J- HORNING ENTERPRISE OREGON CITY, OREGON t I. BRODIE. Editor end Publisher. Application m for second el s pH. at Ihs Plom l Orwn City. Oram, under ths Act of tongMM at MarrO a. It7t. niK! OP SUMCIIPTION. Ona Year, by mall HIx Months. tv mall .. Four Months, by mH.. w wrk. by carrier . 1 o . 1.00 . .10 AIVUTUMS 1ATES First Pu. pw inc n first Insertion lie First Vug. Pr Inch adclrd Insertions, .loc Preferred poaUIm any pat. P'r Inch first Insertion ,14f preferred position any paxe. per Inch added Insertions Run paper other than first pajte, per Inch flrat Insertion Run paper other than flrat paa. per Inch added Insertions Icala Itv per line; to resular sdver tlaeia sc Una. Wanta For Sale. To Rent. etc.. one cent a word flrat Insertion, one-half cent ach additional Ratea for sdvertlstna tn tha Weekly Enterprise will be the wmf as In the dallv. for advertisement t especially for the weeklv. Where the advertisement la transferred from the .lally to the week hr without ehsnae. the rate will be So aa Inch for run of tha paper, ana 10c an Inch for special position Cash ahonld arcompnny order where psrty Is unknown In business off!ca of the Enterprise taal advertising- a( lerl advertising atis. Cirrus advertising and stwclsl trsnsltnt advertising at :Sc to sV an Inch, according- to special conditions governing the lime. "Fit Rile" and Bankrupt Sale" adver tisements J5c Inch first Insertion: addi tional Insertions same matter rtc Inch. News Items and well wrlt'en articlee of merit, with Interest to local readers, will ba tladly accepted Rejected manu script never returned unless sccom pan ted by stamoa to prepay noelus. CITY OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER. RAILWAY OUT MOLALLA WAY. Tha time seerna to be about ripe ' to aecure railway out Molalla way at ' this time. Fact is that unless it I -secured at this time the opportunity to erer secure one may slip by. And , those who have studied the matter to ' and considerable extent cannot but un- j demand that to let a competing town ; or city get railway line that should i run Into your own means a disaster that cannot be measured In dollars and cents. As said before, now may the oppor-' tune time; at least if you get it now you do not need to have further wor ry, and the thing accomplished it Is ' only a question of a few months till , you are enjoying the good that such a road can do the business interests of the place. And now that the ball has been set in motion it Is up to the hustlers in the community to see that the proposition does not get cold till the road Is running and bringing Its hundreds to the town daily. The people out' Molalla way want easy access to Oregon City ; and if you . give it tu mein mey in at. uuce. oe&iu .Vdi come her efterier than now. All of which means more motley spent in the city and more profit for her busi ness men. And these same people want to ship their produce and fruit this way, and the older the city and county becomes the more anxious will they be once the way is made, to come and to continue to come. And the old er and more influential the new Fruit - and Produce Union the more there will be to come this way and the larg er percentage of what is raised will want to come. Now is the time to build the road; now is when people are taking an in terest in matters and right now Is The Place of Athletics In Lives of Our People. Dr. R. T. M KENZIE. Preserve Race by Exercise. By Dr. R. TAIT M KENZIE. Dlrsctor of Physical Training it tha University of Pcansylyanls. aNLESS WE WISH TO FACE THE INEVITABLE DE GENERATION OF THE RACE WE MU8T PROVIDE FOR SPECIALLY DESIGNED AND SCI ENTIFICALLY APPLIED EXER CISE TO COUNTERACT THE HAB ITS OF LIFE OF OUR PEOPLE. The national significance which physical training has assumed in recent year is due to the change in the MANNER OF LIVING daring the last century. Within the last century the growth of cities haa changed the habits of life to such an extent that scarcely 40 per cent of the population remains in the coun try, whereas a hundred years ago only 2 per cent were city dwellers. - The segregation of such large numbers of folk-' has TAKEN AWAY THE HEALTHFUL PHYSICAL OCCUPATIONS OF MEN and women. The lack of housework for the modern wife and the sedentary occupations of the men are mis takes of our time. v ' . Physical training will, help to when the matter should be Milled. And when It la settled be sure it 1 settled as you wish It In the affirm ative, HAS MUCH OF MERIT. ,. v There were many thlnga for whtcn appropriations were made by to last legislature that had not ao much of merit In them as the appropriation of ISOo for the Clackamas county Fair. ! A the Governor has a penchant for ! vetoing things that he has any doubt ! about it Is feared the Governor may ' shy at this appropriation,.. Friends of the Fair In this county hope not, how ' ever, and some are praying that he j wont. Better still, write him a per ! sonal letter. A Fair, properly conducted. Is cer i tain to be a powerful agency for good jln this county. Its influence will be ' of an inspirational character, and can . not but do great good. And this good will not be confined o this county aloue In case It Is made a success. ; Why not. then, the State bear a small ' part of the expense of putting It on Us ! feet ? There la no good reason that can be 'offered why It should not be a wise expenditure. There may possibly be too many -wise expenditures-1 for one s purse, but we can see no other excuse for vetoing this appropriation at this i time. It is to be hoiW that the let j ters to the Governor may be so num erous that he will at least give the proposition the moat careful hearing. iiTiiiT - FRIENDS OF THE COUNTY FAIR FEAR HE MAY VETO BILL GIVING US 1500. A great many friends of the Clacka mas County Fair are writing Governor West as to the appropriation of $500 yearly for the benefit of the Fair, which it has been intimated the Got ernor might veto In his efforts at economy. The friends of the Fair feel that if that $300 is wisely spent and the personnel of the Fair management is a standing pledge that It will be there Is scarcely any other way In which that same $500 could be spent and do the same amount of good to the people of he county and State as In Just that way. Hence It is natural that the friends of the Fair should at once rush to the marl bag as the easiest way to reach the Governor and It is to be hoped they will reach him in time. From all parts of the county came messages of Inquiry a to what to do In the matter sit tight and let the Governor veto it or write him lnthe matter and tn all cases they were advised to write him. His mail from Clackamas coun j ty Is likely to be heavy for a few days, at least. CONFINE SALES TO MEMBERS. Will Invite Farmers to Join and Then Reap Benefits for Them. The Oregon City Fruit and Produce Union has a number of calls for need potatoes of different varieties. Mem bers of the Union should get In .touch with the officers of the Union and see if they have any of the products that patrons wish, and If so supply the de mand. It is generally agreed that sales of spray and similar product should not be made to others than members by credited officers of the Union. If Dr. JOHN M. TYLER College Athletes Are Ridiculous. rectify this state of affairs. Even when man has paused the school boy and soldier stage and has passed through middle life there are still many things he might do to keep up his vitality. By Dr. JOHN M. TYLER. Professor of Blolofy it Amherst Collcfe, COLLEGE ATHLETICS ARE ONE OF THE MOST Rl DICULOUS AND LUDI CROUS INGREDIENTS OF MODERN EDUCATION. Why twenty-two football play ers should engago in mortal com bat, with two thousand other men on the side ' lines YELLINQ THEMSELVES IIOAKSE at the performance, is a question I have never beeable to solve. s , . Athletics for the boy in high school SHOULD NOT BE TOO SEVERE. The heart at the time the boy is in high school is yet weak, and the tissues are not tough.. Every commander dreads to take with im into the field of bat tle boys of eighteen tcf twenty years. THEY DIE OFF LIKE FLIES. ABOUT APPROPRIATION MORNING ENTERPRISE. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1911. Lord Decies and His Heiress Bride Attract Much Attention ....... - . ' .: -v .. -, ;.v, , i jjlwJsJliiitr- avi.iW.JSMWmF s- i Photo Copyright by American Praa Aaaoclatton. IORD DECIKiV. the British army officer who won Mls Vivien Gould at his bride, was often seen In her tompany tefore their marriage In New York on Feb. 7. This snapshot of tbeiu was made as they , were In a carriage on Fifth avenue a few days before the wedding. The nobleman seemed to be very proud of his handsome young companion, and she was every bit as proud of her distinguished looking cavsller. Urd Decies doe not look bis forty-four years, and few who saw him with his bride would have guease.1 that he was considerably-more than twice her age- I-ord and Lady Iectea will pass moat of their honeymoon In California after a leisurely trip through the south to reach the Pacific coast ' 5 i a man wishes to benefit by the power f of the Union for good he should be- come a member ICottherelai j cause for selling to him aj a close ll-t- UrP-,ae,,Hke,t,rDth,L town U A2 I regular dealers of the town. If one I ot a memoer It I. .tout agre"d he shun b allowed to go to th, ! , i la, i s not a member t Is about agreed tnai local dealer and pay the price, keeping .k- ..- vTaKK,- ti,. fin lie uaiiauia ur uit-iiiKwo. v....... ....i. n . - sb a umou t.aii aru sui uj iu 111c111m71.il . - for less money than the trade can buy The Union already wields a 1rtvU.Ke.hllU, lo K' . rfr,n,nj frnm ,,,. llniC with sale, outside membership . . ... i . .m 11 "believed the trade wii. fee. mor r veil caught In pUc "1 f? ,h Un,on n1 1,k"ba diamond circlet, and wore, hand II Ufll?U IUV Ull'H' will ir-ri HI wit. mor k), '' ' v n...i iv, wi c-... nemi mv hi imig r,ui.iyuDv. The Kind That STANDS OUT GLOSSY handsome " stationery" Our New Steel Die Embossing Machine IS THE THING Oregon City ENTERPRISE In the front rank of the ART'PRESERVATIVE PRINTING BOOKBINDING LOOSE-LEAr SYSTEMS 1 -i DIM PFPFHOHV IRFIV ll.l.U UUIUIVIU WW-a VERY QUIET WEDDING WENTWORTH-MARSHALL NUP TIAL ARE WITNESSED iY . IMMEDIATE FRIEN0. One of the prettiest weildln f '' season was perfttfmed last evening at & oVIock at the Uanemsh chapel the contracting parties being Mla llrayce Maude Marshall ami Mr. Walter Holla Wentworth,' of Ihla city. Owing l the went death of the bride s nuMher, Mrs. K. J. Marshall, the affair wa very quiet and only relatives and Inti mate friends of the bride and grHm attended. The Interior of the rhapel was artistically decorated with, cedar. Ore gon grape and ferns. An archway was formed of the Oregon grai. and from this was suspended a white wedding bell, where the ceremony was i-r- H tinned. The windows were bantteu riifi. evergreens, making a very pretty cftuct. At 5 orlock. to the strains of .Mendelssohn's Wedding March, by Miss Norene Wagner, of Vancouver, the bridal party entered the church and proceeded up the aisie. me i.n.i. .r... f Kr hrolher. Ralph Mar shall, nrvreded 'he ushers. NVIillsm Marahnll. brotuer oi w m . vv'aiir. of Vancouver. aaru . ...i iha not run nf honor. Mrs. 1ml V. . v v..... HnllwiHMl. niece nf tn bride, were met by the groimt and leat iw it v. iianneman. of 1'ott- land', took their places beneath the archway. The brlile a brotuer, nun Msrshnll. save here away III marriage n i..rasnlv rliia ceremony was performed by Hev. J It. IjtndslMirough i... ih I'rosbvterlan church. ...-Following the ceremony a reception t.i.t mi iha home of Mr. and Mrs. W. U Mldlam, the Utter, slater of the bride. A wedding supper was sorve.i ... u-. mi. Hum u aaaialed In aerv null .11 - Ing by her slater. Mr. Sidney Young, ... r.liv I'urk The rlua In the bride's rake was captured by William Kinir of Portland, ana me o" "i Ml.a Vnr.illrt WaKller. The house Uecoratiotia wer very ntlnn hull being I" ...a ..rn.il.iAa ami ferns, while the ii. in nltik caroatlons mul redar. the dining UI'"M ' rotun and tables correspondingly dec orated. ,a n iha ..sinri-s nf this tnarrlagi i . i ..... ---- - - iha. land uootl which in run 'M " - . -- at... ion. hsiial aland, and where the .in- .-- . . ceremony took place, was donated to the Episcopal churcn many years a t..r itm Kiirnose or itwiiih a ui'"" . .. . i... 1..1.1.'. frt,r tha late W. II iit mar III IMW ---- - M.r.h.n and had Mr. Marshall aud his wife lived until this day they would have celebrated their golden wedding anniversary. . yi i'antwiirth. who Is a lad bruh ...... i.. a. imtiiliu.nie bride with her beautiful gown of llrusnels lace over white silk made In semi rrinceaa some necklace or pr.ni i i ha. vrootn. 8h carried Bride s nes i . t ,.. U rat IV 1 tia.r nvBirmi of honor, Mrs. i. r a.. .'r ' 1 I ' :y Securities which you buy may go up or down, but you san always dopono en ih utk m. vsry dollar you dtpoalt In our savings department a," a dollar plus tno Intsrost It sarns. V Your principal will always bo avaltablo, which cannot be asl forme of Investment. . s, " ' The Bank of Oregon City O. C l.ATOURPtTTB ProaldooL THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK of OREGON CITY, OREGON CAPITAL, Transacts a 0orel tanking uslnaac Young, of BnllwtKMl, was ,ro.nlnly sttirrJ la IiIiik silk and rarrlod whHo carnations Tho brldo'a alfta to tbo mul roil ttf honor and organist, warp Kold iltis of lif drslan. and lo tbo Kt'ooni. a sold band rlim Tho brlilo la wil known ana man v .Htr.mod youna woman of Orcaon City having mada h-r homo at Cano- nmh slnrx cMIUIiimkj. wnuv ma gruum Is n wt'll known young Imslnoss man having rrslili'd In Oregon I lly for tho nant lhrtH ytiars, coming to this city from Plalnvlrw. Minn. The young r.mnli. hav a boat of friends In his rliy. and wrio prsnnlMl wltli many wmldlng glfta. Afir an ox tended trip In tha Raat Mr. and Mrs Wauitworth will rnnrn tn Orogon C'liy, and will b at homo lo Ihi'lr frlonds at Iha Marshall horn In Canamah afiar April Ul. Thos.1 attoiidlnalh marrlago crra- mony aud roraptlon wara llor. and Mrs. J. ft. lJndtifrouith. Mr. and Mrs. Uutoh Marshall and son, Ralph Ixir. rno. of Monlavllla: Mr. and Mra 8. 8. Mohli-r. Mr. and Mrs W. I, Mldlatn and daiiahiar. Kmlly. Mr. and Mra. Sidney Young, of I'nlvarelty Tark. Mr. ' Mrs, ) la K Young, or poii wimkI. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Williams stid duughtara. Misses' N'lna and Vlra. Wllllum Marshall, of Monlavllla. Ver nor Wagner, of Vanrotivar, Wash . IW. II. V. Iianneman. of rorlland: Miaa Anna Yala. of anruvar, Wasa; Mlsa Norma Wagner, of Vancouvor. Wash : W. II. Msrshall, of l"ortland; Miss Ilesa Ollhert and Miss Nora Clltiert. of -Portland; Mr. aud Mrs William King, of I'orlland; Mlsa Kaihryn Hlunott and Miss Nan Coch ran. f- . A Oslloht (a Ivery CelUctars. In slmiHit evrri hmne a lnno la ti ba found, hot In only one bnuaelinlil bera In Anierli-a l there an lntru Uient rarveil from Imry In an efTict reilcs of the siiei.tiil .l.r grand UMMlel of muiiiii-r e. 'I hs. wonderful .ei e of Wi rk the reltt of lliurb tlenl lals.r on U foil of n workre l itiKisTtraa ruio cKVri raou ivoar. bnndrundi- jewelry and of IU kind le the uiiwt perfei-l si luicn. The piano to iiiin-i t in every funicular, and not I lie i'leeret nirt of the toy Itistru uient l the riiliil tup over tha key board, v. I1I1 h a-urks ierfoctly. Tb lid may Im ml il In approved cooorri fiiihlmi. ami the little stool would meet llie aipnvnl of even Jimef llofmann The plniui Win are beautifully can'ed and there are tiny essiera which must hme tHki-n nn Inexhntistllila sruounl of pafli'iiie tn adJiiMf. ti htigtb thl rtiiiliie Ivory pin no la two and a half liM'hin huig and an Incb and a luilf IiIkIi. CollectiirM of amall Ivory object are enf httslaatlc over fhla mil alcal mnsterplece. If troubled wltb Indigestion, con tlpatlonl no appetlta or fool bilious, glvo Chamberlain's fltomarh and IJvar Tablets a trial and you will bo pleased with tho result. Thes tablets Invig orate tho Btomach and llrar and strengthen tho digestion. Bold by all dealers. Croup Causes uneasy nights but If you will use Dr. Hell's Phio-Tar-Honoy It will relieve In a few minutes. There Is nothing better. Guaranteed by til dealers, and Geo. A. Harding, Drug. gl. T- LATEST MARKETS Oregon City Markets. There Is a tendency to lower mar kets In many Instances, Close flnan clal conditions In tho East make buy ing slower and s general tendency to loosen up by holders. APPLES There Is little to note tn DO YOU U ; " Correct tM kjasdsS 3V1, Artiic Drromiotii C 9 Jtl fo lht"00flta trr"; .-. I Ty. r best WorM ata P -Ji iij.- -- " s frVt'i I1I taaliso"" J ' Z lsk ' S ajaaa anaaM mm m i2 T S4. rWt OSiSMSSSI f fwatal fi Otmrn m 'A i i SMI SB"aS SSSS 11 . Ji I f "J. R. FOX'S ANYTHING, ... 6 Try the Classifed Coltiians of it MORNINGENTERPRlSj 160.00000. Open from I A. M. le . . . v this market and tha t-.tiilrncTuITr! s. It has bon-to pay R1H), ' " nlco slock and lo an lmff,vl!! wards that whlrb Is l,..w Jr coo rango from D0 to . win ikT1 cholraat fruit roiunwiinliiif mor. . Btk roTATOK8. 'ot. , sr,!, . demand with buyers friim 011111 . . '"'1 nut SOI Ul ding too high, guotsii,,,,, nous BOO to 11.10. with this fsr, pJ that roal chnlra arIH H will sjJr1 spring tho market a trifle. Gvct grown alurk la being t)ffrrt 7 rrooiy. VrX.KTAUIJCH -Onion. t9 pound, turnips T5c to i carrois tha eama, tarsnis l n 7, aack. eabtiaga 3c (iouiiiI. ri-OI H-iJtlla rhiinga tkast, a. crop reports shunl( ,nr , prospocia bava a tenunipy to tl tbo prlcea Ixtral flmir HU MiTJ wheat xao tu 300 hlKlir. .4l laKui itii.m.wi aiyiiia s.ic DUsssJ kf wheat, oats 3& to .u i,.n. coraidia ll.r.S tu .7t humliiHl, ihurtiiiJ barley 10. ' HA Y Clover hay htlnn !!,,. oat 13 to lit. Ilmotliy ) tenia falfa oa-lllng 6 to fin. KOl'LTKY Roosters IH. m It and l&c. broilers Mr sad tic, M grown I Jr. ttggs ouly rosiauW ft UUTTBR Country romrasMi ft lo 3 pound, creamery 10o t Chaaaa aelllug at 2V mhid4. HIDKa Jrra le pound, saltans, dry hides 12e,to It- sheep ptftik to 76fl aach. WOOLe-llrlngs n,o to tit mouair zso to jor. DHIKIl riM'ITHi KioporstHu So and 7e. aun dried t prsaaiki Cc. -. SALT 8elllng-1,iic lo 7Se for k tVO lb. sack, balf gnuind tOc.TkS' 100 lb. sacks. Cure Your Rheumat: AND OTHKR ILLS Of TMl AT TUB HOT L.AKE Sanatoria (Tbo Mouoo of effl THE OREGON-WASHISGTJ' Railroad fiNavigati; Bells round-trip tlckeia. a" months, ojlowlng 00 w-' . .. a Ikai SsBstr. accommoaaiion i rlony, at Portland soe: , . O.-W. n. A N. Btatks S SwssOBssssasaBSt , ... a M .llAa ssilst X wot runner iniorinw tf . ff.faa4 KWklflA ddr0Pi V Far trated booklot, anaress f Phy, Medical Bupt. 41 Lake, Oregon, any 0 -W- " 1 Agent, or write to WM. MeMUARAY, . ', General PORTUA'"' w WANT 3000 Rtmdetn Ddy