-- --xrrr" ? lotion Morning ,U Ir, . wm b. r.lv. for "' ' Zl in .our ordr t.d.y Th .nly dally MwiMPir fce- tween Portland m4 Salfn; lr lata In vry MCtlen f C ! ma. County, with a population 10.000. Ar you an t1varllrf 4 -1 a 3 VOI, 1-No. 38 ORKflON CITY, OREGON, TUESDAY, FEIMUAKY 21, 1911. Peb Weke, 10 Cemtb "Virion?" noun D1AT0R ALDRICH FOR RECIPROCITY a,MI0 PRtSlOCNT TAFT INVIT (J HIM TO TAKt THE HELM IN THE riOHT. HIOMISfS HIS MORAL KMNCE ...... tl. !,.. I riant Will Lry Ag'""" 1 r" Cll er 8'" " Thla Congr.i. Fall to Act iVASIIIN'iTON. Feb. 20-Hpl.-ihn l"" ri,, Henator Aldrlch la re ritl mining to tho aid of Pre.l it Tfi I'1 "" reciprocity , ctu.lii It ! ald be baa rlt. I letter " i rrniui'in mi much. R'hrn t h announcement waa mad. ,), (triinlo mat Aiurirn ni s"" Vr to rerlurorii y ruj lr rommriil Ainncn in wi gig health, and may noi rriurn, i..fi...n. k ..iiml iiaa mill pc any ""lr"" n,r,Mllr l- with ' frl"da. rht Whii I !" Iad "otnlng lh letter, and there la apeculatloiie 10 .hi-llKT or hot il "i " P""- lied There I a rumor m mar r . . ..... ,,.t. ll.lrlch In lh Idrlll lii w....- --- ir and Irulted nun io a i ior rw:i- Lily ' n,wer fhe lU'fr aa,a-ali afloat lodaf lih. ff.rt that If Iho roclprocltf Liure I l"'"d bla aoaaloo ts ttidrnl arlil " try lo Krt It ihronKh thou. BLIZZARD IN EAST. L York and Naw England Coaat PricllclH 8nov.,l Und.r. IK'A;), III. t. 10 (8l.) r E no "l I ""' vea waa Win viitrd ly a var atorm laat Mil and t"dT and traffic la blocked 11 ronildrraliift iini. nw iuii th hol Nw Kngland coaat la lllr lh. fT-t. OlPHTHtRIA AT ASYLUM. k. Ct Two Convaiaaeant, ano PromiM it will Not Sproad. lAlJTif. Or , rh. 10 (8il.) Tbaro nin raa of dlphtti.na at tn. Vlum i wo of ahom aro rtinvaloairoBt W la a report from tb. official. rnt thai It ha. ! ChefkaMi 1 will not iproad any fnrtbor. WO ITOP "LAOUE IN CHINA. PKIN. China. Fab. 20. (Bpl ) b tovrrnm.nt la finally awako to nrdi of iho hour and la dolna; all tu 10 iton lb apcaad of tha plauo. at! tr. ordered to born tho doad otbT prw-autlona aro to bo takon. CHINA NOT AFRAID. XASIIlNtiTON. roh. 10 (Spl ) Wd rl"n out hero today la to tho jart that China will dor Ruaala and It the Chlneao icovernrnent la not hid of Rniala. and that It thlnka Ml In only blufflna; In any erotit FIGHTINQ IN MEXICO. L PABO. Teiaa. Feb. JO. (Bpl.) r. i ia:,1 to bo flchtlOE botaroon lar and Inmirroctoo aoulhoaat of Pu Orinde, Chihuahua. Taora haa d fighting all day but returna aro lter. . TO ' FORTIFY CANAL. NVASIIIMJTON. Feb. 20. (Spl.) Ii laid that there will bo three llllon dollar, appropriated tor tho ctlnn of defenao for tho Penama (nal. The atatement In Congreaa to- railed forth cheora. WILL SEND IN TROOPS lX)NrK)N. Feb. 20. A apoclal dla I'ch from Ht, Teteraburg aaya a mm- li current that a whole army corpa 36,000 Ii preparing to roorctipy Kul i dim riot of C'hlnoao Turka.tan. Mr.. D.nlion Burled tundiy. The ftinernl aervlcoa over tho ro- Pln of Mr.. John Donlaon woro I'd Sunday afternoon at tho family pidenr t Clnd.tono, Rer. A. 11 uiKey having charge of tho aorvlcea i ha Interment waa In the Clacka cemetery, and many frlonda of w.iied and of the family Itlond wrvlreii. oti Simply Got To Listen )"ur Invlt.tion to i th birgalna f? ,r off.rlng during th laat wk r t ci.in Up Sal. Tim I flrW "9 Ihort- dont mlaa thla aalenallal aV rtunHy of procuring high elaaa in--pnindli, at low el... .Htaa. Sarin hu.. . . r arriving dally. r X txcLUsivi cL6tflii-t4 o uk otMri . th anal Main 41 POPE IS GETTING BETTER. Phy.lol.n. Attending HI. Holln... Batl.fl.d With Condition, i I HOME. rl. 19 Tho l'o.o'a condl lion I. very antlafactory to hi phyal- rlan.. Dr. Ktloro Marchlafava. tho ootiaiillliiK phyaUInn, paid hi. uaual weekly vl.lt lo hi. hollnea. tx.y, nd found lilm comparatively well, con.ld erliij hi. rex-cut condition, Ikr. Marchlfava romineniled th pre cautionary mea.ura. In order to pro vent a relapao and advl.ed that audi nice, ahould not bo re.uiueU tomor row. Judge Groaacup T.Ik, of Lincoln. M A N8FIKIJ), Ohio, Feb. 20 "Another IJncoln la tho ned of the country today," waa the auhmanco of au addrea. dllverid laat wek by JuiIk I'eler H. (iromwup of CMcano lie w.a the principal .peaker at a celebration In mmnorr of a nieotlnx In Matuflelj In IHT.g. In which, for tho flrt time, Uncoln waa named for tho prealdency of tho United Htatea. Twilight La.guo on Again. AIJIANY. Or, Feb. 1J. I'lana are helm formulated for tho reornanlxa (loii of tlm Albany Twilight Ilaaoball Ixhriio for the ciniilriK aeaaon. Thl. Ii'atie, formed of all tram. repre.entliiK local achMila and other organization., played out a mo.t auc cueaitful arhedule luat year and anoth er ajood aeaaon la In pro.)Mct. 1'hree game, aro played each week, afier working hour. In thn early evening. TWO BOYS' BRIGADES TO BE INSTITUTED REV. CHA6- W. ROBINSON INTER ESTED IN DOING FOR YOUNG MEN OF OREGON CITY. The rector of the Eplaropal church, Rev. C'haa. V. Hobln.on, ha. lutere.t- ed the people of hla congreg.llon In the organlxatlon of A I toy. Ilrlgade, and a brigade wa. In.tltuled H.tur- d.y ulght. Thl. brigade la not to be exclu.lve with tho Kplacopal church. but alt boya who wl.h will le made welcome; and It la not Intended that an effort will bo made to make them Kplacopallan later. One hundred boya aro wanted and there are to bo two companle organlied. Tho purpoao la to give the boya a good drill and to aurround them with healthy moral aurroundlnge. Two Friday ularhta In each month aro to be devoted to th drill, and Woodman hall on Seventh atreol ha. beon ae rurod for th drill room. Ther will tie buglera and a drum corpa and bug le, and drum have been ordered. Ijiter there will bo tun. and kahkl unlforma. At tho out.nt membere of th Sen ior Ilrotharhood of 8L Andrew will act aa comaalaatonod officer, but later boy of th corp. will t given tbo placea aa they aro fitted for tho dut to. . Ror. Roblnaon will bo at tho head of tb work, lie baa had large tporlence with boya and la th found er of St. Martin a boy college, In Phila delphia, a achool that took Into It th boy who were offered no opportunity In any otbor achool. lie waa It presi dent ontll he camo her a few weoka One corpa haa been organiioa ana he non-commlBBloned officer r a follow.: Flrat aargent, Kant iwoooy; lecond aargent, Chaa. IleaUe; third argent, John Hoatle; orporala. York Unmmond. Irwin Kvana, rrana nm and Olen Seoley. , Thor will bo mor officer when th cond corp. I or- gahltod. Tho boya who hav ao tar enron-u are: Joe iieagea, w auer jum, - Moore. Ooo. Rooa. Albert Moor. Ken neth paweon, Olen Jeremiah, Walter Rooa. well Campbell, Donald Sllcox. Kdward Dungy, Gerald Park. Loall Wllla. Robert Beatl. Dewy Knigor, tioward Dawaon. John Moyera, Fair- fai Meyera, Bdmond Bollack, Victor Meyer. Arthur Freiae. rrank t-nam-plon. Dewey Urnmond. Leonard Nut t.ll Jamoa McOoehan, Jodl Miller. Carnott Spencer knd Floyd Eporly. Th mow who will aaatai in n"i thing to moving are Me-.ra r.onr Chpman. Carl Joohnk and Will Hammond. Tlia hr law are not compioieo a. r.t and It la Hot known Juit what nam will b chon th organlia- tlon. NEW AUTO FIRM. Sell Old and No Cira, Repair Will and Rant Car. Mnrt Park ha handed In hi re.lg nation aa mechanic for C O. Miller .nd haa accepted a partnorahlp with C O Elliott In eatahllahlng gara and general repair ahop, which i will bo located In the naming - Fifth atreot between Main . ,A.d avamil Th roting men win act a. " . o.rH motor cara In conjunction I.M t - - .. . Ith Huntley Broa. vo., mo " . , n I W . II i biiu W I . v... full alock of Ford part. 1 ney w... ..i in n and aecond hand automo- mi., mniomvclo and blcyclea. and aimnlloa ana acceoaorioe iui t.i' f - Th.v will alao hav cara lor nire wk niit and day. and will no doubt ura-a,w - - . . . - do well In thl aa thy ar doib pyn drlvr, having drlvn car In this city for a numbr of year. Th young .r. hntv. member of highly re- apncte! famllle. In thla city and hav a hoet of frlonda to wlh them auccee In thelf ufiflanaKing. atAwa r.luh to Be Formd. Thr will b a gathering of young hoya in th parlor. Of th M. B. church .v.- .w.nin. for th onrpoee of or- ganlaln. a boya1 club. AI boya b tween )0 and H are eligible. In c.a tky are not mmbr of (o- almllM l.lli... k. o V the tachra and organltor of tb Portland Y. M. C a will He nreaent to aaUt In th m .n.ti nt the nrd'or. Th paator. Rev. -nmmannan; ba brn At worl rrfawtlnr nlan. for thla organlxatlorl for om Uttl tlm and hop to raah a uccea of th undrtaing. DOING M MASQUE BALL OF GERMAN VEREIti BUSCH HALU WITH ITS SEA OF MASKERS PRESENTS A VERY PRETTY SIGHT. Th grand ma.que ball given by tho German Vereln at Ilu.ch'a hall laat Saturday night waa a decided aucceaa. The mualc wa furnl.hed by an or- he.tra of aeven piece compoaed of ome talent eicept two and theae were from Portland. Many of tho latest dancea were furnl.hed by theae musician, and the merry dancer danced until a late hour. Many gro tesque and pretty coatumeo were worn. At an early hour people com menced to arrive In the hall and by o'clock the floor waa filled with ma.ker. and at 10:30 tho maaka were remved whep many more attending njoyed the dance. Tbo orchoatra waa liberal with Ita mualc. and re- uonded to all th encore. Thl waa on of the moat enjoyable balla ever given by the German Vereln. and ev erything went off with a anap abowlng tho. in charge of tho affair had pared no paina In carrying out tho program of tho evening. During the evening punch waa aerved In dining room. Many apectatora were in at tendance. The commltteea tn charge of the ball were compoaed of tho following: General committee H. w. Streblg, L. Nobel, D. H. Klomaen, Chrla Hart- man, P. J. Winkle. Reception committee Ferainana Miller. 8r, Guatav Schnoor. Floor committee reter Kiooetra, Frank llopp. Harry Seller. Among thoae enmaak, and the char acter aaaumed, aro tho following: Cow Girl." Mia Meyer; 'Domlnoa,- Mla Rnglebrecht. Milton Price, and II. Ganong; 'Painter," Henry Vonder ahe; "German Girl." Mlaa Kilmer; Jaoaheae Girl." Mra. U Ruconlch; Comic." Mra. Ihman; "Tramp," Mr. Uhmia: "Prle.t" Mr. Heckler; -Spanl.h Cavalier," Ed Schoenhelni; -Flower Olrl." Ml. IJ"le Mcnoen- heln. and Dulln Scott; "Maud Muel- l.r" Ml.. Flora 8ellor: "Mexican Girl," Ml.a Ina Bmlng; "Ea-ul maui." Mlaa Streblg; "Riding Club Mra. Streblg. Mra. Paulina Schwarta. Mra. Ruaaell: "Unci Sam, Jonn Knapp and J. C. Knapp; "Fancy Co tume," Krma Lehman ana i neo ioe well: "Po.t Card,'' Mr, nenry lien inaam- "Ton.v." Mra. Hoop; r-ar- mer," Jamea Partlow; "Da.her Olrl." Mra. GUI Ruaaell; "Yellow Kia. iir Oeorae Campbell: "Jap ldy," Mra Rarah Hendereon:. "Row and Arrow furl." Mlaa Hilda Ford; "College. Girl." Mlaa Cynthia Pace; "Dinah,' Mra. J. D. I"ke; "Jew," A. cannon; iii.rw Hand." Geo. R. Mieiko; "An lat," Henry Vonderane. A Young Cartoonlat. Tho aketchlnga In tho ahow wlndowa Of Richard Bchoenborn on Heventn atreot aro attracting no little alien tlon of thoao palng by, which la tho work of their aon, Henry, who recent Iv had both limb broken while paint ing at th Willamette Pulp aV Paper Company, and hla future aa a carioon (at la bright. Richard Schoonborn'a brother, Auguat, waa th dealgnor and architect of many of the government building at Waahlngton. D. C. and at tho tlm of hi death wa among th beat of architect. HANDKERCHIEF SHOWER. Given to Mlaa Edith Cheney, Who I Soon to Marry. Th Gypalea met at th home of mi.. Zlda Goldsmith on rotineentn and Main atreot Saturday night, th afralr being a handkerchief ahower for Ml Rdim Cniy; W PottlttM; JUSTICE AND "DOING IT GOOD." I ' I BARGAINS I Wj MARKED JOWwl ' Mgt formerly of thl city, who.e marriage will occur In April to Mr. Thomaa Keith, of Portland. Many beautiful handkerchief were presented to the brtde-eloct. Mualc and Five Hundred were the main featurea of the evening, tho prize for five hundred, a handaome handkerchief, being awarded to Mis. Helen Iaulton. A luncheon waa aerved, and tho table decoration, were of violet. Present were Ml.a Veda Wllll.m. Mlaa Kdith Cheney. Mlaa Almeo Bol lock. Mlaa Chi Pratt. Mlaa Boo Daul- ton. Mlaa Helen Ikaulton. Mlaa Marjor lo Caufleld. Ml. Raum, of Portland, Mra. M. D. Itourette. Mr. U. A. Mor rla, Mra. Walter Wells. TEACHERS WHO WIN IN COUNTY EXAMS. LIST OF SUCCESSFUL TEACHERS WHO CAME THROUGH WITH FLYING COLORS. County School Superintendent pary haa juat announced the namee of the ucceaaful candidate for county pa per The examination wore bald in Oregon City about 10 day o. Here after, under the new law, th paper will be graded In Salem. The suc cessful teacher are: First grade Jamea M. Park. Allca K. Rltter. Philip E. Coleman. HatUe Grace Drown. Job. Y. Rethnne. Maude M. Maaon, Delia K. MatUey, Rick An d rer aon. Eatella McGetchle, Inza R, Thompson Wood. A. M. Winn, Emllle C. Shaw. Irne Carter. Second grade Jean A. Maxwell, I bella T. Mann. Mra Ada Jolley. Ther- eaa Dthler, Ruth M. Green. Lola E. Gerald. Lola F. Walker, Anna Ootrred aon. Lla Reexl. Frl H. Kocher, Fran clg Potter, Marian Humbel. Bessie M lewia, Alicia Pearl Horner, Mary E. Yoder, Ethel E. Sharpe. Third grade Harry H. Hargreave Charlea T. 8levera. OHv It. Mortl more. Jeaalo M. Maxwell, Genevieve Canen. Tlllle Knudteon, Paulino Forboo W. Koaa raion. enei n Gllnea, Thomaa IKllng. MOR RO WS OIDS A Valuable SCIENTIFIC REMEDY for WEAK and DISORDERED KIDNEYS. MORROW'S KID-NE-OIOS aro a val uable Kidney Tonic, for Men, Women and Children. Proecriptloo aad Family Receipt rilled With Pure Drag, Quality aad Price Right CHARttAN Cl Co CHy rwfl Mere. Neatl Door to lawtoU Hotel. tt I I TO BE RAISED THIS SUMMER O. W. P. OFFICIALS PROMISE COM PANY WILL DO WHAT IS RIGHT IN THE MATTtR. Council recognize that aoraethlng must be done In tbo matter of raising he road leading to Canemah that part of It, at least, thai la within the city. It cannot be permitted to let matter go on and tho road overflow every time there Is a email freahet and the people living In Canemah be nut to Inconvenience and loea. With that thought In -view council man Burke made a inp u i-onuou thla week to aee offlclala of tho O. W. P.. who in tho manner of their Im provement in that part of town have made It poealblo for the overflow com plained of. The offlclala of the company ex- preased a wtlllngnesa to do whatever la right in the matter and referred Councilman Burke to Tom Sullivan, ho la in charge of the construction work for tho company in thla aeciloa. Councilman Burke took Mr. Sullivan over the ground and the two decided that It would b necessary to raise tho roadbed two feet, to coniorm lo he raiae In tho height of tne oam. Mr Sullivan aaya that he la ready to do what la best In tho matter and that th people ahall have no cause for complaint against hla company; that ha will take un the mauer wilu iua engineer of the road and find out Juat what la necessary to do. what It will coat and how long u "i do it and then corner runner -nu Council In tho matter. In case the road la raiseo. iwo vr three feet It win oe J change the gradea in the atreet for some distance each way and thla will require the work of an engineer to determine. . There haa been tarn oi u.-- measure in cane iub to do Ita part and It may be having ita effect. At any rate the company now promise to do ita pari, ami -j 1 t . -nl,nil in. 1st It once; memoei. ui must be done the coming ".."- It Is unfair to ask the people of t ane mah to go through thla trouble anoth er winter. SOPHOMORE CLASS BANQUET. M.mbera. Faculty ano tn. ' An Ev.nlng Wltn cta.s tw. a.mhnmnra class of the Hlgn School gave a banquet In VV . O w. , hall Saturday evening to which they had Invited member and friend, preceding tho banquet there was a program and the evening uu v . . . - the most eventa proven w on - - -enjoyable In the history of the achool. The program: Grand March. lea oy ---and Bothwell Avlaon; address. Claaa Spirit" Prof. Tooxe; piano aolo, Mar lon Money; recitation. Eula Schuebel; aong Sophomore liiee tiuo ui, ac companied by Mia Caufleld. Th. h.ll and tho dining room were decorated with class colors and ever- greena. with pennant on mo w.u n....h .a. aerved during the even Ing. After the program came tho banquet at which all member ot me faculty wore called on for apeeche. Tk. rn-ara of the class and the edi tor of the Hoeperlan also made short talk. -HITS THE PIKE For th Reeervatlon aa Soon aa Re loaoed, Doe W.rr.n Bralnerd. Warren Bralnerd. an educated Indian who la a carpenter by trade but who haa been hanging around tho city and It U charged get whiskey for other of hi race, wa again In th lockup fot tMt Often. Recorder Stipp aen- MHROAD fenced him to a fine of f 4 and 25 day In jail, and he waa locked up the last of tho week. Monday ho asked for permission to go back to hi tribe, paid hi. rloo and the Jail aentence wa su.pended during good behavior. Dralnerd la evidently tired of the Jail for aa soon as released he "hit the pike" for the reservation and haa not boeQ seen since. It la said ho I good carpenter and when once at work dcH-a a good atroke at It until he get that whiskey taste In hla mouth that brings him Into civilization (?). BADLY RUPTURED SUNDAY. Log Get. B.tter of Him. Making Visit to Hospital Necessary, Roland Fosberg, clerk In the Bright bill grocery store on Main atreet, was seriously Injured Sunday at hla home near Willamette. He waa rolling a log at the time and In some way tho log got the start of him and In hla effort to control It lifted when In an awkward position, rupturing himself seriously. So serious waa the Injury, and ao grave the danger from the wound, that be waa at once taken to tho hos pital in Portland and an operation per formed. At laHt accounta ho waa rest ing easily with prospecta for a speedy recovery. DEED OF VALOR TOLD IN BROriZE OR MARBLE STATUE TO BE ERECTED IN COURT HOU8E 8QUARE IN MEMORY OF LOCAL FIREMEN. If ihe plana of the membera of the alx fire companies In Oregon City do not miscarry the court house square will bo adorned with a marble statue of a life-alzed figure of a fireman. The 12 men, two from each company, are working heroically to raise suffi cient money to obtain a monument that will be an everlasting credit to the firemen and to th city and coun ty. George Griffith, who waa delegat ed to go to Portland and make Investi gations of the prices and character of a suitable monument, reports that a life-sized figure, In marble, alx feet and alx Inchea In height, can be pur chased for $1000, and that a almilar figure In bronr. will coat a little more. Thla ia aside from the baae, in which It la proposed to Install a drinking fountain, and the officers of the Clackamaa County Humane Society are co-operating with the firemen a committee tq obtain the monument It la proposed tq place the monument directly in front of the gate In the court house square, fronting the step leading to the door of the court house. The alx companlea have each appropriated $25 and with a nucleus of $150, the committee la encouraged to proceed with ita work. Next Friday evening another committee meeting will bo held In the Fountain Hose Co. rooms, at which Mayor Brownell and E. G. Caufleld. of tho Claqkamaa Coun ty Humane Society, will be present. BURGIM 0:iTHE HILL ... .. i GUI A BAD SCARE EFFECTS ENTRANCE THROUGH WINDOW BUT IS DISCOVERED AND DRIVEN AWAY. The home of Mra. Maggie Draper, on the hill, wa visited by borglar at an early hour Saturday morning, The burglar Was frightened away by the Inmates before he had an oppor tunitr to secure any booty. Shortly after midnight a. daughter of Mra. Draper waa awakened py some one pushing up the window to her hedroom. Waking up ana loosing around she discovered a roan about half way Into the room, coming In ttimufh the window. She at once et up a shout, calling for help in a loud and excited voice. The burglar aw at once that his entrance was not to be effected noiselessly and he quickly fl,d- ' t. ji Feeling that the man waa as badly scared as themselves, and arguing that tt would be a long time before he would dare try It again, no report wa m,ta to the oollce and ao there wa no plan set on foot for the capture of the man, whoever he was. PLAN FOR ENTERTAINMENT. ' Epworth League Votes 130 to Foreign Mission at Bu.me.a ruraim. The member of the Epworth League of the M. E. church met in regular business session In the parlor or me church last night. Several matter of Importan' buslneea were transacted. Among other thing it waa deciaea 10 Improve the league meeting room, to the extent of redecorating the walls and woodwork and re-carpetlng me floor. It wa alao decided to aend $30 to foreign missions. Active nrenaratlons are under way for an entertainment to be held In the near future. 00O00fO00000v0O0O0OOv0vO0OvO0vO0a o o t t MR. tfORKINGMAN Are you not awr that CLAIR MONT offer you a Opportunity the 1 not 6ftrd every d.yT WHY PAY RENT and work out all yotir -lit Think th matter ovr at onoe nd oe-n and talk with tt. W can held you jet home. 4 a'mail payment down and 10 per month. Writ for elroular. W. i. SCHOOLEY Cfc CO. Phono, Main SO. A-154. S1I Main PL, Or0n City. MEASUE INFECTED PUPILS BARRED WHERE CHILDREN HAVE PASSED TROUGH THE DISEASE THEY MAY ATTEND, HOWEVER. HEALTH OfflCOl LAYS DOWN RULE Prof. Too. Doe. Not Wl.h to Work Hard. hip pn Pupil Where It la Found to Bo Unn.c eeeary. There haa been more or less trouble and annoynance from measles tn tho public schools the paat few weeka and it haa been a case of how to handle the matter with the leant Injury to those pupil living In homes where brothers or sisters are 111 and at the same time protect those who have not had the disease. It ha not seemed right to keep pup ils out of school who have had the dis ease, from the reason It la doubtful f It can be carried In the clothing. And it did seem unwise to permit those who had not had the diseaae, but had been exposed, to continue In attendance aa It wa uncertain how soon they might come down in the school room and infect the whole room. A conference waa had between Superintendent Tooze and Health Of ficer Norrla, Monday, and the Super intendent gave out thl atatement: Acting upon authoritative advice the public schools have refuaed to permit children living In bomea where the measles prevailed to attend achool, though they might have had them In some time paat. After consultation he health officer authorize the fol lowing atatement aa a guide In the matter of contagion from meaale for the future: 'Henceforth children who have had thla disease meaalea may . at tend achool upon the atatement from a physician or satisfying proof from parent that they have recovered from the same at some past time. 'No child, however, will be allowed to remain In achool during th time In which there are other In the aame house that are alck with thl dlaeaae If he haa not had it, because the lat ter la likely to be taken alck in tn warm room with other children and thus transmit It to many. 'AU pupils who have been alck with the meaale must preeent satisfactory evidence to the health office or phy sician who will furniah certificate of health, or to the auperlntendent of schools that they have fully passed the danger point of tranamltting the contagion before they will be permit ted to re-enter and remain In achpol. Thla authority doe not extend to any other disease than the m eaa lea." UNDERWRITERS SAY YES Commercial Club May Build on Let Oppo.lt Court Houe. The Underwriter, who paaa on In surance risks and have much to say to what may and what may not be built in congested district have given permission . for the erection . or tne Commercial Club quarter acroa from th Court House In thl city. The building ia to be of frame and glass, and will be on the lot adjoining the Weinhard block. I,t will contain a suit of room for the offtcea of the Commercial Club aa alao ahow room for th product ot Oregop tn general and Clackamaa county In particular. Stranger will be hown tho display kept on exhibition, and from tho office they will be supplied with literature. WILLAMETTE COUNCIL RECEIVES THE BANNER COMMITTEE FROM PORTLAND LODGE BRINGS IT AND HANGS if IN LOCAL LODGE ROOM. Monday night wa. a gala day in Willamette Council Knight and Lad les of Security, The laat quarter of 1910 the local council secured tne greater number of pew membera. of any council In the tate, and In doing so won the banner that la given over for keeping to the lodge doing ao for the succeeding three months. On that occasion Unity council of Portland, that ha held the banner the past three month; aent a committee to Oregon City to deliver the banner, aad the local council had prepared to re ceive lt Following the banner pre sentation ceremony there wa a ban quet and a social good tlm. At the close of 1910 there were 100,383 member and 11.831.&90 aar plus. Th order had paid In benefits aad death loaaea $7,551,617. There are 200 member" In Oregon City and the order Is growing very faat. There la a elaaa of 60 In preparation for Initiation. 1 1 1 I 1 .1 .1 7. 1 '1 A ' 'I J