Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 22, 1911)
MORNING ENTKllPRIOB. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1011. 0 local URicrs ,1 Ladder Co. ball thla iren- . ...L Mil ''p. d r..o w I'or ..vHi.-r ml Tue.dsy Mi IT Miurney . Juhn'' Portland bual- nd continued where he ' . . i.riilmr. i.. ftindaloii i.nrii u-.v .--. H.!.Vr t""kln- iii.kuv I lb first purchaser tb-ww C T. Tooi addl- U."" S new house. It will be the ",. iiuiid-ri Huppfy co h a n new tMin aud la getting K'" """""''i , u,u a concert In W. O. W. I .. m 1,-n-m . II Tili'Kllliy eveillliB ........... Z "i , njoysble and profitable. . .... ulllumalf. la mak. ...... I V imnrovcmehia on hi 'I?-- i.v eroding na w,h' Jr,l- Improving the appearance of Jl, pn." 'iy. . ir,l Kiiifiirn haa ,u"" 1,11ml II lllinnni"" buli'i'ii". ., .irMl. Kanaaa 1. 1 m nil mi ri " mii u win ' 30,40 nd rw,rllni ,o ii.. i"""1 ,,f ,'unlow rt- fha I I'Hi'" oi t mi" v- TuKHiliiv iincrniMMi. . wr .nu rialnlnic nddriM on th IU- r Too" ba purcniiaea iu . i II VUw anil la hav. ir-' . . nln liana In It ri'llimil'lliMi k f,Mr..p. y. Wb.-n lh work la fin. UmI II win nioat convenient and coniiiKxl1'"1 bom-. Tda viiiiiik iwoplB or in UBIDOlia phunh ''r,, """" n,"B""' m.lllnn i.t Invlmtlona for lh"lr dance, wb- ii Monday v..iiln. rbruary j7. l-hiioi . are making for a vry plon ulfulr. Th,.n. un a Iiuncn or nir bium-- rrrl-l TiiitMly from local grower b lh "111011 and aU bav bmvQ nuid.. (,f n.-arly all of ibm. Tba more fruli and proluc the t'nlnn hat for tiilr lh'' more mijcra. win u n)kfJ"l"l,,,' Thd'yimtiK'-r a-t of luda.look It upon Ibemn-lvia lo charivari a 7011111 mar- rlrd coiipl'' oil rcnier iroet, wuu nan bei-njiiarrlfil for lhre nionlha, Tuea- dv evirilnit Having arrn i" moor Mboy In no'ir riiwi" v l,h- lh IliHe.Wlowa followed auU nd ulsrli il In on people wno nan own . 1 ...Mk 1 1 tiava liajin (nil Tha littiiirv nifHlng at Twilight Haliirtliiy nlKbt.waa well attended and ih prorriun Kve inmeral aallafartlon. Ke ll.ivworin, 01 m nauiiat hurch. h""1 ln preartlon a tleora WuhliiKio" Hi-rvlce for net Munoay vn!iiK. "hlcli time h will peak on tha t"pi . "lieorge WTiahlnifton and Th Wlnu- UkIiI." allowing tbe moral Ids tn tiw llf ana lire wora. Th a;lrlH hi die Congrcgallonal Bun iij ailiool nr.. planning for a bard tlnn a";iiil l ihe church parlora on Friday evening. The purpoa la to mike nmni v for the piano fund. In whlrh ihi-y re conteallng with the boyt nf Hi,. h hool. There will b a pri for the JK-at hard tlmea coituma; Hlan a rKT mil and randlea and re frelim ni fur aal. All are Invited. PEOPLE POINTED OUT Mrr I. R Kaylor and daughter, the furnior a rich tlmberman from Port land, iurt calling on frlenda In the city Tuemlay. Mra Young, of Tortlund, accompan ied by hi r daughter, Mra. Dale Koreit Youna. if flellwood, arrived in uregon City thl week, to attend the Went- orth M.irihall wedding, wnicn w mlemnli'd Inat night at tha Canemah chipel; " Hon. Frank J. Miller, one of the rall- rod ciiuiiiilNHlonera who cam to thla city Tin'Bday morning to attend the hearlnx of the paaaeiiKer rata of tbe 0. W. r. Hallway Company, la the went of Mr. and Mra. Ma Ilollack. Mr. Miller la accompanied by hla wife. Mli Nellie Derby, a clerk In tha IE Meet ri (f T heat r g ,-------.......MammmmmmmmmmmsmmmssssssSBsasmawsammmmmmmme IE ROY OSBORN' MUSICAL COMEDY COMPANY WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY- Walter Sigfred . C. A. Lancaster & OH YOU JEW ' ' PAT , o MAMIE HASLAM x In Thol funny Porcc HpANfftOM Everything different, nothing repeated. New songs, new dances. CHORUS GIRLS CONTEST THURSDAY NIGHT TWO SHOWS 7;30 and S:45-1 5c, 20c Sitire G&an of Pi-ogtam Again Ffiday office of County Recorder IJojd Will uma, who baa beea 111 fur eeveral daya, waa taken to her borne In flalem Tueaday morning by bar parent, who arrived Monday night In Oregon City. Mlaa Darby will ralurn to Oregon City a aoon a he I able to reume bar dullet. L. ADAMVPtCIAU iALt gan Thl Morning and Yoy Can't Afford to Mlaa It la Adania' apeclal remnant aale, ad vertlaed In (ha Morning BnterprUe and Weekly Knterprlae, opened up to day. Thla la the aeaaon of the year when the wlae marthant goea over bla Block and mark down many good gooda that happen to lie aeaaonahle aome montba In tha pait. Tbeae gmida are Juit aa good now aa a momh ago but Dame Kaahlon decree that you muat march on fat and hence ttieae anlea are dealgned to ae you thlnga that would aoon go out of atyle while yet Id atyle. In Ihla aale there are many thlnga that are great bar gain Ibat Mr. Adam la willing to ael at a close figure to make room for new gooda coming In. You 'may aa well participate In theae bargain a to let your neighbor get all the good thlnga. The gooda are at 111 new, they are yet In atyle, but they mutt be sold while yt aeaaonablo to make room for newer Block. If you have not read hla advertisement you should do ao, A Oli-I' Naw Yaar'a Rtaolution. I'm going to be glad. Who know wbut nlee Ihliife-a tuny Ih Juki around Ihe corner T 1 I'm going lo b all dreaiWHl before 1 leave my owji room and then forget It. I wuu'l alt bin In a street car. I won't gimalp ao, It liurtM any onej Juat nice liilereallug, hariuleaa little talka. 1 won't always tell all I know." I won't tell my friend of bole In their clothe wheu they are far from bouia. I won't fuaa over thing I cannot help. . I wen't burry more than In If of the time. I'll try to I plvaannt ami not He, but I won't Ha' to bo pleaaant. . A good un to red liar makea every one mad In the long ran. I won't lend money. I'll Junt give It and get Ihe credit. When "In company" I II talk, wheth er I have anythlug to aay or not 111 try to keep all my old frlenda and make a many new one a poauibje. fur some of the old will surely drop out' It I" better lo be on wllh the new before you are off with the old. laiat. I ll try to keep some of tbeae resolutions, all the easy uue anyway. An Ironing Beard In Disguise. When yuu bare read about the won der of the Ironing board aeen In tbe cut you will think It la tbe most prac tical, economical and handiest conven ience you bsve seen lit a long Ume. When not In use a an Ironing board .fiyVVvj.;l"iV:'j WHKN TBJg IMOSIHO HOAMD M SBTTE. It forms tbe mot practical aettee that could be Imnglned. The banifx-r under the Ironing board form the aeat part of the settee and Ihe Ironing bonrd tbe back. For une aa an Ironing bonrd tha wooden knoba are thrust throiigb thl holes In the loard pmper and tut atand. and there you are. The under pert forma a convenient hamper elthf for clothea to be Ironed or for tho that bar undergone the treatment. V ' S 1 r v.!., H IWoman'sWorid Pras Agant Per the Dig . show In N.w Yerk City. Mas. CHAxxiaa roLUx.a. "Sba'a tbe best press agent In tha Country,'' so aald a man recently who la la a position to judge of uch mat ter concerning tbe publicity work of Mra. Cbannlng I'ollock, better known In tbe professional world aa Mia Anna Marble. Mr. I'olliM-k coini-s of several gener ation of atage folk end .accmed pre destined for a career aa sn nrtreaa. but aa atie heraelf auya, "I bad no hankering for the limelight, but my relative- kept bending Uie toward Ihe atage. Filially John Duun persuaded me to become preas agent for 'Flora dor.' which be, brought to AnierU-u, and my work baa been cut out for me ever since." f From that time on Miss Marble has bandied the publicity for Oscar Ilnra suerateln'e grand opTa. prea ageuted several vaudeville bouaes aud weut out 00 the road ahead of Naxlmova when she first came lo this country. At present she Is press sgeut for New York's mammoth abow, the lllpo drome, and In odd moments she writes vaudeville sketches and magatine articles. , Brlds ss Business Woman. Certain busltaml now ronieud that brides should be educated In business method. They are not sstlaOcd tbst tbelr wives are excellent cook a, air perb bouekeeiera and gracious aud tactful at Ihe dinner table. ' They think womeu alau should I hi sufficient ly acquainted with bualtieas to be compsuloua to them lu'affulrs of vltiil ImiHirtauce. ' Bald one man: "1 think a wife abould le educated In bUHluei tlf wife Is a erfectly ukkIuI wouiuii lu every way except that ahe cannot help Die In any way In a Imnlneoa mat ler. Hhe cannot underatand bualnesa Imply hticnune alio never bnd any In Biructlop. In It Now, If my wife bnd studied a little about architecture she could have given me ImiKirtant advice on the que-tlou of letting a contract lo a builder for the construction of our home. I certainly think wives abould have a practical knowledge of business matters, lucludlng Ann nee." WILLIAMS' KIDNEY PILLS. Have youoverworked -your nervous system and cauaed trouble with your kidneys and bladder? Have you palna In loin, aide, back and bladder? Have you a flabby appearance of the face, and under the eyea? A frequent dealre to paaa urine? If ao, Williams' Kidney pill will cure you-Dnigglat, Price Boo. Wllllama Mfg. Co., Props., Cleve land, O. For aale by Huntley Bros, and Jones Drug Co. ,j. ', ;; . ;-. ... . .if'-, ;,- 15 '; -j,.. V - 1 J ARIZONA B!3LE1.SS6AI;QUET uqj)!xdayu;g ECOND ANNUAL OATHERINO OF PRIENDLY BIBLE CLASS OP PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Tbe Friendly Hlbl class of the Presbyterian church, gave It annual baiupiet on Monday' e'ventng In the parlora of the church. The banquet waa set for I o'clock and at that hour a merry throng aat down to enjoy the feast of good thing, knowing that the flow of reaaon to follow was to be equally aa refreshing to the aplrltual man a thi bounty before them waa the physical. Following was the menu served: Stuffed Datea Warfare Jelly Cold Ham Ieg of Mutton Pickles Fruit Balada Halada .Hrown Bread Itolla Coffee Assorted Cske Candy The tables were set length wlae of the church parlors, and between them, banked Into every available apace, were green feme while on the walla were clam pennant, clans pictures and si reamers'. In red and while and blue. Buspendod' from the celling were air fern a a flnUhlng touch to the pretty decorations for the occhhIoo. After the Joys of the banquet came he pleasures of the program, given a follow: Invocation Rev. Iatndshorough (Greeting Mr. Andrews 'Be a Live One" Miss Dalley Piano duet. Misses Vol k man and Hyron Bird of a Feather" Ilalph Eddy Piano solo Oscar Wood fin Address, "Ideala" , . Mr. Phlpps . . Miss Maxwell . . . Paul Burrows Wilbur Andrews Vocal solo "How to Catch Flah Clarinet nolo Harry Petera aceompanlat Address' Rev. LandsborQUgh Selection Double Quartet When Dreams Come True" Mlsa Kidder Harry Miller waa toastmaster for the occasion. Rev. Phlpps, who was the principal speaker for the occasion, made an ad d(es on "Ideals." He said: "I be lieve that the success of this class In ihe past haa been due largely to their Ideals. I am very certain that your snccess In life, not only aa members of thla Claaa but aa members of so ciety and of the great human family. depend upon your Ideals. You are at a time In life when ideals' mean a great deal to you. Whether you have the right one or not you are taking upon yourselves some kind of an Itn- press. We are going to bear the im press In our after life of the one who haa been our Ideal Mr. Philips went on to aay that Waahlngton had been hla Ideal from boyhood. He thought of him aa the greatest man not as he managed and directed the Continental army but a the man at Valley Forge and at the crosalng of the Delaware, especially so aa he led hla men to prayer. He had esteemed It a privilege to visit Washlngton'a home a short time ago. He. thought It a fine thing to put Ideala Into the lire of any human be ing. He paid a high tribute to Lin coln, to Lincoln's mother and to tbe Influence for good which these lives had bad In molding-ate lives of others. The pnrtlng word to the class waa "God haa aet before you an Ideal a face and life, a splendid life, the one vou study In the Hlble class, that of the Incomparable Christ; aa you study that life and take that Ideal Into your life you are going to take upon your self the Image of that life, and men and women will know you have been with Him because' you have taken Into your life tie Ideals which are to de velop Into the splendid character which w o r.ot only predict but expect from the members of the Friendly Clasa." There we a full attendance of the clasa and ihe event proved to be one which cabled with It more than or dinary interest. The addreas of the evening, together with the other num bers on tbe program, were eacn well received. Thla class has done a splen did work In the short time It haa been organlxed but If the enthuaiaam of Monday evening la a token of the fu ture there la to be a wonderful work for good In tbta community by thla organitatlon. After the banquet and tbe program came a short season of social con verse, followed by the warm good cheer-of the partings of the evenfng, and another milestone In the life of thla clasa became a part of the paat. Read the Morning Bnterpiiae. MARQUAM. Mra. O. W. Bentley la alowly Im proving. Rev. Mr. May'a wife la no better. A few caaea of measles In our neigh borhood. Our schools are progressing fine with a full attendance under the man agement of Mlsa May Hewa and MUa Madell. - . " " . Fred My era ha several men aortlng apples and getting ready to ship. It la well nigh time that the people of Oregon City were waking up to their Interests in regard to an electric railroad leading up through Ihla coun try. There la a movement now toward a line from Woodburn to Scott'a Mill. The people of Scott'a Mllla are quite enthusiastic over the movement that la only 2tt miles from -Marquam. If that la built the trade will go to Wood burn Instead of Oregon City. Potato buyers are around contract ing for the California market. Quite a lot of Improvement la going on in the way of clearing off land. macksb'urcl ' Jimmy White la at home' again after nearly a year'a absence In the gold mines of Idaho. Misa Haxel Lorlng la working for the Pacific State Telephone Com pany In Portland. I Pat Yourself in the Ad-Readers Place... Wbeit yon write your claaslfled ad or any kind of an ad try to a include in it Just the Information you'd: like to find If you were an ad-reader and were looking for an ad of that kind. r If you do thla to even email extent your ad will bring Re- SULTSt .1 " AN ACCOUNT CLOSED By JOSrPJUNE S HELTON Copyright by American Praaa Aaao- olatl.n, Tbe Countess Paula Kronevna step ped from ber gondola and went Into ber iMilsxzlo. Not that she lived at Venice; she lived nowhere very Ions' at one time, but li.wsa rl h enough to b're a palace now at Rome, now at Florence, aud when she wss In I'siia, , Berlin or Vienna, there being no pal ace for rent In those capltnlx, the would usually take soma notabledwell Ing. Tbe countess bud no more fixed position In society than In the mutter of reaklence. , Entering her drawing room, she found man waiting for her. There,, was nothing In his aparel to lndliate that he had called upon tbe countess as a visitor. He was ten years ber seuior, but looked twenty years older thsn she. Ills balr was perfectly white. His face was furrowed and bore traces of having eodured suffering. Ills eye gave evidence of tbe saine strain. "You wish to eee me?" asked tbe countess, scrutinizing tbe man aa one who fears every stranger lest he come on an errand of revenge or Justice. "I have waited an hour for yon. But, the afternoon being One and your lady ship doubtless having enjoyed your trip on tbe Grand canal, I would not bave hurried you for the -world. I have been ' looking forward to thla meeting for years. Barely minutes, even an hour or two, could not make much difference." i -,) ' "I do not know you." "That la not aurprlHing. One doesn't retain a smooth cheek at Kara. Be sides, I have been through a number of hunger strikes. Then traveling through an ice wilderness for montba would not bring lbs same ruddy com plexion as being rowed by a gondolier on the Grand canal at Veulce." The bloom In the countess' face was whitened like a rose touched by a frost. Bhe knew now who the man was and stood listening to him with out reply. "You remember little hoi Id, the daughter of a peasant living on the estate of a nobleman In Russia? No flower In bis conservatory possessed the exuberant beauty of this child Jutt about to bud Into womanhood. And she bad a mind to use It, too, to what ahe considered tbe best advantage. During her early teens she captured IwlthJt the son of the nobleman on whose estate she lived. She married him. "But, bla people not rellHhlng their blood being mixed with the peasantry and being convinced that her motives wece not of the purest, would have nothing to do with ber. But they paid her well to stay away from them and. ber young husband discovering that ber heart was as cold as the bloom Jn her cheek was wsrm, let her go. In deed, she did not ask Win to go with her. . "The next be heard of his little wife waa at Bt. Petersburg. She had more money than she had received from ber husband's family, but it waa not known from whence it came. A cer tain grand duke waa attentive lo ber, ao much ao that, since grand dukes marry only with royalty, her reputa tlon Buffered. But she waa playing a bold game. She willed that her Impe rial lover ahould marry her. But, hav Ing a husband already, this was Im possible, it might not be lnrpostdble If ahe could get rid of her husband "One day when out shooting he waa attacked by a party of men. Having captured him. they took him to tbe au perlntendent of police, and he Joined the next caravan setting out ror Bine- rla. "Hla wife bad made a failure. lie waa to have leen executed, but the cxar would not consent "But if she might not be a grand duchesa ahe might at least possess enormous wealth. Iler Imperial lover lavished millions upon ber millions that her husband, among others, was taking from the Kara mlnea, impelled to work, whether able to do so or not by tha knout For twenty yeara he helped to add to these riches that were lavished uKn his wife. Then ene day an opportunity occurred; he escaped from tbe prison and started for a land of freedom. "And now be la here to quit once more bla peasant life." ' lie ceased to speak, and the countess stood waiting for him to continue. Since he did not she asked: "And what are your Intentions con cerning met" "I. bave no Intentions concerning you. But mere is a iransacuou mat has not appeared in tbe atory I have told, and the Russian government has Intentions which will be made mani fest through the king of Italy." The countess caught at a piece of furniture near which ahe stood and swayed like a reed ahaken by tbe wind. "A generation baa passed," the Tls ltor continued. "The 'grand duke la dead, and there la a new cxar of Rus ala." The woman summoned voice to aak: When will they be here?" "Not aoon. enough to occasion undue haste on your part, but too aoon to enable yon to leave Italy." The countess walked to a cabinet, opened a drawer, took out an Ivory landle4 revolver and; putting It to her temple, pulled the trigger. naif an hour later tbe government police of Italy entered the countesa' pe.laxr.lo and found ber lying on the floor dead. There waa no one else present CORRESPONDENCE LOOAN. . Everybody and bla dog baa a cold. O. Frederick lokt one of hla horse i this week. Those attending the ball at Logan report a very enjoyable time. la O. Oerber and wife, of Bellwood, also Mr. and Mrs. Wot Hells, of same city, attended the dance 8aturday e- nine- at Lostan. Mr. and Mra. John Duae, of Currlna. vllle, visited their daughter, Mra. N. U Klrchem. over Sunday. One night recently a faraaer wa awakened by bla dog barking., He went to Investigate tbe cause and aaw man leaving bla barn with a sack of something on hla back. He haa a pat lock oh hla granary now.- otbera arv doing likewise.. Jacob -Babler, of Ban Francisco, a brother of Henry Babler, haa been critically III at his home there bat Is reported allghtly improved. T. Gerber waa around looking for gravel for the concrete abutment lo tbe new bridge at Fisher's Mill. TU bad time for tbat kind of work as the gravel has to be hauled from too Clackamaa River, making a long haul; heavy and expensive haul, too, but the people are In a hurry to get the bridge. . ' B. C. Hawley, a former resident, of this place, but now of Corvallts. I down on a visit and to pay taxes. President Taft seems to think the farmers of the United Statee are not worthy of any consideration. If reci procity with Canada la good for all concerned why do they not have all other thlnga duty free? Meata, auch aa the farmers have to sell cattle, hogs, sheep, poultry, etc., are to be uty free, but protection for tne ressed or prepared article. Manufac tured goods are protected. It la tne farmer who has to suffer the loss all round, nay, oats, grain, etc. i no oat and hay market Is now on a de cline with the Increased nae or the utomoblle. Auto trucks are fast sup erceding the horse draya. Then, doea Mr. Taft think that farmers In the United States can compete with Can ada In the dairy Industry? They have cheap feed, and labor too, there. Here It la different. Here the people Dave high wagea, high taxea, and when a farmer has to cultivate cropa for for- ag for hla cows he simply cannot do It and come out even. If Canada can flood our markets with 18 cent butter It meana thla. that fully one-half -of Clackamaa county dairymen will have to quit business. Creameries too. Having been dairying 25 years, can speak with some knowledge on thla matter. Farmera are not to blame for the "high coat of living" any more than any other one aet of individuals are. Many who live In cities think it a dream life" to live on a farm but try It a few yeara; milk cows, raise chickens, to raise a mortgage and fam ily too, then, and only then doea that "dream" get a "Jolt" and the awaken ing soon follows. If we must bave reciprocity, then. In Justice to all, take the duty off of everything and ahow a Iltle luatlce to the American farmer. Farm Implements are an expensive luxury too, yet we have to pay the price or let them alone MACKSBURG. The weather of the paat week haa been charming; the frosty nights ad clear'bracing mornings reminding one of New England, while the sunshiny days, with the song of birds filling the air. tranaport ua In- thought to the south of Europe. Mr. Coleman, formerly of Macks- burg, has been appointed principal of the Barlow school. ' Miss .Ella Schultx la working at Mr Roth's place. . Mr. and Mra. Roth are living In their new house near Nofzlnger'a mill. 8. N. Strubhar and wife were port land visitors today. John Etzel la making grand clean up of bla stumps. Miss Lilly Harm, who haa been aur- ferlng with a bad felon Is, once more, able to attend to business. The home of Chris Nofzlnger baa been gladdened by the arrival of bov. weighing nine pounds. Miss Margaret Zlnger, who haa been working at' Aurora for some time. Is at home again. Mrs. Henry Brush and her son Francis, are living In their own home again. Francis I tearing out the grubs like a Kansas cyclone and la success fully demonstrating that hla high school course, though It has developed his brain, has not weakened his mus cles. Mrs. Lorenx Is enjoying a visit from her alslter. Mrs. Maddox, of Dea Moines. Iowa. Both of theae ladiea visited the Macksburg high school las! week. Billy Miller Is working for tbe Hart. wl Hardware Co. In Aurora. , The Washington Birthday exerlcses at the Macksburg school were well attended and everyone seemed to en- Joy them. ' Following- la the urogram: Sone by the school. "Marching through Georgia:" "Washlngton'a firsve." Gertrude Barth; "Tbe Village Rlacksmlth." Second Grade; "A Wash ington's Birthday Wish," George Luib- bln: "Johnnie on George Washington, Thuserelda Kraxberger; "How Sleep the Brave." Bertha Koch; "Like wash Ington," Merril Seward; song by the school. "Columbia:" "Warren'a Ad dress" by Herman Etzel; "The Small Bov'a Diary." Francis Kraxberger "The Castle By the Sea," Frieda Zlng er: "A High Resolve," Eric Roeche "The Daffodils." Frieda Kraxberger song, "America," school. MULINO. The Mulino shingle mill started up again Thursday, after a long rest Mr. and Mrs. Claude AsnDy were called to Salem last week by the ser ious Illness of Mrs. Ashby'a uncle, who was stricken with paralysis a few days before. Mr. Ashhy returned Monday but Mrs. Ashby Is still there. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Manning are the happy parents of a new daughter, born St. Valentlne'a day. Claude Howard will aoon have nis greenhouse In operation and then Mu lino will be auppiiea wun eariy veg etables. Mra. Snodgrasa and Mra. Churchill went to Oregon City Friday on busi ness. Uncle Nick Darnall la on the sick list, being afrilcted with rheumatism. J. J. Mallatt haa moved to Oregon City to engage in tbe. real eatate busi ness. '. ' C. T. Howard lost a valuable horse Saturday. The horse waa taken aick some time through the day and died before night. It la auppoaed to be colle that ailed It. r ' . - Mr. and Mrs. Bert Wallace were, Macksburg visitors Sunday. Wants, For Safe, Etc, Notices uniler these claastM.d hee-IInr will b Inserted at one cent -a word, first Insertion, hair a ceet additional Inner tlons. On Inch card, fl par month; hall Inch card. 4 llnea) tl per month.. Cash rnuat accompany ord.r unloee en haa an open account with tha paper. No financial reaponalblllty for errors; arrora occur free corwtrd notice will : b printed for patron. Minimum chars. 1 WANTED.- WANTED Small advertleementa for thla , coWmn. Price -very reaaon able. Bee rale at bead of column. CARPKNTERS ATTENTT6N" A barn to- let by contract, plana to be see at W r. lUrrta' residence at Har ris saw mill, out B ml lea near the Highland road. ! POR BALI. FOR SALE 10 acres orchard land; T aeres planted to apple treea; 7 room bouse, small barn; mile' from Oregon City on good road; $3,600; terms for quick aale. Tele phone Farmers 711. 8. R. Cogan, R. F. D. .No. I, Bog 1S9, Oregon City, Oregon. LOST. LOST Old fashioned pin. between Fifteenth street and Electric Thea tre. Leave at Pacifle telephone of fice. Reward. BUILDER AND CONTRACTOR- HARRY JONES Builder and General Contractor. Estimates cheerfully given on all classes of building work, concrete walks and reinforced concrete. Rea. phono Main 111. MONEY TO LOAN. MONET LOANED We are acquaint ed with tbe value of all farm land In Clackamaa County and can loan your money on good aafe security. Farm loans made one, two and three yeara at 7 pr cent Abstracts of title examined. DIMlCK aV DIMICK, Lawyers, Andresen Bldg.t Oregon City, Oregon. ATTORNEYS. . D. EBT, Attorney-at-Law, Money loaned, abstracts furnished, ' land , titles examined, eatatea aattled, gen- ' eral law business. - Over Bank of Oregon City. D'REN i 8CHUEBEL, Attorneys-at- U., Deutscher Advokat, will prac tice In all courts, make collections and aettlementa. Office In Enter, prise Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon. - ABSTRACTS OP TITLE. V. R. HYDE, Abstract Office Land titles Investigated, conveyan cing, notary public. CRITICS COMPLIMENT OMPETITORS COPY Room 7. Barclay Bldg., Oregon City. DENTISTS. DR. U 0. ICE. DENTIST Rooms 4, 6 and 6 Beaver building, Main Bt, Oregon City- Phones: Home A-19S and Pacific States 1221. REAL ESTATE. 75 acre-tract good land, no rocka, 3 miles from Oregon City, 1V4 miles from O. W. P. car line. Good fruit. land. Cut Into 7 and 14 acre tracts, 4100 to $225 per acre. Enquire of D. K. Bill Co., Room I, Beaver - Bldg, Oregon Citv. ' ' E. H. COOPER, For Fire Insurance and Real Estate. XH,ns handle your prbpertle we1 buy, sell and exchange.. Office In Enterprise Bldg, Oregon-City, Oregon., rREYTAO tc SWAFFORD, , Real Ea tate Dealers, bave choice bargains In farm lands, city and auburban homes, good fruit landa and poultry ranchea. See - ua ' for good buy a Near 8. P. depot SECOND HAND FURNITURE. MANY TIMES you can buy Just the article you want. Just aa good aa new, at a email fraction of the cost of new, If you go and see YOUNG, the second band man. Hla collec tion contains New and Second Hand Furniture, Hardware, Tools, Curios, etc. See him; It costs nothing to Inquire. Notice of Fire Election. NOTICE la hereby given that an elec tion will be held on the 6th day of March, 1911. for the election of a Chief Engineer, an Aaslstant Engi neer and three membera of the Board of Fire Commlssionera. Election will be held at the Fire House, at Fountain Hose Company's hail and the polla will be open be tween the houra of 10 a. m. and 4 p. m. GEORGE C. BROWNE LL, President Board of Fire Commislonera. Electric Hofel 411 Mala. atwt:tk,inrik Itx., OREGON CITY, ORE. J. X T08IN, Proprietor. . PLEASE NOTICE. ; To Introduce Tbe ,Momlni; Enterprise Into a large major ity of the bomea In Oregon' City and Clackamas county the' PLEASE NOTICE. management haa decided to make a special price for tha - dally Issue, for a short time only, where tbe subscriber paya . a year In advance. By carrier, paid a year In 4 advance, $3.00. V By mall, paid a year In ad- vancvj, $3.00. - People who gave our canvas- aer a trial subscription for one or more months, at ten cent a ' week, can have the dally dellv- e ered for a year for $3.00 by paying a year In advance. - ' People who gave our canvas- aer a trial aubacrlptlon, by mall, for four montba at a dol- lar, may have the paper for a e year for $3 00, If paid a year In advance- ,.. - Subacrtbere to the Weekly Knterprlae may change . their e subscriptions to the daily, re- e celvlng credit for half time on . the dally that the weekly. It paid In advance. When they choose to add cash to the ad- ranee payment equal to a full rwar'a advaac payment they may take advantage of the $3 rate - ua anaJce thla sneclal Dries so that people who bave paid in advance on aome other daily and wtah to take the Morning ' Enterprise, may do so without too great el pens. . ;