Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, February 24, 1911, Page 4, Image 4

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Women to Love
Hen to Admire
Wysteries to Solve
HOW would oo like to bar Gecrfe
Barr McOitcbeon, Coma Dok,
or. pernap. Iryini BacbcHcr, come into
roer bome to-dar and lei yoa ooc of
bis many delightful stories? WTaX
ooald be more fun than to try to solve
one of tbe deep mysteries created by
Gasioa Leroux or Mr. Dcr Icr
Around tbe clurcerof-cnoo;-re-
woven many entertaining stories. Tbere
are lovable women, and men to admire
is these novels. Of these characters.
many are famous, and their expeneoces
have been shared and enjoyed by thous
ands. There are more than 500 differ
ent titles.
t works of
taOy prlatea ud
ta clock.
men, Jaciuts aad fDaatra-
ia fall color, formerly
NOW 50c
We list few of the very recent titles
a complete list for the asking:
Taa Masic Master ... .CkarWs Klein
Doctor UvcaJar'i Pcaple . Mar(artt Debad
The I'sarper . .
Where Love Is . .
She That Hesitates .
Like Aaacber Helen
The Scarlet Empire .
The Yak . . .
"Doc" Garten
Tknui Dixan. Jr.
. William J. Lacke
. William J. Lacke
. . Harris Dickson'
. . Geerge Hactaa
. . DariiM. Parry
Rkafceth Miller
Mary Wilkiaa-Freeman
The TWra Defree . . Klei'a & Horanlaw
The Thirteenth District . Brand Whitlock
Caniaton . . . Winston Qarchill
Haver Hawkins Rakert Alexander Waaon
The Faskiaaaale Aercntart Darid Graham
f Jetbaa Craii . . . Phillips a
The Message ...... Laais Tracy
A Keck la the Baltic . . . Eaorrt Barr
Bnrtver Jim's Baby . . . P.. V Mifhelt,
led Mea'and White ... Owen Winter
W v-. nftMi ntlrevl rtw ntlW r?riirrutx bv iTAVcYuiS men and
br our friends how we hare built ud the largest drug ttore in the
state, except one in Portland, in to wnall a town as Oregon City.
The answer is easy: .
1st Quality goods firs!, last and always.
2nd Willingness to "make good" every just claim for disatis
f action. We do not consider a transaction dosed till our customer
is satisfied. ' ' , .
3rd The best clerks that we can hire; experiented, courteous,
well-paid clerks who take a personal pride in the business and have
the interest of ourcusiomealw
proprietors.'. i
4th A considerate charge system; that is open to every
honest man and woman.
- Yflft Yen Cnn
MX ft I
I I Sniih. A KhiI
I I LS-l-l.. . haa
Piece of Yoar Fen:.
m ..... ...
J SS Bid ptor. V' to,
lIuII. otn Ika - '
kJ fbtiJ 1hh lb MbMWlklwikt4M;iatclM
ll a. 11 awl ctttk o Itwltl ai c 4l,
Johnson's Wood Dye ij
M r not Muf a iwiKt aiaaaiag, II ta a laat. 1H
atr4 d. itial ir in lh karl 4 la aioa aa4 atay iat
- Siiaa-aa anj yfaaaMM tutu . .
J t.aoa t Woo.1 It ta aal ta II ataajard aiajaai
AS f A , A-a 4raua A Omm M riAmJ
(- Af" AM Orw AV Ifflt Urmf rAW' ll
Utlatai dataatiaia lukaaua'a Matattala tU a ta tW1
The brcaiest claim made by the avctac paint
dealer or paint maker, is that thctrproduct is 4ust
aif ood" as Sherwin-Williams. Tfcat in ttseli is a
nice compliment to Sherwm-Willlams Paint, but
most people after trying them all get back finally to
Sherwin-Williams as the kind that locks better,
last longer and foes farther than any other brand.
We are headquarters for
r "
B:sides everything that goes to make up a first
class paint store.
Send us your name on a crd and we will be
glad to liirnisrlyou with paint .information free ol
charge. -. .
Ytttrbzry Prescriptis
. .
caxa ran aaa anxzoT i.m
ovrrrr a.M
couc DaxJKX .Ta
oaka Kiixxn . .m
Ajmasrae roctnen ia
xxaumcTAlx. oaj. ; , . im
wonai rwflu -. M
rsrsn raa ra
. I.M
.'. .M
xara roarnn ,
oaaa Ttwnc . M
oo TOKIC...
IXT OIL, pm OaJl 1 . l.ta
"0ai vascfaai la? iaf
at. uva tnurrf
-ttacncu m mtmitua.
Free Samples and Literahire
At Our Store
New Remedies
Are being advertised . every
day-You don't need to send
away or wait just come to us
and you. will Ind us "there
with the goods. "Here are a
few taken at random:
QoinToner "
Boro-Ltstor Mmvol,
Cerol, Pinex.
Qotnola, Crystos
Loxor. Rose Kaylom,
Vilane Powder. '
1 McauLaxfnc.
INo one line of medkba
nave occn so popular btfort
They are
known from
Coast to Coast
and the one best store)
In each city or town
is appointed telling;
agents lor them, we
have every confidence I
in these products be
cause we know the
ingrcdents contained
in each one. -
Ta taratera ar rarmiac ta OU
' a taat aa ttrr eaa. expertise to ecf
aa crops, bat K is ratbr aara oa
aoaw of tas to fear to wan for ta
croaa4, to taav ovt of aaoraiac vaea
it frexca.
Mrs. C- L. Staodiscer. of East Mea
aosrbrook. was to ber fetber aad
father. Hi. aa4 Mrs. O. T. Kiy, 9a
ay. Mrs. Cotria mrw. to Liber! on tmst
acms Mo&day.
M- J. Lm, of Caafcr, a la ton
tai vk a twslBtss.
An7 Cottias, of MoUlla. sas Mfi
oa tb stiwu llo&tar.
Mr. aa4 Mrs. Coir! a were visitors
at Ota Cooper rn4De Siadir.
Ralpk H'Amtt m-t: to Orsoo ,C5tr
Taadar after vsi fta kof m&t
aich aaa aUH frnj Gastro, Ore
(oa. Taa Literary SceU-ty of tia Xaa-
dobrook high school rodwl i rerr
iaterttcf proarsai on Lincoln and
Waahlnroa day Friday afternoon. .
Mr. Q and family feaT rtnrad
I front aa rtadd riait to Denisoa.
' Iowa.
J K. Cola aas just received a fin
PoiazaJ Clica p! from Illinois: the
kind we rd aooqt which grow into
ho .aeiakir ahttiiiitjOHaai
notch The pic was tea days on. the
wy sad stood tfc trip very well, and
is much delighted wi'h the mild hir
of Otob As it cost Mr. Cole aioK
t dollar, per lb, to get the pig here!
he is iwX that be did not order
ooe of the grown hogs.
Very nice Ferosry weather aad
'he frmer are making good use of
The grip has laid hold of many
touseafiders atw this locality.
The families of J. I Ttht and
Carry Herman were calied to Oregon
City last Saturday oa account of the
iCnesa of Mrs. Wm. Melton.
-Bitf BiU- Edwards Gets Medal
For Bravery af Gaynor Shooting
MIsa Emma Vlck has gore to Cot
tage Grove for a few weeks' visit. :,
C. H B. Thomas has returned te
Eastern Washington to. -plow, aow.
reap, and mow" for the season, on the
0rwell ranch
Mr im Mrs. .urigs. of Portland,
were rtslting Chariie Harria Sunday
' Mr Harvey Henderson was a pleas
ant eajler at Meldrnm last week.
Mrs. Al Gill went to Portland 0
Monday. .
Erybody is having their spring
plowing drme and U keeps Mr. GUI
hour. ,
The Pastime Club met at Mrs, Chas
Moran s Monday and they tpent a
very pieaaant, . afternoon. . Mrs. S la
den and Mrs, Charley Ely, from Ore
gon City, were risitorg at tbe club.
Little Gladys Caldwell has the
Quite a few MeldrtJtn people went
to the chicken sapper at Gladstone
Clarence Fields has started bla new
ty) bungalow.
Mr. Ale GUI will soon startto make
brick. Last year he made SO) brick
a day and this year he wiU make' Sfctt
a day.
Anna Wiiefcart, of Oregon 1ty.-w a
calling on old friends last Sunday.
. Adolph Joehnke. who la still in the
bospitsl in Portland, is Improving
Bert Harvey, of Portland, spent his
holiday with hia parents at tbe farm.
. Warner Grange experts to have a
very Instructive meeting at their hall
in New Era next Saturday afternoon.
A number from hre Intend to be pres
ent. Miss Lassie McDonald gave her pup
ils a Valentine party last Friday afternoon.
A brother of Mrs. D. L. Boylan, from
Idaho, is making her a visit. Tbey
bad not seen each other for IS years.
It waa a very happy meeting,.
Entire ahaage of program tonight at
Electric Theatre.
ILUAM B. EDWARDS, battct kaowa aa "Bla BUT Edwards, baa
pawn BODorwa uj lam varnegia nero roaa eommlastoa, wblck baa
arantotr a maoai to aim bees use of his bravary. Taa official an
BonncenMBt of tbe award la aa follows: "William H. xdwaraa. all.
ytt madaL Edwarda, aged thlrty-tbrse, commissioner of street "'ng, aavad
' aa lndetarminaU person or Indeterminate persons tram being shot by aa as
., aassla, Hoboken, N. Jn Aug. 9. 1910. Hon, William J. Garner, mayor of tha
dty of New Tork, Just aavlnc been abot la tbe beaf at dose range on tha
. promenade dock of the steamship Kaiser Wllbaim dor Groase, and tha aaaall-
ant still facta the group about tba mayor wltb apralsed biatol, Commlaaioaer
' Edwards?, standing at the mayor's left side, threw films If npon the man and
' bora biaa ta tha dark apon bis back. Aa Ed wards fell oa top of hiss tba pistol
. waa dlaebaraed sgaia aad tba ballet erased Edwarda left forearm on tba
': aaderslde. Others harried to ptntoa tba maa'a anna, but before tbey aeeoai
passed tt tba pkstot waa dlaebanred a third time. Edwarda then arrested tba
asallaat Tba mayor aad Edwarda recovered from their Wounda." Tba
vtol that Edwarda gets la af sliver, and be la ooe of twenty -sii honored at
iaa racan meeang af ua eosnmlsalen In PVtaburg. Be waa highly praised
' . by tba nowspapsra for hia eoadaet wbea Mayor Oayaor waa abot Ha waa
xameaa memoer ac uta rrmcatoa football team. .
In Wednesdar'a issue of the P.nter.
prise was mibllshed tha arrnunt. nn.
der Fort Klamath date, of B. B. Bow-
m maKing a journey into tha wtlda to
poouw. i na won Klamath cor-
res Don dent aemla nnt lh. rnin,i.
under dau of Fab. S3: . i
No Trace . FoHitd of Missing photoo-
FORT KLAMATH. Or., Feb. tt.
Tha first aearchlng party looking for
B. B. Bowakl, tha Oregon City photog
rapher, baa returned, after flndin th
aledge and a aborel belonging to the
missing man, bat no trace of Bowski.
Another party la now aearchlng. It la
hoped that ha took refuge In one of
the few cablna la tha vicinity of the
ass, ana me party win make an ef
fort to locate tba build In ga. If Bow
akl perished la the enow. It will be Ilk
tie use to afemnt to find hia twwH anil
It will be burled la tha enow until late
la the apnng.
Read tha Morning Enterprise.
J Alstead and wife aent to Port'
land Friday. February 17, where Mrs
Aiaieaa ta receiving meoicai treat
Mr. H. H 'Ecclea waa taken down!
TnnrMiV alin the meaates Tht
makes three. 'time that Howard ha
had them, first he bad the Black
Measle. then the OrmU Variety. !
Vlihlm rWMigflataiai arte. 4fMniae
-"T j l . Jl sew-H naaeveaw
wlrnifSW daughter. Mrs. James pa
8 bsr. of nrw ood. -
Home of the farmers are thinking of
lung their farms for renting would
nd now he has the Scarlet Measlea
he is . wondertes If there are snr :
other kind ,
Messrs. A. linrdetie and 8. Terry
and Mrs. V; R. porter attended the!
Sundar Schrjl Instltnto at Portland I
Thursday and Friday. They reported (
1 mow in'er-ritg convention with I
excellent addrees.- .
Rev. Jame Moore, the .. District
Sipennendct of the Methodist
i : '
The Pstriotlc banquet and entertain
ment given by the Mount Pieaaant
Club at fhe assembly hall of Ihe
school house at that place Wednesday
evening waa one of tbe most enjoy
able andurcefu affalri ever given
church. w..(P7esef.t the regular fJ!'"
quarterly inference held it .the i k. .k.. 171 1 - "a.r'
'snby M. E. Church Thursdar mn.W'Jl.tT. BW TT1 ,n
ing; February; H. mi. Rev. Moor. ! . " ' Vv ' . S0 IorT
aa in lhe chir C V Rnml. ... i . - " ' u" pre.uijr
elected Secretary, and those present
were k. cry, Pastor, and A. U
Sneli. J. 8. Dirk. Mr. and Mrs. J. R.
Newton, J. W. Vlnacke, Mrs. Mander-
Ville and C. r Rnmlr all rarnt.r
membere of tbe qiiarterly conference;
Mr. Melvln has another carload of
Oregon Grape root ready to ship.
P. 1. Cotemsn. of Canby. la taking
onr pritiflpaL Mr. Cracraft's, plsce
In school during her lllneaa.
Misses Cora and Klva Moore, of
Oregon City, were visiting Ihelr grand
parents, Mr. and Mrs Wllleti Uat
week. .
Robert Incram went la WolalU tai
Oregon City os business this week. J
u. m. Keeiaugn snt Sunday in
Oregtn City. ,
a J. lierg. ooe of our enterprising
merrhsnts, waa In Portland on bual
neas Tbursdsy.
P. L. Colemsn. of Canby. baa been
secured -to fill the vacancy-mf Mrs.
Opal Crwraft. aa principal la our
school. Mrs. Crecraft having realgned
on account of lllneaa. We are sorry
to lose Mrs. Crecrsft. but glad to ae
ctire one so efriclent ss Mr. Coleman
to fill her place. Mr. Colemaa. being
a noted penman, la giving frea writing
-l.-c.ra ted uith . daffodlla and ferna.
were laden with all that tba market
could afford, and much praise was
given those who bed charge In prepar
ing the same. The banquet was
served from l to A o'clork. The rooms
and b-lde, these about nftVmVmbor. ! T??:?' dorsted for the . no
and frienda of the chorcb After the "7"" ,"'n or ", I lena lo all roun. oeonl. i. m. abT
regular routine of business waa gone ;7".r:""" "'' .na Uriel. The young imoo le ahould are
through. Rev. Moore made a most n'Zl TL'ZJZ MrColemana klndneaa and
cenent address. In which he empha-' I '. ' : 1 . T . " ak advantj
siieo sincerity, and oneness of pur- , 1h. ,Am"7' 7,.' " ----.-
pose In the fhrlatlaa'a life. Hi. sd- Amri'M:f,,B-'
dress wss intended to encoura'.e . '""""'"".'T ""I""' proeramma
those who had Just united with thiJ?Jun WM
church Afterward, refresbraenta. 1 !. !ry "u.m,,.r 'fpo,,.d.,B ,0 "n n
,,vw ,u IK m Hero, Lmugiasa
consisting of sandwiches, fruit sslad
ano conee, sere served by the Ladles'
J. Lv Comb m Me a hnsiaeaa irln in
Portland, being absent Thursday and
T. J. Gill, nrlndoal of the Canh
school, snent Rahhath. Fehmarv 10
at Portland visiting frienda.
me orsnd Cblckerlng piano se
cured by M. J. Lee's efforts for the
Methodist church arrived RatnrHav
morning and ia now ready for the
sunaay services. , it ta an Immense
Instrument snd no soubt will
to be a great help to the church choir.
Arrangements have been made
with C. F. Romlg to teach tbe River
side school during Mr. Ecclea' sick
ness. Mr. Rnmlr bee-ins work Mnn.
day, February 20.
Carl Dlllard haa been at The Dallea
during the- week. Ha returned in
Canby on Fridsv and renorta thlnea
quiet tbere and that Canby aulta him.
iter, uunn, or tha Christian church,
held his regular services here Rnnita
morning and evening, February It.
ptexi uunaay ia hia day at bis -other
charge; therefore there will be no
preaching aenricaa in tha Chrlatlaji
church, but they will bava their reg
ular sunaay school session at 10:00
o'clock A. M.; also their regular mid
week prayer meetings. Theae two
services are held each weak.
un uunaay at I o'clock tha Men's
Three O'clock Prayer Meeting waa
held la the Chrlatlaa church, Mr. J
K. Newton waa leader, and tba at
tendance waa fair. Next Sunday1 tbia
oitk: wm m seta in ne Methodist
church and Mr. Flshar win lead It.
Rer. Jamea Moore, tha Methodlat
Superintendent of tha Salem District,
who waa nresent for the .....
terly conference February 1 ra.
turned Sunday and preached In the
at. E. church In tha morning, Tha
service was well attended, and aeven
memberablp. Thle makes twentyls
addUlon. in-avll ta tha paat two Bui
Peopla ara beginning to maka gar
den aitenalvely alread?. c. U Batea
planted. ' v-aeisoiea
King and Arnold Ilalmer; recitation.
"Rolert's Resolution," Louis Forward :
chorus from the seventh, eighth and
ninth grades of the Mount Plessant
school under the direction of Prof.
Slevers, vocal selection; Mrs. Worley
recitation, "George Washington's
Mstchet Leona Kellogg, who was
dressed In Martha Washington coa-i
tume; chorus, pupils of the seventh,
eighth and ninth grsdes; duet, Rosalie
and Arnold Bslruer, accompanied by
Miss Ulllan Maimer; solo, Mrs. Wor-
Tfj proceeds of the affair will go
towards the sidewalk fund, a aldewalk
to be constructed along the Holmes'
road and the other along the Kellogg
road, arfd . the committees having
charge of the affair will proceed at
once to have the work completed, aa
a neat sum was the result of the ban
quet and entertainment last night.
Get yourlca from" the Jce man
Electric Theatre tonight. ' .
vantaaa tit thla nnnnrliinll
Frank Jeaaa snd wife, nf Pnrllan
are here visiting Frank'a parenta and
Frank Is doing some tree pruning on
his rsnch. We hope to have Frank
and wife with ua aa realdenta In the
near future.
Mr. Melvln baa been -very til with
the grip and heart trouble, bat In Im-
proving slowly.
Mrs. Andrus bit test ftfe 1'
with the grip.
Mm. Ausvs. who has bwaank
with pneumonia. Is able lanirsaw
I li a Vn,taa aala
kl laa Anderaoa. our nritnarr
went to PoriUnd Ust rridsynnnt
Saturday evening for the aaaea
Tba danc was a aacceas Uixi
evening, there being a tarn irvr
and all en)oyed a good Una. K
were aeea from all neighboriai ar
Flrdy Rodby.-of Portiaaa, awt
tbe dsnce here Haturdsy avsslat
. Mlseea Josle snd Oracle Us1'
Woodbura. and Flrdy Rodhy, Dt
Mlaa ilattle lr in Sunday. .
Mlaa Cora Brg gave a nkC
party to her many young ra;
rrograsslve games, were siayel f
pit en)oyed tbe.evrilng.
k.. ..I I f ..I alka aukai I
- a i . uuihi w.w.
think of gardening while la ua
people ara freeilng to essta.
a contrast la It not?
Miss Qina Slotsgrr u n i
Tha Ladles Aid met ana am
Jobaaon Wednesday. v
Washington s blrthdsy wM taart
br cloalng. the achonl.
- Fred Armstrong, who Is warWaj
Portland, and Eddie Hoafc af t-
toad, attended the doaoa
BighL "-
Mr. aad Mrs. Paul Holte rati
Portiaad Sunday evening.
Mrs. J. J. Wurfer took M I
daughter, Irene, to rortUad 11
to see a physician aa tha call a
to ba railing In strength J";
Mlaaea Bessie and Ulna BraVaf
home on a visit from Portlaai
We have been enjoying some quit
flne weather the paat few days.
Mra. viola Douglass and son, Roy,
ere!,Estacada visitors one day last
week. w""jN-
J. F. Browar, a former resident of
thla place, ?eed through here tbe
latter part of laat week, atopplng over
night with Mr. and Mra. HowletL Mr
Brower ia out taking orders for the
Oregon Nursery Company.
.J'T' AWooal" over to bla farm
tha first of tha week. '
...Mr; wd M7 WooJ, mir
talned Mr. and Mra. Howlett at din
ner Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs Pha.taa ... ...
.hmren' Armada and Perry, warn
Roy Douslaaa aa a n.ii.
tor laat week. v.-
I Little Mildred anif Brlnala
called on Fanny Brownrlgg Sunday.
Mra. R. a oibaon and Mlaa Rosa
Moennke apent a vary pieaaant after
noon with Mra. Huntington Sunday.
. J: tH0"011 bualnaaa trip
to Portland Tuaaday.-
Government of th:
City Is a Businea
r SMIL UIDIL aeeiaiiat Mirer of Mllwsebs.
Ml I a I ,A AMlAl 1 A . .llll THE I
r-va.iv wrriwiALS Ann EMPLOYED TO nwn
...If citj can furniah iu stockholders with cheap-commoditi
nter into the cost of living, then it in the DUTY OF ITS SL
ANTS to see that mraaures are adopted which will hring toB,t
innch desired result - .
Tlie greatest prollerri confronting-tht American people
the COr 0 UVIXO. It is the duty of erery officisl to i
this problem long and carefnllj. I think that the bipgwt
In the cost of msintaining the home is the MEAT BILL r
No set of men ever exercised the power that these men I
AND CIIILD IN THE WORLD. TnerttaVted out poor
ainglo exception., 1 ' '
Erery locality . t57ace different conditions. Rural dUtH '
free from the problema that confront the congested localities
ITS OWN LAWS, provided they do not Infringe on the r
the entire people of the aUU or nation t '
u 'IJ. "iIS ,T$ 0L0,,y 0V THE ENTIrtl .
Ulnlar wIUI7, HV' ,N' H0ULDNT ME AtW-