat accompany order unless one
haa an open account with th paper. No
financial responsibility for errors; wher
errors occur free corrected notlc will be
printed for patron. Minimum chars He,
WANTEDA first class organizer for
' Oregon City; big money for hustler;
. no other need apply. Address U.
C. S. 228 Ablngton Bldg., Portland,
, Oregon.
WANTED Experienced girl for gen
eral housework In family of three.
Apply at Huntley Bros.' Co!
FOR SALE Space in this column
Sell that old plow or barrow; yon
don't use it sine you purchased
your new one. . ,
FOR SALE Phonograph, 125 records,
original coat $90. fine shape, will
ell for $35; also number of piece
of household furniture will sell at
a bargain. 221 13th atreet, or phone
Main 3332. -
FOR SALE Rare bargain, 60 acre
farm, $125 per acre, actually worm
$200 per acre; only 2 mllea from
Oregon City; suitable for subdivis
ion. Need the money and must sell ;
two-third clear. Haynea, 426 East
Harrison street, Portland.
FOR SALE Iff acre orchard land;
7 acre planted to apple tree; 7
room house, small barn: 1 mile
from Oregon City on good road;
$3,500; term for quick sale.. Tele
phone Farmer 213. S. R. Cogan,
R. F. D. -No. 2, Bog 139,: Oregon
City, Oregon.
FOR RENT Rooms In the Gambrlnua
block, the Electric norei Annex, m
reasonable rates. For particulars
Inquire of J. J. Tobin, at the Elec
tric Hotel. These rooms have the
latest conveniences, with . steam
heat, electric lights, and the choice
rooms have running water, both hot
and cold. 11
Q. H. DOUGLAS, Violin Teacher; vis
it, or receives oupii. 600 s lesson.
nnn hour. 120 Jefferaon St., Ore
gon City.
HARRT JONES Builder and Genera)
Contractor. Estimates cheerfully
riven on all classes of building
work, concrete walk and reinforced
concrete. Res. Phone Main m.
money LOANED W ar acquaint
Ml with th valu of all farm Undt
In Clackamas County and can loan
vour money on good safe security,
Farm loans made one, two and three
years at 7 per cent Abstracts of
titl examined. DIMiCK & DIMICK,
" Lawyer. Andresen Bldg., Oregon
City, Oregon.
O. D. EBT, Attortey-at-Law, Money
loaned, abatracta furnished, land
title examined, estates settled, gen
eral law buslnesa. Over Bank ol
Oregon City.
U'REN A SCHUEBEL, Attorneya-at-.
Law, Deutscher Advokat. will prac
tice in all courte, make collection
and settlements. Office in Enter
prise Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon.
V. R. HYDE. Abstract Office
Land title Investigated, conveyan
cing, notary public. '
Room 7, Barclay Bldg., Oregon City.
DR. L. O. ICE, DENTIST Room 4,
t and 6 Beaver building. Main St,
Oregon City. Phone: Horn A-198
and pacific States 1221.
ik arm tract rood land, no rocks. 3
miles from Oregon City, IH miles
from O. W. P. ear line. Good fruit
land. Cut Into 7 and 14 sere tracta.
. $100 to $225 pr acre. Enquire of
D. K. Bill ft Co., Room 9, Beaver
Bldg., Oregon Cut.
E. H. COOPER, For Fir Insurance
and Real Estate. Let us handle
your properties w buy, sell , snd
exchange. Office In Enterprise
Bldg., Oregon City, Orgon- .
tat Dealer, have, csolc bargain
Id fare-" Ida; city. sad suburbar
hornet fruit lands sad poultry
- ranch. ,. for. "good buys
Near S. P. depot" ' ,
-; ; : '
things it' th loglo of
MANY TIMES you can buy juat th
article you want. Just as good a
now, at a small fraction of th coat
of new, if you go and see TOUNQ,
th second band man. HI collec
tion contain New and Second Hand
Furniture, Hardware, Tool, Caiioe,
etc. See him; It coat nothing to
Ordinance N-
An Ordinance Declaring th Assess
ment for th Improvement of
Twelfth street, Oregon City, Ore
gon, from a point 105 feet Westerly
from Main street. Easterly to th
East tin) of Taylor street.
Oregon "City doe ordain aa fol
low: - Sec. 1. Tb assessment for th
Improvement of Twelfth street
from a point 105 feet westerly from .
Main atreet eaaterly to th east line
of Taylor atreet, la hereby declared
and levied according to Assessment
Roll No. 1, new series, and tb
whole cost of th said assessment
la 25.961.06 dollar. '
Bee.-1. - Where th condition -of
said part of aaid Twelfth atreet
la and was dangerou to tho health
and safety of the people of Oregon
City and It I necessary for the
Immediate preservation of their
health and safety that tbl assess
ment should be mad at once, an
emergency Is hereby declared to
exist and thla ordinance) ahall tak
effect and be In force from and
after Its approval by th Mayor...
Read first time st s special meet
ing of th City Council held on th
17th day of February. MIL st 8
o'clock P. M.' - '
, L. ST1PP, Recorder.
Ordinanc No. ,
An Ordinanc Providing for Changing
th Width of th Alley In Block 114,
Oregop City, Oregon, from 26 feet
wide to 14 feet wide. '
Oregon City does ordain as fol
lows; .- '"
' Bee. 1. That that portion of th
Alley la Block 114. Oregon City,
Oregon, and a hereafter described,
to-wlt: Beginning st the northeast
erly cornet of lot 2 of said block,
and running thence southwesterly
along the easterly line of lots 1 sad
7 of said block, to the sonthessterly
comer of said lot 7; thenc ooth
eaaterly on a projection of tho east
erly line of Jefferson street, six feet,
m the alley; thenc northeasterly
In the aldlley and parallel with
the first course named herein sad
6 feet therefrom to tb westerly
line of Madison street; thence
northwesterly on tb westerly line
of Madison street, six feet to the
place of beginning.,
Also, beginning at the northwest
erly corner of lot of said block,
thence southwesterly, following th
northwesterly lino of lots S and 6
of said block to th southwesterly
corner of said lot 6; thence north
westerly on a projection of th
easterly line of Jefferson street,
feet in the alley; thence northeast
erly In aald sUey, sad parallel to
the northwesterly line of aald lota
Tand 6 to the westerly 11 n of Mad
ison street; thence southeasterly on
s projection of the westerly line of
Madison street, aix feet to the placet
of beginning, the sam being a strip
of land six feet wide off and fronv
botb sides of said alley and tb full'
length thereof through said block;
be and the same Is hereby close
and vacated, and th said alley
shall henceforth be only 14 -.feet
Read first time and ordered pub
lished at a special meeting of th
City Council, held February 15th,
1911. -
L STIPP, Recorder. . ,
To Introduce The- Morning
Enterprise Into a larg major-
Hy of th homes In Oregon
City snd Clackamas county tho
tnans csnriaMt w feasss AtmmlAmA va saV
make a special pries for th
dally Issue, for a short Urns
only, Wher th subscriber pays
a year In advance.
By carrier, paid a year In
advance, 13.00.
By mall, paid 'a year la ad-
Yanc. $2.00. . '
Popl who gav our canvas-
ser a trial subscription for on
or mors months, at ten cent a
week, can bav the dally deliv-
ered for a year for $3.00 by
paying a year In advance. ,
Peopl who gav our canvas-
ser a trial subscription, by
mall, tor four month at a dot-
lar, may have th paper for a
year for $2 00, If paid -a year In
advance. , , ..'
Subscribers to the . Weekly
Enterprise may change their
subscriptions to th dally, re-
celvlng credit for half tlm on
til aaiiy na w wnuj " -v
paM In advanc. Whan they
cbooae to add cash to th ad-
vane payment equal to a full
year's advanc payment tbey
may tak advaatag of tb $2
' W mak this special prlc ey
so tbst peopl who hav paid
in advanc on somothr dally
and wish to tak ta Morning
Enterprise, kaay do so without
too crsat xpense.