Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, February 23, 1911, Page 3, Image 3

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. , i
T K o
Men's 50c Work Shifts
with slight imperfections '
For Saturday Only ; 1 r""
2 for 50c v" .
local BRiers
(.hrH tilrl Contest tonight at
rtirwl iK iitro. -
n.rrv Wimdward, who tiaa bu
L ,11 f..r tha pit four week with
,,Ut f. w r. la Improving.
The Ai',ri",,hr rang will meet at
, tirutiKe hH Haiurday. when an
I ,y ting will be held, with a
,rr lit h'H'H for the membera.
Ihin't tnlH" the t'horua Olrl'a Con
,t lon'iKbt Electric Theatre. v
The assigned for the d
, ,i tleiinniil last night waa, "Ho
IvimI Tbiil There are More I'lea
rt lii SIiik Than In a Married
The-tu-K. society of the I'reabyter
p rhiin li will Kl. ,,'' on Friday
filing I" 'I1" parlora of the church,
lere will be a allver offering for the
(inyloul limlfrey, who la taking a
mrne In nn-dU Ine at the Oregon Agri.
iltural toll'-K". arrived home thla
,,.,mn will spend hie mld-wlutur f 10 ditye with hla parent,
r and Mr W. It. Oodfrey, of thla
The UtilNH Aid of ZUm Lutheran
mrrb will meet at the parsonage
1, (ftcriicHiii at S o'clock. . Mm.
irlitlne Mart man la the president of
r kmIi-iv. iii"l there will be matter
Importance to come before the an.
ny "
There i talk of opening up Adama
reit "l niKkliig It a pleasant one
llva mi To that end friend of the
ovFini-iit were taking a Census Tuea
iy to rind out If (Miaalble If the mat
r could be pushed .through If the
mt petition waa jiut Into rlrcula
n . - ';
j.'(ios-iiii'll'r, of flhubel, waa in
m city on business Wednesday.
The ti'ln Aid of h I'reabyterlan
iurrb iti'' Wednesday afternoon at
home of I f. KJy for an afternoon
work -Th' ie were ten ladlea pre
it. and tli' ladle congratulate thom
ires Unit Oils waa a good atart to
trd imliilitiK up a at rung organlta
n. A larxe force of workmen are en
iKml In excavating on Jfferon
reel, lo'iir the Presbyterian church,
id h n the work la completed that
ill be one f the beat atreeta In the
ly. Tbcr lg a large quantity of
ri and - twk to- move - before the
reet will be computed, but when Ic
completed It will be a great Ira
im prut r that part of the city.
Chiru (ilrl'e Conteat tonight at
Iwirlc Theatre.
The ChrUtlan Kndeavor of the Prea-rtt-rlan
rhurrb ha been making a
udy for the aat few montha of
lulon Work In South America. That
pic will be completed at the meeting
in Suitilny evening, and thoae who
iva trti ii engnKed In It report that
hu Ixcn both an entertaining and
ufltaliln Htudy. The aoclety haa not
it decided Juat what topla It will
V up for the next few montha, but
li likely to make choice of anme
te topic for In doing ao It feela that
ore good can bo accompllHhed than
rlDit Ht thlnga haphazard.
Rolxrt Mct'llntock haa moved from
late home on' Sixteenth alreet to
Nelnon farm, near the cemetery.
Walter Sigf red
Everything different nothing, repeated. New
songs, new donees. I (Sir la Contest To-Might
TWO SHOWS 7:30 and 3:45-1 5c, 20c
Entire Change of Ptogram Again Friday
(Q Store
mra. ii. t. Mr limit entertained a
few friend. Wodneaday afternoon In a
delightful manner.
The Morning Kuterplae.baa ao far
won Ha way that aeveral iwople have
Informed ua that they read It In I ho
morning before taking up the Oregon
Inn. Which I aomelhliig gained In
the battle for sufficient upport to
make the paper profitable.
Mr. Hamuol Koake, flr, of Clacka
piaa. U very ill at thla writing.
Mm. Ida Warren, of Oak Grove, waa
In thla city on bualnea yeaterday
Mr-WalTer tMnito. of Portland, waa
the gueat of frlenda In the city Wed
neaday. Mia l.ydla Hornachuch, of Bhubel.
waa vlalilng frleuda In the city on
Mr.. and Mra. Rtagman, of 8hubel,
were bualneaa . vlaltor In the city
Mr. Walter Ileal, of Vancouver, II.
C. waa In tba city yeaterday vlaltlng
hi aunt, Mr. Hickman.
Mr. and Mra. W. A. Holme, of Park
plnce. eiit Tuoaduy In A'ortland I ho
gueai of ,I.aud Mra. ftart.
Mr. and Mra. Tragcr. of Parkplare,
who have been- vlalilng with frlenda
In Portland, returned to their home
Mra. K. Warner, living at N'lnth and
j. Q. Adama, who la an elderly lady,
la very III and frlenda are alarmed aa
to, hr condition.
Mr, and Mra. W. A. Hhewman. and
their gueat, Mra. M. Andrewa, of
pennaylvunla, went to Portland laat
night, where they attended the grand
ball given by the Mytlc. of Myrtle
Lodge la the Maaonlo Temple.
Judge J. R. Kelao, A. I Dolatad,
Mayor Strolb, J. A. Peteraou, Henry
IMnlng, Mr. Rarnea, A. II. Dowllngv
Kred I-hman and Warren Knight,
prominent realdenta of, Mtlwaukle,
were In thla city yeaterday on bual
neaa. v Mr. ). K. Mil real estate man who
haa been alck the paat ten daya, made
a atart to go to wladatone Wednesday
but a trie tolheJrtrae to get the car
abowed Mm bow weak he waa and he
turned around and went to hi office
Rev. and . Mr. H. Hornacbuch. of
Portland, were calling on Oregon City
friend Wedneaday a they paaaed
through the city on their way to Bhub
el. Mr. llornachuh'a mother la very
III and they were called 16 be at her
bedalde and comfort her.
Madam de 8a Ton, a literary woman
from Houaton, Texaa, who la vlalilng
In thla part of the Weat, waa a caller
at the home of Mr. and Mra. C M.
Dye Wedneaday. The lady la well
known aa a popular author In and
around heT home city and la gathering
materlala for future literary work.
Tha following have reglatered at the
Electric hotel: C. C. Hall, Mra. C.
C. Hall. Portland; Fred Schafer. Mo
lalla; Lao Bhaver, Molalla; Rimer
Sawtell, Molulta; J. J. McUrown, Tort-
land;-J. A. MeAdama, Baieni; 11. I.
McKenxle, Portland; Henry McKln
ncy, H. T. McKlnney, Portland.
all CD)
C. A.
Mamie, haslaM
' In Tnot runny force
Plans Being Prpard for a
Auld Scotch Tim.
Dana art being perfected for a
Bobby Burn day at th Chautauqua
Oil summer. There ar many ad
mire of the Scotch xt In fiacka
ma and Multnomah count lea, and not
a few Scotchmen among them. While
any lover of nurna and hla writing
will be eligible for that occasion, at 111
thr will be an effort out forth to
, hav aeveral down-right Scotchmen In
jtha ilaf," all primed for tha occa
I 'Ion with tha beat of Scotch wit and
I Scotch philosophy. If you know of
; any feature worthy tb cause don't
, be backward In telling tba Chautauqua
I people of It.
The young people of the Catholic
church were buay Monday evening
mailing out Invltatlona for their dance,
to be given Monday evening. February
17. Plana are making for a very
pleaaant affair. ,
Panay Work Per Children.
Tbe children often come to you and
aak for eotuethliig to do. aouielblng to
make, for a cblld'a Ideaa are alwaya
creative. Here I aome rainy day work
for buay flngere: -.
A wall match holder ran be made on
a foundation of cardloard cut out In a
diamond, tbo uptn-r portion of which
la much lnrger than the lower. Fold
the' twf lowvr etida upward ao aa to
form a pocket and cover tbe wbolo
with allk or any bright colored fubrlc.
Then bind wllb heavy cord aud attach
a ring to limit It ti by.
A hanging plncuabluu la alao eaally
made. Cut out two piece atxmt Or
or alx liicbea aquare from biiatol
board and cover one ' with figured
mattrlal and one With plain. Hew
them . together and then bend ' the
aiuare tbita formed Into a cornucopia"
ehape, with tbe plain aide aa the lin
ing. HI ud with cord and leave a loop
to bang by. Fill with abaorbeot cot
ton or with bran all the way to the
top and aew allk tightly brer It. Cot
ton la better, aa bran la rather heavy.
A button MtiwlM-r tuay be made by
cutting a circle of bright colored allk.
buttonholed to cardboard or cartridge
paier. and- then aeveral other circle
of chamola a bit auialler. Fasten all
together with a large ornamental but
ton. Fven tbe amallcMt child can make
A almpte foot tool ahould be made
of a. atrong wooden twi with the lid
nalkd. firmly down, ftcrew on email
caatera and pad the top of the- box.
Cover with coarae canvaa. Now cut
out a piece of brocade In tbe abape of
a croa and large enough to cover tbe
top and aides -of tbe bog after pad
ding. Nail tbla down and Snlah off
tbe edge by furniture gimp beld down
by tiny bran tacks. Tbla la something
for tbe boys to make. -
Heepa Per Children.
Tbe opinion 1 expreased by men who
have made a study of exercise for
health that It Is a pity the skipping
rope and hoop bave gone out of fash
ion for children.
It la auKgi-Hted they are more excel
lent mcdlevn for the physical devel
opment than bicycle ami roller skate
The fact tbnt amah children are at
lowed to have bicycle aud conse
quently make no use of nature'a mean
of progression fat-offered as an object
Hon to them.
Tbe skipping rope and boop require
them to run and walk. Young children
ahould be em-ouratrcd to do tbla aa
much aa ptmidblo. and always with a
springy atop. They need to use thcti
feet and legs, nnd exercise that bring
these Into play la benetbiul.
In the Nursery.
Bable about a year old take a great
delight In throwing their toy on th
ground, often for the pleasure of seeing
the mother pick them up again or to
bear tbe noise made tu fall lug. Tie tbe
toy with aoft strlnjr to tbe child'
chair and they will lie easily replaced
without any effort on the mother' or
Durse'a part.
Don't mis the Chorus Girl Con
test tonight at Electric Theatre.
. .LAS VEGAS, N. Feb. 22. Hitter
ly cold weather ha followed the four
day' atorm which ha covered the
Bout he wiit under deep blanket of
enow. Temperature In Northeastern
New Mexico laat night ranged from I
to 20 below aero. Tbe range are bur
ied beneath two feet of now and
loaaea among cattle' and eheep are
sure to rcault.
The new dwelling of J. II. Bnyd.r,
In Ijho addition juat across the 8. V.
It.. It. near Kx-Mayor Khlndler'a, 1
fast approaching completion.
Mr. Bhlndler and hi son, Leo, are
building a neat llttlo cottage for E.
M. Huff. In the eame addition.
Gardening will eoon be the order of
the day, alnce good weather haa come.
W. K. Moffitt I, out again getting
busy. He la still figuring on putting
up a building next to the poatofflce.
Tried to buy a piece of ground from
Wlaalngor and put up a confectionery
Party here looking fur a location on
the main atreet.-
IluHltieaa' never looked better1 In
Mllwaukle than right now and with
the afreet work to go ahead In the
near future everyone ought to don the
aflle that will refns to "wear away,"
and tbe old familiar song of "please
go way and let me sleep" Is a thing
of the past, for Mllwaukle la begin
ning to wear tbe garb or a buay burg
and all look forward to a prosperous
We are glad to learn Rue liarnea la
Improving and will soon be able to
leave the hospital.
Mra. Magle Johnaon waa in Portland
on bualneaa Wednesday:! .
Reginald Witt 1 home for a few
days' visit with bis parents, from O.
A. C, at Corvallls. "
Kuta Klkln I alck with a aevere
Seven nuplla In Miss Carter'a class
are absent from achool on account of
colda and la grippe.
Mrs. Shaw waa unabl to attend
school Tuuiday on account of sick
ness. Mrs. J. Bnyder and several otbera
attended the Eastern Star lodge In
Portland Monday evening.
Mra. J. oillver and daughter, Lillian,
of Bellwood, were Mllwaukle vlaliora
lild Roberta, the amiable black
smith, waa In Oak Grove Sunday even.
Ing visiting frleuda.
About twenty-five of Mllwaukie'a
prominent cltlrena spent Wednesday
In Oregon City talking up tbe rate
caae. Tbe noted ones were Mayor
Btreib, Loading, DowIIiir, Knight, Kel
ao. Humes and others.
Tbe City Engineer Is preparing
plana and speclftcatlona and eptjinate
of cost forMaln atreet. v
An adjourned meeting of tbe City
Council will be held Thursday even
ing, March 2.
Mt. Hood R. U P. Co. made ap
plication for a franchise through Mll
waukle. Thla waa referred to a com
mittee for Investigation.
Mr. K. E. Maple and aona, Sherman
and Roland, of Portland, spent Thura
dav evening with Mra. Ella Maple.
Mra. Annie Mullen waa a Portland
vlaltor Frldas. -
Mra. A. Parallua. was in Oregon City
Thursday. .
Mra. Ella Maple paid visit to her
eon and family In Sunnyside Friday.
Roland and Sherman Maple apent
Saturday and Sunday with their grand
parents. Mr. and Mra. Geo. Maple.
. Mr. Grlxxel and aon, Lewis, were
Mllwaukle callers Sunday eveulng.
A.' It. Twllng and wife were Sell
wood vtaitors Tuesday evening.
Tbe basket social and spelling
match, given by the men of the Mil
waukie Cr'.nso. was a social aucceaa
Miaa Ka.e Cnsto won the first prlxe
aa beat speller. Mrs. Caato received
tbe second prize and Mis Nellie Win
aewreed the prlxe for tbe basket
brlna-lnc the highest price. The bas
ket were iiainty and the lunch en
loved hv all present
v The play given by the Mothers' and
Teacher' Club wai a grand bucc.
Twenty-lght dollar were the net pro
ceed to be used for tbe gymnasium.
W want to make special mention of
Mra. Gledlull aa the -old maid," Mr.
Eddlson Edwards aa "Ruben," the
quartette of male voice, the gypsy
fortune teller, the fake doctor.- and
Dorothy Wlaslnger a pianist, also
her aolo. 'In fact everyone deaervea
credit In making the play a aucceaa.
Church Notea.
. Evangelical church. Rev. E. Rade
baueh paator. Sunday achool, 10:30
a. m.. Fred Bergermler auperlntend
ent. Services 11:30 by paator. Y. P.
A. at 7 p. n. Preaching at 8 p. m.
Prayer meeting Wedneaday evening.
Teachers, training Thursday evening.
rholr nractlce Friday evening.
- Mr, and Mr. O. Witte are receiving
the congratulations on the arrival of
a aon Monday. , Dr. Townly la in at
P. L Coleman, of Canby, haa been
secured to fill the vacancy of Mr.
Opal Crecraft, as principal In our
school, Mr. Crecraft having resigned
on account of lllncsa. We are aorry
to lose Mra. Crecraft, but glad to ae
cure one o efficient aa Mr. Coleman
to fill her place. Mr. Coleman, being
a noted penman, is giving free writing
Icaaona to all young people In the dis
trict. The young people should ap
preciate Mr. Coleman' klndneaa and
all take advantage of thla opportunity.
; Frank Jeaa-.and wife, of Portland,
are here vlaltlng Frank' parenta and
Frank la doing some tree pruning on
hi ranch. W hope to bave Frank
and wife with ua a resident In the
near future. . ,.v
Mr. Melvln ha been very 111 with
the grip and heart trouble, but la Im
proving lowly.
. Mr. Andni ha been Quite lck
with the grip. .
Mrs. Ausve, who haa been very low
with pneumonia, la able to be around
tbe bouae again.
t Put Yourself in the
- . t
t Ad-Readers Placed
When you write your classified
ad or any kind of an ad try to
Include In It Just the Information
you'd like to find If you were an )
ad-reader and were looking for an
ad of that kind. .
,. It yon do thla to even a ama.ll
extent your . ad will bring Re-
. Mia Anderson, our primary teacher,
went to Portland laat Friday returning
Saturday evening for the dance.
Tbe dance was a succesa Saturday
evening, there being a large crowd,
and all enjoyed a good time. Faces
were seen from all neighboring towns.
Flrdy Rodby, of Portland, attended
the dance here Saturday evenlog.
Mlaaea Joale and Grade Llndabl of
Woodburn, and Flrdy Rodby, visited
Mis Hattle Irwin Sunday.,
Mlaa Cora ilerg gave a' valentine
party to her many young friends.
Progressive game wer played a ad
all enjoyed the evening.
Thla beautiful weather makee all
think of gardening while In tbe Eaat
people are freezing to death. Quite
a contrast I It notf '
Mlaa Glna Slotager wa In Aurora
The Ladle Aid met with Mr. B.
Johnaon Wedneaday. '
Waahlngton'a birthday waa observed
by closing tbe school.
Fred Armstrong, who Is working In
Portland, and Eddie Hoag, of Port-land,-
attended tbe. dance Saturday
Mr. and Mra, Paul Holte went to
Portland Sunday evening.
Mrs. J. J. Wurfel took her little
daughter, Irene, to Portland Monday
to aee a phyalcian as the child seem
to be failing in strength all the time.
Misses Tjeaale and Glna Bruding are
borne on a visit from Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Jaa. Ogle, of Aurora,
were vlalilng Jlm'a parenta Sunday.
Edwin Jaaper, of Mount Angel, cous
in of Mrs. Wurbel, visited at the Wur-
bel borne Sunday. - .
Ed Grace bad aawed down trees and
Is Improving bi farm.
Mr. Hkag I harrowing, lie i get
ting ready to sow oat. -
W. G. Kllensmlth is sawing wooa
for Mr. II. Kllensmlih.
Mr. Wlrti from Highland waa in
Clarke during the week on bualness.
We have been enjoying some quite
fine weather the past few days.
Mrs. Viola Douglass and aon, ttoy,
were Eatacada visitor one day laat
J F. Brower. a former resident or
this place, passed through here the
latter part of last week, stopping over
night with Mr. and Mrs. Howlett. Mr.
Brower Is out taking order for the
Oregon Nursery Company.
J. P Woodle waa over to nia larm
the first of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Woodle enter-
talned Mr. and Mr. Howlett at din
ner Sunday. -
Mr. and Mra. Charle Murphy.anq
children. Armeda nd Perry, were
vlaltlng with Mr. and Mr. Clark sun-
day afternoon. -
Roy Douglas was a i-oniaua vis
itor laat week.
Uttle Mildred and Florls Douglas
called on Fanny Brownrlgg Sunday. "
Mrs -R. B. Gibson and Miss Kosa
Mochnke spent a very pleasant after
noon with Mr. Huntington. Sunday.
H. S. Gibaon made a buainesa inp
to Portland Tuesday.
Mra. Viola Douglass pentJ&unaay
with her daughter, Mrs. James De-
Shazer, of Firwood.
Some of the farmers are ininaing oi
selling their farms for renting would
be cheaper than paying such high
taxes. ' .
Mr. Sullivan, the road supervisor
of District No. 20. with a number of
men. were doing aome much needed
road work last week.
Mr. Axlne was hauling hay for E.
Trigg last Tuesday.
Bert Palmer, who had been trapping
in the hills, is a visitor at Colton.
Messrs. Geo. Wallace and Bill Hett
man and families from Bee Hllla,
moved Into the old atore last week.
Henry Flacher Is working for W.
S. Gorbett. -
Mr. and Mrs. C. Haag. of Timber
grove, were business visitor at Col
ton Tuesday.
Mr. and Mr. Erlckson and G-and-ma
Dlx were visiting kt J. Putts' last
W. E. Bonney was butcnerlng hogs
-Bobble," the trapper, caught a bob
cat last Tuesday.
J. Petterson took a trip to Timber-
grove one day last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ball and children
were visiting with Mr. and Mrs. W. E
Bonney Sunday."
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Kandle re
turned to Highland after a short stay
at their ranch In the hills last Satur
day. W. S. Dix had aome chopping done
at 3. Putza' Monday.
W. E. Bonney and son, D. J. Bon
ney. of Elwood. transacted ousiness
at Oregon City last Thursday.
MIm Katie Lafferty attended the
dance at Elwood given by Mr. Bittner
Saturday evening, jtnd reports a fine
Lew Hubbard traded horse with
John Moehnke. of Shubel. Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ball made a busi
ness trip to Oregon City Thursday
and returned Friday.
John Jones left for Highland Mon
day. U. S. Di called on Johnny Country
man, who I atlll confined to his bed.
laat Sunday.
E. Burgland waa a business visitor
at Elwood Monday.
W. 8. Gorbett made a trip to Bee
Hllla the first part of the week.
C. 8tromRreen waa hauling grain
from Clarkea last Friday.
Walter Gorbett is busy logging with
three team this week.
General Jonea and J. Put visited
with Mr. C. Oorbett laat Sunday.
The' Kelsecker boy killed a wild
cat and a coyote In the neighborhood
Iftftt wck.
John Sinclair and Hule Cassldy dug
twenty sack of potatoe Monday.
Mr. and Mra. Ray Murray bave
moved to Cberry vllle to run the ranch
for their father, Mr: J. T. Frlel.
A new et of library book haa
been received, and everyone 1 cor
dtallv Invited to come and look them
over; you will aurely And something
to suit you, a many book by tbe
best authora are-to be found among
All enjoyed the entertainment Sat
urday evening.' The nan wa wen
filled la aulte of muddy roads, but
the weather .wa Ideal. The, achool
c'llldren ffla exceptionally well. A
itnmkAf ft AtatoBTuea were rendered in
Drat claaa hape. and caused much
arauaement, especially one of the chll
iimn acttne the nart of a monkey.
Raymond Howe ha gone to Prlne-
vllle, Oregon,, to Join , jacg, jawiea.
where he expert to work tor a while.
A petition has been circulated In
thla community in favor of the Par
cel Post with the. hop ef Interest
ing people In general on thla subject.
Clalr Corey pent a few day in the
city laat week, and on hla return horn
received a ahower of wheat and rice.
Antone Malar returned from tbe
Oregon Agricultural College Monday.
Several young people met at Ed
Hart' Friday evening to rehear
dialogue for the entertainment Sat
urday evening.
Jamea I Will, came up from Sandy
Ridge to attend tbe entertainment.
Mra. B. F. Hart visited her father
at Cherryvllle Sunday.
Mr. J. O. DeShaxer had an attack
of tbe grip last j week, but I Improv
ing. ; -
Dover I planning to have another
Mlas Ethel Hart returned to Monta
villa after spending a few day at Fir
wood. ' The Miller families are occupying
the Filing's house, until Mr. Walton
geta a new bouae built on hUs ranch.
There la nothing, to be desired In
Stafford In the way of Climate for
February weather, and only eight
days more to hear from.
The sick as far as beard from are
being benefitted by tbe bright days.
Mrs. Powell la able to walk about
the house. Grace Ticdeman I stay
ing with them a few day, since the
nurse, Miss Stone, left.
Sidney Sudllng Is Improving rapidly
from bis severe Illness.
Mr. and Mrs. . Chapel, and son,
Franklin, arrived at Mr Gage' from
Michigan on Saturday, February 18.
They were In search of a home, where
It has less winter than on the shores
of Lake Michigan, and bad travelled
aa far south as Texaa; then up thru
California, atopping on their way,
three daya at Lo Angeles, which
place they did not like at all, aa there
was a cold rain all the time they were
there. They think now they will buy
in Rogue River Valley, aa It seem
to suit' them best, and they think that
aomewhat dryer climate than that of
Willamette Valley.
Evie Hoi ton I at her Grandma
Gage' place.
Tbe Infant child 6f Sam Moser died
on Tuesday morning.
Joe Nemec has been splitting a lot
of stove wood for Mr. Gage. -
The fields already sown to grain
look green aa early summer.
Crocuses and. daisies are In bloom.
Mr. Nussbaum went to Clackamaa
last week and got powder for himself
and Mr. Gage to blow out aome
stumps. They claim it la better to
put under Just enough of the explosive
to tear the roots loose Instead of
making a great bole to be filled up
with a good deal of labor, and scatter
ing tbe good top soil to the four point
of the com pas, leaving an unproduc
tive clay which shows in a field for
years sometimes.
Hens have commenced to wake to
tbelr duty and In consequence tbe
price of eggs has come down gradu
ally, till now the stingiest man can
eat two at a meal.
The sun I shining again, and every
body has the spring fever, as they are
working in their gardens.
J. M. GUIett has rented Mrs. Jim
Mann'a Iota and la getting the ground
ready for potatoes.
Mr. B. F. Ginn returned from Salem
Sunday evening after having spent
two daya visiting her daughter, Mr.
Charles Shumway. - '
Mrs. W. H. Clark mother. Grand
ma Grant, la very alck with bronchial
trouble. "
J. Mallatr, Sr., of Mullno, was In
ibis vicinity last week, viewing tbe
property, as he la going Into the real
estate business for tbe summer.
Harry Confer, who worka In Port
land, visited his parenta last week on
Friday and attended the Mountain
View Improvement Club meet In if.
Harry Schlotb. a student of the O.
A. C. at Corvallls, la at home on a
ten-days' vacation.
R, M. C. Brown has some of the
lumber hauled for hla new bungalow
to be erected in the near future.
Everett Hickman, of Spokane, Wn.,
Is visiting his mother, Mr. A. G,
Hickman this week.
Mr. J. P. Roehl is still seriously 111
her son. Will Jones, of Cams, being
with her.
Mrs. R. M. C. Brown is visiting Mrs.
J. Baker, of Beaver Creek.
Mrs. J. H. Quinn was called to "the
bedside of Mrs. Meldon on J. Q.
Adams street last week on Saturday.
Rev. C. B. Hyson and son have gone
to Eastern Oregon, and their famillea
have taken rooms with Mr. Swanson
and lamlly until they get settled.
Mr. Frank Stillwell went to Bandon
Tuesday to visit hia aged mother.
Mr. Hover and family, of Duane St.(
moved to Park Place Monday, where
thev have bought property.
Mr. Frank Bullard went to Redland
Monday to do some spring work on
tbelr farm.
Charlie Dickey Is hauling rock for
the foundation of their new house.
Mr. J. Hofstead and wife are pack
ing their household goods and will go
to their new, home in Vancouver, B.
C., this week.
D. Spatx and family bave fully re
covered from la grippe.
Macule Ranol. niece of Professor
T. J. Gary was visiting her grandmoth
er in this burg last Spnday.
Grandpa Moldenhaur has returnea
from Portland, where he has been vis
iting with relativea for ten days, jus
health Is not of the best.
Mis Marthla Grass Is reported a
little better In health, after having a
hattle between lire and death. Dr.
Mount Is in attendance.
C. Christanson, of Mullno, a paBt
resident of Willamette, wa at Port
land Monday where he purchased a
span of horses. On the way home be
visited with hia two aon, Jamea and
Charley, of this place.
The Willamette band boy Inst Sun
day had their first street drill, it be
ing a nice day and under the direc
tion of young Moehnke entertained
the residents of Willamette. There
are 12 members In the band.
Many people of Willamette, Bolton
and Oregon City bought a through
ticket from the Tualatin to Bolton
nav as vou enter car on Sunday. A
good time waa enjoyed.
Mrs. Johane Johnson of this place
was taken seriously 111 Monday of thla
week. Dr. Mount wa. summoned Im
mediately and gave relief.
J. Vosberg, who met with a serious
accident laat Sunday, I Improving and
a apeedy recovery la hoped for. -
- J. W. River and McGregory have
their new well drill ready to leave
the Oregon City machine hop to be
gin work on the Wert Sid.
( i . ,j , . . ; :
Notice under, thee claaalflad heading
will b. tnmrtad at on. cant a word, first
Insertion,' halt a cent additional inaar-
tlons. . On. tn-h card,-It pr mnnth; half
Inch card. line.) II pr mnath.
Ch aniMt imompin mr unlea an.
h. tn opn aonounl with th paper. N
financial responsibility for arror; whar.
arrur oecur fra aorraetrd not Ira will hm
printed for patron. Minimum char, llo,
WANTED 8mall advertisement for
thla column. Price vary reason
able. Bee rate at head of column.
to let by contract, plan to be eea
at W. F. Harri' residence at liar
ria' aaw mill, out B mile near the
Highland road.
FOR SALE Phonograph, 12S record,
original coat $90, fine shape, will
sell for $35; also number of piece
of household furniture will sell At
. a bargain. 221 13th street, or phone
Main 3332.
FOR SALE 10 acre orchard land;'
7 acre planted to apple trees; 7
room bouse, small bars; mile
from Oregon City on good road;
$3,600; terms for quick sale. Tele
phone Farmer 213. S. R. Cogan,
R. F. D. No. 2, Box - 13V Oregon
City, Oregon.
FOR RENT Room In the Gambrinus
block, tbe Electric Hotel Annex, at
reasonable rate. For particular
Inquire of J. J. Tobin, at tbe Elec
tric Hotel. Tbese room have the
latest conveniences, with steam
heat, electric lights, and the choice
room have running water, both hot
and cold. tl
HARRT JONES Builder and General
Contractor. Eatlmatea cheerfully
given on all class of building
work, concrete walk and reinforced
concrete. Re. Phone Main 111.
MONEY LOANED W are acquaint
ed with the value of all farm land
In Clackamaa County and can loan
your money on good aafe security.
Farm loan mad one, two and three
year at 7 per cent Abatract of
title examined. DIMlCK ft DIMICK,
Lawyers, Andresen Bldg., Oregon
O. D. EBT, Attorney-at-Law. Money
loaned, abstract furnished. land
title examined, estate settled, gen
eral law bualness. Over Bank of
Oregon City.
U'REN A 8CHUEBEL, Attorney-et-
Law, Deutscber A droit at, will prac
tice in all courts, make collectlona
and settlements. Office In Enter
prise Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon.
V. R. HYDE, Abstract Olffce
Land title Investigated, conveyan-'
clng, notary public. . .
Room 7. Barclay Bldg.. Oregon City.-
DR. L. O. ICE. DENTIST Rooms 4,
5 and 6 Beaver building,- Main St.;
Oregon City- Phone: Home A-198
and Pacific State 1221. .
75 acre tract good land, no rock, 3
mile from Oregon City, lH mile
from O. W. P. car line. Good fruit '
land. Cut into 7 and 14 aero tracts,
$100 to $225 per acre. Enquire of
D. K. Bill Co., Room 9, Beaver
Bldg.. Oregon Cltv. ,
E. H. COOPER, For Fir Insurance
and Real Estate. - Let u handl
your properties w buy, sell and
. exchange. Office In Enterprise
Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon.
tate Dealers, have choice bargaina
In farm land, city and auburban '
home, good fruit land and poultry
ranches. See u for good buy.
Near S. P. depot.
MANY TIMES you can buy Just the
articl you want. Just a good aa
new, at a small fraction of the cost
of new. If you go and see YOUNG,
the second hand man. HI collec
tion contain New and Second Hand
Furniture, Hardware, Tool. Curio,
eto. See him; it cost nothing to
To Introduce The MornVng
Enterprise Into a large major-
lty of the home In Oregon
City and Clackamaa county the
management ha decided to
make a special price for the
daily Issue, for a short time
enly, where the subscriber pay
a year in advance. -
By carrier, paid a year In
advance, $3.00.
By mall, paid a yer in ad-
vance, $2.00.
rwpia wuo s7 fur cbqtbv
or more months, at ten cent a
week, can have the dally dellv-
ered for a year for $3.00 by
paying a year In advance.
People who gave our canvas-
ser a trial subscription, by
mall, for four months t a dot-
lar, may have the paper for a
year for $2.00, If paid a year In (
O..Y. n tha WMllT
-' ouuwa.wv, m
icntararisa may cnang -tnir w
subscriptions to the daily, re- e
celving credit for half time en -
. d.Hv that the weekly la
paid In advance. When they
choose to add cash' to the ad-
vance payment equal to a full
year' advance payment they
may take advantage of ine $2
rate. .-
Wa make thla special price
o that people who have paid .
In advance, on aome otber dally .
0 and wish to take the Morning .
Enterprise, may do so without
4 too treat expense, v , - e
4 '
a - - .
-. : 3