Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, February 25, 1911, Page 2, Image 2

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- C E BROOIE. Eel ed Peklloksr.
ult.r Jul - '
1. lL at lk V- at (n ,
citr- Om sr An luni -
And vkM Ussee art ktN la UU
cowatry peopl stirr km "Keep
yoor'eye open endl aee U lata is sot
true, eak trwlf Ul to to
b doe kr before K to too- Ute to
o earthing. : .
CW Tmi. fee
ft hfaina. ky aa
rwr Hit4 kv Mil
rr ww. kj carrier..
. IM
. LS
. JS.W
! Jm. m aara rtn
i P. Af fcwk a-d liinM . Ir
Mml wilai Jir par -
ftm tasertM .......... ............. lac
Piefin ouk ear PM- r Bare
bum- Mlwr tkaa ftrt Mr krk
nm in nti iif
Baa pa-r tkr tkaa rt- per Bsc
aSAr. aiarrtioa K-
Lraw Ie see lta; tn rvfruiar Jr-
tjarrs tc Ma
waata,' Fr J. T Rent ef t .
cat a wr4 ft aKiw. -t- ha-f et
eerk aMttoaal
Bates for 4Trt1aMr In tbe Week
Katea-rett wUJ th aao a ta
ail? far ' a-frrart' laneta art eiecii
tor t. weea.'r We the ltnit
" Bj" -ByUBaaaShare'- L"eBenSiV-.JJBS edVB'--atV IMaS -SB-eaJV
hr. wttaoot er.aae. the rat win he tc
aa sack far ma af the paper. as4 Iku
Sac for special poai:cv
Cash sheax -cvcnpfi r ar4-T where
Barry .ea ta &jj;?j oCTjo ct
Learal adrrrttatsr a: aJiertjeme
-TVkVrf U deark" at a
Bfa Hyiwi'a. tl d;4 a oa
rrr arar of a Iwirr ria lark
Ird oat? ToalK A!wrm.tb Nw
Tort Uut-rJbL altW
for Ik atairoral that a k
tola Is (MMtAr Abrara .twitra
a Inataifcr kr tbr VwMt
bum IuIm!$1 wrr biai' t a ,
rvfrrw for br cimM iwot ;
fnn tbr tfc-kUn la lt jnlto ,
gift biaa tjr .-erot TV J
botrr d a ra BuJ Bfi '
karj q rwach Abr. bo la a J
rxcrrkaH7 rtorr Iwirr Fkll 4
lac la canco.",ba a of J
puorat aorWrWta!!? rwulnl bia 4
la tbr rh. Tb ' -4iik': mat J
"irf." mi IBraTOi
Irtkaay (vM to CaUkram ia aVa-
ta laf Hr. '
T yoaag nopii of Claotooo or ,
Caaia4 aarpriso a Aim ka4 Potor
moaaraoo. cpj rrtaaj fTtaiac ana a
Tta-a- to cr4bralla( IN kinkiin H
tkr rooat paopJ. 8a, t a aaluMo
boor la tko oariy ola( tkrr roa
Krctr4 at ooo of tko koaiaa ta lk
rUUca aa4 froai Ibrro prarad4 to
too boom of tko roorg oaoola, tk'
raaMraca of IXrr R'aaro, aa4
i(wtt aa oajoyakla a vr a lag.
Tko Tra.lBf gioa to gasMav
Luke Lea. Tennessee's Senator,
Only 32. but Clever Pollttclin
aaa a tkt cm4 by
too me4a wko k4 aUaaod tko aar-
JmOoo Cowipooll In ftaat M
J. M Vtlkarr. proprinor ot lk
lrreik atroot arag otoro. kt par
caaooa tko proport oa4 by J. I.
Caspbrll oa ktadiaoa otroot. krtvooo
Sriralk aa4 CtgVk, aa4 kas takra
posarosioa. &s CamptwII -- kaa
aMr4 kt raatftr to tkrir aw koaar.
foraorly or4 b; ko Uto Mr. C
H. L. BnmoiMrr.
$10 Flao oO' to' Dr J'l
C. t Shumkrr. arrrr4 Tkaraday
aixkt lor bMSg dnikk aa4 4iaor4rty.
alkiTEitTS-kTfaig wtadrta p
Loovo, golroeJ an4 martol to T rar B vhtrk ko rodo from port
laortt Like a efc tb Wra u4. bofona RrcorJrr Stipp m
ni k ti CHffrtiL a-Do , aay anrraooa. u aaifaaaa a
Pit' ti thumb uonl Art ! flao of ll aad givva 19 gat. la Jail.
tcva;4 kanJ'.y tDl fn-ni laart poyt kio rao tko )aU aratoo
Clrraa arrrttatac a rriai traarltM
aOrartiama' at Sc to aa mtt. a'ooord
kx to rp-UJ cnaiiltext fOvr-r.;-x tk
Tlr aa4 Br.r-.rt tU aoVrr-
tltaiat ttc tned fst (rrt a ; a44l
tarai lcamkoa Mm svarf ?Vc iarh.
Km itrrna and vrltra arerW
af awnt. wtib am ti kocai rrJr.
wfl) br i4vr accvpu Kyt4 bui
acrtaxa arrrr rtsrard oma accoausaa
1 avg kr tuau to arraaj poautf
iL Akrra
U OlD ' X
Inx- Taking tbo
T hl to nay tbrrr unt:i
a maBifd orrr him hrfora becoohi
T rrtrain bU ci'tufwar Akrara a.
raoo ba k io4 vhip(rd bia man.
4 fKurrrer nrre U a tip for artB I
f tko tra bo may aanrt
2 JLbram la tb riag aomo Ubio. I
t, 1 1 1 1 1 ...I
Too aiillioa aad a klf of people
la Ckiaa are atarrlag? Wkat aa la
4ictBet of tko drUizatioa of that olo
. aadoa. a aatioo tkat kaa stood tb
teat of time aa to eiiatracr, bat kos
rcry exiairoce baa beoa at tb n-.
boom of tko kapplaeas aad comfort
of 1U. people.
; Too BtiUioea aad a -M of poop! -atarrlag
la a cooatry capabJe of pro-.
ridiag aa . abaadaat tnsteaaaco for
fifty per eeat More people tkaa aov
Uto oa its broad acres. Aad yet we
brag of tko. cirlUzatioo of tbe world'
at tka preoeat time aad of the ad-!
Taoced stato of science, ntaaaTactareaH
aa4 tko odeaoe .of prodociag wealtk. I
Wkat of the acleaos of roTerament? 1
Wkat of the acieaos of the (tirtsioo of
wealtk? "Aay fool eaa make moaey."
is aa old adage; bat if U takes a vise
aua to sare It tkea it certainly Lake
a wise man to so order tko diriatoa
tkat rack oao to participate ta iia
making shall get ,hjs. fast pro port ioa
and ao aaore. Aad Lbe world mast
wako ap to the fact tkat it Is as aoc
eaaary to see to it tkat oce man does
aot got aore tkaa bis share as to try
to plan tkat each shall get his share.
One anay think that oee of these pro-;
positloci aaswers the other, aad so it i
woald if each was trying to do right:
-bat with society m it IS to try to see '
that each amay get his share does not
settle to a eertaiBty tkat oa nay not
plaa tt so tkat some oe may get
Bkoro tkaa his share. Oae side of the ,
propoairioa aeeds as close acruticy as
the other, and the settlement of oce
may not In fact settle to a certalaty
The existence of the Chines, nitioc '
has beea at the eipecae of the axu
hood of ike natMe. There it do Baa
hood except la tko i:ghr classes:
there is ao Lime for Bush'xid asd bo
alaoa for aay ta the lower strata of
Its debased cirtlutya
Aad yet a ir. x-rr drtting
Calaaward ta Lt!s tst-os laj We
alroadj Lst var id r.'.t as a ela,
aaiad yoa. We hT -aot a.i a e'.aa
who do t'jf vr,r Let r te
a-orkd hf nf ii'es'l ro work
Tet they a aavg 't mos. hrrl
spa4eri tare aad is scy ia
atcs a-e rjigirly aaifal Tterf
r-o? are p4tg the tlvd mot?
ha: hi 'isaea from a iarr LaaUer
rkroe cott.-'-n;'iB forced to do
ao becasse tf tte a ay variety is load
ed agaics tim '.oday
Crack Chicago .lliaea PLaar Aatoaae)
mt Panaiaas With H a Oraat Playiaa.
ETe stoco his arrtTBl CatTia Desaa-
rest, the mck Chkago roe weder.
baa beea astoaoding the Pirtsias bU
Kard world witk bis wooderfai abots
aaH great a.'l roood playisg la fart.
ao pieaaed are the Pansiaa proaaoters
was saspeaded darieg good behatior
Will Play at Electrie Aoethef Week.
-The Ice Maa" Is the play at the
Electric theatre tkts afternooa aad
ereeiag. It is said to bo very faaay
aad tkat yoa are Certain to bar a
rood Urk if yoo to-aa4.aeeJj. "The
Ckwe Call" is tko play for Sunday
and Monday, making a gwd mil The
company has made sack a kit of It
that the management of the Electric
has engaged them for another week.
? .'". "'If -t y1- ' 1 ' "
i. ' I y---iT""s
-.'-3 J ?S.r:
.;' j I? if'
-;,-.L, (
' r T ' t I'
Creek Wrestler -eatsM at Roaokwrw.
Peter Bosakos. wtnrVfes'tSed ta this
city aboat tea days ago, was defeated
at Roaebura Tharaday alght la a
match with. Carl Bosch, who claims
to bold tke middweigkt ckamptoa
skip of Germany Busrb pat BainUM
to the mat la IS mi an tee for tbe first
fait The Greek was tired aad slow
lit the second roaad aad ho went to.
the mat ta 14 minetea. The German
was a boa y and be w-ent iat kts op
ponent la sock a bulldog way tkat ke
soo aad kirn tired oat.
Tke Primitive baptist church will
hare serricee Saturday afteraooo at
2 o'clock, and Sunday morning at 11
o'clock. --. - , v . .
Mrs. Rehl Is still growing weaker
She'ts suffering with. Bright a disease.
Her son. Wm, Jones, of Carus. has
beea with berail week.
Little Wacida Hickman has been
staying with, her grandmother Her
mother. Mr.' Ernest Hick man, has
been laked; ft a Portland hospital,
where ateuav suffering with coosump
tio f :.-.rv v
lira. Louis Warner is verr ill at her
homo ba I (Tenth and J. Q. Adams
atresia. ' T :
','1 . .
; -' . A "" "" s
r-T--- A - n - . -
LJJ TKE LEA. the iw-iy rUxteJ svoatnr rrow .Teaaeaaea. la oao or too
J yooageat aeo 7r it eiertrd ( the seaate He was thos booored a few
I weeks before be aaa thirty two years of Bgw Ila Elktaa. appointed
roan naw inrnia. i vtuj lain, ni mw w .w. -
romos of aa old Tefiueuee family. Eighty years ago saotber Lake Lew was S
retgeaiaTaTrTsfraitii Tanti aae. hot Ike aew sea a tor aeer heror aaaeo rtw a
poittacal cvffioa. pit or ehi years ago he graduated from the t'olTrrmlry
of tko Powtk, kawwa aa tfcpwaoee. sod begaa tko prs-th-e of taw la Nathalie
He bocaose taterwued In iWltcs sad was ooo of Ike foOndera of tko Teaaea-
aoeaa. the paper of a hivh forater Keaator Cartaact waa tke editor wkoa M
was klTied la a-ight ah tbe Ovipera Lea was largely responsible for taa
aomiaatloa f Governor pattenoe, bat Uter broke with kirn and Bado kbi
re-elect ioa Impmibie .The elertkai of Im was dramatic. He bad not aa
boo Bred hinar4f a a candidate while tke legislature was balloting la dead
kk. sad after irflng jxit In enml nation be was alerted oa tke saceeodlaff
ballot. ea ha wkat i -known In Teaaeaaoe aa aa lnJerodeot Hemnrrat. II.
Is a prokltstbMaM and in tbe rampatga last fsll supported Cot eronr Hooper,
the joint rsadldate of the nepuMlcaas aad tke prohibittoa laesBnerata. - - -
which you buy
.asav ao ws if 4W. kajl row MR afcawoa - - .
be a dollar plos tk. loteraet H urn
Vewr aWiMipal u' M vallabla, aklk tsnaet
form, .f nvetmM. ,
The BaqIx of Orecoo Gty
a C LATOl'Rrrni rroatdaai
;i. ; . rjnL&:
rrenoacta 6ersl Ranking Rwalasaa
Opo cem.
this market and ih.o,".,?
r. ... ... " w o act ini
-nrrtimnraw winwia tivttf trt 'tahtrkTa bato wkl
Ikir Ety left last week for Rpokaao,
ah , abere be baa accepted k poel-
. . MACKS8URG, .,
Mr. Adams dabxhtrr na tbe scarlet
feter ' Ph. la getting -aleg nicely
under the car M Ir. Deadman, of
Can by. : :
J. BHeia has. sold his farm Dear,'
Good's bridge aad isjonklng for anoth
er place' to bay.- .
1 Erc and .Prcdyenf arehelptng
C. Ft! brie pull stumps with a stump
puller. .
. F. , P. Brash, has been blowing out
some -Urge stamps lately oa a-piece
of ground he Is clearing this winter. ,
The weather Is Improvtng slowly.
Miss Lucy Mitts visited her parents
over .. Saturday aad Sunday. Jake
Mitts also visited his parents.
Horn, to Mr aad Mrs. Chris Nofilg
er. a snjl-Jibruary 1. .
Jea UepUr tooaFraak lllltoo'a
place hauling cream laat week 'a a the
latter waa awk
Mr. Bnd'rs. Will Roth hare moved
into a rvotave by themselves.
Qalte a atimber of "our farmers are
baallng potatoes. "
caxrrji Dmurr. woo is ruasrsa ra
aiaiaM wm ana eaaar rtJTio.
with tM-marest's great pUylag that .
they are making eTery effort to air:
George Gray, the Aatraftaa. and
aereral other cracks awet the AaterV '
caa Uy.,. Gray, has beea la England
fear ite ixl few. month and has made 1
some rw.rd breaking runs in exhibi-1
Uoa game. - Parisians may slao see
Wili Hon, the worlds l"vl and 1V2,
ba k lis rham;-V la s-tko with
Dettart, U'jf', pUas lo aan for
Pa-J early u March
B-srten Piana kt-xVcpal A. A. U.
E "Vvi p'ans to onraae a maalclpal
smarter at.'tVf onion to draw tk
boy. .:""Ui y 'be working tota. Into
the ryesfia.d, t9 Mp la ,l)inK ap
tbr W n aai to bare cmpetltlooa
frota rime to tita. with some prlx. as
tbe tadacemebt.
.-l0 r'
Food Prices Will
Never Return to J
Their Old Standard.
' 1 '
The Kind That
Our New Steel Die Embossing
'HERE is LITTLE Chance!
rh a
p": ' OxAj .OXE-TILTRD ol the to
'i 9 " j population of the. country is
k x at- ? ' . j . --
, :.. . now evzaszw m TtTfAnolnv
for the remaining two-thirds. This
will he shown by statistic to be is-
sued by the census bureau. Only
tvo generations ago two-thirds of
the population was engaged in pro-
There Are Not
Enough Producers.
In the front rank of the
Secretary of the Department
of Agriculture. -
duction. To this remarkable reversal is TTTE TTTflTr fftST npttr
One tt the other big factors has been the great increase in gold
and exchange paper, such as checks. WITH MONEY PLENTIFUL
I'lUChS INCREASE. With production in lines
other than farming products rapidly increasing it is
bnt natural that many men should turn' into thosei
2fo mslter how much the demand for other prod
ucts may increase, men can eat only s certain amount
of food. Therefore the only thing that can affect
the sals of food is the INCREASE IN TILE NUM
BER OF CONSUMERS. Prowess aW other lines
:wffl not affect foei, . - . ". : : ' ;
1 (rh
' if! .
Ueed ibis week
A WillirtMid la able to bo out agala
Kugene Keottel hauled potalora fur
J Wlllbroad Mobday.
John llrinre has lbe grip.
quite a number front ibis vicinity
a ere trading la Can by Monday.
O. M Keebaugh sprat Tuesday Id
Woodburn. .:
Percy Keebaugh a pent Wednesday
la Portland
, Percy Keebaugh Is busy those days
building a boat for a ansa la Clacka
maa Ho Is workUm la Joke Andrew s
carpenter ahop. '
Miss Tbelma Andrews, who was ta
the hospital la port lead." is 'at home
now and Is Improving slowly.
Mrs. Will Cvaas who kaa been suite
sick witk ike grippe, la slowly recov
ering There will be service, al ike Nor
wealaa churck Suoday, February IS.
Tke lumber baa arrived fur boilag
la our city water lower aad the cow
ract, O (illbertsoo. ta busily e
gaged at that work.
ttorts Young cam, home oa Malar,
day. from O. A. C. aad will apod tbe
tear days' vacatloa her.
. Ilea Moot visited kla sister, Mrs,
Klmer Junes on Monday and Tnoaday.
Mr. Neadel suld kis fsraa last wk
but will remain her fur th preaoot,
and w bop wilt permanently karat
Bear our villas.
Nurrls' Young has beea apendlag
some time In Port la ad oa busiaeaa.
Miss Thompaua. of Htaffd. la visit
ing her Mailer, Mrs. Aubrey Wood.
Mr- Ckalupaky - i still . Improving
and we hop will soua bo well agala.
Th poatofflr is now located la
Jake Peter-, aew siore, ksvlag kwoa
muvd (turn the old stsad during the
A Uby boy welshing TH lbs, arrived,
at the home of Mr and Mrs. Jo E
ler, st Sherwond. on Hsturdsy. rbru
ary lath, and now Jo, who has ha
fur tiiaay yea, a floe Oddlr. aaar
dance to his atia s music. : ,
Alison luker went to Oregon City
and I'ortUnd on Friday, ret a rains '
Saturday. . ' - ' - .
Tb road meeting advertised to he i
held oo Tuesday. February 14th. waa j
postponed for oa wk on account
of the small sttrndanr.
Tk farsira are getung kuay with
their plowa now that the weather I.
more favorable. : i
The Motbrra' Club, of Corral Creek
school, bold a meeting la the acaool
bouse on Saturday afternoon and Is
punning to assist the tachr of the
school la giving a fare and program
in ib near fuiurk of which aanouno
ment will be given later. The pro-
reed, win go toward buying an organ
Ir toe srDool.
The property belonging to Aubrey
Wood ha been leased to an oil eonv
pany ana in. lane adjoining belong
ing to Alison linker, Norman Say, Ed
llaker. Chaa. liaker and Reed Graham
naa aiso oeea aoltcitee for Ike same
purpose, if tbe. property ownrs
sign up for a leas, prospecting for oil
will probably begin wiihla ntnetr days
Tb Methodist denomination holds
service every Sunday In tbe A. O.
W. W. hall, also Sunday school at twn
o clock. Everyone Is cordially Isvlted
to attena. .
Mr. Hartshorn, who la engaged tn
real estate business In our villas,
has purchased the N'endel farm, and
will move his family from Apple Dale
10 toe new bom. soon.
Dr. J. J Walters, of Portland, who
r r many years waa chaplain of the
Illinois state prison, will deliver a
lecture on "Crimes and Criminals" on
Saturday, February M. ln the A. O.
W. W. hall, at Wllsonvllle. at 7:10 n.
in. ur. waiters recently paid a visit
to the old prison snd gomes to us very
highly recommended by those who
aave had the pleasure of hearln him.
Admission will be 24c for adults, and
ic ior rntidren from nine to fifteen
years or age. The proceeds of the
evening are to go to lbe Epworth
ueague. ana win be used by them for
me ciceix-nt purpose of erecting a
Methodist church In our village. It
Is almost a dlagraee to Wllsonvllle
that we are compelled to meet In
rented halls for church services and
If we all pull together for a church
of some denomination there la no
que! ion put toai we can nulla one.
out ev.n if you are not Interested In
building a church. It will be well worth
your while to Invest 25c for the pur
pose of hearing thla noted lecturer.
re rang from & .. " "Ma a
Stat making invnnV
Jag too high Qwrtaooj"!
oc to, n thl.7a'!
that real ,hic. .ti .ST
spring ih msrk.t a uin Zjl
k; lock -Si
VEtiCTAIll -)nu ' '
IHe pouad. lurnip. :&s h,?
carrot, tke m , s
sack, cabbag. jr ptataC ' t-
XOUR-Utue cka.w
crop re porta ahowi.- ttSTT
prospects bar, . teaaUcy
tkeprw. laa-al fhia aajw J.
wheat tie lo Jic hither -k
wheat, oat. :, lo 2 ZT.
LSI to -H-7I hundr J!?,
kartyt.20. ;.t
IIArClover hay hrtaarilk
el III to f. timothy iTi Jry
fslfa aelllng i i 91
POt'LTKY Koosiers iv k-, .
and Ike, broiler, tt, agdlUi
grow. He. Fir., only essustal i
UtTTTER 4'uuntf cosuMaki
to 3e . pouad. creamery .
Chae selling at 0c aaeai
HIDrtS tlreen ie paaaf
dry hide Ue to Itr, abeaM.i
to e each - .- T7
WOOIzllrinta lCc Is lk at
saohalr Jlc to !fie 7-
Sc aad 7e. sJo dried K srasak
SALT Selling toe tsTStferl
IS In. sack, half groaad eXBt!
100 lhaara. . "
Oregon City Market. ,
Thera Is a lendene a
kef. In many Instances. Close finan
(lal condlllons In h v
ng slower and a general tendency to
IrarkniAtw kaa k.u.
.w.. uf u liuiuvn,
a-pl8 There Is lUtl. to note la
Arttttic Decor:
IVdl Fi;:
rf tkt (raw.a'IC
Vw'AW'Mtl WlWsatBl
U beat tlx Warti at
m. rkanbwaMy
mm an
Cure Your Rhc-T.:
(The Hsus. of IffW"
Sells roond-lrlp
months, allowing mmw -
accommodation s t--
Port and ts
A N- Bisn r
0.-W. R-
For further Informsuos
trated booklot, address
Phy, Medical Supt. ssd 1
Lake. Oreson. any OS, or write to
- WM. McMUR"Ay'
Osn.rsl Pssa
Try tfic Qasslfcd Cclccins oft-
J.J f--r
3000 RemDr
. .. . . : ...... . , . '
..... 1
, ; '.'( - . , ' " '