Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, February 22, 1911, Image 1

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I iubiorlptloni lor the Morning
Z mtarprlM will bo relvd for
t nlv HmlUd time special
6.nd l yoir ordor today
I and gat b.n"t of low prloo.
Th only dally nwapapr fc
twoon Portland and atom; clrau.
lat In ovary Motion of Claekar
mat County, with a population of
SO, 000. Aro you an advortlaorf 4
.VOL. 1 No. 39
Per Week, 10 Cents
Commtn Qnral a to Why Traty
waa 8nt to nat to Noar
to tho Clot of tho
6ss4on, .
WAHIIINdTONv Kb. II. 8pl )
Prt-tlilint Taft bring Mo now treaty
botwrcn ill Nation and Japan before
lb H'1'""" today. 1 nirj among ita
llmlnti"ii la that of tbe rlauan Id
th lsst.trrnly permitting restrictions
oo Japanese Immigration, and putting
it uu to that lint ln to restrict at Ita
own twirls tne mining inio inia conn
try or number in excess or what we
nlDulate elsewhere. '
Kiiher country has me ngni to an
rornte th treaty at the end of all
mow ha Kroin the fart that the terma
of the Irmly will he objected to In th
VVrat, and t lint the rresweni waited
(III the IhhI f the session to aelid It
In led to much comment In tho matter
Thla n-w treaty la one of trade and
commerce ana emorarws mmm iu ai
Hr Ira Condition uptween thla coun
try anil a regarda other rountrlea
makes Japan uesirou mat tnia treaty
may t" rushed through and go Into
Immediate effct.
PtiMi Lowar Houae With Good Pr
pacta Ahead In ftanate.
WASHINGTON. Feb. 21. (Hpl.)
Comcrranmaii llawley got hla HlleU
ettler bill through the lower, houae
inday It la believed that If It goea
tin to the Senate Chamberlain will be
able to R)-t It through there and that
la President will then algn It. It I
aid It fulled last year because the
Prralilrnt did not have time to look It
Dirt tr.forr the time limit eiplred.
Covarnor to Veto Road Billa.
PORTLAND. Or , Feb. 21 (Hpl )
The Oregon Good Itoada Aaaoclatlon
una very Hide uae for the good road a
(iMuiurea paased by the leglalature
ad It la aald will adlvao tho (lovernor
i) win them. Thla nieana thai $360.
arpropristnl will not need lie
Aecapta Position In Eugene.
Al Lea-la. who haa been employed
r W. H Howell, auperlntendent of
lh Oregon City Filtering Plant, for
he pant four yeara, haa accepted tho
boalllim aa auperlulendenl of the Ell
kn Filtering plant, upon Ita com pin
ion, which will le March lat. Mr.
Iwla la a competent man for the
klare. and through Mr. Ilowell'a roc
bmmcndatlon he waa given the' post
ion. The Eugene filtering plant la
ping Initialled through the manage
lifnt of Mr. Howell.
Mra. Phoebe Frlel Dlaa.
Mr ThiK-be Frlel died at her homo
"r ( hirryvllle, on tho Mount Hood
kon road, February 13, from apo-
Wrir. She auffered a atroke three
fatrt ago and had never recovered.
haidea her huaband, J. T. Fliel, aha
aurvlvrd by the following children:
Mr. W. H. Alien, Mra. (.lenn Mctn-
rre, Mra. H C. Murray, Mra. B. F.
urt, Mra. T. K. Klrby, T. J. and Jerry
rrlrl. Mra. Klrby realdea In Portland,
nd thu othera near tho old family
m near Cherryvllle.
Caorge Waahlngton Party
Mm. David Caufield and
m Money will rIvo a allver offering
a at the home of Mra. Cauflelu
dni-aday afternoon for tho ldlea
M4 Society of the Congregational
hurrh. to which all are Invited. Tho
kffalr will In the form of Ocorge
aahington party, and the houae la to
I appropriately decorated. Refrean
r"nia will be aerved during the
m to all tlioHe attending.
Portland f I
ault of M." K.
Raduced Faro to Port I
The hearing In the ai
pnn va. the I'ortland Railway Light
Power Co. ta aet for today at tho
nurthnime before tho State Railroad
ommlaaion. Dunn aaka to have tho
rwnittr fare between Oregon City
nd Portland reduced from 25 centa
P U centa. The- company will make
flKoroua fight ngalnat the reduction,
itornoy (;w,ige C. Rrownell repro-
l"ta Dunn.
frtr aot dinar y
e have just received a Urlt,
JWpmtnt direct from the fae
ry of the celebrated JOHN
STETSON Hats. 'The
Pring made exclusivelr for
5 b7 the John B. Stetson Co.
Madelphia. Hats that have
tamp of sty'le and char-
cter. Don't fail to see them.
?ice Birothcfs
Not LUe Other
th and Main 9U.
a Oregon City and I'ortland
Fair; eaaterly wlnda.
f Oregon Fair; eaaterly wlmla.
Report That Oregon City Man Waa
Loat In Snow.
The following special dispatch ap
peared In Tuesday Oregonlan:
Man May Bo Loat In Snow.
FORTH KIaAM ATI!. Or.. Feb. 20.-,
That II. II. flowakl, aald to be from
Oregon City haa met death In the
anow In the inountalna between here
and Crater Iako la the belief of many
rliliena here. Mr. Ilowakl left Fort
Klamath Juet a month ago Baturday
with the avowed Intention of return
ing within a period of three weeka.
He alart-d out with a aledge. akla and
koduk and with enough auppllea to laat
him only about 20 daya with Crater
lnk aa hla destination.' Hla object
waa to climb to the aummlt of the
mouiitnlna overlooking Crater take
and aecuro aorne plrturea of that great
wonder with a auttlug of anow for a
Little Baby Daughter Dlaa.
lorllne Juanlta Hayhurat. four
monthr old daughter of Mr. and Mra
llnnjamln Hayhurat, of Canemah,
passed away at the family home Turn-
day morning at 2 o'clock, after aeveral
weeka' Illness. The arrangementa for
the funeral have not yet been complet
ed, but aa It la probable that the Inter
ment will be In the Canemah ceme
The preHldi'iit of the Prussian gov
ernment dlatrlrt of Frankfurt baa
flaed tho wagea of ordinary day labor
era In the city of Frankfurt and auh
urba aa follow a: Male adulta, 72.3
centa; female adulta, CO centa; youth
ful malea, 48 centa; youthful females,
3:1.3 centa.
11 :in yeara Creawell reached only
300 Inhabltanta; In the paat two yeara
hla number haa been doubled.
. . I, ...
Itala killed aeven ducki the fliat
night of their ownerahlp by an Albany
man, Chlckena ket In tbe aame place
I never been killed by the rodent a
K. . W. Calklna, conductor on the
freight run oh the O. W. P. Into Ore
gon City waa arretted laat night by
Officer (ireen for violating tho freight
ordinance. The O. W. P. haa no right
to enter tbe city with Ita freight train
until 9 p. m., but the charge la made
that It haa continually violated thla
time limit. Tueaday night the freight
run entered the city at 8:40. Aa aoon
aa Conductor Calklna reported up hla
run ho waa arreated.
Calklna aald that In entering the
city at that time he waa almply obey
ing Order. Green retaliated that he,
too, waa almply obeying order. The
time for hearing waa aet for Thura
day afternoon, before Recorder Htlpp,
and Calklna proinlaed to be on hand.
Complaint haa been mad that con
ductor have violated the rroaalng or
dinance for aome time paat and the
police have been given notice to watch
thla up alao.
prcparatlona are being made
by' the commltteea of tho Mount
Plenaant Improvement Club for the
Waahlngton aupper and entertainment
to be given In the gnaembly hall of
the Mount Pleaaant achool houae thla
evening. The early part of the even
ing, from 0 o'clock until 8, will be de
voted to a- banquet, after which
programme will be given. The hall
and tablea are to be appropriately
decorated for the occasion.
The following committee are ar
ranging for the affair: Banquet com
mittee, Mra. W. II. Stafford. Mra. J.
M. Warnock, Mra. A. C. Warner, Mlaa
M. U Holmea, T. Gilbert Clark, and
Charlea Molmca. Sr.; programme, Mra.
K. E. Kellogg. Mr. A. C. Warner and
Prof. 8levera; reception, Mra. Dan
O'NIol, Mra. C. K. Myera, Mia M. I
Holmea. 8. O. Wllman. J. K. War
nock, T. OUbert Clark; decoration
Mia Roma D. Stafford, Mia Myrtle
Chrlatenaen, Mlaa Luclle Kellogg. The
young ladles who are to aaaiat In aerv
Ing are Mlaa Met Hyatt, Mlaa Maude
Riley, Mia Edith Riley, Mia Lillian
nalmer, Mia Mary Riley, Mia Iaabel
Th proceed of the banquet and
entertainment will go toward the
aldewalk fund, one of the aldewalka
to bo placed along tho Holmea road
and leading to MountaVrf View, while
the other la to bo built along th Kel
logg road. Part of tho aldewalk along
the latter road wn conatructed laat
year, and the amount to bo turned
over to tho committee will b uaed for
tho extending of aame. There are two
committee In charge of tho fund, and
tho proceed of thla affair will he
divided equally. , Th member of thU
organization have worked hard for the
benefit of that part of tho county, and
tho banquota that are heretofore helJ
hav been attended by many from thla
city; tho price for the banquet Includ
ing the aupper I 25 cent.
.1 pi .
1. . ... . I, Tit. . W
Bright, Encouraging Addrtaa of County
SuperlnUndant llluatrated With
. Apt Storia and Trita '
"Opportunity" waa the aubject of an
unuaually liitereatlng addreaa given to
the etudent of tho Oregon City high
achool at the Aanembly hour Tueaday
by County .School Superintendent
(lary, who talked entertainingly and
pointed to higher thlnga In life that
may be attained by diligent effort.
'The ancient aculptora.". aald Mr.
Oary, "repreaented opportunity aa a
fleet footed young man with a fore
lock, and the only way to hold him
waa to graap him by the forelock.
There never haa been a time In the
hlatory of the world when euch great
thlnga were done aa are being done
now, and the future will, I - believe,
bring even greater thlnga to do than
the prenent dream a of. AVe are too
prone to think that the boy In New
S'ork or Chicago or aome other place
la the one who will do these thlnga,
when. If we will look for them, we
ahall find (hern at our very doors. I
know there are dlamonda here In the
Oregon-ICty high achool and It la the
buHlness of Superintendent Tooxe and
these teachera to discover and pollah
you. You may , be aaylng 'It la all
very nice for you to rail ua dlamonda,
but what we would like to know la
where we can get a chance to shine.'
"My anawer la that you must watch
for opportunity and alere him by the
forelock before he passes. I will say
to the young women present that you
ran ahlne In a home and there la no
better setting for many of you than In
a happy American home. You say
Where la my opportunity?' Don't
worry about that. He will come along
in due time and you will slexe him by
the forelock, but you will never get
him by running after him.
"In the field of Invention I cannot
aay what'you will find, but thla I
know. Necessity la the mother of In
vention and wherever you find the
need of a thing there la where the In
vention ahould be made.
"I believe the time I coming when
there will be no more disease, when
the great White Plague will be a
memory, aa well aa typhoid, rheuma
tism, and all the phyalcal Ilia will be
removed. '
"The time will come when there will
be no more quarrels over Isma and
creeda. but h truth will make all
men free.
"Some one will have to bring thla
condition about. Will that aome one
he vou?"
The speaker gave many trite Illus
trations and hla talk waa Interaperaea
with ant stories. He left hia audience
feeling better and brighter for the
' Editor Enterprise: I wish to give
my view on th question of Inaugurat
ing a more ayatematic plan for work
ing our public roada. I will atate very
briefly that I am In favor of a better
ystem and greater efficiency In the
work upon our roada than In the past,
so that tho tax pay ei will get more
value for the vast amount of public
money expended each year.
There la no- other country In the
world where tho population la more
heavily taxed than In thla State, and
the taxpayer la beginning to wonder
what 1 being- done with hi Jnoney.
Wo now have In thla county more
than 60 road diatrlcta, and we hare
fully CO different meihoda of Improv
ing public roada, for every supervisor
has a method of hla own and proceed
to experiment at the xnne of the
public, regardless of the amount of
money that ha waates. ,
To be plain with you, I am In favor
of a more substantial system so that
at the end of the year we can look
back and see that we have accom
plished something I our road work for
the amount of money that haa been
expended. Roada must be Improved
In order to develop the country. dl
trlcta, but that la no sign that the tax
payer should be systematically robbed
through Incompetent road, supervisors.
Road work la a aclence, and In order
to get the best reaults ,a taxpayer la
entitled to the very beat .ability that
the Court can employ to execute tbe
If you ahould build a school houae.
a dwelling house or a bridge, you pro
cure plans and specification for that
work from aome competent man
skilled In that line of work and you
aee that the structure la built by
skilled workmen so as to get tbe best
results for the money expended, and
public road Improvements reouire the
same s mount of sktlj, but anybody, re
garaiess or wnemer ns is coiniwiiui.
can come Into the County Court and
be appointed road eupervtaor and go
out upon the public highway In. hi
own diatrlct and there proceed to ex
perl men t In hla own way, and at the
end of the year, there la nothing ac
complished but an Increaaed tax roll
I am firmly of the belief that In a
large county like Clackamaa where
vast sum of money are expended each
year. upon, our public highways that
the taxpayer la entitled to have that
work done under the aupervlsion of a
good, capable, honest and efficient
road master, so that the taxpayer can
begin to realize that he la getting at
least some value for the. tax that he
la paying each year. Your very truly,
unri Hlnh ftehool Contracts Lat.
The board of achool director let
tho enntracta on the new hitch school
building Monday for the plumbing to
the CoHey riummng cc, ot roruaoa,
the metal work to the Portland Sheet
Metal Works, of Portland, and the In
terior and exterior mill work to the
Oreson Door Co.. of Sell wood. These
contracta practically complete the ar
rangementa for nnlaning tne nuiiaing
Under the direction of C. W. Vonder
he th work on the structure is now
progressing, and It will be rushed to
etai Cordwood Contract.
r.rant Crlteaer. who la at present
making hia home on Rock Island with
hla family, haa the contract of cutting
aeveral thousands of cordwood for the
Willamette Puln & Paper Company,
and already much of this haa been
cut. The re-aettlng or roiionwooa
trees of which there are many thous-
anda, for .the Willamette Pulp a Paper
Company, waa completed yesterday at
the Rock Island nursery
Mlaa Lilly Anderson, of Logan, Ore
gon, waa a guest over Sunday of Mia
Orva Freytag, of Gladstone.
uable Kidney Tonlo, for Man, Women
and Children.
Proacrlptlona and Family Receipts
. Filled With Pur Drugs.
- Quality and Price Right '
. City Drug Store.
.Next Door to Eloetrlo Hotel.
Pactflo Phono It Home Phone 41
21 iin.
i i
Survaya, Plata, Necessary - Engineer-
Ing Completed Recommended
That Word Bo Done On
Division plan.
Activity In the promotion of a plan
looking to the early construction of
an electric railway leading out of Ore
gon City Into the Molalla country,
through Reaver Creek, la noticeable,
and Grant D. Dimick, W. A. Huntley,
U Adami., Geo. A. Harding and O. D.
Eby on Tueaday submitted a prelimi
nary report of their Investigations to
the Live Wire of the Oregon City
Commercial Club and after, being
promised the hearty and unanimous
support of that organization, were re
quested to proceed and work out a
definite plan of operation. It la prob
able that a masa meeting of the cltl
ten of Oregon. City and Clackamas
county will aoon be called for the
purpose of fully discussing tbe propo
sition. It Is embraced In the tenta
tive plana of the promoter to proceed
cautiously, at aa little expense as pos
sible, and first obtain funds for the
grading of the road from this city a
far aa Reaver Creek, when It la ex
pected additional funda will be forth
coming. The following report waa submitted
by Mr. Dimick and waa approved by
the other member of tbe committee:
We have exercised our best endea
vors to formulate a plan that we con
sider absolutely feasible and perfectly
safe so aa to guard the Interests of
all who may join with us In carrying
out the proposed plan.
FIRST Tbe surveys, plata and all
necessary engineering haa been com
pleted and the result of all that work
can be easily obtained from the party
who now haa It lp hla possession on
reasonable terma and at actual cost,
the cost and term to be settled ab
solutely by five good reliable busineas
men who are residents of Clackamas
County, Oregon.
SECOND We would recommend
that the proposed work be done by
divisions: The first division to begin
at Oregon City and extend to Beaver
Creek. Clackamaa County, Oregon;
the second division to begin at Bea
ver Creek and end at Mullno, Oregon;
the third division to begin at Mulino,
Oregon, and extend to Molalla, Ore
gon. THIRD hegarding the proposed
construction, we submit the follow
ing: That subscriptions to stock be
taken on stock subscription notes
properly safeguarded so that no undue
advantage or bad faith can be prac
ticed upon the subscriber, and that
our first efforta be centered on the
building of the road from Oregon City
to Beaver Creek by. procuring sub
scriptions aa above mentioned to the
face value of 112.000.00, 15 per cent
of auch subscriptions to be paid Into
one of the banka In Oregon City. Ore
gon, when the grading upon aald pro
posed road I commenced, and when
the grading haa been completed upon
the first mile, an additional 25 Pr
cent of said subscriptions shall be
paid aa aforesaid, and when the grad
ing has been completed for a distance
of 4 miles from the beginning point,
an additional .25 per cent ahall be
paid, and upon the completion of the
grading for the first 6 mile from the
beginning point, then the balance due
on said subscriptions ahall be fully
paid, Into said bank. It being the In
tention and purpose to complete the
grade on the first division above men
tioned with the subscription herein
hefom set forth so that the ties, rails
and bridge may be herearter com
pleted. ,fter the grading has been
completed from Oregon City to Bea
ver Creek a distance of 6 intlea. we
feel that the laying of the track can
r. aoctHnnlibhed for a reasonable sum
Hinder a aafe and Bane bonding sys
tem, and we herewith sunmu tne es
timated cost per mile as furnished us
by the United Steel ft Equipment Co.
Estimated cost per mile by using 40
pound rails la approximately aa fol
low: Ralls $2,677.50 f
Angle plate. 150.00
Sllkea . 6
t i.uw.vv.
I 13,912.50
tv. rb material for 8 miles at
$3,912.50 pr mile makes a total esti
mated coat of $23.475.uu.
FOURTH We further submit for
your consideration that by carefnl
management In the grading and con
........ t l.-.n nf aa id nronosed road for
the first division the total cost of con
struct Ion per mile Including grading,
laying track and bnagea can im ac
complished for $8,000.00 per mile or
total of $
r-it-Tii vv also aubmlt for your
consideration that the grading on said
proposed road can be accomplished
without one aouar 01 inuui-uin!n,
and If allowed to proceed, that object
will be accomplished ;hy proceeding
with work a the'money Is paid
into the treaaurv from stock subscrip
tions so that when th grading ta
finUhed on the firat 8 mnea, me "
will be paid for In full, and the only
Indebtedness which the company
would Incur will be a bonded Indeb
luinui fnr track construction and
rolling atock after, the -grading ha
been completed. ,
aivTiitf at an time during the
progress of the work outlined above
any other company daslring to take
ni tt,m work and nnlan tne HMM irum
Oregon City to Molalla, all work ac
compllahed by thl company can be
transferred to the purchaalng com
pany upon term which thk company
may deem Juat and equitable. We of
fer these suggeatlona for tho reason
that the moment other comnanle aee
th people of Clackamaa County mean
business they will Immediately place
obstacles In the way by circulating
rumor that certain other companies
are going to Immediately proceed with
the aame work, and thereby discourage
our local people from proceeding farth
er along the lines above mentioned.
SEVENTH. The plana outlined and
which w submit for your consider
ation are aa follow: That tbe by
law of the corporation provide that
no Indebtedness for the grading or the
work above outlined shall be Incurred
except current expenaea, and then only
when there I money In the treasury
to meet the obligation in full when
the claim are audited and presented
for payment. That the number of
director shall be 7 In number; 5 of
whom ahall be bona fide resident of
Clackamas County, Oregon.
EIGHTH.-? A railroad built from
Oregon City to Beaver Creek would be
a substantial foundation for one of the
beat paying proposition ever Inaugur
ated In Clackamaa County, for th
reason that It would furnish to the In
terior land owner a mean of easy
transportation for all produce raised,
and also a market for all 'wood, logs
and lumber that would naturally come
from tho timber sections of tbe county
near the line, and tbe completion of
the first division would put the com
pany In a position to begin to reap a
revenue from the money invested.
The forty-second anniversary ball
of the Columbia Hook and Ladder
Company, to be given at Busch's beau
tiful new hall thla evening, promise
to be a most enjoyable event. Here
tofore all of the people of this city
have turned out to help the fireladdie
to obserre Washington' Birthday, for
they are assured of a good time.
Fox 'a orchestra, one of the best m
slcal organization of Portland, com
posed of seven pieces, has been en
gaged to furnish the. music far tbe oo
caslon, and many of the latest musical
selections will be given among ibem
"Dollar Prlncesa," "Silver Bella," "Cot
ton Babes, "Cherry Blossoms, "The
Strollers," "Dutch Kiddle," "Sugar
Moon." "Wedding Bells," and many
others, closing with "Good Night
Dear." There will be 20 dancea.
The general committee having the
affair in charge Is composed of Joseph
Beauliau. Thomaa Trembath, Henry
Hennlngsen; floor committee, Henry
Hennlngsen, C. E. Burn. C. W. Pope,
J. Davenport, W. Mulvey and W. Syn-
tncBT- '
These committee have worked bard
for the success of the affair, and there
la an indication now that there will
j be a large turnout as many tickets
1 have been disposed of.
TV Dancing Party Next Monday.
The St. John a Young People' Club
haa Issued invitation for a dancing
party to be held at the McLoughlln
hall on Monday evening, February 27,
the affair to commence at 8 o'clock.
The patronesses are Mrs. William
Sheahan, Mrs. John Moore. Mrs. L.
U Pickens, Mrs. Matt Michaels, Mrs.
Frank Busch. Mrs. Fred C. Gadke,
Mrs. B. T. McBain.
-Woman's Club Meet Tomorrow.
Tho Woman Club will hold Its
regular meeting at 2 o'elock Thursday
afternon in the parlors of the Com
mercial Club. After the business
meeting, a literary programme will be
rendered. This will be an hour with
the poet Holmes, under the direction
of Mrs. Roslna Fouts. There will be
special music.
Are you not twin that CLAIR MONT offer you n opportunity thaj
is not offered every oayT WHY PAY RENT and work out all your,
life? Think tho matter over at once and come and talk with u,
W can help you get a homo. A email payment down and 110 per
month. Write for circular. ' "
Phone. Main 80. A-158. 612 Main St, Oregon City,
House and 2 Lots $600
4 Lots in Fisher D. L. C $500
273 Acres at Beaver Creek $40,000
148 Acres near Stafford T $12,000
111 Acres 3 miles from Oregon Electric -$1 1,000
36 Acres on Willamette River 5 miles south .
of Oregon City ....$5,000
- , r Fire Insfranc
Employers' and Contractors' Liability Inswanc
General Liability Insorance
2 and 3 Masonic Btda. ' "Oregon City, Ore,
Govammant Representative Makoa
- Investigation of Condition in
City and File Report
full of Detail.
The fact that Oregon City ha o
ordinances governing weight tpd
meaaure, and no authority to correct
evil that may exiat may not be gen
erally known, but It ha been called
sharply to the attention of tbe Live
Wire through the report of the Bur
eau of Standards, whose representa
tive made a thorough inspection of
local condition laat December. Thl
report was obtained by John Adams,
chairman of the Live Wire special
committee on weight and measure,
and upon It finding an effort will be
made to- Induce the city council to
enact strict ordinance that will pre
vent Incorrect weight and provide
for tbe examination of scale. This
matter will be brought up by Mr. Ad
ams at an early meeting of the coun
cil, with a request from the Live
Wires for the drafting of an ordinance
that will cover tbe ground.
Some feature of the Government'
report are of especial Interest to resi
dent of this city, and extract follow:
"Oregon City ha no Inspection of.
the weight and measure In use, no
local standard of weight and measure,
and no local ordinance on the aubject
designed to procure for the consumers
of the city the amounts of commod
ities represented Dy tne merchants.
Moreover, the county authorltlea pay
no attention to this Important matter
and, as a result, the consumers and
honest merchant have no official pro
tection whatever agalnat fraudulent
weight and measure.
"While some of the errors are un
doubtedly accidental in character,
fraud la nevertheless indicated by
such a preponderance of errors In
favor of th user of the scale. - We -believe
such a record a thla indicate
most strongly the need of an official
to eliminate the existing errors, not
only for the protection of the consum
er, but for the protection of the honest
merchant as well, who must of neces
sity be greatly hampered in hla busi
ness by1 the .dishonest competition to
which he Is subjected."
An Evening of .Music and Social En
joyment Results.
Mr. and Mrs. Grant Crlteser, whose
home Is at Rock Island, entertained a
few of their friends In a moat delight
ful manner Sunday. During the even
ing musical selections were rendered .
by Miss Maggie Sharkey on tne piano,
vocal selections by Charles Bailey;
J. M. 8harkey and David Fancher also
delighted their hearers with selections
on the violin, and the latter also ren
dered selections on the cornet and
Mr. and Mrs. Crlteser's guest were
Mr. and Mr. J. M. Sharkey, Mlaa Mag
gie Sharkey, Edward Sharkey, Mr.
Dotaon, Mis Mary Dotson, Hubert
Dotson, Mrs. Lola Roblnett and son.
Mar low Roblnett, David Fancher, Carl
Braun, Charle Bailey, Norman Gar
mire. Ray Crlteser and Mio Letha
Crlteser. -
A Eugene man lost over $00 on a
shipment of 23 cases of eggs bought
at 28 cents. He got 18 centa for them.
Subscribe for the Dally Enterprise.